eco-efficient agriculture for the poor robin buruchara ciat africa strategy ciat board meeting #63...

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

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Page 1: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Robin Buruchara

CIAT Africa StrategyCIAT Board Meeting #63

Nairobi, Kenya12 May 2011

Page 2: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor


• Introduction

• Current Strategy

• Adjustments or a New Strategy?

• Way Forward

Page 3: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Current CIAT Africa Vision and Strategy

• Developed three years ago

• Planning processo CIAT Africa staff (2007/08)o PABRA Partners (2008)

• Input to current CIAT Strategy

• Adjustments to certain elements

Page 4: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Page 5: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• 60 stakeholders

o NARSo SROso NGOso Private sectoro Farmer organizationso Health and nutritiono CIATo East, west and south Africa

PABRA Stakeholder Workshop (2008)

Page 6: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• Took stock of recent changes and trends

• SWOT Analysis and context for CIAT/Partner research

• What CIAT could offer, niche and collaborative advantage in Africa?

• Identified key strategic areas where CIAT/Partners could engage

• Defined

o What to achieve?

o How to get there?

o How to organize ourselves?


Page 7: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• Demand and opportunity driven

• Integration across CIAT

• Targeting (impact target)

• Partnerships (traditional and new)

• CIATs comparative advantage

• Adding value

Guiding Principle

Page 8: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Trends and changes in the external environment

• Institutional environment, international donor environment

• Ecological environment

• Socio-economic and political environment

• Overall implication for CIAT

Page 9: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Millennium Development


Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger and halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion

of people whose income is less

than US$1 a day


Growth in GDP of 6% pa by 2015

4% growth rate in agricultural productivity


Commitment to indicators linked to the MDG for poverty and

NEPAD’s goal for economic growth

Is increased economic growth and improved

livelihoods while enhancing the quality of

the environment


Contribute to reducing hunger and

poverty in the tropics through

collaborative research that

improves agricultural

productivity and natural resource


Alignment of goals to address Africa’s Problems under different Initiatives

Page 10: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• Germplasm (Beans, Cassava, Forages)

• Capacity in soils (TSBF-CIAT)

• Partnerships (approaches, types and numbers)

• Socio Science /ERI Approaches (PR, PPB and Agro-enterprise)

• Wider Impact Approach (for wider technology reach)

• Approaches to respond to some acute stresses

• HQ drawn competencies (Biotechnology, GIS, Climate change, Physiology)

CIAT’s Comparative Advantage

Page 11: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• Contribution towards addressing the complex problems (poverty, productivity, impact on climate variation)

• Add value and addresses both regional goals & system priorities

• Define and exploit CIAT’s global and regional comparative advantages

• A partnership based on value addition, synergy and achieving common and our strategic goals (research and development)

The CIAT Africa strategy aims to respond to African needs through research where CIAT and its partners have a comparative advantage

CIAT Africa Strategy

Page 12: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• Reduce and prevent impact of environmental stress (Resilient systems)

• Building soil assets for small farmer productivity and environmental services

• Pro-poor market development

• Nutrition security and health of vulnerable communities

• Reaching the hard to reach faster and more efficiently

• Capacity building and knowledge management for policy and advocacy

Thrust/Themes to Focus on

Page 13: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• Gender mainstreaming strategies

• HIV/AIDs mainstreaming

• Strategic alliances and partnerships

• Program monitoring and evaluation

Cross Cutting Issues

Page 14: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• What to achieveo Outputs / Outcomes:

Main components of the thrust Other actors working in the area Key strategies for implementing the thrust Efficient internal organization to deliver Capacities and profiles required

For Each Thrust Analysis for:

Page 15: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• Identify synergy within Africa, HQ, other regions and centers (IPGs)

• Capacity and staff profiles required

• Partnerships (within and without)

• Joint proposal development

• Inter-disciplinarity

• Resource mobilization

How to organize ourselves as CIAT Africa

Page 16: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Adjustments or a New Strategy ?

Page 17: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

CGIAR System Level Outcomes Global CIAT CIAT Africa / PABRA

Improving food security Boost agricultural productivity to provide poor with inexpensive and nutritious food

Improving nutrition and health of vulnerable communities

Reducing under -nutrition

Reducing rural povertyMake agriculture more competitive, offering the poor new opportunities to increase income

Pro-poor market development

Sustainable management of natural resources

Achieve agricultural growth that is sustainable and less harmful to the environment

• Building soil assets for small farmer enhancement of productivity, environmental services

• Enhancing system resilience to environmental stresses

Catalyzing partnerships and Capacity Building

Building capacity and knowledge management for policy and advocacy

√ Reaching the hard to reach faster and more efficiently

√ Mainstreaming Gender

Alignment of major outcomes / objectives of the CGIAR, global CIAT and CIAT-Africa

Page 18: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Guiding Principles

• Africa’s challenges

• Changing context of African Agriculture

• CGIAR Reform Process

• Implementation research through CRPs (CIAT is in 7)

• CIATs Strategic Directions and Objectives (2010 – 2020)o Mission, Objectives, Pillars

• Africa (Regions) Platform for integration through partnerships

• Three years since elaborating the current strategy

Page 19: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor


• In third year of strategy

• Alignments with CIAT Strategy, CG Reform, etc

• Business Plans

• New Areas / Increased Emphasis:o Climate Changeo Environment

o Gender o IAR4D

Page 20: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Implementation Objectives

• Support development of new collaborative research and development activities and strengthen existing ones

• Foster and promote integration of CIAT research areas activities and efforts through collaborative research and development

• Catalyze partnerships of actors with NARS and enhance capacities

• Facilitate and promote optimal, efficient and complementary use of resources among CIAT teams and partners

Page 21: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• What to achieveo Outputs / Outcomes:

Main components of the program Internal efficiency to deliver Partnership organization to deliver Resources required (including human)

Implementation Strategy – Program Level

Page 22: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Implementation Strategy

• Programmatic approach


• Integration of Corporate Services

• Share office/costs internally and other centers)

• Locations

Page 23: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Issues Beans Cassava Forages Rice Contributors

Resilience systems

Soil assets for productivity and services

Nutrition and health

Pro-poor market development

Reaching End User

Institutional strengthening and knowledge management




Integration Across CIAT Research Areas - Africa

Page 24: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

Uganda (Kampala)Kawanda Agricultural

Research Station

Rwanda (Kigali)ISAR

Malawi (Lilongwe)Chitedze Agricultural

Research Station

Zimbabwe (Harare)

Tanzania (Arusha) Selian Agricultural Research Institute

Kenya ICRAFSadore(Mali)




Bukavu(eastern DRC)



Page 25: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• Challengeso Resources o Realignments

o New capacities

• Opportunitieso New funding initiativeso CRPs o New partnership and alliances

Challenges /Opportunities

Page 26: Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor Robin Buruchara CIAT Africa Strategy CIAT Board Meeting #63 Nairobi, Kenya 12 May 2011

Eco-Efficient Agriculture for the Poor

• Adjustment

o Ongoing

• Revision of strategy

o When?

Way Forward