ecuador photo tour - tropical birding€¦ · scarlet-bellied mountain tanager, masked and glossy...

z Ecuador Photo Tour 28 July – 6 August 2019 Guide: Pablo Cervantes D. (PC) +1-409-515-9110

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Page 1: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

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Ecuador Photo Tour 28 July – 6 August 2019

Guide: Pablo Cervantes D. (PC) +1-409-515-9110

Page 2: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Antisana National Park (PC)

Page 3: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Our first site was Antisana, one of the most visited National Parks in Ecuador. One of its icons is the eponymous volcano that rises to 18700 ft. (5700 m.). It is not very common to have a blue sky at these elevations, however this time the weather favored us and so we could take many photos of landscapes where the even taller Cotopaxi Volcano showed its conical tip. This area is the habitat of birds like Carunculated Caracara, Andean Ibis, Slate-colored Coot, Andean Gull, Andean Lapwing, the majestic Andean Condor, Giant Hummingbird, and Black-tailed Trainbearer among others.

Antisana National Park (PC)

Blak-chested Buzzard-Eagle (PC)

Page 4: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Giant Hummingbird (MN)

Andean Fox (MN)

Ecuadorian Hillstar (PC)

Page 5: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

We had two nights at Guango Lodge. The next morning began with some photography around the lodge, for some Green Jays, Turquoise Jays, and Mountain Caciques. We then headed to the top of Papallacta Pass to photograph some great landscapes and birds such as Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Tawny Antpitta, Andean Tit-Spinetail, White-chinned Thistlitail, and others. The majestic views and unusually great weather allowed us to capture amazing contrast between blue, green, brown, yellow and black hues. In the afternoon we returned to Guango to photograph hummingbirds. We shot more than 7 different species, including Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Long-tailed Sylph, and Buff-winged Starfrontlet.

Tawny Antpitta (PC)

Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan (PC)

Page 6: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Papallacta Pass

Page 7: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

The weather next morning was not so nice with rain and fog making it hard to photograph, but we tried for species such as Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Cinereous Conebill, Shining Sunbean, Great Sappherwinge, and Mountain Cacique. We decided to return to Lodge to spend more time on the hummingbirds. Later on, a short walk allowed us to see species such as Grass-green Tanager, Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant, Spectacled Whitestart, White-banded Tyrannulet, Cinamon Flycatcher, and Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant.

Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager (PC)

Page 8: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

White-bellied Woodstar (MN)

Sword-billed Hummingbird (MN) Masked Flowerpiercer (PC)

Page 9: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

After a night back in Quito, we had our first day on the western side of the Andes in the Yanacocha Reserve. Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam, Andean Guan were some of the species at the feeders, allowing us to photograph them easily. Later on, we headed to Tandayapa Bird Lodge and spent the afternoon doing multiflash photography. Hummingbirds like Booted Racket-tail, Purple-throated Woodstar, Sparkling Violetear, Fawn-breasted Brillant, and Buff-tailed Coronet performed in front of us.

Andean Guan (PC)

Shining Sunbeam (PC)

Page 10: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Gray-browed Brushfinch (PC)

Yellow-breasted Brushfinch (PC) Nono Valley (MN)

Page 11: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Today was amazing and full of tanagers and hummingbirds, but first we visited the blind at Tandayapa Bird Lodge in order to photograph Zeledon’s Antbird, Streak-capped Treehunter, and White-throated Quail-Dove. After breakfast, we first went to some feeders at San Tadeo, one of the best spots for photography in the region. Flame-faced, Beryl-spangled, Golden, Black-capped, Blue-gray, Palm, White-lined, and Flame-rumped Tanagers all came to the feeders frequently, giving us ample opportunity to photograph them. Joining them were Thick-billed and Orange-belied Euphonias as well as unforgettable Red-headed Barbets and Crimson-rumped Toucanets. One other unusual visitor that showed up was a Western Mountain Coati.

Beryl-spangled Tanager (MN)

Western Mountain Coati (PC)

Page 12: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Palm Tanager (PC) Golden-naped Tanager (PC)

Collared Aracari (MN) Sparkling Violetear (MN)

Page 13: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

In the afternoon we continued with multiflash photography, with good results. The most common species was Booted Racket-tail, followed by Buff-tailed Coronet, Andean Emerald, Brown Violetear, Sparkling Violetear, Lesser Violetear, and Rufous-tailed Hummingbird.

Booted Racket-tail (BW) Purple-throated Woodstar (MN)

Page 14: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Next day after breakfast we shot the birds coming in to eat moths near the blacklight: Chestnut-capped Brushfinch, Streak-capped Treehunter, Russet-crowned Warbler, Ornate Flycatcher, and Three-striped Warbler. After breakfast, we headed out to a new place simply called the “Birdwatcher’s House”. Here we photographed our main target, the Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan, one of the most colorful of all toucans. Blue-capped, Flame-faced, Golden-naped, and Black-capped Tanagers also accompanied them at the fruit feeders. Nectar feeders also had hummingbirds like Gorgeted Sunangel, Violet-tailed Sylph, Brown Inca, and Speckled Hummingbird.

Plate-billed Mountain Toucan (PC)

Gorgered Sunangel (PC)

Page 15: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

In the afternoon we headed back to San Tadeo for another chance to shoot the amazing birds at this superb location, which included Collared (Pale-mandible) Aracari, Black-chinned Mountain Tanager, Buff-throated Saltator, Golden Tanager, Empress Brillant, Velvet-purple Coronet, Violet-tailed Sylph. White-tailed Hillstar, Blue-winged Mountain Tanager, and Buff-throated Saltator. A Swallow-tailed Kite circled overhead as we watched the feeders.

