eccentricity practice

ECCENTRICITY PRACTICE A) Earth's orbit and the comet's orbit have the same distance between foci. B) Earth's orbit has a greater distance between foci than the comet's orbit. C) The comet's orbit has one focus, while Earth's orbit has two foci. D) The comet's orbit has a greater distance between foci than Earth's orbit. 1. The diagram below represents the position of Earth in its orbit and the position of a comet in its orbit around the Sun. Which inference can be made about the comet's orbit, when it is compared to Earth's orbit?

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A) Earth's orbit and the comet's orbit have the same distance between foci.B) Earth's orbit has a greater distance between foci than the comet's orbit.C) The comet's orbit has one focus, while Earth's orbit has two foci.D) The comet's orbit has a greater distance between foci than Earth's orbit.

1. The diagram below represents the position of Earth in its orbit and the position of a comet in its orbitaround the Sun.

Which inference can be made about the comet's orbit, when it is compared to Earth's orbit?



A) B)

C) D)

2. The graph below shows the varying amount of gravitational attraction between the Sun and an asteroidin our solar system. Letters A, B, C, and D indicate four positions in the asteroid's orbit.

Which diagram best represents the positions of the asteroid in its orbit around the Sun? [Note: Thediagrams are not drawn to scale.]



3.the diagram below and on your knowledge of Earth science. The diagram represents the orbital pathsof the four Jovian planets and Halley's comet around the Sun. Halley's comet has a revolution period of76 years. In 1986, Halley's comet was at perihelion, its closest point to the Sun. Letters A, B, C, and D represent locations of Halley's comet in its orbit. Location D represents Halley's comet at aphelion, itsfarthest point from the Sun. The comet's tail is shown at perihelion and at locations B and C.

A) less elliptical, with a shorter distance between its fociB) less elliptical, with a greater distance between its fociC) more elliptical, with a shorter distance between its fociD) more elliptical, with a greater distance between its foci

Compared to the orbit of the Jovian planets, the orbit of Halley’s comet is



A) weaker gravitational attraction to the star and a shorter period of revolutionB) weaker gravitational attraction to the star and a longer period of revolutionC) stronger gravitational attraction to the star and a shorter period of revolutionD) stronger gravitational attraction to the star and a longer period of revolution

4. The diagram below represents planets A and B, of equal mass, revolving around a star.

Compared to planet A, planet B has a



Base your answers to questions 5 and 6 on the diagram below, which represents the current locations of two planets, Aand B, orbiting a star.Letter X indicates a position in the orbit of planet A. Numbers 1 through 4 indicate positions in theorbit of planet B.

A) Mercury B) Jupiter C) Earth D) Mars

5. If the diagram represents our solar system and planet B is Venus, which planet is represented by planetA?

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

6. As planet A moves in orbit from its current location to position X, planet B most likely moves in orbitfrom its current location to position



A) mass B) densityC) eccentricity of orbit D) period of rotation

7. The bar graph below shows one planetary characteristic, identified as X, plotted for the planets of oursolar system.

Which characteristic of the planets in our solar system is represented by X?

A) Venus B) EarthC) Mars D) Jupiter

8. Which planet has the least distance between the twofoci of its elliptical orbit?





9. Which bar graph correctly shows the orbitaleccentricity of the planets in our solar system?

A) Mercury B) NeptuneC) Pluto D) Venus

10. Which planet’s orbit around the Sun is most nearlycircular?

A) Pluto B) SaturnC) Mars D) Mercury

11. Which planet has an orbital eccentricity most likethe orbital eccentricity of the Moon?

A) the Sun B) BetelgeuseC) Earth D) Jupiter

12. Which object is located at one foci of the ellipticalorbit of Mars?

A) Moon is rotatingB) Moon’s orbit is ellipticalC) atmospheric transparency of the Moon changesD) distance between the Moon and the Sun


13. An observer on Earth determines that the apparentdiameter of the Moon as viewed from Earth varies ina cyclic manner. The best explanation for thisobservation is that the



A) elliptical and very elongatedB) parabolicC) nearly circularD) perfectly circular

14. The shape of the orbits of most of the planets in thesolar system would best be described as

15. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which shows a portion of the solarsystem.

