ecologic annual report 2011-2012

Looking Forward EcoLogic Development Fund Annual Report 2011-2012

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EcoLogic's Annual Report for fiscal year 2011, covering events of 2011 and 2012.


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Looking Forward EcoLogic

Development Fund Annual Report


Page 2: EcoLogic Annual Report 2011-2012

Massachusetts artist

Kay Kopper volunteers

for EcoLogic and created

this original artwork

illustrating the diversity

of life in a Central

American mangrove.

Page 3: EcoLogic Annual Report 2011-2012

What a time it has been! Dear Friends and Supporters,

EcoLogic has been through significant change in the past 18 months: we completed necessary and important processes of self-evaluation which drove improvements in how we do our

work. We also experienced noteworthy transitions in leadership and staffing which signaled the end of one era and the start of another.

As those who have been friends of EcoLogic for a while know, in early 2012, Shaun Paul, EcoLogic’s co-founder and longtime executive director, decided it was time to step down and move on to other projects. EcoLogic will be forever grateful for his leadership, and a few words cannot hope to capture the scope and importance of the impact of Shaun’s vision and passion in establishing this organization.

At the end of 2011, after four years of dedicated service as chairman of the board, Bill Green handed over the reins to Nick Shufro. Nick has stepped up to the role with enthusiasm and passion while Bill remains on our board as secretary. Now as 2012 nears its conclusion, we have welcomed six

new board members to our ranks bringing the number to 16 for the start of 2013. We are excited by the critical skills they bring including in the areas of monitoring and evaluation, forestry management, and sustainable agriculture, as well as the passion for environmental conservation and sustainable development that all of our board members share.

I joined EcoLogic as a volunteer in 2003 thinking I was commit-ting for a year as I considered how to best invest my time and passion as an environmentalist and an advocate for the rural poor. Yet, impressed with the principles, spirit and importantly, the actions of EcoLogic, I joined as a staff member, most recently serving as director of development from 2008 until this year. I am honored and humbled to have been chosen to lead EcoLogic forward, and am excited to do so with the support of a dedicated and capable staff. I already know personally many of our friends and supporters, and I look forward to getting to know more of you in 2013.

EcoLogic’s commitment remains as strong as ever—rooted in action, trust, and solidarity at the community level. At the end of the day, our success hinges on our ability to strengthen community-based water councils in Honduras that are restoring the health of watersheds; help our partner in Belize fight oil extraction in a national park; and support indigenous women in Guatemala who are leading the way in conserving their forests.

During 2011 we strengthened our capacity to bring our services in a more robust and efficient way to a larger number of communities and landscapes. Several key staff members from the Cambridge

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Barbara Vallarino, Executive Director

At EcoLogic volunteers make a

big difference. In 2011 and 2012

we welcomed people who donated

their time and expertise to increase

the scope and impact of our work.

Volunteers and interns helped us

with research, data collection,

writing, analysis, fundraising and

event planning, video editing, website

design, technology support, art and

illustration work. Thank you!

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and regional offices completed an online course on the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation, a methodology developed by peers of ours in the field including the Wildlife Conservation Society and The Nature Conservancy (see page 4). We also established a technical

project officer position in our regional head-quarters to help integrate long-term scientific monitoring and evaluation methodologies into our work. In turn, these efforts have supported the development of our latest five-year strategic plan (2013–2017), which focuses on intercon-necting and uniting communities and their management of local ecosystems in order to achieve long-term improvements at the landscape-level (see pages 6–7).

Our work on the ground has moved forward in exciting ways. For example, our Lacandón forest carbon sequestration project in southern Mexico received critical support and a vote of confidence from the North American Commis-

sion for Environmental Cooperation (see page 4) as well as from the Mexican federal government. As you may know, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation plus conservation (REDD+), a UN-developed mechanism for creating financial value for the carbon stored in forests, is not without controversy as some are concerned about its potential to advantage industrial interests at the expense of the rural and indigenous poor. These are valid concerns as REDD+, like any tool, has the potential to be used inappropriately. However, we believe, as do our local project partners, that if properly, carefully, and ethically applied, REDD+ can play an important role in making a significant positive impact on the well-being of the forest and natural ecosystem as well as on the peoples who live there. 

