economic kiss of death: obama style

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  • 8/9/2019 Economic Kiss of Death: Obama Style


    13/05/2010 05:21:00

    While it may appear that the Obama Administration has

    embarked on a totally different course from other

    Administrations, the fact of the matter is that it is simply a

    continuation of an agenda that has been operating in this

    country, to one degree or another, not only for decades, but formuch, much longer.

    The seeds of the destructive nature of this present

    government's policies predate the ratification of the Constitution,

    but of late those seeds have began to bear fruit, a vile,

    degenerative fruit that places the future of this country, its people

    and their liberty in the utmost jeopardy. The eventual effects of

    this governments policy will be chaotic in nature and affect everyaspect of our lives. As stated, this course is not a new one, but

    one that has been gradually implemented, whether

    conscientiously intended or not, by a political mindset that

    promotes the consolidation of the powers of all government into

    the hands of the political class.

    The ideology has morphed little since the time of Hamilton,

    the central theme is an all-powerful government, whether

    Monarchist, Mercantilist, Consolidationist or Socialist in nature.The core of this ideology is that all power rests, not in the people,

    but in the government. The methods to achieve such a

    consolidation of power have been varied, but primarily rest within

    the sphere of monetary economics where a political economy can

    be produced and expanded to the point of complete government


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    While it is not a recent development, the Obama

    Administration has embarked on a very definite path toward

    controlling, either directly or indirectly, the means of production

    in this country to an extent that has not been seen previously, as

    such, the distortions which already exist due to past governmentintervention in the markets will become more exaggerated and

    new distortions will be created. As the distortions increase so too

    does the chaos and as this happens those within this

    government, without a clear explanation of the causes or

    solutions to the problems it creates, will simply continue on the

    same chaotic path with even more vigor.

    Upon this path lay eventual price and wage controls, they

    are inevitable. The entire system employed by this government,

    fueled through a total fiat currency, is built upon an ideology that

    not only ignores the principles of sound monetary economics, but

    also must ignore such principles. Of course, one of the major

    issues of such policies is that eventually they become not only

    cumulative in nature, but also self-perpetuating. The necessity of

    further government intervention simply becomes unavoidable. A point is reached where the government has no alternative

    but to gear-up its efforts to combat the effects of its own policies,one of the indicators that the government has lost control of the

    actual economic when it is forced to actually seize control of

    businesses, the means of production within various sectors of the

    economy, especially the financial sector. As stated before, this is

    not a new path, but one that has gradually been enlarged to the

    point where we now find ourselves.

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    While there are different definitions of Socialism, the fact is

    that the common thread throughout all such definitions is

    increasing necessity of government controls and what amounts to

    de facto ownership over the means of production and distribution

    of goods and services. It is the governments ability to gain andthen exercise control over economic matters that increasingly

    cause markets to lack the ability to adequately calculate

    economic information in business decisions. This stealth form of

    Socialism is insidious for it gives the general appearance that

    government planning is necessary to maintain economic market

    viability when just the opposite is true.

    When government policy encompasses the power to actually

    determine the manner in which economic functions are expressed

    in the markets then the entire definition of ownership eventually

    falls under government control since the government is able to,

    through legislative acts and non-legislative statutes, determine

    the actual use of property, as well as the disposal of such

    property. The economic movement of goods and services are

    increasingly swayed by government policy and regulation, as such

    there is, in a very real sense, a transfer of ownership from the

    private sector to the public sector or government. While itappears that there is private ownership within the economy, in

    actuality that ownership is only nominal since it has been

    effectively transferred via such legislations and statues.

    Essentially, a nationalization of economic functions has gradually

    taken place where government controls and mandates supercede

    the ability of control over property rights traditionally thought of

    as being solely owned through the determination of actual title to

    goods and services by individuals or companies.

  • 8/9/2019 Economic Kiss of Death: Obama Style


    Such gradualism toward a Socialistic economy has, of

    course, been accomplished under the name of capitalism, the

    government allowing for a degree of capitalistic traits to be

    maintained to continue the ruse. Essentially, while it appears that

    actual private ownership is legally maintained the fact is that dueto the legislative and mandated controls, private ownership is

    actually only maintained as long as the legal restraints on that

    private property are fulfilled by those who claim such private

    ownership. If the legal restraints are violated, which is a rather

    simply matter for the government, at any level, then the

    government can step-in without any consideration of what should

    be protected private property rights.

