edit 797 final presentation public speaking support blog (pssb) kim monti & marc stoecker

EDIT 797 Final presentation Public Speaking Support Blog (PSSB) Kim Monti & Marc Stoecker

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EDIT 797 Final presentation

EDIT 797 Final presentationPublic Speaking Support Blog (PSSB)Public Speaking Support Blog (PSSB)

Kim Monti & Marc Stoecker

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Business Needs and Design Team Goal

In a survey of common phobias published in the Book of Lists, the fear of public speaking is listed at the top, even above the fear of death (Laskowski, 2007). 

Focus of PCD project:

Individuals acquire the skills and understand the techniques for successful public speaking,

Remove the obstacles that inhibit successful public speaking  

• Design Team Goal:

Provide a space for interested individuals to practice their public speaking, gather feedback on their public speaking, and access to resources to improve their public speaking.

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Mission statement

• Mission: 

• Develop an electronic performance support system where participants will be assessed on their public speaking skills from peer feedback.

• Participants will have the option to use a variety of media tools, artifacts, and job aids that support their performance in public speaking situations. 

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Action plan

• Action plan:

• Create Process Map for using tool based on project objectives

• Create Content Map for tool content

• Create Personas for Diversity Modeling

• Combine maps

• Based on combined map, create prototype: Blog, Springcaster, assessment tools, resources based on objectives

• Internal testing of prototype - create job aids to assist using prototype, intro video

• Participants test tool and complete survey

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Critical Success Factors

• Based on identified research:

• Know your content and keep things in perspective- internalization

• Projecting that you know your content - externalization

• Relating to audience - interaction

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Environmental Scan

• Toastmasters: Web site and magazines:

• Proven speaking tips and techniques, Tips on how to give business, leadership, and other specialty speeches, Uploading videos to YouTube for critique

• Public speaking reports to increase understanding

• Public speaking courses and workshops

• National Communications Association

• National Speaking Association

• NOVA Public Speaking courses

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Identify Gaps to Develop Objectives

• Survey of Manassas Toastmasters and local professionals

• Qualities of a good speech/effective public speaker?

• Assessed themselves on public speaking skills

• Strengths and weaknesses

• Best and worst speaking experience

• Areas they would like to improve upon

• Comfort level with online tools and technologies

• Email, web, blogs, wikis, posting video and audio online

• Types of features they would like in an online tool

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• Provide participants the opportunity to:

• Utilize relaxation techniques

• Practice

• Analyze audience for speech construction

• Develop positive mental visualization of speech delivery

• Organize speech during speech construction

• Develop effective research methods to adequately understand your speech topic

• Practice logical associations that will aid with improvisational speaking

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Externalization/delivery• Provide participants with: 

• Tips and examples of pacing and flow of speech delivery

• Tools to organize speech during speech construction

• Exercises to develop positive mental visualization of speech delivery

• Tips and examples of communicating through body language/movements, eye contact and vocal intonation

• Opportunity to utilize relaxation techniques

• Ability to practice

• Tips on "sensitive" professional speaking skills (being politically correct)

• Examples of effective use of presentation aids

• Tips on tactics to practice logical associations that will aid with improvisational speaking

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• Provide participants with:

• Examples of using humor in speech delivery

• Examples of persuasive speeches

• Tips to help participants analyze audience to utilize during speech construction (how the speech is personalized)

• Tips and examples of communicating through body language/movements, eye contact and vocal intonation

• Tips for audience engagement during speech delivery

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• Provide participants with the ability to:

• Conduct self-evaluation of speech delivery

• Conduct peer-to-peer evaluation of speech delivery

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Model the business process

Process model

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Model the Business Process - Evaluator

• Process modelE Evaluation model

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Diversity model• Model Public Speaker • Vaughn Smith - Male, Over 55, Married, Semi-retired, Active in his community 

• Vaughn sees himself as a model public speaker who is completely comfortable speaking in public.  One of the main goals for Vaughn when he speaks publicly is to make sure his speech captures the attention of the audience by making it entertaining and informative.  He likes to use gestures and body movement to convey his message and tries to personalize the content of his speech to establish a stronger connection with his audience.  He believes that it is important to project authority on the subject matter.  He can control his nerves when he speaks publicly and as a result, Vaughn truly enjoys being center stage, speaking in front of an audience. 

•  Vaughn would like to be a coach to others that are not as comfortable speaking publicly and would like to be able to use his wealth of knowledge and experience to help those who have difficulties with public speaking. 

• Despite his high skill level with public speaking, Vaughn continually works to improve his speaking skills to help himself professionally and within the public sector.  He does see his extreme confidence with public speaking as a weakness - as a result, he tends to "wing it" in front of an audience, and he knows he should practice more to prepare for public speaking performances.

• Vaughn would like to be able to video tape his speeches for self-assessment, and to share them for peer-to-peer feedback.  He is also interested in viewing videos of model speeches as long as they are not political or evangelical in nature.  Vaughn is comfortable with creating and sharing videos online, and he is completely comfortable reading and posting to blogs.

