editiqfj vol. 27, no. 70. japan raided again by...

EVENINO^ . ,- Nine Irrigated Idaho Coantlcs FINAL CITY EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 7, 1914 PRICE 6 CENTS JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B - 2 9 S Republicans Vote on Platform for Campaign; Thorpe Selection Looms By O. A. KELKEB W ith Reilly Atkinson, Boise, state chairman of the Repub- lican party, telling lenders at- tendinj? the platform conven- tion here today that “I nm turninp over to you nn organi- zation havinp no connection with any ffroup or cliques," cvcrj’ indication pointed to se- lection of State Sen. S. L. WVern) Thorpe of Jerome as *rhc next pnrty chairman. Tho s Seem SelccUon oi a ctialrmaii vlll nol come until laltr this urtcmoon but "atiop tnllc” SAld th s l ll dcllnltely «ouItl be Tliorpe, Atkinson made the slalemcnl as he reported on tlie vorlotm acllvlllea which hnve bten ctiirlpd on durlnu tlie ‘'ZO odd months" tic has held Ihr position. "It's no pmonni mnchlnc," lie s»lfl. "It Is nn orsnnlMUan of He- pubUcjins.'' Delay upon delay seemed to plngiK- thr Rrpiibllcnns as they iKjiiitlit lo Eft convrnllon bu-ilnesa Members of the rnltWc . Ing iinill 3 n. m. totluy. found Uiat they would be unable to present tho party pinnks lo ihe committee as a whole until tills nftcrnoon but lend- hal "fveo'lhlng «ni t cleti Bolt Speaks In addition to the keynote addrets Riven by Rep. Henry C. Daonhak ihls morning, nnd the short talk by Atkinson, the other principal gpeak- er was Gov. C. A. Botloltsen, who is party candidate lor U.S. stHitor, Dottolfscn laUI that tlie aim of the catnpnlgn thU year should be "the retirement of (he new deal” and added thitt "It will be no cinch." "Let us BO down thn lln« flshllng for our ticket from top lo bottom," I he gald <13 he maSe'^TiliaKH'unltj; He cautioned against overoptlmUm . but added that "It Is tlm6 that we ■took olf our eoata and went to l.t,’ork." Guilty of Helpint Me said that In the past tome nepublleans. Including himself, have been Rullty of indirectly aiding the new deal by going along with It on various msners but that "the en- croachment of bureaucracy has reached a point where it almost destroys nil our liberties. Complete . e nepubllcir vatlon," Serving ns lempomry chairman at tho mornJnB tesilon was Jay B. Wot- wn of Nez perce county, Invocation was by the Rev, M. H. Zagel. pastor of the Immanuel LuUieran church, and the oddreM of welcome was by Mayor Bert A. Sweet of T»bi Falls, Temporary tecreUvry was Harli Burke of Cassia county. Commllteea Named The temporary chairman an ncunced «ppoIniments of member.. of the credcnllalj committee and the rules nnd order committee. Among membeni of Uie la tte r was MIm '' rietta McCoy. Ti'ln rolls. Erwin Schwclbert. Canyon county »delegat<. wns appointed chairman of ^ lie credentlola committee; Homei Jotason. rrtvtiilSn covsnty, tlialrman of the rules and order committee, nnd Thorpe hcsda the platfonn mlttee. Tho morning ae.wlon adjourned »hortly before 12:30 p. m.- and atarled ngaln at 1:30 p. m. In gen- eral ae.Mlon with membera of the resolutlona commlttce meeting In the Powe) ............ jp, m. Republicans Display “Victory Smile” Vlelorr amlle* were belnff dl«pUjed by the Republican Itauer lan vlntted platform eonvcndon headquarlert at Die Airiprlran L above u the Tlme*-Ne« camera- U ilon haU Friday, ilie men (left to riiht) ..c ..V... ...... Thorpe »f Jernme, .lated lo br the nttt »Ut« party rhalrman: Kep. Henry C. Iluor- •hak, who mve the keynote addre.«: (iov. C A. nmmUMn, tlie party camlldate for t;. S. senate, and W, H, iDIIll Delweller, Huelton. candidate for fovemsr. (Staff pholo-ensravlng) Cast off Bureaucracy Now, Says Dworshak in Keynote to G.O.P. Charifinff that the new deal “feeds and fallens on cmer- pency,’’ Rep. Henry (*. Uworshitk w arned Idaho Republiciui leaders here today tlmt "unless we have an immediate change \vc will never be able to ca.st it (burouucracy) off." Dwovshftk kcyiio\(Ml the state pliilfovm convcntioH which started thi.s morning'at the Amerfcim Legion hall with dele. Kale.s. candidate.s, Nazi Explosives Seized in Rome ROME. Ju ly 7 <U.R>-Anied mill, lary authorlUes lodny permUltd Uie dlMlosure th a t a huge cache of ex- ploslres h03 been dbcovered In a aecret ceUnr on th e BrounOs of Qerman. embouy tn Borne. *nie explosives apporenlly Wv.^ being used by nazt naboteura who remained Jn the capital after the Oerman evacuallon to attack allied military Installallons. Between June 8 and It ..... disclosed. 1,400 pounds of plostlo explosh-ee, a large qunntlly of other e»plo»lvea und matertol for live ra- dio Iransmitten were removed from the embo&iy In the presence of a iirpresentftUve of the Swla mln- U. S. Planes Lash Central Germany LONDON. July T (UJO-A fleet of lfl» American Flylns rotUts.'w and Liberators pounded aircraft fae. torlM and oil rtfloeries In central Oentuuty today In liMvjr blows at the heart of tbe wanlnt nazl alr foree. strong lorce* ol Mu*tan*a, Ll«hU iilnp and Tli - ---------- ------------- ledU at ^ ... _______ _____ ..... poneat M rts fteiorles »nd oU re- nnerU* k t Mockau. ne«u^ Llepdc, Lutikendorf,' and other plants la Uie eentnJ .mieh. - DAHOFOROEWEY Ben Johnson. Preston, mvsucci fill candldalo lor U. S. sciiutor Uie nepiibllcaii ticket, aald Friday that he would "stump" for Tom Dcft-ey m Idaho. Tlic young Republican, who Ki*lh- ered around IS,OOQ votes on h l’>tlr»I pollllcnl lo' for office, pointed out that lie Bccompiinlcd the nepubllcmi prcsldentlul nomltice on hi# firm trip throuKh the stntc and tlii>t, by colncldfncc. they are boih prosecut- ing Bltomeya, “I'm going lo cnnipnlsn for Dewey both by active campiUgnlng And by letter UTltlng." Johnson jnicJ. And In Pddlllon. Johnson said Uial "Re nerd n new brand of poll- tl(a In Amcrica ba.^cd on civic Inter- eat and civic con.sclou.siieM." Joliti.wn wiia here atteiKllng tlic Republican platform convention. Action on Merger Waits 2nd Petition .. . rict wltli the T«ln FnllA highway district will await receipt of a petlUon from residents ol the latter areo. the board of commLi- alonera said Friday. A peUUoii from Rock Creek dis- trict rfjldent.1 woji filed Tliursdny. When Uie Twin Palls district l>cll- Is rccclvcd the board will call blla hearing al which wnHnicnt ..... determine whether the ccm- mluloneni call separate telcctmna In two district*. Tao pcllflon.n were being circu- lated Friday In the T nla FalU high- way district. TlKy are expected to be ;oon wlUt tho commlaslon- approvBl In both highway dlitrlctA will be neceuaty bctoTo the consolidation can become e lte c Uve, Major rea*on advanced for t.ne merger U that the combined dUtrlct would bo able to m aintain: euary for aecesa to the t ntlonal area ol Uie aouth FR Warns Situation In China Is Serious ■WA6MWOTON., Ju ly 1 OP) — President Rooitevell said today the w r In China U not going weU and that m tre^a good deal concerned Mr. RooseveJt 'uropend his new* conference remark, hoarever. by - the JanmeM art In a poor lo position becAUse ihelr sup- Tbe llghUns-lQ China does i warn to b« Uepptng tba Japani t recre- 5 NEW P A M BOISE, July 7 (-n-Arllcles o coriKjratlon for five new fruit vegetable packing firms In Twin FnlU county were fllttl in the scc- rctnrj- of .itate'd olflce today by three Calilomla residents. The corporations, to be known as le Eden Farmers. Inc., nt Filer. Filer Farmers, Inc.. al Filer, Mny- lalr Shippers, Inc.. al Filer, Bnnke River Farmers. Inc., at T»in Frills, and Mounuin View Fatmcrs. Inc.. al Filer, will ench liuve 1,0(0 .shares of ;ock al II jier rliare. Tlie Incorporaton were lUtcd os □la . lulln. I Bliare. All resldeiiU ol Los Angi Purpose of the corporations will be lo -erecl, maintain and operate plants for dr>’Ing, processing oi otherwise curing, dljtllllng or pre- paring and atorlng Irulti, vegetables or any other product of Uie soil for market." 2 Escape Prison; Soon Recaptured BOISE. July 7 (U«-Fretdom lust- ed les.'< Uian an hour late ye.Mcrday lor two Idaho penitentiary convicts who e.x;apcd fro m a tiayfleld In which Uiey were working near prison. Tlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped past guards and ran ncrou a field. They were captuwl neat ihs Boise iivH- road alatlon by prison guards and ; police. —Jler Is *en lng 14 jeara for rob- bery end Moore a ahort term for /crgery. Lawyer Must Die For Slaying Son PirrSFIELD. Mass, Julj’ 1 WV- Protesting hU Innocenw, John F. Noxon. Jr, 4T-year-old lawyer, was w ntenc^ today to eleclroeutlon for the alaylng last 6epl » ot his mentally deficient child-klUed by ■n elecirlo current. Tlie sentence paralleled the words wed In, the grund Jury indictment, which eliarttd that Koion kUled alk-monlh-«Id baby Uvrence Nox- on ‘by catulng the pusage ol elec- tricity through his body." leader.H and intere.sted per,«ons attendinp from over the Htate. Tlic .■>pcnker, who pointed out that he liii.^ hnd flrsl hond contncl.i llh the tiew deiil gnvcmmeiit In Wn.Mi- liiRton under peacetime nnd war- time condlUons, emphatically de- clared; The Ksue "I have concluded that there Is only one rrnllstic bsue In this forth- coming iinilonni cjimpalgn nnd thii 1.1 the dctrrniinailon of whctlier li America we nrc lo have coa'tliu- ilonal govenimrnl under a repub- lic, or whether we are to conUnus In the direction of state collecliv- hm under the nrroganl domliiatli ol a viist bureaiicracj’. "It tH nol ncce.vinry to present details to show the lrend.< ot ( crnmenl whlrli ovcrwlielins the tion today. Every clUren has hnd per.ionnl exiierlence.? to the exten that actions have been more Im prc^^lvc than wnrd.i. E\’ery citlrei knows th e new deal has failed t- meet the nation’s demands for i sound cconomy," "Pangeroua” Trend Dworshnk-sald Uiat the trend o Rovernment In the United State* a the pre.sent time l3 danncroui. II pointed oul that undi the fir.st step In naUonal reglmi tlon wns to make the ma.ises of the people ndmlt their complete de- pendence nnd their Inability to tolve tlielr own problems; second step wi to gfV Vl\e Bovtnwntint. a.% lit n moved from the conlrol of the pe> pie ns pwwlble, nnd added: •Tlie next loiilcal atep In such _ prograin wa* taken In Ru.vila, in Qermnny nnd In Ilnb—and f is a deadly parallel here In Onlicd States," He flnyed the conccntraUon of jwwer In Woahlnglon and said that r*ele^^*- poeed ot men who were nev by anybody to any office.” CsBtlnaH «a P u t i, Cal Nips May Release U .S . Ill, Wounded WASHINGTON. July 7 (ff>-Rep»l- rlatlon of sick and wounded Amerl; eons held prisoners of wor by Japan U under discussion with Tokyo. Senator Thom u. D.,' Utah. dIsclo»ed today. T h e dlscusalons—without re-' suit a t y e t — are being conducted tlirough Uie Swiss govtmmenl. ' ------ has relustd thus far lo ry prisoners ne nan^mllltsry connection .......captured on Ouatn and •Wake. BOld TlioniM. chalrmwi ot a senate foreign relations subcommit- tee, Uany of the worken sre Idaho- FULL-SCALE WAR ON JAPS PLEDGED BYU.S.,BRIIAIN the c!c).scd todft; Lster W ln.'l Crn. Clfllre ],. Che p Mln ol e nil; tuh Pi rchlll and Mnl. iii.iiiJI. con>m.ii>- S. nlr force In ic full mlulit of ...... prinnb((x1 llic UnlWd Nnlloii.s will be tui agnlnst Hie Jiipunoic nftcr Ihe In Europe, Adm. Clie.stcr W, NImllr, 1 revised report of U. S. (ask forcc MrlkcR Into the Bimln and Vol- cano islnnds. 050 miles from Tokyo, announced Amcrlcnii almien ptob- Rbly wink 12 Jupane.sp vc,v.el! cie.stroyrd nr <lanumeil 113 |: Monday aiiU Tiie.siliiy. TarteL Nlinlt* dUfloM thol Chichi Jlin Hevf Carrlrr-bu.'iett plat in; II Heom NVar Phllli.rliies Mnilln L\ oppo.slir illL- N:imb<-r ilrMrlp on Noirmfoor where II. S. orie.^ cAPt'ired tw o oilier nlrdrnme.i, mly 770 inllc,s from the Philippine.^. ClRirchlll nnd Chennaull made heir dcclamttons Jn stalcnient.i obt ervlng tlie annlverxary of China's even years of war wlUi Japnn. DRIVE IN ERANGE By WKB GALLAGHEB SUPREME HEADQUAilTERS AL- LIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, July 7 Brltl.'ih second army patrols peiietrnted today to the docks of Cnen as American troops Jumped off In a new nttnck across Uie Vlre river on the en.stern side of Uip Lc Hnye D u Pului-Carenii St. Lo nrc In n threiil to the c: my'K nnnk in Normnnily. <BBC quoted Its Itont line c reapondcnl as saying the Anierlci have "cupturcd nnd piuhed beyond La Hnye Du Pulls.” The report not Immediately conllrmed fi oUier sources.) Allied pntrols pu.'litd tbrouRh Gennan defenses west ol Cnen i ' the ea-stern end of the allied baltli lino a n d reached Uie dock an wlUiout encountering any Qennnns. a report lo supreme .lieadfjuarters said. However, line dLspalcUcs re- ported no Indlcnllon thal the Ocr- mans were abandoning Uiclr long- conte.sled ea.nem pivot. It wns be- lieved tb e Germans »ere holding only parts of Uie toun ns alrong points a s tlie result of severe bomb- ings. AlUioUgli all b u t one eMni)c bridge from Cacn. a pontoon bridge across the O rn e river, h n d been <le.stfoycd, Roger D . Oreen. A.\sotlaVed Press par correspondent, said the Oer- lana stJU were strongly entrenched t Caen. Tlie new American tlimst wm Io- :ard tlvc west In the St. Jean De Da>-e area eight miles north of the highway center ot St, Lo. It got underway behind a shattering ar- tillery barrage urcblng Uie Vlre river. . A field dispatch snld Uie dough- boys wndcd acroM the ulrenm In the half-light of dawn, established a bridgrliend in low mar.ihy coun- try. and Uien hit Uie enemy on the flank. AMERICAN LEAGUE R H B .......... t ______ .000 000 010—1 s 1 New Vorlc ......010 001 OIx-3 8 0 NATIONAI, LEAGUE - - . R H E PlUladetphia ... 000 102 000—3 9 3 ClnclnnsU ......010 000 100^-3 11 0 ' Schattf and Plnley; shoun, De L> Cnu snd Mueller, nrat; H tv York ------------------ OOO 101 0 - 3 Chicago ___.000 101.1-3 Super-Forts Rip Jap Navy Base in Second Assault on Mainland WASHINGTON, July 7 (AP)—Super-Fortresses of the U. S. 20th airforce bombed the Japanese naval base of Sasebo and the steel center of Yawata on the island of Kyushu Friday night (Japan time) in the second attack by the huge B-29s on the Japanese mainland. Geti. H, H. Arnold, chief of the air forccs, announced the assault in a. communique at WashiiiKlon. It wa,*; th e third time since Penrl Harijor that American plftnea have rained bonihs on Japan proper. Siiaubo, com parable to the U. S, naval c.stabliHhmcnt.s a t Norfolk. Va., or Bremerton, Wash., was h it for th e fir.-iL time wince the start of the war. It lies lo the wo.st of Yawiita, which was the target of the finst B-29 Super-Fortre.-i.s attack on the Japniie.se home islnnds on June 15. Arnold, who aliio in com- niandinjf KCiienil of the 20th air force which operates di- rcclly under the joint chiefs of Hluff, issueii thin communi- Tent Blaze Toll 146; 5 Officials Arrested ilAK’ri'‘l)HD, Ointi.. July 7 <UR)—As the death loll from tlui wiir.st fire in circu.s hi.slury reached M6 today, aiixioa.s paienl.s fil.-d tliroiii'h an improvisfd inorKUu lookinK for the bddlM of ilieir little -"■ons nnd daughters and (’onnecticul law inovod lo fix respon.wiliility for llie burning of the ’‘bi{j tup"* a l yi':ilc‘i ( la y ‘.H nuUitiee. Tho tiatfie hne of mothers, fathers nnd olluir relatives formed loii^ before 8 a. m. wjien the slate iirmory-morKuo WH.S nidiiciiori in the hope lhat the identity of Ihe dead could h(3 ostabIi,shed. They searched the line.s of charred and brui.sed bodicH lyini5 ou coU along the walls of the armory which wji.s now a house of death for a t Icaat 80 boys and girlfl n n d 59 adults who had perished under the flaming canvas of Rinjf- linjr brothers' “bigB'CSt show on earth.” Stsly of the Tlctlmii had been IdeniUIed befots Uis armory wivs closed Inst nljht lo give the exhaust- ed aUendnnts their flnst rest since nn audience of 10,000. watching Uic aerial act of the -Rylnq Wallendas." ALI lIALy PUSH ROME. July 7 Wt-Uisljlng out from oulposls of the heavily fortl- Ilcd Oolhlc line In Uielr Ural ag- grei^ive action In two months, ihe Oennnn defenders of northern Italy have brouRht th e fifth a rm y ’s drive lownrrt Livorno (Leghorn) Plan and Florence almo.st to a hall, allied lid today xiircd II icktd up Tlie eighth......... galn^ In ynrtls instead of miips. A tllff house-to-house battle con- llnufd to rnge day nnd nlRht In the village of Roslgnnno, where Amerl- cnn Inlanlryinen who hnve pene- trated 10 within 10 nlrllnr mile.'' ol Llvonio were altcmptlni: to smash throiiKli heavily manned strong- polni.s. From the west const alonR a sector extending a t len.st 30 m iles Inland, the enemy struck buck at Uie Amer- icans, Al wmc points the Gennnns strove to Inflltrntc nnil break into ncwly.gnliied nlUed posltlona nnd wet« thrown btick o«W O-ftec htUk enKagements. Ako along thl.-i froi fnnlry and UinlC-% wei by Increiialngly nctlve . Ullery. with long range no-mllU- meter rifles sending big sliclLi screaming over the lines In a harawing lire nKnln.^t fifth army supply route.'!. Sl.t-barrolert Nebel- wecfers were usL'd proliucly against Amerlcnn armor. An allied spokesman reported that since July 1 n™'>' alone hn> knocked out 75 to 80 en- emy tanks nnd nelt-propellcd guns, Including 15 TiB<?r '" ''k ’- FlRhUnR on the elRhth nnny front was featurrd by the enemy's stub- born defense a t Arezzo. 30 miles souUiea.st of Florence, which Is giv- ing Field MarPhnl Alljcrt. KtistW ring Ume to bol-stcr hU nm ln GoUile line defenses to tlie northern Ap- penliies. - ......... e nnd n............. ........... dissolve to flame above Its head. Local hospltala were crowded with 250 Injured, 20 of whom were re- ported to be In dying condition. After ft night of quc.'illoning can- vaanen, pcrfarmtrs, lOMslabouta, nnri siiectntors. Police Court Prcwcciitor S. Burr Lelklnd arre.^lcd five circus offlclab on charges of manslaughter. Tliey were J. A. Halcy. vlce-presl- dent of Rlngllng brotlicr.s, Bamum nnd Bailey; Edtt-nrd Vcrsteg. chief clectnclnn: David W, Blanchfleld. chief wngon nnd tractor mnn; 1 ] DIE IN CRASH JELLICO. Teiin-. July 7 tU.PJ - At leiLii 15 soldiers nnd two trninmen were lillled last n ig h t when a Louls- vlUe and Na.'ihvlllo railroad iroop train derailed and plunged down a 30-tooi gorge n e a r here, n n d It was feared the bodlc.i of other sen'lee- men would be found In Uie mas* of twlsled wreckage. Tlie death toll ro.'e when workers pried Into a conch lying bencalh Uie conl tender In ►shallow mountain stream. Army nuthorlllcs said they were tearchlng for oUier bodies In the wrecknge. More Mian 100 oUier loldlera were Injured. The men were craihed In the cars when Uie irahi left the truck while rounding a curve n t high speed. Tho engine careened Into a gorge, pull- ing aU coaches with lu T en oUier can did not overturn, Tlie dead Included J. C. Bollings, the engineer, and J. W. Tuinmlns. fireman, both of Etowah, Teno. Names of (he dead wldlers were withlield pending noUflcaUon of rtUilvti. MaJ. Barold Tylev. puUlte reUtlons ofllcer for the lo urth serv- ice command, said Oie t«Un waa ea rout< from ClnclzmaU (« KBoxrlilt. -Hradtiup ler.Kurtr.-.s inck. Mih air force, three; B-20 Bu- the 20th bomber laMnlla- tloii.s at SiL^ebo, Japan, tonight. "IkrailK were »ko on h>- tlu.Mrial objectives al Yaivala, tu r- Kci ot the Supcr-Fortressea’ Juno 15 awnult on Japan. ••Both cities arc on llie bland of Kyushu." No additional Inlormatlon • waa avallnble Immediately, Snsebo la on the Island of iSi&v'.". " ' west of tho atcel center of ' which was struck June 15 bs.-lh#'^ D-Ifl Super-rortTcsses In th t 'Orft.. nlr aiinck on the Japanese-bUnd-i' since medium bombers under Lieut. • Col, Jomes II. DooUitle were launch- ed from the alrcralt carrier Hornet to hli Tokyo ond other Jspunese cities on April 18,- IM2. Gooding Officer Killed on D-Day GOODINO. July 7-DeuU Dee C. Anderson, former Ooodlng resident, was killed on Uie Nonnandy beach- head on D-da^, according to word received here by friends, Anderson operated the Lincoln cafe here In 1039 and 1840 and was prominent In local U D. S. circles. «e had Jott\ed the armj in Btp- teinbcr 1D40 and following his grad- uation from Ihe Fort Bennlng of- ficers' school he became a member of the army’s rangers, who are trained for front line engagements nnd raiding parlies. He went to Eng- land last Januao-. Ills wife and a two-year-old daughter now live In Boise. Reds 10 Miles From Enemy City of Wilno LONDON, July 7 < /?>)—O cm ian r e p o ru snld the Russians were advancing today within 19 mtlcs ot Wllno, v;Uct« Mos. coh tepocled tUs nt.tls declared martial law. Smashing beyond the old Polish bastion ot Kowel, the Russians n*ere approaching the Dug river about 135 miles southeast of Warsaw Along the main trunk line. Virtually all the pre-war Polish frontier was crouetl section before Lunlnlec In the Pripyat marshes. Near EasI Pruula Wllno, city of 207.750 which ha-i changed nationality six times since the In.'st war, lies but J7 milts from the border ol Ensl Pnusla and Is k rail and highn-ay center. A Moscow dispatch quotes Yustos PaleiskU. chairman of the presi- dium of the supreme Soviet of Lithuania, as saying the German martial luw edict barred per^ins from the streets betveeu 8 p. m. snd S a. m. and forbade walking In groujK greater tlian two. Palctslils said Uiere had been uprisings In KEUtnos. MotbutiiKle aitd Vilnius. NaiU mopped up While a t least four Russian srmy groups pu.^icd en-^tward, other Sovi- e t forces mopped up bewildered German stragglen east ot Minsk, leagues behind the main fronl. Moa- cow said S.OOO were kiUed last night. The midnight ccmmunlque titled n t least 9.000 Germans killed In aU nnd nearly I.OOO captured. UUiuanlon a n d Utvlin borders boUi were wimin easy »U1klng dis- tance ot red armies, i'ofces ot Lenin- grad district drove deeper Into the Finnish front. At one place, tho. Sovleu were within U mUu o( th e ' Warsaw-Lenlngrsd rallrosd. . SIIORTAGK LOS ANOELES. July 7 — WlUi five unmniiiied chairs and wlUi his former btirbera In llie armed force.i. JuUus Bos.'^ey has solved the prob- lem by letting Ills customers Bhavc themselves. For 20 ccnts he tur- nWies a rnxor. lo^.’e\s, soap. loWon and advice—It ncccssnry. T o keep, the change from becoming too grenl. Dosiey allows ihaiers lo tnlk to Uictnulves, BOLT OKLAHOMA c m ', July 7— Gov. Robert S. Ken-.,keynote speaker al the Democratic national conveiiUon In Chicago, says thal while he was writing his keynote address, he halt- ed occasionally to read it aloud, ills youngest son, Billy, 6, wos where he had to listen lo about three pages. Billy asked how much of It there would be. altogeUier. and w as told about 30 pages. He considered Uils a moment and ssld: ‘ Do } hove to go to Uie conven- tion?" BATIONINO LOS ANGELES, July 7 — What «lth the meat tituallon. Superior Judge William R.McIUy has ruled that a tl,000 bequest to buy ham- burger (or eata Is agalnsl pubUo policy. Ha declared Uist Uie sum left In' the will ot EUu Anderson to the cats.ot her next door neighbors, Mr. tnd Mn. J. W. Ktnd&U.' go to Mrs. Kendall wtUiout restric- tion .upon lier aasuruic* the cats would set proper foot}.: Chinese Claim Siege Of Hengy ang BroUen CHUNGKING. July 7 OLB — A : Chlnesfl mlUlsfy spokesman u ld to -,; day UiAt Obtncss troops broke thO' ttuoiigh tb« w ttt ckta W T iK t V openM the.iw-te;relnr(»oo8ent*;-v

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Page 1: EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B-29Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/1944_07_07.pdfTlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped

E V E N I N O ^ . ,-

Nine I r r ig a t e d Id a h o C o a n tlc s



VOL. 27, NO. 70. T W IN F A L L S . IDAHO, FR ID A Y E V E N I N G , JU L Y 7, 1914 P R IC E 6 C E N T S

JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B -29SRepublicans Vote on Platform for

Campaign; Thorpe Selection LoomsBy O. A. KELKEB

W ith R eilly A tk in s o n , Boise, s ta te c h a i r m a n o f th e R epub ­lican p a r t y , t e l l in g lenders a t- te n d in j? th e p la t f o r m conven­tio n h e r e to d a y th a t “ I nm t u r n in p over to y o u nn o rg an i­z a tio n h a v in p n o connection w ith a n y f fro u p o r cliques," c v c r j’ in d ic a t io n p o in ted to se­lec tion o f S t a t e Sen. S. L .

