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Page 1: EDITED BY 'WlLJ.UM BOOTli. - salvationarmy.org.uk€¦ · I>lucl< out a .l'Jg!'t eye ond cut. oJI' n. ... •rnE CBRTS'ClAN l\IISSlON MAGAZINE. 0 99 another's hurdenR, nncl




OOJi'l'BNT S . PAOli

Page 2: EDITED BY 'WlLJ.UM BOOTli. - salvationarmy.org.uk€¦ · I>lucl< out a .l'Jg!'t eye ond cut. oJI' n. ... •rnE CBRTS'ClAN l\IISSlON MAGAZINE. 0 99 another's hurdenR, nncl



tkhaplers h~m lhe SlotH of a Sancfifie~ life. (Ccmtilllltdfronl Jl<l!J~ 85.)

OJ IAl'l".ER J\' .

"Arise, shin~, for thy light is come, ruHl t!Je glory of t!Je Lord is rison upon thoo."

VF.IIY soon Satan came as an angel of light, and suggested. You have the blessing of full salvation, but you had better, 1\S you are situated, say nothiua about it; just live it, but do not profess it. .For a moment it looked so plau~ sible th~1t I assented, and said, Well, perhaps it would be betterfor me to live it, and not profess it. Immediately a cloud came over my mind. I ran right to God and asked Him if I should confess and make known the great thin!!ll that He had done for me? Soon my heavenly Father made me to undcrsta~d that I must not" hide His righteousness in my heart."

Tbc next clay, in conversation with the brother who under God had been tho means of leacling me into the blessing, I told my simple story, all the par­ticulars of my late experience. He said, "l\ly sister, you enjoy full salvation just as much as I do." When he was leaving, he said to me, ·• Sister, I will gi.\·e sou an opportunity to-night to confess what tho Lord has done for you." I replied, " Oh, bmlher, not in a general class-meeting. I will tell what the Lord has done for mn in my own private clnsq, ancl to my intimate friends." "No, sister," he answered, "you must duro Lo confess Ulnist publicly, nnd Ums put the devil nt onrc umlrr ymu· feet." The brother loft me, and I went to my room aml prnyed nod tu give me grnce to be "·illing to confess Ius righteousness even in pnlllic. if it would glorify H is name.

I went to church thRt evening wi th some trembling. knowing, nlthough it was a. geuernl class-meeting, that there wonld be many porSOJH! present from other churches who did not believe in full salvation. Tho brother, soon after the meeting commenced. ~aid : " There are some present this evening who have latelr receivec\ the blessing of [uJl salvation; let them arise and confess what God has done for them." One and another spoke : at last I arose and said, " Through grace I can say that I love God with all my heart, with aU my soul, with all my strength, and I love my neighbour as myself." I then sat down; but, oh, how strong I immediately felt in the Lord; I indeed realised that the devil was under my feet. I felt that if all the world should doubt the state of grace which I professed, I would, in the strength of God, stand alone.

From that time 1 constanUy realised the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, that my life was hid with Clwist in God. My communion with God was constant. The Bible wns to rue a new book. As I read it by the light of the Spirit it was indee,l to me tho Word of God in a sense that I had never known before. The promises of the Bible were mi11e, given me by the H olr. Spirit, and oh how sweetly they would be brought to my remembrance as 1f an angel spoke to me. I felt th1tt every prrtycr I uttered, every petition 1 rondo to God, would be answered, because I knew that I desired nothing, I wanted nothing but lfis will. That passage, " Stand fast. therefore, in the liberty wherewith Christ hath nmde you free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage," was brought to my mind by the Spirit with grea~


Page 3: EDITED BY 'WlLJ.UM BOOTli. - salvationarmy.org.uk€¦ · I>lucl< out a .l'Jg!'t eye ond cut. oJI' n. ... •rnE CBRTS'ClAN l\IISSlON MAGAZINE. 0 99 another's hurdenR, nncl

98 THE CRllTS'rU.N liiiSf-i!O~ llfAtJAZINE.

force. I immediatc•ly bowed lwlore Go(l iu prayer nnd ••skecl, for His own glory, to grant me b'l'nce to ftnnd fast in llu· liberty whrrewith ('hrist hall made .m~ free, to ll't me never backslide to n. luwcr l>'tn tc of ~·race, hut to ]mt a tho1.n m every poth that woultl <lraw ml' own:r from Gorl: l11y upon me anv sn!fcnng neccR,nry to l;e<·p 1~10 nt the foot nf the cross nml seal me fur 6,·~~· l:J1s .. Soon I fell, IIJO clear WJLnrs~> of the Spirit", that I wns uuled fm· over the l .. onl s; that I would ne"er bacl<slide or lnsr Lhe g~·nc·o I ntJW cujon•d hut wo~!ld be, kept h:vT the mi:;!bly power of nod dose lo the lJlccdiug side "or ,jesus wh1~e I live~. ~?"'I felt thnt I. was ~ternnlly savetl; ju::;t as suro of hi!uveu as Jf I "e1e a!Hndy tiler~. 1 et lh1s !tRRnrance did not pre,•ent me from constan~Jy p~aylliq t~1at I m1ght be ];ept, for I continuully fl!lt thot I Heeded tho .ments. of Clu·\st s ~lootl, uml realised that Jesus wus comt•tutly iutcr­ccdwg fOI me. I raye1 was l!O louger oul.v a duty but tt glorious 11rivilege. God was always neur me. Bclore I called, He woultl answer· anti my pmyers would often be lu~ne .. l to praise and such adoration of God 'that I J111vc no language to descnbe 1t. . Th~ preccdiu t:: year of D?Y Cl.n·ishtn lifo lw.cl beeuv('ry (lill'crC'nt. Although

1 :eo.hsed that.I wAs n cl~ild of God. n.nd rlali.1' ft•lt HiM Spirit wituessiug with ~llll',,yet the hfo of 4?od m ruy so~:~ I w:a.s stitlt•d untl l•• pt down bv tho upris­lllg of the .r~ots of C\'J] ID my lll'nrf. l'Jy ('Jijuymeuts uf God were intcrntpted by lh.e Sin vrugs. of UJ?b~Lil"f, auu I felt a ciJl~:;tjlllt warflfl'': to keep the life of G~d m.J~1J1 soul, l;non, s.aw tl..nt mqcb. se!l-l'lghtcQl\Slle~~ hna 'bedn midcrlcd WJ~il all my f?r'."cr nets of devutiou. All nty former religions ·lifH ciuue


up beJore JOe »S 1t 1t hnd been writt.<•u in a lwok. I saw how teuderlr the L ord lutd watched over n.1e. !low fully au.d completely the pmycr r' oll'cred up ~om m~ l~eart, tl1e Ju·st time ~ spol;e 111 clnss-meeting niter my conversion, "0:1 an,n ere~. Just the nfthctwns nncl ~nff('rinos thut ~ere lll'l'l'~~lltJ· to I>lucl< out a .l'Jg!'t eye ond cut. oJI' n. right hn 11d, Yt:~l, nJmillilat e my will de­stroy Relf, cruc1Cy 111<1 to, tlu' ll'tJrlu 11nd the wOI'iiJ. to ll~t', 1mcl bPcn f.;i~·t·u' me tLUd the work llll~l Lcen ~tlt:rtunll,r d?ne. ' r luulnot. sullt!rcrl

1o JIP parfirlo to~

much. I thun],cd G~lllmrny ~ot~l Jur all tl>f' ~uffenug thnt 1 fe Jmd lJ('J'Illittecl to. con~e npo,n n~('. 1- or ~l)' E'llt'HUe!l J had uo h·eling I lilt lnve. and I coultl say \\'tth l aul. ,', \\ ould to God. tl1~t they wrrt• nlkge1lll'r f.UI'h ns I am, except UaH·l~~uds. !,would not lllli!ct on ,t)1e1n !IH' ~uffcriu~ thnt I hlld cnllurcd ~~u~ I ~1sherl t~wn: hcnrts wen• n~ full of God n~ mint•. 1'rnly I could say:

!\.o .,ood tlnug _J,.ath beeu WJthhelcl fwnt me. All thiwrs htL•·e worked together for my Spl~Jtual good." I reali~Nl tha~ 1 was uothi~<>'-that it was only as God dw~lt liJ rn? hrl\rt. and as Chri:,t'~> right~ouHJcss c~,·crNI ml', thnt I' 1\.Rs accepted Jn the Slght 0 of Ood. .i\ly clcsircs for thn knowle<igc nf this "odd ''ere go1!e, I uo~ dc::mo~tl tiJe ll'lstlnm n nd knowlt·cl;{t' th;tt rumo lrn1a Jteaven. I could tl'llly say with Dnvirl, "As ti'1e hC>nrl Jllu>telh nft,.,. the wntl"r bt:oo:ks. 1'0 ,PIIllt!l m~· son I after Thee. 0 God! '' < lh. whnt <'tHilll\nnioll I ll~d \l'tlb the J: tLthcr, wtUt the Son. ami with the Huh· (:fhost. Tlu• 'friuil\• w~tcb had alw&,\'S hee:n. such u mystc·ry to me WitS re1·c"l<'d, made cleat· to n1)·

~l!ld by the Il oly Spmt. .At on!' time, wllile in Sll'eet commnnion with the .rrmne ·God. God the rath~r, God the Son, imrl Gon tho Holy Gbo~;t OVOJ:­

~h.aclowed me. I can but. 1mprrfi?l"lly dC'sc•ribe this mnnifcstatioll · hnJ.(un•!'ll fhlls mo ~,·hen I Pttempt it, : ne!tlrcr can I tell of the dt·cp, lrolr: heaw~ly commllnJOll th~t I then bad Wllh the Time rt}rsons in the Trinitv. Wh 't PE'.rf<'ct ad?rnunn I felt fm· tho 'J"I'iune God! If I Juul nn nng!'l's· tonnue ai m1ght ~~ll1t. but h,m!l~n lanr;no~r is too faint to descri1111 the deep :J1 i1 ~A'" uf ?o,d. I he Holy Spn;~t dJcl _JlJ(lcc·cl contiuually "take nf tho things of (fod and 1e\Col tl~em mtto me. It 1s true tlutt I Ji"ecl on enrtl1 but I lfl/lketl fllld ta/ketltnth God. ' ' Soon I begun to feel a lmnlcn of prayer fnr iHdi,·iclunl~ nnd for the rlcurch It w~~ I'E'~ eonlmc~n for n~ to uwnke nt t111·eo o'cloek in tl.c morning witJ1 ~~ hea'~ bmct.en • •f]n~yer wbu~l1 wc,ulcl hold me pleading with God, someUmes ~Ol' hours, 1111 I nmh sed that my burden wns cnst on the Lore!. \\'he 11 for "'hom I ~~·us ] l;r! to pray rc~:~i &tcd the . inlluence oJ Lltc Spirit my l~ .'Fe was greate.r. .I now under:;tood whnt the command meont, "BeiU· y~




another's hurdenR, nncl sn fnltil the law of Christ." I conlinnt!tl to grorm out these inspired politiuu ~ lwfun' Clod, and lerl hy the ] lilly Spidt I could comply with lhl' injnnctiou of tho _\postle. "De careful for nothing, but in everyt.liiu;.: lly pmyo·r ;nHl supplicntiou with tlutnksgiving, let your 1·eqncsts he mnclu !mown unlo notl: and the peac(1 of God which passelh ull under­standing &hall koop yom· Jmuts and minds through J esus Christ." 1'he most insignificant matters ns well as things of greater moment, I car1·ied to my Hen,­veuly Fnther. I truly realised thnt in e\'ery word I spoke, every thought utterccl, all I did, ~·ea, in every event and mo\·ement of my life, I was guided and led by tbe Holy Spirit. How strange it appeared that I had been con­tentotl for so many years to live at such a distance from God, when it was my pri\'ilege to enjoy such close, intimate communion with my loving Father. Oh that all Christians would live up to thrir high pl'idlege. and walk with God as dicl Enoch of old. How higllly favonrl'd arc we, worms of the dust, that we may come covered \''ilh Christ's righteousness, into the immediate presence of God, yea, into the Holy of H olies, nnd talk with God face to face I


I'II.U'Tl:Ut \'.

'· Rc will fnlfl.l the d~biro or them that rcnr llim."-P.,.I.LY cxh·. 19.

IT mny he asked iC I ~as constantly filled with joyous emotions'? was I neyer in heaviness through manif,>lcl ti·n1ptaUons? I answer. I did n ot depend on frnmcs, or feelings, or joyous cmolions. " I wnlked 'bj• faith and not by sig1Jt." Often for days I would feel bowed clown through mR.nifold temptations, but my faith in Gotl would never bo disturbed. Underneath all the sorrow of spirit, I had peace n,ncl rest in Christ. I felt mo\'ed to pray for wisdom, that I might continually l1e wise as n. serpent , but hnrmless ns a dove; that I might hn quick to discern the tampto.tions of the devil, and ever have gmee to resist them. God hl'nrcl my request . nncl ga\'e me U1e wisdom I sought, and I hM·e ever been cnabletl to know the approaches of the enemy, even when he appears liS an ongel of li:,:llt. Often when bo~ecl down by temptation r knew that the Lord permitted it for the trio l of fnith, and I would sny to my God and Father, "Let it endure 1\S long as Thou ~cost ueccssnry, nnd let it clo me all tho good Thou intend est : tl11' n bent bncl< lhe powers of darkness." 1\fy fnith has been greatly strengthened by eYery snrh trial.