    It must also be understood that the actual definition of

    private property and the rights that protect such property have

    gradually been diluted, being now dependent upon the allowances

    of government legislation. It is generally accepted by the

    population that their property is subject to potential intervention

    by the government, whether that intervention is through

    restrictive regulation, increasingly heavy taxation, or more

    drastically, the potential for forfeiture to some government

    agency. No longer is allodial title to private property sacrosanct,but all title to property rests solely at the political and

    bureaucratic whims of government. Gradually, what has been a

    mixed economic system is being transformed into a completely

    Socialistic economic system, though it will never be described as


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    Through the last century and a half, this economy has gone

    from a free-market to a mixed economy and is now moving

    toward a completely quasi-Socialistic economy that is

    characterized by government corporatism and economic tyranny.

    The consequences of such a transition however, will not be assimple as the political class envision, the resulting chaos

    stemming from this transition has the potential of destroying the

    political superstructure as it now stands. Under the mixed

    economy that began in earnest during the 1930s the system

    requires intervention by government; as stated, it eventually

    becomes inevitable that more and more intervention is required

    to maintain the system.

    While under a mixed economy, the means of actual

    production and distribution are maintained privately, but are

    subject to government control; this continues until the effects of

    such intervention creates an increasing need for more

    government intervention, so much so that economic distortions

    eventually require the government to intervene even more into

    economy to the point that it must take drastic measures to

    maintain the economy. Such measures always fail to accomplish

    the stated purposes, as such more measures are required to keepthe system afloat. As economic chaos increases, the uncertainty

    of the public is used to the advantage of the government, making

    it politically palatable for the government to propose more

    intervention, leading to more chaos requiring more intervention. As this government takes upon itself responsibilities that are

    normally associated with the markets, it is the government that

    ultimately decides how goods and services are created, used and

    disposed. Eventually, of course, such interventions bring aboutsuch distortions in the markets that it becomes impossible for the

    government to reverse the effects of such distortions.

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    We have already reached the point where the government

    must begin to institute certain controls to maintain the system it

    has created. Such controls will come in the form of a greater

    degree of manipulation of wages and prices until the manner in

    which the division of labor is determined in the market iscorrupted and non-functional. The mere act of buying and selling

    is no longer governed by the markets alone, but by the legislative

    policies of government. As the intervention continues, at some

    point the right to bid pricing on a good or service or the right of

    ask pricing no longer applies, this happens because of the

    controls that the government institutes and must institute to keep

    a semblance of functionality within the economy. This however,

    only exacerbates the problems associated with continued

    economic distortions until shortages begin to appear within the


    The Obama Administration has already given plenty of hints

    as to what is in store for our country. Recently, Mr. Obama stated

    that: Were not, were not trying to push financial reform because

    we begrudge success thats fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a

    certain point youve made enough money. But, you know, part ofthe American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if

    youre providing a good product or providing good service. We

    dont want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of

    the financial system to help grow our economy.

    J. Kenneth Galbraith said: "There is a widespread notion that one of the most primitive

    of modern ideological choices is whether a government shall beKeynesian or not . . . no present or future administration really

    has the non-Keynesian choice."

  • 8/9/2019 Economic Kiss of Death: Obama Style


    As the future will prove, the Administration will engage in a

    soft form of wage and price controls, but even in the soft state,

    such controls will ultimately be devastating in terms of economic

    functions. Such destructive attributes associated with wage and

    price controls eliminate the rights of ownership in the privateeconomy. It is a de facto form of Socialism that has all the

    characteristics of a Socialistic economy in everything but name,

    all which remains of free market capitalism, is an empty shell. Such controls deprive those in business from the use of their

    capital freely, the uses ultimately being determined by the

    various measures implemented by government. The government

    interferes with the natural economic market functions,

    interjecting conditions and restrictions on business to the point

    that businesses can no longer use their capital in the most

    profitable manner possible. The limitations on profit filters

    through the economy, diverting resources and redistributing

    those resources in ways that cause economic distortions. Now it must be understood that such controls have been in

    place for decades, but with the election of Barack Obama, the

    goal of transforming the United States into a Socialistic society is

    closer than ever. It is clear, not only by the actions and the words

    of Obama, that the intentions of the Administration are far fromwhat could remotely be considered Constitutional, or even

    American for that matter, but it is also clear that Obama is

    following a well-beaten path of Socialistic ideology that has

    plagued this country since the period of Lincoln.