W V e r n ) T h o rp e o f Je ro m e a s * r h c n e x t p n r ty c h a irm a n .

Tho s SeemSelccUon oi a ctialrmaii vlll nol

come u n til la ltr th is urtcmoon but "atiop tnllc” SAld th s l ll dcllnltely «ouItl be Tliorpe,

Atkinson made the slalemcnl as he reported on tlie vorlotm acllvlllea which hnve bten ctiirlpd on durlnu tlie ‘'ZO odd m onths" tic has held Ihr position.

"It's no pm onni mnchlnc," lie s»lfl. " I t Is nn orsnnlMUan of He- pubUcjins.''

Delay upon delay seemed to plngiK- th r Rrpiibllcnns as they iKjiiitlit lo Eft convrnllon bu-ilnesa

Members of thernltWc .

Ing iinill 3 n. m. totluy. found Uiat they would be unable to present tho party pinnks lo ih e committee as a whole u n til tills nftcrnoon but lend-

hal "fveo'lhlng«ni t cleti

Bolt Speaks In addition to th e keynote addrets

Riven by Rep. H enry C. Daonhak ihls morning, nnd the short talk by Atkinson, the other principal gpeak- er was G ov. C. A. Botloltsen, who is

party candidate lo r U.S. stHitor, Dottolfscn laUI th a t tlie aim of

the catnpnlgn thU year should be "the retirem ent o f (he new deal” and added thitt "It will be no cinch."

"Let us BO down thn lln« flshllng for our ticket from top lo bottom,"

I he gald <13 he maSe'^TiliaK H'unltj;He cautioned against overoptlmUm

. but added that "It Is tlm6 that we ■took o lf our eoata and went to l . t , ’ork."

Guilty of Helpint Me said that In the past tome

nepublleans. Including himself, have been Rullty of indirectly aiding the new deal by going along with It on various m sners b u t that "the en­croachment of bureaucracy has reached a point where it almost destroys n il our liberties. Complete

. e nepub llcir vatlon,"

Serving ns lempomry chairman at tho mornJnB tesilon was Jay B. Wot- wn of Nez perce county, Invocation was by th e Rev, M. H . Zagel. pastor of the Immanuel LuUieran church, and the oddreM of welcome was by Mayor B e r t A. Sweet of T»bi Falls, Temporary tecreUvry was Harli Burke of Cassia county.

Commllteea NamedThe temporary chairman an

ncunced «ppoIniments of member.. of the credcnllalj committee and the rules nnd order committee. Among membeni o f Uie la tte r was MIm ' ' rietta McCoy. T i'ln rolls.

Erwin Schwclbert. Canyon county »delegat<. w ns appointed chairman of

^ l i e credentlola committee; Homei Jotason. rrtvtiilSn covsnty, tlialrman of the ru les and order committee, nnd Thorpe hcsda th e platfonn mlttee.

Tho morning ae.wlon adjourned »hortly before 12:30 p. m.- and atarled nga ln at 1:30 p. m. In gen­eral ae.Mlon with membera of the resolutlona commlttce meeting Inthe Powe) ............j p , m.

Republicans Display “V ictory Smile”

Vlelorr amlle* were belnff dl«pUjed by the Republican Itauer lan vlntted platform eonvcndon headquarlert at Die Airiprlran L

above u the Tlme*-Ne« camera- U ilo n haU Friday, ilie men (left to riiht)

..c ..V... . . . . . . Thorpe »f Jernme, .lated lo br the nttt »Ut« party rhalrm an: Kep. Henry C. Iluor-•hak, who mve th e keynote addre.«: (iov. C A. nmmUMn, tlie party camlldate for t;. S. senate, and W, H, iDIIll Delweller, H uelton. candidate for fovemsr. (Staff pholo-ensravlng)

Cast off Bureaucracy Now, Says Dworshak in Keynote to G.O.P.

C harifinff th a t the new d e a l “ f e e d s and f a l l e n s on cmer- p e n cy ,’’ Rep. Henry (*. U w o rsh itk w a r n e d Id ah o Republiciui le ad e rs here today tlm t " u n le s s we h a v e an im m ed ia te change \vc will never be able to c a .s t i t (b u ro u u c ra c y ) o ff."

Dwovshftk kcyiio\(Ml th e s t a t e p lii lfo v m convcntioH which s ta r te d thi.s m orn ing 'a t th e A m e rfc im L egion ha ll w ith dele.

Kale.s. candidate.s,

Nazi Explosives Seized in Rome

ROME. Ju ly 7 <U.R>-Anied mill, lary authorlUes lodny permUltd Uie dlMlosure th a t a huge cache of ex- ploslres h03 been dbcovered In a aecret ceUnr on th e BrounOs of Qerman. em bouy tn Borne.

*nie explosives apporenlly W v.^ being used by nazt naboteura who remained Jn the cap ita l after the Oerman evacuallon to attack allied military Installallons.

Between June 8 and It .....disclosed. 1,400 pounds of plostlo explosh-ee, a large qunntlly of other e»plo»lvea u n d matertol for live ra- dio Iransm itten were removed from the embo&iy In the presence of a

iirpresentftUve of th e Swla mln-

U. S. P lan es Lash Central Germany

LONDON. July T (UJO-A fleet of l f l» American F ly ln s rotU ts.'w and L iberators pounded aircraft fae. torlM and o il rtfloeries In central Oentuuty today In liM vjr blows at the heart o f tbe w an ln t nazl alr foree.

strong lorce* ol Mu*tan*a, Ll«hU iilnp and T li - ---------- -------------ledUat ^ . . . _______ _____ .....poneat M r ts fteiorles »nd oU re- nnerU* k t Mockau. ne«u Llepdc, Lutikendorf,' and o th e r plants la Uie een tn J .mieh. -

DAHOFOROEWEYBen Johnson. Preston, mvsucci

fill candldalo lo r U. S. sciiutor Uie nepiibllcaii ticket, aald Friday that he would "stump" for Tom Dcft-ey m Idaho.

Tlic young Republican, who Ki*lh- ered around IS,OOQ votes on h l ’> tlr»I pollllcnl lo ' for office, pointed out that lie Bccompiinlcd the nepubllcmi prcsldentlul nomltice on hi# firm trip throuKh the s tn tc and tlii>t, by colncldfncc. they are boih prosecut­ing Bltomeya,

“I'm going lo cnnipnlsn for Dewey both by active campiUgnlng And by letter UTltlng." Johnson jnicJ.

And In Pddlllon. Johnson said Uial "Re nerd n new brand of poll- tl(a In Amcrica ba.^cd on civic Inter- eat and civic con.sclou.siieM."

Joliti.wn wiia here atteiKllng tlic Republican platform convention.

Action on M erger Waits 2nd Petition

. . . rict wltli th e T « ln FnllA highway district will await receipt of a petlUon from residents o l the latter areo. the board of commLi- alonera said Friday.

A peUUoii from Rock Creek dis­trict rfjldent.1 woji filed Tliursdny. When Uie Twin P a lls district l>cll-

Is rccclvcd the board will call blla hearing a l which wnH nicnt

..... determine w hether the ccm-mluloneni call separate telcctmna In two district*.

Tao pcllflon.n were being circu­lated Friday In the T n la FalU high­way district. TlKy a re expected to be

■ ;oon wlUt tho commlaslon-

approvBl In both highway dlitrlctA will be neceuaty bctoTo the consolidation can become e l te c Uve, Major rea*on advanced fo r t.ne merger U that the combined dU trlct would bo able to m a in ta in : euary for aecesa to th e t ntlonal area ol Uie aouth

FR Warns Situation In China Is Serious

■WA6MWOTON., Ju ly 1 OP) — President Rooitevell said today the w r In China U no t going weU and tha t m tre^a good deal concerned

Mr. RooseveJt 'u ro p e n d h is new* conference remark, hoarever. by — - the Janm eM a r t In a poor

lo position becAUse ihe lr sup-

Tbe llghUns-lQ China does i warn to b« Uepptng tba Japani

t recre-

5 NEW P A MBOISE, July 7 (-n-Arllcles o

coriKjratlon for five new fruit vegetable packing firms In Twin FnlU county were fllttl in the scc- rctnrj- of .itate'd olflce today by three Calilomla residents.

The corporations, to be known as le Eden Farmers. Inc., nt Filer.

Filer Farmers, Inc.. al Filer, Mny- la lr Shippers, Inc.. al Filer, Bnnke River Farmers. Inc., at T»in Frills, and Mounuin View Fatmcrs. Inc.. a l Filer, will ench liuve 1,0(0 .shares of

;ock a l II jier rliare.Tlie Incorporaton were lUtcd os

□ la . lulln. I Bliare. AllresldeiiU ol Los Angi

Purpose of the corporations will be lo -erecl, maintain and operate plants for dr>’Ing, processing oi otherwise curing, dljtllllng or pre­paring and atorlng Irulti, vegetables or any other product of Uie soil for market."

2 Escape Prison; Soon Recaptured

BOISE. July 7 (U«-Fretdom lust­ed les.'< Uian an hour late ye.Mcrday lor two Idaho penitentiary convicts who e.x;apcd f ro m a tiayfleld In which Uiey were working near prison.

Tlie m en-G ilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped past

guards and ran ncrou a field. They were captuw l neat ihs Boise iivH- road alatlon by prison guards and

; police.—Jler Is *en lng 14 jeara for rob­

bery end Moore a ahort term for /crgery.

Lawyer Must Die For Slaying Son

PirrSFIELD . Mass, Julj’ 1 WV- Protesting hU Innocenw, John F. Noxon. J r , 4T-year-old lawyer, was w n te n c^ today to eleclroeutlon for the alaylng last 6epl » ot his mentally deficient child-klUed by ■n elecirlo current.

T lie sentence paralleled the words w ed In, the grund Jury indictment, which eliarttd that Koion kUled alk-monlh-«Id baby Uvrence Nox- on ‘ by catulng the pusage ol elec­tricity through his body."

leader.H and in te re .s ted per,«ons a t te n d i n p fro m o v e r th e Htate.

Tlic .■>pcnker, who pointed out that he liii. hnd flrsl hond contncl.i llh the tiew deiil gnvcmmeiit In Wn.Mi- liiRton under peacetime nnd war­time condlUons, emphatically de­clared;

The Ksue "I have concluded that there Is

only one rrnllstic bsue In this forth­coming iinilonni cjimpalgn nnd thii 1.1 the dctrrniinailon of whctlier li America we nrc lo have coa'tliu- ilonal govenimrnl under a repub­lic, o r whether we are to conUnus In the direction of state collecliv- hm u nder the nrroganl domliiatli ol a viist bureaiicracj’.

"It tH nol ncce.vinry to present details to show the lrend.< ot ( crnmenl whlrli ovcrwlielins the tion today. Every clUren has hnd per.ionnl exiierlence.? to the exten that actions have been more Im prc^^lvc than wnrd.i. E\’ery citlrei knows th e new deal has failed t- meet th e nation’s demands for i sound cconomy,"

"Pangeroua” Trend Dworshnk-sald Uiat the trend o

Rovernment In the United State* a the pre.sent time l3 danncroui. II pointed o u l that undithe fir.st step In naUonal reglmi tlon wns to make the ma.ises of the people ndmlt their complete de­pendence nnd their Inability to tolve tlielr own problems; second step wi to gfV Vl\e Bovtnwntint. a.% l i t n moved from the conlrol of the pe> pie ns pwwlble, nnd added:

•Tlie nex t loiilcal atep In such _ prograin wa* taken In Ru.vila, in Qermnny nnd In I ln b —and f is a deadly parallel here In Onlicd States,"

He flnyed the conccntraUon of jwwer In Woahlnglon and said that

r*ele^^*-poeed o t men who were nev by anybody to any office.”

CsBtlnaH «a P u t i, Cal

N ips May Release U .S . Ill, Wounded

WASHINGTON. July 7 (ff>-Rep»l- rlatlon o f sick and wounded Amerl; eons held prisoners of wor by Japan U under discussion with Tokyo. Senator T hom u . D.,' Utah. dIsclo»ed today. T h e dlscusalons—without re-' suit a t y e t — are being conducted tlirough Uie Swiss govtmmenl.

' ------ has relustd thus far lory prisoners

ne nan^mllltsry connection.......M» captured on Ouatn and•Wake. BOld TlioniM. chalrmwi ot a senate foreign relations subcommit­tee, U any of the worken sre Idaho-


B Y U .S .,B R IIA INthe

c!c).scd todft;Lster Wln.'l Crn. Clfllre ],. Che

p Mln

ol e n il;

tuh Pirchlll and Mnl. iii.iiiJI. con>m.ii>-

S. nlr force In ic full mlulit of...... prinnb((x1

llic UnlWd Nnlloii.s will be tui agnlnst Hie Jiipunoic nftcr Ihe In Europe,

Adm. Clie.stcr W, NImllr, 1 revised report o f U. S. (ask forcc MrlkcR Into th e Bimln and Vol­cano islnnds. 050 miles from Tokyo, announced Amcrlcnii almien ptob- Rbly wink 12 Jupane.sp vc,v.el! cie.stroyrd nr <lanumeil 113 |: Monday aiiU Tiie.siliiy.

TarteL Nlinlt* dUfloM

thol Chichi Jlin


Carrlrr-bu.'iett plat

in; II Heom

NVar Phllli.rliies Mnilln L\ oppo.slir illL- N:imb<-r

ilrMrlp on Noirmfoor where II. S. orie.^ cAPt'ired tw o oilier nlrdrnme.i, mly 770 inllc,s from the Philippine.^.

ClRirchlll nnd Chennaull made heir dcclam ttons Jn stalcnient.i obt ervlng tlie annlverxary of China's even years of w ar wlUi Japnn.


SUPREME HEADQUAilTERS AL­LIED EXPEDITIONARY FORCE, July 7 Brltl.'ih second armypatrols peiietrnted today to the docks of Cnen a s American troops Jumped off In a new nttnck across Uie Vlre river on the en.stern side of Uip Lc Hnye D u Pului-Carenii St. Lo nrc In n threiil to the c: my'K n nnk in Normnnily.

<BBC quoted Its Itont line c reapondcnl as saying the Anierlci have "cupturcd nnd piuhed beyond La Hnye Du Pulls.” The report not Immediately conllrmed fi oUier sources.)

Allied pntrols pu.'litd tbrouRh G ennan defenses west ol Cnen i ' the ea-stern end of the allied baltli lino a n d reached Uie dock an wlUiout encountering any Qennnns. a report lo supreme .lieadfjuarters said.

However, line dLspalcUcs re­ported n o Indlcnllon thal the Ocr- mans w ere abandoning Uiclr long- conte.sled ea.nem pivot. It wns be­lieved tb e Germans »ere holding only p a rts of Uie toun ns alrong points a s tlie resu lt of severe bomb­ings.

AlUioUgli all b u t one eM ni)c bridge from C acn. a pontoon bridge across the O rn e river, hnd been <le.stfoycd, Roger D . Oreen. A.\sotlaVed Press par correspondent, said the Oer- lana stJU were strongly entrenched t Caen.Tlie new American tlimst wm Io-

:ard tlvc west In the St. Jean De Da>-e a re a eight miles north of the highway center o t St, Lo. I t got underway behind a shattering ar­tillery barrage urcblng Uie Vlre river. .

A field dispatch snld Uie dough­boys wndcd acroM the ulrenm In the half-light o f dawn, established a bridgrliend in low mar.ihy coun­try. and Uien h it Uie enemy on the flank.


..........t ______ .000 000 010—1 s 1New Vorlc ......010 001 OIx-3 8 0


PlUladetphia ... 000 102 000—3 9 3 ClnclnnsU ......010 000 100^-3 11 0' Schattf and Plnley; shoun, De L> C nu sn d Mueller,

n r a t ; Ht v Y ork ------------------ OOO 101 0 -3

Chicago ___.000 101.1-3

Super-Forts R ip Jap N avy Base in Second A ssault on M ainland

WASHINGTON, July 7 (AP)—Super-Fortresses of the U. S. 20th airforce bombed the Japanese naval base o f Sasebo and the steel center of Y aw ata on the island of Kyushu Friday night (Japan time) in the second a ttack by the huge B-29s on the Japanese mainland.

Geti. H , H . A rn o ld , c h ie f o f th e a ir forccs, a n n o u n c e d t h e a s s a u l t in a. com m unique a t W ashiiiK lon. I t wa,*; t h e th ird tim e since Penrl H a r i jo r t h a t A m e ric an plftnea have ra in e d bonihs on J a p a n p r o p e r .

Siiaubo, c o m p a r a b le to th e U . S, naval c.stabliH hm cnt.s a t N o rfo lk . V a., o r B re m erto n , W ash., w as h i t fo r t h e fir.-iL tim e wince the s ta r t o f t h e w a r . I t lies lo th e wo.st of Y aw iita , which w as t h e t a r g e t o f th e f in s t B-29 Super-Fortre.-i.s a t t a c k on th e Japniie.se home is ln n d s

on J u n e 15.A rnold , w ho aliio in co m -

n iandin jf KCiienil of th e 2 0 th a i r fo rce w hich ope ra tes d i- rcc lly u n d e r the jo in t c h ie f s o f H luff, issueii thin com m un i-

Tent Blaze Toll 146;5 Officials Arrested

ilA K ’r i '‘l ) H D , O in t i . . J u ly 7 <UR)— As the d e a th lo ll f ro m tlui wiir.st f i r e in c irc u .s hi.slury reached M6 to d a y , a iix io a .s paienl.s fil.-d t l i ro i i i 'h a n im p ro v isfd inorKUu lookinK f o r th e bddlM of i l i e i r lit tle -"■ons nnd d a u g h te rs and ( ’o n n e c t ic u l law inovod lo f ix respon .w iliility fo r llie bu rn in g of th e ’‘bi{j tup"* a l yi':ilc‘i ( la y ‘.H nuU itiee.

Tho t ia tf ie h n e o f m o th e rs , f a th e r s nnd o llu ir r e la t iv e s formed lo ii^ b e fo re 8 a . m. w jien th e s la te iirm o ry -m o rK u o WH.S nidiiciiori in th e h o p e lh a t th e id e n tity of Ihe d e a d could

h(3 ostabIi,shed.T hey searched th e line.s o f

ch a rre d a n d brui.sed bodicH lyini5 ou coU a lo n g th e w a l ls o f th e a rm ory w h ic h wji.s now a house o f death f o r a t Ic a a t 80 boys a n d g irlfl n n d 59 a d u lts w ho had p e r is h e d u n d e r th e flam ing c anvas o f R in jf- lin jr b ro th ers ' “bigB'CSt sh o w on e a r th .”

Stsly of the Tlctlmii had been IdeniUIed befots Uis armory wivs closed Inst nljht lo give the exhaust­ed aUendnnts their flnst r e s t since nn audience of 10,000. watching Uic aerial act of the -Rylnq Wallendas."

ALI lIALy PUSHROME. July 7 W t-U isljlng out

from oulposls of the heavily fortl- Ilcd Oolhlc line In Uielr Ural ag- grei^ive action In two m onths, ihe Oennnn defenders of no rthern Italy have brouRht th e fifth a rm y’s drive lownrrt Livorno (Leghorn) Plan and Florence almo.st to a h a ll , allied

lid todayxiircd II

icktd up

Tlie eighth.........galn^ In ynrtls instead of miips.

A tllff house-to-house ba ttle con- llnufd to rnge d a y nnd nlR ht In the village of Roslgnnno, where Amerl- cnn Inlanlryinen who hnve pene­trated 10 within 10 nlrllnr mile.'' ol Llvonio were altcm ptlni: to smash throiiKli heavily manned strong- polni.s.

From the west const alonR a sector extending a t len.st 30 m iles Inland, the enemy struck buck a t Uie Amer­icans, Al wmc points th e Gennnns strove to Inflltrn tc nnil break into ncwly.gnliied nlUed posltlona nnd wet« thrown btick o«W O-ftec htUk enKagements.

Ako along thl.-i froi fnnlry and UinlC-% wei by Increiialngly nctlve .Ullery. with long range no-mllU- meter rifles sending big sliclLi screaming over the lines In a harawing lire nKnln. t f if th army supply route.'!. Sl.t-barrolert Nebel- wecfers were usL'd proliucly against Amerlcnn armor.

An allied spokesman reported that since July 1 n™'>'alone hn> knocked out 75 to 80 en­emy tanks nnd nelt-propellcd guns, Including 15 TiB<?r '" ''k ’-

FlRhUnR on th e elRhth n nny front was featurrd by the enemy's stub­born defense a t Arezzo. 30 miles souUiea.st of Florence, w hich Is giv­ing Field MarPhnl Alljcrt. KtistW ring Ume to bol-stcr hU nm ln GoUile line defenses to tlie northern Ap- penliies.

