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    HKICW 2013-11-6_outline.ai 1 11/13/2013 2:03:11 PM

    Fo u n d e d i n 1 9 9 5

    創 會 十 九 周 年1 9 th A n n i v e r s a r y

    優 質 建 築 Quality Building


    電話: 2512 6303 傳真: 2512 6208 地址: 九龍佐敦西貢街 20 號志和商業大廈 10 樓

    網址: http://www.cpegrouphk.com 電郵: [email protected]

    建築施工管理、土木工程、屋宇裝備工程 及 專業測量 課程系列,現已接受報名 課程實務、師資優良、並由香港講師授課、出題目、改卷,同學容易掌握。CPE 課程深受同學及業界信賴。

    Birmingham City University, UK 英國伯明罕城市大學

    ◆ Construction Management 建築管理* # Reg. No. : 252321 ◆ Quantity Surveying 工料測量* # Reg. No. :252322 ◆ Building Surveying 建築測量* # Reg. No. :252323 ◆ Real Estate 產業測量* Reg. No. :252324

    ◆ Civil Engineering 土木工程 (專業) Reg. No. 252255 Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) (QCF) ◆ Construction/Q.S./Bldg. Surveying/F.M. 建築學/ 工料測量/ 建築測量/ 設施管理 (專業) Reg. No. 252254 Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Construction and the Built Environment (QCF) ◆ Building Services Engineering 屋宇裝備工程 (專業) Reg. No. 252435 Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering) (QCF)

    It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. (個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格) For professional and vocational recognitions, please refer to the relevant websites. 編幅所限,欲知詳細課程資料,請瀏覽本中心網頁或致電查詢 全部課程為夜間面授

    ◆ Construction Project Management 建築項目管理* # Reg. No.: 252457

    Continuous Professional Education Centre o/b Continuous Professional Education Ltd. (Hong Kong) Continuous Professional Education Centre

    HNC > ACIOB HND > ICIOB Source: http://www.ciob.org/become-a-member/grades

    ◆ Civil Engineering 土木工程 (專業) Reg. No. 252336 Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) (QCF)

    同學們可於首 12 個月完成高級証書(HNC)課程全部的 8 個學科。獲頒發高級証書的同時開始並於次年 12 個月內完成高級文憑 (HND)


    電話: 2512 6303 傳真: 2512 6208 地址: 九龍佐敦西貢街 20 號志和商業大廈 10 樓

    網址: http://www.cpegrouphk.com 電郵: [email protected]

    建築施工管理、土木工程、屋宇裝備工程 及 專業測量 課程系列,現已接受報名 課程實務、師資優良、並由香港講師授課、出題目、改卷,同學容易掌握。CPE 課程深受同學及業界信賴。

    Birmingham City University, UK 英國伯明罕城市大學

    ◆ Construction Management 建築管理* # Reg. No. : 252321 ◆ Quantity Surveying 工料測量* # Reg. No. :252322 ◆ Building Surveying 建築測量* # Reg. No. :252323 ◆ Real Estate 產業測量* Reg. No. :252324

    ◆ Civil Engineering 土木工程 (專業) Reg. No. 252255 Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) (QCF) ◆ Construction/Q.S./Bldg. Surveying/F.M. 建築學/ 工料測量/ 建築測量/ 設施管理 (專業) Reg. No. 252254 Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND in Construction and the Built Environment (QCF) ◆ Building Services Engineering 屋宇裝備工程 (專業) Reg. No. 252435 Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment (Building Services Engineering) (QCF)

    It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognize any qualification to which these courses may lead. (個別僱主可酌情決定是否承認本課程可令學員獲取的任何資格) For professional and vocational recognitions, please refer to the relevant websites. 編幅所限,欲知詳細課程資料,請瀏覽本中心網頁或致電查詢 全部課程為夜間面授

    ◆ Construction Project Management 建築項目管理* # Reg. No.: 252457

    Continuous Professional Education Centre o/b Continuous Professional Education Ltd. (Hong Kong) Continuous Professional Education Centre