I was thus learning more and more of Gocl 11s I continually CRSt all my care upon Him. i\ly anxieties for myself, for m:v family, for tl1e church, He per­mittotl me to cast upon His stro11g arm. :My dear nephew wos given to Him wholly. unreserYedly. He le(l Jllf' in His :kind providen~c t.o make a distinct lleclicntion of this lwlo\'ed one to 1 [im. On(' Rn hbath, dm!ing 11 college vncatimi, I accompanied m.v nephew tu church. A mi11ister from a distance preached. Taking for his subject the sacrifice of Abrnhnm, be urged upon parents and guardians the duty of dedicating their children to the Lore!, as did the Jews of old. The apprnls that he made to parents and gt1ardians awakened unusuol inter est ; I thought of my nephew who was sitting near mo. His parents were both d~acl, aucl ho hacl b•'Cn left in my clll'e by his mother. All the reJ<ponsibility rested upon nw. \Vas I willing to give bim up to the work of the holy ministry'! I l'ccall"tl hi'< childhood, when hi~:~ mother had given l1er son to me, of my care of llilll, nntl the manner in which I had brought him up. I felt that I could appPIIl t,l God that, as far as in me lay, I had endea­voured to bring him up fort he J .. onl, and I snid, "If Tl10n wilt accept of him, I ofJ't>r the chi.'id to Thee; flJl(l if :here is any f[tilure or fnult in his twining or edurnUon, let U1e evil of it rrHt on me rather than on him; but, m~· Father , accept the chiltl a RpoUess ofl',•ring." Instantly, as I saitl tlris to God, the Holy Spirit overshadowed nH', llnd more clenrly than language can express was the wi,t.ness given that Ootl ncccptecl tho offering, that my nephew would b e converted and b ecome a minister of the GoS])el. A hen.vcnly peace !lowed through my S0\11. From thnt moment I wa11 just as sure that my nepliew would be called to preach tho Gos1,1el , and at last reign with Christ in glory,

· ·' u 2 ·

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as that I breathed. I kept nil these things in my heart. .All my anxious care for my loved one's salv~ttion was gnne. J t>njnyed the s1veet, pcac.-ful assurance fhat h e lwlonged to the Lord. and that H e would cnll him to His service in His own time. I stilJ continued to [ll'IIY for him that he mi"ht be kept uay by day from evil. ' 0

Some months after tlli~, his next vacation occnr.rcd. On Sabbath evening h e went to the rresb:vtcrum ehnrd1 as usnnl, null I nlt<:ndNl my own chm·ch. When I came homo_! fou1~d hun there before u~ e, aud wniling to see me. He begged me to come mto Ins r oom. I found lnm IHLthed in tears and under deep exerci1<e of mine!. I Rnid to him," ·what is the mnlter? wh/<lo you feel so bad?". H e replied, "Oh, Runt! I am such a grrat sinner; you tlon't know what a _w1cked heart I have: this e\·.-ning, while sitting in church. all the sins of my life came up before me. Do pray for me, I nm such a sinner in the sight of God." . I knelt_ and prayed with him, then pointed him to the Saviour, and !fiade pla1n to lum the WRY of faith. For three dRys he continued to agoruse before _Go~ for the pardon of his sins. During this time he never left the hou~e. ills dlSlrPSS was so j!reat that he conltl thinlc nr t.tlk of nuthincr el~e. His minister coiled repeatedly, prayed anel convt•rst•el with him. Othe~ fr1ends, chosen of tho Lore!, nlso came in and t>~lketl to him of Jesus. The third day he found peRNl in believing, accepted Ghrist us his Savioul' and enjoyed tho Holy Spiril.'s witncRs with his spirit tlmL ho wnH ineleed a child of God. In a short tiwe ho offered himself os a CtLndidtLte fnr admission to the cl_mr?h, and soon. he fc!t thrtt it was his duty to sl.uc.ly for the ministry. Of his life , the way m whJCh Gotl led him, I will speo.k more hereafter.

I cannot make known by words the deep gratitude I felt to my God for His great goodness. 1\Ty sonl (lid magnify the nnme of tlte) .ord. "'hn.t a cove­nant-keeping G od is ours; we have but to believe nml wait uptm Him, and He does for us mol'e than we can think ot· ask. :\fy confidence was stronn that God \\'onld accompli11h nll His will in my nephew. I could CJnielly and golmly trust Him fo1· the future.

About this tim? runny_ Vt!ry remarkable aubwers to prayer were granted me, one or two of wlucl~ I will relate: _I \\'RS_accustonwel. when Satan approached me as an ang~l of light. io _appenl ~mmedtalttly to G•1d, llmf> trying the spirits. One ds.y, while eugnl-(ed Ill J'etuhng the Bible. suddenly my mind was tilled with very unplcnsnnt nne] vile thoughts. Instantly I lli•iuN!J't it nJust be from tho ad ver~nry, nml sui d. to God my Fttther , ·• If it· is Salrl17 tl1at is sugg-esting tmch thoughts f.n IllY lllllld, I a8k Thee, in tho uome of ,J csus to b11nish them for ever." Immcdinloly tlH•y were gone. ~ntl I coulel nut rcdollect eveu whfLL they were about. nor luwe I ever since remember ed tlit·m. To the glory of God be it mnde known.

At anothe1: time it was necessary for me to hnve a large tooth exlracteel, and I always suftered so S!'\'erely when my teeth were brin!! extracted, that I wus led to pmy much tlint I might ha ,.e grace to })ear nll the }Jain thnl it would be ne~essary fol' ~e to cud~rc in this operation. 'l'he muruing of the day on winch the deutist wos conung, I was moved t~ go l'rpcntedly to my room and pray m?st fenently for ~mce to endure the pain. 'l'hc dentist came; I sat in the cbarr, my brother holding my head. The doctor took his i11slrnment antl cut around 1111 too!.h, then took his forceps, drew wilh nil his strength, auc.l then w~s obl~~ed Jo1· 11 moment to re~t; again he took tho forceps, and stw­?eedeclrn ta k J_ng out tho tooth' Du.nng- all this time r felt no more }>Rill thun ~f I had he_en mc_npttble of suffering. I belie\'O that this interposition of God rn prev~ntmg prun _wns not mcr~ly to s1ne me from physicnl suflel'ing, but to exemphty the g lorJOus truth that He hears the erie~:~ of His children nnd jitljils their tlt·~ire.v. ~mel also for the purpose of strcnglheJJing my faith i~ Ilis power ~o "du t'.l"t·t't'dwy 11lwmlonll!J _aboce all tlwt trt' "·''' ,,. tl!ink." I •mly asked fol' strength to endure the palll, and God Sa\·rd 111e fn •m t•n•nfuliny it! Oh, how I was mo,·ed t~ ndorc _my God, who bad dono ftJr me beyond all I had asked or thought! I Slll<l noUnng to the dentist. whu wns not a Christian, but I told my brother nil the particulars-how I had prayed so fervently that morning, and how wonderfully God had answered me.


AL anothl't' timl' I hael n \'iolent pain in my sitle. nnd desiring to attend meetinrr in tlw e•ve•uin~. I prayed to God, if it was His will and for His glory that I

0shnuld go. lu rt•lir1·e me of the 11nin in my side. Instantly i t was

gone! At anoflwr I i m~ I was taken snddenly wilh ltlouriRy; the pain was so violent

at everr brC'nlh t.hnt I groftned aloud. This time I di(l not have the pain removed. liuL c:otl 1-(fl.VO me grace not only tti hl'nr fho pn.in, but to r ejoice that I s ttfft:>rNl ! J prn isecl f he name of thu Lord tlmL I waR permitted to sufter. This ilhH•ss prm•rd qnitc serious. I rel]lninetl ill f,n· some weeks. l\iy friends thought Ill)" J'e•c·oYCry dvubtful; my sl rc rl l-(1 11 ll'llH n•clncecl, my nervous system shukcn .• \s I ht•gnn to r ecover, I l'Pgttinctlmy bln•ngth so slowly that I could scarceh' 11erc:Pi\'l' nny ameuclmrnt frnrn •me• tiny tn another. One morning, as I had been pbcNl in the CIISY e·hair. suppnrtt•tl h.'' pi!l.,ws, I was so exhausted by the etli1rt t•> sit up that for n nHmu•nt l ft•lt that. in all probability, I shoulcl remnin tho rest of my elnys n helplt•:;i in\•:liitl. Preferring rather to help m\·selfthnn tn n ••·••h•t· :t,:>istanee. it •li•l inth•e·el nppcar to me in my weak state of h{'11hh 11 1-(r••nt •·ross tl111" tu lin•. Rrtan. tuo. came in :g an angel of linht, nncl bniel lu nw, tlutl I tnuld no longer bo of any n;;e in the world, being s; enfeebkel holh i11 hotly llllClmind; fhnt it wemltl he much bt>tter for me to go to hc•n\'t'll. I ilnHJI'eliult'lr cried to God, 11JICI Ho gloriously m n.nifested I limsclf to I IH'. He' romlt•sct:'ntle•l to come down I•) 111 y feeble capar.ity, and explain fo ltHl thnl; 111y wnrk on t'!ll'th was not )'et <lOIII'; n c1 mntter if my health shonld hl' so f••PhlP, n1Hl I should never ngain ho 1thl~ lo lenve my room. yet while I livetl I coulelpmy. Then w:u; rrveRIPtl to me, As I lle,·er understood before, tho migl1ty power of prayer. That the ann of God was stayed or moved only us snmo of His chilllrl'n \H•re pmyinl-(; tlwt "prayer moves the arm that mcl\'es thr world;" fhot it wns the menus that God had (lppointed thmn~h which to bless the chi ltlrcn of men; and tha~ I , desi­rin~ uothinl-( hut 1111' will of nod. could. through prnycr, shake this earth, and call down hlt•ssin:;:(S upnn the childrrn of men, the greatness and extent uf whie·h ele·mity on I~· conlel revc;ll. 1 .nngnagc rnn hut. imperfecUy express fill thnf nt~~l h_r Hi-, Rpirif revt•n!Pel ttl 1111' uf thl' power of pmye:r. I WfiS losf in wemelt•r. lt1\'t', llllll pmisl'. wllih• in ltl)' Ju•url r thanked God that I stillliwelnntl <'em lei Jll':l.l'- The ht•nnt,l' nntl ~nh li111ily of the Lord's praYer I more fully tlll <lt•rsltltlelllinn I hntl ever elo11C h<' f'•> l"t•. NeYt'r since U1nt time have I giv•'·u ul.lc•r;lllN' lo1 llllJ ]»ll'L of il withnnt n, deep owe and r everence. The wnr•lH, " Thy l<ingdmn come," aurl " Thy will he dtlue on earth ns it is done iu h c•avc•H," fill my Ron! with thoughts uuutfl'rablo. 'Vill He not, in answer to the pdiliou~ which I-Us own Spirit inspires, cause turnings uncl overturniugs uulilall this t>arth !;hall aclmowlc<lgc the gr•'Bt Jehov.,Lt.-unlil Christ t~lutll reign ldug uf uations ail Ho now nigns ldnl-( of saints? Oh, let me be" litlll' unci unknown, lon·d and prizt><l !ty God nlon.-," while I silently and unnhsen·cd pnm· out my sincere petilinns to Him who I know will ever lend o. li;,le·niug l'lll'.

lily h~alth J..'111tlunlly improwd. but I nevrr fully recovered my fonner slrenglh aftt·r this ~iclou%;. I cluily realised lhnt it was my meat and drink to do and ~nll'c>r the will of G od. The yoke of Uhrisf was iuc.leetl easy and His burden wns light. 1 wus unL witl~tml erossrs; for God snw that it wns still necessary thnt I sllllnld hnve It lhoru in the llesh I hut I might not be exalted above lii~'RSlll"U. Hut I hJ,tllearHed througl1 gm('C to" count it rdljoy when I fell into tempLlLiiou." I fell ><HClt perfect submission to the will of God, that 1 cnul<l H~lt for Ul•iliH·r !<llrl'nii'S llPI' juy~. h uL \1 lcnl was H is will-wlmt woulcl lentlme tu lio 111\\"e•r llJHII'r llw l'l'"ss. closer :wel duscr to I he l,!c..,cl ing s ielo of Jesus. I C'PIIKI 11nll.v r.•trli"·tl Ill•· Di1·irw prc>st•nt•tJ unel tho n•al ilies nf cteruity. ,\11 things nf e·arth npp~tll"<·tl FO vain umlllccting. that I wondered how Chris­t ia::s eeml•l hnVt! ut:ulo lhf•ir Jnintls so rngugc><l with things of time aurl ~;ense. I t wns no pfli>rl fur lltl' to thiuk of <Tull. f,,r HP w11s in all my thoughts, nntl proyel' nnel prui~<t• \\'<.:1'1' hnt. th.., outbrealhin~,; of Ill)' !wart. H ow wonderful that the L ord ( ioel. :\lnker uf lt,•n\·(•n nne! nnth, !'ll uulcl con<lr,cend to dwell with such a \Wrl11 of the du::.t. \\'hnt ! nmtptmiun11hip with Uw Father. with

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the Son , nnd mlh the H oly Ghost! Sometimes I attempt to give utterance in wo1·ds to the deep nncl intimate communion t hat I have with the T riune Go(l; b ut oh! how powerless aro words to reYeal the deep thing!~ of God. I won del' n ot that l'aul, wl1cn tnken up to the third heaven, ~n.w lhings that were uuut· t er able. T ho natnml mnn hnth not seen what God doth rc\'oal to us, e\·eu wbHe we taiTY here below. Truly I cau sny, "lie leadeth rue iu the gr('()u pastures a nd bcshle the sl ill 1\'t\tcrs." How prcc ion~ it is to lil':lten to tho voicb of•Gocl;-to boNo Htlll that we may hear lltl' ,<..'pirit. NtiiJilllt to us,'' 1'ki• i,q tltc tcrt!f, zwlk w!'in if!" ' '


" H OLINESS to the Lord; cleansing from a ll sin;'' standing "complete in all t he will of God ;" being" filled with the Spirit;" ·· doing thoRO tl1ings that are plea'ling in llis sight."