- .........e nnd n............. ...........dissolve to flame above Its head.

Local hospltala were crowded with 250 Injured, 20 of whom were re­ported to be In dying condition.

After ft night of quc.'illoning can- vaanen, pcrfarmtrs, lOMslabouta, nnri siiectntors. Police Court Prcwcciitor S. Burr Lelklnd arre.^lcd five circus offlclab on charges of manslaughter.

Tliey were J. A. Halcy. vlce-presl- dent of Rlngllng brotlicr.s, Bam um nnd Bailey; Edtt-nrd Vcrsteg. chief clectnclnn: David W, Blanchfleld. chief wngon nnd tractor mnn;

1 ] DIE IN CRASHJELLICO. Teiin-. July 7 tU.PJ - At

leiLii 15 soldiers nnd two trninmen were lillled last n ig h t when a Louls- vlUe and Na.'ihvlllo railroad iroop train derailed a n d plunged down a 30-tooi gorge n e a r here, n n d It was feared the bodlc.i of other sen'lee- men would be found In Uie mas* of twlsled wreckage.

Tlie death toll ro.'e when workers pried Into a conch lying bencalh Uie conl tender In ► shallow mountain stream. Army nuthorlllcs sa id they were tearchlng fo r oUier bodies In the wrecknge.

More Mian 100 oUier loldlera were Injured.

The men were craihed In the cars when Uie irahi le ft the truck while rounding a curve n t high speed. Tho engine careened In to a gorge, pull­ing aU coaches w ith lu T e n oUier can did not overturn,

Tlie dead Included J. C. Bollings, the engineer, and J . W. Tuinmlns. fireman, both o f Etowah, Teno. Names of (he dead w ldlers were withlield pending noUflcaUon of rtUilvti. MaJ. B arold Tylev. puUlte reUtlons ofllcer fo r the lo u r th serv­ice command, sa id Oie t«U n waa ea rout< from ClnclzmaU (« KBoxrlilt.



Mih air force, three; B-20 Bu- the 20th bomber

laMnlla-tloii.s at SiL ebo, Japan, tonight.

"IkrailK were »ko on h>-tlu.Mrial objectives al Yaivala, tu r- Kci ot the Supcr-Fortressea’ Juno 15 awnult on Japan.

••Both cities arc on llie bland of Kyushu."

No additional Inlormatlon • waa avallnble Immediately,

Snsebo la on the Island of iS i& v'." . "' west of tho atcel center of 'which was struck June 15 bs.- lh# '^ D-Ifl Super-rortTcsses In th t 'O rft.. nlr aiinck on the Japanese-bUnd-i' since medium bombers under Lieut. • Col, Jomes II. DooUitle were launch­ed from the alrcralt carrier Hornet to hli Tokyo ond other Jspunese cities on April 18,- IM2.

Gooding Officer Killed on D-Day

GOODINO. July 7-DeuU Dee C. Anderson, former Ooodlng resident, was killed on Uie Nonnandy beach­head on D-da^, according to word received here by friends, Anderson operated the Lincoln cafe here In 1039 and 1840 and was prominent In local U D. S. circles.

«e had Jott\ed the armj in B tp- teinbcr 1D40 and following his grad­uation from Ihe Fort Bennlng of­ficers' school he became a member of the army’s rangers, who are trained for front line engagements nnd raiding parlies. He went to Eng­land last Januao-.

Ills wife and a two-year-old daughter now live In Boise.

Reds 10 Miles From Enemy City of Wilno

LONDON, July 7 </?>)—O cm ian re p o ru snld the Russians were advancing today within 19 mtlcs ot W llno, v;Uct« Mos.co’h tepocled tUs nt.tls declared martial law.

Smashing beyond the old Polish bastion ot Kowel, the Russians n*ere approaching the Dug river about 135 miles southeast of Warsaw Along the main trunk line. Virtually all th e pre-war Polish frontier was crouetl

section before Lunlnlec I n the Pripyat marshes.Near EasI Pruula

Wllno, city of 207.750 which ha-i changed nationality six times since the In.'st war, lies but J7 milts from the border ol Ensl Pnusla and Is k rail and highn-ay center.

A Moscow dispatch quotes Yustos PaleiskU. chairman of the presi­dium of the supreme Soviet of Lithuania, as saying the German martial luw edict barred per^ins from the streets betveeu 8 p. m. snd S a. m. and forbade walking In groujK greater tlian two. Palctslils said Uiere had been uprisings In KEUtnos. MotbutiiKle aitd Vilnius.

NaiU mopped up While a t least four Russian srmy

groups pu.^icd en- tward, other Sovi­e t forces mopped up bewildered German stragglen east ot Minsk, leagues behind the main fronl. Moa- cow said S.OOO were kiUed last night. The midnight ccmmunlque titled n t least 9.000 Germans killed In aU nnd nearly I.OOO captured.

UUiuanlon a n d U tvlin borders boUi were wimin easy »U1klng dis­tance ot red armies, i'ofces ot Lenin­grad district drove deeper Into the Finnish front. At one place, tho . Sovleu were within U mUu o( th e ' Warsaw-Lenlngrsd rallrosd. .


five unmniiiied chairs and wlUi his former btirbera In llie armed force.i. JuUus Bos.' ey has solved th e prob­lem by letting Ills customers Bhavc themselves. For 20 ccnts h e tur- nWies a rnxor. lo .’e\s, soap. loWon and advice—It ncccssnry. T o keep, the change from becoming too grenl. Dosiey allows ihaiers lo tnlk to Uictnulves,

BOLTOKLAHOMA c m ', July 7— Gov.

Robert S. Ken-.,keynote speaker a l the Democratic national conveiiUon In Chicago, says thal while h e was writing his keynote address, h e halt­ed occasionally to read it aloud, ills youngest son, Billy, 6, wos where he had to listen lo about three pages.

Billy asked how much of I t there would be. altogeUier. and w as told about 30 pages. He considered Uils a moment and ssld:

‘ Do } hove to go to Uie conven­tion?"


« lth the meat tituallon. Superior Judge William R.McIUy h a s ruled tha t a t l ,000 bequest to buy ham ­burger (or eata Is agalnsl pubUo policy.

Ha declared Uist Uie sum left In' the will ot EUu Anderson to the c a ts .o t her next door neighbors, Mr. tn d M n. J. W. Ktnd&U.' go to Mrs. Kendall wtUiout restric­tion .upon lier aasuruic* th e cats would set proper foot}.:

Chinese Claim Siege Of Hengy ang BroUenCHUNGKING. July 7 OLB — A • :

Chlnesfl mlUlsfy spokesman u ld to - ,; day UiAt Obtncss troops broke thO'

ttuoiigh tb « w ttt ckta W T i K t V openM the.iw -te;relnr(»oo8ent*;-v

Page 2: EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B-29Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/1944_07_07.pdfTlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped

Page Two TIMBS-NEWS, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Friday Evening-, July 7, 1944

Saved a t Sea'

nnlk coito wtlco

publlcnn Todsy oi

ir M t.

ii of Ihelr o«ii cliMwlns? ;her grcBt crtLi (he Rt- «rly prM»n»fl (h» iminii. party hfti »n (qmlly 1m-

p o ru m auty In MfesuRrdlnj ilie publle.

-W ith Tom DfR-*y nnd Jo Brlckcr provldlns mlUiani iiid tplrta JesdPMhIp /or our iJtlcf!, m ujl WBBe nKBrejsiveiy the r» pnign which Kill hrtng vtclory our pa rty , and thus cnaWr li arrve o u r country In Ita groji c rlib . W e must rtrttdlcatc our««l' to the prrpfliiatlon of coiuilimioi fiovemmenl. *o llinl thl« iinllcni u d f r God ihall hnve a new bitlli of frtedom."

Magic Valley Funerals

•EMERSON-FMneral sfnlrej for Mr». Murgarcl Unrron Hum, D8, ■mil be held at J:30 p. ni. Balufdsy,, July 8. " t tho Emtrron U D. 8. church w ith Osorgo Quasi, bljtiops counselor. oHiclgtlng. interment rIII be In Hcybum cemtiery undfr di­rection o f tho Payne mortuary,

PAtrt.—Funeral wrvlcM for Jeua BIlllnRton. CO, will bp held Sunday, Ju lv e. a t 3 p, m, s i Ilia Paul U D. B. rbWTb wJth Bi'liopK. C. Darros'o/. tic lsltns. Iiitermfnt t>111 be In Paul ccmcterj-. directed by ihs Tayno

aHOSliONE - Puncral 5er lce8 have been lentatlvely set for Bundiy fo r Thom as B. Hum. 14, »lio died WedneFduy ut Portland. Orr, Bur- cletl Junrra l horns b In charfe of mrransement*.

■nVTN FAtUS-Memoral terilct; Will be held for Master Sti. nich- *rd iD lck) Haiuon. nephew ot Mr »tld M rs. Ifadley Polee. fiunriav ai 2:30 p, m . «l the first ward dispel of the U > 3 church u lth Dlsh»p N, W. ArrlnBioii offlclailne.

TWIN F A L L S -I^meral «er\lcea for Clarcnce Edwnrd Allen, H, prom-

T « ln mi;3 huiineiiiim and civic lender, r ill bs hrld p . m. toduy. July 1, at I Chrlalion church « l t l i the Rev. Mark C . Cronenberjer. pa.itor. ot* riclaUng. Jiilerroent Mil b« In TRin r « lli cenieterj- uiider dlrecllon ' nejTiolda fujieraJ clispcl.

TWJN rA lL S-R osarv for Thoni StepliBii Cahill, 51. will be reclinj at 8:30 p. m . Sunday. July 9, at ilie

mortuary- chapel, and «lll bt celrbrattd by

Final H onor for Orville B. D ay


T w in F a l l s N ew s in B r ie fGrange lo Me«t

Knull aranne will meet Tueada:. July 11. «i 11 p. m. a t the achool

tie bninl Ins learned Miniplcloiu r( flir

r*yed »1ih iw ufftno «hlc(i- h Urn. mtlled In (tMOlltie"; a #1'

uy, iL-ied to b rln s anlnmls out of the bis top, "closcd <

cr Arrives, Wesley < Hlcwnri arrived

. ..day from Cntnp Fatinlii. T e x . to spfiid n lO-dny furlousli 'i jliln jt his pjrent.i, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Blewnrt, and other rclstlvej and friends.

'.B o th leH Tliurjd.)

Orvlllo iryce L3nj

llc.v fim-rnl rl ...j, wItU Ihf Re ■aslited by the 1

5n5tor of ilic cli orflclntli

brrt Rice, r.;

Car! Jolinf Jlo

:l a r o i 3:>ndpr

;hargc of Mr; inrt Mrs, Iliirlow rrreiiian.

Mr. Day, eon of Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. \ Day, Jerome, aiiffcrcri falnl In-

.luries n t the T r iu m p h mine nbove Hailey Snlurdny wlien k heavy bouldrr fell sB flnst h l i left shnulder.

ind been w ork lnc at tlir mine iboul s year. He leaves hLs wile.

.... former H elen ijinmon. Fair- llel<l. « ihref-y-tfnr-oJd /c:i, Loren Lee Dny; and th ree brotliei

. who ... e of iho nccldi and Kfi

I F. .‘5mm

1 sri fret b*io«’ 10,00(1n momentnrily «ent 5. klckliiR and cllinb-

hundre<U of cupylii*. a* child

,'try front si

lelr nshy i the tiert of t former* and

nnvni nnd duni

I fire, -m en per


n . J . Spellenbtr

T«ln Foil; funeral nuM tsr. Joseph P. Olboli Monday. Julj- 10, a i St. Edward'a CnUiollc chUKli. Intrrmenl »lll ba In T ttin Palls cemetery under di­rection o f the TRln Fallg morluary.

K eep th e W/ilio fJop o f S a fc tj/ Flstng

N ow 13 dayt without aa f / i c .................................


Hanson Memorial D etails Outlined

. ihop N. \v. rArrlngton of thi LDS first nnrd w in i-ondiirt me.

wliil .scn-lcej Stm<!ay iit S;30 p. m r Master s s t . RlchDrd iDlrkl in son. U 't ?vrb. 18. J343 on a fllsUt jni FJorlia to T^ierto Pko. Hr 0 nephew, of M r, and Mrs. Hid'

icy Potee.' T lir iiieniorlnt progrnm tmii oper n-llli a du tt bv Norm o Re.'TWlda ant. Olive Wcllj, " In th e Garden." This «111 be folloivcd by the openins prayer b.v H. a . U n d .

Mrs. Kalliryii Klrkmnn \>11I the obliunn- follo»-ed with Reed BItter’i. .'Olo. "O h D ry ThP.-e Tears."

J . W . niclilna w in 8lvo a talk and the nex t leatiire w lli-be i -olo. "lu the Onrden.” by Noi-ma HeynoUli. J. E. Allred » in th e n Rive a inik.

CUudc Drov.1t. prf.^lll^ll of the Mnke. wni pre.'<cnL n liilk. w . lliomii.s will *hiK "T he Flss Wli

u t n Stain." M rs. Alma li, Wells •III o ffer the clo.^l^l8 prayer.Tlie onrin m tislr will be fiirnl.

.y Mr*. Jny M errill- T lie finillv iiueitrd tJial fjow ers b« omlited.

Vocational Work Interview s Here

IntervlfK ! will be conducted by Milo T . Mcs!15. s tn te suprrMwr of vocatlonni rehabllltuilon, June 17 at the locnl 0 . 8 . employment office, M unscer A, J . M eeks announced Friday.

Persona »lio n re phyflcallj Inca­pacita ted may be eligible for train* (ns fn various trndea n t ((is expense of th e state. M ceka explained. Dur* Ing th e Irslnlng period whslatonce «7 Eea a re palg. h e added.

.MeanA *111 a rr iv e here June 18 unday) on th e la s t leg of a state-' de ln tc n le * in s tou r. Immediately lor to eoalag here. Ju ly IS, li conduct lnt«n-lew s In Burley.



CVEBTON BfATTBZSS c a m 8eceo4 A*& & ffaoM M .ff

bodle? ul thr ffic lnjijri-<f,

arry no<llr5 out I Emmett. Kellr,

me circus llirce top cloivn^. r Ins "the little chlldre

the djlnj. < Cl


any yeaof ihfl'r

y- llvenrrlfdCor) itiifi llfrmoi out "many, so very mnny,” and #ome were dfnd. Fehx Adlpr. "the king of the clow.'." carried out mor»- and tears streaked his mi»ke-up. B u t the flRt thing he did ^ a s reinw e hU r«t r lr from the drefsing te n t to

he deemed m fer. Uju Jncob.i,third of the

ellircn. He mlng II


> cUlte;...................... . . dcsd T> cn

leved to have died In llie p;in niffocatlon, of »hock Induce

frlKht, and of being kn< . and fctoniped iinder th e ;he thou£&ndJ Maniptrtlnt


the MlU.Tlie tent It.^elf, GOO fed iriig , the

length of a city block. SO feeC ^Idf, veljhlng :o ton.s. v,n5 so completely le^troyed that rcpnrlcM o tj »»• cenr rcveml lioura Inlrr couldn’t

picce ofInchra :q>ia , III >un<l.s of

Former Rancher Dies in Emporia

D «ih camo Thursday at Onporiii. :sn., lo a former Filer ranchcr JuM »o hours befor# h is T » ln V'alls sujhier reached h is bedjlde.Th9 fcrmer rw/dens s-«s C. A, Ishop, 84, father of Mri. Kenyon

Oreen, Mr. Bljliop farmed in the Filer region In the 1817-16 period, later moving lo Kan.<>as.

Pimeral aerx-lcea w ill bt h e ld Sun- tlRy at Emporia In th o Olen A. Blue m ortuur ehapel. Mr. B lue »a» founder of the preseivi White mortu­ary In T».1n F»lls.

F u r n a c e C l e a n i n g

a n d R e p a i r i n g

TharoBili T ie sa m Cieanlsr Blekcr, Oil B urner Berrle#


ROB’T .E .L E E SALES CO.u t - t u KiXa i n . S. Ph. U 9 -n

Heyburn Pioneer Dies in Portland

nitrEHT. July 7-Mr*. Bertha Neijcr. 74. riled Julv 4 In Portland. Ore.. after a Ions lilnes.'. She nnd her lumbanri. John F. Nelson, were plonr»r resldent.i of Minidoka coun- IV, hiving located on a homestead near Kryburn In 1506.

Mr-. Neljon »a« born In Kentucky, Jiine I, 1B70 and married Mr. Nelson Dec. , , IfW$, at Mound Vnlley. Kan Thry came lo Idaho In 58M, aettllni first a t Hagerman and then movlni to Minidoka county.

rvlvora Include three daughters Harmon Hosier. Reno. Nev. Walter f/claon. Heyburn. ant

Mr.«. Art Kojler. Idaho Falla. an< Brsndchlldren.

. and Mrs. Hosier will accom­pany the body lo nupcrt nnd n<

al arrangement* «’IU bft madi the body arrives.

LOMS Gas lUllon Book Mr*. Ira Ooldlrg. T«ln Fa

Informed Uio sherlff’t office of I ioaa of her "A" gaa ration book w alt Btamp% somcUmo during < Fourth of July.

Vlalla ParenUMrs. Madrhn McConnell b .s i

rived from Cincinnati. 0„ for

eggy and Marilyn PsiiUan, Em- U. datighters of marine 6gt. 5rg« Paulson, formerly of T*ln la. »pre recent ovtnKdfit guests ;helr grandmother. Mrs. Mildred ilson.

Distribution Decreedecree of finai distribution In

.. estate of Albert Krefel. nim- Jng hJs n Mri. Francfi Knflcl as Bole beneficiary, was recorded Friday in district court. The Mtate Included real and perianal property ,nd cash In a local bank,

Hrrllc Kludtnl Here

Key Cbm l« j lWllllnm Van Houten, Kimberly,

reported to police yesterday the loa of ti key caso. dropped somewhere hi tho don-nl/iwn nrca.

co'rp.i in Eng: . ____' ,ed by his mothei

IB Biiow. TBiu Fulls. He led dow n Piccadilly wjuare n anti has eceii 81. Paul's . he wrote to (its mother.

s Coiirae l»ln K . Ouell, IV ln Falls,

Ik had


nc rh rr. 70 hour

• i)v H, r , nexroiit. looil rep. ativf of the United BUtei aervtce cominl.Mlon, tho post

Al'pllmiloiis nn<l full Infor- '■sur<Uiitf thp po.'IUonr, mu) y contaclhiK nexroLt.

n»j.lc Training


•odore n. iving logged about

ihlpslights, night

form ation flying, :ompleted his basic fllghl training it O unler fleJri, .tfontgomeo’. Afa. 11a primary trnlnlng wsa a t Don- leld. Ha. H«' la a son of Mr. and .fra. A. J. Bcchei

Five New ElksFive new m u - ..................................to the Jocnl E lks Jodge T h un iay (tht nt tho lodge with Exalted

Ruler Guy L. Ryman In charg# of the ccremony. Hefreshments were Bcrveri after th e meeting. Tills will be the laiit liilllBtlon until Seplem.

the lod^i ....................1 and mei nth and c e In

... D. Bobler i Bobler recur Wednesday w


n born J-nriay, snd Mr. and

Ir*. nay Holloway, yj. plan to leave dford. Ore.. where

irlr wedding In Bill Klfa le,

5 her home.

. Allen and Mrs ■sld'A'cll. c lo a e ■n. CpI. nirhard

a o o o T f l c eSVllh only two day* le ft In the th war loan drive ond *37.000

0 sold before nIng the Twin Fnlls c artn l O. Padgel, nrea d man, Prldsy osked count

1 buylin boy 11

thereV foxhole.'

Pudsct announc<rd th a t uUhough 215.000 In sales were added )lal figure T hursday to b .. . ... IJ230.000. -we ore gilH IralitiiF Iniosi «00,000 In our E bond series

. Tlia the de

ne are backing up Frnncc, Italy and the Pacific."

Many nf the «alc.i THiir.wJay to bii-'lneM hou.sc/1. nnd. though they

quoin, Ihry do n o t r

top." Pnlgcl

andThis county hn» the peopli people h»vo tho m ontj'. Whi

ler Investment can they make this time? Purchi

ids represents nn s.. ntlnn of rcnl paUloil^m nnd Eood d business sense. / "

rxpccl American Roldk,., , fighting as splendidly an thry

•'le past and ore doing at moment?” h e concluded.

go c


.hs and Odd Fellows u-Ul meet for heir annual picnic Sunday. July 0.

j t 3:30 p. ro. o t m e village pork. A pot-luck luncheon wm be served with bread and drinks furnished. All m anbtrt and /flmlllf* ore jnyJied.

The H ospitalEmergency beds only were av

-ble at noon Friday o t the 1 F<iJ« county general hospHsJ.

ADMITTED Mri. Howard WUllama. Henr'

Buchinan. Mrs. O len e . Trail, Douglas Brown a n d Mrs, Lavar 1 rls. Tv.’ln Falla: Hsrold Peter

laugh:BurJfy; MelvJn WeJh£>u?en. Ktoibrr- ly: Mrs, John Dnrrow. Buhl; Jrfl Bedke, Oakley; K aren Lattlmer Eden,

DISMISSED C. J. Hayes, Chnrles shInn, B:ir-

Har Arils H qi. A. Beaton a n d daughtJ

; Woody t Drune i

Larry Lunty. H


Itl ccoHlnlnf thi W)lnlo<u ot

Seen T o d a y

swrj-j . . , -inia ng-sufferliig so-. tired of bolns 1 board: "Social

All three TR'fn Falla oCTbuJanCM a t hospital a t the eama tim e (bcllev- ed llr jt time In hlstorj-) . . , T liU sign on door of long-s dal securlly office, i' mistaken for raUon Security ONLV . . . W oman puUlns kld'a Wasoci laden with flower* lo r fftln . , , Bill McBobcrts wiui 60 coplr.s of Hepiibllcan plntfomi. b u t himglng on to oil M fo r de&r life pending okay . . . Tho Rev. Herbert Hopp riding bicycle a n d pushing youngster ahead of h im In » cart . . . Overflow of ncp u b lica iff all Chatterliis voiubfy, Btutdng side- walk In front of Rogeraon hotel . . . Lights In ration board office In wee

.11 hours nft«r mIdnlRht . . . And.. . . jn y In dr.0 o f feminl1 popular dlt

;lock I ..........OoodhiK MethodLs

diurd i Sunday will be the Itcv. O Kntglil. superintendent of Alno

E N D S T O N IG H T “ Holy M a tr fm o n y "

Salurday Only, Randolph Scott

Join B ennett in

“ T H ET E X A N S "

lo 1M I

Receives MedalsOLENNS FERRY. July 7—Ueul,

Richard N. White. Boise, was award* . the air medsi and four ook leaf inters recently at san Bernardino illf. He Buj an rmpJoye of the eniis Perry bsnk before entering e jervlcc. At ptciciil lie Is a lot nnd ha.1 taken part In » <I missions tn Ihe Medlterroi

WEATHERFair tonllht and Salurday wi._

lllle chatiie In Itmperalurr. High Thursday 8«: loir Thursday 60: |oi Friday morning fil .

YourO N E - S T O P

S T O R EI f y o u ’r e looking fo r a goo d la te m odel car, w e h a v e i t .

1941 BU ICKSpecUl tedtnelle, 4 door, radio and heater. Tltes very good, mo* tor exeallent. Priced *t c«lUng.

1941 MERCURYFour door, radio <tnd heater. Tires and motor excellent.

1941 CHEVROLETBpeclal deluxe 4 door, r«dlo u id heater. Tires, tnolof very food.

Cary Rrngt Iht Bell A g a tn f

Through “ 10,000 Miles O f

A D V E N T U R ETo find the girl he'd always' loved.,.but had never m et!