    HNC > ACIOB HND > ICIOB Source: http://www.ciob.org/become-a-member/grades

    ◆ Civil Engineering 土木工程 (專業) Reg. No. 252336 Pearson BTEC Level 4 HNC in Construction and the Built Environment (Civil Engineering) (QCF)

    同學們可於首 12 個月完成高級証書(HNC)課程全部的 8 個學科。獲頒發高級証書的同時開始並於次年 12 個月內完成高級文憑 (HND)

  • P5P4

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    4 5

    鳴謝 Acknowledgement

    惠 賜 賀 辭 :屋宇署署長
















    廣 告 客 戶 : Continuous Professional Education Centre

    Dr. Insptr

    Global Tests Limited

    Hauken Engineering Co., Ltd.

    IVE Engineering


    *編務緊迫 如有錯漏及未盡善之處 祈望包涵

    賀 辭 5-12Congratulatory Messages 會 長 報 告 13President’s Report 2013-2014財 務 報 告 14Finance Report收 支 報 告 15Income & Expenditure核 數 師 報 告 16Auditor's Report學 會 活 動 17Institutional Events & Activities 2013-2014活 動 圖 片 18-19Activities Photo Gallery會 長 致 辭 20New President’s Address for 2014-2016架 構 表 21The Organization Structure理 事 222014-2016 Office Bearers執 行 委 員 232014-2016 Council Members成 為 會 員 途 徑 24The Path to HKICW Membership捐 贈 / 會 員 統 計 / 會 員 名 單 Donation / 25-28 Membership Statistics 2009 ~ 2013 /List of Members

    目錄 Contents


    賀 辭 Congratulatory Message


    Secretariat Office :Unit 1409, 14/F., King's Commercial Building, 2-4 Chatham Court,Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.Tel : 2815 7030 Fax : 2575 1261 E-mail : [email protected]

  • P5P4

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    4 5

    鳴謝 Acknowledgement

    惠 賜 賀 辭 :屋宇署署長
















    廣 告 客 戶 : Continuous Professional Education Centre

    Dr. Insptr

    Global Tests Limited

    Hauken Engineering Co., Ltd.

    IVE Engineering


    *編務緊迫 如有錯漏及未盡善之處 祈望包涵

    賀 辭 5-12Congratulatory Messages 會 長 報 告 13President’s Report 2013-2014財 務 報 告 14Finance Report收 支 報 告 15Income & Expenditure核 數 師 報 告 16Auditor's Report學 會 活 動 17Institutional Events & Activities 2013-2014活 動 圖 片 18-19Activities Photo Gallery會 長 致 辭 20New President’s Address for 2014-2016架 構 表 21The Organization Structure理 事 222014-2016 Office Bearers執 行 委 員 232014-2016 Council Members成 為 會 員 途 徑 24The Path to HKICW Membership捐 贈 / 會 員 統 計 / 會 員 名 單 Donation / 25-28 Membership Statistics 2009 ~ 2013 /List of Members

    目錄 Contents


    賀 辭 Congratulatory Message


    Secretariat Office :Unit 1409, 14/F., King's Commercial Building, 2-4 Chatham Court,Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.Tel : 2815 7030 Fax : 2575 1261 E-mail : [email protected]

  • P7P6

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    6 7

    賀 辭 Congratulatory Message














  • P7P6

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    6 7

    賀 辭 Congratulatory Message














  • P9P8

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    8 9

    賀 辭 Congratulatory Message

  • P9P8

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    8 9

    賀 辭 Congratulatory Message

  • P11P10

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    10 11

    賀 辭 Congratulatory Message

  • P11P10

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    10 11

    賀 辭 Congratulatory Message

  • P13P12

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    12 13

    賀 辭 Congratulatory Message 會 長 報 告 President’s Report for 2013-2014

    會 長 致 辭 President’s Message 2014-2016

    During the period of Council Year 2013-2014, only FOUR council meetings including of one Pre-AGM meeting were successfully held and the attendance rate of our council members were around 80%, and our Institution had been reviewed & re-organised those working groups to form following five committees;

    1. Advisory Board Committee,2. Examination Board Committee,3. Educational Development Committee,4. Membership & Practice Committee &5. Publication & Website Committee

    For the advancement of our professionalism, we had organized a formal meeting in January 2014 with BD officials to share our ideas & aims of establishing the programme of “Professional Certificate in Construction Works Inspection“ as organized by IVE to formulate a formal education for promoting of our members to acquire the Corporate Level and also offering our best to train CoW profession for more qualified personnel to become competent in performing the duties of TCP T3.

