ecy.wa/beyondwaste cheryl smith washington state dept of ecology nahmma conference

Beyond Collection: Washington State’s Beyond Waste Strategy for Reducing Hazardous Materials and Wastes Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference September 23, 2005

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Beyond Collection: Washington State’s Beyond Waste Strategy for Reducing Hazardous Materials and Wastes. Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference September 23, 2005. What is the Beyond Waste Project?. 30-year statewide plan for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

Beyond Collection: Washington State’s Beyond Waste Strategy for Reducing

Hazardous Materials and Wastes

Cheryl SmithWashington State Dept of Ecology

NAHMMA ConferenceSeptember 23, 2005

Page 2: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

What is the Beyond Waste Project?

30-year statewide plan for Decreasing solid and hazardous wastes Increasing recycling and reuse Reducing the use of toxic substances Properly managing those wastes that remain

Page 3: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

Five Myths√ If a product is on the shelf, it is safe

√ Existing laws and regulations provide adequate protection from toxics

√ Landfills solve the waste problem

√ Recycling solves the waste problem

√ Eliminating waste and toxics will be bad for the economy

Page 4: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

State Law PrioritiesSolid Waste Priorities

Waste reductionRecycling (source separated)Then, Disposal

Hazardous Waste PrioritiesWaste reductionRecyclingTreatment (physical, chemical, biological)IncinerationSolidification/stabilization treatmentLandfill

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The Beyond Waste VisionWe can transition to a society where wastes are viewed as inefficient and where most wastes and

toxic substances have been eliminated.

This will contribute to environmental, economic and social vitality.

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5 Key Initiatives1. Reduce industry'sindustry's toxic materials &

hazardous wastes

2. Reduce threats from small-volume hazardous wastes & materials ((MRWMRW)

3. Make green buildinggreen building mainstream

4. Increase organicsorganics closed-loop recycling

5.5. MeasureMeasure progress regularly

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How we chose these 5 areas

Stakeholder Priorities Portions of waste stream Don’t try to do it all at once! Impacts (health & environment) Momentum and opportunity Interconnectedness Enhance economic competitiveness

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Portions of waste streamINDUSTRIES:1.1 million tons solid waste0.2 million tons haz waste16,000 tons of toxic chemicals


HHW estimated 1% of MSW by volumeSQG estimate=???

Page 10: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

Recommendations are Interconnected

For example, Compost in landscaping: Contributes to organics recycling

Helps meet green building standards

Reduces use of pesticides

Expands business opportunities for industries

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Strategies Align signals & resources

Find levers

Look “upstream”

Measure progress regularly

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Beyond Collection…Existing system is not sustainable

We have not yet created the system that will sustain us into the future

Beyond Waste lays out long-term goals for MRW that mean moving beyond collection

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Safer Products and Services: Most threats to human health and the environment have been eliminated by minimizing chemical hazards associated with the life cycles of products and services.

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Efficient Materials Management: Reuse and recycling are optimized for any remaining hazardous materials still in use as a collaborative system has been developed for safely and responsibly managing hazardous materials.

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Greater Economic Vitality: Economic sectors in Washington thrive in the domestic and global marketplace as hazardous materials are systematically eliminated from products and services. Consumer confidence has increased, risks and liabilities have decreased, and costs for managing wastes are reduced.

Page 16: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

MRW---In 5 Years

Product stewardship programs for paint and electronics

Environmentally preferable purchasing for several classes of products

Sales of mercury-containing products will decrease

Page 17: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

MRW 5-Yr Actions Focus on Priority substances &

Products First

State (& local) govt environmentally preferable purchasing

Product Stewardship efforts

Evaluate regulatory framework for long-term---base standards on risk, not amount

Full implementation of MRW Plans

Page 18: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

Priority Products & Substances

For first 5 years: Mercury Electronics PBDE Paints Selected Pesticides

AND, determine future priorities

Don’t try to do it all at once!

Page 19: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

MRW 5-Yr Actions Focus on Priority substances & Products First

State (& local) govt environmentally preferable purchasing

Product Stewardship efforts Evaluate regulatory framework for long-term---base

standards on risk, not amount

Full implementation of MRW Plans

Page 20: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

Govt Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

State govt EPP in the following areas: Automotive products and vehicles Grounds maintenance Electronic products Building materials Cleaning products Products with flame retardants

Page 21: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

MRW 5-Yr Actions Focus on Priority substances & Products First

State (& local) govt environmentally preferable purchasing

Product Stewardship efforts

Evaluate regulatory framework for long-term---base standards on risk, not amount

Full implementation of MRW Plans

Page 22: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

Product Stewardship Efforts Electronics product stewardship infrastructure

Paint product stewardship infrastructure

Take-back system for banned pesticides (non-ag)

Support legislation requiring mfrs of mercury-containing products to fund a collection & recycling infrastructure

Page 23: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

MRW 5-Yr Actions Focus on Priority substances & Products First

State (& local) govt environmentally preferable purchasing

Product Stewardship efforts

Evaluate regulatory framework for long-term---base standards on risk, not amount

Full implementation of MRW Plans

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Evaluate Regulatory FrameworkDevelop long-term proposal to revise state

laws and regs in 3 areas:1. Graduated regulatory system based less

on quantity and more on risk factors2. Comprehensive regulatory system that

removes barriers and provides incentives to reduce risk factors

3. Shift from waste-based focus to hazardous substance use and handling

Page 25: ecy.wa/beyondwaste Cheryl Smith Washington State Dept of Ecology NAHMMA Conference

MRW 5-Yr Actions Focus on Priority substances & Products First

State (& local) govt environmentally preferable purchasing

Product Stewardship efforts

Evaluate regulatory framework for long-term---base standards on risk, not amount

Full implementation of MRW Plans

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Implementation of Local MRW Plans Develop strategy to update any out-of-date


Project future infrastructure needs in line with closed-loop recycling system

Provide assistance with plan update and implementation