

Upload: dannimanley

Post on 04-Aug-2015




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By Danni Manley



This is a wide shot of the family car driving down the road. It suggest they are driving away from the previous scene. This clip is on for six seconds to give the audience an idea of what is happening.

EDIT 2This is an over the shoulder shot of the woman talking to the girl to show that they know love other. This is on for seconds to show that the the woman is talking to the girl.

EDIT 3This is a close up of the woman however you can see the Dad on the right. This shot is at the woman because she is the one who is speaking. This lasts for four seconds.

EDIT 4Again this is a over the solder shot. This is a shot of the girl who is speaking. This only is shown for two seconds.

EDIT 5Again this is the same as the third shot. They use the shot revers shot, it shows the bond between the mother and daughter. This is a shot of the woman talking to the girl. It lasts for three seconds.

EDIT 6This is a close up of the Paul so we can know by his facial expressions about what he is thinking. This shot is of the man thinking about something. This lasts for six seconds to create tension.

EDIT 7This is a wide shot of inside the car. This is final edit of the family which the audience is going to see them alive it suggests that the mother has a strong bond however the Father doesn't really pay any attention to his family. lasts eight seconds before the crash. Up to this point everything happens slowly.

EDIT 8This is a mid two close up of the man and woman but it is shot like this so the audience can see what is happening between them, this suggests that they are going to be ripped apart because something is coming between them it looks like. This is a view of what the girl is seeing. It shows what is about to happen.

EDIT 9/10/11/12/13/14The editing has sped up so these parts are only shown for a split second to speed the pace up to make it feel like you are there.

This pole if you study this clip suggest it goes into the girl who is sitting in the middle.

EDIT 15 This is a crane shot to show us the overview of what has happened. This is done slowly so the audience has time to take it all in.

TRANSITIONThey only use transition at the beginning and end of the scene. The other is all done by cut’s .This transition is a fade so it then can slowly move into the next scene, this transition allows the audience to accept that the film is moving on in time.


They use CGI to create the poles going through the man. However when the pole goes through the glass and seat it’s a real pole and the death part they have a blood bag to create effect.

The blood by the car is also created by CGI. However I don’t know how it got there by the characters because all of the windows were up.

EDITING PACE Before the crash the editing paste is slow so we don’t suspect anything and its just a normal family drive home. The editing is all slow until the van crashes into the car.

After this shot the editing all speeds up to make you feel like that you are there. Its like the whole crash over in a flash. They do that to show you the crash but not all of the gory stuff.

After the crash scene where it’s a crane wide shot the paste is slow again to show that all of the fun is over and nothing can be done to help them.