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NATIONAL YOUTH DELEGATE Lutherfest: Bay Area Celebrations Merry Christmas echoes 11/15 Bi-Monthly congregational news magazine Brantford, Ontario, Canada Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 57 Brant Avenue, Brantford, On N3T 3G9 (519)753-3833 Faith Evangelical Lutheran church

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Bay Area Celebrations

Merry Christmas


Bi-Monthly congregational news magazine Brantford, Ontario, CanadaFaith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 57 Brant Avenue, Brantford, On N3T 3G9 (519)753-3833

Faith Evangelical Lutheran church

Congregational Christmas Concert, Pageant and Coffee Hour,Sunday, December 13, 10:30 A.M.

We hope that you can join us for our congregational ChristmasConcert, Pageant and Coffee Hour on Sunday, December 13.

After the concert, we will gather downstairs for coffee and delicious Christmas cookies, baked by the youth of our parish. Also, you can see the Gingerbread

Houses, made and decorated by the youth of the parish. Who knows, maybe you can even pick up some sweet real estate at the silent auction!

ContentsD E C E M B E R 2 0 1 5

24 5 6 7 8 9 101112

Sunday School Christmas Concert...

Pastor’s Desk - National Youth Delegate...

Scouting Report fundraisers..

Lutherfest ...

More Lutherfest celebrations ...

Youth Group: Rally Sunday...

ELCIC National Convention: Other news...

Treasurer: Financial Report ...

Blessing of the Paraments and Vestments...

Happy New Year...

is published quarterly byFaith Evangelical Lutheran Church


We want to feature the news and events of the Family of Faith at Faith Lutheran Brantford

Contact us if you would like to be in future editions, have an article you’d like

to submit or an event you want to promote.Submitted manuscripts accepted but

may not be returned. Authors of selected materials only

will be contacted. No portion of the magazine,

including advertisements, pictures or editorial content may be reproduced without permission.


Editor Sandra Arndt

Writersthe Family of Faith

GraphicsSandra Arndt Advertising Sandra Arndt

Content submissions for the next issue are due on February 1, 2016

Send content submissions to [email protected]

Contact us at:Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

57 Brant AvenueBrantford, Ontario N3T 3G9

Phone: 519-753-3833 / Fax:

email: [email protected]: The Rev. Stephen Scheidt

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Calvin DiegelParish Musician: E. Shawn Lemp

Office Manager: Judy ClarkeCouncil Chair: Volker Storjohann


Member of ELCIC

December 2015 / Echoes 3

Please submit your materials by February 1, 2016 For the next edition. send your submissions to [email protected]

REMINDER:In order to offset the cost of publishing & postage for hard copy issues of Echoes, please consider receiving your copy via email. Perhaps a friend or family member is willing to print a copy for you. Call the church office to provide an email address 519 753 3833.

PARISH COUNCIL AND COMMITTEES:Please consider volunteering for Church Council and/or working with one of our Committees.

From the Pastor’s desk:

Parishioner chosen as National Youth Delegate:

With joy we share the news that university student Isabel Hilgendag has been nominated by our national Bishop to be the youth participant in the Canadian Lutheran World Relief Global Encounter Tour, viewing agricultural projects that promote food security in Ethiopia The national Church will cover 50 % of Isabel’s expenses, which will be about $4,000.00. If you can help Isabel with the remaining $2,000.00 in costs, please include

your assistance in your offering envelope, marking the “other” line “Isabel”, and noting the amount you are contributing. We are very proud of Isabel and of all that she has done in the church over the last several years, as a very active youth delegate in our Synod at several events. She is a source of inspiration and a role model to other youth in our parish. We look forward to hearing about her experiences in Ethiopia when she returns after her

journey in January ...she will have a detailed presentation with photos and insights for us to hear and see.


By Stephen ScheidtPastor

Isabel Hilgendag

4 December 2015 / Echoes


Sunday november 1 all SaintS Sunday (dedication of White ParamentS)WedneSday november 4 PariSh council at 7 Pm

thurSday november 5 laSt clothing dePot at 9:30 am

monday november 16 WorShiP committee at 7 Pm

WedneSday november 18 39’erS noon hour Pot luck

Saturday november 21 men’S breakfaSt at 8:30 am

WedneSday november 25 laSt WedneSday felloWShiP

Sunday november 29 firSt Sunday of advent

WedneSday december 2 PariSh council at 7 Pm

Sunday december 13 Sunday School chriStmaS PreSentation

WedneSday december 16 39’erS chriStmaS meeting

Saturday december 19 men’S breakfaSt at 8:30 am

thurSday december 24 chriStmaS eve ServiceS at 7 Pm and 11 Pm

friday december 25 chriStmaS morning Service at 10 am

Sunday december 27 1St Sunday of chriStmaS at 10 am (one Service only)thurSday december 31 neW year’S eve Service at 7Pm


