ede 4942/eex 4905 integrated teaching in elementary

1 EDE 4942/EEX 4905 Integrated Teaching in Elementary Education Field Experience and Seminar Fall 2018 Instructor/Supervisor Contact Information Office Hours Elizabeth Burt [email protected] 352-224-0211 available by appointment Practicum 4 placement hours are: Mondays, 7:30 am – 1:30 pm Tuesdays, 7:30 am – 1:30 pm Wednesdays, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Seminar meetings are held on Wednesdays, 12:30 – 2:30 pm, at a school site. Course Description and Objectives The Unified Elementary ProTeach Practicum 4 is an integrated field experience embedded within both a local elementary school and an array of methods courses. The purpose of Practicum 4 is to promote intensive professional development and collaboration between prospective and practicing elementary school teachers in the whole school community context. Teacher candidates will gain competence in the planning for, teaching, and assessment of diverse students in school settings. During this semester, candidates collaborate with a mentor teacher to practice using various models of co-teaching and a variety of instructional strategies to support the learning of ALL students in their classroom. The teacher candidate’s field experience consists of a minimum of 16 hours per week in a classroom and two hours a week in seminar throughout the semester. This time is spent in an assigned classroom with additional time required for planning, analysis of activities, travel, and preparation of course assignments for the seminar and well as academic classes. Your course instructors, supervisor, mentor teacher, and other educators in the school communicate so that what is being taught in coursework during the semester can be implemented at some level in the elementary classroom. The focus of the Practicum 4 experience is to: enhance teacher candidates’ practices in the areas of planning, teaching, and ongoing assessment. develop classroom management skills and strategies. nurture competencies in co-teaching, collaborating with school stakeholders, and professionalism.

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EDE 4942/EEX 4905 Integrated Teaching in Elementary Education

Field Experience and Seminar Fall 2018

Instructor/Supervisor Contact Information Office Hours

Elizabeth Burt [email protected] 352-224-0211

available by appointment

Practicum 4 placement hours are: Mondays, 7:30 am – 1:30 pm Tuesdays, 7:30 am – 1:30 pm Wednesdays, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Seminar meetings are held on Wednesdays, 12:30 – 2:30 pm, at a school site.

Course Description and Objectives

The Unified Elementary ProTeach Practicum 4 is an integrated field experience embedded within both a local elementary school and an array of methods courses. The purpose of Practicum 4 is to promote intensive professional development and collaboration between prospective and practicing elementary school teachers in the whole school community context. Teacher candidates will gain competence in the planning for, teaching, and assessment of diverse students in school settings. During this semester, candidates collaborate with a mentor teacher to practice using various models of co-teaching and a variety of instructional strategies to

support the learning of ALL students in their classroom. The teacher candidate’s field experience consists of a minimum of 16 hours per week in a classroom and two hours a week in seminar throughout the semester. This time is spent in an assigned classroom with additional time required for planning, analysis of activities, travel, and preparation of course assignments for the seminar and well as academic classes. Your course instructors, supervisor, mentor teacher, and other educators in the school communicate so that what is being taught in coursework during the semester can be implemented at some level in the elementary classroom. The focus of the Practicum 4 experience is to:

enhance teacher candidates’ practices in the areas of planning, teaching, and ongoing assessment.

develop classroom management skills and strategies.

nurture competencies in co-teaching, collaborating with school stakeholders, and professionalism.

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develop a repertoire of strategies for a universal design for learning.

use strategies to accommodate the increasingly diverse population of students in today’s classrooms

cultivate a teacher inquiry (teacher researcher’s) stance.

become aware of and responsive to the unique “hidden curriculum” embedded within every school’s cultural, political, and professional infrastructure.

Required Texts, Readings, and Technology Course Reserves: All required readings will be posted online through ARES, the UF Libraries course reserves system. Students must be able to access ARES through the UF VPN or through an on-campus computer. Canvas: All students are required to comply with the university’s computer policy. This course will involve interaction with UF’s Online Learning Management System, also called Canvas. You must log into Canvas at least once each week prior to class. Any difficulties related to Canvas should be directed to the UF Computing Help Desk, 392-HELP, helpdesk.ufl.edu. Required Readings: Please refer to the schedule of topics and readings in this document for specific weekly reading assignments. Recommended Textbook: Dana, N. F. & Yendol-Hoppey, D. (2014). The reflective educator’s guide to classroom research: Learning to teach and teaching to learn through practitioner inquiry (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Course Requirements and Evaluation for EDE 4942

