eco-management in traditional iranian architecture …eco-management in traditional iranian...

Eco-Management in Traditional Iranian Architecture and Methodology of Sustainable Architecture Design Process Bakhsh, H.J., Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran (email: [email protected]) Memarian, G.H. Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran Ghafourian, M. Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran Ashayeri, M. Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran Abstract From beginning of the global movement of sustainable development, architects in line with other authorities’ thinkers, have researched on solutions to promote the quality of life and adapt the designs to environment. The result expands the sustainability approaches in architecture having common rout and emphasis on adaptability to ecosystem. However, practical methods of achieving sustainable architecture goals are non codified and non combined in trend and needs practical tactics. On the other hand, sustainable Architecture has inadequate attention to traditional Architecture and deigns methods which have lots of applicable principles. This article uses content analysis research method and reviews the sustainable architecture approaches then studies eco-tropism approach. Iranian traditional architecture exactly is described and analyses as a real instance of sustainable architecture from eco-tropism view point. Base on Sachs model, this paper, tries to codify Iranian traditional architecture principles and strategies in sustainable architecture design process. Understanding and integration with environment are main features of Iranian traditional architecture that lead to eco-management. Eco-management is a reliable pattern for sustainable architecture and makes it possible to adapt the global principles of sustainable architecture to local scale. Complete cognition of traditional architecture principles and vernacular patterns in the design process of sustainable architecture are some of the requirements to further this research. Keywords: Eco-management, Iranian traditional architecture, design process methodology, sustainable architecture 301

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Page 1: Eco-Management in Traditional Iranian Architecture …Eco-Management in Traditional Iranian Architecture and Methodology of Sustainable Architecture Design Process Bakhsh, H.J., Iran

Eco-Management in Traditional Iranian Architecture and Methodology of Sustainable Architecture Design


Bakhsh, H.J., Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran

(email: [email protected]) Memarian, G.H.

Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran Ghafourian, M.

Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran Ashayeri, M.

Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran


From beginning of the global movement of sustainable development, architects in line with other authorities’ thinkers, have researched on solutions to promote the quality of life and adapt the designs to environment. The result expands the sustainability approaches in architecture having common rout and emphasis on adaptability to ecosystem. However, practical methods of achieving sustainable architecture goals are non codified and non combined in trend and needs practical tactics. On the other hand, sustainable Architecture has inadequate attention to traditional Architecture and deigns methods which have lots of applicable principles. This article uses content analysis research method and reviews the sustainable architecture approaches then studies eco-tropism approach. Iranian traditional architecture exactly is described and analyses as a real instance of sustainable architecture from eco-tropism view point. Base on Sachs model, this paper, tries to codify Iranian traditional architecture principles and strategies in sustainable architecture design process. Understanding and integration with environment are main features of Iranian traditional architecture that lead to eco-management. Eco-management is a reliable pattern for sustainable architecture and makes it possible to adapt the global principles of sustainable architecture to local scale. Complete cognition of traditional architecture principles and vernacular patterns in the design process of sustainable architecture are some of the requirements to further this research.

Keywords: Eco-management, Iranian traditional architecture, design process methodology, sustainable architecture


Page 2: Eco-Management in Traditional Iranian Architecture …Eco-Management in Traditional Iranian Architecture and Methodology of Sustainable Architecture Design Process Bakhsh, H.J., Iran

1. Introduction

From 1970s energy crisis became politic and economic controversial issues especially in developed countries. At the beginning of 1980s, the awareness about crucial influences of ecology on man’s life increased and understanding the real importance of perimeter conservation result in intelligent act in regulating the interaction between built environment and nature. Attention to natural aspects of ecology became base of sustainable development issue. Essence of sustainable development is answerable to sustain and durability of factors that must be steady among variable phenomena world, means a dynamic, oriented and futurist development to insure present and future generations’ life. Sustainable development has three foundations; environment, economic, and society (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Three basic approaches of Sustainability (www.

Architects attempt to professionalize sustainability principles in their Profession. Building integrity with its natural environment and acting as a part of environment circle, can lead to building and environment sustainability. Main goals of sustainable architecture are high quality standards, safety and human Convenience. Sustainable architecture is not a style or special attitude and is not belonged to only present time, because its logical basis is valid in all time and conditions. Improvement of quality of designs in sustainable architecture follows human comfort. It is important to understand that all effective factors on human comfort interact with each other in a unique system. Traditional vernacular architecture has lots of practical and useful patterns. Compatibility to ecological context in different periods of time is one of the basics of traditional architecture so its strategies and tactics contribute to sustainable building and conservation of ecology. But nowadays traditional basics are not used in building widely. One of its reasons is absence of clear method for cognition and application.