A) elliptical, with Earth at one of the foci B) elliptical, with the Sun at one of the fociC) circular, with Earth at the center D) circular, with the Sun at the center

The actual orbits of the planets are

A) A Foucault pendulum shows predictablechanges in its direction of swing.

B) The apparent diameter of the Sun showspredictable changes in size.

C) The length of daylight at the poles changesfrom 0 to 24 hours during the year.

D) Summer occurs in the Northern Hemisphere atthe same time that winter occurs in theSouthern Hemisphere.

16. Which observation is a direct result of changes indistance between Earth and the Sun?

A) B)

C) D)

17. Which diagram shows a planet with the least eccentric orbit?

( Key: • = planet * = star )



18. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram of the solar system below.

A) shorter its period of rotation B) shorter its period of revolutionC) longer its period of rotation D) longer its period of revolution

According to Kepler's Harmonic Law of Planetary Motion, the farther a planet is located from theSun, the

A) A B) B C) C D) D

19. Base your answer to the question below on thediagram below. The diagram represents the path of aplanet orbiting a star. Points A, B, C, and D indicatefour orbital positions of the planet.

When viewed by an observer on the planet, the starhas the largest apparent diameter at position

A) They have the same period of revolution.B) They are perfect spheres.C) They exert the same gravitational force on

each other.D) They have elliptical orbits with the Sun at one


20. In what way are the planets Mars, Mercury, andEarth similar?

A) a very eccentric ellipseB) a slightly eccentric ellipseC) an oblate spheroidD) a perfect circle

21. The actual shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sunis best described as

A) rotation rateB) massC) insolation from the SunD) distance from the Sun

22. The period of time a planet takes to make onerevolution around the Sun is most dependent on theplanet's average



A) decrease B) increaseC) remain the same

23. When the distance between the foci of an ellipse isincreased, the eccentricity of the ellipse will

A) eccentricity =299,000,000 km5,000,000 km

B) eccentricity = 5,000,000 km 299,000,000 km

C) eccentricity = 299,000,000 km - 5,000,000 kmD) eccentricity =

5,000,000 km 299,000,000 km - 5,000,000 km

24. The diagram below represents the elliptical orbit ofthe Earth around the Sun.

Which equation should be used to find theeccentricity of the Earth's orbit?

A) A B) B C) C D) D

25. The diagram below shows a planet's orbit around theSun.

At which location is the planet's orbital velocitygreatest?



A) B)

C) D)

26. Which graph best shows the general relationship between a planet's distance from the Sun and theSun's gravitational attraction to the planet?





27. The symbols below represent star masses anddistances.

Which diagram shows two stars that have thegreatest gravitational force betweenthem?

A) Gravitational pull would decrease and period ofrevolution would increase.

B) Gravitational pull would decrease and period ofrevolution would decrease.

C) Gravitational pull would increase and period ofrevolution would increase.

D) Gravitational pull would increase and period ofrevolution would decrease.

28. If the average distance between Earth and the Sunwere doubled, what changes would occur in theSun's gravitational pull on Earth and Earth's periodof revolution?

A) degree of tilt of the planet’s axisB) distance between the planet and the SunC) planet’s period of rotationD) amount of insolation given off by the Sun

29. One factor responsible for the strength ofgravitational attraction between a planet and the Sunis the



A) Earth’s axis is tilted at 23.5°.B) Earth’s rotational speed varies with the seasons.C) The Moon has an elliptical orbit.D) The Moon has a spherical shape.

30. What is the main reason that the gravitationalattraction between Earth and the Moon changes eachday?

A) B) C) D)

31. The diagram below shows a satellite in four different positions as it revolves around a planet.

Which graph best represents the changes in this satellite's orbital velocity as it revolves around theplanet?

A) winter B) springC) summer D) fall

32. Earth is farthest from the Sun during the NorthernHemisphere's summer, and Earth is closest to theSun during the Northern Hemispheres winter.During which season in the Northern Hemisphere isEarth's orbital velocity greatest?