' PA R A W O t/W PfiESENTS \

G A R Y C O O P E R .


" T l ie S t o r y o f D r . W a s s e l l "



t a ro f n e D ay * Sfgn* H e t * e • O tn n f i O 'K ee fa • Corol T hurifort a n d C arl E im end • S t o n le y t l t d g a i a n d c a i t of I h o u sa n d i

j P roduced a n d d i r e c te d b y CECIL B. DiMIUE

Gary Cooper- in the m o s t exc iting ro - inanceofhlscgrecr.. , as t ic fighting Navy S o eto r who found three exotic loves in the depths ofthe dan­gerous Orient. Amar- ing trae adventure becoracs Cccil B. De- M ille's greatest spcc- ticle.-

4 Days Starting TOMORROWC o m e E a r ly — Feature a l 1 :3 0 , 4 :14 , 6 :5 8 . 9 :42

MELVIN R: FRANCISW ho ^ a s a c tu a l ly >vUh D r. W ossell on ih s t m e m o ra b le

1,500 mile t r e k a c ro B s J a v a u n d e r e av a g e Jap f i r e . H e la

th e on ly a c ltia l m e m b e r o f t h e c re w o f th e U . S . S .

M arb lehead’ a p p e a r in g In t h e p ic tu r e who plaj-a h i m ­

se lf . A p p e a rin g o n ly a t 4 :0 9 - r 6 :5 3 and 9 :37 .

E N D S T O N I G H T — “ 4 J IL L S I N A J E E P ”

Page 3: EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B-29Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/1944_07_07.pdfTlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped

Friday Evening, Ju ly 7, 1944 TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO PageThroo

FLOOD CONTROLSAlthough Hoods hnve baffled

ninnklnd since lil.iUiry URati. the furmer cnn do much to reduce ond control ccrlnln kinds—tn e very kind- tliftt do lilm tliQ mont dnmnge.

II li n Kcncrnlly imKnown fi rcvcsb the Country Ocntlrmnn. tlinl thpje really arc two ocparate dkilncl KiUillons.

f Borne people hnve ntlvanccd the tlieory tlint Inrmcra and other Iftiul iiserj are prlmnrlly rc?;ponMble for floods brcaiisp they plowed up Hit KrtvM nntV- -{occsU. TliVfscliool of Hidiinlil holds llmt re. KmsstiiK, rc'forcstliiK. land terrncliiRand Mnall dam ccJiistriiclloii h.iclc Ir thn hills will solve th r flood prob' Irni. Others Kor the conlrnl prob­lem In tcnns of mnMlvc concrete mid

temlied Vllnl............ ................ n Ilf be.[he pxlrcmes. Accordlnft l< r aiitl ll\e deU of aKTlciilturc. It Is nov 111 on mi.iiy v.iiicrsl»<<ls ffoll t of control nrc needed; ye

trrshPrts landV.III c

Crinlrnl of Hoodi :

, whilewill Klvc

n the 1

Such sllRhlly by pro|>

ihi'il Is lhc‘ )ob (if the enBlncor.cnn be reduced

hnndmil! oI iRwls .......... arrn.i. but they

irrvi-nted. Complete ronie only »>y Inc

icn.v nS Dtp river chnimrl •nerally realU'-d, bil

mill ftrlhut

#^nilinUs of ................... —

amaRC tlion the spcc- llood dlr.asters which

Ike headlines. Surveys have shown that (InjiWRC In the uppermost 20 « mllM of th e d ra lnaw system flvcrascj $2 or S3 per ncrc onnuftlly

Reduce III Wbnt can fanner^ dt> nboiit It?

USDA jiirvrys <leflnltel;fiir -rdiii ■ Ihi; iinff frrtlirlr ilfWs anil lienee rrtl'iee flnody

ni'eiied tn save tlv lr v;iliialile soil, by


6U brre<lcrB of Holsteln-Wcsliin fires nnfl brood co'as lo this n IncluilliiR iin anim al bclonKlnn Purl Massay, Goodlnif. receh the hli;liMl deslKnatlon oblalnn

■ T l 'W recently had thc lr herds .'Pected nnd classlflid for tyi>e by the Holsleln-Frlcslaii A.sjoclatl< ot Amerlcn.

AU Injppcllons ucro made by T, r. ^Irttr, Alton, N. H„ one of tli seven ofllclnLs nppolnted by the as mclntlon to do thin work through

I the iitry-Tlie tviw pla.v;lflcntlon-<. combined

wllb n production t.-stiiiK prourai Is UH'd I's a mcnns of proving *lr nhd lucatlni; uiit.stnndliiK brood coi

One ElaccllenlAmoug nnlmala classified In It

Miwcy hrnl. one was Uwlgnalcd . bclnit "excellent." the highest tco an animal can ri;celvc: Jive were <I (ilBuated n.s “very Kood." the hecoi hlBhest score a n anlm nl can r celvc. nnd five vi-re rntc-il as •'ko( pliLs, " the third highest rntlnR ik> slble.

Among other mihnuls da^slfl. were those belonBliig to L. J. Tend, inck, TRin FiUlji, ihc rating of four being designated a.i "KOod p Tlic Tenckhick herd lin* b clw.ilUtd tor lypc six times-

^ Among the niiirnnls clns.iHlc<P r the herd of Charles' H. linger. Ru-

elnsslflcd three times.Of the nnlmals classified In

herd belonnlrg to H. D . Cook Jcroinc, three wcro designate' ••goodlplui."

' ClMNlfied S TimesTlwet wilmivU In ihc herd Ix

to V, W. Carson. Bliss, were d noted as ’\e ry Ctherd h u been closslllcct i

One animal In thn herd belor to Harold W. Coddlngton. nuWAS rated iis "boocI plus." maj___the second tim e Uie Codcllngtan herd has bcencla.«lfled.


Idnlio’j rural you th atesoluiely to th e sta te extension sen'lce^ appeal to "help feed a fl«ht«r or more In '4t"

Hundreds ol tn rm boys awl Birl* arc enrolling Jn .the nnllonnl 4-H

4 food for victory contest. Any 4-H ^ e lu b member worfclng under Uie «u-

pen-lslon of Uio extension service #nd who durlOB th e cu rrcn t year Is rfgulsrly enrolled In dn irr, beef, eJicep. swine, poultry, rabbit, crops. Victory garden projects, ns well o» Jn Jarm labor by no i\-rann youtli, nisy eompetc.

Bevcn ol Idaho 's 4*11 club mem- b fn doing Ihe best Job In Uie pro. uctlon of food for victory wlU re­ceive ipcclal avrards provided by the Intematlonal H arvester eo. TlieM Include a trip to tlie NaUonal 4-H club congress, Chlcngo, next De­cember 10 the h ighest scorlns boy or |lr l In the s ta te , and n Mi war bond lo cach of th e Uiree boys aod Uvea girls Korlng next highest.

County extension agenU will lur> nliti tuU ftt UU* “ lood tlgUta.' for Jrtedotn" activity.

She L ik e s fo u n ta in Tops PLANS iO E F O R PEACE F A R I JOBS

America's No. I pastaar ngrlcul- tu ru l problem will be to placc di- mobiUird m rn on the land with ns lllUo dl-suirbance os poj-ilbli; to tbiw

>w there, ond with beat oviT-nll nulti. 1No single solution will woik tor I. declares County Gentleman, iiml ingress c n n ’t pa-vi a law thnl wUl

fix It for everybody, -niere will U' m any private plans, of wlilcli Oo.hI- yciu’ farm.', a t Litchfield I’ark. Arl:. U u practical example. Tills jiliiu liwiKcix.Ui c£t«cV for ftv^rul vv,u» nwl provides n possible pattern Inr iL'v elhcwhero,

Kalsfd CoUoa n i e fa n n w « .sl.iri.^l by ihc

Goodyear T ire nntl IliiliUvr Cdtiip.iiiy puriw-ie •

Mis* Kolliann liaycx. T «ln FalK. prominent DiilversltT of Colorado student, nliD spent th e nlnht o f July I'ourlh alone on a Slio<hone ba.sln mountsJn lop, and bicyclfil 40 mltc-i home In four and one-half Imuri llie next day. iS tatf pliolo-ensravlnfl

How One Girl S])ent Holiday: Cam|)cd Alone, Bikcd 40 Miles

■nirii fthv (I'ln'l yr: niithami Ha e.s on M liliiy?

Shp six'ni Ihe I Fiiurih .111 iilune (in .

tiiiU I

llin over- lartly Iniiti

ciiniii-ci.ili at Ciimp Nls'Al on

100 Kirts til,. iundai.iciiMIs of door cwKliis. Iiri,-l.ull<luiK othiT llfins V-.i-nlliil to happy, ce.'vslul mildc«ir IIvIiik.

In Ihr tate alturiKx.ii tin- F.. of Juli- Ml'.' Hayi'.s had lu-r ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n E. H dropped liiTiiff up In th e south Her equipment coiusLsti-d of » roll, a box of fcxid, a caniiHrs' c


I Imiior................. nffrctlns: formiitlon ofJelly-end rot. f'ollowliii: 1< a sum ­mary of rMiilt.s from th e lnvc.sili;ii-

1, comltictcil nt A hir- Ihe snpcTvlflim of Ur,

James K Kraus, In charst o r llie potato resrnrr.h pronram:

..........pnrtly thlrd -ycar potntoesnlfnlfft imd unrtly Xir.st-

yenr poiatoe. folloivinK nllalfn w;i;tippllcntlons ot nm-

ite. trcbli;-:u|>crphw- plmtc and 10-21-0. O n the third- year land one fil.o f plot.i was i?lvcn low water in late AUBilsl nnd enriy

Dotli of U ic if plot-i had

check plots rccelvlns no fertilization.

Tliere little diffe: amount of Jelly-end ro t bclivoen flrst-ycar potatoes w ith manure tlilrd-year potatoes w ltli nnd »•Ith.

Speclllc gravity tesLs run by the depactn«nl oS Iw rllcu llu it a t tht university at Hoscow show that tu b ­ers from plots having conslderftblo jelly-end rot had a m uch lower ape- ciflc gravity (lower slo reh content) than tubers from plota having but little if sny jeUy-end ro t.

New Lumber Reduces Sheathing Shortage

n ie ouUMt lot ihcat2iln j snsvtcr- ial is not as hopclc.vi a s most farm ' era believe, reveals Country Gentle' man. Sufficient largc-.slze lumber Is coming in lo meet Uic mo-st pres-tlng needs, in many in.iliincca this can be resawed locally, to make Ilfihtcr framing and even boM di suitable for doors and trim., Farmers liave found tlin t both In ­sulating board slieatillnft and Kyp- sum board a re satisfnctory n lte r- Jialta lor boards, bu t 1>ollt must be protected against tlie weatlier w hen used tor eilcrlor surfacing.

I that Sh>' hiul II niclnt: bicycle1 »l thv toVirrd vehlclc Hint she was rid.

oiild riMlly have tiuidc tlmi

y'inlli-.H 'ill four niul on.-half

.■.trulch between Khnbcrly nntl Twin Kail.', .-.o there was nrtictlcally traffic hazard to the trip, llutli

m 'ks lliiye.s recently completed her flnsl year a t the University of Ci.lonido. where sin- Is mnjorliig In vivolDcy nnd sjiPcliillrliiK in pnrii- sltolDiiy nnd bacteriology. She is iin honors candidate.

>Vlde Interests Her liiterc,st.s rover n »lrte range

of campus activities. She Is ii mem­ber of the Rocliil sorority, Delta Del-

Dcltii: nincmber of apur.^topho- occ '.VQmgii’s'lionovnti'. R nwnMoei the Dlalectlcn, a .iiiccch honomry

T women, and a member of tlie -.iM dated Women Btiidcnu' acthl ties committee.

She U n reporter on the unher- rlty new.spaper, the Sllicr nnd Gold, and as.sl.stnnl e<lltor of the Col- radoiin, the sclioors year book.

Insect Control Data Available

Now avnllable for distribution is tperiment station bulletin No. 252,

"Idaiio Rccommendatlnns for In­sect Control," W itten by Dr. W. E. Shull, head of the department of cntomoIOKy. TliU publication dls. cu.sses insects of economic impor­tance which are knoR-n .to occui

Idaho. Latest control measutes , ! Klven, together vuih helpful in­

formation on preparation of effec­tive Insecticides. Copies of thU bulletin may t>c secured from county ngent.1 or by WTlUng to the director.

tee, Moscow or Dolse.



Ik a pints . - . s s s . ' n a r i ; ' -----------Kilk. w ooir Ota* Ih«t>irrrMn.Ikal'. «a

i S Sr4 fa. X.

icevll p

W eed Costs to U. S. Farmers P u t a t .1f680,000,000 Y early

INFOnMATJON (iATIIKKKD ANI> I’KFa'AItllD IIV Till-: TWIN I'AI.I.S Jit. C llA M IltIt O F OOMMKItCK■nit sovcvsMunii ciAliniWfs

weeds evuct an nnnuiil toll from the American liiriiior iimnuntlni! to HiOO.000,000 In thp lo.' s their Rrott th

<il the work

I'eradletitlt roblem lus f nttrlculti

t\er-liicri'ii.sliiK i I laud Is n-ndiiihK-:. NUfli-r » M ilHirhootls where I iri'vnli.'m. II bi'co

vhcn the

earning about c: uvrd way, the cr •eull7< the %«rlc( iRrlciillure.

•'All thL' lime » :n!l to be Uiere, ft faciurers. no t fur

lam ily-typc rahiRTS.-

Judge star farmer.' f. l•■^«rmc s of America,

opportunity lo exi

n-Hkod them to noinliiuic likely boya. Each year nboiil 10 liojs ire chfv.rn from the nominees ai iwnership cnndldate.s,

B rct.nits Apprm^lcc W hen a boy Is accepUd lie fiicc.

in upprenticcshlp during which he s Icarnlnp by dolnR. Tlie Ilr.-,i h r Is Ju-sl II Hand, li arniiii; llie :

fool ot uround with th e nmount of suit recuininenili'd per sciunre fool.

The aAll Is be.st applied la thR tnll or early v.Ucii ttip. uivtuxu.1precl|ilt;Utai will ,iis.solve It. Salt hiLs no tlllini! effect on vc);etutloi until Is liu been <lLs.solved.

Sail destroys the productivity o the land on which I t b u-e<l. bu lifter Uic areils are criullciited. tin /.rllllly ol the .soli c iui be r t^ to r eil by Ir.icliliiK oul Uic >.nlliie koIu lion ihroufili excessive Irr lta iion c: .Mirinkllin:. Tlie liiiKlh ol imie Ihi

I d r i

he ilriiliioKe to wlik l'rlnci|ul Noxli

The i>tlMclpal no:

•riiu b lllty r . Till' 11

livestock nnd i(|iiiiji

Lltcliflelil, "IH V by. Capital iiiii' t(‘d . c.sj)cclnlly I the control ol <•

N ine New Farm Circulars Ready

No. 30, Si'iKl Ymir Trcei to Wiir. u t Conjervf Your W(/«lljind^No. 31, Culliinil Control of wire-

No. 32, nincrm nry Poultry n;illoiLi. No. J3, P .in n fire Ita^unl Qiil?. No. 3», ElKlil-Volnl Milk Vrixliic

tion pTi>t:ri»ni.No 35, IrrlKatlon uml Wnter

;li<)rta«e.N o 3(i. 1044 F. rllllier It.-coiniiieii-

alli.ns for Idaho,Cople.s o f thefi! circulars ami

Ihors preccdlni: them hi the series la y be secured from county nurl- iiltural extension anent.' or bv wrlt- 1K to the dlreclor. University of

Idnhn aKrlculturiil exleii.sltm divi­sion. Moscow or Bol.scr.

B urley Man Now In Guernsey CJub

PKTERBOnOUOir, N. H.. July 7 —T lic American Guernsey Cattlf club nnnounce.i the election of UwlsC. Freer. F reer Aerc.-; farm, route th ree . Hurley, Ida., to mtmbershlp. Mr. Freer h a s n herd of rcctslcred Giiemseys on hLi fnnn.

le American Ouornsey Calticl.s n national orKanlrjitlon of

25.000 breeders of purebred Guern­seys. I t records the reglstrntloni purebred Oucraseys whlcti tract the Island o f Guernsey, the orlRlnnl hom e of th e breed. In the Enitlljh chnnnel. I t also supervises tcs production throush Golden Gi scy. 3nc.. Rupenlsc.s the marketing of Golden Oucmsey milk.

y cltie.s have liiws

Uul ; iiL weei

e.s-lhu,.- Tiu' I


Almast 4,00a Id ah o farmers ll yenr liiivt- nqne.stod farm l.il; lliniUKh facllilles of the einerncn larni labor illvtsloii. exten.slon h

ccordlnn to ii .sl;ilL'tlcal r!• by

: May w ith

. Ol


3 fnl

l3,^50 iiKrlcullurii■ niacle durhiK tli

tliL-.sc 13,357 wur vufkiT.H and 103 werll fa rm employmem

uncl.T Id year^ <ill !,0,'->G of Ihi- tola

I’liieeini'iit.s In May this year thrie tlm.-.s Uint ot May, ICH3 due 10 Kreriier demnnd fo r Ihe se.Lscmal worker cau.-ied by n definite chance111 eriip p a ttr rm ix.rtlciilarly In In- cre.-isert on ion and beel acrcaces, llir report said.

■nie Rroatp.st peak of farm em­ployment is still nh rad , iiccordlni: to the rcivirl. Seasonal peak-i In var­ious erops will keep nil Uic avtill- nble farm Inljor bn-:y from> Nove Indlra-

Trnn.-sportallon of many ttorlccrs from one county t nnothcr w ill be nccc. .- ary in crop well ns chenlfs, pruiws, npple: peas, "hay nnd g ra in In harvci


t<irbe dl.s:,olv«l, p rrfcrii .

urnl precipitation, a n d nl. .. iicrcolnte tlov^n throuiTl

the top..'oll to net a t th e nelworlc nl root.s.

Unusual condlllon.s such o.i exce.s. ve driiliiaKC may require fomewhai lore sail tlinn the forcKohiR.Tlie |)i(Kliictlvlty i)f the Inntl cai

) (li'vwr n C(wiip:irnthTly slinn

ES.INDOISE, July 7-AvtraRe prices 'Ivcd [or fiimi producta by Idnlio irmers on June 13 were one point

below the level of May 15. Grains. Iee<l crops ;

)wn while Jnills and vcgetnblea, id poultry nntl poultry products lowed some Imiirovemcnt ond

dairy product.s remained a t the «ime level.

Price ehantjes maklnB these varl- Rlinus 'KtKf. np Jlvt cpntsper-bu. llel, liiml» up 30 ccnt.'s per

ehlfkons nnd wool each up rents per pound

1 f.iiirI. Wlieat wni

, i>er biLshel. hnsi 1(1 beef eattle dowr

nnd milk whole, niu per cwt Oatj

bulterfat remnlnert

nl supplies nt farm

r of clvlllnns to purchase Roods -ervlces shows no rIkm of wenk- ; nt this time. Non-aBrlcuttural ne payments nrc ntlll nl>out IQ :cnt al>ov« a year orq. accord a the Inlcst available Infornu

SWKIiyr C H E R R IE SAny Variety. You can pick your

own M lOc pound. citvsT A i. s n t i s o s o iic iiA n n

Gardens Doubly Vital This Year

Tlifi well-carcd-for victory gor- d c n will bo a big factor this year In InsurlnK a home supply of vegetables. Ttie war dcparUncnt c x jw ls lo use 70 per cent more ot tlio natlon'a canned Kootli than la.1t year.

Last year a magnificent Job wna dono in the b.ick yards ot America, Let’s make sure that Uils year's gardens arc at least equally a-i good,

Xlio newly converted gardcnem o f Inst year learned, omong oth­e r tliincs. tliat successful gardcn- 1I5R rcsulU only from a lot of in- tcltlccnt juicl hard work. This w ork cannot bo done at once. I t contlJiue-1 nt frequent Intervals from early spring until Uie veg- ctnbles ans all gaUiered in late fnll.

NKW IDAHO ItKCOnoS Tlirce Importnnt Idalio crops In

1043 exceeded previous production ri'cords by the follQwlns marstrw. Ix>tnt<K's, 33 ixT cent; dry beans. I t jM.T renL; and dry peas, 87 per cent. T lie values ot nil 10H3 Idaho crops except suKnr beeta, the value Ol w hich arc not yet determined, was er.tlniiilixl nt *I02J!00,000, H.hlch l5 <0 l>er cenl more ttian the previous record of *I31,GCO,000 In lOU.

234 Awards In 2 contejis for writing 30-word italemenli B'bout Fisher's BlsVIt Mix DOUBLE-QUICK Ctke, a revolutionary Kew Cike, and ZOOM‘'H A PPIES,".Super delicious Cooky confection.


She’s Canning for Victory!nini n a tiin il ly h1m'’.s d o i i iv llip j(il>

rciHinmii^ally :i.« im.s.^iiilp :ind in itliiiK

her .sitviii^-s i n tu U’u r notul.s.

S h e ’s o m o f th e

1 7 , 6 0 0M a g i c V a l l e y

f a m i l i e s w a t c h ­

in g t h e “G o o d

T h i n g s t o E a t ”

c o l u m n o f th e



and tru c k gnrdeners have founa

the ir produce will tell faster and

a t better prices when advertised In the "Good Things t« E n f 'toU

umn in Uie Classified Ads.

for g s little as

5 0 cy o u can plae* »n ad owl, retclw. POLL c o v e r w throushout, Mifls •

Valley. J u s t Phono M.,’- - '

V___ ___________________________

a ' ~

Page 4: EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B-29Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/1944_07_07.pdfTlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped

Page Four TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO F riday E vcnin?, Ju ly 7, 1914

I n l t h e u n h a p p y ti 11115 broiiRlH h a v o c t o ilicl:Itie nrcas o v e r w li lc h oiir Invasion iirinlos arc now tram p in g h a v e n o t fe lt llie fu ll deviisia- llon ot W orld w ar I I before now.

Moreover t h e nazi.s, sciiooiecl In continciU al H'fty.s-, Jiiivo h a d « Jo ;ib U m c In wJalrJi lo J»- Illtra tc th e ir p ro p ftg iu u la , n n d th e cnrc/iilly (llsclpllned G e r m a n arm y of occupation lias undoubtedly b e en c a u tio n e d to Rinird aRalnst Incurring d l.sp lcu su ro of iho F rench poinilane. T lic -i ii id e rK ro u n d h a s b itte r ly fo iin h i ilie nazls. and th e r e l i r e unque.sttonably llioii- sands of F r e n c h m e n who h a le Uie boche, bu t reports h a v e I n d ic a te d t h a t the nlUcs did m eet w ith s o m e p o p u la r d isp leasure .

Wisely. A m e ric a n a n d B ritish civ il a ffa irs n d m ln ls lru to rs h a v e nam ed a De G aulle rep ­resen ta tive f o r c a c h d c tachm en t, thu-s- ga in ­ing the c o n lltle n ce o f m inor officia ls In m any towns. A d m ln J s t ra t lv c rUts have been avold- ctl and th e m i l i ta r y a u th o ri tie s are- proceed­ing cau tious ly on a “ w ait a n d see’’ policy,

U nhappy F r a n c o , su ffe r in g hum ilia tion . . defeat, a n d now d e s tr u c t io n of m any h is ­

to rical tow ns a n d c i t lc s . deserves o u r aympa- tliy and a ll o f th e h e lp we c an give her. Her lo t has n o t b e e n a p lea-ian t one. Her only consolation Is th a t h a p p ie r day-s a re no t fa r cilstmit,

P O S T W A R B U S IN E S S . OUTLOOK Amid th e d in of p ro g n o stic a tlo n .s on w h ith ­

e r R iisso -A m crlcan r e la tio n s a fte r th e war, Eric Jo h n s to n , p r e s id e n t of th e U. 8 . C ham ­ber of C om m erce , s e e m s to h av e p u t hla f in ­ger on th e g o v e rn in g fa c to r w hen h e brought up the q u e s tio n of p o s tw a r trad e on his tr ip to the U .S.S.R .