Are the&e :fliblo terms descriptive of a blessing- of a stt\LC only to be enjoyed by redeemed sr,irits wl:ion freed f rom earth and toil ? or are they not rather great ·and glorious truths, penned 1.\y Jioly men, through tho inApiration of the Holy Ghost, for t he p1·o~en t rcn.li­sation and vrnetie11 of all who are washed in the IJ!no<l of ,J esll!l ?

Is this state to be attained in this wotld ?- nay, more : Can it be re. taiqed ? If the hcigllt is reached, is i t possible to rom~in there? If so, whe]:e_nm I ? 'What nrc my responsi­bilities ? ;.\.m I not, by living below rrty privilege>~, putting the light under a ' bushel, instead of bringing glory to my hea'i'enly Father by letting it shine ? Am I not hiding t ho talent given in ll

napkin·? Shall I not thus, on tho · last I!'Ieat day, descn 'O tho coodemno.tion, Depart, unprofitable servant? Wit.h what, force these question~ have at t imes struck into my !lou!, I leave those 'v)lo h:we ever ~hirz~ted after righteousness to imagine. Thank God, i have a t last solved tho problem through the power of tho Holy Ghost.

Briefly will I pen my experience with regard to this ''highway of holin<·ss," t rusting that it will IJI'ing glory to my J esus, by awakening desiws in the hearts of t hose uuconvinccd. of t he possibility of posses.~ing n. clean heart, or that it may h elp tho~c who have difficulties similar to mine.

About five year~; ago, my m ind was first aw~tkened to th is question. At the t ime I WM unconverted ; and, al­though posRessing a good sh:u:e of ord inary Biblical knowlc.tge, knew nothing of tho lively doctrines of Christianitv. Some few bad been dis­cussed in .i.y pre•enc£>, but this one I never remember hearing; and i t was

not until some time after, when I expe­rienced and tnn.;ht the blessing, that I really awoke to the bitt.cr :lnt.agonism amidst all partie>! of professing Chris­tians to thi~ glorious truth. At a little mis:>ion hnll. amii!st a poor and uoerlu­eaccd congrcgntion, a denr servant, owned wondrously of God in h is lubours. preached from tltc text, "For we which h:we b'llievcd do enter into rest." The prc~ent tense, do enter, struck me forcibly. A rest, for m o, now I T ho fir:;t ~park of real r cli" ious liberty th()n fiu.~lwu ll.Cro~~ Lhe tlutk"ened vision of my mind.

A short time r>ft.cr this, I wns truly convertA:d to Uocl anu His work. I hn.d the con'Oiou<IW'i4 of ~<ins forgiven. :llld JongCI.l to work for J(••ns. Soon this pri\·ilc~e wa~ hcRtowerl. 1 offered and 1!'11.\'c time, talent~, anti reputation, :u~ I tben thought, entirely into His ser-Yice. '

But I rliRc.wored, to my dismay, tb:tt, nlthough ~~ grent meiiSurc of happiness was mine, I huu not thorough satisfac- 1 t ion,-my likes rmd (Lislikes were n ot gone. I he<Ji lOilUy found the will o f GOO. vory hrml bo b!'ar. I did mMlyt· things becrrnM contJCionliously com­l'elled, not from pure loYe to God ; and then, aln~. nla'l ! I did not alway>! follow tho directions of the Holy Spirit, and so brought condemnation into my soul. I had frequent reoourae to the fountain of .Te~u·s blood, and always pro\·ed the efficll.Cy ; but I wanted de­li>erauce-powcr. The darkneS<i wM removed from my Yi~ion, the spark WIL'I becoming a llame. l saw the tru th revealed more clcarly tbnu ever ; t hat, through tho prcoions blood of J esus, the r eign of 1·igh teonsness was mine ; nnrl, hy t ho indwelling power of th<J Holy Gho~t, "my ways" mi.,.ht under thii\ new 1tr1tl g lorious dispe;sn~ tion of the GoHpol, a~ the n.ucient Enoch's <lid. without my privileges, " please God," nnd that thus I should live in the continual sunshine of ills presence.

But I had much to lenrn. God. in His own way, must show me my own


nothingness-my utter depcnclencs up­en Him. , At lnst tl}o momoral•l • lime came.

A ~i~tle compnny m~'t fru1ueuLly i•Jr the especial IJUI'P'"'' of ~<eekiu.l holi­ness of 11oart. \\'hilp oa our knees, UoQ rove~tlcLl t() IllY ~O LLl ~he ,sacrifice n~t;~.s~a.ry to ln.r upon tho alt.ar,- the deg.~b of ~~·((,-1 lllllhL be willing to die. I .~kerl God to mnal m~ to myself. W1wt n. rcv..JuLioH ! - my selfishne.-,;, mr vritlo !-I wn~ lonth»ome in my own eye!:'. Then Ho wondrou~ly showed m11 the power of llii aalnlLWn.-the efficacy of Jbu's blood. Utterly hclp­~eSi!, I trn~tcd nil Lo Him ; hclievc<l ll!! f:wed me, e\'Cn ij'IH, to the utt..·rrn• ,r, an~ Ire r~cciv .. ~l al•, 11/l !-my t..•d:J, .wul. :mel Rt•it d,-:mol ~··nt me a11 uy clenn and whuh-, 1'\' t'l',\' whit.

;I.' he bli~srut ro·rdi,at iun far trn.n~­cend~~l rjuy llllllt' J \!lllllol h:1w pic1urcol. GQd wa,; wi~l1 nw :LLWII..)'I'I :Lr\(1 •·n:ry .. W~lel't.', "lid J ,Wi\>< Hill i~lh • l. Pur wc.,ks I wnl}<eol thHH., I klhJIV how t o •· Pray without c;u..'\:-:tinJ.t,'' t,o "'ltcjoice evt:r­mpre," ;nul ~< I~1 ovcry tlliug to gh:c t hanks."

But how ~lmll I tdl o~ describe ? I w:u~ ~o hn.ppy. trn,Ling to my hh:bsing, I \\'1\~ l~;J oii my warch·L<I',\ cr, Ior~ot God, aud S.tt:m tooJt imollL'(liate ndvap­tnge.

.A temp\1\~ion wn~ pre<cntc.l, I fell bene11th it.~ powl'r. W lint! olo Y\lll a::.k­Consciously ~ y,., I r kuow the placu a.nd time whrn 1 t,:hn.;u lilY owu w~•Y· I t w~us lmt a l rivitll 11111LLer; !mt u.ul. too hLtlc f•lr <.ucl tn nvtc:. \\' ttlL ci:s­mny I founcl my,.}>Owcr and .l? lcs,lng gsme. Justcn.J of l<Cl'king Uod iv iyh alL llJY })cart, , J Hottgh~ back my blessiilg with t.ca:r.> n.nd repentance. But the Spirito( lhe J,oml will' uot b<l pla/eJ with. llaviu~ di.,otx;yed, l !llllst .go bnek. And this J duJ ; but was not content witbont the same 111easm:e of. feeling thnt; liatl IJeen so marvellously vouchsnfcd

Thid wus nnt God's way. so I w&H·

dered on with little sunshine. Many bitterexperi;mcc:; have I pnssctl througll s iucc then. llowcvc•r , Lhe bitter is sweot, t\ud tho uwdiuill<l is food. I m nst ltmm to clc•pc1ul only on (hill for aU. Ble"R II i~ IL<Jiy nama Lhnt e~·er He saw fit to oha"Li'"·

Many tinwH I !Jnvol :tbuost vcnlured entirely; IJut Llw di llkttlLy of lit<'}Jiii!J ?'igllf prcvonL('t! Hll'.

A few moll( hd hack I wa.~ k'll to tn ke a step to which 1 h:~.oll•10ketl fo>rward with peculiar •lrel\ll. Do:tL rwiu d, howe\•er, t~ do all tho will of Gool. J wok it ; was much IJ!c:!l!(.-d ; and, in the seru,e

of the Rn1ilo of ms Father. re-conse­cratN! nil I hnve to Him. Test after tl'st, ,foii>Jworl. I took the ei'()Sses. B ucl t one wn.; littht.er than the form~ One mornitl:,:', in view of my previOUfl folly in tlouht.ing God's sufficiency foe. my en.~<·, bolieviug now that H;iS; grace was nll-su1Jiciep.t,-thorefore snfl'i<;ieut' for mo,-I v.owcd, i~ He never go.ve me nt•.Y ·more ft·clil,g, if I baol to go weep­iug- nll my oh1yR, it wa.~ le~s ~hiw U\Y due. I l!rul :;o ofL •li~honoured, tha~ L wonllllf'lievo then lie saved me from nil >~ill. l:'ur thre(• clays I weut on thus muult'ntalily n ·minoling m.\·self of my1 (:uvt•ntmt. Ood wi,.ely permitt<YJ me r .. r :1. whil., to stan t my own tes~. "Thtl f,,,r•l \\'•Hllll ye ~r.ek shall &ud-' rll'ttly ~ •mu t•J lli~ t>.J n pie.;" ~hin "'98· accumpllliil•l with S\\'e't't emphn.-ria 'to my soul. True to His prumise, );l:e crtuHt; Hi< li11I.v !:ipirit wjtnesses ";l!'.h my ~pir·it. Ll1at Lie 1'\'Wh·es me. I ~P~ilk in t l1 o )ll'"~eu~ ~I'll~•\ for my cxgcri<;I•CQ i:-~ a Jt)'cij~·u ~ ouu. I Jj ve O\otncnt. by l!ullucut on Lh<; ::i11n uf U11(j ; i t is truly tl. li fo of faiL!:, The j:lvl,Ulding joy ot the fir,t ble~-.iult' has never bceu,vouch­!-lafcd ; I do uut rlt:-ire it. J\Iy will i.s lo!it in <:.~l's. lii~ will is ht:st; but tbt' t':Liru , >IWCCt a-'llr:lUCC; Jihat Il(l iS my trod, wy l:'al.lu:r, my Jesus . . my Vomfurtur.-in Lbjs I have all. I am kwL hy lr<•wcr l)h·ine. ).[y fear 'is· not(. lu~illg' . Lhc blt''"in~, but doiug any thlll,!.\' that wvul•l grievtl O.otl . lie ko·t·p< mo; I ;11u wrapp~d around l:ly1 JliH Juvitli( :LtUI!!.

1 wll l. ru coJwlusion, answer ~)lQ qne,~iuns witb. which .~ began in thtl1 words of tlte upos~le P aul : '' .. I, oa.l\ do ni l thiU!(I! througll C\lrist \yhich. strongtheneth 111e." Y. s . s . ,



A I'OOTI iclint, who W:LS supportcll by hi~ pari"h iu the highlnndsof Scotland, pa·~~·tl hi~ Lime iu wandering from huu~e to houl!c. lie wns silent and peaceaiJI(), and wou the pity of all kind henrt~. He had little power to converse witlt hi~ fellow-men, but seemed often in loving CoJmmunion. with Him who, while Hu i~ the high and holy Ouo, coude~cmul~ Lo men of low estate. Yuddio, !l.B h e waM called, wns in t he h:luit of whispering to himself, as be trud~ctl :llong the highway, or per­formed the 1-imple t:t:iks "·hich any neighbour fdt at liberty to demand of him.

On<>', when a merry boy heard him pleruling earnestly in prayer, he asked,

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I I I 'I 'I I



" What ghost or goblin are you beg­ging favours of now, Y eddie ? "

" Neither tho ono nor the tither, laddie," he replied; " T wa'l just having a few words with Tiim that neither yoursel' nor I can Reo, and yet with Him that sees tho baith o' us I"

One day Yodnie pre.~ented himself in his coarse dreAR nnd hob·nailedshoes before the minister, and, making a bow, much like tbaL or t\ wooden toy when pulled by a string, he said, "Please, minister, let poor Yeddie eat supper on the coming day with the Lord J esus."

The minister was preparing for the Obllervance of the Lord's Supper, which came quarterly in that thinly-settled region, and wa.~ celebrated by several churches together, so that the con­course of people mnde it neces!<llolJ' t.o hold the services in the open air. He was too busy to be disturbed by the simple youth, and so stL-ove to put him off as gently as possible. But Yeddie pleaded, "Oh, minister, il ye but kcnned hmv I lot·o Tlim. ye wud let me go where He's to sit at table." This so touched his l1cnrt, that permission was g iven for Ycddie to take his seat with the rest.