    Following the approval of our Council, there was also progress in our movement to next step for review and re-examination the Clerks of Works of nowadays as well as their duty roles in order to raise the awareness and also accommodation of development change and growth of construction industry.

    The HKICW has always been committed to continuous improvement but not only for our members, and also for our Institution. We actively maintained ties with other professional bodies either in UK, HK or elsewhere. The highlighted were two events; firstly, it was a dinner discussion in the collaboration with Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) UK and Hong Kong Chapter in March 2014. Secondly, that was a Network gathering with Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association (HKISA) in May 2014 for recognition of HKICW membership as eligible for admission to HKISA membership.

    Additionally, our HKICW was promoted through official events in other indirect way. A recent event was in July at CPD seminar cum Social Resources Development Institute (SRDI) 15th Anniversary Gathering. Our discussion topic of CPD seminar mainly focused on “The Professional Career Prospects of Clerks of Works and Inspectors of Works” and that was a marvellous gathering in a friendly & enjoyable atmosphere.

    At last, I would like to thank our Secretariat and all the Council Members for their contributions during my presidential year.

    Charles ChangPresident, HKICW

    Mr. Charles ChangPresident, HKICW

  • P13P12

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    12 13

    賀 辭 Congratulatory Message 會 長 報 告 President’s Report for 2013-2014

    會 長 致 辭 President’s Message 2014-2016

    During the period of Council Year 2013-2014, only FOUR council meetings including of one Pre-AGM meeting were successfully held and the attendance rate of our council members were around 80%, and our Institution had been reviewed & re-organised those working groups to form following five committees;

    1. Advisory Board Committee,2. Examination Board Committee,3. Educational Development Committee,4. Membership & Practice Committee &5. Publication & Website Committee

    For the advancement of our professionalism, we had organized a formal meeting in January 2014 with BD officials to share our ideas & aims of establishing the programme of “Professional Certificate in Construction Works Inspection“ as organized by IVE to formulate a formal education for promoting of our members to acquire the Corporate Level and also offering our best to train CoW profession for more qualified personnel to become competent in performing the duties of TCP T3.

    Following the approval of our Council, there was also progress in our movement to next step for review and re-examination the Clerks of Works of nowadays as well as their duty roles in order to raise the awareness and also accommodation of development change and growth of construction industry.

    The HKICW has always been committed to continuous improvement but not only for our members, and also for our Institution. We actively maintained ties with other professional bodies either in UK, HK or elsewhere. The highlighted were two events; firstly, it was a dinner discussion in the collaboration with Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) UK and Hong Kong Chapter in March 2014. Secondly, that was a Network gathering with Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association (HKISA) in May 2014 for recognition of HKICW membership as eligible for admission to HKISA membership.

    Additionally, our HKICW was promoted through official events in other indirect way. A recent event was in July at CPD seminar cum Social Resources Development Institute (SRDI) 15th Anniversary Gathering. Our discussion topic of CPD seminar mainly focused on “The Professional Career Prospects of Clerks of Works and Inspectors of Works” and that was a marvellous gathering in a friendly & enjoyable atmosphere.

    At last, I would like to thank our Secretariat and all the Council Members for their contributions during my presidential year.

    Charles ChangPresident, HKICW

    Mr. Charles ChangPresident, HKICW

  • P15P14

    14 15二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    財 務 報 告 Finance Report 收 支 報 告 Income & Expenditure

    The account for the years 2013/2014 is incorporated with the Annual Report and their format complies with the

    requirements of the Company Ordinance in Hong Kong. Our Institute could be continued to maintain a healthy

    financial and cash position in this year.

