edi - european data incubator - public presentation

Public Presentation Dr. Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza Project Coordinator – University of Deusto/DeustoTech Sala Garate, University of Deusto, Bilbao, SPAIN 9am, 10 January 2018 http://www.edincubator.eu @edincubator

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Public PresentationDr. Diego López-de-Ipiña González-de-Artaza

Project Coordinator – University of Deusto/DeustoTechSala Garate, University of Deusto, Bilbao, SPAIN 9am, 10 January 2018

http://www.edincubator.eu @edincubator


Project Fiche1st January 2018 – 30th June 2021

7,721,340.00 (cost) – 7,142,856.76(EU contribution)

20 partners from 10 countries



• Big Data has been identified as one of the main trends in technology for the past years

• Big Data has the potential to transform businesses and industries and to unlock tremendous value

– Look at Amazon or Google success

• EU data economy value will increase to EUR 643 billion by 2020, representing 3.17% of the overall EU GDP


Big Data

• "Big Data are high-volume, high-velocity, and/or high-variety information assets that require new forms of processing to enable enhanced decision making, insight discovery and process optimization“ Gartner, 2012– opportunity to encounter perceptions in new emerging types of data and contents, to:

• Make the business more agile

• Answer complex queries which were before beyond your scope

– “Data is the new oil of the 21st century”


EDI – European Data Incubator: Mission

• EDI will enable Big Data focused EXPERIMENTATION and BUSINESS INCUBATION by …

– Making available the tools (hardware & software), data and the resources (funding and business orientation) for the future Big Data companies in Europe

• EDI will eliminate barriers for Big Data Business Incubation:– free infrastructure with open source tools

– training on the most known off-the-self solutions

– previous experience in incubators (DEC & etventure) and accelerators in FIWARE (FINODEX)

– Connection with the largest online network for start-ups


EDI Objectives (I)

• Main objective: to incubate SMEs and start-ups who use Big Data open source tools to address major challenges in different businesses from their data assets analysis

• Main specific Objectives:– Objective 1 - Experiment: to incubate around 140 start-ups following a

funnel incubation approach to develop a MVP

– Objective 2 - Business generation: to facilitate the business generation of the best companies per call (3) focusing on the development of skills (business planning and modelling, marketing & communication, technology, crowd and public funding, fundraising, human resources, product design/user interface, corporate and legalese or pitch)


EDI Objectives (II)

• The complementary objectives to enabling Big Data focused EXPERIMENTATION and BUSINESS GENERATION are:– Objective 3 - Open Calls: to launch three open calls to select around

140 top-leading Big Data start-ups/SMEs out of a pool of above

– Objective 4 - Ecosystem and exploitation: to build a solid ecosystem around Big Data stakeholders with over 3,000 participants (including start-ups, SMEs, data providers, investors and Big Data experts ensuring gender equality) leveraging the results of sub-granted project

– Objective 5 - Coordination: to adequately manage and coordinate the EDI project according to the rules of the H2020 and the coordination with other Big Data PPP initiatives

• The consortium will be initially comprised by 20 partners (including 15 data providers) and will disburse funds to over 140 SMEs/start-ups from all over Europe


EDI Highlights (I)

• Early involvement of 15 data providers (finance, retail, energy, transport & logistics, media & Internet ) as catalysersto promote sub-granted experiments solving proposed challenges– EDI foresees the inclusion of additional 10 different data providers

from non-covered sectors mainly to increase the offer and experiments going on in the incubator in the 2nd and 3rd open calls

• Start-ups/SMEs will count with a set of technical and business services offered by EDI incubator: – Dedicated coaches and mentors, a technical infrastructure with a set of

tools ready to be used (Big Data analytics ), a different set of training modules on Big Data and personalized business development support


EDI Highlights (II)

• Each sub-grantee reaching the Experiment phase will have to meet a set of KPIs that will monitor the progress of the work and result in funding

– Each start-up/ SME will be assigned one coach - either from eSH or from DEUSTO - who will have regular coaching sessions with the teams regarding their development

– ENG and DEUSTO will be responsible to provide teams with a supporting technical environment and Big Data expertise to enable the Experimentation phase activities

– Funding is not under a traditional administrative-justification system, but results-driven

• €5M (70%) of the funds requested will be directly invested in the SMEs as equity free funding

– Funds will be divided in two paths: a) domain specific challenges and b) the cross-domain challenges

• The project will be active for 42 months, whilst open call winners will have 8 months to develop their projects through the EXPLORE (2 months), EXPERIMENTATION (4 months) and EVOLVE (2 months) phases