  • 8/9/2019 Economic Kiss of Death: Obama Style


    The entire impetus from the period of Lincoln to Obama has

    been, with little interruption, a path of the consolidation of a

    nationalized government with the power to control every aspect

    of the lives of individuals. In order to do this it was necessary for

    the free-market to be completely destroyed and a system ofcentralized planning be implemented. The first barrier that had to

    be removed was sound money, after that it was necessary to

    implement a form of economic theory that would not only allow

    the government to gain control over the economy, but would

    make it necessary for it to gain control through the gradual

    destruction of monetary and economic functions that operate

    according to free-market principles.

    Keynesian economic theory was, without a doubt, one of the

    single most important tools in the Marxist agenda for this

    country. As Joan Robinson, a Keynesian economist stated: the

    differences between Marx and Keynes are only verbal. The

    agenda is to control, not necessarily to own all productive and

    distribution avenues within this country and to do that it is of

    primary importance that the government bring about a certain

    degree of disruption in the economy. Such a disruption, whether

    intentional or not, would make it necessary for more and moregovernment intervention into economy and social matters. As a former Keynesian Economist, Dr. L.A. Hahn stated: For

    it [the Keynesian view] presupposes an economy whose members

    do not see through the changes brought about by monetary or

    fiscal manipulation or as some might say, the swindle. Above all,

    it presupposes that people are blinded by the idea that the value

    of money is stable by the "money illusion."

  • 8/9/2019 Economic Kiss of Death: Obama Style


    It is indeed an illusion, there is nothing real about the

    Keynesian economic foundation upon which this economy now

    rests, nor is there any reality within the fiat monetary system

    that keeps the government expanding. The key to ability of this

    government to expand its power, abusing the delegated andenumerated powers along the way, is the fiat monetary system

    employed by government to bypass all Constitutional limitations.

    As the government continues to expand its influence over

    the lives of the individual, as it seeks to redistribute the wealth of

    the people into what it considers a more equitable distribution, it

    produces, in reality, a stratified society where the ruling classes

    are never included in the egalitarian plan. A government

    aristocracy develops that sets itself above its own mandates for

    Socialistic equalities; those that are privileged exclude their own

    participation in meeting the required mandates of government


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    Unfortunately, for the government, central planning can take

    unexpected paths; usually it forms chaotic paths due to the

    effects of intervention in the market. While it most certainly

    appears that there are those within this government to have full

    faith in the ability of government to actually control economicmechanics, the reality is that it is simply impossible. All efforts in

    that direction only increase the distortion already created by

    previous government intervention and interference into the

    market. Those within government, the politicians and bureaucrats

    will always seek to expand production within the economy

    however; the massive inefficiencies brought about by the

    governments own intervention in the markets inhibits such

    production. The incentives of production are destroyed, not only

    are the incentives to produce destroyed, but the incentive to act

    productively is destroyed by the unending cycle of government

    intervention necessary to keep the system hobbling. The really

    amazing fact is that even in the face of such overwhelming

    evidence of the failure of Socialistic economic policies, most

    politicians who adhere to such ideology are completely unwilling

    or unable to abandon the ideology.

    As with all Socialistic or quasi-Socialistic political economicsystems, the resources and funds required to maintain such a

    system become enormous, even crippling to the markets. Instead

    of providing economic stability, the results are chaotic disruptions

    as the government intervention apparatus continues to intervene

    to correct the problems resulting from the previous manipulations

    by the government in the economic processes. It is a cycle of

    destruction, feeding upon itself as the government continues to

    gain more and more control over economic matters. Eventually,the entire system becomes unmanageable and the controls

    unenforceable. Under such system there can never be any real

    planning, such planning must eventually reach the stage of

    reactionary responses to the consequences of the governments

    own policies and legislative mandates. Real control becomes


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    As the government assumes more and more responsibility

    for the economic well being of the citizens, the less well being

    there is to go around. Everyday life becomes almost unbearable

    as people attempt to skirt the system that has entrapped them.Resentment and open hostility will manifest, causing the

    government, in the interest of its own survival, to brutalize the

    people. Individual freedoms are sacrificed for The State

    Collective, propaganda is geared toward any hint of discontent

    and those who intend to rule do so with the cruelest intent. As failures mount, the government is quick to place blame,

    that is, to place blame on anyone and everyone other than itself

    and its policies. The government must turn to external threats in

    hopes to rally the people behind it and no longer depends on

    reality of potential threats, when it is enough to fabricate those

    events to garner support. Of course, corruption is always present,

    but now and then it becomes necessary to expose internal

    corruption to maintain a degree of legitimacy in the eyes of the


    As the Socialistic economic and social system crumbles

    under its own weight, the government must resort to overt forceto maintain its control over the people; there is no other