As the service proceeded, te:u:s flowed freely from the eyes of Lhe poor ·' inno­cent,'· and at the name of Jeans he would shako his head mournfully, and whisper, "But I diuna sec Him." At 1

length, however, after partaking of the bread and wine, he ra.i~ed his bead 'viped away the trnces of his tears, and, looking in the minister's face, nodded, and smiled. Then he covered his hoe with his bands, o,nd bnricu it between his knees, and remained in that posture till the parting blessing was given, and the people began to scatter. He then rose, and, with a face lighted with joy, and yet marked with solemnity, he followed the rest.

to the "granny " \vho sheltered him, lest he might, as he said, "lose the bonny face." He left his " parritch and treacle" untasted; and, after smil­ing on and patting the faded cheek of the old woman, to show her that he was not out of humour, he climbed the ladder to tho poor loft where his pallet of straw WSL~. to get another look and anot.her word "!rae yon lovely 1\ian." .\.nd his voice wa~ hea1·d below, in low tones : •· Ay, Lord, it'R just poor me that has been ~no lou~ !<<'eking Ye ; and now we'll bide th!')Cithcr nnd never part more I Oh ay I lmt this is a bonny loft, all goold and pr<'Cioud stones. The hall o' the ca<~tlo i>1 u poor place to my loft this bonny ni~;ht l" And then his voice grow soft.er and !'Ofter till it died away.

Granny sat over the smouldering pent below, with h er elbows on her kne~, relating in loud whispers to a neigh­bouring orono the stories of the boys who had preceded Yeddie from the service, .and nlao l1is own strange word~ and appearance. "And beside a' this.'' she snid in o. whisper, '' he refused to taste hi~ ~upper-a thing he had never done beforl', Ruch a fenrfu' appetite he had! But to·nigbt, when he cam' in faint wi' Lhc long road he had come, he oriecl,' ~a meat for me, granny; I ha,' had a feMt which I will feel 'I\; thin me while I live; I supped with the Lord Jesus, and noo I must e'en gang up the loft and sleep wi' Him.'"

One and another from his own parish spoke to hinl, but he made no reply until pressed by some of the boys. Then he said, " Ah, lads, dinna bid Y eddie talk to day ! lie's seen the fnce o' the LQrd Jesus among his ain ones. lie got a smile frae his eye, and a word frae his tongue ; aud l10'11 afeard to speak lest he lose memory o't. for it's but a bad memory he hn~ at the best. Ah! lads, lads, l ha' seen Rim Lhis day that I never Feed before. I ha' seen wi' the~e dull eyes !!"" l11rel!J Jfan. Dinna ye t<peak, buL just leave poor Yeddie to hi; company."

"When Yeddic reached the poor cot h e called "home," he dared not apeak

'Vhen the morrow's sun arose, "granny," unwilling to disturb the weary Ycddio, left her poor pillow to perform his nHual LaHks. She brought peat from Lho !!tack, and water from the Rpring. She spread her humble table, and mnde the "parritch ;" and then remembering that he went sup­perless to bed, she called him from the foot of the ladder. There was no reply. She culled again and again, but there was no sound above, except the wind whistling through the openings in the thatch. Rho bad not ascended the rickety ladder for years ; but anxiety

, gave strength to her limbs. and she soon stood in the poor garret which bad long sl1olterefl the half-irliot boy. Before a rwlo ;,tool, hn.If ~i tting, half kneeling, with hiH he:ul re.~ting on hi~ folu<'d arm~. t<hc fonnn Yeddie. Sho laiil hc•r h an<l upon his bead. but !nstnntly recoilrcl in terror. The heavy n on crown hl\oi been lifted from hi:1 brow, and while she was sleeping, h:ul been replace<l witl1 the crown of the ransomed. which frull!th not away. Yeddie had caught a glimpse of Jesus,


and could not live apart from Him As he had supped, so he hl\<l ~<lcpt-with Him.


MINE dear brclhn•n, I want to tell you some mino l'XpPl'ienc•'· 'Vhen the J\[etod iRt~ flri!t c:\ncc into these parts I tot I wn~ doin~ lJl·ry wdl. for mine wHe aud I hncl two ij<Jns, Netl and Jim, and we had a good farm that ~eddy and I could work hcrv well. ~o I Jet Jim go out to work 'about fourteen miles off from home. But •le :\leto<lbts come into our pnrts, ami X eddy Wl'nt to dare meeting, and he got converf.t.'<l, and I tot we shoultl all he UJH!nno ; "o I told Ned lw 11\lL~t nnt gn tn oksc meeting<~, for •o 1111wh pmying ruul K<l

much going to ""'ot.ing wnnlfl ruin U K

all. But NC'clcly Raid, •· 0, fader, I must serve de Lorn, nnll •:we my soul." ilut, I said, you,nntHt rlo •lo work too. So I gave him a hnnl 11tint on de· day of dare meeting ; lmt be work ~o hard dat he got his Rti n t dono. ami went to de meetin~r after all. While I set on my stoop anu ~muked mine pipe, l see him go over de hill to de ~Ietodist mceLing, and I said to my wife Elizabet, We shall be undone, for our Xed will go to de?e meetin:rR ; anti Rhe ~<aid, " What can we do?., Well, 1 ~<aiel, den I will stint him harclcr : awl s 1 I olicl several time~ when cln 1Ul'<•ting come. llut l\etlcly workccl hard, nnd sometimcR he got somn boyR to help ltim, m rlat he woulol go of!: t<J tlc meeting while I set on mine 11toop null sUJokcd mine pipe. I eould sco Nctl !fu over uc hill. I saiu one tlnv. () mine Got! what can I do ? d1~ boy willgn to •le~\l meetings, after all I 01111 1ln. So whQn X eel come home, I Enid l\; d, you mn,;t leave off goin!!' to !lese nwt•ting~. or I will send for Jim to Co)llHl honw, aml t urn you away. But ~t·•l•l.r ~aiol, "0, fndcr, I mtt>t sen·e 1le L<ml, and save my soul !'' Well, <l<'n, 1 will ~.;nd for Jim. So J sent for Jim; aud when he come home den I heart! ho had been to de )I eto­dist meeting, where ho hn.d Jived, and he was c nvcrted too. And Ned and .Jim hnt,!t ~:t itl, ' 0 . fn•l er "·e mnst. serve de Low!, nwl H:lYu our "uuls !"

But l ~aiel Ln mino wire, Dc~e MPto­dists mu'L be wrong: ll:t will undo us all, for d:t have got .N<•cl and ,lim both. I wish you would go to •lare JIH'Otiu~, nnd you can RC:c wbnt i~ wrong ; but Xed and .Jim cau·t :<eo it So de next meeriug-day de t)lct woman went wid l\ed ani! Jim, hu& I ~<t·& on mihe stoop

and smoked mine pi(l('. But I said to mincself, I g-uess dPs(' :\[etodists havo got dare mat.ch, to (!et de old woman, and Rho will see what's wrong. S 1 I smoked mine 11ipe. and look~ to see clem uome l.muk. By and by I ~ec flcm coming; ruul when ch come ncnr, l sec de ~·:trl\ run down mine wife'K face. Den J sai1l, 0 miue Got, oln. h ave got do old womn11 too ! I tot I am u11rlono, for da hnv•· ~nt Nccl :tnd Jim, and cle olci wnmnn ; nnrl when dn. come on <lo stoop. min•• wife Raiu, "0 we must. not speak again"L cli>~ people, for da nrc do JH•lJllf' uf (bt." Rut I said noting, fur I hnol nut hcl'n to any of de meet­inl('s, ~~~ I wa~ in great trouble.

A ft•w oluy.< after I heard dn.t daro wa' a mi~~luuury going t.o preach a litt.le wn.y'olf ; so I tot I woul•l go, for 1 t.ul, it wonl•lnot hurt anybody to go tu hiH IIH't'lin~;; n.ucl l went wi<l ~cu anol .1 im :uul mine wife, and he prr:Lc ht ; lnt t do •rol wns noting done till n.ft.N de mcct.ing was over, and den dare wa>1 twu young men iu de totler room dnt StlUJ! uml prayed so goocl aR anybocly, and du. prayed for dar old fruler too. And many cried, anli I t<Jt cl:l prayed bcry well. Aft<!r dis I wn.i going out of tle cloor to go home, n.ml a woman saicl to me, "Mr. --. you mus& he n. happy man. to have t1vo such young mt·u "'them that prayetl." I said. Wn~ clat XI)<! and Jim~ "lhe ~aiel, "Y<':<.' ' 0, I f..Jt so mad to tiuk dn hntl pmycd fot· mP, aml exposed me bcfo>re all clc JH:nplc ! But T saitl not.­ing-, lint wont home ; a11!l I went right to bml. llut no1v mine mind wa~ moro trouhleol cbu. ovur before, Ior l began to tiu k ho1v wit.:ketl I was to stint poor Nedcly RO ltnrd, autl try ttJ hin<lcr him from savin;tltiti soul : IJnt I said noting, anclminc wifo said noting ; so [ tricu to go to ~lcop ; but n!l soon n!l I shut mine cy<·~ I c•mlol see Keddy g.>ing over de hill to IN to his meeting alter he ha•l dono hi~ hard stint, so tired aml weary. Dcu 1 felt worse and worse ; aml hy anti IJy I groaned out, and mine wife nxt me wha&·s de matter. 1 said, I bcli<'ve I am dying. She saiu, "Shall I call up Ned anrl Jim ! " I said, Yes. Anrl .Tim como to de betl, and said, '' U fo:.lcr, what b •l~ matter? " I said, J lJclicvu [ :UlJ olyiug. Aucl he .;aid, •· lo'ntlflr, shall I pmy for you ? " I said, 0 .VC>i. auol Nctld.v too. ..l.nu glory IJe to Got! 1 lwlio:n: he hen.nl pt·a.rer ; for tough T fdt my J<iu~ like a moun­tain lo:t.<l to ~ink llle down to hell, I cried, 0 Hot.. hn,·c mercy on me. a poor sinner ! and lJy and I.Jy 1 fed som'.lting rtut all over Ill!!. anti split mine heart

Page 7: EDITED BY 'WlLJ.UM BOOTli. - salvationarmy.org.uk€¦ · I>lucl< out a .l'Jg!'t eye ond cut. oJI' n. ... •rnE CBRTS'ClAN l\IISSlON MAGAZINE. 0 99 another's hurdenR, nncl





them 011t oftlw 1ray, and putting tb'em llpon a false .~ce11t. Settle i t, then. in your hear~, that from the moment God: un.s saved yol\ from ·all sin, you are to aim n.t nothin~ more, but more of that love described in the thirteenth of tlr::~t Corinthians. You can go no hlghot than thi~. till yon are c::trried into Abra-

:Jll to pieces ; and I.felt so humble and so loving,llat 1 rejoice n.nd praise Got ; and now I o.m resolved to ser\'e Got w i t Ntt1 :md Jim, l).)lLl mu1e wHe, and dese f;tctodiBts.-8tel't'TIS.

NOTHING HIGHER THAN LOVE. T li:E very desire of "yrowinq in urau ~~ may sornetilnes be an inlet of entlm­sia.~m. ·As it continually lcn.ds n~ to seek n ew grace, it may l e><d us un­n.wtues to seek soml'thill!l''lsc new, be- I sides ne>V dC(J1'Cf.',l of /lll'C to Q.)d and mu.n. So it has led some to seek and

ham's bosom. I say again. Beware of mthusiasm ; such ns, the im~tghling you have the gift of prophesyiu:,:. or of disctlrning of ~pirits, whit:h I do not believe one of you h n.s; no, nor ever htu.'l yet.- llt•.<lcy.

fancy they bn.d rec()ivetl gifts of a w•n• FROM GRACE TO SIN ·.- HOW . .

Another ground of these and o. 1. A t.en1pt~~tion arisetb, whether liintl, a.fter a. new heart. I thouRaml mistakes iR, the not c<>n~iJ.er- from the world, ~he flesh, or the devil, ing ~Mply t.hat lol'8 1~ thr lti.ghesl gift it tnattcrs nnt.

