editing process

For our first lesson back, we got stuck straight into the editing process of the video. Before we left for Christmas, we had completed all of our filming so we got a head start by editing some studio footage to give us a taste of how things will go. This was very helpful because we got a taste of how quickly things have to change so it all ties well with the music and still gives that piece of footages justice in the video.

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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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For our first lesson back, we got stuck straight into the editing process of the video. Before we left for Christmas, we had completed all of our filming so we got a head start by editing some studio footage to give us a taste of how things will go. This was very helpful because we got a taste of how quickly things have to change so it all ties well with the music and still gives that piece of footages justice in the video.

Filming in the studio was a great way for us to practise which lighting styles would look best with out video because wanted brightness and lots of colour to fit into the pop styled category for being very eye catching to a younger audience.

When it came to editing, we hadn’t recorded anything else so we wanted to use this footage for a test to see how well we could use the footage in with the song; keeping it in the right time with the right beats whilst making it look the best it can. This was quite difficult as it was our first time editing but it turned out well and received quite positive feedback from the group.

For our geek scene, we used the shot list as our guideline but due to conditions we had to adjust it to the area as we were unable to move the placement of everything in the space. Besides this, everything went really well with filming.

When it came to editing, it was quite quick shots which was a challenge for us but we ended up matching everything. For this specific scene, we had a few match on action shots and eye line matches we wanted to bring in which was hard to fit in with the music’s beat because really that’s what’s important but with some very close editing we made it perfectly fit in so the continuity of the music and video match really well.

The jock scene was luckily filmed on campus which gave the edge of having access to tools such as artificial lighting to create that bright and colour filled video that Katy is known for.

The editing for this scene went really well because we had a lot of performance footage as well as narrative because we wanted this to be our mixed scene instead of just using the studio footage as our performance. It was a bit difficult for us to mix the narrative and performance because we had to find the right times to switch between them but overall I think we made the right choices.

The pier scene was completely different to the other scenes we had used because it was a complete different set in which we had to rely on natural lighting. This was even better because it was challenging for us to keep the continuity of brightness we wanted for the entire song.

The editing went really well because we used some good match on action shots to make the scene more flashy. The good thing about this scene is we split it into two scenes; one for the beginning and a continuance of that scene towards the end. This was where we had to be careful because even though there is a big piece in the middle that is different, we needed it to look like the scene was just carrying on from the start which we will figure out next lesson.