    The Profit and Loss Account and Auditor's Report are attached separately for reference. The total income for the year

    was HK$292,291. After deduction of expenses HK$309,483 resulted in slightly operating loss of HK$17,192.5. After

    taking into account of retained surplus brought forward HK$212,770. Thus the retained surplus for the year

    2013/2014 is decreased to HK$195,578.

    Wai Hung Clement, Yeung

    Honorary Treasurer

    HKICW 2013/14

  • P15P14

    14 15二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    財 務 報 告 Finance Report 收 支 報 告 Income & Expenditure

    The account for the years 2013/2014 is incorporated with the Annual Report and their format complies with the

    requirements of the Company Ordinance in Hong Kong. Our Institute could be continued to maintain a healthy

    financial and cash position in this year.

    The Profit and Loss Account and Auditor's Report are attached separately for reference. The total income for the year

    was HK$292,291. After deduction of expenses HK$309,483 resulted in slightly operating loss of HK$17,192.5. After

    taking into account of retained surplus brought forward HK$212,770. Thus the retained surplus for the year

    2013/2014 is decreased to HK$195,578.

    Wai Hung Clement, Yeung

    Honorary Treasurer

    HKICW 2013/14

  • P17P16

    16 17二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    核 數 師 報 告 Auditor’s Report 學 會 活 動 Institutional Events & Activities 2013-2014

    Date Institution events and CPD activities12 December 2013 AGM 2013 & Annual Dinner cum Christmas Party

    18 December 2013 Supporting organization for programme of “Heritage Practitioners Roundtable rising above Project Challenges” as organized by Construction Industry Council (CIC)

    4 January 2014 Forum on Manpower Outlook of Hong Kong as organized by The Council of Hong Kong Professional Associations (COPA)

    18 January 2014, Supporting organization for CPD seminar on “ Master Class Distinguished Lecture Series: 22 February 2014, Master Builders on Materials and Techniques of Conservation Projects in Mainland China and Hong Kong ” 8 March 2014 & as organized by Construction Industry Council29 March 2014

    22 January 2014 Meeting with BD officials and President & senior councils

    7 February 2014 Luncheon meeting with our Honorary Fellow, Ir Dr Raymond Ho

    18 February 2014 Construction Industry Council - 7th Anniversary Cocktail Reception

    21 February 2014 CPD seminar on New Development on Water Proofing Materials

    3 March 2014 Technical Seminar on Professional Interview Techniques for HKICW Membership

    9 March 2014 Presidential visit and presentation of CABE certificates ceremony as organized by Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE)

    13 March 2014 Supporting organization for CPD seminar on “ BIM for Design Safety & Case Study “ as organized by Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association (HKISA) and Industrial Centre of HK PolyU

    13 March 2014 Meeting with CABE President & Chief Executive and HKICW President & senior councils

    20 March 2014 RICS Hong Kong Annual Dinner 2014

    27 March 2014 HKICW promotion talk at IVE Tsing Yi Campus

    8 April 2014 CIOB Hong Kong Cocktail Reception

    15 April 2014 CPD seminar on Demolition Project Cases under Various Work Scale and Job Nature with supporting organizations of AIOB, AIB (HK), CABE, CIOB(HK), RICS, HKISA and RMWCSA

    25 April 2014 Supporting organization for CPD seminar on “ CIC Guidelines on Safety of Lift Shaft Works Volume 3 – Throughout the Occupation Stage of Building “ as organized by Society of registered Safety Officers (SRSO)

    28 April 2014 Supporting organization for CPD seminar cum Dinner on “ How Company Doctors Help Organisational Development and Change “ as organized by The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Hong Kong Branch

    13 May 2014 18th annual dinner of Association of Engineering Professionals in Society (AEPS)

    17 May 2014 Supporting organization for factory visit to Eastern Gotech (HK) Ltd (E.MIX) at Yuen Long as jointly organized by AIB(HK), AIOB & CABE

    19 May 2014 Network gathering with HKISA and thank you dinner for Council Advisors

    24 to 25 May 2014 Supporting organization for Two days Technical Visit to manufacturers of Light Weight Blocks Factory at Jiangmen in China as jointly organized by AIOB, AIB(HK), CABE & PTSA

