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Communications and Electronic Branch (C&E Br)

News Bulletin Edition 07-17 / Bulletin de nouvelles de la Branche des communications et de l`lectronique (Br C & ) - dition 07-17


C&E Association Retired Officers and Senior NCMs Annual Dinner 2017

Dner annuel de lassociation des C & pour officiers et MR sniors la retraite 2017

Welcome to the C&E Association Retired Officers and Senior NCMs Annual Dinner. This event will again be held without spouses/guests and will take place at the Vimy Officers Mess (VOM) on Friday, 2 June 2017 commencing at 1800 for 1915 hours. The dress for the evening in order of preference is dinner jacket, mess dress, jacket and tie or equivalent for female officers. Wearing of miniatures is encouraged.

The traditional focus of this dinner is to provide a forum for reminiscing, camaraderie, renewing old friendships and making new ones. It is a most pleasurable annual gathering, which we are privileged to attend in the beautiful and nostalgic surroundings of the Vimy Officers Mess. It will be an opportunity to acknowledge the retirement of senior members of the Branch and receive a brief update on activities of the C&E Association, including the C&E Battlefield Study Tour

Keeping with the traditions of the original dinner, a formal seating plan will be in place.

Eventbrite will be used to register your menu choice, your dietary concerns and post nominal. Payment will be through e-transfer/ PayPal at the following email: [email protected]. If unable to do so, cheque in the amount of $75.00 will be accepted in advance payable to the Canadian Military C&E Association and mailed to C&E Branch Adjutant, 9 Byng avenue, Kingston, ON, K7K 7B4. Your payment will need to be received by 24 May 2017 when the food order needs to be placed. As always, accommodation, on and off Base, will be at a premium so you are advised to book as soon as possible. Those who wish to book a round of golf should indicate their intentions on the registration form. If there is enough interest, an OPI will be appointed.

As an adjunct to the C&E Association Retired Officers and Senior NCMs Annual Dinner., Mrs. Shirlene Richard will once again organize a no-host dinner at a Delta Hotel Harbourview Room ($60 all included) in downtown Kingston on Friday, 2 June 2017 for spouses / partners who wish to attend an evening out. Spouses / partners who wish to attend this dinner are requested to contact Shirlene Richard by 24 May 2017 at 613-382-8825 or by e-mail: [email protected].

Questions may be referred to Major Steeve Lavoie at (613) 541-5010 extension 8371, or by e-mail at [email protected]

Bienvenue au dner annuel de lassociation des C& pour officiers et MR sniors la retraite. Cet vnement sera encore une fois sans laccompagnement de vos conjoints(es). Le dner aura lieu au Mess des officiers de Vimy le vendredi, 2 juin 2017 compter de 18 h pour commencer officiellement 19 h 15. La tenue pour cette soire est, en ordre de prfrence, le smoking, la tenue de Mess, le veston et cravate ou lquivalent pour les femmes. Le port des dcorations miniatures est encourag.

De faon gnrale, le but de ce dner est de fournir un forum pour voquer les souvenirs, profiter de la camaraderie, renouveler danciennes amitis et en crer de nouvelles. Cest un rassemblement annuel des plus agrables auquel nous avons le privilge dassister dans la belle et nostalgique ambiance du Mess des officiers Vimy. Cette soire nous offrira lopportunit de reconnatre des membres sniors de notre Branche qui prendront sous peu leur retraite en plus de recevoir une mise jour des activits de lassociation, incluant ltude commmorative des champs de batailles.

Conformment aux traditions de ce dner, nous utiliserons un plan de table formel.

Eventbrite sera utilis afin de capturer votre choix de menu, vos dtails dittiques et vos titres nominatifs. Les paiements seront effectus par transferts lectroniques ou Paypal ladresse courriel suivante: [email protected]. Si vous tes incapable dutiliser cette mthode, un chque au montant de $75.00 sera accept lordre de Canadian Military C&E Association et envoy au C&E Branch Adjutant, 9 Byng avenue, Kingston, ON, K7K 7B4. Votre paiement devra tre reu avant le 24 mai 2017, jour o la nourriture sera commande. Comme toujours, lhbergement sera limit sur la Base comme lextrieur de celle-ci; il est recommand de rserver le plus tt possible. Ceux qui souhaitent rserver un tour de golf devraient indiquer leurs intentions sur le formulaire dinscription. Sil y a suffisamment dintrt, un BPR sera nomm.