Johnsion . l l r s t p r i v a t e cH lzon lo vJsli ^fod• cow by o t f ic ia l In v i ta t io n , to ld a p ress con­ference t h a t F o r e ig n T rad e Com m l.ssar Anas- ta s M lkoyan h a d a u th o r i z e d him to say th a t the 'S oviet U n io n w a n t s to b u y m a n y billions of dollars’ w o r th o f A m e ric an goods on p u r­chase te rm s m u tu a l ly a d v an ta g eo u s to th e two coufitrlcs.

Logically, t h e S o v ie t U nion sho u ld offer a big postw ar m a r k e t fo r A m erican products. Russia's v ic to r ie s h a v e n o t be en w on cheaply. H er scorchcd e a r th po licy n n d the fiendishly system atic d e v a s t a t i o n o t Ru.sslan property by the n n z ls h a s I c i t red Incliuury crippled and much f o o d -p ro d u c in g sol! b a rren . One American c o r r e s p o n d e n t repo rted th a t no t a single e n te rp r is e In so u th R ussia’s Iron and steel In d u s try e s c a p c d dam u i’c.

To set itj> I n d u s t r y in m o tio n nga ln , Hu-wla will need to im p o r t c a p ita l goods. We have th e m ach ine to o ls f o r ra ilro a d , autom obile and a ir t r a n s p o r t e c ju lp m en t, the la te s t m a ­chinery for p r o d u c in g h ig h o c tan e gw oline a n d the oil w e ll a n d re f in e ry ec;ulpm ent a n d o the r p ro d u c e rs ’ g o o d s th a t Russia needs.

H arry H o p k in s h a s e s tim a te d t h a t A meri­can exports lo R u s s ia a f te r th e w ar will am ount lo S75Q .000.000 annually .

In re tu rn , Rus-sia w ill s e n d us m anganese, p latinum , i r id iu m a n d chrom e ore, and th e skins, furs, b r i s t le s a n d tobacco th a t have a l­ways been in d e m a n d here .

Regardlcs.s o f d lf f c r e n c c s In politica l ideol­ogy. business r e l a t i o n s be tw een o u r country a n d the S o v ie t s h o u ld be m o s t cordia l in th e postw ar p e r io d .


FROM NEW YORKALAIUI — Expect the greaiwt

blow* in the entire PaclUc campolgn to fitU a fu r the &<ipan omralinnx.

Once Uiat gtronglioia h u been consolidated, we sliail be In n po- MUon to plercc Htrohlto'a Innei

AR.MADA—It mn>- be helpful n IhU lliiiP lo cxnmlnp our ovcr.nl KtraloKlc advnnlngr In ihc fur nisi wi r.TjJlulJjcd b>' orniy.imvy m y r t :

Siipiy>'C, for Ihe tnlte of nrmi mcm, thnt the take eiislcnChlnti. it they do. Ihfv will liov

y wliJciiwlvc

ihiin now 111 hostile tlicy tiiniiol iioW under rciil prp.-.-

Tlie lo« ot llila arcn will not keep iis oiu of Chlim, TliP nlpiKmr.M! .sup­plies lor their pxpctllUorw muit comc

as^’mcn 'k rc i'X 'ttrfe i fo^'tliT 'dcr^ mn!u in north Africa were neces­sarily trniisportcd ncraw the Mp<ll- tcrrnnenn. Uiit. wlien we were rea­dy. we snllcd the brond Atlantic nnd bnsstri the dnjk eonllnrnt.

Tlip more Jap nmil« art conccn-

upiiorlhii; criif upply boat.\ i PK hospluils 0

Japs could aend up from their run- wttj-i on lana .

E\ery new island conquest lessena Uio mobility of the Japanese navy. For example, non tiiat the Rusalans hftve resalned Sevoatopol, their Black SCO. tleel can maneuver off Romania again. Inactlvltr had been forced upon it when It wm dcprlv- ed 0/ Jl3 base )n 19«.

The Japs are iosJns ona "eevasto*. pol" after another and as a resultK the rango of Ihclr battlfshipa 1» shrinking. The Anglo-American na­vies are th e only ones tlia t can cany Ihclr bases w ith than.

PRISON—Decause we have left a .strinit of m inor enemy oiitpoita be­hind uii, crci>e hongurs warn that

lied Jn])3 from • jun

So lonK OR our blockade can pre­vent rclnforcementJi, hupplle* snd romb-Jt 5hlps from reachln* these lost bnttnllons. they cnniiot do much linrtn. In fact, lil.'too' la repenting iu*iclf In th e Pacific.

VKTEItANa — TliR ciuestlon ol miinjiowcr ofti'n worrlfs those w l^ , ponder th e winning of Uic war 1 ^ th e fur rust.

I t may be that Chlnn'n patient nnnle.^ will be too weary to carry the hc ao ’ end of the Joe. But Chlang KnI-.'hck has millions of younR men lo recruit. Chliie.ic autborltlcs In Aini-rlca p<.nit out tim t-their sol­dier* ImvL- loiiKht well under Qen-

nun:., - they plead, •'uiid we'll do t\

II unlikrly ihiiL American a DiHl'li will be rciiiili:i.'M vciir In the Pacllic, Men ft iiuve nol -seen artivo duly, and t 18-veur-oUU on Ihc sdccllve ten' lolh will fum bh the bulk of :;>la.niK'llUs.

much and FrrtK-ii .soldiers - oi KurOi>c liAft bcin set frro—will be *

lo .-.iiarc In tile llljrrndon hrlr colonies Iroin Ihr Jups.

iciiilrt rl.->e 111 America If our Ix *,Te sfiil lo Irce-siiy-K reiich I in-ciiliia, Hiid li.s former owners c Jill.' ui ludp US. Alri'iidy our G. Ill lu.ly n i r soie a.s they obsei iblc-b)<llo(l Jlnihins loallni! nroii



TH AT G O B B B E L S IS A COUKEU To people w h o a r e com plllnB “T en Best"

lis ts for th e e n d of t h e w ar w c nom ina te nazl P ropaganda M in i s t e r Pau l Jo seph aoebbels a s the m an w i th t h e m o st v iv id Im agination . W c would b e s to w t h e h o n o r on th e H err Doktor fo r h i s lu c id e x p la n a tio n of th e p res­ence of a l l ie d a r m i e s in F ra n co . “TheyTo refugees f ro m th o G e r m a n ro c k e t ro b o ts ra id ­in g E ng land ,” h e e x p la in e d to h a ra ssed B e r­liners. Now a l l h e h a s to do Is th in k up sim i­la r co m fo rtin g e x p la n a t io n s fo r th e presence of aiucd a rm ie s In A f r ic a , S icily , I ta ly , Q reecc, Yugoslavia a n d F i n l a n d . •

‘ Women a r c bo s i l l y —k ic k in g up alm ost m • BJuch iu i s o v e r a brldgo p r iz e as a m a n does .»Tcr:» goii _

ant to follow i ............................. ,.xi Novptnber. But Is Is undetriiood that s

Heel the trip over with iilni In tome detail, nnd Ui .llllnc to lei her surprise nppearnnee be i .I a tip on how he fell about the Ifitt political


rlKiition and needed, and c

W.\TEmVAYS IN PEIIILIs being seneratrd in the d ty of Mlisourl rtvcr water I

Ught tnsideration f • the

1 heiit•rnl »elfnr

sl.'sippi isMissouri .................... _Is Iht* loncest water course in all the world. Tlie dtsa- Breenieiu Is Jeop^irdizinjt senate nitprovai or tlic rivers nnd linrbors outhorizatlon bill which passed the house on M nrch 23. providing for some 235 projects which have been approved by army ensineen. Coop­era tion between army engineers, the reclamation ser­vice. nnd certain state otflcials can settle thlj dtfjer-

Belng famUinr with their worlc for *o long, we have complete confldroce In the army engineer*. No other gavernmeiital nijency htui performed Its duties with gren tfr intfgritv And efficiency. With Its unparalleled experience, covering 1G3 years, and eowe<iufni fum- lllorlty with national waterway development, the coriB Is precinlnentiy fitted to forecast and execute such wnlerwoy tlevclopmeni as will be netded for Uie future. Tlipy a rc a conw 0.' elite, aloot from i>olllics and Inacce.-yiible to Influence. Their yardstick Is merit, i t Is iinihlnkuWe t liu t they have In mind depriving any wctioii ot w ater vital for IrrlgaUon. Tliwe who have an eaually intim ate knowledge of the work of re­clamation sm 'lce engineer* can say as much for them, we are certain . Eurely. with the vast volume of water which piuscs down tlie Missouri and Its irl- buinrfca nnnunlly, thes« highly trained nnd exprr- irni'fxl enRineers can find A metliod through which It cnn l>e controlled when Id flood and used eoullobly bolh for Irrigation and navlaoUoii,

DtsUibuUon Is one or tha unsolved crlUcal pro- bleiiu ()f (he nation..Low-cost transportailon Is an e.«cntlivi in I ts (oluUon. Waterway U lowest cost tran.-sporiation for many bulk materials and commo- dUlca. and ogricuJcural and munufochired pnxfucca widely uied by a ll the people.

We do not believe tha t the Creator Intends lliatKiur g reat rivers ahnll flow do«-n to the seas carrying noihtni; but fertile top aoll tram the upland.i and wreoclcas* from Hood desolation; that Ihelr tremen- dous power sh s l l run wUd. destroying wealth rather Uian creating lU Or. tha t they shall not be arteries ot comatrce—walerway tr/ujjporUUon Is the Jonrst cost known lo man. And tho Great Manlwl h u pro­vided enough »ddlUonal wat«r In our arid regions, we

the land whereon thepeople dwell.

Postwar p lanning is beUig done by many earnest orgjuiliations. rlgntly «o. Next to victory, nothing transcends U)e importance a t full emplojrment after­ward. Walerw-ay InjproTenienla will nol only extend economies In low-coet traiwportaUoa, help control floods, jind a id IrrlgaUon. they a l» will aid jreuUy in provitJlnB vita l postwar employment. Increase local and nauonal ftsseta, tUtnulftte business In Improve­m ent nrcas. T h ere are worlhwhlle resullt. T ie people are helped a t every tum.

I t hardly aeeZDS credible th a t a bill providing work and benefits throughout the nation ehouWbe endan­gered through local dta*en<lon with rtipect to one project. - U a i I i u ,<New YetU. >

Wliat t h e Dc'vc:would hnvc hiccd of _____have had Willkle come out for their man. if H anes could bring his erst­while Ko«l friend ami political hen

to support 0/ Dswn0.1 the nominee, then he wotild havi l»en able to ask for reinstatemcnl In th# Republican hierarchy.

Hine.%, n former Democrat, under­secretary o t the trca.iury in the early day« of the new deal, got down to worn witii a will. T»( prominent newspaper cohiinnlit: were enrolled by the board of stra­tegy to help push Wendell out of neutral. Htincs, Incldcntiiily. l-i r-- of the irustccfl for the Hearsl nc puper propcrlle.i. Several Wlllldel . a t the convention were Importuned to telepljone him In New York. To eoch and every one Willltle gave the dome Bn.fn’er-th<tt Ii« hsdi. . made up hla mind and probably would no t for some time. He sires, sed, too. In thwe lont: distance con- ver."iatlon.i th a t he believed In prln- clpies, w hich In his view, the He. publican platform hud compromised o r violated.

Impircd by the strategy board, a news story appeared in New York to the effcc l that a group of Will- klc's form er backers and Irlends in­tended to call on him publicly lo ask him to make hl.< stand clear. Listed among tliose who would make such a <!emand were John Cowles itnd O ardner Cowle.i. jr.. piiblL^hers respfctlvcly of the AflnnespoJU Star Joiirmil a n d the Des M'linc.i Rcgls-


. . . Willltle ( le runipiilKn, thn nciiilnec rcjiiiwl c would conler w ith ail p.irly lead­'s, w hich Included Willkle,J\)rm er Qovernor Aif L inrion, the

Republican candidate in 1030, w<v.i member of his dflcgatlon from

, Herot n

Ml re.'.olullora Mibcoinmit brrt Hooscr, form er RepuWlcnn president, made one of the Import­ant addrcRse.s at the convention. But Willkle was the forgotten roan,

W hnt HanM tried to do hero dii InR the tumult of the conventU *i<s. of course, only nn extension of the cnmpalfin he lias carried on since WUconsln. Nor are ttiere any Indicationa that th e stocky little ronverted Dcmocrnt will sive up his •fforts to bring hUs old friend Into the fold to back the Dewey cam-

Ihe hcrsc In one class slip talk;

■Of. palonlino,<i and appiiioosu hors< Now I have heard about bolh ph

:o beans and horjcs b u t where .. ;he hcck did Jenn gel those other names? About all I ki

that 1 I towagons and are ea ten for beef

in some parts ol Die country and that malrz>’ doats. so please a.sle Jean to explain where .the ROt those names and what

Kiwanians Stage Question Battle

BUHL. July 7—An hitormal ant: iimoroiis qulf pro?rnm was stagi ' ; the regular Kiwanls mectir idc.s vi-ere represented by Ju' 'Inlilcr and E. A. Manning wl

Mitchell Hunt as tlie intcrrogaU n. A, Manning won the bout with margin of two correct answers ov Jack Winkler.

QiifsU were Robert Salmon. Salt Liike C ity, and Howard Huston. T/5, former Ouhl biislncMirdnui tahu of I

C am p Cliaffcc. Uuston spoke brie/li- o f hlJ arm y cxperlenccs.

July 19. ol (l;30 p, m. hiis beei losen o s the annunl family picnli ly fo r the KlwnnL^ group, T h t

BathorlnB will be held a t the farm home of MlUliell H unt, cast of town,


IS YEAI18 AGO. JULY 7. 1«9Mr. a n d Mrs. Poul R. Tober, Mr,

and Mrs. O. P. Duvall, Dr, and Mrs. J . P. Johnston. Paul M. Marrln, Ban Francisco, and Mr, and Mrs. Harry Benoit motored to Hailey and Kel- ;hum Saturday afternoon to spend 3unday. They expect to drive “ Salmon river also, rttum lnj Twin Palls Sunday evtnlni.

During the month ol June ..cw names were added to the Twin

llb ra ir rtglstratlcm list, n l j - Inc the toU I nuniber to 4XK)0, The clrculaUon-for,June waa ej51 tol' uniM. or la s greater than the cir­culation lo r the fwite month lu t year.

W. A. Van Bngelen of the SlC' vens-Von Engelen stores, left the la s t of th e week on a buying trip to Chlcaso and Kdw York.

SI YEARS AGO, JULY 7. 1917The Business Women's club met

last n ig h t At the home of Mrs. H. J. Youngs and decided to endeavor to Bceure Uie h igh school auditor­ium for aewfng evenings. The school board granted the re<iucsi.

After two and a half yean steady and remarkably succes.’iful work as manager o f the Rogerson cafe. Mrs. Ida M. Arroll relinquished th a t po- litloQ today and will take a well Mfned vacation o i tom e weeks, a t the close of which she plans to go Into buslnejs for herself here In Twin Falls. The development and Improvement of th e Rogerson eafe, inder M^is. Atroll'a management and ,1th .tho backing « Mr. Rogerson.

has b « n one of the wonders of Twin F a lls and th e restaurant Is md wUl continue to be one ol Ita

show pl&ces.

.Mother-If you’ll conlaci ...ll give you Uie nam e of a shots constduenl who called I

ly he has a swell little camera . in buy for that soldier of yours. .•| a vest pockei folding camera.


I've read several w rite-ups aboi JhJ.? housJn? altuailon etc.

Well, there are two sides to th story, one about having to drown the child, and about the m ean child ruinlnc the icreeii door.

The person complalnlnc the mean child ruining the acrccn door must never have had any ch ild ren or e lie ralfed the perfcct type n o r never have hnd to rent an opartm ent. and certainly mustn't have a husband in the wr^'lce. People w ho are th a t seifLih ond particular w ith th a t apartment shouldn’t by a ll meana have such a thing as a n oportm eat to rent.

After all we have to give up - _ htuixinds In order tha t y o u people here at home can have and keep your homes and enjoy them. We are the ones that have to worry, n o t knowing If our husbands are com­ing back so that we too can have

inie day. All y o u ’re w or. rylng about Is tluii th e war get over with so you eon g e t tha t pa ir of nylon hose, a new aet of lUver- ware, etc. and you know your hus­bands are too old for th e service. you\e always been too good for a ;hlld, forgelUng you w ere a child

Do'nl you think th a t a service nan. when he comes hom e, van ta 0 find that his wife was weJ' Uken :are ot whUe he woa gone?

If youll treat service m en 's wive* decently. I’m sure w e ll be more than glad not to let Ju n io r ruin th e

:reen door. —M arine a Wife

IIEAUUThe pot Shots Office Boy saj-s

tha t what with hot w eather and a ll. people should remember t ^ t heada

re tw Karte to be used for diving ito Strangs iwlmmlng holes.

get Inte OUTl n d lsh ia r .* witF f~ r \.^ T t-

wtilch naval

these bases, arranged by i retflry James Forrcslai lo group of newspaper cortfspondcnt rove.ils the exteni warfare a t best hua of gadgets.

Begin Hght 'wlth the explosives going Into shells, bombs and deplii charBCS. Tlic TNT of Ihe last wa: was thoughi to be the ultimate lu a lorce of destruction, bul 11 hiL a l­ready been surpassed. I t b ftiil n hIgfiJy reiW cted subject lor discus- alon. Tlie British have pennltied some mention of Uie "R.DJC," plosive, but the Americans 1 Minething tha t U a much r suble equivalent. What it will of course. l-i increase the ra velocity and deaiructlveness of n ly eveiy U'PC of Uiing thal caitlirown a t an enemy. I t is only __of the new explosives under develop-

nade vTesu ......................powders iha t are not only smokfL. . but conceal the Hash at the muizle when bis guns are Ilred. This la a highly important devtloimitnt. In fllglit action, tlie /lash of amain battery Is the worst glve-awuy of a ship's position.

Rockets, which have caught Ujc public fancy to such an amarJng de­gree. are now in production and In use In a variety ol shapes and sizes and from special purpose mounts.

fired from landing craft wuihwest Pacific, and In tlie sin of a nazl submarine In the Atli by planes firing ruckcts.

Against submarines, th e rocket projectile la of exceptional advon- tage In tha t the rocket g l«s tiio shell head continued driving power mdcr water. Having all the dcstruc- 4ve force of three and five-inch jhells. rocketa can be Ilred with­out recoil. Mounting a live-inch sun m an airplane Is today unthink- ible. Rockets on planes, however,

-an be fired In pahs or In salvo to give from two to 10 times as much firepower as could be obtained from

single five-inch gun. and without le extra weight or strain.Adding more guns and more rock­

ets lo alrcroft and surface vessels Is only one ot tlie means of Increasing the firepower whlcli etcli plane and ship can tlirov against an enemy. Every effort Is being made Is In­crease efficiency and i lu ot each weapon.

Tlie i)orma] rate of fire of a .SO- caliber machine gUD. tor Instance, b 7S0 rounds a mlnuU. 'That U 13 rounds a sjeond, but even so. «ir- crofl travellnc 300 miles an hour.

Ing cnch oilier In the Inlen’iili of oiiL' fhoL every 30 feel or more ol iravH. T lic problem, Uien. is one of nittkliig tJJc iiiacJifnc gunx lire teittr and II la bcint; solved.

The 20-mm. cimnon hkewke K'omu dcstltic'<1 10 be Btepped up In cfficlrncy—Ihsi ijy twin mounting, Rccciid by lii>l.illatlon as a pack­aged Kun to be hung from the wing of a plane.

'Hih Is only the beginning ol what will prol;iibly be an era ol nuiomatic wcflpon.i of sizes thal used to be considered too big for de­stroyers. fo r the tendency Is to make every weapon btsscr, better, faster. Five hiinclred-pound bombs are still effective, bill the ratio of 400.pound boiiita Koes up and up nnd up. Ad­vances In control of all tlieje new weapons have kept pace with Im­provements In tlie weopons them- selve.i. H ere Is where ihe real gad- getry ccu,iies into piny. There are bomb.slKht.'s and computing gyros­copic Kunsighui which do things tlie orlKlnal Norden and Sperry models cnnii« do—co/nplex thinking jns- chlnes which solve mathematlcaUi problems faster Uian meehanlcaW yuniiery devices can execute the answers. Details about these fantas­tic tliliiRs will probably not be re­vealed u n til after the war.

FILERiid Mrs. Joe Taylor lell

TliurBday for Portland to brlni! home tliclr .son. Paul, who has been

It the Shrine hospital for;vcii.l II 11111.1,Jlmmlc Creed, £ a lt Lnke City, Is a

xucat a t Uie E. M. Raybom home.Tlie E as t Mennonlte congregation

picnicked Julx . 4 a t the country home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller.

Emerson HammerQUlst ielt Wed­nesday fo r Sait Lake City to take n physical preparatory to air corps training tit Amorlllo, Tex.

Walter Tiiomas left Ftidoy for Fort Oougln.s for army Induction.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Lehman Edwards ipent th e week end a t Salt u k e City.

Mrs. EUiel McCormick has re­turned to Los Angeles. Calif., after a visit a t th e iiome of her brother, Harold Halnllne.

Mrs.? Harold Halnllne wa* has- , .'M to th a 4-H sewing club ?M- , day,

B arbara. Seostock and Uaroldlne*' Halnllne were In charge of the pro­gram and Betty Tucker gave a sew­ing demonairaUon. Assistant hoa- ' Ases were Clalrcne Bainllne and

;an Lola Mogensen.Norma Jean Kawkln* had her

tonsiU removed Thursday.A son wan bom Sunday night to

Mr. and. M rs. Harry W. Ilher,.nier,-- a t 433 llrd avenue.

A group of girl friends vers In- ,’lted by Mra. Art K urU ta help her daughter Betty, celebrate her set- entli b irthday anniversary, Sunday iftemoon.

InK'ln Comegy. a fcm er Flier resident now in the merchant ma­rine a t Seattle, is vlslUng rtlatlres.

,T)ie firv t practical balloon « u Invenlea b y the MontgoUier bwth- ,

la 1763 to Trance.

Page 5: EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B-29Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/1944_07_07.pdfTlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped

F rid a y Evening , July 7. 1014 TIMES-NEWS. TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Pago F iv e .

B P W C lu b to H o l d J u l y M e e t in P a r k T h u r s d a y

R e g u la r J u ly m eetitiR o f tlie T w in F i iIIh B u s in e s s a n d Pro- fe sa io n n i W o m en 'a cliib will he liolii T h u r s d a y e v e n in g , J u ly

^ 1 3 . in th e C i ty p a rk , instead of M o n d n y e v e n in g , J u ly 10,_ it “ wivs d e tc rm in e t l liV i\ boa rd conjv incU on w ilh

th e w eek ly p ic n ic Tliurs<liiy even ing in t h e C ity p a rk , o f fic ia ls s a id F r id a y m o rn in g . T lie picnic m e e tin g n e x t T h u r s d a y cven-

• iiig w ill beg in n t 6 :8 0 o'c locki w itli a ll m e m b e rs u rg ed to be p re se n t.