All requirements for EDE 4942 are non-graded, as this is a pass/fail course. Students must complete all of the requirements with satisfactory feedback from the Mentor Teacher or Supervisor. 1. Placement Hours:

a. Complete all scheduled placement hours and participate in all daily classroom activities as directed by the Mentor Teacher.

b. Students are allowed up to 3 absences without penalty for documented illnesses or emergencies. ALL absences to the placement classroom must be made up regardless of reason or documentation. Absences beyond the allowed number will result in penalty to the practicum grade and may require repeating the entire practicum experience in a subsequent semester.

c. A Weekly Record of Professionalism will serve as the practicum attendance log. A completed, hard copy will be due at every seminar session.

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2. 3 Mentor Teacher Observations: a. Plan and implement three lessons which are observed by the Mentor Teacher. One

of these lessons must be whole group, while the other two may be with a small group.

b. The content/activities of each lesson must be negotiated with the Mentor Teacher prior to writing the lesson plan. The lesson plan must be approved by the Mentor Teacher prior to implementation of the lesson. The lesson plan format may be decided by the Mentor Teacher and can, but is not required to, follow the UEP lesson plan template for Practicum 4.

c. The Mentor Teacher should observe the lesson and provide feedback using the Mentor Teacher Observation Form.

d. The teacher candidate should submit both the lesson plan and the completed Mentor Teacher Observation Form to the supervisor. [Lesson plans will be graded as part of the final grade in EEX 4905.]

3. 3 Supervisor Observations:

a. Plan and implement three lessons which are observed by the UF Supervisor. One of these lessons must be whole group, while the other two may be with a small group.

b. The content/activities of each lesson must be negotiated with the Mentor Teacher prior to writing the lesson plan. The lesson plan must be approved by the Mentor Teacher prior to implementation of the lesson. The lesson plan must be provided to the Supervisor at least 48 hours in advance of the scheduled observation, not including weekends.

c. The lesson plan format must follow the UEP lesson plan template for Practicum 4 and may be developed partially during seminar sessions.

d. The Supervisor will observe the lesson and provide feedback in a post-observation conference. [Lesson plans will be graded as part of the final grade in EEX 4905.]

Course Requirements and Evaluation for EEX 4905

1. Attendance and Professionalism: a. Attendance and conduct of a professional nature is expected of all students for

every seminar session. Professional conduct includes academic honesty, submission of work reflective of professionals, and respectful behavior by instructors and classmates. Expectations of professionalism also include following the established UEP norms of engagement:

i. Treat every program interaction, both in and out of class and practicum, as if you were professional colleagues who need to work together to be successful.

ii. Be an active listener who seeks to understand. iii. Honor multiple perspectives and experiences that others bring to the program. iv. Take responsibility (for your statements, actions, interactions, academic

performance). v. Assume good intent on the part of others.

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vi. Pause and reflect before reacting. vii. Use every class session and every interaction with peers to think about your

future as a teacher.

b. Points for each seminar session will be awarded when arrival is on time, student is present for entire class, and professional demeanor is maintained. Points will be deducted for absences, tardiness, and early departure from seminar for each occurrence.

c. In addition, Students are expected to attend and participate in all sessions of the UEP program colloquium for their semester. Tasks that are completed or submitted in colloquium are included in this grade. Points allocated for this grade will be divided between the two halves of the semester. If all colloquium sessions and tasks are attended and completed in the respective half, students earn the allocated points. If a colloquium session is missed or tasks are not completed, students do not earn the allocated points for that half. A colloquium absence will only be excused in the case of a documented emergency or documented severe illness; these cases must have accompanying documentation and will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the program coordinator. If a student misses a colloquium session, associated tasks must be submitted to the program coordinator within three days. Colloquium sessions are not available for make-up.

d. Attendance and demonstration of professionalism represent 10% of the final grade.

2. Readings and Participation: a. Students are expected to actively participate in all seminar activities and

discussions about readings and content. Participation credit will be awarded when students come to seminar having completed assigned readings and activities in advance in order to actively participate during whole group, small group, and partner work during seminar discussions. Students will not be allowed to make up partner or small group work that occur during seminar.

b. Participation in seminar activities represents 10% of the final grade.