A) B)

C) D)

33. In each diagram below, the mass of the star is the same. In which diagram is the force of gravitygreatest between the star and the planet shown?



A) B)

C) D)

34. Which graph best represents the force of gravity between Earth and the Sun during one revolution ofEarth around the Sun?

A) B)

C) D)

35. The table below shows gravitational data for a planettraveling in an elliptical orbit around a star. Thetable shows the relative gravitational force betweenthe star and this planet at eight positions in the orbit(letters A through H). Higher numbers indicatestronger gravitational attraction.

Which diagram best represents the positions of theplanet in its orbit that would produce thegravitational forces shown in the data table?

A) the Moon is closest to EarthB) Earth’s distance from the Sun is greatestC) Earth, the Moon, and the Sun are located along

a straight line in spaceD) the highest maximum temperatures occur in the

Northern Hemisphere

36. Earth’s orbital velocity is slowest on July 5 because

A) B)

C) D)

37. Which graph best represents the change ingravitational attraction between the Sun and a cometas the distance between them increases?



A) A B) B C) C D) D

38. The diagram below shows four positions of a planetin its orbit around the Sun.

At which position is the planet's orbital speedgreatest?

A) masses are small and the objects are closetogether

B) masses are small and the objects are far apartC) masses are large and the objects are close

togetherD) masses are large and the objects are far apart

39. The force of gravity between two objects is greatestwhen

A) decrease, then increaseB) increase, then decreaseC) continually decreaseD) remain the same

40. The diagram below represents a planet revolving inan elliptical orbit around a star.

As the planet makes one complete revolution aroundthe star, starting at the position shown, thegravitational attraction between the star and theplanet will

A) inclination of Earth's axisB) rate of rotation of EarthC) distance between Earth and the SunD) oblate spheroid shapes of Earth and the Sun

41. Differences in Earth's orbital velocity around theSun are caused primarily by changes in the



Base your answers to questions 42 through 45 on thediagram below which represents a planet, P, in anelliptical orbit around a star located at F1. The foci ofthe elliptical orbit are F1 and F2. Orbital locations arerepresented by P1 through P6.

A) remain the sameB) be two times greaterC) be three times greaterD) be nine times greater

42. If the mass of planet P were tripled, the gravitationalforce between the star and planet P would

A) P2 and P3 B) P4 and P5

C) P3 and P4 D) P6 and P1

43. If the shaded portions of the orbital plane are equalin area, the time period between P1 and P2 will beequal to the time period between

A) P1 B) P2 C) P3 D) P4

44. When observed from the planet, the star would haveits greatest apparent angular diameter when theplanet is located at position

A) P1 B) P2 C) P3 D) P4

45. The gravitational attraction between planet P and thestar is greatest when the planet is located at position

A) direction of revolutionB) distance from the SunC) polar circumferenceD) axial tilt

46. The speed of a planet in its orbit around the Sundepends primarily on the planet's

A) The gravitational force between the Earth andthe Sun decreases.

B) The Sun's apparent diameter decreases.C) The Sun's rate of rotation increases.D) The Earth's orbital speed increases.

47. Which change always occurs as the distance betweenthe Earth and the Sun decreases?

A) small and they are far apartB) small and they are close togetherC) large and they are far apartD) large and they are close together

48. The force of gravity between two objects will begreatest if their masses are

A) Kinetic energy is increasing and potentialenergy is decreasing.

B) Kinetic energy is decreasing and potentialenergy is increasing.

C) Both kinetic and potential energy aredecreasing.

D) Both kinetic and potential energy areincreasing.

49. The diagram below represents a planet in orbitaround a star.

Which statement best describes how the planet'senergy is changing as it moves from point A to point B?



50. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below and on your knowledge of Earthscience. The diagram represents Earth's revolution around the Sun. Points A, B, C, and D representEarth's positions in its orbit on the first day of each of the four seasons. The major axis and the foci(the center of the Sun and the other focus) of Earth's orbit are shown.