We are also proud that our ability to strengthen community governance and leadership abilities was recognized! Our work with the Association of Water Committees of the Southern Sector of Pico Bonito National Park—a local partner we helped to establish in 2003—was recognized by the SwissRe ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Management at the start of 2011, and then not a year later was singled out by the United Nations Development Program as one of 25 organizations world-wide to win the Equator prize (see page 5).

When I think about where EcoLogic stands right now, I am energized and inspired. Today, Eco-Logic continues to help identify solutions to the many challenges facing our global environment. We work at a grass-roots level partnering with rural and indigenous communities who want to build a better life for themselves, their families, and their environment. EcoLogic is proud to be an organization that makes a difference for so many in finding the methods and means to do so, and we are grateful for your help in doing so.

I am thankful for the many talented, compassionate, and committed partners, staff, volunteers, board members, advisors and supporters who have helped shape EcoLogic. We could not do it without you.

Barbara Vallarino, Executive Director

EcoLogic’s Leadership Team (L-R): Dave Kramer, Barbara Vallarino, Gabriela González Garcia, Melissa Haley

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A fisherman uses a seine net to haul in fish. On the Sarstún River local dominant fishing practices favor the use of these nets that take high amounts of bycatch (unwanted marine life) including juvenile fish. Many nets across the river at once mean very little life can pass though unharmed, and this “tragedy of the commons” is one reason fish stocks are crashing. EcoLogic provides technical assistance and support to the first fishing cooperative on the Guatemalan river bank. In the next year, EcoLogic, local partner APROSARSTUN, and the coop-erative will organize coordinated meetings and trainings with neighbors along the river to promote the creation of new community fishing cooperatives that can collaborate to restrict the use of these destructive nets and promote sustainable catch agreements and no fishing zones.

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Select Achievements 2011

Capacity BuildingFrom September 2011 to January 2012, EcoLogic built significant in-house capacity to design, implement and evaluate conservation initiatives at a landscape level, when 15 staff members from our regional office and headquarters completed an online course on the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation, presented by the non- profit organization Foundations of Success (FOS). EcoLogic staff applied the methodology to three current projects and created a conceptual model and action plan for each. This project management model includes conservation targets; critical threats, stresses, and opportunities, strategies and results chains, goals and activities; and monitoring and evaluation measures and criteria, and incorporates consideration of human welfare and ecosystem services in ways that EcoLogic and its partners can utilize in practical and effective ways.

Community Commissions in PanamaAt our Panama project site in San Miguel we organized local commissions on waste man- agement in three participating communities, conducted dozens of training workshops on sewage and waste management, constructed a half-dozen composting latrines to demonstrate the positive impact of the technology, led a communications and education campaign on waste management which included radio broad-casts and simple print guides, and organized community beach and mangrove cleanup days to raise awareness and remove plastic and trash.

Sustainable Farming ExpandsProvided seeds, training, and technical assistance to smallholder farmers in Guatemala to promote the use of alley cropping with Inga (Inga edulis) as an alternative to slash-and-burn agriculture. This resulted in 112 new parcels being established in 15 communities along with four tree nurseries used to produce almost 40,000 Inga trees.

Fighting Illegal Logging in Ancient ForestIn Totonicapán, Guatemala, EcoLogic and local partner the 48 Cantons convened several meetings to develop a plan to fight illegal logging in the old-growth forest. The meetings brought together representatives from the Guatemalan environmen-tal police, the National Commission on Protected Areas, community members and those serving on the Association of Natural Resources for the Totonicapán municipality, and a document was drafted committing to specific steps to counteract illegal logging using media and education efforts, increased monitoring and accumulation of statistical data, and legal actions.