SCOUTING REPORT20th Faith Scouting – Nov / Dec. 2015

20th Faith Scouting started off very busy. Our programs are being renewed to the Canadian Path which asks for more input and interests of the youth. Every section can and will earn badges. Scouters provide Trail Cards with specific topics and the program is developed around that subject. This gives the youth the ability to plan, do and review what events they participate in and experience those accomplishments.We were fortunate enough to have a donation towards replacing some camping

equipment (8 tents) which we were in dire need of.Our Colony Scouters have restructured and the section is growing still. The Cub Scouts just finished a Super Hero camp at D.I.C.C. in Dorchester. They had great weather and fun times. Scouts are a smaller troop, having 5 move up to the Venturer company. They are working on their Promise, Law, Motto and Slogan in preparation of Investiture. The Cub Scouts and Scout section will have a twin camp early in November at Camp Nemo. They are earning badges through the HICOP Interpretive Nature Centre. The Venturer company is in the midst of

restructuring within the Brant Area Venturer companies. We’ve participated in two fundraisers with the support of our sponsor. Popcorn and Apple Day were a great success.Long range plans include badge work; Remembrance Day activities; Woodbadge 1 training; Santa Claus Parade; preparing to share Christmas in the community.

Submitted by Jane Redin

December 2015 / Echoes 5

Thanksgiving decorations

6 December 2015 / Echoes


Lutherfest 2015 On Reformation Sunday, 144 Lutherans from across the newly formed Bay Area gathered at our Church for a delicious evening dinner served by the youth of our parish, assisted by the youth of St. John’s in Hamilton. The very German meal of Sauerbraten with the usual accompaniments was enjoyed by all. Many who came gave gifts to the parish youth gathering fund, which will help our young people attend the 2016 CLAY Gathering in PEI. We are thankful for all the adults who were so helpful in this endeavour, especially Volker Storjohann, Eberhard Poelzl, Isabelle Poelzl, Gerry Klunder and Christine Lapointe, along with our youth leader, Petra Hilgendag, and Pastor Stephen. We commend our youth for all their hard work and excellent, attentive care of our guests.

December 2015 / Echoes 7


After the Dinner, we gathered upstairs in our Place of Worship for a festive celebration of the Eucharist, commemorating the Reformation. Our Dean, the Rev. Thomas Mertz presided and the Principal-Dean of the Seminary, the Rev. Mark Harris, was the homilist. Confirmation students from Faith very capably served as acolytes. It was an enjoyable evening of fellowship and worship for Bay Area Lutherans.

Pr. Scheidt

By Petra Hilgendag


Rally Sunday

Rally Sunday September 13th was a wonderful success. Had a talent show following the 10:30 Service: Aaron Martin showed his Lego creation, Family Storjohann performed a music piece from Pirates of the Caribbean. Afterwards we met downstairs for refreshments with a special Cake to celebrate the beginning of the Sunday School.

Youth Group

The Youth Group had their first meeting: Thursday Eve-ning September 24th. We have decided to meet the 2nd week of every month on Thursday nights. We have great plans ahead on what we will be engaging in: such as vis-iting the 10,000 Villages this year in Hamilton to find out about Fair Trade, doing a Waterwalk by the Grand River through KAIROS program, Christmas Baking, and many other wonderful things. As for Youths going to CLAY 2016, we have currently 7 highly interested individuals and possibly 2 more com-ing in. Youth Leaders taking them on this adventure are Heidi and myself, plus we’ll have 1-2 Leaders in training (meaning youths over 19 yrs.of age). Once again it is an exciting preparation time for us all to engage once again and be part of a bigger Group: CLAY. CANADIAN LU-

THERAN ANGLICAN YOUTH GATHERING. Prince Edward Island. August 17th - 21st. 2016.

Please support our Fundraising efforts in order to send these youngsters on this very important trip, which will strengthen their spiritual belief and help them feel a be-longing to the Lutheran Family.