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Diversity model• Somewhat Competent

Speaker• Joan Vandaley - Female, 45 years old, White collar worker

• Joan wants to control her fear and negative physical response when she speaks publicly.  Often when she speaks, she can feel the adrenalin building - her heart pounds, her palms sweat, her throat gets dry, and she blinks rapidly.  She would like to improve her public speaking skills to help her advance in the business environment.  Joan does possess some strengths when speaking in public - she connects well with the audience, can project well, and sometimes feels comfortable using humor.  She believes that she needs to work on her pacing and flow in her speeches, and she needs more time to practice her speeches amongst her busy work schedule. 

• She is open to using video and audio recordings for feedback to help her improve her public speaking performance for self-assessment. 

• Joan is interested in having a model speaker take her under his wing and coach her on her public speaking technique.  Joan would like to first use video and audio for self-assessment, but when she feels comfortable enough, she would be amenable to peer-to-peer assessment.  She is somewhat comfortable with blogs and using wikis, but she needs to learn how to use video and audio devices.

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Map content model to process model

Mapped models

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Map content model to evaluator model

Mapped models

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Selecting the media types

Levels of Performance Support (Cavanagh, 2004)

• Intrinsic, Intuitive

Media Types (Shubert, 2002)

• Interactive, Synchronized

Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (Mayer, 2001)

• Two channels to process information (auditory, visual)

Research on media that supports public speaking

Model speeches, uniform evaluation of speech performance, video tape performance for self-assessment

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Prototype of business problem


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Evaluate prototypewith personas

Vaughn Smith

Vaughn easily accessed the PSSB and skipped demo videos on A/V recording tool Opted not to practice his speech using embedded A/V practice recorder  Felt it may be worth recording a model speech example for other participants in addition to evaluating their speeches

Vaughn didn’t have problems with webcam setup in preparation of clip recording Vaughn had minor difficulty accessing A/V recording tool because registration process wasn’t intuitive as applications he’s used in past  Once registered, Vaughn easily figured out how to use A/V tool to record speech

Although his sample was created ‘on-the-fly,’ he didn’t feel it required peer evaluation and opted for self evaluation based on worksheetVaughn viewed one full video and half of another of model speakers from the PSSB resource links out of curiosity  Vaughn had intention of re-recording his video if he believed the model speaker videos revealed something he could improveVaughn decided to keep his original clip after viewing model speaker videos

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Evaluate prototypewith personas

Joan Vandaley

Joan needed extra try to access the PSSBOnce in, she scanned PSSB to see what it offered and made mental note of relevant resources Joan viewed the ‘How to use the PSSB’ video clipJoan called friend with webcam experience since she couldn’t get it to work during the first two triesShe was successful with friend’s help She successfully recorded a practice video reply using the embedded PSSB A/V tool

Joan used self-assessment worksheet to help determine which resources would be most helpful Results of test mirrored some perceived weaknesses (fear, pacing and flow, and more practice)  Joan also believed learning more about speech organization may help with pace, flow, and nervousness

Joan chose to review Positive Anticipation (overcoming fear), Speech Development (organization), and Voice and language (pacing and flow) link resource sections to enhance her knowledge in these trouble areasJoan also chose to watch model speaker videos as they would be similar to observing a ‘virtual mentor’

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Evaluate prototypewith personas

Joan Vandaley (cont)

Joan recorded her speech five times, incorporating what she had learned from PSSB resources and self-observation of clips

She completed a self-assessment worksheet provided on PSSB and compared it to initial assessment  Joan felt PSSB resources had helped, but felt other resources might help even moreShe recorded herself once more and forwarded her clip to Vaughn for review

Joan felt Vaughn may have been stern in his evaluation, but tried to take comments in strideShe practiced her clip a few more times, keeping in mind that practicing more was one of her established goals Joan submitted her final clip to a different evaluator who gave high marks and encouraged her to continue to fine-tune

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Participant speech sample

Public speaker - Nan

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Improve prototype based on feedback

Design team received some survey results from the participants

Plan to incorporate into a future iteration of the PSSB

Due to limited testing period for participants and prototype development timeframe, feedback has not yet been integrated

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• Formative Evaluation strategy

• Goal is to obtain feedback from participants via ongoing feedback

• Participants will receive bimonthly or monthly survey requests, changing to quarterly once initial testing complete and viable support tool established  

• Participants will be asked for increasingly specific feedback to enhance the PSSB as it develops through it's various iterations. 

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Summative Evaluation and ROI strategy 

After initial version of the PSSB released (PSSB 1.0) and tested and before PSSB 2.0 is released, participants will receive a more thorough survey on how they are performing versus their first use  (i.e. have they increased their vocal variety, gotten better at controlling their fear in actual public speaking situations, etc.).

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Lessons learned

• Personas could have been more accurate, due in part to a small sample size

• Questions could have been more strategically worded

• Edge case - Bill

• Clarity of videos, opening all the links into new window, using free Web 2.0 tools

• Future iterations