REDD+ Project FundedThe North American Commission for Environmen-tal Cooperation chose our Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation plus conser-vation (REDD+) project in the Lacandón forest, Mexico, undertaken with local partner Na Bolom, to receive a major financial grant—it was one of only 18 projects chosen out of more than 500!

Rainforest2Reef Donates Assets After more than ten years of operation and having successfully set up a conservation framework for the Calakmul Biosphere in Mexico, Rainforest2Reef founders Sandra Kahn and David Leventhal chose to dissolve the nonprofit organization and donate its remaining assets to EcoLogic. “If you provide local people with education, economic opportuni-ties and incentives, they will be the first to protect the rainforest,” observed Leventhal. “EcoLogic understands this.”

Building Fuel-Efficient Stoves EcoLogic provided funds and technical assistance to support the construction of 555 fuel-efficient stoves at our project sites in Guatemala and Honduras.

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EcoLogic Partner Wins the UNDP Equator PrizeOur Communities Conserving Watersheds project in northern Honduras won the United Nations Development Program’s Equator Prize! In 2002, community leaders approached EcoLogic requesting technical assistance to help them organize to protect their natural resources. In 2003, the Association of Water Committees of the Southern Sector of Pico Bonito National Park (AJAASSPIB) was founded, and for almost ten years we have worked together to restore and protect the natural resources of the area. The goal of the Equator Prize is to “recognize and advance local sustainable development solutions for people, nature and resilient communities,” and our partner was one of 25 chosen from more than 800 nominations received. In June 2012, Community Leader Doña Zumilda Duarte and EcoLogic Program Officer Chris Patterson traveled to the Earth Summit in Rio to meet other winners, attend workshops, and participate in the Equator Prize awards ceremony.

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EcoLogic’s Strategic Plan 2013–2017

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Over the past 50 years, humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period of time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fiber and fuel. This has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth.” So observed the United Nations’ Millen- nium Ecosystem Assessment of 2005 that found that almost two-thirds of the world’s ecosystems are in significant decline.

What if these trends could be reversed? What if ecosystems and natural areas could be restored and human interactions with them managed? What if their protection could contribute to reducing the impacts of climate change? And their sustainable use could reduce poverty? And what if the resources and services that healthy and diverse ecosystems provide had recognized market value, encouraging their long-term management and conservation?

Throughout human history seemingly impossible problems have been solved, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, and usually without the awareness ahead of time that positive change was coming, some-times right around the corner. At EcoLogic we have seen hard work, determination, creativity, and hope turn a barren hillside into a fledgling forest. Change a contaminated trickle of a stream into a clean and abundant water source. And transform a polluted mangrove into a vibrant habitat for fish and wildlife. Now is the time to amplify these lessons learned and apply them at a scale and with a rigor that can address the challenges ahead. Our strategic plan for 2013–2017 maps out how we intend to do that.

EcoLogic staff, board, partners, and stakeholders collaborated over a twelve month period to create a plan that builds on our past while looking boldly forward to a landscape-level conservation approach that benefits both people and nature. We will focus on the conservation needs of larger geographic

areas in a way that integrates the efforts of multiple local organizations in order to have the different habitats and their interelations within a given landscape—from protected areas to agricultural plots to

Maria, Isabela, and Micaela, ethnic Chuj from Santa Maria Ixtatan, participate in a women’s group that meets regularly to plant trees, restore parts of the forest, and collect wood sustainably. EcoLogic provides training, materials and technical support to these groups, and has been instrumental in increasing women’s participation in these activities.

M i s s i o n

EcoLogic empowers rural

and indigenous peoples to

restore and protect tropical

ecosystems in Central

America and Mexico.

By providing inspiration and possibility, we help a diversity of life to flourish, including our own.

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towns and industrial areas—considered and managed to achieve positive and more sus-tainable results in the long term.