Swallow-tailed Kite (PC) Purple-throated Woodstar (PC)

Page 16: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Blue-capped Tanager (MN)

Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch (MN) Velvet-purple Coronet (MN)

Page 17: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Mashpi-Amaguza Reserve is another of the fantastic places we visited on the Ecuador Photo Tour. It also has feeders with a different set of birds including Glistening-green, Moss-backed, and Rufous-throated Tanagers, Toucan Barbet, Golden-collared Honeycreeper, and Green Thorntail. After lunch, the next stop was Chontal, where we photographed the enigmatic Oilbird, which is an odd, nocturnal fruit-eating bird.

Glistening-green Tanager (PC) Moss-backed Tanager (PC)

Page 18: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Rufous-throated Tanager (PC)

Oilbird (MN) Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager (MN)

Page 19: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

On the last day full day of the main tour, we visited the private reserve of Paz de las Aves. The owners, Angel and Rodrigo, showed us the beautiful and normally shy birds that the reserve is famous for. First we photographed Andean Cock-of-the-rock and Dark-backed Wood-Quail, then spent more time on tanagers. Finally we went to the site for the fabulous antpittas, getting Chestnut-crowned, Yellow-breasted, Ochre-breasted, and Moustached Antpittas. We returned to Tandayapa for lunch, then in the afternoon headed back to Quito for a final night.

Yellow-breasted Antpitta (MN) Andean Cock-of-the-rock (MN)

Page 20: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,

Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (PC) Dark-backed Wood-Quail (PC)

Many thanks to our friends for sharing their photos for this report. MN: Mike and Georganne Neubauer BW: Barbara White and Brannigan John The following pages have a list of birds photographed on this tour.

Page 21: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,


Andean Teal White-necked Jacobin

CRACIDS White-whiskered Hermit

Andean Guan Tawny-bellied Hermit

NEW WORLD QUAIL Brown Violetear

Dark-backed Wood-Quail Green Violetear

HERONS, EGRETS, BITTERNS Sparkling Violetear

Cattle Egret Gorgeted Sunangel

IBIS AND SPOONBILLS Tourmaline Sunangel

Black-faced (Andean) Ibis Green Thorntail

NEW WORLD VULTURES Speckled Hummingbird

Black Vulture Long-tailed Sylph

Turkey Vulture Violet-tailed Sylph

Andean Condor Ecuadorian Hillstar

HAWKS, EAGLES, KITES Black-tailed Trainbearer

Hook-billed Kite Tyrian Metaltail

Swallow-tailed Kite Hoary Puffleg

Roadside Hawk Crowned (Green-crowned) Woodnymph

Variable Hawk Andean Emerald

Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle Rufous-tailed Hummingbird


Slate-colored (Andean) Coot Golden-headed Quetzal


Andean Lapwing MOTMOTS

GULLS Rufous Motmot


PIGEONS AND DOVES Red-headed Barbet


Black-winged Ground-Dove Toucan Barbet

White-tipped Dove TOUCANS

White-throated Quail-Dove Emerald Toucanet

CUCKOOS Chestnut-tipped Toucanet

Smooth-billed Ani Crimson-rumped Toucanet

NIGHTJARS Collared (Pale-mandibled) Aracari

Lyre-tailed Nightjar

Page 22: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,


Yellow-vented Woodpecker Turquoise Jay

Lineated Woodpecker Green (Inca) Jay


Carunculated Caracara Blue-and-white Swallow

PARROTS Brown-bellied Swallow

Red-billed Parrot WRENS


Zeledon's (Immaculate) Antbird Gray-breasted Wood-Wren


Moustached Antpitta Ecuadorian Thrush

Ochre-striped Antpitta Great Thrush

Chestnut-crowned Antpitta Glossy-black Thrush

Yellow-breasted Antpitta NEW WORLD WARBLERS

Tawny Antpitta Three-striped Warbler

OVENBIRDS & WOODCREEPERS Russet-crowned Warbler

Strong-billed Woodcreeper Slate-throated Redstart (Whitestart)

Montane Woodcreeper Spectacled Redstart (Whitestart)

Chestnut-winged (Bar-winged) Cinclodes TANAGERS AND ALLIES

Stout-billed Cinclodes Gray-hooded Bush Tanager

Streak-capped Treehunter White-lined Tanager

Pearled Treerunner Flame-rumped (Lemon-rumped) Tanager

Andean Tit-Spinetail Moss-backed Tanager

White-chinned Thistletail Hooded Mountain-Tanager

TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Grass-green Tanager

Ornate Flycatcher Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager

Cinnamon Flycatcher Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager

Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager

Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant Glistening-green Tanager

Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant Blue-gray Tanager

Social Flycatcher Palm Tanager

Tropical Kingbird Blue-capped Tanager

COTINGAS Golden-naped Tanager

Orange-breasted Fruiteater Black-capped Tanager

Andean Cock-of-the-rock Rufous-throated Tanager

Page 23: Ecuador Photo Tour - Tropical Birding€¦ · Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager, Masked and Glossy Flowerpiercers, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Great Sapphirewing, Shining Sunbeam,


Beryl-spangled Tanager

Flame-faced Tanager

Golden Tanager

Golden-collared Honeycreeper

Glossy Flowerpiercer

Black Flowerpiercer

White-sided Flowerpiercer

Masked Flowerpiercer

Plumbeous Sierra-Finch

Variable Seedeater

Plain-colored Seedeater

Buff-throated Saltator

Black-winged Saltator


Common Chlorospingus (Bush-Tanager)

Black-striped Sparrow

Gray-browed (Stripe-headed) Brushfinch

Rufous-collared Sparrow

Yellow-breasted (Rufous-naped) Brushfinch


Scrub Blackbird

(Northern) Mountain Cacique


Thick-billed Euphonia

Orange-bellied Euphonia