tht~t all 1•ikitius, 1'l'l'elal;•lll.~, ?!WIIi/<'~ta.' tbc temptation. which now begins to of (,·od-lntmllle. ffN!flc, pali<'Jit Iori' : \ 2. l:fe gi ves wa.y, i n son1c degree, t o

tions w)Jatcv!!r, are liltle tliin[l' com- grow pleasing tQ bi HL po.red to /lll'l'; and tbn.t all the gifts :). 'l'he Holy Spirit is grieved; h is abovb Ulcnt.ione<l t~re either the same faith is v;eakcneil, and his love of Goq \vitb , 01· infiuitdy iuf.;rior to, it. grows cold. ' , It is W<' ll you should be thorougl1ly +. The Spi riL rel'roveR him more senRible of this-t11c hcrwen of hcavcm; shurply, :Uld ~ni~h, "Thio i~ ~he way ; is lo.ve. 1'/tcrn ·i.~ notltin{} hi[;ht•r in 1'L'- wa.lk thou in it .. " ' Ziyiu 1~-therc is , in dl<lct, uot.hing cl;;c, i'i. Ho tmn>' t~wo.y from the 11ai11ful If ~·on look for o.uything tmt mnre love. voi t:e o£ Gnd. und li~tens to tll.; ple!l.sing

~~~·;i~1~0~~~~;~. ~~~~~1:,11~;,i'~~,;;,o.rk-yt>u 1, vo~~\~!ii11dc~~~P~~~inl1 n.nd springs i~ Aurl >lil1en you arc o.skiug- .others, his soul . till faith amllove vani11h Mvay;

"Have you received this or that bles. He is thel1 ca'p:.11Jlc of cdmn1ittiug out-sing? " H you mean a.nyLbi1ig. but m<lrc' war< I sin, the power of tl1e LorO. being ]111'C


?JI111 1/tl'an .11)1'()/t.[/; yOU are 1eallin,g 1 1 departed from bi Dl.- Jl C~ley . . . ======~~L~===·== . '


1 Ris children, aml cnnulecl tl1em in Ris :;trength to "Shlml lil(e the brave-with


WtTU henrtfelt gt•fllitu<lc to God for JltiSt JllCl'Cies, we again lltY ~tore onr C1t11stiru1 friends a bl'ief stntemcnt of G:·oi\'s <lcnlings with us 1tt this st:~tion. · 'Yehnvc hecn tl·iet1-::Utiirtiou hns visitc<l Jlll\UY hea.rts 1U1d homes ; !Jut God luu; in iu:fini.le 111ercy ble~scfl us in th~ ftmu1ce. Never fliil we more trnly realise our cnt.il'e tle]JCml eHce upou !lim than at the prc~cnt U IOlUCllt. For week; J>~Rt onr belicvol'S' mrct-rugs lul\'C \Jeeu tnrnc<l i.utO jlr:l.yCt anfl cousecmtiou :;~rvic~s-nnUtY htwe Mnght the " l>i~IH:l' lite ." b:we fow1d mnch bl~s~· i.Jag thcTt•iu, ~ucl :u·a HOW -wot·h-in!{ \'titll l,'l'<lll t C.l' ttili!,(CliCC tlll~U 1!\'Cr for (iod llll\\

souls. TbiR vower au•1 bkssiug b as cxteu<lotl to om· out-dour ~e1·viccs. 11> the npcn a.i r ]a1·ge congregations h"ve \1cen r.pr1n:rcntly r iYcte<l with the Lmth, while nnr or · Jlosm·s hr.sc bcm• 11U:tbk to csrry out their hellish ilesigus ; fo< tut> Lor<l luts stootl hy

tlteit fnce to the· foe ." The hle!JSill~ of (}oil bn~ restc<1 upon all

OID' meeti.ugs, peculiar vower hn!" ])ccn gi\'CU to tb" s]letlkers, and mnuy remru·k­ablo iustnnc~s of conversion hnYc t~,](cn 1'\acc.

A PJ::flSECtlTPIG ~IOTJi1;U SAV£:0 ,

One )·ouug wot>lllll- so bitter wns tbe op· l'osition sho met with fron1 het· Ulothm·. fdt sbe coulc1 no Jougcr ~tt\y at bome 11nr1 'kel'[> right with Gool.

A few friends joinc<l to~ct11cr to 1>1·ny for the u;otl.er's couv<"rsiou. 'fhc Lor<l 1\D· swcreil . Jn n rPtntcrkahle u1:Ulncr tht> womtul W t\S Je<l to the Hall. A sister was spcaki.ug. The wor<1 struck boiJlc. At the c1oRc sl1e knelt muougst the 11ellitcnts, an<l is now trusting in Jesus . l:Icl' hnsbnud shortly after ~ot~ht tho S:wiour. nml >ill tl.u;ee, wo tru~t. u.r~ goiu g hnuo1 in ha.m1 to



A 'IVli91.l=l 'F'."~Jn,\' BI!Ol;OHT ' A whole famll hn . :ro oon. ,

' Whitechnpel. FoJ' " . j bccu scekin" to !ru a Jon., bme I have to he fill ctl~ with t~~- Jsore of Christ, ani\ ' Come Y<· ont ft·om'e pmt. The words

the psst folll' W(·~J:s t \u . been Je<l dm'ing Ho<l. For somo 111011tl ~ ~'"" tueir hearts to nml two <Jnnl(litcrs 1

1'. ~~~ Rt fathr r. mother, the Hall, nwllm;,, ]~" H·gnlnrly attoude<l One, " gu:l of sixt> ;''" lHnclt iiuprc•ss,•cl . attend. · cen. alone refused to

'£he :first to cont , t bo W8.8 thu oltkst ,. .1 c on l<tly for ,Te~lt8

few• nightR llftet·1~~tl' ~~g~f\ twenty-one A est child Jruelt ~i,1:011;~10t\1cr, aullyoung. 'nth them. The,· .. • 511 e. J esus met cci vee! to then· Iio C,\J n~d the blessing re­otbsr. who hntl so lc, auc1 very soou tbo COull' mtrlltcnr Sl oug refnsccl. wus lei! I o stoml the ple3 iling~eo~onlz not long will •· antl found b!lr wn . w SJ.s ers 1\Dtl frwuol~.

The mother's t~sti~~~~g)~ tlro.crnss. as follows:-" lYe . 0 1

·' " '~en Slnr·t• wnR clon't knowhow toBn,~~ o.ll ;er~ happy. I R e lJless~s uR m t I ~of.(<a•l ~goo>lm•-.. cbilclren "· OS nt fnunly Jll'lll'llf, ' I'll, o.~ol e flS Ull:UOHR ' • t t?getbcr, 1w 1

1 oftc;l . : ~ m.' Rl'lf to lll"<'l tupe is como to l'llSu:n\u,ul m u tlml, t h<~ mmctl to S(;J.'Yo tb~ Lo;.,\.} r urn rtll <l et<>r· 1

I C_\N H'fANtl I'l' :<:0 . Just after the closo of LO:-lilt:n.

monon Suntluv :1\hv Htlit·. Booth'8 aer· ont to the' p~:1iitellt '.r 11. n w~num 1:au pt•ay for h<!r I re . or:-n entreating Ill! to snme who u~ 1 cogmse<l lwt· to he the

t . . < some time ha ·I me o vlste a rl .. iu<> . · c c requester\

:mil was surpris~rl t~, fi~mu.n at Ro.stin;;s, was n Juiscro.hle b '· ~ that sh~ hC>l'sl\lf

' ' lllliOD" tu ' yo scpamtr a~ith the I '=cJ -, em, nutl h~· t.ha Will r,f Ootl. vven .ot . t\nd ~ '.J:h!s i s J,cr.t rllll!lllt:; 111 wv NU'~onr s:mctificnt1on.'

I 1\'n< so <lee 1i · · "' bi~~Hiug t hnt I c}uY u~lpress~d to seek the WnR mnrh hlr•sse<l'j~ tb~lCfil' i~ explainecl. no,t. g,•t Vlhnt I w:mte<l. meetmg ; !Jut tli<l

On the foUoiYin S t upun 111 v lm~l!S I g " m·,lay mortling woul:\ 1;,"" it' ;cso,lw.t, hy Cfotl's help I (lotl'R will I ~· lUl<' ,Y, 1 thungliL, if it' is nw. T c· 1;1,1~,tl :vc come. Ru offers 1t to tlwn srut<'!ify; -/ P1;a,>ct1 tl1ut He wonl<l HlOI<u•ut r tiu~~er~~ nnd '~e <li<l thc 'very

. •· Oh, whv lutn~ I li? intu·cly. 11i•tancc f1:nm R'm v~t so lou~ at sncl1 11; this prccions fnlll~s• fut·H'n lie lmcl bongbt

.. 1 r·mLld not t··ll me? han fdt since tl> ~ S ~ou how rliJT~1'tmt I eujuycrl of God;"·la n tncln~·-whllt I lmve (]h ·

1· Q >resence I 11 • • · rt s Ian <"Xp~rh•hcc felt . eH·r ill wy·

ybon WollHll'r nt my comi n" ij8° fibaJ.lllY· C~n t t IIall? · " o ·eqnent1y to

" I I\SI'<l to fed hn t' · 1 SI'irit of (h"l to . lllli~ when tolil hy tho thl'ir 'Ou]s :m

1 h S[""' ' to JlcOJ.lle alxmt

hnt n~w (t<l~l 'lHlS n~~ .orten h~cu guilty : com·ag•', l1ll'1 I :u:tl il:~;1~1• mJlow~r nnd to uso every effort . nne

1Y B.1s belp

lll\R ~in·umo · u: .. ' an~l talent which He' m = glonons scr,· ic:o. '1 E.F."

such 1 · non.slidcr Ex · . , s 1e sat<l ro roply .. Ol I · pressmg-~t no lmiger" nnil f ii • . I, can stnntl mgnntlpru\·i.n~fo·e onlwrlmo·eswP~}l· ']' T SHOREDITCH foni'HJ t\l>tt she SO ll(lurrcy. '\Vll l!·ns[ she J IT F. s\'ll't\ hns a'i'll\'iunsl • . ' , tbnt RlJe mn)' 11,:vc~· 1 • !'"'\Pm:V ~:U'Jl!'~tlr 1 1o!a 11 fortnight' ) Jll•l'llllti.L·<l rLq to

. Suntlay. J'une -!, '(11 m 'lSh•llu>m· Huci. station, whic!J wt~·~"J~PC!Itl s~rviccs nt tills l>l ~ssi ng. Tu the . ~ 11~ 11 tlny of Jlt'~lllil11' O>tw>l of Him (+to' 1~ n '!"h'ke<l umnut

1·, per~utcuc1ent was c'81'1~11:( om· hclo,·c•l r;a. 'I'tw work ~omm~~~c~/t: hkfisse<l l"mw.

ngaru. 11s in tlays as: c~eutly ~ti'ou~ to Jnoruht" i ll the he· 't ~ . ~ rst S1mc1ay the Mil ., Encl '\Y~;s.te' ru\fl~ WJth us on I Ewr.'· ;'cml scctnerl~•~tl~f 1f!:1s. ()\111 pcopll' . t enecl attehtively to th 1 .nge CJ:owclliti· I (nil he1ievers) p . . Ct • nml three wen

Tho procession to th spenkers . woolcl give up . tlmlsetl .th.e Lon! they mmsnal iJ


ten•st . A I ~ Roll wns one of luul iu<l~tlgc<l. 'l~~~~'. huu1t m'wlnch t!1

ey nnuoy; hut our hym c v ~oys sought to

1 otll~r tuok snuff 0 IHP ~mokPrs . nnd the

ih·o"1letl their voices ns o glndnr-ss soon up to llh'. lc•uiing ue J~~l tht•. tlu·•w ClllliCJ

Dr. Cooke preacl•~•l t1 lt . 1

:forull,v ttt uer lw ~ni<~ ,. gu·l : lool<iug

enablecl billl to <lcli . • . 11 111g IL. (;u.l ' · llOt SOOI1 1Je for••ott~ < lllll'tl"l<lt'CRH th:>.t wilt ,, 1'llJS CH!J,D l,f.D ~!E 'J'O Jli:Sl'. " A~ its clusc IL l!Ll''':l 1:; )(:He who h~lll'll. n,, lt:l<l h,·~u 1\ th·e·tdfol 'lr . s. ) Owed in the .. Lrc ~, . unht I' of hl'lif•l'<'l'ij t~·~ ·mmical lms1Jaw1 ':•utl f ~b ~Iml. rtt.ul a a sokmu uurl iwp ~. ~l!f.: of hr<·n•l." lt 1\':ts gld wns n wcw!Jcr of {' cr. Tho littlu

Unnv hlstnu ' 1t NS IVLI tuna. Out· ~nn <l.l\· mol·nin" si '" Bnu ol of Rope. powcr .to s;v;~s tonl<l we gho nf Gocl's lmhyll.)' ~ilt~i:ugone.;'r'th~ochlft/ulling the allow. ·wm on;. f . nt

1 otu t<lOIII 11 ill not nbon.t .Tesus : sbe <li<l : ' ·~n·s byuu1s

cnntiuuc with us,~~~~~~{~ Pl'ti.V ~hnt llmlmn~· wus 111 th<· room or ~ot know l1r1· Jt\thet· mm:e revcol His , . t'~1.Y ~d Hl(lrt• :\11<1 :•I1·r1itl to hR.YP d~ne .s e 'fhnl<l lmve hcen snvwg sinners tnl 101~< kel·l~orklnl( IU'IIl m mg some Yioll'ucc to'fite 1 ·ftwtbcr. fear-

Will 011

,. !J·ie:1

d' CJIUC CUI Ill~ l>dievcrs. hat still 011 ~hf• 0

u ' ' Ctlllc<l hPr their store to the in1.8{' hc•Jp hy l<·111lin~ or thP fntl1(.r s~ft!' su~g, ruHl t.h~ har•l henrt of people, an<l have mi:~~.' t Wcal't' hnt n poor tll~ nn.,els re ·o~c~ :l nml bo "'''pt. Truly

u o coull·ntl "ill!. the t:vc~liug h~ w:1~t f''tt those knrs . Ii1

A. L.\)1n. "'"~ <l(•t'JlCllCd au(\ ·0

e ITnll, c01n'ictiou cluriug the w~ck I.n ft. lu.:licvel'!:~' cla~~, pence. ' he foun•l }Jartlon aml

The followiug 1 tt, b Brothor J.mnb ._ e er ns hveu sent to

''DEAR srn'-Lnst F ' 1 cnme to ouP f;f tbe. 1 ~H ny evc~J i n~ I

lO ess mePtmg~ n t

Page 8: EDITED BY 'WlLJ.UM BOOTli. - salvationarmy.org.uk€¦ · I>lucl< out a .l'Jg!'t eye ond cut. oJI' n. ... •rnE CBRTS'ClAN l\IISSlON MAGAZINE. 0 99 another's hurdenR, nncl

r I


with whom the Spirit of Gorl wns cviMntly sh·i\'iJig. I asked her whctlwr xl1e was a Si'l'l' llllt uf J~~us Clui,t. 'Yitlt n look of 61'(111) Ill Ill I'OntPm]!t, 8h0 l'l'JlliCL[, ' 'HiS s;·rvnut! no, iuile;·'l; I will uot SE!l'YO