M rs . A . J . P c iiv e y . p re; de n t, c o n d u c te d th e bon m e e tin g unil a n n o u n c e d coi m it te e a p p o in tm e n ts f o r th e y e a r . Mis.s T h e r le N o'vlon, p r o g ra m c lia i rn ia n , a n nounced tlu il “ T o w u rd V ic to ry am i i^e- y o n d " u ’oulrl b e th e ge ticrn i tbcm i

Betrotiial Told

MIm Barbara BurtUrk, llmistn, whose tn ia jc m en t «o Joe NewbrT. also or itanien. na-i announctd prior lo llie briclceroom.tl«r. rtr- pa rtu rr tor (r.tinlns In Ihr air

Barbara Burdick And Joe Newbry , E ngaged to Wed

HANSEN, . MLs.« Biirbiira Staff Ski. Gen

1 Mr.v UufdhOc. :

Diirdlclc nl.'.o ntkii(lo<1 Tu|,i Fulls lilsli scliool, niul c.ijirct.' l<

i||^\rolI for her nciilor year In iln

Former Student R eceives Honor

Cliodc-n vnledlclorlnn of the 30C grnduntM of Cnffey Union lilidi school. OntnrlD. Cnllf.. »iu mi.m Von Vnn Eaton, who utlcnclcd WiuililriRion school nnd Junior hiRh school hcrt. She Ij the daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs. Albert Vnn Eaton, fomicr T»ln rnU.i rrsldcnUi.

Miss Vnn Enton (iliidltd mwlc under Mrs. Efrie n . Hinton and b tslcnted In music nnd nrt.

TliU fall Bhe pliia'? to unttr the University of Ciillfornln iit ncrkc-Icy.


JEROME. July 7 — Mrs. Augiisl Vegpler will en tertain members of her O. N. I. bridge club i\i«day July 11. Tlic dnto of the brldpp meet Ing WAS postponed dtic to the In- dependenca day cclebrntion.

n c tiv itic

i;y IOlhr - Mr ;

. LUd MUs Ncwlo.......nfjiliii T trr. sccond vlcc-prr'l'li nt; Mlw Grill Mllirr, recordhiR si'cre- taO'; Mr;i. Gcncvlcvc DwlRht. cor-

Mcrelnrj'. aucI Mlv'i Rny Smith, trcnsiircr. n n d commlttcc chnlnnrn.

Committee nppolntiiienta Included the followlnB ehnlnnen;

A monj Committee*Mlvs Mvrtlc nirmhet-

hlp: Ml.-vv NrvOi.n. proErnm, Mr.'

Gets D egree

Former Jerom e Girl Receives

Stanford B.A:JKROMF:. July 7 _ M rs. Loul.sc

PlcchlHcr Brlcrion, who rcccUcd i dcfjrce of b.ichrlor of itrl.s from tin

Miss Edwards, Oregon Sailoi

iMariy on CoastFILnn. July 7-MarKi

Vllllii'iii K/lwnr(i.v n io r , n

Tlie double rliitt ceremony iwrformed by William Hoar. Sp- nttle Justice of the pence. W WnKiier wii.i the o tlirr mU'ndii

Mr. iwd Mrs. FnrHhftra me IhluR car Drrn>rrtoh, Wn.-ih., wlicru '

t)riilcRrooiii Is stntloned with on perrtmnpnl shorr duty.

< A M P F IR S


MrK, Dunne Hnnlclns v.ns n cues khcii Tnnnklft group of Camp Fir 3ltl! held a rcpiSar mc«lls\s TlMirs lay S t .th e City pnrk. Die girl pas,«d honors for roU cnll.

nif rubberlrrd sheet-i for baby’j •rlBRe nnd cril) should be protcct- from expoiiure to *un, heat iim:

(V w LD U kP uin ,

— Spice Hints for Hot WeatherDjr OAVNOR MAnnOX

NEA Staff W rllff • Amy Vanderbilt, well-known writ- «r on food, Jiut sent me these snlci htais lo r »\in\TOcr cnllng;

Potnto Mind with cold eula oi hot crisp bncon with n dash of nut- nifC over the top . , old-fn.ihlon« boiled dre.ylnR for potato jaK nd, snappy with dry musUird Blend i t Into freshly cookcd ant sliced potatOM mixed with finely eliaved onion. Sllco Jn uome swcer Bherltlna. too, . . New poUtoe* cook­ed « t h their Jackets on with strlnB beans l^ a southern npcciallty. pin* ish w ith & dustltis o l paprllu for color. . . Stuffed green peppers with breast o r shank of lamb, ground and seasoned witli onion and a touch o( curry powder nIoiiB with the brcntl- cnimbrt. . . The great Mexlcnn Sopa de Hoba Is mnde wltl> dried llmai (cook them with n ham bone. If you llKt^). strained to soup conslit- cncy, flavored with Rarlle, Dried h i 'ta n o and chill powder are sprln* n i a on lop at. InbJe, . . Ever nd • touch of dried th>-me to saladj? . . . I f you find fresh bnnanas. allee and Mrve w ith light crenm and a dash of nutm eg,-

MUsUrd Mayonnalie Wllli Chapped Chlvn

One e s s yolk, l tenspoon u lt. 1

r wine Tlnegar, 1 ctip salad oil ^about), M eup finely chopped chive*.

Beat e ra yolk with roUry beater unUt I t ta thick Itawn-wlortd. MU th e seasoning and add lo egg yolk, beatlns welL Add 1 teaspoon of the lemon Juice or vinegar and continue to beat well. Begin to add oil. about half a teappoon a t a time, beating steadily as you add, unUl U

nip Is used. Tlien one lo two liiblc spoons can bo adtled n t a llnii;. bciit- Ingas you ndd. As mixture thIcKens, the remnlnlng lemon Juice or vlne- Bar mny be nddrd. Add oU sufficient to mnke rich thick drcAMne. Add chopped chives. Store In cool (not freezing) temperature., Note: If oil Li Mded Ion rnat first, mnyonnalso will not I......en. Once the mixture really begins lo thicken, then oil may be added more rapidly bu t each addition must be well mixed In. Makca about I 1/3 cups drevlng.

I,- c ity . H a . I., '.fii rnmpMs >iut I’oilliiilrt. Ori'.

Liithei'an Women Will Hold B azaar

Miss Donna R ice Weds at Jerom e

Sgt. L. Holloway And Bride Feted A t Nuptial Party

Sgt. nnd Mrs. Le>,U- Hollowuy. fthn were mnrrlKl late Iti.it moiilh 111 fU-iio. Nrv,. cn route to 'IV in F.UI.-W to visit hlJ iMrents, wi-n^ tvoiiocc S ftl V. Rftl* «,cddln!t nnd piirty Tlitirsilay nUht iit tl>e home of Mw. Oeorgc Hfillowiiy.

6crgc.ini Hollowny, «ho

imly, Clime here from cliCD with ht.1 bride, nii hrr flister. Miss Almn S br«i KiieMs ot 1'

ri4iy Holloi

Weds at Filer

; sfunc day for In San Fmnclyro.

ttl ty aufsU nttcnrtPil nuptial lowny he number

Salmon Social ‘Club Ari'anges

Bridal ShowerMembers of the S;iImon Social

club held their regular inoiilhlv meeting Tluirsthiy nl thn homo of Mrs. Mnrvln Ilonl)- «lth Mrs, Ilob- ert ntiyl, sr.. co-hoslc.«. There were

J members present.Mnlu feature of the meftltii; «;.> bridal shdwrr for Mr.. ilil!|.- ,1.

liciiilley. fornirrK Ml | . .i . Wi -

Ueedcr, .Sbetler Pledge Vows at

Filer ('eremonv

cl:iy, Ju ly 6.Tlic bridal iwrty

rn-ie-covcrcil iirrhtd wcddlnK cerrmoay v

remiuiy Tliurs-

.itood before r

B irth A nn iversary Marlvccl a t F a ir\ iow

FAIRVIEW, July 7-A.« n ciiri.-.y

intcfl 1

SUNDAY’S MENU BREAKFAST; B lu e b e r r ie s ,

rendy to eat cereal, fried eggs and bacon, baker’* mils, butter or fortified marcnrlnc. marmalode, coffee, milk.

DINNER: Fruit cup, roast duck, brown gravy, curried apples, baked potatoes, corn on cob, en­riched bread, butter o r fortified margarine, rtwllUj, green pepper and lettuce s.ilnd. vnnlla Ice cream with crushed nispberTles. coffee, milk.

SUPPEn: Polalo «nlod wltli old.fasliloned boiled dre.islng nnd sweet gherktns, cold cuts, baking powder blscullB, butter o r fortified margarine, watercress, blueberry larts, tea, mJlk.

fA C ii m o r t u a r y ,

!»lr. f t M rs. SU ntoy PhU U ja- J .;2W 2nd A ve. N o^ Phbiie 31 . i

lIceiMC lirre from of Mrs, charlolle Roliethou. counlv clerk, nudltor nnd recorder th l« neck.

The couple was married th<- nltcr- ..Don of July i by Probate Judge Wllllnm O. Com.Mock. Mi;i. Gciievn .McKenilc iintl Mr.«. Ceclle Stockton

wltnes.^es to the ceremony.

F e iry Guild H o ld s Public Card P a r ty

OLENNS F n m v , July 7—Afem- ers of the Ephcopnl G uild spon- ired n public ctird party nt tht

home ot ^tr. nnd Mrs, H om er Orcer a t which eight tnbles of pinochle and five hundred were played.

At pinochle prizes went to E. L. Belmore. Mrs. E. A. Allmnn nnd Mrs, Frank IIllRcrl. FI' drcd nwnrck went to Mrs.Johnson, Mr.s. R. A. Colson a n d Mrs, A. P. Parmensolo. Mrs. Bclm ore o-on the floor prlie. Mrs, C. P . Edge, Uie all-cut. nnd Mrs. C, E. Spence, tlio lunchcon clolh.


CASTLEFOflD. July 7—M r. and Mrs. Krai\y. KUiwy lio s ts aV a dinner rcccntly honoring M r. and Mrs. aieun Booth, Prlnevllle. Ore. Oue.-its Included the honorcc."!, Mrs. Olenn Ilnpwood and Mr. a n d Mrs. John Kinney nnd son. Bulil.

* *‘ niRTint.^y o b s e r v e dPAIIIVIEW, July 7-M r. a n d Mrs.

John Biirkhallcr entertained for th flr dau«hler, ninne. on h e r sec­ond birthday. Those, present- were Mr. nnd Mrs. Owar Werner n n d Vio­let, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Llerm an nnd family and Mr. and MM. Wilbur Uinck and family, DIatie received many glft^. Including two b irthday cakrs.


Pub lic A ccountan t

ROOMS 1 and 2 BU R K H O L D E R

BUILDINGTm Cansuiuuon.

Part-Uai9 bookkeeplne systems Jnsuiled.

Audlline and aceouallntt___


FliPtnrn'.n atixllljiry will 8 [I. m. today nt the home Sam Olbb. m Walmit, Tllrre will be a liniidkerchlef shower for nieiiiber.i.

Members of the First aard Tlcllef society will meet Tile.sdnv, July I nt 1 p. m. Kt llie church to work o niBi for the bazanr in the fnl Sunday, guest speaker at thclr mcei Ing at 11:30 n. m. win be F. L. Croaley, who^e subject will be ."Drugs.” Teacher,?' topic Ls nl;,o to be given nt tlmt lime.

l-AriEWELI, KVKNT STAGl:!)PAiaVlEW, July 7—SUry U lll,

daughter of Mr, nnd Mr!, Henry Lul:. entertained at dinner nnd t per honoring Concordia Wes komp who has gone to epoknni. . . make her home wllh her jiarents.

Bills In her grndc


Glodowskl was the honored guest nt a surprise p.irty In honor of her blrthrtnj-. Follouing a potluck din­ner six tables of pinochle wore In piny with prljM golHs lo Mr.i. GIo- dott-.ikl and Eniost Prllclisrd. high: lo Mrs, Von Llndern nnd J a c k Campbell, low, nnd traveling award to Mrs. Campbell.


CA8TL13=y3RD, July 7-Mrs. E Ultlch reccnUy tnwrialnt-fl n t n dinner party for Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnr- ren Plynn, Lancaster. Calll.; Mrs. Mabel Stevens. Seatlle. Wash,; Mrs. Ijiura Chnrleston and Dclorc.s Ste­vens, Buhl.

* * *Rub out wrlnUes? No. but stop

Irowmng and iheyni get no dcepi I n time, they nrny even fade out.


A t th e C h u r c h e s


New. formula provides high lasu- laUon w it i new color - Now streaglh . . . Enables lower prices on quanUly cash ptirchaies.U t us nsUst you la drawing plans, estimating complete costs, s tw rtn s ’Ktukmen. -Comp e I c n i buUdug u e i available.


ROBT. E. LEE SALES CO. 4M/ftlaln S. Twin FaU*

Iliilnl. Unnalil Peck i

ilmlMll, clght-yra Mr. and Mr.-i, HnroW

. klt-kfd In the Ittci !■ Kimball raiirh nl

Ol:il Pl.-i.rle tirul Cllarle.i While, who have been vlsllltig m the J. R, Perk and Joe Dleterle hnmcs nnir here lo r the past two week.4, left for tli'-lr homes In EiiterprL'e, Ore.

Mr. and Mis. I r i ln Kelley niul son. K eith , HnL>e, .'peiit the week­end hero Wllh Mr. nnd Mrs, Irn dredge.

Mrs. Don Patterson hns left for Jerome where Mie will visit over the weekend with her brother, Wnytie Davb, who 1-, at home on a Ihrre day fiirlouiih from i-crvli-c wllh the a ir cori>5 In BiRlnnil and lUily,

Mr, and .Mr?. C. J. Hockwood nnd son, Jo h n . Bol. e. nrrlved to I'peiid the liolldny wllh .Mr, nnckffood's (<Uitcr, Mr.-. Alt DllllngJily nnd fnm- lly. W ith them «n.i ML- Mnrj- BIII- Ingsly u-lio telurnecl linnir nfter n iilx week‘.i visit In Cnnibrlclgo with relatives.

Deep Well Pumps available a t

Get yours before th e y are a ll gone.

A ll necessai-y m a te ria l an d an

e x p e rt insta lla tion , m an to in s ta ll your

Jo b ..Phone 95

133 Shoshone N.


Window-Breakers Will Pay DamageH iCllFin.n, July 7 - A large

sll>s vitiMlow « l the nitthllclrt •U .Stai,. bank wn,-i broken Fr .• nislu when 11 bottle ot beer wi

ilirc'.^n tIuoiiKli till! window from

o hadD fee

na-out-oMowii suspect, eialcd a d;mce In Ulchneld,iircliendrd n n d nrrnn(;emeni.5 i(le Icir payliin the S200 diuiinges. .estHiatlon was mnde by Mnr- ■I Bill Carter. Richfield, n n d erlff Jerre Pcrdum. Bhoshone.

ttucH o r Tiir. niii’.TUurN

SnM.r"-.-li-'l; AIli


Make it This Q uick,E asy W a y

4 Cupt Geonnd TtuU 6 Capt Sugar

Cup Laaoo Julcc 1 Package M.CP. P<ctin

W.iih nnd pit i poiuida folly ripe «prl- COII. grind. Do not peel. r<l(nsure c i- ocily 1 level cups of the ground fruit (add water to fin last eop. li nectJ- u ry ) Into a large kettle. Add the M .C P. Peetin and lemon )ulee. stir well and bring to a boll, ttlrrlao coostantiy. NOW, add the sugar (which has beea prtvloiuly measured), continue stir* rlnfl. and bring to a M l rolllna boll. BOIL EXACIXY * MINIITES. Re­move from Are. let the boU subside. Atir and by turns for 5 rolnute«. Pour lalo sterilised (ars. aHowIng J-J- Incli space lor sealiag ^ ’ltb fresh pnr-



Five o'clock In thg momlnB. Small Frank aged three, turned

r, stretched, and cams wlda ike. He slipped softly out of bed

and puv oiv Ula robe w d tUppera. He went to tbe bathroom, then to his tnbtfl where he sat down to his color book and busied himself color­ing o frame house and garden.

Half after six his bab; sister stirred In her erlb. Hs tlp-toed to her side nnd saw ehe was wide

;e too. He gave her the doll tlint...... „■ on her, crib and she look itchecrfiilly. Soon she Ijegan lo wblm- ler. "All right. Vou wait a minute ind r i l get It for you," laid he and brought her the botUe that had been prepared nnd left ready for the first feeding.

'Tljiii's a good bnby, You mast ot cry 'c.nuo mother »nd dady ere up late last night and ttiey iiist sleep tills morning,"

mother'! Helper When mother opened her eyes was p.v t Her usual rising hour and

ic tuistet\ctl to Uie clUldtenl lootti, Tliu children smiled a welcomo and Frnnk said, "I hopo w« didn’t waken yciii mother. We tried lo be illU.-

••YOU didn't wnien me, you blcsMd . ynuMK one. You’re a wonderful help- er, n i hurry right nlong ntra and

1 .atrr in the liny mother was tell- iiiu about tliLi nnd asked anxiously, ijo you think It was wrong to sleep

(ivi-r and let the clilld feel he had lo lake over for me like Umt? Was It taking ndvniilago of him?"

It wiLs doing him a great klnd- .s. I t W.1S offering him a chance

to nsume re.'iponslblllly and leader- snip and he was Intelligent enough, nnd siifflclcntly well trained to d* so. I t was letUng him feel that he w’ns nn Imporuwt member ot a pnrt- ner.Hhlp, his family, end that In It­self added cubiu to his stature.

Tyal5.Inc.ln Utefulaeis There l.i small chance In our coun­

try of putting too much responsi­bility ujxin the clilldrcn. They do not net enough of It. They are not trained regulnrly In uiefulnesj lo themselves ond lo otlien. They are kept chlldlst too long. A child can be ifsvoi'L- lWlt In sltuaVlons tha t call for rr.spon.ilblUty wllh great ad­vantage to himself. I t woukl not do to leave such responsibility as Frank fliouldered Ihnt morning upon hls. .shoulders dny tiy dny, Thnt would bo too much. But to train him so Uiat he accepted responsibility when called upon wns to do him a great

Mothers ned help wllh Ihe chil­dren. Managing a house, doing all “ le work as iniwt mothers have lo

1. is more than one pair of hands -n nccompllsh. If each child as ! comes along Is taught to lielp bit here nnd there, the load will ow lighter year by year Instead bi'coiiilng too hcnv7 lo be bom t

Ti-nchlng children lo help Is do- g them no Injustice.


T E I A LW o m an ’s H om e Companion

Cook BookReceive this book of 2,600 recipes FREEI Keep It S doys, then re­turn If not absolutely satblled. Just rciiirn It to us. TJm the blank bcluW.

I •1 Il i

s£ 5

F R E E ! T H I S W E E K O N L Y 3 N e w R o s e D a w n P l a n t s

If y o u 'l l send 25 c c n ts f o r p o s ta g e a n d h a n d lin g

T o a rtvc rti.'ie o u r UTiifjuc m e thod o f g e llin g d i r e c t f ro m n u r s e r y to y o u th rm iK h th e m nil, w e'll send y o u th r e e w ell ro o te d R o se D aw n peN e n n ia l f lo w e r p la n ts , rea d y to s e t o u t in y o u r y a r d . T h ca o a re th e new f lo w e r s y o u h av e been hcarlnff a b o u t th ro u R h ra d io s ta t io n s aiid th e f ra rd e n m a g az in es o f th e coun try . T h e y g ro w tw o to th r e e f e e t h igh a n d b e a r lo a d s of s ilv e r p in k flow ers f ro m A p ri l t o A u g u s t . F in e f o r c u ttin g o r fo r y a rd -d c c o ra tio n . I d ta l p la n tin g t im e n o w .

W o w a n t you to h av e th ree o f th e s e p la n ts t o t r a n s p la n t in y o u r y a rd , s o you c a n see w h a t s tro n g h e a l th y f lo w e rs w e r a is e . F o rm e r ly p riced i n o u r c n ta lo g a t 30 c en ts pe r p la n t . N o w y o u m a y h a v e th r e e eeiected tw o - y e a r- o ld Bpecimens fo r th e c o s t o f p o s ta g e a n d h a n d lin jr . 25 cen ts.

O f f e r ROod d u r in g b r ie f shipp ing p e r io d o n ly . S e n d y o u r reque .'it , inclosing 2 5 c c n ts , t o :

C L A R K G A R D N E R7 1 3 A m c rie o n B u l ld in ;

W E S T E R N O F F IC ES c a l t l ^ 4 . W ash .

Page 6: EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B-29Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/1944_07_07.pdfTlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped

Page Six TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FA LLS, IDAHO F r id a y EvenlDg, July 7, 1044

1945 STATE GOLF TOURNEY FIRST FOR AREARecord Entry for Big Links Event Predicted

Local Group Eats 150 Ti'out : Caught on T rip to Bxu gdorf

Old-Timers B ack in the Limelight

B a c k f ro m Pocntcllo w here he e n K incc rcd th e K oleclion of T w in F a lls f o r the 19'J6 s tiitc Kolf to u r n a m e n t . F r e d Stone, c o u rs e m n s t c r iit th e T^vin Falls M un ic ipa l Golf c lu b , T h u rs ­d a y p r c d ic tc d th iit tin- even t next y e a r w o u ld a u t a rcco rd in c iitr a n tfl. T l i c to u n ia m e iil th is year d r e w 19 g o l f a r s , a new

- reconl.. S tone , r e v e a le d th a t th e ciimitiir lo i i r n a n ie n t w ill'm a rk the f i r s t t im e t h a t th e biK event h a s e v e r b e e n held in the M ajfic V alley . Pocatello was th e c ln si’sL .silo lieret<



iiiuKly's the a n d llOhTI'l

aril Ui'iirliiK

tlllllR tlBut, Armour snyn arc infcrcsilni: lii llifir n?.-n riK Uccauso till' r.llvcr Scot nml Wnll I taccn. lire Ihir only everMil the I!rltl.sU oiipii, AincrlCi open, Cunnillnii opoii. wer.lm> o|k Nntlotinl I*. O . A. mclropdllum

lili w llrII IMl,

little Hi>i::in In llic 1042 nbyoff. n e lljoiiiilit ftlml lie uiicl the Bubljy Jnaca \voultl linve nmeli', Joiii'S i srujjiJ slum in 1030, Inn I v

I I«Tlrcl plicc of

M any Koir fnlloiirra rule Ai at tl i f lop of tl i f lUt of Krrat play­er*. JaiiM oncc x M l lu l "Arr Iron play r«nno l l-f si.nws..

The r alsiid ia l s e le c tio n o f T w in F a ils WHS hy a c c la n ia l io n .

"ScviTal olhcr cllli'.i hnd pi; blJi,” aiolip liUtril, " 1)1)1 ttlirii

“Wa caught 150 f ld ig o ld .Inlnc voice on the telephone 'Ttiiir-v

ideraoon In niuwer to tli( query; "Anything eke?"

••Oood lieavenBl What did you do with them all?" told the Inqulrlnu reporter.

“Ate thprn." wn» the cnlm gponsc.

nice f n Wherc'd >uu catch them?"

"At Burgdorf, a b o v e Payette lakes. But they w m the little brook trout, so It WMn'i such . .Inif them." inld the voice, who had previously reported that Mr.Mrs. Rny Porter, Connie Sue PcRKy Lou. had Ju.it returned a two wcekji’ vacation trip to Call and Nampa.

- - did yuu do? Spend nil


A N N O U N C IN Q ▼ the return ot

L E S H EN D R IXSpeclalltinc In Motor Tone-Up


iMuncrief’s Four-Hit Pitching, Stephens’ Three-Run Homer Give ^ o w n s 5-0 Victory

• I KiiiT \ n i? T m i l \ T..I.

, ,li.Si.i«lrii Ml I. tciwn rmii.l In lylnu wlUi thf Ulll Kulicr-Uoti llnnilllcn due iur Uic llrst rounti Irnil In the uoldcn viilley Invlliitlun- il Rolf lournnincnt.

.......................... b en t the lei.uiHnrbcr

P a d re s R e f u s e d R ex C e c il in B u y in g Cow boy P la y e r s a t E n d o f 1943 P la y

Hn:»•ichcrf Annul cntly

slKiiccl for his rJth . ciiRo's fnslilonable Mcdlnuh club. Luv'.son LKIle c.'imc uu rliiisropm hi 1034 niul 1033 I llie Drllish a n d Amcrlcnn i cluitnpliitv^hlp.v TJicn came jililHI, Johnny Oooilnian. w llie 19:j7 natloniil amateur. In 1D30, Betty Jnmc.son wiw Hitored by Ar

, then w en t out and look thn;illoi a title.