2. Sustainable architecture and its scope

Base of most definitions of sustainable architecture is creation a dynamic balance among different domains of environment. This concept encompasses sustainability of ecological, socio-cultural, and economic orders in efficient prospects. Charles Kibert (1994) defines sustainable architecture as creation of man-made environment and its management, according to basics of vernacular adaptability and source


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performances. Susan Maxman (1993) emphasizes her claim on sustainable architecture which is method of architecting, theory and Procedure, therefore it is better not to assign specific name and just call it architecture. Also Norman Foster (2001) affirms that the sustainable architecture means good designing, As well, sustainable architecture is defined by environmental campaigner Jonathan Porteous (2002) as architecture which meets human culture, as well as the world’s natural resources (Cowan, 2005).

The method of this research is content-analysis research method that is used to cognize data not as materialized events but as symbolic phenomena and analyzes them without intervene in social reality (Krippendorff, 1980). Recognizing and classification of approaches must be in a systematic view. Linda Groat (2001) suggests a system of inquiry, considering to strategies and tactics. The term “Strategy” is defined as the skillful management and planning of anything and “Tactics” is referred to skillful move (Groat & wang, 200). In an overall view, sustainable development can be a system of inquiry for sustainable architecture with different approaches. Also, each of the approaches of sustainable architecture can be a system of inquiry which presents the specific technical strategies and their tactics (Figure 2). By Groat’s framework clearer and more completed cognition of sustainable architecture approaches can be gained. The below table is organized with the purpose of understanding structure of different approaches of sustainable architecture (Table 1).

Figure 2: A system of inquiry frames, Strategies and Tactics (Groat & Wang, 2001)

All Approaches to sustainable architecture can be generally categorized in Theory and Guidelines. In this paper, sustainability is intended in eco-tropism approach with considering socio-cultural, local, historic and traditional aspects beside functional and natural aspects to clear the conceptualism concept.

3. Overview of Eco-tropism approach

In ecology field, there are two general viewpoint, first, natural ecology or partial ecology and second, completed ecology (Williamson et al, 2003). Natural ecology is involved with natural science and its Prerequisite is usage of basic knowledge like physics and chemistry from primary form of plans to intricate figures of animals. Completed ecology viewpoint as axis of ecological topics revolution, is opposite to first viewpoint.


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Table 1: Sustainable Architecture Approaches, Strategies and Tactics

Approach Goals Starting Period Indicators Strategy Tactics

Energy & Resources

Politic - Economic

Early 70 th Decade

Passive Systems Active Systems

Recycling Flexibility

Energy Efficient Architecture

Adding Thermal Mass

Designing Atrium & Terrarium Designing Energy Efficient Shells

Isolation, Using Low Energy Mechanical Installation

Renewable Energy


Social - Politic Late 70th Decade

Hygiene & Environmental Quality

Eco – Efficient Architecture (Ecology)

Using Environmental Conditions &

Natural Potentials

Moral, Social & Environmental


Early 80 th Decade

Interior Conditions Besides Visual & Physical Contact of

Building with nature Green peace Movement

Flexibility & Open – Plan Interior Design, High Transparent Façade Panels( Using

Daylight) Controllable Intelligent Curtain

Natural Ventilation Using Recycling Material


Cultural-Local 80 th Decade Contextualism Contextual Architecture

(Incorporation of Nature & Culture in Architecture)

Identifying & Modeling Natural flexibility,

Changeability, Activity & Capacities of Nature, Considering Historical

Background of Texture

Historic- Traditional &

Socio-Cultural 90 th Decade Technology & Ecology

Eco Tech Architecture

(Referring to Characteristics & Values of Local


Modeling Natural Systems & their Functional Characteristics through

Modern Technology

Inclusivism Human, Natural & Cultural

First Decade of 21st Century

Comprehensiveness & Unity Environmental Coexistence &


Environmental Sensitive

Architecture (Sustainability manners as

the determinant of Architectural Main Policy)