!lim. ' l foltllll sh~ was a hn<·k~li<ler, :n><l <'lllh·n\our~tl to u.rgc l1er by CI'Cry motive to lny down her r~belliou ; nn<l kneeling loy her tiide. ~sought the Lortl to save h~r; but aln~! she resistecl all tho }>leading~ of a lo\'iug Sanour, and would not yidd Her hcr1rt to Him. The Lon! wn• Hnyiug to her, "'Vilt ilion be lU:Ull' wltul•• f' hut Rill' n •fusotl. An nge<l wmunn, nt tlw stuJw timo, hetnc1 the Yoicc, opt•1w1l ht•l' ht·rii'L to .Tcsns, aurl went 11way r1•joiciug iu llim. 'l'ht• JIOOr youug woman ll'fl the H>tll, ltoving rl.'crivccl her ln~t nlft•r of Jm•rcy, t hough slw knew it unt. Ou tllt' following Tlmrs.ln~·. while in her usunl llt'allh. ~;he 8utlclcnly exclaimed l"() u Jli.I'><On n~ar hl'r.

'"IT rH _\LL 0\'l;R \\"'!Til ll£ !'' nucl ft.•U llfiCk <l~>atl! Alns! it wus not all Ol't•r "ith her, for '·It h nppoiutetl unto m en oucc to cUe, uncl nftl' l' that the jutlg· lllCllt. "

'fliis solemn o1eut s lmck con viction to llliiUY hettrts. On the fullu11iu~ Suwlay wo luul u con1plett• hreuk 1lnwu: KOHw Jlro­ft·Rst•cl to trust in Jt'bUij, nucl \\c·l.-lit•w llu• clny will bhow what Ht• eli•! llu1t uil{hl for Hi~ glory. ('. ;II lflllf:~o:...

STOKE NEWINGTON. PMTSI: t he Lonl, lie is wo•·ldu~; in our m itl"t. At every m octi.JJg clurin:.: the past l ll fJIIth ijiuners htwc sought 8r~lvntion t llt'OHgh the prccions bloocl. Aml many gi\'tl evitlcuce they hnw itult•ctl recci'·~cl it. Ouc of tbis number, al1t1wkt.'r of tish, usc<l tn sny, when spoken to nlxlllt bis soul, that hL• could uot serve Uucl nucl •ell Jus fish : hut on Sunday ,.,·eninl( tt ... 11th, llic }10Wl'l' of God took holcl of liitu. hc CliWl' to tlw JWuit"nt form, suyiu:: n~ he kn~>lt tlowu, ·· 'l'here.

.FIS.Jl Oll NO f'tf\11 1

I lii('Ull to huvo Jlflt•clon bcforu I gP.t off my lowes." His comp1miouN ~hoot! by him lnugLiug nntl jeel'ing nt him, but still he crit••l," L ortl, save me;" nut! bt·fore long his soul was s~t at libt·rty, while siugiug,

.. The c1yiug tbit:f n•joicl'tl to sec That fmmtai.n iu his clny."

He cri~cl out . ' · So <1o I; I tlo heliew GOfl hns pllr,Jontlll all IllY ~inN. I know i t. I ft•d it." Our brother iR holcliu:.: rust, deter· mhtctl to sorve the L ore!, cowt• whut way. 'l'ho Lo•·•l help hiw.

A wom~JJ who 11St'l1 to att,·nll om· rue•·t · ing'R WHS l't.'U\(JVt.:.•(l SOllH' fh't1 UtilC.S ttWU,Y'. '!'bt• \l'ords she h:ul ht•urcl followctl h1•r, allll sill' bt·t'IUUC 11li•<•r:tblt'. Al laNt. one SWJ­clnr l.'l'l'JW1l-:. sue wulkNlllw fiy~ miles allll caiuc te> onr Hall. Tlw Spirito! Oc~l stroYe tuort• uti:.-htilv than h.·rm· .. : hut S:~tau wlris· t•t'"''l. .. '!'hero: i~ tim .. t•nou:.:h yd," null ,.h,• tlioluot nrcept tl1o· iul'itntiou to come forwar.J 1111<1 yidcl l"·r< •If to Gotl. 'fhe

m eetin.q closctl; buts he coul<l not go away, nntl hogge<l I would speak to lwr, snying she W1tutr1l ijlllvution. Et1ruestly Mit t· Rought it, nn<l wcut nwtw happy i11 ,J ,•su•.

J. A.


Tm: work of Goo at this station is wtenclily progrt·~sin~: iu Npite of oppositiou. The counnou pt~oph• heur the wore! "ith glad· lil'KR. EHry week souls ar.; llWt\kenctl, 111111 HOIIh'. WI' luLl e TC'flSOll to )Jl'JiC\'l', tntly f'<111\l•rtv•l. l'miNu tlw L•mll

EHJh't'iully clo~h tht• Loro l Hmi lt• upou uut' t•ITurlH in tut~•Jlii'H llir. " 'lwmwt•r w~ tulw onr slaucl, "''' ha1·c a t'l'owcl or nllt•lltil'u listt•twrs. to sowl' of whom tltto wort\, uc· eompalliccl hy tl11• Holy Spi.J·it, hAs J•rov~cl the J)()Wt•r or God to their Slii\'Rli<IU. "c will gh·e thl' case of on!' 11ow uuwl!l'r.,cl amou;.: our lri~u<1s iu hean•11. !:iec }lilJ!'~ 11:!.


POPL AR. Tm>. Jll't•R!'llra of the Lorfl con limws with ns, Wll1'kiJJI( iu the hearts of hclit•vc•·s, lt·nllilll( toii<HY olmiug tho JlRRt lll(lllth to sct•k the• higlwr lifo.

Souw wauclt•rc•rs from tliC' folcl uf the Gou•l HIIC·piiC'rcl ha1·c ht•en hrtlll:.llot b(lrk, nwl u~tr uwn· tlJUu onl' poor &ium·•· broul(ht to rcp~11tuun· the uugcl& lull t· rcjoic<'l.



•· A HA\' iu tl1t> couutn" 1tlwayl! fnUs with o Jllcusnut riug ou tl;e e:ll's of ;,n East Eml I~on1lmu•l': C!SJ>~>ciully if tht·y li\'o, us most of our poor )wo}ll~ do, ill clOSl' nlr.·~ts 8lltl conllm·cl nl<lws.

On 'l'uc"hll'. MnT 30th, ~<Oilll' or onr W hih·c:lutp<'l frieuc.l:i lll'tlilecl th,msc•h·cs of th~ uppcnluuit)' to >i)ll'ntl su<·h 111lt•~· by llC· ct·ptiug tuc iH\itatiou ,,r our <.:mydou l>rc•thr~>n to their tea IIICetitlg.

At one• <l'd ock '' lru·go pn rty l~lt•t ttt Lon· clm1 Bl·lclgo, Jlllll s tnrt cllou om tnp togc•ther, sht:.:iu:.: tl ~e· songs or Zion, tuul }'1'11;\'ing >tS

we Wt·ut. Our ('rcn·clon friends nwt ns at the st a·

tit)ll, tlU<I.' h~>ndetl by our WhitL-chntlt'l bnm1er, wt> Jll'OCCerled in proccs.~iou to Dul'l'll~ Hill, bingiug onr Mission hymnti. 111111 •lO}'Jiing nt iutermls to Offt•r prayer. nU<I gh ,. sl1urt exhortation~ to t ho puople who lJUitkl\' gntherc•l rouml us. Sowo moclwcl, luit others listen<·cl with camest >lttt·nliun . A few followl'll us to tiiC' bill, wlh·l·,~ w•~ Hlh!Ht the ttrt~l"llOUll iu t-~iugiug oncl prus~r. •·ujoyi.J ig tlH' ttllllltry tLir ami gt'l'l'U tldtl~.

Ju tJ,.. snwc ortlcr us heforu "''' w~nclc:d un•· wur to th<' Hall. 8ll<l clicl lllllJ•Ic jn~tkc t•) till· L•·n. After wbich 11 pnhlic· nwding WIIS lwlt!, )trt•~<let\ 0\'er !Jy Ollr i!l')OI't•ll RU• JWdlltt•JII It•ut who had jCihwcln~, uutl wlco tlllcln·N<t•d wonts uf eounst'l :mcl <'llt'Otmlg~ ­mllnt It• <nU' Croytlo1• fri~ncl~. hlr. Colwt

THE CHRIS'l'l.AN IDSSION MAGAZTNE. 109 nud others tultlrcssecl the mcetinot, •mclnt the Missiou ho111·, teu o'clock, m• S~JIUrntctl.

.Agnin, IIR iu rotHiHg, we obcyt•fl tho apostlu's iujuudiou, uutl bdug m~ny, wo ~aug JISt~hliH II JlllttHO iu reliWOU ROlli C) flu!) 1t bnrtl tu unoll'rhllllul. A \\'OHli\H iu one carriage reJllllrkt.•tl witla n sigh, ~>You are a happy }K!oplc. 1 only wish I Wl\8 ti.ke you." S6e "liA tuhl how such joy mirrht bo hers; but shu Hllitl. •·r run such a lli;;ncr." She was }>Oiult•tl to just such a Sa\'iOur as she nt·ctloll. Down in the CBITingo she knelt, nwlnijkccl tho Lord to save h er. After plendiug with l;ur for a time sho l ooked up nucl said, "I ;Jo believe Jesus savoH mt. Oh, I ttm htiPI'Y· I um sure Gorl 111ust have se11t you to save my soul." l\lny tho last dny reveal such iutleed to hn1 o bt•t• n the case.

The day in the country was on·r, hut t lit' pleasant memory of it will lingt•r. 'l'lw presence of the Lord WRR with UK, nucl uU felt it n timo or rl'frl'shiug.

Tbo Mi~~iou nt CwnlHu luiH h .. c•u passing tll•·oul(h 11 st'IIHOII oi triul. But slill the Lor• I is wurlciug, t\Ucl tiOUIH llrt' lwiug savefl. IInlk•lujttll l 1L is vt·ry cll's irnble our :f:t-ic·n<ls Hhouhl lmve n ll ttll uf their own, the )lrCol'Ul bu.ilcli.ng, whi1•h c•u tctiiH n consiclemhlc ~xprusc, must bt.• J.(iwu up in September. 'l'lt~y are prcpru•t••l tu clo to the utmost of their abilitv ; but. bt.•ing u pG"()r peO}llc, this cuunot 'be much. Any help towartls the buihUog of a H all would be nry tbnnkfully receired.



Fou two m· thl't'l' moJJthk wo luLit• IIHt hnc l U rC)lOrt of lhi• iUI!OOriu.ut lmmt'11 of <llll'

labours. Not, huwt•lt•l', frow tlu· W1mt of ~outdhiuJ.: to I'<'JIOit, forth~ M:l!.l<-r huN iu m u mobt J.'TUCiuiU; tn:lnnt·r rontinm·cl to muuifest himsc:U iu our 1U.iclst as n ehil­drt:U's s.wiour. Weekly we are Cllllt.:d up. on to rejoice over the snl>atiou of J>r~cions little souls ntldctl to our nurub~r nt H~IU'Iy ovury public Ht>l'l'icc, such us (we pruy) will be el ti'Bully sa v~1l.

\Ve are uftc·H aslt~cl whnt bt•comt·H o r llw llill.llY who wuftHij to lilltl Christ; to "JJit'11 we reply : Alrt>acly 11omo stnml iu llmt grcll~ mullitnclL• who hUH> ·• "rtHill'cl llll'ir robes whitll in tho blootl of llw Ltucch ;" one, at lcnHt, we• know is lh in~: in tltt• "borclt•r <·ouutry jiu juyfoJ nnticitmtiou of soon crutt:;iu~: tJw ri\'t·n ; .. otlu·tt~ c•waliutw to wulk with ""; tiiiUit' lUll<', through u,.. iutluenCLI C>f UIIJ {'IIIIIJIUlliOll•, IWCJ tlw killfttJ cxllmplcM of ungo!UJ J•tu·t· u t~. 1:"'"' lmd< to the wol'ltl; Romo few we; huvo loot Hight of, Lut. of theso lnttt•r ono or tu~ otht·t· ort,·u turus up uut.'Xll!•ctciUy, b<·tu·iug "ith Uwm goofl reports of Uct• J,o,·tl's clt·n.Uul(ll with their souls. A few \lt•t•ks Rilu·c·. 1tl u chil· dren's lon~teast,coutludccl hr Hro. ,J,•nuy, we recognised nyoung girl a~· out· 11lw luitl founcl Chri•~ nt OtU' first chiltlrt·ll'll M·n ict' iu Whltechapcl. For 11 11hort lillll• bht· but! attouded tho motws regularly ; then 11 c Illiiaed her. Wo had made inquirioa; but

all t~ no plll')losc. Ou our seeing he•· this evenutg, wo ran nml eagcl'ly put n tlozt'l l <Juestions to lwr; ill r eply, she tolcl us that Hhc hncl hoen il1 scn':icc, llllt1 nlthough lwr lot hutl been cost with 11cveml lllJA'Odly nncl wiclit•cl ft·llow·s~rvtmts, she h:11l brPII •·unblcd tlll'on;.:h grace to k~ep clo~e to tho Sa\'ionr : tull.l II'U uft~:rwurds listened "ith ddi~bt ns slw publicly praised God for raitiiug up the Clilltll'cn 's Mission, BIHI tol<l us of the woutltr!ul way in which God hntl lc:tl null kept her.

A.nolh~r instauco, eowcwhat similar to Luc above, h~ts COU<tl uutlcr our uotico.

A ltttl, 1w orphnu , who lived with rohl· tiws who Sl'euwtl to care nothing for his t•omfort. wns smltleuly missed from our tncetiugs, twll tbeu some one told us, "l:l. h11s run away." We hen.rtl this \\':itb wuch son'Ow, ftlld set to work to seek him · hut nil our efforts were unsucccssfoJ : but u. lew clays sillce, when we ha<l n~llrly !(lvt•n up ''""I'J' hope of ever seeilt" or hutriug of him nguiu, we recehctl th~ fol· lowing letter:-

"97th lh·J.,-1:., Mulliugnr, Ireloml. '· i\In. RAPSON,- DI·:An Sm,-1 w1~te these