Bues Win on 6-Run Rally in 6th Inning

P n T S n u n o H . July 7 M'.—A run spree In th e sUth InnlUR llie Pirate.^ a ll Ihty needed (c Ic it the Phllacleliihla Blue Jayj, C-5,

Botl> l<'ams w ed three hu tlie Plrntes poundlns Ken UaiJcai-

. berBcr. Anton Knrl anil AI aer- lienuser for 14 lilt-i while the nine f Jay.-; got six snfctlc.i off Nick strln- ccvlcli. Preacher Roe und Xavlt HcsclKno.I'Klln.lHrha nb r h] I'litil.^rvh ib r

Giants Dm!) Cards, 10-1

ST. L O U IS , J u l y 7 (,1>) _ A fter d ro p p in K t h r o e in a ro\ to th e S t . L otifs C u riJitm /s, t(i New Y o rk G ia n ts i!i<l a : nhout f a c e nnd h a n d e d tli N ational leaR ue c lianipioii the ir w o r.s t d ru !)l) in (f of th e season in t h e f i n a l ^:;tme of the f o u r-n a m e se rio .s . ID-I,

lilll Vol.iellf stiipiicd thr Uvln« nc(I Birds w ith cluht hlt.i lih ,'<hutout In the .'sl.Nih liiRle by Rny flandcr;i. a i it.iii Muslnl nnd an outtle Con O’Dea ncored (tu- Ca un. It WIX.1 h is ll lh vlctorj- cf the i car.Ilucldy K err and Niip neyr»

ban iill-nrountl man, .MibbhiK U Injured Phil W clnlrniib ni .

ronnectcd for th ree >:iretlcs. and HiiBli Liiby knocKcd 1

Olantfl knoekcd out youns I ■h In th e first Innlnu ullh run n ttnck and contlmied o

Fred Echniltlt, Dll.x Donnrlly nnd . Naj-mlch. amii-wlnK 1' "

Rex Cecil Leads Coast Hurlers in Wins, Strikeouts

Til,. ?.5(l.0tH) 111

Twin l-'alls Cow Tim.-s-.Vrw.s sp, Icaiiiiij: th e Cn

:ni\viis— a jii le h e r a t v T h a l’.‘< w h a i th e o ffic

Hi T h u r s d a y w iien <11101 on how t h e in 'lehe r. w

Cubs Win O ver Braves, 11-6

tnitin, NIfhoUon. I

C o a s t L e a g u e

Tlie annual outing of English printers and ihelr nppretlccs la called ft wnyigoose.

Mueller Sets Catchini; M ark

r n.s Uii' CliK- icil Rny Mui'ilcr I trounclnR of tlii*

il the n th

Borowy Gains 11th Vielorv

nlKht w ith Brooklyn EXxl-

ir n clcim sv,ce|i of llic lour- i.crlcs.He<l.', hoiiornl Mueller'.i f<

tclilni! Iil.i ISlli cnn.icctil: breaking a record .let. In lOOi ;

by Gcorsc Olb-'oii of Pltl.sbiirKh.

Heafner’s 4-Hitter Stops Chisox, 5-0

WASHINGTON, July 7 OD Wnshlngton. belilnil the four-lilt pllchlnK of Mlcl;fy Jlaefner.

he ChlcaKO While Sox lie

"•ir»l.n€l .................... ....Irflit ...... .... ........lUdflphIt __________

Tobin on All-StarsNEW YORK. July 7 (/r»-Jlm

Tobin, who ha.i liiirird two na- hlt pnmc-s for the Bo.-<loii Brave.s

n.ion. was nddcil to the Nn- • league all-star ba.scball

» replac

Hughson W ins 13th Contest

BOSTON, July 7 'H ie Ballon

Player TradePIltLADFlPHIA, July 7 (J ',-T he

Plilladrlphln Athletics announced (i trade with the New York Yankees whereby they acquired oiitllelder Larry Raseiithnl In cxchnnRC for Dulllclder Lew Flick nnd nn unat

ounccd sum of cash.Fllcl: will go to Newark. Y onw U

(cmatlonni Icntnie fnnn club, t which RoscntlJal hnd refused to n iwrt.

New Steam Machine REMOVES ALL OLD WALL TArER a n d


ACME PAINT STORE I HS 2nd Atc. B. P h . 12» I


n .uhurU -~ :':"~ :zz itco .«en oSr

Northcy. t.uplin, Wntdcll 2. Two.Ilam hi" * Elll«tt : . A.l>in>. Wudfll, 7)in^UM M- Ullmt, IIuimII. Slol<n t>u«l Uarmv Blc> rlfk««T CcMrart* ZAk, DoQbU rl4itl Kotlhex mil l-»eo«ki KMclnMt. Zak i>n<l u*bl»r«n. WlBnltiB plkhm 8HlnM»lth. - loilns plUl»r< R»(f«»Urttr.

T he Tnjln p>Twnld In tiia slate or VcracTUz. Mexico. U buUt In seven KcUoiia u id is dirlded Into 3M

and IKIUnKtr:


T uln FalU, Idaho As of January 3. ISII

A S S E T SCurrent Capital

Accounta Aecountj TOtnls Cash on h a n d _________________ t 5D,680.80 I « S8.88C.(; Current A«fMnienta Recelv. ____ 10,81833 10.B18J!3j DcUnquent Asseaamenta Ilccelv. _ 2<.787.M 34.7B7.8t

Accounts necclvablo____________ 21.707.87 84.707.87nvesUnents___________________ 316J55.71 346J55.71


GBOCEaiES I_ iu a e o G u * o n I

| .KlBit«rl7 BowL D. 8. >• j

W e A r e I n s ta l l in f j

SAFETY GLASSIn C a r s nnd T r u c k s

T h e B e s t I s N o n e T o o G ood


a,088i5S3l a,088i05JJ

S 3C6,«7,15 *2,088^9531 »3.455.C52.<8

L IA B IL IT IE S................» B.786.73 t

_ 51.5C3Ja70,000.00 419,000.00

100J38.04 l,6roi05Jl

( 9.760.73ftl,603Ja


$ 3»!,4S7.15 $3,0S8J9SJ1 13,459.053,46

. « hereby certify th a t tho atx>ve Is n tm e stktcmtnt ot the financial eoatUUon ot the Atncrlcan Falls Rcacrvolr District as of Juiuary 3, 1044,c Itie ba t o! tiiow!c<!se a n d -b elie f.............

J . a . DARKER. Secretary.A. A. DAVIB, Vlce-Pitsldenl,

The Jerome Auto PartsHave a Large Stock o f P arts

For Your Car—Truck—Tractor A FEW SPECIALS

O C h c v ro fc l T ru ck A xle Shafts• 193C F o rd dom e ty p e Ctusl Iro n C y l in d e r H e a d s• F o rd T r u c k riding; gear nnd p in io n s• N ew 1938 P ly m o u th Grills• O u ts id e C u r M irro rs• F o rd C y lin d e r Sleeves '

A I ^ O D ISTRIBU TO RS F O R• M cQ uny N o r r i s M otor and C h a s s is P a r i s• N ie h o ff iR n lllo n nnd E lcclrlca l P a r t s• F r a m F i l te r s a n d C artridges• A u to lite S p a rk Pluprs• A . C . F u e l P um ps



“You’ll be surprised”

. P H IL A D E L P H IA . J u ly 7 ^ l/}‘l—Uoh iM uncrief r a c k e d iij> ^ . h i . H e iK h th p i tc h in g v ic to ry ^ aj-ain.st f o u r d e fe a ts f o r th e ^ I seiison na h e h u r le d th e S t.

I Louis B r o w n s to a 5 -0 a h u t- ou t o v e r t h e P h i ln d e ip h ia A th le tic s in t h e f in a l g a m e o f the ir s e r i e s h e re .

Muncrlcf. who allowed only four hit.i, was given n hend s ta r t by Vcm Steiilti'ii-.' thri'c-run hom rr In the


■ t

1 » " ” “ „! '

made by one c f the many Idaho Indut-

the protection of our stale-*

rreat re-

GlttH dy, BohtmiM l^ > t« .. W. t«te. l<Un

Page 7: EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B-29Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/1944_07_07.pdfTlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped

FrMsy E v tn lrs , Jviiy 7 , 10<1<1 TIM ES.NEW S. TW IN FALLS. IDAHO Page Seven


OVER THEREN eeds every p o u n d o f m e ta l

■That you can s a v e o v e r h e re

B y havln? u s w eld a n d s a v e e v e ry p a r t o f your f a r m e q u ip m e n t . L e t’s he lp o u r boys w in , _


W M m k -.

iPImnbfam • Pifnt • E l ^ e a t StqFpnM

Combination Salesman--------a n d ----------

TRUCK DRIVERD raft Exempt—Statement of Availability


P A C K I N G C O .

C y n n id e Fum igation8 td Duffs - F leu • Mothi Give « lu o( houl^

. O R L O W ILLIAM STwin r»lU Fltnl'C a.

lUo d a J»ntlro. capital oJ DrMll, w as u tsbU ihed b - lh» PorluKurse a lte r a victory over th i IndUiu lo 1567. iTwa ilMltn

Page 8: EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B-29Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/1944_07_07.pdfTlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped

Page E iylit T IM E S -N E W S , T W IN F A L L S, ID A H O Frid ay Evening, July 7, 1944

<5.o5’$ front "porclNovel By'K ETTI FRINGS

To TIio»e WIio Cimf In U le: Tlih U Ui* ilory "h .i happfnccl to I’lnky Ilirrlson »flfr h* w»i kill­ed In a foiholr. The irrne Is llra- vtiily Bend JuiiPllon, h>lf-»«7 polnl betwfrn Ihe Earlli and Hl{ Vallpj. T n 't lrm flay h m unlll llirj looking tiack lo Kirlh.

XXllEamniy *lon<l «nlrlitiie

witli liU hniMU oil hl» liip.' rljlit. lic'j Koliii! In lir I'kiiy Can ac k" on iiim? "

-No, you ciin'l gc nii' Cori him tirmlj.

■TliPrc. you frr' Yon tlnn'l to ll.'K-ilf ESicpiralKl, S:imiiiy Ilinii'rt lo llir nttirr.'. ''.‘Suif. tl:

home, mill t srnv lura (m i pordi. Bliittlns; mil Inr ilip Hin Ify >'lf< sinpplliK to I'll llilTf <1 bench for b wIiHp. I'lirt wlml ppnsj You nil Itcarri «lut lui(ii.

lL ''i'!ow ’‘lonV'ii<i' "i; i

Kiinimy, mirt I'm irlliiis von.

'•Jlo'v do you iiic;iii7 Lciiic hcrr?"

'•Sure, build our;<lvM onollifr pUcc turtiirr up. Ott really hlRli tlil5 time, «nd I mean liliili, nnd cut 'em off . . . lo hell with lliem. Cut Ilic trfllii Rprvlce, D'ncuivte tliLn plnce. 'Lcnve 'em lo «lfw In lliclr own Jiilcc. To hMl ullli tlirm!"

Elilily. M .'ihr lw-'ii«l, »ho..k lirr hfiifl. Il tciiiliiilcil lii'i. III a niiy. of RprcchfA fchc hnrf ctknunrncftl on

uorlcl';. IroiiUlr Is our 'iruiitlcl I.Mi'l lliKl riKlit. KnllicrV "

Shp tiinitil Kiwnrd tht bciidi. and ilnlTti- Only Tlliiotliy aiw lliprt.

Nnirby tlip Imliy rarrliiRe aimempty too.

nicy ull f,iw 11 nciA. luiil wrrc riiuk'd. Only Pinky kiuw wliiit it nu'iiiit. Jic tiirm-d to a;imniy. and laid QUletly: ' Vou'vc koL lo ttult . . . , YouVe sot to sl'c him nnntlicr

Tlir fniRrancc of llir wLMorlR K'a.i Anpct that nislil, but tiabody noitccd.

They wollrd nn ihc porch: tra>.e, crnliliiK forward, li.' ieniiii! (or every JpolRtop nlcnc ttic (jiilcl slrrrt.

Llltic Philip Alleitnii whs .s« iiir- Ing on llip gate. niiT) llie (,-iilc creiil:- cd U.S iisuul.

After a Rlille Billy Alli'rliin couldn't »lund ll any Iniinfr. "Phil­lip, 1 wl.sli you wouldn't ilo llinl '

"I got lo keep loo'Klrs for liliii, flon'l I?" Tlirrc's fomttxKiy now!"

But It Kan only Malt *huflllii2 townrd thriii.

'•Did you Kct •llmolhy l.:ick lo Ihe BiK Valley?” Julie cniled do'*ii

him.Mall nodded. "Ur'f Rolns to be

nil riKht. Haven't I'er nny nluin of tlie old mnn?"

•'n itit's JuM what »e were joins to B*lc you. "

HHtt «hook his Mead. "I went out to Lookout Polnl twice, ‘ml It's »lndy MllliiR out there."

Jiillc KlRhed, "Well, come up here

“Why doesnt K)iiiel>ody look througli the tele.'cojx!?'' Malt m)r- ErsKd.

"W« looked." Pinky loW lilm, •'bul Uie «moke'A so bad you can't »ee anything,"

•'Couldn't jcc lilm anywny," Mri>. Johnson rcmlnde<l them, "Nobody can sec him when he soes lo enrih."

•'Wo could liiive told about the bnby. wlicllier hr Rot her lin. n o t , ' Add iiolnled out,

"Yes. I auinwr "'•Well, I dnii’t know" II '.as Jii-

l feplhiB I

■ m eet. "Who-:

vd," lltllr Plill

s kind of liniioi •

ilt<- n,v.urrd l'il:'i

f;ilf«n' ’ hlock. he l-r-.<a)lpr, t

fn-Nhlon. "No word (ei, Uou. lIl Jelio- ill," Dr Liiwd lolil lilni, and went T toward Ills hf)U e.Ncverlhrles,i, Jehovnh nnd Cnter-

w nller rontlnilfd on down the block to God's House, walled them wllh

I'?;. slttliiK on Uic ^IqK. iT o He Contlmifd)



C;kM~T -^E PAN fOO TH6 i5Ml,B0»n ViM&M, ORi' we 6 tiT ^ 'Th e W rtR eO'OD CAMPiviGO RA.KED



Me iKi TWe ' , AVOI WWJO POSrTO^i , OF coLu>.\eoe.,’ CORCtrDTOeAineC.



LET'S GO (S e r AWESEFOL THIS MKSPicw.’e c VJ£'Re SUPPOSED TO J u s t TO 6E S U R e UE'5 fiO T


vF^O;ii n .' :r ; r c n . ' / \MIM C io m ■•‘. - . tP L ;,( (;*< ;io i O a -I HW

4 o o E i o--r.


Ml'S. UiiIlM' f’lti rMjii i.hil diiufc’h Sliiiiuli, Mif.uA, L- M'lthlB lie

i.'Mrr, Mr:., U.iilr. Connor.Mr. niul Mr.s. ,I F. Wllrox, . r

rucliniond. undi. .nr >.iy n('.l»i; ft fei

MU-i Mable r .in ii: , ihiL-i’, 1-

ircl Drown.Allred Huiisaker was n biLMnr

visitor In AlxTdrcn Suniliiy.Mrs. Boh l.irkUK i.n<) bnby rr

:r. [.aiklns is .Mutloned In ih



"Now'. G ertie, .voii'vo alrnidy rtiiiilc llictn nix)1oRl?e six times lo r canning you before the war!"


W H E N A M A PSH cw sM oee s j a than Z A v A rru 5 U A u .v is C A U E O A CHAOr.

-m sT 6EFOCH1 im; ctiA.c.xrrowM


•'TUff viirnlloii t really rnjoy ihe bejl Li ilic nor,-,'s.‘’



ptp wo tf »T Twr,. . . i v e u>«rje8*yt-nTw t r \ . \ i f f . . . s e u w TO Pi«uT ir

WiTW eu»

... K i5 UNPER'\ TWe CUCLtP CCSMATIO^ ... )w iu e ui4 n»uifeBP#TU6 J







ftCC'LW'Kl6 ft Ph'ST \K i W


;i *15 'icVs^'

^ 7 ' ' ---- ^ >CJ V; 3 J ’ ITS |,'4V C£f CfPSfS AV, t


Page 9: EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B-29Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/1944_07_07.pdfTlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped

I 'ridav Evening. July 7, 19-M TIM ES-NEW S, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO P age Nino

’S ' C L A S ^ I F i E D ' X D V E R T X S m- . - - ............■■ i ................................................................................................................. -------------------------

WANT AD RATES(B4M< oa Co.tT*'—«rt»

ui4 ao InfsraatloB cat I


k /or nn r5tliiiuto NOW— DETWEILER'S

Amazing Results

P h o n e

3 8

n rc tlic ru le a n d no t tl ic cxL 'cp tion 'v i th


M a x im u m resiill.-, a t a iiiin i- nn im o f co st c a n onlv be r h U iin c il v iU i VmU c ircu la - lio n o l th e t r a d e a re a . T lio 17.600 T im e s - .N <mvs huI>- F c rib o rs a ss iir t; in ax itm im rpsiiltf-!




ir l i l Ltf u

T R A V E L A ND RESOUTS^^H K -M IU .rn Gu t lUntfi^rw oi>»r



L ycyc

..............- /rmr»'^6r.V.IUit''!>C- C. M.ru,Q.

USHERETTEShl(h ich>Ml Junion or i*nler» «

ri*r eeMteMd! Arr'lf-ORPHEUtt niSATsn

before i or sfier 9 p. m.

COOKfor fountnln limcli

Good aalory COMMISSION Qood liourt.

Apply t t N rw B cnR ys

W . C. R obinson ' 0rKUt?tlEw"L0AM BCbViCB1 ^ rrew _ _ Vm *'•,' 11

• AIITOllOntI.EB 1 t> • '‘*'>“ ' ' 0'^"'


A rn o ld F. C ross. Mpr.



C H I C H IA T T . M gr.




H E A I . E .S fA T 10 W A N 'fl': I)

F A I » ’ IM IM ,EA1EN'1'S

H O M E S FU K SA L EUN~ rr<,m .n .l„ r. h,,... . »h

— S P E C IA L - pE t^IAnLr.• r ionlt- IjTrtt rl’im><ln . hhld<.


.« lr d*cor«lei l»ra. on •;!*-

• toVar. Four roono

MOnKnN » r«-m4«iWn»'en'rtiimiol. 6tok«r. h»f«-eod. CiiXf. II.CM.



» g i s i 3 s ! * v « ! i ! ; 'IBRIOATOR WAHTtU «l"enril W.rf"

........................ .IDC, t <n, »■piiMn 7 n j Nitiesal Uur.irr, T«l

u nj«. i


W A N T S BOYS FOR PAPER n o u n a

B U S IN E S S O PPORTUNITIES sz H S S T T S T s rn i r T i in s r r ;

m ^ c U ^ t u t 7*4 Dk U. rb»D<

BO A R D A ND ROOMOOARD «lr cvn«IU«n It^uln

T D r a f f i E f f i i f i i S M i r

lIN K U K M H H liU HUUaESS.noou anlV^UIi^ uklB. (I, rtftr-


- y A>rrRt>' toirM.i-.>ni.-;;pitoi.... w : - 10 10;» <ctt».ckM lu. m « . »(S-W.



t u r h :e r o o m h o m e

•ntAfrtOH — .MA.NMRK L O A D K K S -

G a t e s .m a c h ' I N [•:' Sii'I li’

S E E D S A N U I’L A N l-S


L lV J ia T O U K — P O U l.l'liVNSW ZKALANU i|r < atMl

..r., O') 57,;

H A Y . G R A IN A N D F E t U

" i S s r , " K “ *I'lUM

Wl;.s'l t.NI> (N’l irln-nriL-. .s»pr)t«, I'hor., IM;, Buhl.tlllllci

CUblOil fr^tl itinrlmii, MckMn

G O O D T H IN G S TO E A TUANNI.S(;^_j-«n . .1. at Jir lilloienUOI>SMll,KHlKS.^rTtr» Urjf. Ifjlleil

M IS C . F O R S A L E

llobfrt f l


D I R E C T O R Y' e / c r C L S SALES i S£/iy/C E

OU>Ni CT«l«fT. PlL II

' C L S A ^ R S & D rE fiS




' M O S 'tjy TO L O A N


' P LU M B L\G & J lE A T IN d

• T Y P E W R lT tm S

• F U R S IT V R E

• W A T E R S O F T E S E liS


AUTOS FO R S A L Ei n r r o n r . v


A llT O S E U V JC E a n d ” P A R 'rS

\v a n t k [ ) ” t o b u y





F U K .M T U H E . A l 'l ' l . l ANUICS

s-i'iT. nr.nnooM i


Ro<*l u'l-fl Ircndlo miiclilncj r a n SALE AT


139 Sliojhulic no. Phone 243

SP E C IA L S E R V I C E S.70yE „ , t i ^ d , r th.m n»wl 6-«

MAVTAG'~ ;.i.'. / ';«p;T r




RO O F?Call OAMBLEa ‘ for fntfl estlriBis



ir ll.hlnE Uckit. m»Th



D nuAnvAaNta Moaio s t o m

A U TO S F O R S A L .E 'tUnsON II! rauM. , Conuct Crarr«

NOTICENotice h hcttby bIv?ti U u l ft pi

titlon wss filed with th e Board of Directors of th>' Amerlcun Falls nr.'frvolr Dl«trln on th« nih day of .Inly, 1044, fiirilK uiiiirxntloii tc <li-'.rlrt ol adj;if,-iu liuul!.

ri\r imm-' o[ iim pptitiniii-rii nnrt ..................... I ilv hind., i.irml

NAME o r m r n o N i v n a i o iiieVV. aiU(v a.ul Niillc S 'n .i

Dojcrlpllmi 111 Ifliirtn UKiiirc QlnRliiim Ciiiinh Comiin'iu l Ihf S0Ullien.vr lOrilrr nf .Sc

< Nortl:

I. c

Notlcc 15 Ucccljy (

liny be dfltcifrt l.'

t ilic Amrriciiii F.il

NOTICK OK I.KTTINGSmIM iirc|io.'iil» will b r rrcelved

liv I li r Oiiiimlf.'loiKT of P\ibllc Woik.- of till- Ktatc of Idiilio, at th e ollicc of liir Cmninl^''loiiei' of Public Works in Hoit. idnlio, iim ll two iS) o'cloi'k I), m on tlip ^ l.'t <l»,v of Jiily 1D4<. loi cfrwnicliiiK 11 bltumlnoa-

oil O il l mill-.' ol U. S. No. 3C rii;l iiiul nrM of •IT' lii rsill.'. knowr I1.S '.^p V-l-Aiji nnil SAP 0 -J(li in Tv.-ln Fnll' Couiilv.

)p«nh Bill be oj'Piifil iiiid.pub-

MwUlcntUiind (

II of Cl

thet lllgliwi 1. n . Kirrr ,i Sho-'hon


foniutloii mil oflirt of llir Ooltr, Idiilio. here, Dlilrlcl Idalio.

chnrgeol l-*odollnr.i (J;VOO) r UI be made lor cnch .-ci of plnav, p.iy. meius to be matlc by check piijnblc

. Drpiirimcnl ol Public Worlci, State of IilQliQ.

All proposiils must be m;ide on tlif forms fiiriiMiHi, ond rmiM be flijn- c<l by the bidder, ^vlth his n.ime and pojiolflcc n(l(Irp.>j.

n ie rlglil 1.S re.'rrvfd to reject nil propojal.i, or lo iiccept th^ propo.’al or propo.MiI-1 deemed br.'.t for the Stain of Idnlio.