    28 June 2014 2014 WorldSkills Hong Kong Competition cum Construction Industry Mega Fun Day as organized by VTC, CIC & Clothing Industry Training Authority

    10 July 2014 CIC Training Committee cocktail reception – Lo Ban Festival

    19 July 2014 8th Annual General Meeting 2014 – The Council of Hong Kong Professional Associations (COPA)

    25 July 2014 Dinner meeting for Joint Signatory of Membership Admission Agreement with HKISA & HKICW

    8 to 9 August 2014 Two days factory visit to manufacturers of Golden Glass in Shantou as jointly supported by AIOB, CABE HK & HKISA

    9 August 2014 CABE membership presentation reception & CPD event

    12 September 2014 The Chartered Institute of Building (Hong Kong) Annual Dinner 2014 cum Celebration of Additional Chartered Construction Managers Status

    22 September 2014 Supporting organization for CPD seminar on “ Drill and Blast in Hong Kong “ as jointly organized by AIB (HK), AIOB, CABE & HKIES

    24 Ocotober 2014 HKICW – EGM 2014 and 19th AGM at Kowloon Bowling Green Club

    29 October 2014 Promotion seminar at Social Resources Development Institute – TST Campus

    8 to 9 November 2014 Two days Technical Visit to construction projects at Zhaoxing in China as organized by AIOB & jointly supported by AIB(HK), HKICW & PTSA

    14 November 2014 Network dinner gathering as organized by HKLPA and THEi at IVE – Tsing Yi Campus

    19 November 2014 RMWCSA – 2014 annual dinner

    24 November 2014 Networking discussion with HKIE representative, ICWCI(HK), WSD representative & HKICW for item 49 & 50 as mentioned in Report of the Construction Industry Review Committee in January 2001

    25 November 2014 PTSA – 8th Anniversary Dinner

    29 to 30 Two days Technical Visit to “惠州考察團行程 - 有利華建築預制件有限公司“ as organized by CASA & November 2014 RMWCSA and jointly supported by CIOB (HK) & HKICW

    Prepared by Charles Chang

  • P17P16

    16 17二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    核 數 師 報 告 Auditor’s Report 學 會 活 動 Institutional Events & Activities 2013-2014

    Date Institution events and CPD activities12 December 2013 AGM 2013 & Annual Dinner cum Christmas Party

    18 December 2013 Supporting organization for programme of “Heritage Practitioners Roundtable rising above Project Challenges” as organized by Construction Industry Council (CIC)

    4 January 2014 Forum on Manpower Outlook of Hong Kong as organized by The Council of Hong Kong Professional Associations (COPA)

    18 January 2014, Supporting organization for CPD seminar on “ Master Class Distinguished Lecture Series: 22 February 2014, Master Builders on Materials and Techniques of Conservation Projects in Mainland China and Hong Kong ” 8 March 2014 & as organized by Construction Industry Council29 March 2014

    22 January 2014 Meeting with BD officials and President & senior councils

    7 February 2014 Luncheon meeting with our Honorary Fellow, Ir Dr Raymond Ho

    18 February 2014 Construction Industry Council - 7th Anniversary Cocktail Reception

    21 February 2014 CPD seminar on New Development on Water Proofing Materials

    3 March 2014 Technical Seminar on Professional Interview Techniques for HKICW Membership

    9 March 2014 Presidential visit and presentation of CABE certificates ceremony as organized by Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE)

    13 March 2014 Supporting organization for CPD seminar on “ BIM for Design Safety & Case Study “ as organized by Hong Kong Industrial Safety Association (HKISA) and Industrial Centre of HK PolyU

    13 March 2014 Meeting with CABE President & Chief Executive and HKICW President & senior councils

    20 March 2014 RICS Hong Kong Annual Dinner 2014

    27 March 2014 HKICW promotion talk at IVE Tsing Yi Campus

    8 April 2014 CIOB Hong Kong Cocktail Reception

    15 April 2014 CPD seminar on Demolition Project Cases under Various Work Scale and Job Nature with supporting organizations of AIOB, AIB (HK), CABE, CIOB(HK), RICS, HKISA and RMWCSA

