
What is going to happen? conc lu sio n The electricity or solar energy that the panel receive makes the blender start working ,you can use a bicycle too but when you stop the blender wills top too. Procedu re Connect the panel with the blender and take it to the sun. The energy damages the world ,your world and with this you can start saving it and continue doing normal use what ever you want the thing is that we tried to save the world.

Upload: dans987

Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Ecology

What is going to happen? conclu sion

• The electricity or solar energy that the panel receive makes the blender start working ,you can use a bicycle too but when you stop the blender wills top too.

ProcedureConnect the panel with the blender and take it to the sun.

The energy damages

the world ,your world

and with this you can

start saving it and

continue doing

normal life we use

the example of a

blander but you can

use what ever you

want the thing is that

we tried to save the


Page 2: Ecology

Catalina Pámanes #22Michelle Brunell #2Ana Isabel González #10Patricia Carrillo #4Daniela Chávez #6


hat it



- Physics and ecology you can use a blender with good energy.

ExplanationConnect the panel with the blender and take it to the sun.