few lillCti to you, lwpiug they will fi.utl you quit e well uud llOJlj)y, us it leaves mu 1tt )IJ1!Scnt. Illll\'tl no doubt you thought it qwte stran:.:e for me to lea \'e home in the way I ilid, but circUUJstaucts compelldl mo to act so. and I went and enlisted in tho nliQvc r.:giwcnt. I mn hii.J>p)· to t ell you tbut I have l>t'en the• llltruts, iu Gocl's h8lltls of the conv~rsion of ouc of my comrath:ti. ;wcl llutt manJ tnurc• lU'o com"ictcd oml I ht•· licv<.' 1\'ill ~0011 lm C'llHVcrtttl. '"'ill you d1•tu· ~ir, gilt· wy luvc· to nU wy ol<l school: w:~tes. nllll li'IJ t hl•w thnti am quite h11ppy. " ill you plenst• to lll'ay lliat Go!l wny make tne ust•ful in lli!' cuu~c. 8lltl 'bo tho me= of 1rinuiug tuauy oouls to bis honour and glory. May (loci blt'SS you, dear sir, uutl muy we me(•t iu hcaYen at lust. for H is ntflllle's snlw. A.lll~u. Yours in Christittn loYe, •4--."

'Yill our clcnr 1'\'ll<h•rs }11'!1\' CIU1Jestly thnt tbi slutl (ho is llnL II Jtttl) llllil', by tliO)IOWC•)' of Gotl'M lll i!:lt l , IJ,. lc•·J•t ftt itL!uJ until that grt'nt tiny.

Ou t~e 2!lth of-~ ug.ust wo propose tu.ki11g ow· ~dr<·u to l::)l}lmg Forest, ftlld thl y ttl't! auuously lookiug fonmrd to that tilllu wh .. n tlu:y will be n , .. ,,11le day away f1·ou1 tlu.- fl!nr aJ!tl}ll'&l bt:<lb of 'WhitechuJot:l, ruul tmcl ~ptutl tt tuuc;u~:•t lho ~:reen tields ruul 11 ootls. If •u1y or our friends woultlliko to tltisist u~ in this mutter, contributions will be; b'l'llt efully rcccivctl by the eilitor.

J. F. n.

H ASTINGS. Dt:~u.-:<; the pn~t mouth w~: han! carefully rl',,ewefl our In hours her!'. Since tho :!.jth of last December (about fiye mouths). :!30 souls bnw sought sahation ; 120 of these l1nw be~n sc.ckers for holiness o! heurt. Ha.llelujob! Somo of these huvu lxlcn visitors to the town, aud hllv& re·

Page 9: EDITED BY 'WlLJ.UM BOOTli. - salvationarmy.org.uk€¦ · I>lucl< out a .l'Jg!'t eye ond cut. oJI' n. ... •rnE CBRTS'ClAN l\IISSlON MAGAZINE. 0 99 another's hurdenR, nncl


turuetl to llwir ltomPs hl~ssed. Sen!l':u others hn' ,, joiu~tl smTouncliug churches. A hout t·i~hty of this numb<-r continue in fellowship ";tJJ u~.

Townrdt~ enrryi.u$( on thi.i work we ha,·c rcCt'in••l by tlouutiou~. ~uh~criptiout~, uud otfl'lings, £113 !Is. :lol. ; nurl ltaYe paid for gM, rent of hnl1l, anti general working ex· ]ICIISC8, £114 10s.ld.

W e howe great canfie for thankfulness. Several times our funds ba.-e been ex­lum.ted, we ha ,.o not htul money to take u~ forwanl. .But nt such times we centred our fnith in our Almighty God. He has 1\]lpcarcd for our delh-emncc, and hns never permitted us to be t~hort of needed mon ey more than n r~w hours.

Wo sin<'~rdy thank nll friends who have sd kiu<Uy given to us nntl onrFnther's work, llll<l solicit tL continunnco of their support.

Thu Lortl iM with us. Sillllers of cYery class n.ro lmi11~ lcol to Jesus .

l'~UO imD FUllll TUB Vllltll£ 01' liELL.

Ertl'ly on Suml:ly morning, May 14th, n. young worunu Cttllccl at. our house with the eRt1lOSt r~cp<e8t that I woul!l nt once go t)l.lll.visit ayouug !lyiu.g wom1m nt P. Eat· ing )Jousc. Ol.lr Histur suicl that this wo­IDt\n htLd lot'OD olyiug siuoo Fridt~y-lhatltcr ~c•·••nm$ Wl!l'o nwful- thnt shu could see nothing hut the• tlruucs of hell f'(ln.ro up OO· fol'o UN', :md thnt ~he coutinucd to cry out, "'fhu l'OOlU is !nll of devils."

This inforumtion s~ut a thrill throw:h mo. Looking I~• God for hel11. I w~nt for· wml. Nt'vcr b.11xu I gone forth feeliug mort• entire I~· lilY own UllllOtenoy 11nd God's powcr untl ~nffici~nc~.

.o\J.Tiv~d nt tht! house, I fomul the 110or rrt:llhllt' lying in n dose room. struggling with ~YJ•hnl f~nr, Ulld <tui.te UJJconseious.

A lmlkon-hcll1tcd motht:r stood by her sitle. In IUIS\Wr to my question• the motlwr >nitl : .. I hn •·o loH•l ;r csns 11 long tiuw l'll't. I couu• from m·nr <.:rutterlmry. Joly husuaml iM 11 cnrtc·r. I btn c elcv•·ll chi!· olrcn. This poor ··hilol is ~ightPen years of u::•·· IJU< ruu tlW:t)' from home. We hu•·e not hcard auything ubont b('r fm· n Jon;: Htuc, antl tli<l not know where she was until o tch:gram Clllile from here to sny she was <lyi ng. ''1\U'lling to the daught~r (I shall never

fot·g,•t the wiltl glnre tm<l tlemlish look she ga.-e me), I begnn to talk nbout h~r soul : bnt rtilling to tntLkO her untlerstantl, 'I tm·no•l to l'rl\yer. Whilu praying. the Holy Svirit Ctttnt:' <lown. The girl beclllll<' ronscious n111l followed 140 in pruyer. Olnspin~ her hamls, n,::nin onol ngain she criPol, "Lord, suva me . Lord, save m~. Gotl bo ouerdful to me u tiinner."

I t•oum•~ucctl singing, the girl still fol· l owilJg IUt' :-

"1 11'illlJelkr~. J tlo b~lie,·e 'fltnt .Je8<" ;lietl fo~ rue;

'!'hut on tlw cross He siu;•l lois blood, FJ'Olll •in t<J hCi oue free."

At that moment she lnitl hohl of Jesus as her S11\'iour. At the eleventh hour she

proved God'R )lower to ~tuvt>. Aftt>r swt'etly sin1,<ing the wortls, sho aui•l. "Oh. thank you, &ir. I. am ~o lonppy. Ju nn hour I shnll be woth Uoe <Ull(t·ls." 'l'ht·u recof'(· nising h<'r muthH, sho ~~ill, •· Oh. mother. is it you? If I coultl but multi all ( huve done to yon. Can you for1.ri\o? .Kiss me, dear mother."

Tho poor dear woman r epented her as­surance of forgiveness with t ears o.ncl ~Ul· bmecs. Agnin her child repeated, " I run so happy, mother. You forgive me, Ulld Jesus Cor&;h·es me, and soon I ehall be with the nng..ts."

She dietl11bont elewn o'clock on )[omlny evening. A friend. )Irs. II-, who stui<l with her till her tl.,nth, coultl 1111t doubt that sltc has. gone to ltcn.•·en. Ts uot this, h ulee<l, 11 bro.nrl plucked from the buming.

A LIFT 11\' Tl!F. WAY.

During the last t wo or tltrco weckH wo lu~vo t••cdved loolp from )fr. nwl )u:s .. Bux­t er, of Lonrlou. On tt visit to this town, R.utl having tho salmtion of tho poor nt bPtU't, they kimlly offm·ctl to otssist. Both in l\Iaxket, Hnll, ·nnrl British Sehoul Tioom, we b ulieYe they havo hcen muilo 11 bless­ing to very many, cspec::i~tlly bclit·vers, who ban lJCen nro•1sc•l to n R(·llst• of t.ht:ir rluty to Gncl. HllUdujnlo to ou t· Jt·sus.

On " ' hit-Snnclny we• held opcJHti r ser­vices on the West Hill. Mr. o.ml l\Irs. :DI\xt.:-r ~ml fltlt£·r3 ~:nvr ncltll'c~ses. Lnr~e numh•·rs gntlt:rctl t o l1ear, ruHl o:Utltongh we hA<l A l(r<'n t tlenl of l"'rsccutiou, wo !Jc. li<JYe e\'crlnstiug gootl wns dT!•ct~tl.


We heartily tltank E. Ontbb. E"'l·· for 11 parcel of Stullonry t rncts b~· mil ; nu• I 11 frie111l from Glouc!'st"r hy hook ])(1St: nn<l we nffectioustely r..><Jucst R.i.l wlto ure inter­este<l il1 the I,or•l'~ work. to n'~iot iu •up· plying us with tmcts nncl snlnll hook11, for ~;entmllli~trihutiun. to l~· ~··ut to W. Cor­hridgc. 17, Miti<Ut: Street, liublilll(b.

R.\Z.\.\_Q POJt. lL\f~L.

We thank those 1:rit tuls who htl\'C sent llloney n.nrl goo<ls !or bmmnr. whose numce nre published on the cover of this mogttziloc. We iutcrul to hold tlwsnlo or bazaar in tho Mnrket Hall, nbont the third or htst "~ek in .\ugust, nurl we shall ho gllttl to receive IUOUey or $:0CH1s up to tbc tiny of 8fliC. 'l'r~asurer, Mrs. Thoqw, JTigh Rtrc~t. HnH· tilogs ; Sect·etnry, Mrs. 1\[cnnUs, 52, St. ){flt·y's 'L'crrnco.

JT!'lp for ,::enPJ·ul work is greatly nePil~rl. Will our fticutls semi hcltJ for IlMtings to !lev. 1\'. :Booth, B, Goro RorLil, Victorin Pnrk Roarl, I"omlou; or, t o C .• T. Womers­lcy, EslJ.., HRrohl l)lot£<>, Hnstings; or, to :Mr. 'l'yrrell . High Strrrt, HnstingK, \vltkh will h•1 ncknowlt•tlg<••l nn tl111 rnvl'r of tho mngazilw. Hitherto tlw Lor<l hnth loPI)lcol us. "'c nro still in hi ~ hnwls; we n.rc nt h iM !Pl't ; we f,.,,l IIis hloocl ; we ClUJ R~P l1c· fore ns perish i11g crow<le; wo still hcn.r a voice from Cnh-ary- Go for\\'IU'd,

WILLL\.l!l ConBniDOilo


...l..:!ll:DST nnodt OJtl)()~it iun f ro111 ungo1Uy men, our littl<• wi,,.iun hl•rt• stilllmr.ucs its way.

Truly it i~ 11 wurk thnt rt·<lnirt•s much fnith amltlnti<•Ut'<': hnt ... J~sus $till lcouiH on," all<l, <lirect<:<l by llim, we shal l yet "\\io the dRy."

During these Mummer <mmings it is difli· eult to g~t congregatious in-doors; eo, after a little 11ray~r togdht'r, we go to where they are to be fount!. L n!'llt> erow<lM frf'(}ut>ntly listen to the truth. nt tho con~t·r of the streets, and from ti.mo to tiwu tllllbO impressed follow us to our Hnll. M<••·kiug pardon of th~u· sins, through tho J•n:douN blood of Jestts.

'Ye 11rll greatly iu nec<l or lwltl. l'outri­butiOns to be sent to W. Cromhit•, Hi•l·• 10, Gladstone •rerrncc. J . U. ll.


Wnx.Lo; we olo fP~ltt Kfl"~iullum lltHl Yl'lll'll·

ing O\•er tho pcrisloil <J.: mult itouh•H ;lf tho East . of Lowlon, nntl rl'joic·c iu Ll1u tokt•us of IDs !tp}Jroval uucl hlcHHilll~ in 1111r lnitlHt, \~e trust we hAve Aytupntby "itlo 111111 olr· Jlu·e to tlo good to the· nc(·o~v mHlnusawol \\;herever they mny IIi'; mu] lll'l' ••n'r rcntly to ulin~le our uot ll of prniHe a11tl thnJoll$· uiving where Gotl is working, uml ~ouls n.rc bdug gnt.ber!!d to the cross.

Such f~clings have bt·~n t·nllt-<1 forth while on a visit to Cnr<lili n. ft•W wt·Pks since, wheu Go<l's IIol~· ~Jlirit '"'H tumo.i· festly pouretl forth iu comw..tiun with th1• labours of a vcternn mul honllllr.·rl ot•naJot of Christ, th<' n,., .. H. AitJ...... J<;, ··•y evening nt the )mrish c·hurdo. ,.-~,,.,.,. hun­tlro:ds li~tent<l to 'oul-stinin;: truth. uwl ench to.ight. nt llct• prn~<·r m•·l'liug whil'lt followe·~· mrrnbt•rs ~<mght tlu• Sci\ icmr, soml' •nth strong crying nwl tt·.tr,, ami founcl IIi.m. t!l the joy nutl rcjoidu~: of thdr hearts; fashionable Indies nnrl illtl'lligt•ut gentlemen kneeling side by si<lt' with the poor and the young.