Dynamic Interaction of Social, Cultural, Natural & Physical Layouts of Human


In this Beacon, human is accounted as incomparable organizer of physical and biological characteristics of any ecology or human system with psychological, social, cultural, economic and historical aspects in addition to a part of ecology. In completed ecology, there are three kinds of affective factors on design; natural, cultural and technological factors. By putting definition of sustainable architecture on the base of completed ecology, it is more facilitated to develop multi orientate theories about effective factors on interaction between human and environment Then designers are more successful to fill the blanks between total goals and design decisions. Thus comprehensive and balanced view on environmental design, transforms architecture definition to sustainable architecture. From 1980s, Because of different inference from sustainable architecture concept, some critics believe that this concept shouldn’t be considered as a prescription, but it is an approach can turn to a new definition of architecture in future (Guy and Farmer, 2001).Through this conclusion, sustainable architectural design alters its orientation from merely physical design to codification of inclusive design criteria with attention to non mentioned affective factors on design and balance among them. As first step, designers regard to moral, social and environmental values to promote the Interior Conditions beside visual and physical contact between


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buildings and nature. By gradual development of this approaches, in 1980s-90s, Eco-tropism emerged as a conceptualism approach with a great consideration on vernacular condition. Eco-tropism tries to coordinate architecture and context through studying the natural forces, vernacular cultures, traditions and history, sprite of location and balance among effective factors. In this case, Eco-tropism and traditional architecture are common interest since both of them follow socio-ecological sustainability and emphasize on providing a specific eco-efficiency in architectural design and its environmental functions. Contextual sustainability means conservation of sprite of locality and attention to native limitations, potentiality and facilities. Essence of eco-tropism is that sustainability of any building is depended on its location and users sustainability since inhabitants are in correlation to their life location and architecture and have special expectations differ from habitants’ of other locations. Eco-tropism desires a health society with special local identity. Technology can help to reach this goal.

Eco-Tech strategy as a subset of eco-tropism takes pattern from natural life and living organism functional properties like organization, flexibility, changeability, etc. It adapts the architectural spaces and climate through a modern technology. Its purpose is to combine the technology and ecology to design buildings and plan cities with minimum damage on ecosystem (Edwards, 2001). Using compatible forms and materials to cultural appearance and prevalent traditions in any locality, in addition to respecting to natural environment and use of renewable energy resources are the principles of eco-tech strategy. However, coordination between technology and ecology or eco-efficiency is a recent finding in sustainable architecture.

4. Traditional architecture

In the word of Bernard Rudolfsky (1964), vernacular building is architecture without architects. Integrity, participation and anti elitism are celebrated factors of vernacular architecture as touchstones of environmental architecture. In cultures and languages topics, vernacular means native and indigenous, (Gurence, 1990:295). Vernacular building as a model for environmental architecture has two types, first, pursuing an anti industrial, pro craft vernacular revival, and second, as a source of valuable principles to try and test techniques of passive environmental design and learn from its idea of living within the limits of resources (Hagan, 2001:103). Traditional vernacular architecture is a Treasury of the native passive environmental techniques developed to create compatibility between environment and building. Creative techniques in traditional structures and combination of the buildings -the fabric- are friendly and harmless to nature. They integrate external climate and internal condition with heavy or light walls, large or small glazed openings, orientation toward or away from the sun, various shading devices such as shutters, overhangs, etc and ventilation techniques such as cross ventilation, stock ventilation, wind ventilation, etc.

A literal return to traditional architecture illustrate that every object was used, reused and adapted until it wore out and even then the parts were recycled. In fact, it did the best it can with what was to hand in an economical approach. Iranian sustainable architecture in near seven thousands years represents excellent


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examples of integrity among environment, culture, history and human demands. Architecture, respects to culture and religious beliefs and keeps alive the historical features of ancient architecture. Recognition and analyze the traditional Iranian Architecture needs to borrow a system of enquiry to extract its practical principles and patterns.

5. System of inquiry to recognition of traditional Iranian architecture

Ignacy Sachs (1980) prepares a system of inquiry for sustainable architecture strategies. He emphasizes on importance of providing a relation between human and nature as complementary of each other and says that the nature is neither unchangeable ecological system, nor economic infinite source that can be exploited proudly; on the contrary it should be utilized by human creative attitude. Sachs (1980) distinguishes and identifies three fields in ecosystem include natural environment, built environment and social environment. In this framework an intersection of economic, social and ecological goals are defined in three deviation; first, inclusive social demand or consumption in its vast meaning, second, choosing the place of production and supply, mixing the space and energy and third, management and qualitative conduction of ecosystem.

