
Editorial The editors of the Information and Software Technology journal would like to review with the readership several changes that have occurred in the journal's editorial board. We would like to ®rst thank the members who are retiring from the editorial board after many years of involvement in the journal's growth and who have been instrumental in maintaining the journal's sustained technical quality. The retiring members are: D.J. Andrews, I.J. Campbell, D.N. Card, D.N. Chorafas, B.J. Garner, P.A.V. Hall, P. Hitch- cock, T.M. Matsubara, T. Takeshita, J.J. van Amstel, and J.B. Wordsworth. At the same time, the editors would like to welcome eleven new members to the editorial board with whom we look forward to working. As the information technology and software engineering areas continue to expand, we welcome the addition of these distinguished new board members. These represent a selection of some of the leading research- ers within the ®elds covered by the journal. Thus, the board will continue to assist in improving the technical quality and vigor of the Information and Software Technology journal. The new members are listed below. ² Dr Giuliano Antoniol ± Af®liation: University of Sannio, Italy ± Areas of expertise: Code analysis, software metrics, software architecture, software maintenance, and soft- ware testing. ² Prof. Anneliese Amschler Andrews ± Af®liation: Washington State University, USA ± Areas of expertise: Software maintenance, testing, empirical and experimental software engineering, and software metrics. ² Prof. Ricardo Baeza-Yates ± Af®liation: Universidad de Chile, Chile ± Areas of expertise: Information retrieval, algorithms, data structures, and data visualization. ² Dr Frank Bomarius ± Af®liation: Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering, Germany ± Areas of expertise: Systems that support knowledge management, linking knowledge management to eLearning, software processes and development methods (motivation, transfer of new processes/meth- ods to industrial practice), and human factors in tech- nology transfer. ² Prof. James H. Cross II ± Af®liation: Auburn University, USA ± Areas of expertise: software engineering, object- oriented analysis and design methodology, testing, reverse engineering, visualization, and metrics. ² Prof. Jane Grimson ± Af®liation: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland ± Areas of expertise: Database systems, distributed information systems, and health informatics. ² Prof. Hausi A. Muller ± Af®liation: University of Victoria, Canada ± Areas of expertise: Software reverse engineering, program understanding, software re-engineering, soft- ware maintenance, software architecture, software evolution, and software visualization. ² Prof. David C. Rine ± Af®liation: George Mason University, USA ± Areas of expertise: Software engineering, require- ments and design engineering, object-oriented tech- nologies, and computer supported cooperative work. ² Dr Perdita Stevens ± Af®liation: University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK ± Areas of expertise: Software design, object orienta- tion, tool support for software engineering, and veri- ®cation in the software development process. ² Dr Jeffrey Voas ± Af®liation: Cigital Inc., USA ± Areas of expertise: Software testing, software safety, software fault tolerance, software metrics, software reliability, quality assurance, software testability assessment. ² Prof. Arkady Zaslavsky ± Af®liation: Monash University, Australia ± Areas of expertise: Mobile wireless computing, mobile and distributed databases, database manage- ment, cluster technology, distributed operations, applications, and systems, CASE technology, and graph theoretic concepts in database systems. Finally, the editors wish to take this opportunity to thank the many reviewers whose interest and dedication are criti- cal to the success of the journal. We have endeavored to list all the reviewers who have helped us during 2001 in the back of this issue. Michael Dyer Marin Shepperd Claes Wohlin Information and Software Technology 44 (2002) 63 0950-5849/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0950-5849(02)00018-6 www.elsevier.com/locate/infsof

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