3. Florida Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct Quiz: a. As an assigned reading prior to seminar, students will read the complete Florida

Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct for Educators document. b. In one scheduled seminar session, students will complete a quiz covering the

content of the Code of Ethics. c. The Code of Ethics Quiz represents 10% of the final grade.

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4. Lesson Plans: a. Six lesson plans will be developed and implemented throughout the semester for

both Mentor Teacher and Supervisor observations in EDE 4942. b. Lesson plans for Mentor Teacher observations will be written in a format

determined by the Mentor Teacher and submitted to and graded by the seminar instructor/supervisor.

c. Lesson plans for Supervisor observations must be written using the UEP Lesson Plan template for Practicum 4 and submitted to and graded by the seminar instructor/supervisor.

d. Teacher candidates will plan and implement instructional lessons in both whole group and small group formats that meet diverse student needs.

e. Teacher candidates will reflect upon their lessons as part the inquiry process and use their outcomes to inform subsequent lesson planning and instruction.

f. Together, six lesson plans represent 35% of the final grade.

5. Inquiry into Teaching Practice: a. Effective teachers seek opportunities to learn and improve their practice.

Practitioner research, or Inquiry, is a method by which teachers can study what they do and what their students learn to seek ways to strengthen their practice. To develop this stance critical to effective teaching, teacher candidates will apply the inquiry process throughout the semester focused on developing the classroom environment and enhancing content and pedagogical content knowledge.

b. Teacher candidates will document each step of their inquiry process throughout the semester.

c. At the conclusion of the semester, teacher candidates will participate in an inquiry showcase to share their work and their learning. Products for the inquiry showcase will include a short presentation and a handout to summarize your work.

d. Documentation of Inquiry into Teaching Practice represents 35% of the final grade; 20% is dedicated to the Inquiry Journey ongoing documentation and 15% is dedicated to the Inquiry Showcase.

Percentages will determine the final grade according to the following scale. Please note that grades are not rounded up at the .5 decimal place. Please visit the UF undergraduate catalogue for more information on UF Grading Policies at https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/regulations/info/grades.aspx.

88.0 – 90.99 B+ 78.0 – 80.99 C+ 68.0 – 70.99 D+

94.0 – 100 A 84.0 – 87.99 B 74.0 – 77.99 C 64.0 – 67.99 D

91.0 – 93.99 A- 81.0 – 83.99 B- 71.0 – 73.99 C- 61.0 – 63.99 D-

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Attendance and Late Assignments: Attendance in the placement classroom and at the weekly seminar is required and is considered integral to your professional development, as well as to the success of your students and colleagues. Students are expected to attend ALL seminar sessions on time and demonstrate professional participation during all activities both in seminar and the placement classroom. All absences due to illness will require medical documentation that must be submitted to the course instructor within 48 hours of the absence. Without documentation, the student is expected to attend. Absences related to personal reasons (e.g., family visits or trips, outside work commitments, social or sorority events, etc.) will NOT be excused. Extreme circumstances (e.g., a death in the family) will be considered on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the instructor. ALL absences from the classroom placement MUST be made up, regardless of documentation. Absences and tardiness to seminar sessions will result in grade reduction and your standing in the program. The UEP Attendance Policy applies to all courses and field placements in the program and can be found in the UEP handbook for students. Also, please refer to the UF Attendance Policy for more information: The University recognizes the right of the individual professor to make attendance mandatory. After due warning, professors can prohibit further attendance and subsequently assign a failing grade for excessive absences. https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/regulations/info/attendance.aspx. Academic Honesty: Students are bound by the guidelines and regulations established by the University of Florida’s policies on academic honesty and integrity. UF students agree to uphold the tenets of the Student Honor Code and violations will be addressed appropriately. The following is The Honor Code as stated in the student handbook (UF, 2008, 6C1-4.041): We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity by abiding by the Honor Code. On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.” Each of us is held accountable for the enforcement of UF policies. Examples of violations include plagiarism, unapproved collaboration on projects, submission of any part of another student’s work (past or present), using significant portions of text found on websites or in other resources regardless of correct citations, and collaboration and discussion on out-of-class activities. For more information, please review the guidelines on: https://www.dso.ufl.edu/sccr/process/student-conduct-honor-code. Accommodations: Students requesting accommodations as a result of a disability should first register with the Disability Resource Center (352-392-8565, www.dso.ufl.edu/drc/) by providing appropriate documentation. Once registered, students will receive an accommodation letter which must be presented to the instructor when requesting accommodation. Students with disabilities should follow this procedure as early as possible in the semester. If you have a need for accommodations, please schedule a meeting during office hours after receiving documentation from the Dean of Students office.