Our Core ValuesOur strategic plan articulates and connects our core values to our mission to empower rural and indigenous peoples to restore and protect tropical ecosystems in Central Am-erica and Mexico. EcoLogic’s four core values are: (1) taking a people-centered approach to conservation; (2) focusing on impact and measurable outcomes in our work; (3) show-ing solidarity around issues of social and environmental justice; and (4) highlighting our commitment to honesty and transpar-ency in everything we do.

EcoLogic’s 2013–2017 strategic plan is careful to consider not only what we hope to achieve but also to make sure we build a foundation to support a thriving organization capable of sustaining its impact over time. Our plan’s first two strategic goals articulate what we believe it will take to realize our vision of rural communities leading in the creation of a sustainable world for both people and nature. These are: (1) to achieve landscape-level conservation impact while remaining rooted in, and accountable to local communities; and (2) to strengthen partnerships and alliances to ensure that local people can effectively lead solution-oriented conservation initiatives. The third and fourth strategic goals define what EcoLogic needs to do as an organization in order to achieve such success: (3) mobilize resources in an effective and strategic manner, including setting up innovation funds for critical research and develop-ment as well as the ability to respond quickly to community priorities and needs; and (4) manage for results by investing in and supporting talented staff and fostering a spirit of innovation, constant learning, accountability, and adaptive management.  

We have outlined specific milestones and indicators to ensure that we stay on track as we work to achieve these goals. The plan incorporates science-driven monitoring and evaluation strategies and emphasizes learning from our partners and staff on the ground, as well as experts and peers in the conservation and sustainable development fields.

We look forward to continuing to develop innovative ways to promote environmental conserva- tion and restoration in ways that recognize that human well-being is intimately intertwined with ecosystem health.

Don Genaro Pérez gestures proudly to his three year old Inga trees that he will soon prune for firewood. In the next five years we aim to significantly expand our agroforestry program which trains farmers to increase crop yields by planting food with beneficial trees such as Inga (Inga edulis).

v i s i o n

Rural communities

lead in the creation of

a sustainable world for

both people and nature.

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9% 18%50% 7% 7% 9%

Financials 2011

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R E V E N U EEcoLogic recognized less income in 2011 than in 2010, however, a significant portion of 2010 revenue was in the form of multi-year grants that were paid out in 2011, which ensured positive cash flow through 2011. We continue to invest in our long-term financial sustainability, with the ultimate goal of significantly increasing the impact and scope of our work. In 2011 much of our funding was received from foundations, though individual donations increased from 20% of our funding in 2010 to 29% in 2011.

E x P E N S E SIn 2011 EcoLogic had a very successful year programmatically. Due in large part to receiving funding through multi-year grants and pledges, we were able to increase our program expenditures 20% over 2010 levels.

P R O G R A M E x P E N D I T U R E SThe chart below details how EcoLogic’s program expenditures are divided among the countries in which we work. Please note that in some countries we work in multiple geographic areas.

Summarized Statement of Activities for 2011 Fiscal Year (US$)

S U P P O R T & R E V E N U E

  grants and contributions   1,592,645    in-Kind Donations   17,680   Contract Income 66,211 Interest Income 1,294   Rental income   13,800    Loss on investment in subsidiary   (18,633) Total Support & Revenue 1,672,997

E x P E N S E S

  program Services   1,663,584    Management & general   209,617    Fundraising   431,690  Total Expenses 2,304,891 Change In Net Assets (631,894) Net Assets – Beginning of Year 1,480,567 Net Assets – End of Year 848,673

Statement of Financial Position at End of 2011 Fiscal Year (US$)


Current Assets   cash   312,912   Pledges and Accounts Receivable 484,860 Advances 48   Loan receivable   15,698    prepaid Expenses   9,997   Total Current Assets 823,515 Other Assets   Deposit   6,033    investment in Subsidiaries   53,737    pledges receivable, long-term   95,044  Total Other Assets 154,814 Fixed Assets   property & Equipment Less Depreciation   42,525  Total Assets 1,020,854

L I A B I L I T E S & N E T A S S E T S Current Liabilities   Accrued Expenses   167,559   Loan Payable 4,622 Total Current Liabilities 172,181 Long-Term Liabilities Note payable — Total long-term liabilities — Net Assets unrestricted   268,769  temporarily Restricted   579,904  Total Net Assets 848,673 Total Liabilities & Net Assets 1,020,854

Annual audits are conducted by Gonzalez & Associates, P.C. For a complete audited statement, please contact EcoLogic.



