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Good To Great: Becoming A Lutheran Early Childhood Center of Choice Michigan District Early Childhood Leadership Institute June 2015

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Good To Great: Becoming A Lutheran Early Childhood Center of Choice

Michigan District

Early Childhood Leadership Institute

June 2015


Now…Make Your Choice!

Grilled Chicken Crispy Chicken

Your Choice!

Pepsi Coca Cola

Your Choice!

Milk Chocolate Dark Chocolate

Your Choice!

Professional Sports College Sports

Your Choice!

Crayola Products Prang Products

Your Choice!

Meat Pizza Veggie Pizza

Your Choice!

Mountain Vacation Beach Vacation

One More Choice…

Early Church Service Late Church Service

Parents Have Choices, Too!

What are some choices parents have today related to care for their children?

It’s so important to know what makes our program special and unique.

Why are parents choosing our program? Or the program down the street? Or…?


Think About It…

Is becoming a

Center of Choice

REALLY a CHOICE for our Lutheran Early Childhood

Programs and Classrooms today?

A Lighthouse

We need to be a lighthouse to our


What do we offer?

How do we show everyone we can lead

the way?

Exceptional Quality

What constitutes exceptional quality?

Think about licensing requirements and state standards. Are these something we just try to meet, or do we exceed them?

Do children and families deserve mediocrity?

What Are Families Looking For?

Easy AccessSafety

Special needs assistanceDiversity

TechnologyQuality – as defined by themselves

ValueAdded benefits

Doom & Gloom

Sadly, there are Lutheran EC programs and Elementary schools closing each year.

Why is this happening?

Can it happen to us?

We must be proactive!

If & When It’s Time to Say Goodbye

Make a decision

Make a written plan

Allow time to grieve

Make a timeline of tasks to be completed

Provide some type of closure for parents, staff, and children to adjust to the change


Is it really enough to be good?

How often have you said “it’s good


Let’s take it all to the next level together!

The Spiritual Dimension of Applying “Good to Great”

Concepts to Lutheran Schools

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever

abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

-John 15: 5 ESV

Good is the Enemy of Great

Mediocrity and contentment may seem safe but usually just for the short term but often are deadly in the long term.

“Good enough never is.”

-Jim Greenman

Self AssessmentOf Attitude Concerning

Learning & Change

Level 5 (Servant) Leadership

“A paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will.”

Level 5 Leadership“They display the fierce resolve to do whatever needed to be done to

make the organization great.’

The Importance of Having the Right Person on the Bus

And Keeping Them There!

The Hedgehog Principle

You are passionate about it. What can you be the best at? “I love that I get to serve the Lord in this way.”

You can make a living doing it. “I can see myself serving the Lord with this type of ministry.

Don’t compromise for only two of these three circles

You are genetically encoded for it. Become a resource engine to deliver superior performance relative to our mission. “I was just made to serve the Lord with this ministry.

What Can Our Lutheran Early Childhood Center Hedgehogs

Look Like?

Technology in Good to Great Concepts

Technology does not play the principle role in the decline of companies

Technology is important…don’t be lax with it and strive to be great

Technology is not a primary reason for either greatness or decline.

Accelerators to Success

Curriculum Development


Is It Good To Be Different?

What Makes _____ Different?

What makes your early childhood program different than the others in your community?

What makes your program different from other Lutheran programs?

Most importantly…what makes YOU different than others in the EC field?

It’s Good To Be Different

It sets us apart. We are known…for something good.

Become a legend…

Respect, awe, positive relationships.

What We Don’t Want…

Good teachers

WHAT? Do you think we’re crazy?



How does that happen?

Top-Notch Resources!!!

For Teachers For Leaders

You Are On The Right Track!

You are here today!

One of the challenges of any profession is the ability to self-reflect –


Unfortunately, many good teachers feel they are doing a good job.

When do you have a chance to reflect? How


How can we be most effective? How can we lead teachers to raise

the bar?


Do You Know These People?What else can you share about them?

Mrs. CrabbyNegative, knows it all, “barks” at the

children, says “this class is the worst”, always criticizes but never has a solution

or idea…and the list could continue…

Mrs. HappyA gem! Always smiles – even when

cleaning up vomit, glad to help out in any area, new ideas, kids and parents love

her, Christian example…

People, People, People

How can we create a “culture of happiness”?

It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.

It’s about the people – kids and parents.

Expectations…but whom?

A Few of the 14 Things That Matter Most…

Behavior tool – prevention!

Consistently strive to improve.

Keep relationships in good repair.

Ignore trivial disturbances.

Plan and purpose for everything.

Ask, what will the best people think?

Know and understand their students.From “What Great Teachers Do Differently” by Todd Whitaker

Now…For YOU, the LEADER

Is this you? Or is this you?

The Million Dollar Questions!

What makes a leader great?

Remember our earlier conversation? Let’s


How can I move from good to great?





Be positive!

It All Begins With YOU!!!

Scary thought, but it’s true!

The best teachers find value in examining and following

the footsteps of great leaders.

What have YOU done recently do grow professionally?

How do we improve our program?

1. Get better teachers.

2. Improve the teachers we have.


Great leaders have high expectations…

For others

For themselves

These leaders know the job is hard, but YOU would never know it.

Don’t complain

My church won’t give me the money…

My pastor won’t…

The kids won’t…

The parents won’t…

Helping Teachers Get Better

It always happens…

We hear about bad teachers…or the

previous bad director…

How can we help those we know need help?

Congratulations! You are here today! You want to learn from


Let those “poor” teachers learn from

others, too!

Let them see it with their own eyes!

Hiring Teachers

Don’t hire a good teacher!

Many leaders are willing to settle for a good teacher.

Be a great leader and hire an exceptional teacher.


We talked before about staffing.

We know that we must hire well.

What are some concrete things YOU do to help teachers?

New teachers? Non-degreed teachers?

Teachers from another Christian church?

Leading The Congregation

You are likely THE person to educate the entire congregation about…

Education of young children

Children in worship

Promoting healthy families

Reaching families and the community

Do You Feel Alone?

Many EC leaders feel alone when working

within the congregation.

Ministry left-overs

Children are members, too. They are the future

of the church.

Relationships with pastors…

Children in worship…

Connecting your EC Center families to the


Yes, It’s True…

There is sometimes a difference between the

“culture” of the educational

program/school/early childhood center and

that of the congregation.

How can we bridge this gap?

Discuss with those around


The Future…

Where do you honestly see your Early Childhood Program in 10 years?

Are you a risk-taker, a care-taker, or an under-taker?

Sadly, some of our Lutheran programs, centers, and school are struggling.

How can we support those in tough situations?

Gaining New Students

Marketing, Development, Advertising, and Recruitment

How do you currently advertise your program?

What really works? What doesn’t?

Getting The Word Out

Times are changing…Families are changing!

Internet, Internet, Internet!!!

How would a prospective family search for the best childcare/preschool for their child?

Research…we all do it!Hotel reviews, airfares, weather, etc.!!!

Utilize Technology & People!

Positive word-of-mouth advertising


Community Sites


Don’t just sent our information in the mail!

Don’t just say, “let me know when you can


Get them to schedule a visit NOW!

As The Leader…

Ultimately, it’s OUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure our program runs smoothly and that our program is highly regarded both in

the congregation and community.

What are some specific things WE – THE LEADERS – can do to accomplish this?

As a Lighthouse, YOU are a beacon to the world!

Ounce of Prevention video

Input & Comments from You