A) distance between the Sun and Earth variesB) distance between the Sun and the other focus variesC) length of Earth's major axis variesD) length of Earth's period of revolution varies

Since Earth has an elliptical orbit, the

A) noncyclic and unpredictableB) noncyclic and predictableC) cyclic and unpredictableD) cyclic and predictable

51. Which terms describe the motion of most objects inour solar system?

A) Mercury B) VenusC) Jupiter D) Saturn

52. Which planet's day (period of rotation) is longer thanits year (period of revolution)?



53. Base your answer to the following question on the passage below.

A Newly Discovered Planet

Scientists studying a Sun-like star named Ogle-Tr-3 discovered a planet that is, onthe average, 3.5 million kilometers away from the star’s surface. The planet wasdiscovered as a result of observing a cyclic decrease in the brightness of Ogle-Tr-3every 28.5 hours. The changing brightness is the result of the planet blocking some ofthe starlight when it is between Ogle-Tr-3 and Earth. This observation allowed scientiststo find not only the planet, but also to determine the planet’s mass and density The masshas been calculated to be approximately 159 times the mass of Earth. The planet is only20% as dense as Jupiter. Scientists think that this low density is the result of being veryclose to Ogle-Tr-3.

A) shorter than both Mercury’s and Venus’B) longer than both Mercury’s and Venus’C) shorter than Mercury’s but longer than Venus’D) longer than Mercury’s but shorter than Venus’

Compared to the period of revolution of Mercury and Venus, this newly discovered planet’s period ofrevolution is

A) one revolution of Earth around the SunB) one revolution of Venus around the SunC) one rotation of the Moon on its axisD) one rotation of Venus on its axis

54. Which event takes the most time?

A) tilted on its axis B) changing seasonsC) revolving D) rotating

55. A planet was viewed from Earth for several hours.The diagrams below represent the appearance of theplanet at four different times.

The best inference that can be made based on thediagrams is that this planet is



Base your answers to questions 56 through 58 on the data table below and on your knowledge ofEarth science. The data table shows five galaxies, A through E, their distances from Earth, and theirrecession velocities, the velocities at which they are moving away from Earth.

56. Identify the nuclear process that produces the energy released by stars within these galaxies.

57. Another galaxy has a recession velocity of 30,000 kilometers per second. What is this galaxy'sapproximate distance from Earth in million light years if it follows the same pattern shown on thedata table?

58. State the general relationship between the galaxies' distances from Earth and their recessionvelocities.



Base your answers to questions 59 and 60 on the data table below and on your knowledge of Earthscience. The table shows the distance from Earth to the Moon for certain days during December 2010.The percent of the Moon illuminated by the Sun as seen from Earth is also given.

59. On which data shown in the data table was the gravitational attraction between the Moon and Earththe greatest?

60. Explain how the Earth-Moon distance data support the inference that the Moon's orbit is an ellipse.



Base your answers to questions 61 and 62 on the table below and on your knowledge of Earthscience. The table lists the average surface temperature, in kelvins, and the average orbital velocity, inkilometers per second, of each planet of our solar system.



61. The orbital velocity of Earth is sometimes faster and sometimes slower than its average orbitalvelocity. Explain why the orbital velocity of Earth varies in a cyclic pattern.



62. Use the set of axes belowto draw a line that represents the general relationship between the meandistances of planets from the Sun and the average orbital velocities of the planets.



63. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram in your answer booklet. The diagramshows Earth revolving around the Sun. Letters A, B, C, and D represent Earth’s location in its orbiton the first day of the four seasons. Aphelion (farthest distance from the Sun) and perihelion (closestdistance to the Sun) are labeled to show the approximate times when they occur in Earth’s orbit.

Explain why the gravitational attraction between the Sun and Earth decreases as Earth travels fromlocation D to location A.



64. Base your answer to the following question on the table below, which lists some information about Barnard's Star.

If a planet with the same mass as Earth were discovered orbiting Barnard's Star at the same distancethat Earth is orbiting the Sun, why would there be less gravitational attraction between this newplanet and Barnard's Star than there is between Earth and the Sun?

65. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram below, which shows Earth’s orbit and theorbit of a comet within our solar system.

Explain why the time required for one revolution of the comet is more than the timerequired for one revolution of Earth.