In-Kind Donations 1%

Public Agency Income 4%

Investment & Other Income 2%

Individual Donations


Program Services 72%

Management & General 9%

Fundraising 19%
























ent E




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US Staff December 2012

Barbara VallarinoExecutive Director

Bryan FosterCarbonPlus Program Director

Melissa HaleyDirector of Finance and Administration

David KramerSenior Program Officer

Rebecca OliverProgram Officer for Online Giving

Chris PattersonProgram Officer for Institutional Development

Laura PowellOperations Associate

Gina RindfleischProgram Officer for Individual Giving

Andrea SavageCarbonPlus Associate

Sam SchofieldProgram Associate

Lee ShaneCommunications Officer

Regional Staff December 2012

Marco AcevedoProgram Officer for Mexico

Yaria Allois PinoProgram Officer for Panama

Gabriela González GarcíaInterim Regional Director

TBDProgram Officer for Honduras

Mario TuchFinancial-Administrative Officer

Daniel HerreraProgram Officer for Guatemala

TBD Project Officer

Board of Directors December 2012

Nicholas ShufroBoard ChairPricewaterhouseCoopers

Kathrin WinklerBoard Vice-ChairEMC Corporation

F. William Green, MDBoard SecretaryRetired

Jabes RojasBoard TreasurerYear Up Boston

Fernando Bolaños ValleAgroAmerica

Daniela GuerreroBrooke HowatEmma HuvosStella JordanKay KopperPaulius KosmarciukasBriana MacMillanRebecca MagnoniGina MajorQuin McKinleySara MillerLaura ModahlJulian Moll-RocekStaci MorrisonMia NeagleAntjelina NewmanKerry NixDori Nguyen Meagan O’BrienMeaghan O’Neil Gabrielle PageJennifer Pastore Steve QuinchiaMatthew Sarsycki Shilpa SatyanAndrea SavageKatherine SegalBrad SmithIrene Uribe Ellie Wendell

Donors 2011

in 2011, 550 donations under  $1,000 combined to provide $36,656 in support to our pro-grams. We are grateful to these loyal donors who continue to sustain our work. EcoLogic extends its sincerest thanks to the following individuals and organizations who contributed $1,000 or more in 2011.

Individuals & Institutions Anonymous (3)AgroAmericaArntz Family FoundationAtkinson FoundationBeverly Armstrong Blossom FundThe Blue Oak Charitable Fund Fernando Bolaños Valle Alison M. Byers James A. Cartreine The Cleveland Foundation Clif Bar Family FoundationBaruch B. Fischhoff Fondo para la Conservacion

de los Bosques TropicalesNeva Goodwin Grousbeck Family Foundation Heifer InternationalDavid Hills Robert E. Hyman The International FoundationKendeda FundMargaret A. Cargill FoundationBarbara Meyer Mithun Family Foundation Kristen Moline Mulago FoundationNew England Biolabs FoundationNorcross Wildlife FoundationOak Foundation

David Barton BrayProfessor, Florida International University

Orlando J. CabreraNixon Peabody, LLP

Joyce CachoAdinura Advisory, LLC


Gregory Ch’ocSarstoon-Temash Institute for Indigenous Management (SATIIM)

Norissa GiangolaCoqui Marketing

Pat Goudvis Documentary Filmmaker

Marc HillerGreenWood Resources and Interna-tional Forestry Investments (IFIA)