Relation among demands, supply and environment is shown in Figure 3. This model can be a suitable system of Inquiry for recognition and analyse of traditional Iranian architecture. Its divisions are comprehensive and clear. Level A depicts social and economic demands and the relation between them. Level C is the integration of influences on environment. Level B is the combination of demand (Level A)

Figure 3: The model of Sachs; relation between demands, supply, and environment (Sachs, 1980)


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and quality (Level C), which supply professional responsive methods to fulfil the social demands with consideration to quality of the environment. Redefining the final goals of development in terms of demand and supply is necessary in order to coordinate among social, economic and ecosystem goals. The supply (Level B) has special importance because of its numerous factors and applicable professional fields such as architecture and technology that should be adapted to social, economic and directorial goals regarding to quality of environment. Producing goods and services in accordance with social demands in level A should be driven from a combination of strategies in technology and energy, consumption of the resources and space application fields. Strategies provide coordination among economic goals, social goals and environmental resources conservation; it means that practical strategies are uses to manage the production and environment. These strategies have vital need to effective tactics and selection of safe and suitable techniques for ecology. Economizing energy consumption, conservation of energy resources and recycling must be the main energy tactics. Optimized utilization of cultural and natural resources in any vernacular order can be possible by strategies of development; and technology should be adapted to this purpose. It means that flexibility is vital for technology not for economics, ecosystem or resources.

6. Eco-Management in traditional Iranian architecture

In composition of settlements in Iran plateau, there is a coherence that makes it hard to understand fabric components separately. Because of this coherence, cities have within oriented features. The essence of space organization in Iran is crossover design (four soffeh) with courtyard; an integrated structure responses to secular and spiritual life simultaneously. This structure in both formal (geometric and within oriented forms) and visibility (material and technology) aspects strongly affected by setting features and local capacities thus it has most efficiency and least vandalism in nature. Two natural elements, sun and water that are vital and inspirator for metaphysical beliefs integrated with architecture. Central Courtyard sides are perpendicular to main solar directions and the water locates in the center. This space is an interpretation of centre of world and presents the time lapse. Evaporation cooling of water in courtyard refreshes the open space. Building orientation is coordinated to sun movement line and abstracts the relation between human and nature as an ancient pattern intelligently. Thoughtful encounter with natural forces causes to maximum elegancy and environmental buoyancy in incompatible setting and climate. Central courtyard lets large families to live together in one or more related courtyard thus it organize a small-scale social life, in other words its function is coordinated to culture. Iranian traditional architect understands the Human and environment Coexistence as a bilateral relation so they donate something to each other.

Energy (sun, light, and wind) and resources (water and earth) are environment gifts. Man uses two kinds of Techniques to manage these properties and build an efficient structure. Some time he creates systems and sometimes applies supervisor techniques to control the systems’ efficiency. Bad-gir and khish-khan are systems result of innovative techniques. They conduct the air flow into the rooms to cool the inner spaces passively. Keeping exact maintenance of passive systems is necessary for its desirable performance. Suitable isolation of walls, proportion between area and volume, use vernacular materials, etc are some of supervision techniques in Iranian building. Function of spaces has a close relation to their


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arrangement and juxtaposition. It means the location of rooms and spaces is important. For example northern section of building is used in cold seasons because of receiving southern sun light while southern section with taller eivan cause shadow in summer and protect most parts of building from hot sun radiation. In other words, horizontal arrangement of these sections is important for their functional definition. Vertical arrangement is determining factor for the spaces that located underground or in second floor for example, sardab and gowdal-baghcheh always locate in lower level than yard to be cool.

Iranian traditional architecture has three climatic parts; elements, systems and spaces. Element is the smallest member of building that contribute to climatic comfort without spatial function. orosi doors with colored glaze, tabeshband, roshan-dan and fountain are main Iranian climatic elements. Passive heating and cooling systems are essential part of building and are designed to be dynamic. All systems are passive and provide physical comfort. Passive means acceptation of external, reliable, permanent and dynamic natural energies like sun light and wind. Passive systems have static appearance and dynamic inward. They totally depend on natural flow of renewable energies exist through and around the building. Flows of renewable energies that are transmitted naturally enable the systems to act without any fossil fuel and mechanical force. System is a set of elements, can use natural energy through absorbent, storage and transmitter components.

The best instance of systems is bad-gir including these components. Performance efficiency of passive systems needs supervision. Secondary elements Improve energy flow through building and prevent its loss. Damper, moveable isolator, channel, tabesh-band, roshan-dan and na-kesh and sunshade are supervisor elements. Climatic spaces of building have alternatively climatic and architectural function base on climatic and functional demands. For example howskhaneh, having a fountain and a skylight to penetrate smooth light in lower level than courtyard, is the springhouse for hot summer at the same time is a climatic system since it cools the air flow from bad-gir.