Base your answers to questions 66 through 68 on on the diagram below, which represents a model ofEarth's orbit. Earth is closest to the Sun at one point in its orbit (perihelion) and farthest from the Sunat another point in its orbit (aphelion). The Sun and point B represent the foci of this orbit.

66. Describe how the shape of Earth's orbit would differ if the Sun and focus B were farther apart.

67. Describe the change that takes place in the gravitational attraction between Earth and the Sun asEarth moves from perihelion to aphelion and back to perihelion during one year.

68. Explain why Earth's orbit is considered to be elliptical.



Base your answers to questions 69 through 72 on the two diagrams. Diagram I shows the orbits of thefour inner planets. Black dots in diagram I show the positions of the orbits where each planet isclosest to the Sun. Diagram II shows the orbits of the six planets that are farthest from the Sun. Thedistance scale in diagram II is different that the distance scale in diagram I.

69. Describe how the orbits of each of the nine planets are similar in shape.

70. How long does it take the planet Uranus to complete one orbit around the Sun? Units must beincluded in your answer.

71. On diagram II circle the names of the two largest Jovian planets.

72. On diagram I, place the letter W on Mars’ orbit to represent the position of Mars where the Sun’sgravitational force on Mars would be weakest.



Base your answers to questions 73 and 74 on the diagram below, which represents an asteroid'selliptical orbit around the Sun. The dashed line is the major axis of the ellipse.

73. The Sun is located at one focal point of the orbit. Place an X on the diagram at the location of thesecond focal point.

74. Place a circle, 0, on the orbital path where the velocity of the asteroid would be the least.



Base your answers to questions 75 and 76 on the information, data table, and diagram below.

Astronomers have discovered strong evidence for the existence of three large extrasolar(outside our solar system) planets that orbit Upsilon Andromedae, a star located 44 light yearsfrom Earth. The three planets are called planet B, planet C, and planet D. Some of the informationgathered about these three new planets is shown in the table below. The period of revolution forplanet C has been deliberately left blank. The diagram below compares a part of our solar system to the Upsilon Andromedae planetarysystem. Planet distances from their respective star and the relative size of each planet are drawn toscale. [The scale for planet distances is not the same scale used for planet size.]

75. If our solar system had a planet located at the same distance from the Sun as planet C is from UpsilonAndromedae, what would be its approximate period of revolution?

76. As planet B travels in its orbit, describe the change in orbital velocity of planet B as the distancebetween Upsilon Andromedae and planet B decreases.



Base your answers to questions 77 and 78 on the diagram below, which shows the orbit of planet D around the star Upsilon Andromedae. The dashed lines show where the paths of the first four planetsof our solar system would be located if they were going around Upsilon Andromedae instead of theSun. All distances are drawn to scale.

77. Describe the changes in gravitational force between planet D and the star Upsilon Andromedae during one complete orbit around the star. Be sure to describe where the force is greatest and wherethe force is least.

78. Describe the eccentricity of planet D’s orbit relative to the eccentricities of the orbits of the planetsshown in our solar system.



Base your answers to questions 79 and 80 on the diagram below, which represents an exaggeratedmodel of Earth's orbital shape. Earth is closest to the Sun at one time of year (perihelion) and farthestfrom the Sun at another time of year (aphelion).

79. State the relationship between Earth's distance from the Sun and Earth's orbital velocity.

80. Describe the change that takes place in the apparent size of the Sun, as viewed from Earth, as Earthmoves from perihelion to aphelion.



81. Base your answer to the following question on the graph below and on your knowledge of Earthscience. The graph shows planet equatorial diameters and planet mean distances from the Sun.Neptune is not shown.

Compared to the periods of revolution and periods of rotation of the terrestrial planets, how are theperiods of revolution and periods of rotation for the Jovian planets different?

Jovian periods of revolution: _____________________________________

Jovian periods of rotation: _____________________________________


Earth Science

Name _________________ Class _________________ Date _________

71.Diagram on Separate Sheet72.Diagram on Separate Sheet73.Diagram on Separate Sheet74.Diagram on Separate Sheet75.