Thanks, Petra

8 December 2015 / Echoes

Faith Youth


By Dorothy Emmerson

Constitution and BylawsSecond Reading of the Constitutional Changes that were passed at the 2013 National ConventionThis had to be accepted or rejected

as presented – as what was passed at the previous Convention. Primary purpose of the changes is so that our Constitution says WHO we are and WHAT we do, while the Bylaws describe HOW we do it. This will allow us to be able to respond to changes happening internally and externally to us in a more flexible and nimble manner.Many attempts were made to “word-smith” the proposed Constitution, but this was not possible under the defined process we were still working under. This even went so far as to challenges the Chair which was soundly defeated in a vote. Constitutional changes were finally accepted by a strong majority.We then proceeded to deal with changes to the Bylaws.Some important points:1. Article II on “Confession of Faith” shall be unalterable.2. An incumbent National Bishop who is willing to stand for re-election, may be elected by a simple Yes/No vote by two thirds majority. If election is not achieved on this ballot the process will revert to that which is currently used.3. Size of National Convention will be reduced to 150 voting delegates – 80 lay delegates, 10 youth delegates and 60 rostered delegates.4. Each Synod will be granted 10 delegates. The remaining number of allowed delegates will be apportioned to the five synods based on the baptized membership as at 18 months prior to the Convention.5. Delegates will be elected by the synods (synods to determine how this will be done).6. Cost of sending delegates to Convention will be borne by the synods. Synods to determine how these funds will be obtained. Note: one suggestion was that congregations could be levied an amount based on their membership numbers, which led to the comment that this might encourage churches to “clean up” their membership lists. Synods will also need to have processes in place to ensure that the choice of

delegates provides a fair representation of all the congregations in the synod.7. Over the next two Conventions, transition will be made to bring the Convention cycle to every three years and this cycle will coincide with the Convention cycle of the Anglican Church, so that joint conventions could be held when desired.8. During this transitional time, terms of office of will also transition from 4 to 6 years, to fall into line with the Convention cycle.9. Changes to Constitution may now be made at one Convention provided that at least 24 hours have elapsed between the first and second reading.

Other items:Election of National Bishop – Bishop Susan Johnson was re-elected on 3rd ballot.Bible Study – we had two awesome Bible study sessions lead by Rev. Dr. Allan Jorgenson and Rev. Dr. Gordon JensenReport from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission – Dr. Marie Wilson, our keynote speaker, member of the TRC, gave us a report on the findings of the TRC under the theme Reconciliation is About Change. Her message was very clear and strong – there must be change in order for the relationship between First Nations people and Settler people, and the lives and welfare of First Nations people, to improve.Authorized Lay Ministry – Much discussion ensued around this topic and a resolution was eventually passed. It is recognized that the resolution passed is not a perfect solution to the issue but it is a place to start. Process and policies will evolve as we learn what works and what doesn’t work. This, by the way, can also be said about the changes to the Constitution and Bylaws. What was passed is not going to be the last word on these matters.Welcoming the Stranger, Climate Justice and the Criminal Justice System – Resolutions were passed calling us as individuals, congregations, Synods and the National Church, to take action on these matters.

You can find more information about all of this on the ELCIC website.

Other News from 2015 ELCIC National Convention

December 2015 / Echoes 9


By Gisele Todd

As requested by members, the following 2015 budget update(figures to September 30, 2015) is provided:

Total income: $ 171,833.68Total expenses: $ 121,201.17Surplus: $ 50,632.51

A very large bequest was received this past quarter in the amount of $80,000. Thanks be to God for this wonderful surprise!

However, without this generous gift, the deficit figure thus far in 2015 would be $ -29,367.49.

Parish Council has identified possible building projects, needed updates and repairs. Council has reviewed the previous Wish List and will consult with the Finance and Stewardship Committee on preparing a financial plan for 2016 and beyond to best utilize this gift with respect to and in consideration of the donor.It is our hope that usual giving will continue to year end so that Faith congregation has the opportunity to utilize the funds for more than coverage of the 2015 deficit.

10 December 2015 / Echoes

treasurer’s rePort

The Last Wednesday Fellowship Group

After the Christmas Season is over our group will begin the New Year by meeting on the last Wednesday in January which is the 27th.

New members are always welcome.Hope to see you then.

Florence Smith, Co-ordinator


December 2015 / Echoes 11

Blessing of the Red Paraments and Vestments

The Red Paraments and Vestments were purchased with funds donated over the last three years in memory of

the following people:Alma Allman, Hans Hartel, Helen Miller, Lyn Oswald, Eva Pekrul, Phyllis Raby, Brian Schaeffer, Rex Toews, and Joe Vamos.

Family members remembering those in memoriam.

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 57 Brant Avenue, Brantford, On N3T 3G9

Happy New Year!

May the Lord’s great love bless you and

your family.