Comme complment au dner annuel de lassociation des C& pour officiers et MR sniors la retraite, Mme Shirlene Richard organisera nouveau un dner sans hte au Delta Hotel Harbourview Room ($60 tout inclus) au centre-ville de Kingston le vendredi, 2 juin 2017 pour les conjoints(es) ou partenaires qui souhaitent assister une soire. Les conjoints(es) ou partenaires qui souhaitent assister ce dner sont pris de contacter Shirlene Richard avant le 24 mai 2017 au 613-382-8825 ou par courriel: [email protected]

Pour de plus amples renseignements, le Major Steeve Lavoie peut-tre rejoint au (613) 541-5010, poste 8371, ou par courriel: [email protected]

C&E Branch 2017 Educational Bursaries Competition /

Concours 2017 de Bourses dtudes de la branche des C&E


1. The C & E Branch Education Bursary is offered on an annual basis to offset the cost of post-secondary education.

1. The C & E Branch Educational Bursary is intended to provide financial assistance for deserving candidates entering of post-secondary education program. This may include but is not limited to university, community college and technical school for their first undergraduate degree, college or technical school diploma.


3. The C&E Branch Education Bursary competition is only open to serving military personnel, retired personnel, civilian employee of the Department, their spouse and dependents who are contributing to the Military C&E Museum Fund either through monthly pay allotments to the C&E Museum Foundation or by making monthly or yearly donations to the Military Communications and Electronic Museum Foundation: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/the-military-communications-and-electronics-museum-foundation/ . The applicants must be in or have completed their final year of high school and are preparing to attend or are currently attending a post-secondary institution where the tuition is not otherwise reimbursed.


4. Application is by filling out Educational Bursary Application on the C & E Branch Internet website: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-branches-comm-elec/forms.page . The instructions to the applicant are included in the application form and all parts of the form must be filled out in full. If you are already attending a post-secondary education program, a proof of the courses that you have taken and are currently taking including the grades that you have received should be included.

5. Applications will be accepted in either official language and must be received no later than Friday 9 June 2017 for the fall school year.


6. The winners of the bursariesare going to be chosen by a selection committee based on school achievements, their personal attributes, their community involvements with the cadets, scouts, guides, the Reserves, clubs or organizations along with demonstrated leadership potential in coaching, leading camps, team captain etc.. In the event that no applicants are found suitable, the bursaries may be held back for this year.


7. Questions or queries can be directed to the C&E Branch Chief by e-mail at: [email protected] or by phone: 613-991-4193 or 3600.

Good luck to all applicants.


Pour votre information et distribution.

La Branche des communications et de l`lectronique accepte prsentement des nominations pour le concours 2017 de bourses d'tudes o la Branche accordera deux bourses d`tudes de $1000.00 et deux de $500.00. La date limite pour soumettre votre application est le vendredi 9 juin 2017. Les dtails sur la faon d'appliquer sont les suivant:

Programme de bourses d`tudes de la Branche des communications et de l'lectronique (Br C & E)

1. Les bourses d`tudes de la Branche des C& sont offert sur une base annuelle pour compenser le cot des tudes postsecondaire.

2. Ce programme de bourse d`tude vise fournir une aide financire aux candidats mritants qui entreront dans un programme d`tude postsecondaire ou qui poursuivent prsentement un tel programme. Cela peut inclure, mais ne se limite pas l'universit, un collge communautaire, ou une cole technique pour l`obtention d`un diplme d`un premier diplme postsecondaire.


3. Ce concours de bourses d'tudes est ouvert uniquement aux militaires en service, le personnel retrait, employ civil du ministre, leur conjoint et personnes charge qui contribuent au Fond du Muse militaire des C& soit par les allocations de salaire mensuel ou ceux qui font des dons mensuels ou annuels la Fondation du Muse des communications militaire et de l`lectronique: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/the-military-communications-and-electronics-museum-foundation/ . Les candidats doivent tre en train de termin leur dernire anne d'tudes secondaires et se prparent continuer des tudes postsecondaires ou ils/elles sont actuellement en train de poursuivre un programme d'tudes postsecondaire o les frais de scolarit ne sont aucunement rembourss.