No propctfnls will be ron.'ldcrct iinlfM Bccompiuiecl by nn accept- ible ProjKi'sl ouuriiiily In ni imouiit not lci5 lliuii 5 p rr ccnt of

the lotnl nmowil of Propc . . be 111 the foi

cnah, (b) a cerltllcd chccl: ler’s chcck drawn on im Idiiho bank Tiade payable to llie CommlMloncr. >r tci a bidder'* bond.

It Is the purpose of the Conimls- iloncr to build tlio iniproveineni In tiie Jhortoit time conM.Mrnt with Roo<l coiwtructlon. Nece\'nr>- rqiilp-

lenl and an cflccilvc orgnnlznllon •111 be InsWfd upon.The tUeinion of tl'c bidders Is

dlrccipd loKfctlon 108.01 of the Ifli' a u ie Standnrd spfclflcntionR cov crlns ;iibteltlns o r nu ls iilng tli

Tlir iiiliilnium RBRC pa id lo a ll unskilled labor employed on tlUa contract fhull be .75 ecnUs pe r liour. The minimum vrcc pnld to oil in*‘ ------ - • -ade labor employed on..................... fimll be .00 ccnts perhour, TliR minimum unge paid to ,11 fklllfti l>bor employed on thU ontriict .lilinll be »1.I0 per hour.D:ited July 7, 1M4,

JOE D. WOOD, lAcUngt CommlMloner ol Public Works.

PublUh: July 7, 10. II. 12. 13. H, •«,ANOTHER SUMMONS


HERSHEL K. WREN. Plaintiff,


GREETINOS TO TH E ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT:You are liercby notified Oiot m.

complaint h u been filed Bgulnst you n the Dlitrlcl Court of tho Eleventh

Judicial District of Uia S tu ta of

Townsends Chart Kimberly Parley

Albert Eatling announcfd Thura- day that delentea o( U« Towiwend (ILMrlci coiinrll will hold an all-day meeting Sunday at the Kimberly city park Marling at 10 a. m.

n i f morning afiulon will be spent in dlJCUMliig matters ol Importance (o the wrlfnre of the ninvemeiit and III orsaiilzatlonal maiterj.

Tliost niiendinB tho pot-luek luncti followtuK the bu.'lnc.'s meet- m i a rr requested lo bring a covered dlJh, aandwlchea nnd (able nervlce. Coffee and lemoiiadii will bp fur* nL'lieri. Estlliig stnted.

ftlll brniii Biirt ihfl proitrnm will be made lip of music and talk. Irom oulMde represeniatlvei. Uiiesta ami drltjates who do not aliend the morning serjton may attend tho t»o locfti chiirchr*.

Hearing Asked by Man Brought HereH«rold T Onll. rverntly retiirnrd

(roiii ih" H"1m> Hall- penllrnllary If lacr ol Obtnlmiig moneyiitiilfr fiilsr pl•fre^*e^. Raked tor a I'rflliiunBi y liearlni: sfsterday u’hru

‘udge C.

Jii'Hrihe d

. Oiill

GLENNS FERKYMr. and Mr.», QeorRe Noyea hftva

purchnsed «ie Cail Moore hotue and Iol4 here.

J. J. Diirhliolr. hn." wrllten from Ogdrn thiil Mrs. Bn

ihlle 1I Uni lu

jppclalnibber company laclory. He ■t.-ni »ui>crlnteiident ol schrol" hero be­fore re»lKnliig this sprint to Join the tMbber compnn;.

Ski L^e Oliver Belknap. Boise, has been decornted in rni iimri h « re.Mdrd here fonnerh celve ■ ■ r medal.

. Scllmaii

t. He I

Drunneau. larine corp ' K Mr.,. J, C,

•■ oiiinnn nno nn.« hern oi>'TiHlng a barber ihop In iJruncHU. Ko Is (ho Inthtr of three children.

Visiting hers uflir cumpletlnR Iheir booi irnlnljis' at Farragnt nre Tom Harlnng, Vernon Roberl.'on, and Oeorge Uirten,

Brothers Home

Three Sons Home From U. S. Duty

CAREY. July 7-T lie tlirce sons of Mrs. Jennie Patlcraon. all of wtiom nre in th e rervlce, were a t tlta Pnt- terson home Inst week after levtral inonth* absence,

Flrsi to arrive Pfc, On Paiteri-on. Kort Dl*. N. J.. who hat Hern 111 ilu' tirmy 31 months, fol­lowed by Richard Patterson, seamsn i r, in training a t Camp I'arragut for me pii.M three months. On IVl- Hkv n lB h t Offlcfr Reed Patterson

,-d ft.,ni Hike l-'ifUl, Phoenix. . where he urndunlrd to llL

rnnk imd received his wliigiT IS r inlng.


ul i>:ead lo snlil comiilulnt w ceniy daya of the servlca of this

summona; and you are furtlier notl' ried that tinleis you so appear ane plead to aald complaint within tin time herein rpeclfled, (he plaintiff will tako Judgment agalnil you prayed In aald complainl.

The foregoing action U brought by tho plaintiff for tho purpo obtaining a divorce from tlia fendant.

WITNESS my hand and the seal ol said District Court this 16th day ol June, JS44.


J , H. DLANDFORD, Attorney for Plaintiff.

Tn,’ln FsUs, Idaho, rub: June 10, 23, 30, July 7. M, 1044

NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Probata Court of Twin Falls

County, S tale of Idsho In the M atter of the Estate of

George K. Bright. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given by the

Mnti»t»lgTitti admlnlsirainjt. of ihe eslaie of Oeorg# K. Bright, deceas- ed. lo the credltora of and all per­sons having claims against the aald deceosed. to exhibit them with ths necewary vouchers, within four

• ha a fte r tho first publication of notlca to tha said creditors, at

ths office of Rayborn i Raybom. attys. County of Twin Falb, State of Ifiaho. Vhla being the place lUeiJ lor tha transaction of the buslnew of ■aid estate.

Dated June 31. 10«/LILLIAN I. DROWN

Administratrix of tbe &(nte of Dccea*ed,

publish: June 23. 30; July 7. U, 21, 1044.

Bm Our ciastlfled M for rreot o l Tila Fact

But vhen -ou feed BUOLER FEEDS you are col shooUng a t tha moon. You *re getting 100 cenU yalue fw OTCry dollar In* veiled.

Tlif pilot was accompnnled by hb hridp, the former Mlf.s Mnry Jeon Cnllstisn. Atlanln. On. '1716 pair w in ninrricrt In Phoenl.v April 8 of thi.i. venr. Mrs. Reert PnlierAon will remciin h rro with her motticr-ln-Isw for ihree werk.s, but her husbsntl lins left to report lo Mather Held. Snrrnmeiito, Calif.

Mri Rirhtird Patterson, who has bei-ii vWllliig relatlve.s In Mtiriaugh since her achool term ended here th r I'nr'-y Krhoob. She vblted h!

iiL'bamlThe e Pnltc I brothers arc

■ Carey high

RICHFIELDBill McKay, Seaman 2/c. hai ..

rived home from Farragut to apend hla leava with his wife in Shoslior nnd lila mother, Mra. Destrlce Me Kay. Richfield. He haa now coir pleted bool training.

Eugene Cox has returned from Cnpe Glrarclo, Mo„ where he at­tended th e funeral of hla brother, Harley Cox. who was ItlUed b a plane accident. Eiigena Cox vL*ltcd In Burley Tilth hi.? brother, Lloyd, befora returning home.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bowden, anil three children have returned (o their home In Twin FnlLi after fev. ernl days a t the Loula Crowlhcr home.

n ig h t Officer Reed T. Patterson ind wife. Luke Field. Arli:.. visited ils brother. Brig Patterson and

family.Mri. Ed Crockett has returned to

Richfield after spending » month In Portland with her atoter, MLw Helen ^fcA^lhur. She also visited a brother, Ray, and family, » t Baker. Ore,

Ronald Dean Ames, baby eon of M r. and M rs. O. C. Ames, la report­ed fully recovered after suffering an a ttack of nppendlcltls a t tha T«1n F a ll! hospital.

Mt3, Alice I^mmon ha« gone to Alameda. Cahf., to visit relatives ifte r several months vlaltlng here

j t the home of her husband'a par* enta, Mr. nnd Mrs, R. J. Lemmon.


IWIN FALLS INBOISE, Ju ly T (U,»-The Idaho

pardon board yesterday granted n full pardon to Alfred Hunter. 22. ser\-|ng one to 14 year# in the Idaho .............. iry for forgery In TwinFalls county.

Ifunter’a fa the r requested the par- -3n because of hU son'a 111 health and offered to pay lo r medical trenV-

lent and provide a hom e In Denver IT Hunter and his family.Earlier P on Sellers, 28. Twin Falls. -

serving IB yeara lo life fo r the n dero --------- - — — ■

dst« Mt.Secretary of BUt* Oeorga Curtis

moved to commute the Rftntwite lo n 10-year minimum, o n d Attorney Oeneral Bert, Miller aald he agreed, but would n o t vote th n t w»y unless the \-ote were unanlrooiui. Oov. C, A Ilottolfsen refuaed to vo te for eletn- Piiry, pns lnfT th a t the board already had "received a repulntkm for be­ing too lenient."

The board denied four other ap­plications. convinntd Vwo. tinS granted six conditional releases.

L. D. S. Rites for Hepworth Infant

JEROME. July 7 — Funeral aer- Oces lor FJIu Lue Hepworth, year- »nd-half.old daughter of Mr. nud Mrs, Sijulre B, Hepworth. w h o druBiied In an Irrleiilon diuh. wcra held a t the Jerome second word L. D. 6, church with Bishop Charles H. Andrus officiating. Interm ent wiis made In Jerom e cemetery, under the direction of the Wlley funernl chapel.

Mra. Rollo Olbbons ond Mra. Vem Tomlinson aang a duet, followed by invocation by Hans Erlekson. and an address by William Butler. Mrs. Erma Abbott aang a solo, and tho itcond speaker was BW iop Andrus. Mrs, Olbbons nnd Mrs. Tomlinson presented tolo.i. wUh T hora OouRh ’, the pinno. Benediction was by sear Jensen.Pallbearers were C. H. Andrus.

Larry Nielsen. Arlen Crouch and Dale Dean. I n charge of the llornl ollerhigs vere B in, Panna . La Oello Carold. Faya nnd Arlene Hepwortli.

Tlie grave waa dedlcnted by Bis­hop Andrus.

FAIRVIEWSgt. Jack Clnrk. nephew of Jon

CInrk. l,s .■.tntloned In England and visited the homo place of his father. Altrwl Clark, who formerly lived here. He sntd that th e place hiid bppii bombed and burned. His par-

:iark t 9 liveniilHnd.Mrs. Marjorie Worthlnston. Cna*

tlefnrd. haa been assigned to teach ••'lllowdnlr school, and Mn.. Allen.

■Vndell, haa been assigned to teach iperlor school.Charlc.i ClnrW, nephew of Joe

(nark. Is now fire control man sec* ond cla^i In th a nary eomewherc In he Pacific, according to word rr- •elvert here recently. H is boslo train , ng wax taken a t San Clego, Calif. Word has been received bj’ Mr.

md Mrs, W. R . Banner that (heir «ns. Dcnn and Dale, have met, ignlu In England. BoUi are in the ilr corps.

Aviation Cadet Alvin T. Bedl\7 , >n of Mr, and Mrs. F rank C. Sedlvy, formerly of th is district, was gradil- nted from the AAF pilo t echeiol, a t Fort Sumner. N. M., Ju n e 2S. as a member of tho CIsu « P . He wa* appointed a flight officer In Uio army olr forcea nnd will be entitled tft wear the silver wlnga of a flying officer.

Tech. Sgt. Wayne Plercy. grand- )n of Mr. and Mrs. S. I/. Thurman,

spent several days la .it week in Dulil, He lias been in I ta ly and took P»n on fifty-three bombing mis­sions.

Pvt. Muriel Smithson, who for- lerly taught ftt Simnyslde. haa re*

-tnlly been moved to Washington, D, C„ where *he Is a ttached lo the personnel division In the na -y building.

P\U Fred Kambrlch. eon of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kambrlch, ha« won the right to wear wlnga a n d booU of

Tt. Fopm.d It t t tlUKUb

ealutlsN Of Yi •I. This,! Ta*s& v

• PunI*


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DOWN I. rtmlnia* um»tf iS iS S ib 'T t ri. Oaa w h a ^ t »

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Chara'"'*'’*"* .Old,

j. O ^ irti ir ti l1. Uttars


IX. UOTWI (e aal.'.

Page 10: EDITIQfJ VOL. 27, NO. 70. JAPAN RAIDED AGAIN BY B-29Snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF072/PDF/1944_07_07.pdfTlie men-Gilbert James Miller nd McClellan Moore—clipped

Page Ten T IM E S -N E W S . TW IN FA LLS. ID A H O F riJn y Evening, July 7, 194'1

SAFETY J A M S ’Urglnj Mnulc Vnllfy llstenrr*

exfrcUe *lmple cniilloiia dnllj-, the Jnycce liiilely comniUlte liuit niBlit prucnttd Lorry M. Hall, commitiec member, and "Zclcc” B artlctl. Twin t ’alls Jire chief. In tlic flnsl varlcly prosrsm of Ihc current Joycoe «erlts hwrd weekly "t-illon K T Fl.

Ltiidliig A new now lo tn c series, iwo transcribed vocals were liiffrl- ed In Ihc progrnm Mlcr Hnll spoke durlnfi the opening hivlf or tlie broailcnsl. He (i.'^kcd Ihtenern to tel up tliclr own KnJely proBrnms In tlipir homps ami ofllcr.i nntl cited oevcrnl In^lnnceii Khrrcln farmers can prpycnt nccldenu aJillc iisliig mecliflnlcal Iniplcmeiiu.

Ualns Qciiernl Cernnrd Motil- RomfD'd t)uoUllon that . . even'- IhInK lilncrs on m e hiinitin /actor . . Hnll iirscfl pri'cniillon n means of cnttJnR tloon thP nnminl iccltlenl rate wlilcli rpDflietl l.sno- OM InU year.

CIiIpI Dartletl recummeiiilrd honipnttnprs 10 niiikp nn rxlinusllvc cliecku|> when rioliiK scnsonnl lioiisr- clfnnlns lo bp sure knives

Jrrts are plncpd ou t of Ihi- rvnrli of fhlltlrpii. Ill Ills own tklil. lip c«. plained the proper cnrc of *Iovp.k, chimneys and ,tovl•I)l|»'

Mrs. H ayes Goes To North Idaho

Mr/.. Jiilin E Hnjr>. reprc-^^llnthe for llie Nadoiiiil Iiilaii- tlle ’llraly^^s FomKlntltm, le ft yes* terdiiy for norlli Idnlia countle.i lo attend conferencr.i rcijarrilnB Uifan. tile pamlyst.s actlvttlej, and to re- orKitiilir lu'o county kcIuim.

She ulll confer with Dr. Hulh J. Rnllama, director ol m u t o r n a l licnllli and crlpjilcd flilldrcn's ser­vice, ntid ihi'n no lo 6|wkunc for n iiiertlns July I'J of Ihc Spnkanf rtmiUfr Inr Iiifniitlle Pnriilyfilf.

Her Itlnrnirv Includes OruiiKP- vll!e, Nn iv rrr, til. Miiry'n. Snnil- l»ilnl. Orofhia, Lrwlston, Moscow, nonniT.' Kerry nnd Cmier d ' Alene.

Cadet Malone to Be Feted July 9 G, CALF KILLED

ASnuterly Ironic llie ta le of tlie

Ifto (Ires which broke o u t ulmo.st alnuiluineoiL'.ly lii the nrcu Rcned by me Kimberly miituni fire de- partiMeiit Into •muraday nftcnioon. While Ihc firemen an.swered the first.» brush fin- eiist of Ilunsen. nn unliiMired burn biirtied to th e ground kllllnR two head of slock ' ' ctroylnK a pUe of hay.

Uui the ultim ate Irony

K T F I Radio Schedule

i:: lisa;:,

Last Rites Honor Mrs. Clara Kimball

CAREV, July 7 -Fiiueral mtvIcp-. for Mrs, CInrn KImlxiIl, 65, wiv) illrd nt the home of her daughter. Mr,', Eldn Coon, Moore. Idn., Ju n e 2'i. were held June 27 «t II«7.ellon nnd Inicnnenl was In the SiniHCt meni- oilal cemetery.

KUnlwll ttiis born FViv in167B. I Andre"

■, DiinLs nnd ScoltLsh eniml-

U)S church and re children tw well a,

Survivors Inrlmjp Klnil>illKluilvillMn<-l:r(py; Colltiii Kimball,

.. ell Klnibnll, Hun Jo,<c. Callt Heber Klinlmll, Klkii. Nev,; Mt.

Coon, and Merry Khnball. Salt LiikP Clly,

ren and llirre Rtrat Brand

Rent and Damage Suit Filed Here\ ,sntt lo foll*‘'*l rriit a

j>roi><-rlv »a,'i (111 ■h.tr ou rl by CIpih 1, Tft-ln K.ill 111.111 rs 0 . W, Chrl'lliU

Paratrooper From F ei r.v Is Injured

,bi>riii' division.

mi.s ii,luipd II

ri-fPlird ii'fciil .Ir nnd Mr.

nenibcr ol ai

the early days la- ucled cr for the p lnccr miner,-;.

In April of 1608, Ihc pioneer left to enlL^t In tile Sp:inl.sh American \v;ir and nerved hi Ihe Phlllpiilne,?. A fter Ills ai.ichnrRC he returned to the .'itate* U> finish law KChoot. hav- lUK prevlou.sly taken a two year

rhiirucd In ,)iiii.' of 1910. He district. and ,scv(Tal term s In the

ipgUIature.Tliose hi the vnlley who were Mu-

dcnl.s of Mr. Reeves nre Martin Curran, Mrh'. Aiinn Dtirgy, Mrs. Llulc EllU. Mr,s, Millie Bellz, Mrs, Emma Jenkins, J . W, Coiidlt, S1I;ls Condll nnd J . W . Werch.

Rupert Ace Led Air Mission in Europe Assault

AN EiailTli AAP FIO U T ER STATION, England—Flying thts In - va.sion air «mi, liammerlnR blowa n l Hltlcr'.s iiicii and supples movinR up lo the front In Ptnncc. are tlie Amcrlcnn fishier pilots.

One ol llie.se is Major Joseph E. Brondhend, Rupert, Ida,, a (.qundroii leader In Col. Donald W. Grahurn’s P-IS Mustang group.

Major Ilroudhend dPicrlbes some of ht. O.dny acrlnl coint>ats nnd Ihereafler; "I was privileged to lend one of the earlier niL-Jilons of th e hivnslon. We swooped down nnd le t Ko tt'ltli bombs nnd nm chlne-gun bulleu. desiroylng nve nrm y tnick«, railroad bildjc, nnd h igh tension

"We have destroyed JuM about everythhiR Ihnl moves m en or aup- plles for Ihe Germans, phw th e rnllrond triickj nnd highways they

fivr I


credit and has riumnged three o th - crt. He Is Ihe son of Mr. nnd Mrs.

liroadhend. niiiieri. His he former Beth Scofield, and

«in. Mlchnel, nl.wi re.sldr there.Major Ilroiidhead’s plane Is called

•Unby Mlkr."_____________

WOMAN INJUUKI)FmKN, July 7-M r^, Ekllia ncUI-

^i.-.ii(lrna, C.dlf,, dnUKbt.-r of Mr^- Jennnette Horuc, received a frac- tiirnl ,'kull, fnnr broken rlh.s nnil bnilse.s when she was knocked r)o;v(, f)i ;i nr. accordliiK tn u or<l re - relvrd by her mother Monday.


Will Be Closed

July 3rd lo July n t l i , I Vacation and Repnirs, I

Ceo. Derln.1 I

Administration of Estate PetitionedA [Ktlilon for letters of ntlinlnL'--

tratlon In the e,'bte ot WlllliUii David Todd, v.ho died hile.itate March 20, IB«, al C.utleford, wn/i filed yesterday by C, E ,'P erk ins. Duhl.^UithiK that the widow of th e deceaAcd, Mr,s, Florence Le.slle, S a l­

mon. Ls entitled to Iho nppolntment ar. ndinlnlsirntrix,

T lie cslntc, valued al MOO. con- sLsU of two lots In Caitieford.

Helni ibtcd In the iielUIaa ars Hlorence I.,e.5lle nnd Evelyn Todd, both of SMmon; Edith King and Ednn Low. both of Buhl; Henry Todd nnd Frank Todd, both of Cn.tlleford, and Ruth B u t le r , GrantEVllle, lllnh.


SATURDAY is thewhen Twin Falls County must spirit of its fighting men!

match the glorious

> IVmcKrmlic' ilrvr Jutr IV in

t thtt D^niocrjitl

il (h’flJM HWTli

Frrv‘?i!,2".tiaV",';5"‘'ir.*~KlllroWn let Dill SUrn; llll^ Nurman Ijlk^. _ CllS-« Cjlarllf.llr»«i^ll)ij **Muor« I)urmnl«

MUS—«!S0 yrr^tom for Oeput'

Tt«urn II

Juu!diI;*5 p.' ni.^cTiry Vrt.^r'C^U^* «il»^p^pl»'. , Mtllorm "Iiil llufji Jrim u, M rin:

P, m. Udlr Con.ign-* J» u ; I Stop»lunkrcoriMn . . . MUS-11 :>0 «. ™ ,___

‘..'u'Tl; HcplUlI

N O T I C E !C h iro p ^ c t ic A d j u s t * m enls wilJ a d d y e a r s lo your l i f e a n d m o r e Oomph lo y o u r y e a r s .

Dr. D. R. JohnsonT e le p h o n e 344

U l 3rd j t r c . C ut

Like a B r e a th of Sunny M o rn in g

T hink bttrk lo th e nto«i pe rie ta l, « p a r k l i i i ( ; -

bright morning y o u .ever •aw . . . anti yo tt'll liave »omc idea Iiow frea li an<l •unny, how m ellow and lig l i l i t t l i c t a s t e of SciiEN'UT H eierve! T hat pleasant frcslincM o f fla­vor is llir rrixilt o f gcniiia - n o Icss-in b lc n tlii ig l

Yo«-.. I« Ik. f,Kt, 108-you h.1p le l,»r..it

eor Yllol (or« crop>. S..' )T«vr (see) U.}, Eirpio,.

' mini S*r«Ic*. . . and >p«nd



SCHEHTLEYThey o h o s*rv»,


. . . llii.'t Is it . . . l l i c cJifiiice f o r o iir c o u n ty . . ,

y o tir tuiiiity . . . to p r t iv e \vc N IiV E K fail.' S u lurday

n ig h t, th e fif th w a r lo a n i l r iv e ends. T he fifrtirc.i

MX‘ chalk up in our b o n d p u rc lm se a by th u t tim e will

te ll IIS w hether wc lu iv o go n e o v e r th e top. W e’re

used to go in ;' over t h e to p in e v e ry w ar e f f o r t . . .

b u t th is tim e it look.s a s i f wu h a v e a rciil chunce to f a il .

L et’s rally (o th is c h a ile iij fc . . . le t’s p u t down

e v ery nickel mid ilim c w e c an in Serie.s “E ” bonds

to prove lo ourselves w e can m e e t o u r t|U olii . . .

g o over th e loji. “E ” b o n d siile.s a re needed! Thnt'a

tb e purchase the m o th e r s n n d f a th e r s a n d fricniis

o f o u r figh ting f r i e n d s m a k e. I t ’.«i th e do lia ra nnd

hu iid re iis of dolhtrt; w e a ll .set a.sido f o r bond pur­

chase,'; regu larly . . . o n ly (liis t im e w e r e go in g to

h a v e to s e t nsiilc a l i t t l e m o re ; ta k e a h itc h in oiir

b e l t and slip in the o ld .o n e -l tv o p u n c h . O ne fo r H itler

n n d one fo r Tojo. T w in F a lla c o u n ty needs about

?300,000 — nnd a d a y t o g o ! L e t ’s g e t i t done I