PartnersNo. Participant organisation Name Short name Country

1 (CO) University of Deusto DEUSTO Spain

2 Zabala Innovation Consulting S.A. ZABALA Spain

3 F6S Network Limited F6S UK

4 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica spA ENG Italy

5 Etventure Startup Hub GmbH ESH Germany

6 MigrosTicaret A.S MIGROS Turkey

7 Jot Internet Media España SL JOT Spain

8 Automobil Club Assistencia S.A. RACC Spain

9 Virtual Power Solutions SA VPS Portugal

10 Sonae Center Serviços II, S.A. SONAE Portugal

11 Yapı Kredi Teknoloji Anonim Sirketi YKT Turkey

12 Agencia EFE, S.A. EFE Spain


14 Elektro Ljubljana Podjetje Zadistribucijo Elektricne Energije D.D. ELEK-LJ Slovenia

15 Volkswagen Navarra S.A. VW Spain

16 Via Verde Portugal, Sistemas Electrónicos de Cobrança S.A. VIAVERDE Portugal

17 De Vlaamse Radio en Televisieomroeporganisatie NV VRT Belgium

18 Energa Operator SA ENERGA Poland

19 Empresa Metropolitana de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento de Aguas de Sevilla S.A. EMASESA Spain

20 Technical University of Berlin TUB Germany


Incubation Process in 3 iterations

• The incubator will be based on a 4-phase process (repeated for three batches): Open Call > Explore > Experiment > Evolve


EDI’s Open Call Funnel Approach

• Selection of winning start-ups will follow a funnel approach, helping the consortium to focus on the top projects along the incubation programme


Evaluation and Payment Process


Funding Distribution

• The overall amount to fund start-ups and SMEs is €5M– We will define a maximum budget available for each of the calls

– Any non-spent part of the budget in a call will be transferred to the following

– Funding from one call to the following will be increased.

Phase Draft no. projects Funds Subtotal

Explore 45 €5,000 €225,000

Experiment 16 €80,000 €1,280,000

Evolve 6 €15,000 €90,000

Call 1 €1,595,000

Explore 47 €5,000 €235,000

Experiment 17 €80,000 €1,360,000

Evolve 7 €15,000 €105,000

Call 2 €1,700,000

Explore 48 €5,000 €225,000

Experiment 17 €80,000 €1,360,000

Evolve 7 €15,000 €105,000

Call 3 €1,705,000


EDI Technical Infrastructure• The Data Catalogue will be ready by the time the call is open and be part

of the Open call documentation published

• Application hosting will be ready for EXPLORE phase of 1st iteration

• For EXPERIMENT phase of iteration 1, Big Data Stack ready

EDI Infrastructure for experiments

Application Hosting


Explore Experiment and Evolve

Data Catalogue

Analysis Tools



Data providers APIs


General Users

Community users


Data and Computation



Technical Services

• The services are mainly divided this way:

– Training: Including webinars about several topics such as the data ecosystem in Europe, legal (regulation 2016/679, data value workshops and general training on the infrastructure and tools.

– Support: A first and second support level for the selected projects has been planned already. Besides that, mentoring with technical experts from the data providers are expected with the selected start-ups/SMEs.

– Hands-on events: Starting with a Datathon in the Explore phase (Berlin) and Tech-training Days in Experimentation phase (Bilbao).


Technical Support

• First and second level of technical support:


Business Services• Business training and coaching activities during the incubation phases


– Training: topics will include design thinking, lean management, agile methodologies, business model canvas, online marketing, PR/communications, Sales, pitch training, user experience, growth hacking. A set of onsite and webinars will be organised during the distinct phases of the incubation process

– Fund-raising: including a part of training on types of funding (public and private), analysis of public funding opportunities, due-diligence process, metrics and, importantly, connection with investors (corporates, VCs).

– Coaching: the Experimentation phase for each project will be guided by a specialised coach. The coach will define and monitor their metrics, to follow them up on a monthly basis. Coaches will be the main contact point for the start-ups within the consortium

– Mentors: External mentors (for cross sectorial projects mainly) and/or data providers’ mentors will set up 1-hour sessions with the team, every two weeks (since EXPERIMENT), in order to help the teams develop their ideas and concepts from a business point of view.


EDI Opportunities• Entrepreneurs/start-ups/SMEs: entrepreneurs/start-ups/SMEs with Big Data

related businesses when looking for support in acceleration and incubation.

– The specialized information produced during EDI programme will be public available to any entrepreneur/start-up/SME who wants to access them.

• Start-ups’ support entities: business incubators networks; business angels and venture capitalists’ networks; technological platforms and specialists; and any local entrepreneurial and start-up community supporter

• Corporates with investment programmes: the aim here is presenting an elaborated portfolio of companies to facilitate their work in future investments. At the same time, the idea is setting up new agreements for increasing the data sources in our incubator.

• Big data community: like the organisations represented in the BDVA, participants in the projects funded by the Big Data PPP (especially BDVe), standardisation bodies like W3C, etc.

• Policy stakeholders: like EC, EEN, Start-up Europe, national and regional authorities to assure the exploitation of the project outputs as well as to promote the results obtained.


Thanks a lot!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779790