Lauren L. McGregorAttorney-at-law

Fernando Paiz La Ruta Maya Conservation Foundation

William Russell Grace Byers, Jr.Board Chairman EmeritusRetired

Mark SprancaReputational Capital and Technical Leadership, Abt Associates

Dan TunstallRetired

Barbara VallarinoExecutive Director

Advisory Committee December 2012

Manuela Alvarado LópezNilo CayuqueoAlberto ChinchillaDr. Jason ClayJames Crowfoot, PhDNeva Goodwin, PhDLewis GordonJosé HerreroDr. Leonard P. HirschEnrique Leff, PhDJoshua MailmanFrances Moore LappéIan Todreas

Interns and VolunteersDecember 2011–2012

Catherine Aiello Zach AlexanderMadeleine BarrWarren BerryLauren Braley Kristin BrownAlex CecchinelliBarrie Charney GoldenSarah ColemanAlejandra CorsJane D’AmbrosiaAmanda DibbleMargaret Doherty-LopezDana DrugmandCasey FishWei “Vicky” GaoAndrew Greenough

O’Keefe Family Foundation Prospect Hill FoundationPutnam Foundation Jim and Patty Rouse Charitable TrustSwissRe Resource Award for

Sustainable Watershed Management

Tides Foundation Stillwaters FundTowards Sustainability FoundationVirginia Wellington Cabot Foundation

Ambassadors Donations provided to EcoLogic’s Ambassador Campaign are used for general operating support. The investment that Ambassadors make allows EcoLogic to build its capacity, which has a direct and positive impact on our programs in Central America and Mexico.

($5,000+)Nick Shufro

($2,500–$4,999)Bill GreenPatricia GoudvisDiane DeBono Schafer

($1,000–$2,499)Susanna Badgley PlaceJean-Mari PeltierDavid B. BrayLisa LeffCarol MadsenDan TunstallKathrin WinklerFaxon GreenRay GrenierLauren McGregor & George RomanoffMartha Taub

In-Kind ContributionsAlphaGraphics (Worcester, MA)BolocoCasa Viva Troncones

(Sandra Kahn and David Leventhal)CleanSpiritedEco.Love WinesElite Island ResortsFaxon Green Elegant Floral

& Event DesignHenrietta’s TableIggy’s Bread of the WorldIkeda Center for Peace, Learning

and DialogueIndigenous Designs CorporationJennifer ChesworthLiberty HotelLush CosmeticsPeaceKeeper Cause-MeticsPetsi PiesPlantronicsPyara Spa and SalonRed Sox FoundationRuna TeaSeason to Taste CateringSmall Planet InstituteTaza ChocolateTech Boston

Corporate SponsorsCell Signaling TechnologyTrlllium Asset Management


Pro Bono Legal ServicesGoulston & Storrs Counselors at Law


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25 Mount Auburn Street, Suite 203Cambridge, MA 02138 USAP: +1 (617).441.6300 • E: [email protected]

Regional Office

5a calle 14-35, Zona 3, Edificio las Tapias Apto 202,Quetzaltenango, Quetzaltenango 09001 GuatemalaP: (+502) 7763-5682 • Fax: (+502) 7763-5683


Annual Report CreditsCreative Director, Writer, Photographer Lee Shane

Writing and Research AssistanceCasey Fish, Gabrielle Page, Lauren Braley

IllustrationsKay Kopper, Lauren Braley (back cover, Iguana)

Designer David Gerratt/

Additional PhotographyEcoLogic staff, Casey Fish

Why are you an EcoLogician?“I have a passion for social justice and a commitment to protecting the natural world. I believe we must support, protect and restore the health and balance of ecological systems for the benefit of all living organisms.”

EcoLogician Elise Marks, EcoLogic supporter since 2006


In 2011, EcoLogic collaborated with local partner, 48 Cantons,

to build three new greenhouses in Totonicapán. There are now eight

greenhouses with a combined capacity to produce approximately

135,000 seedlings a year for reforestation work. More than 55 different

groups from 26 communities spent time in the San Miguel forest

transplanting native seedlings during the fall planting season.