It wns our pri' il~gc• to ns"i~t in this hlessed work. the I'On,tmiui.lll( len·•· c.f l'luist SO meJtiug ILWny fLU llliiiUI' <liff<·r· euces thnt the help we l't'lltlt•rt•<l wns rc· ceivetl willingly nn;l gratc:fnlly.

At the close of these sm-vico·~. ~;o on m•tl of ?o.t, ? ther work soou pn·~•·nt.·•l it.l'lr. T lus ucru,::htctl town, o.l.though wdl Hll/ll'lit •ol with l'lmro:he~ nnol d1npcls, nucl nit ums:lo mru1y tlt•votetl men 111111 WO IIICliOf lltlll It 1111 tile~· ell<'l'giCH tn llllllJ' its 1l1iS~l'ii'H, Hill iH, M lll every Ht'nt•ort tom1, 111111Bun11.- o·iro. Bute Rond will Wt•ll ''io with Htitt•Jifr,. Highway. It was ho ouo of tiJ('Si' JIIOHt m,ise.mp)o tmrtR wo coumocnccol.

Our cougrcgation pr<'HNltcol n 111111'1"••1 coutrast to tl11• well-•lr••KHecl IIKiji•tlll>lit•t. i11 which we luul k o•ll uriu,.ling · IJHt t hi·'t• ill-clad. wrelc·!Jeol-loolcbo,::" llll'll' llll<l \Ill·

n~en hn<l souls, J>rccious in llis Hight '' ho died to re<leem them. the melti:ug slo!J• .. r whose Jo,·e renchcd mllny h~urh, ~o••cntl QOOkinlf the Sa\'iour ; ono doar woman

Pxdaimiu~: with tears of joy. "I hnYo fom11l Him, 1 hnn• fowltl Him':•

W" \n•rc itl\-itetl h,Y au enrucst Chribtinn hruthc•r .. Mr. ~rntki~s. to taken week's RJlC· ~·!nl ~t'rn~cs ~~ tho Congrc~ation:\1 Church, 1 "lllltt·rmu·• 1 on u. formerly a 'llusic IIall. ",. c·umom·tu···•l _on Suut:lay morning h.v nu oul~lnss to bt:licY~rs, to which tho Lord >t"l ii1s bCal.

Es)lecinlly wus the power of God maui.­ft•,t oo~ tloc Suntluy afternoon at a sernce fur chilolr,u. Bt:t\\'cen thirtY and forty ~o1111ht the Sn,·iour. It was 11 touehiug •iK~t; boys and girls [rom the nge of ten t()koxtccu. antl uusuYed teachers kneeling to· 1/dher. mingling their penitentiul tears "ith tl!l'chilclrcn's. Wenoticetl one teacher snr· l'll!<lllle<~ IJy u group of s!rls. "Look." she timtl. wtth n face beniUJUg with jov " tho I:ot•tl Hll\'ctl me Just week. :mel now "B:e has gt~·on ml' till these." "'e n •joice to l.lcar tlus wo1·k ho.s apren!l, t\lltl mlllly of these <h'fl.l: ~·•.HLUg oues uro witnessing a good CUufl!!;HIOll.

Tu tlw evening the ll(oll, holtliug over two thcmstmtl. wns ct'On·tletl. when my foJ. l ow wot·llcr, Uiss Billups. preacheol · tutd tlJI~i Hight tlte go~11el was p1·overl to.JJe ~he power of Of!ll to the saJ ,'ntiou of predo11s Nonls. 111iroughout t.hu we~k n.ud follo\dng Sabbath Gocl contiuuetl to hl~ss. On the Tuead!!:Y this effort wns brought to a close b~· o. vonst>crution Service. when mn.uy l'llllll' [on~·ur<l. l11yi.ng their all on the lllta.i-, and ~'lcltliug themsdvcs 11 living sacrifice to tht•ir S1oviour.

\\:r thnnkfuJJ~- hrnr tlont the work ill beiug c•qrrll'<l "" h.v our Bro. Wntkiss. and n f .. w nt!11 r fl_'kllll• wbo were quickened rlnriug­tlnH r•·.• 1vul .. 111111 ~nrnestl)· prn.y this S)lark mny kintUt! mto 11 n:Jghty tlnme.

J.L''"E SnoRT.


AxoTnER of our fti~n<ls from Stok(' Kcw. iugtou llns, durin:.: the pnst montlt lc!t us to jniu tlw worbhlppct'll nbo•·e. '

Al>uut t•i;:hl lllnnths ago our tlrar Dro. J,. t·nou•• to our H:ill. The wonl llliil hold of him. Ho ~;a w himself to be n sinnt•r l\1111 left rl'joieing in J tsus ns his Saviour; whom, ns he often told us nftenntrds hu !otwtl iuc·r~using!y ptccious to his soul: . l!c htltl to enc01mter very much pers~Cil·

tonn froou omgocUy men \\-ith. wloom be \\nl'lwtl: but b.r tLo help of Go<l, wns el o· <Lhletl to holt! ou his wny, ll11Ll testify fur .J o·~ll:!. ·

'fho Suuuny h<' foro his illness he sccmctl tllle;l with .lhu ~pil·it, ns he stood n~J for th1• llo·~t hm~ m our . public cxperteuc·o mt•l' tint:", a11cl told how the Lortl h>ttl sotYI'<l h i Ill. :oml <:nnlolc<l him to couqu1<1· throut;h ll" · hlnool of the JJnmb.

Cln 1'~cstln:v, bt:n.ril tg he wns ill, I cnllecl lo Kt'<' loom, ltntl futmtl hi m r ejoitiug in the J,ortl; :uHI so contmnetl t.hroughc.ut his iUn cas. The Stmtlny befor e Ito died I lllikcd him how m11ttehl lltoOd between his

• • ~ .. 0-· ••

Page 10: EDITED BY 'WlLJ.UM BOOTli. - salvationarmy.org.uk€¦ · I>lucl< out a .l'Jg!'t eye ond cut. oJI' n. ... •rnE CBRTS'ClAN l\IISSlON MAGAZINE. 0 99 another's hurdenR, nncl



:;onl and Gotl. Put tin!( hiij h :uul to bis be~·t, be s!tiil, "It is all ti!Jhl . I Jun·e the tltl~ dectls for heaven ; yonder IS my house, m) pot-tion fair." hi ~· d

At two o'clock the next tlaY s wue an frientls gathcted rotmtl h.> tit\«• thetr l~st brewell. Looking 1~t lus w1fe, h? sa.lt1, u !liy dear meet me in heaven. G1ve my love to aJi the denr Mission f~ends, a~~ tell them I am going to be mtb Jesus, then fell asleep in Hinl.

Until April last they wo.lkecl consistently as professing Clu·istinns; bt~t, alas ! they were obsen·ed to be ncglectmg the ~uealtS of grncc, nntl getting into htke,~(lt:uness o.ncl iuclifference. Soon they we1e known to luwc Ollenly backsliclclen.

Orclinro-y and extraordinnry menus were used to win them back to tbe way of pe~ce. God blessed the efforts used. On the lith of last May, at our Hall in t~e Globe Road, already blessed to the salvation and recall· i.ug of many precious souls, Stater Totma.ll prenchecl from tha words "Will ye also go away?" Deeply \nought ~pon by th~ Spirit of God, Sister W . nglUll.sought ~OI· givenc8s. The Lord, ~e to His pronuses of rctru·ning to tho pcmteut soul~ healed her backsliiliugs nml sweetly w1tnossed with her SJ:lil'it 'that He t·cceivecl her as



ON Sunclay rooming, :Mny 14tlJ, we noticed ~ong our benrers n policema.ll;who seemed rooted to the spot as we sang,

,, W e've His word, nnd Ris oath, and His blootl seals them both,, . . . .

And we're stu·e the A.hnif(hty can L li~' If wo clo 110t clehty, but believe, watch, nml

1wa~·. . t ·" ,. lie will soon mttkc us t·co.dy o we.

At 001• invitation be follow~cl tiS ,into the Hall where Bro. Allen was J:lreo.ching .. At thA close of tbe service we followed him, a.lHl o.sked lrim to como ag~ in the after· noon; but he said, sobl.>mg nlo~~cl ttS he 8

loke, "I want to come back now. .GlacUy ,Je staicl behlucl after the congre~at~ou h.ad left, l 'raying 'IVith him, nncl pOinhng him to the So.viow:. At lo.st, "',l~h the eye of faith he looked to the cru~i.l!ec1 On(), and lost Iris _burden of sin, exclaumng nglUllttnd again~


rwcl tl•en rctru·Md t111l;lll<s to God for His tmbottmled JUercy to him. .

We continued to htwe very encouro.glllg evi<lence of the renlity of the cltm,t~:· d ?n Tbw:stlay, Mo.y 25th, he wns YJSl e ., .>Y Brothet· Allen, tm•l spok~' of the lmgbt,. living rPnlity he fotUlcl rcligwu to he, nft~t. h>t'Tiug for many ycors lookecl upo11 tt t1.S

nl• icUe tole. Tltnt now "He coulr1 read his title clcro·,

To mansions in the ~laes,"

. . ml wns J'eady to clie. Little did be or 11 y of us think that before another week, He who had made Hinl ready, wot~cl say to him, "Come up hither;" but so 1t 'Yns. '£he next Sunday be wns ~t 0";11' meetmg, bis countena.llce beanling mth JOY; a.lll1 on Tues!lttY night, Ma.y 80th, Sllently and alon'a }te passed o.wt~Y· He h.atl IJl:oken " blootl vessel, !IDd in the l.ll.onnng }us Locly was f01.md lying col<~ antl deucl; but he. was before the throne, jouuug ill the song of the

His chil!l. . I it tie clid ow: sister th~n tlnnk that her

tit~o was ~o short, outl eternity so nCibl', Ouly once ngai.n WitS she pcl'lll1ttetl to meet wi.tlt God's )teople.

On the following evening, 'l'hursclay, she l.ll.ingled for the last time with ber class, mel testified with much clearness th~t God had for Chlist's sake pnrclouecl her Sl!lB·.

On Friclny she was tnken ill. Contunnng to ge't IVot·se on Snturday, she sought medical nd vice. '!'he cloctor prescribed !or a violeut coltl. On tl1at same evell1llg Sister A. visited her, fountl bel' Yery, very ill. aud entreated her to lay uU upon J esus, who cnn save to the very uttermost.

Her husbancl was present. He, too, was urgecl to seck the Savimu·. In ~bat solemn scene he cried to Go~ for.solvntton. 'l'hc Lonl henr(l hint, rotd his WJfe seemecl to lose till scuse of pn.ilt in p1·aising Gael on his behalf. .

Tlte St\bbnth was the last timo om· frtemls hau the privilege of visiting her. Although iugreltt )lain ofbmly, SisterW. ret8llle<lher bo!tl of tb() StLviotu·. She htt<l sweet n~d pcd.,cl 1•ence of lllilhl- no feat·- ttll trust • n Justis. Amidst umch wealmcss she sro•g,

"A pilgrim and n stranger here, HttJlPY I baJlPY ! h~PP:Y I .

I seek tbe home to pilgn ms dell.l, Happy in the Lord."

Ab 1 slte was much nearer to that bome thnn tltoso who visite<l ber knew. On the Monday the clocton>r~Jlounc.ed her mala_dy smnll·pox. She was rmmecliately remove<l to the hospital at Howerton, from wheuce her spirit left its .cltw home to g? to oo witll Jesus, on WIJLt-Monday, May 29th.

redeemccl. •· 1 Unto Him who hath loved tts, and Wt\suer

With unit eel voice we thank God that He in His wondrous mercy gave our Sister that last opportrutity of repentance, and we tbn.nk Hilu thnt in His lo:ve He bas tt~:ken h er tt·oru tllis worltl of 8.l11 to thnt bnght lanrl where sin •Utc1 sorrow shlill be no s from ow: sins in His own bloo<L Be

~lory t~ml dominion fol' ever !\1111 ever . Amen. w . J.

19.- SJ,;'l'ER w .--, GLO.lfB ROMJ.

ON or about Joly 18th, 1870, Sister W. mu1 borbusbnnil tog~thCll' sought nnclfouml the Snviour in the little Hlillnt Beales Place.

more. . 'l'heLor<lb'l'nnt th:lt this cnllmnybe n.l.es·

son to those who hll.Ve tttste<l of tl1e sal'lll/( grace of J csus, thttt we mo.y n11 kuc·p ,oti i.u ow: ' 'essels with oru· l amp~, :IUd w1th lnrups triuuned be reacly to n1eet the bncle· groom. J, M.

T IIR OliiUSTIAN lflSSlON lfA.O.lZJNB, [1871.

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JULY 11] TBB CBR18TlA11 KI881011 'JUGAZnnD, [1871.

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