eccenca capture the essence of your data

Approach Opportunity Contact Challenge → The Data Dilemma 23% accessible as a service Enterprise Data 40% 12% Structured 40% Unstructured 60% Searchable 75% of an organization‘s IP is embedded in unstructured information. Source: TowerGroup, BearingPoint, brox

Upload: hans-christian-brockmann

Post on 29-Jun-2015




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eccenca leverages the power of two leading open source software initiatives, SMILA and Ontowiki. Both of these projects initiated and implemented by the eccenca team a number of partners around the world. While SMILA and its enterprise distribution eccenca EE focus on analyzing and searching large amounts of primarily unstructured data, Ontowiki focusses on bringing structure and semantic coherence to heterogeneous data sources. On the one hand this structure may be used for an enhanced semantic search experience throughout the unstructured data sources. The most simple way of bringing such coherence to heterogeneous data sources is by defining common vocabularies or by combining existing vocabularies into integrated ontologies. eccenca Linked Data Suite (eLDS) is a very powerful tool for documenting and managing your vocabularies. It allows you to map them internally using OWL and SKOS but also allows you to link and integrate them with external vocabularies (such as UMLS) or RDF data sources (like dbpedia). eLDS also provides full capability of publishing, linking and consuming RDF Data and thus is the ideal starting point for replicating the success of the linked data web within your enterprise or ecosystem. If your environment consiste of such heterogeneous data sources, multiple vocabularies, many different data models, tags or document formats ... and the amount of information keeps growing, Then you understand what Gartner is calling the "Data Challenge". eccenca EE will help you make all these sources and formats searcheable from one interface. eccenca LDS will allow you to make sense of the information by making their inherent semantics explicit and useful for you.


Page 1: eccenca   capture the essence of your data

Approach Opportunity Contact Challenge

→ The Data Dilemma

23% accessible

as a service

Enterprise Data



Structured 40%

Unstructured 60%


75% of an organization‘s IP is embedded in unstructured information.

Source: TowerGroup, BearingPoint, brox

Page 2: eccenca   capture the essence of your data

Approach Opportunity Contact Challenge

→ The Data Dilemma


↑ Cost

↗ Risk

↑ Value

Data ..

Page 3: eccenca   capture the essence of your data

Situation Approach Opportunity Contact

→ The Business Challenge


↑ Cost

↗ Risk

↑ Value

reallocate reduce increase

→ Financial → Operational → Legal and regulatory → Economic/political → Technology

towards unstructured data

of information

Page 4: eccenca   capture the essence of your data

Situation Approach Opportunity Contact

→ The IT Challenge

} Index Index Index Index Index DWH

} aggregate

Intranet ERP Network

Drives DMS

Web (external)

} store

} present

↑unlock, integrate, transform ↓

↑ manage, monitor, secure, govern ↓

{ Integration Challenge }

Page 5: eccenca   capture the essence of your data

Situation Approach Opportunity Contact

→ The Challenge

} Index Index Index Index Index DWH

} aggregate

↑unlock, integrate, transform ↓

↑ manage, monitor, secure, govern ↓

Across Transactional, Operational and Analytical Sources. Across Structured, Semi-Structured and Unstructured Content.“

„Metadata Management and Semantic Reconciliation Models • Schemas • Repositories • Standards • Business Rules • Search • Classification

Page 6: eccenca   capture the essence of your data

Situation Opportunity Contact Challenge

→ Facing the Challenge

Information Logistics Framework • Scalable Crawling • > 100 Enterprise Connectors • Analytics Pipelines • Built in Solr & Basis Tech • Compatible with GSA & Fast

A brox® Product based on Eclipse™ SMILA

Linked Data Suite • Thesaurus Mgmt • Linked Data Publishing • Linked Data Mgmt • Linked Data Consumption A brox® Product based on OntoWiki


Page 7: eccenca   capture the essence of your data

Situation Opportunity Contact Challenge

→ The eccenca-approach

Page 8: eccenca   capture the essence of your data

Situation Approach Contact Challenge

→ The eccenca Solution

Data Warehouse


System Intranet

} store

↑unlock, integrate, transform ↓

↑ manage, monitor, secure, govern ↓

eccenca frameworks

} present




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Hans-Chr. Brockmann Geschäftsführer

An der Breiten Wiese 9 D-30625 Hannover



+49.173.36986 - 10

[email protected]

eccenca The Linked Data Company