    alternative but state-terror as a sanctioned method of

    maintaining its power. The Obama Administration has set its course, a course that

    is resulting in one of the most massive periods of deficit spending

    in the history of our country; the only real method for financing

    that spending is a policy of inflation since there is no possible way

    for this government to tax its way to solvency. Using thegovernments favorite instrument, fiat currency, it has been able

    to spend with wild abandon without the worry of massive taxation

    at this point to keep the system working. Factually, there is

    absolutely nothing this government can do, or will do, to get itself

    and this country out of this situation it now faces.

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    The actions of this government have been, and are,

    distorting, actually destroying the uniform rate of profit that the

    markets normally establishes and governs. As such, this

    distortion can be seen in the manner in which businesses make

    business decisions and even how they account for profit. Theentire system of fiat currency and the economy on which that

    system must be based creates some of the most destructive

    economic factors that eventually cannot be hidden in the real

    world. The rate of influx within the withdrawal and injection of

    capital is contorted through the inflationary depreciation of the

    fiat monetary regime. As such, the actual profit and therefore,

    capital available to business and even individuals is a faade and

    cannot provide an accurate portrayal of economic reality. This

    distortion can easily be seen by comparing profits without the

    effects of inflation with the effects of inflation on the rate of

    profit. Eventually, this begins to corrode the basis of production,

    even the motives behind production. Indeed, since the rate of

    profit becomes distorted, over time, the measure of total

    production also is distorted, as well as the ability of business to

    correctly anticipate actual consumer demand.

  • 8/9/2019 Economic Kiss of Death: Obama Style


    It should be evident that along with the distortions created

    by the monetary system and the manipulation of that system,

    there has, by necessity, been a drastic increase in what can only

    be considered an almost completely subsidized economy,

    generated by the power of government to redistribute wealthfrom what remains of the productive sector of the economy to the

    non-productive sector, as well as those businesses which are

    politically connected. Subsidies are nothing more than a form of

    price control, along with such price controls; wages are equally

    manipulated through various means, from taxation to fiat

    inflationary depreciation. Under such a system, there can never

    be real expectations of stable future pricing or wages sufficient to

    keep pace with unstable fiat pricing. Since the economy adjusts

    itself to the quantity of money available, the fiat monetary

    system, being manipulated by external forces, i.e. the

    government, the adjustments themselves are a product of

    quantity distortions in the supply of fiat money.

    A problem arises when this distortion affects the value

    judgments of businesses and individual consumers, which, in

    turn, affects the demand within the economy, usually causing a

    misallocation of resources and labor. There is a very good reasonwhy a fiat economy must depend upon a great deal of fiat credit

    creation, the system by itself, cannot maintain economic progress

    over a long period of time and will falter without such fiat credit

    creation. Such a condition, of course, creates a number of

    dangers, the least of which is the level of accumulated debt that

    must be held to maintain the fiat economic system.

  • 8/9/2019 Economic Kiss of Death: Obama Style


    Additionally, since the normal and healthy forces within a

    free-market economy are manipulated, and thus distorted, by

    government intervention, the actual supply of resources are

    diverted to elements within the economy which, may or may not

    be the most important employment of those resources as theywould be under a free market economy. Government regulation

    tends to create these diversions of resources, rerouting resources

    to less efficient production that would be normal under a free

    market. Normally, in a free market, the market will naturally form

    a variable range where supply and demand expand and contract

    naturally, the same cannot be said of the governments

    manipulated economy. A free market will determine all prices by

    costs of production; this is done with respect to the individuals

    economic value judgments as a balance is achieved in the market

    based on the various forces at play within the economy. In the

    Socialistic economy, eventually no such value judgments are

    possible, supply and demand become skewed according to

    government policies affecting those forces.

    What was once only a transitional form of Socialism has now

    been implemented forcefully by the Obama Administration. This

    form of Socialism cannot be considered traditional Socialism, butis a conglomeration of Socialistic principles mixed, by necessity,

    with free-market principles, but the transition to a total Socialistic

    system is much closer under the Obama Administration than at

    any other time in our history. The problem that the Obama

    Administration seems to be completely oblivious of is the fact that

    under such a system there can be no real economic progress, the

    economy falls into deeper levels of disarray, requiring more and

    more government intervention just to create a degree of balancewithin the economy.