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Student Health, Counseling, and Wellness Services: Students with academic concerns related to this course should contact the instructor in person or via email. Students also may occasionally have personal issues that arise in the course of pursuing higher education or that may interfere with their academic performance. If you find yourself facing problems affecting your coursework, you are encouraged to talk with an instructor and to seek confidential assistance at the UF Counseling and Wellness Center, 352-392-1575. Visit their website for more information: http://www.counseling.ufl.edu/. Also, crisis intervention is always available 24/7 from: Alachua County Crisis Center: 352-264-6789. Course Evaluations: Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10 criteria. These evaluations are conducted online at https://evaluations.ufl.edu. Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when they are open. Summary results of these assessments are available to students at https://evaluations.ufl.edu. Uniform Core Curriculum – College of Education LiveText System for Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs), Reading Competencies, and ESOL Standards: The state of Florida requires all entry-level educators to master the knowledge, skills and dispositions of the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs), the Florida Reading Endorsement Competencies, and ESOL Standards in order to fulfill program requirements and seek state certification. This course addresses FEAPs for which you will complete key tasks as measurement of mastery of the indicator. The tasks will be rated as “Exceptional,” “Accomplished,” “Developing,” or “Unsatisfactory.” To pass this course, you must complete the tasks successfully and receive a rating of “Developing” or higher. This course addresses reading competencies for which you will complete key tasks as a measurement of mastery of each indicator. For each key task, your performance will be rated as “Unsatisfactory” or “Accomplished.” To pass this course, you must complete successfully all the tasks and receive a rating of “Accomplished.”

No exceptions are made to these rules even if you do not plan to teach after graduation. Students who do not complete all key tasks for FEAPs with a “Developing” rating or key tasks for Reading Competencies with an “Accomplished” rating, will receive either an “Incomplete” or a failing grade for the course. Students who receive an “Unsatisfactory” rating will have the opportunity to redo a Key Task or remediate and in some cases, complete a comparable task assigned by the instructor. The rating guide framework below will be used to evaluate your performance on tasks assessing specific FEAP indicators covered in this course. The language of each FEAP indicator completes the statements. For more information, please visit the LiveText Student Portal.

Exceptional The candidate extensively integrates knowledge to be able to_________________________________ ___________________________. The candidate is prepared to apply this skill in a practical setting.

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Accomplished The candidate demonstrates knowledge of how to_____________________________________________________________________. The candidate is prepared to apply this skill in a practical setting.

Developing The candidate is acquiring the necessary knowledge to ______________________________________________. The candidate is not yet prepared to demonstrate this skill in a practical setting.

Unsatisfactory The candidate demonstrates little knowledge of how to _________________________________________________________________________.

The rating guide framework below will be used to evaluate your performance on tasks assessing specific Florida Reading Endorsement Competency indicators covered in this course. The language of each indicator completes the statements. For more information, please visit the LiveText Student Portal.

Accomplished The candidate demonstrates knowledge of how to _________________________. The candidate is prepared to apply this skill in a practical setting.

Unsatisfactory The candidate demonstrates little knowledge of how to _________________________________________________________________________.

Florida Educator Accomplished Practices for EDE 4942/EEX 4905

1: Instructional Design and Planning

1a. Aligns instruction with state-adopted standards at the appropriate level of rigor

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

1b. Sequences lessons and concepts to ensure coherence and required prior knowledge.

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

1c. Designs instruction for students to achieve mastery Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

1d. Selects appropriate formative assessments to monitor learning Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

1e. Uses diagnostic student data to plan lessons Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

1f. Develops learning experiences that require students to demonstrate a variety of applicable skills and competencies.