The above description briefly illustrates the diversity of intelligent architectural solutions to coexistence with natural and cultural context. Spaces are different in shape, differently combined and differently located. In order to greater spatial comfort, totally different climatic tactics have been utilized. All of these realize the eco-management concept. Eco-management means sustainable self support and self sufficiency of building with minimum injected cast. Building is in continues relation to nature but is self sufficient at the same time. Comparing Iranian house components with middle level varieties of Sachs model in a comparative table present eco-management tactics.


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Table 2: comparing Iranian Traditional house components and middle level varieties of Sachs model present Eco-Management tactics

Residential building is the best example to study Iranian traditional architecture, having excellent eco-management tactics. Abbasian mansion is a case study to illustrate the suggested methodology.

7. Abbasian mansion, Kashan.

This is one of the most interesting examples of Iranian traditional architecture. Like all Iranian buildings, space is organized according to central rectangular courtyard on main directions. Roofed spaces are arranged around the courtyard and water located in the center. Orientation from North West to south east, is in line with qeble and control the amount of sun light download. In fact, it provides cultural and climatic demands simultaneously. Northern and southern eivans have superior identity. Northern eivan interpreted to sun dome since contacts with sun longer. Southern one is shadow dome receiving minimum light in opposition with its northern counterpart and always is protected from sun light. With the shadows in the Southern part, temperature difference between northern and southern parts causes air to flow during the day. Water and plants increase the humidity and take dust from air. Bad-khan by chimney property beside double walls reverse flow of air and activate the cooler air in thermo siphon method, thus wind as third venerable element along with sun and water stable the condition. In addition to the role of central courtyard as breathing space, it eases the connection among rooms therefore the least communication spaces are needed. Whether small rooms or Large surrounded ones are generally used coordinated with their area and volume and environmental conditions in different seasons so that they can accept a variety of functions by changeable furniture and soft decoration.

Environmental Factors Human Factors

Recourse Energy Technique Function of space Sustainability Factors

Iranian Traditional house components

Water Earth Wind Sun light Innovative Supervisor Horizontal

arrangement Vertical



Roshan-dan Element

Na-kesh Bad-gir

System Khish-khan Eivan Sardab Howzkhaneh Gowdal-baghcheh Yard Northern section


Southern section


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Adobe, produced with least change in nature and the most compatibility with it, is the most economical building material in traditional Iranian architecture. Thick adobe wall due to the high thermal capacity, act as heat storage. Low heat conduction coefficient of adobe introduces it as a good thermal insulator, in addition, rough texture and natural color districts the heat absorption and increase the reflection. Acoustic performance of adobe wall is acceptable because of its large mass. In traditional building, material transportation was very difficult. Using the site earth and some water- in aqueduct- it was possible to build without needing to transportation and destructive effects on environment. This point is one of most important indicators of sustainability. According to comparative table, elements of this mansion are roshan-dan, tabesh-band and Na-kesh. Spaces constitute the Mansion are howzkhaneh, sardab, eivan, Northern section, Southern section and courtyard. The mansion has a small courtyard which is widened at higher levels; a disposition without which the airy spaces of the edifice would have seem sadly cramped.

Thanks to this progressively expanded volume of the courtyard, some fronts enjoy a relatively large open space beside an elevated independent yard. Windward openings contribute to natural ventilation also inner windows conduct fresh air between rooms. Arrangement of spaces has significant importance. sardab locate in underground to be the coolest space while mahtabi on second level is a favorable open space for nights. howskhaneh is surrounded by various spaces arranged on two levels. The central courtyard expands in front of the reception hall and provides a nice and deep view from the eivan that is higher than the rest of the mansion. Behind the eivan, there is a large cross-section reception hall which together with eivan constitutes an important spatial enclosure. Kordar on the walls cause shadow and control the heat absorption of the wall. Sunshades, canopies and openings are flexible to penetrate sunlight in. The two story height of howzkhaneh dispels the heat higher than the body height to make a comfortable space by a simple tactic.

8. Conclusion

Sustainable architecture totally means creation a dynamic balance between human demands (secular and spiritual) and environment in its bilateral meaning as culture and nature. Eco-management means sustainable self support and self sufficiency of building with minimum injected cast. Building is in continues relation to nature but is self sufficient at the same time. According to Sachs model, Iranian traditional architecture (locates in supply level) has a harmonized, friendly and responsive relation with both human demands and quality of environment levels. At the same time, Iranian traditional architecture, in its level has an internal interaction among its sections include function of space, energy, resource and technique. Qualified relation among inner varieties of Iranian traditional architecture and its coordination with environment follow the human demands. In the other words, space with functional goals provides human demand in collaboration with other varieties. This interaction illustrates a pattern of eco-management in architecture with three features; respect to other related scopes, nondestructive expression and responsive identity.


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