  • 8/9/2019 Economic Kiss of Death: Obama Style


    While the former Soviet Union suffered a rather rapid decay

    due to various factors, the least of which were an unsustainable

    Socialistic economic system, the United States will suffer form a

    slightly different type of economic and social decay. Obamas Kiss

    of Death will include a combination of factors that were notprevalent in the former Soviet Union, but there will be

    comparisons to be sure. The fact that the United States has been

    so dependent upon an open fiat monetary system, fractional

    reserve banking system and fiat credit creation that there will be

    a much more intense form of decay, causing an intense collapse

    on many fronts, including societal.

    There will be a convergence of events taking place through

    the fiat economies around the world, the events of the United

    States will prove to be a fatal blow, not only domestically, but on

    the foreign economic fronts. As the economic situation grows

    worse, so too will the attempts of the government to maintain

    control and power. These attempts will naturally include tactics

    that will not be mistaken as anything but tyrannical, despotic and

    cruel. The government will take upon itself life and death

    decisions that will impact every aspect of the lives of the People

    of this country. As an high rate of fiat inflation turns extreme, more extreme

    price controls will ensue, making matters worse, leading to

    massive shortages and setting off a cycle of uncontrollable events

    that will seem, in many respects, contradictory in traditional

    economic terms since there is no real historical comparison

    available. A hyper-inflationary depression will produce events that

    mimic both deflation and inflation, but are not, in the strictest

    sense either. The displacement of employees will be massive aslayoffs increase at an alarming rate. Many of the most respected

    companies will be wiped away with a rapidity that will literally be

    shocking and economically earth shaking.

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    Property rights will be the first to suffer then will come the

    abolishment of all individual rights. There will be a rapid rise in

    black market activities and the government will seek to impose

    draconian measures to prevent such activities, without much

    effect. The forcible expropriation of the means of all production,the implementation of heavy-handed controls of both prices and

    wages will inevitably create even more chaos. We will see

    starvation on an ever-increasing scale, along with acts of

    desperation by the public as mass confusion and distrust spread.

    Widespread violence will bring about even more acts of abuse and

    even atrocities which will be viewed as necessary and perhaps

    even proper [by the political elite] given the increasingly

    uncontrollable situation.

    The Panic of 2008, which is the preview of events to come,

    will appear to be good times as the economic system deteriorates

    in the most surprising ways imaginable. Economic and therefore,

    social dislocation will be nightmarish in the extreme, social unrest

    will gravitate toward complete chaos and all faith in government

    will be erased.

    The real danger, particularly for this government, is thesocial unrest that will result from such distortions. There will

    either be a complete breakdown of the economic functions in this

    country or there will be a continuation of a gradual disintegration,

    which will allow the government to implement a complete

    Socialistic economy, thus a society, without the need for forceful

    restraint. In other words, if there is a very gradual decline in the

    economy well-being of this country then the people will be much

    more receptive of such government controls and intervention. Ifhowever, there is a rapid disintegration, which at this point can

    be expected, then the likelihood of a drastic backlash against

    government intervention is possible. The traditional views upon

    which this country was founded have a chance of resurfacing

    during such a period of disintegration.

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    That being said, there is still hope and it is not the kind of

    hope promoted and promised by this illegitimate Administration.

    It is a hope of Restoration, a hope that the People of this country

    have reached the point where they are no longer asleep and have

    started to question the actions and motives of their government.Perhaps the greatest force to confront this heavily centralized

    government is the 10th Amendment Movement and the

    empowerment of the Several States to interpose themselves,

    effectively nullifying federal government actions and laws in favor

    for a much more Constitutional stance. The concerted efforts of a

    growing number of States, with a growing awareness and support

    of the Citizens of those States, will be persuasive, as the

    movement grows, so to will be the pressure on the federal

    government to reconsider its stances and actions.

    A plea to the common sense of the American People, or at least that,

    which remains, will go far in crippling the goals of this Administration.

    There will come a time, and we have almost reached that point, when the

    American People will finally have had enough of the folly instituted by this

    government. We are fortunate in that the People of this country are not

    accustom to nor inclined to trust nearly as much as other countries where

    the tradition of being subjected to a paternal government was generallyaccepted as normal. There are rumblings in the land, and many of those

    rumblings are coming from the some of the more surprising places and


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    13/05/2010 05:21:00

  • 8/9/2019 Economic Kiss of Death: Obama Style


    13/05/2010 05:21:00