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

2: The Learning Environment

2a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

2b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

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2c. Conveys high expectations to all students Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

2d. Respects students’ cultural, linguistic and family background Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

2e. Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

2f. Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

2g. Integrates current information & communication technologies Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

2h. Adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of students

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

3: Instructional Delivery and Facilitation

3a. Deliver engaging and challenging lessons Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

3b. Deepen & enrich students’ understanding through content area literacy strategies, verbalization of thought, & application of the subject matter

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

3c. Identify gaps in students’ subject matter knowledge Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

3d. Modify instruction to respond to preconceptions or misconceptions Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

3e. Relate & integrate the subject matter with other disciplines and life experiences

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

3f. Employ higher-order questioning techniques Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

3g. Apply varied instructional strategies and resources, including appropriate technology, to provide comprehensible instruction, and to teach for student understanding

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

3h. Differentiate instruction based on an assessment of student learning needs and recognition of individual differences in students

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

3i. Support, encourage, and provide immediate and specific feedback to students to promote student achievement

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

3j. Utilize student feedback to monitor instructional needs & to adjust instruction

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

4: Assessment

4a. Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments & measures to diagnose students’ learning needs, informs instruction based on those needs, and drives the learning process

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form Inquiry into Teaching Practice

4b. Designs & aligns formative & summative assessments that match learning objectives and lead to mastery

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form Inquiry into Teaching Practice

4c. Uses a variety of assessment tools to monitor student progress, achievement and learning gains

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form Inquiry into Teaching Practice

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4d. Modifies assessments and testing conditions to accommodate learning styles and varying levels of knowledge

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

4e. Shares the importance and outcomes of student assessment data with the student and the student’s parent / caregiver(s)

Practicum 4 Evaluation Form

5: Continuous Professional Development

5a. Designs purposeful professional goals to strengthen the effectiveness of instruction based on students’ needs

Inquiry into Teaching Practice

5b. Examines and uses data-informed research to improve instruction and student achievement

Inquiry into Teaching Practice

5c. Uses a variety of data independently & in collaboration w/ colleagues, to evaluate learning outcomes adjust planning & continuously improve effectiveness of the lessons

Inquiry into Teaching Practice

5e. Engages in targeted professional growth opportunities & reflective practices, both independently & in collaboration w/ colleagues

Inquiry into Teaching Practice

5f. Implements knowledge and skills learned in professional development in the teaching and learning process

Inquiry into Teaching Practice

6: Professional Responsibility and Conduct

6a. Understanding that educators are held to a high moral standard in a community, the effective educator adheres to the Code of Ethics and the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession of Florida

Florida Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional

Conduct Quiz

Florida Reading Endorsement Competencies for EDE 4942/EEX 4905

Competency 3: Foundations of Assessment Teachers will understand how to select and administer appropriate assessments and analyze data to inform reading instruction to meet the needs of all students. Teachers will engage in the systematic problem solving process.

(3.11) Identify and implement appropriate and allowable accommodations as specified in the Individual Education Plan or 504 Plan when assessing students with disabilities in the area of reading.

Supervisor Observations

Competency 4: Foundations of Applications of Differentiated Instruction Teachers will have a broad knowledge of students from differing profiles in order to understand and apply research-based instructional practices by differentiating process, product, and context. Teachers will engage in the systematic problem solving process.

(4.18) Implement appropriate and allowable instructional accommodations as specified in the Individual Education Plan or 504 Plan when differentiating instruction for students with disabilities.

Supervisor Observations

(4.19) Modify assessment and instruction for students with significant cognitive disabilities while maintaining high expectations for achievement that reflect appropriate levels of access to general education instruction.

Supervisor Observations

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Seminar Schedule

The following schedule is offered as a guide. CHANGES MAY OCCUR as the course progresses and adjustments may need to be made regarding topics, readings, and/or assignment due dates. All readings should be completed before the class session on the day for which they are assigned. Readings are located on ARES, the UF Libraries Electronic Course Reserves System.

Week Readings Seminar Activities

Week 1 August 22 Joint Seminar

None Welcome and Introduction Logistics and Syllabus Attend principal orientation session for your school

Homework: complete class profile form Homework: Conduct Mentor Teacher Interview Weekly Homework: weekly record of professionalism DUE EVERY WEEK

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Week Readings Seminar Activities

Week 2 August 29

State of Florida Department of Education: Code of Ethics and Principles of Professional Conduct for Educators

Getting to Know Your Students and Classroom * use completed class profile forms

Creating a culture for learning Reflection Discussion on Week 1 Ethics Quiz in seminar Homework: Conduct Mentor Teacher Interview Homework: review the IEP/504 plans of students in your class, if allowed; the goal is to become familiar with the goals and objectives of students in your class and to know what specific accommodations/modifications they need

Week 3 September 5

Curriculum: Lesson Objectives (Chapter 18 in The Skillful Teacher by Jon Saphier)

Lesson Planning and UEP Template for Practicum 4 Homework: draft of 1st lesson plan, small group, topic based on standard given by mentor teacher Mentor Teacher Interview Form Due

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Week Readings Seminar Activities

Week 4 September 12 Joint Seminar

Technology and Learning Meeting Special Students Needs (UDL) by: David Rose and Jenna Gravel

Universal Design for Learning Review of lesson plan drafts

First supervisor observations will be conducted by seminar day in week 6

Week 5 September 19 Joint Seminar

Teacher Inquiry Defined (Chapter 1 in The Reflective Educator’s Guide to Classroom Research by Nancy Dana & Diane Yendol-Hoppey) The Start of Your Journey: Finding a Wondering (Chapter 2 in The Reflective Educator’s Guide to Classroom Research by Nancy Dana & Diane Yendol-Hoppey)

Inquiry Cycle – Overview and Wonderings Homework: bring data/artifacts from first lesson plan Ongoing Homework: begin documenting inquiry into teaching practice

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Week Readings Seminar Activities

Week 6 September 26

Developing a Research Plan: Making Inquiry a Part of Your Teaching Practice (Chapter 4 in The Reflective Educator’s Guide to Classroom Research by Nancy Dana & Diane Yendol-Hoppey)

Inquiry Cycle – Research plans and Data Collection Reflection Discussion on First Lesson Implementation Mentor Teacher Observation #1 Due – lesson plan and mentor teacher observation form Homework: draft of Lesson Plan #2 for whole group instruction, based on a standard determined by Mentor Teacher Homework: Midterm Self-Assessment (by Practicum 4 Student) and Midterm Progress Check (by Mentor Teacher) Due next week Ongoing Homework: continue inquiry into teaching practice by implementing action and collecting data

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Week Readings Seminar Activities

Week 7 October 3

What makes a question essential? (Chapter 1 in Essential questions: Opening doors to student understanding by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins) How do we design essential questions? (Chapter 3 in Essential questions: Opening doors to student understanding by Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins)

Essential Questions Review of lesson plan drafts Homework: bring draft of lesson plan #2 again next week Ongoing Homework: continue inquiry into teaching practice Midterm Self-Assessment (by Practicum 4 Student) and Midterm Progress Check (by Mentor Teacher) Due

Week 8 October 10 Joint Seminar

Discuss IEPs and 504 Plans Second supervisor observations will be conducted by seminar day in week 11 Homework: bring data collected for inquiry Ongoing Homework: continue inquiry into teaching practice

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Week Readings Seminar Activities

Week 9 October 17 Joint Seminar

Finding Your Findings: Data Analysis (Chapter 6 in The Reflective Educator’s Guide to Classroom Research by Nancy Dana & Diane Yendol-Hoppey)

Inquiry Cycle – Analyzing Data Homework: bring unit plan from another (past) course to examine in seminar (RED 4324, LAE 4314) Ongoing Homework: continue inquiry into teaching practice

Week 10 October 24

Big Ideas in Special Education by: Paul J. Riccomini, Stephanie Morano, and Charles A. Hughes

High Leverage Practices in Special Education Reflection Discussion on Second Lesson Implementation Homework: draft Lesson Plan #3 for whole group instruction as part of a larger unit/week-long plan in one content area Mentor Teacher Observation #2 Due – lesson plan and mentor teacher observation form Ongoing Homework: continue inquiry into teaching practice

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Week Readings Seminar Activities

Week 11 October 31

Inquiry Updates Review of lesson plan drafts Third supervisor observations will be conducted by seminar day in week 14 Ongoing Homework: continue inquiry into teaching practice

Week 12 November 7

Hidden Curriculum in The Glossary of Education Reform https://www.edglossary.org/hidden-curriculum/

Hidden Curriculum Inquiry updates Homework: bring completed School Climate Audit Form from SDS course to next seminar Ongoing Homework: continue inquiry into teaching practice

Week 13 November 14

Family, School, and Community Climate

Inquiry Cycle – sharing findings Ongoing Homework: continue inquiry into teaching practice

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Week Readings Seminar Activities

Week 14 November 28

Reflection Discussion on Third Lesson Implementation Prepare for Inquiry Showcase Mentor Teacher Observation #3 Due – lesson plan and mentor teacher observation form Ongoing Homework: continue inquiry into teaching practice

Week 15 December 5

Inquiry into Teaching Practice Showcase Semester Wrap-up Inquiry into Teaching Practice Documentation Log Due Inquiry Showcase Presentation and Handout Due