    25 April 2014 Supporting organization for CPD seminar on “ CIC Guidelines on Safety of Lift Shaft Works Volume 3 – Throughout the Occupation Stage of Building “ as organized by Society of registered Safety Officers (SRSO)

    28 April 2014 Supporting organization for CPD seminar cum Dinner on “ How Company Doctors Help Organisational Development and Change “ as organized by The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Hong Kong Branch

    13 May 2014 18th annual dinner of Association of Engineering Professionals in Society (AEPS)

    17 May 2014 Supporting organization for factory visit to Eastern Gotech (HK) Ltd (E.MIX) at Yuen Long as jointly organized by AIB(HK), AIOB & CABE

    19 May 2014 Network gathering with HKISA and thank you dinner for Council Advisors

    24 to 25 May 2014 Supporting organization for Two days Technical Visit to manufacturers of Light Weight Blocks Factory at Jiangmen in China as jointly organized by AIOB, AIB(HK), CABE & PTSA

    28 June 2014 2014 WorldSkills Hong Kong Competition cum Construction Industry Mega Fun Day as organized by VTC, CIC & Clothing Industry Training Authority

    10 July 2014 CIC Training Committee cocktail reception – Lo Ban Festival

    19 July 2014 8th Annual General Meeting 2014 – The Council of Hong Kong Professional Associations (COPA)

    25 July 2014 Dinner meeting for Joint Signatory of Membership Admission Agreement with HKISA & HKICW

    8 to 9 August 2014 Two days factory visit to manufacturers of Golden Glass in Shantou as jointly supported by AIOB, CABE HK & HKISA

    9 August 2014 CABE membership presentation reception & CPD event

    12 September 2014 The Chartered Institute of Building (Hong Kong) Annual Dinner 2014 cum Celebration of Additional Chartered Construction Managers Status

    22 September 2014 Supporting organization for CPD seminar on “ Drill and Blast in Hong Kong “ as jointly organized by AIB (HK), AIOB, CABE & HKIES

    24 Ocotober 2014 HKICW – EGM 2014 and 19th AGM at Kowloon Bowling Green Club

    29 October 2014 Promotion seminar at Social Resources Development Institute – TST Campus

    8 to 9 November 2014 Two days Technical Visit to construction projects at Zhaoxing in China as organized by AIOB & jointly supported by AIB(HK), HKICW & PTSA

    14 November 2014 Network dinner gathering as organized by HKLPA and THEi at IVE – Tsing Yi Campus

    19 November 2014 RMWCSA – 2014 annual dinner

    24 November 2014 Networking discussion with HKIE representative, ICWCI(HK), WSD representative & HKICW for item 49 & 50 as mentioned in Report of the Construction Industry Review Committee in January 2001

    25 November 2014 PTSA – 8th Anniversary Dinner

    29 to 30 Two days Technical Visit to “惠州考察團行程 - 有利華建築預制件有限公司“ as organized by CASA & November 2014 RMWCSA and jointly supported by CIOB (HK) & HKICW

    Prepared by Charles Chang

  • P19P18

    18 19二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    活 動 圖 片 Activities Photo Gallery

  • P19P18

    18 19二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    活 動 圖 片 Activities Photo Gallery

  • P21P20

    20 21二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    架 構 表 �e Organization Structure會 長 致 辭 New President’s Address for 2014~2016

    Following the recent Annual General Meeting as held on 24 October 2014, I was so lucky to be re-elected as the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works and I am delighted to set out our HKICW aims and objectives with following headings for the commencement of new council year;

    OrganizationalThe first Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) was successfully held in 2014 for the special resolution of revision on “ Memorandum and Articles of Association of The Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works “ and it makes our HKICW to turn a new page since 1996. In addition, our existing Code of Practice needs to be updated to accommodate and further demonstrates to the industry & our clients, that our members are bound to work in a professional & ethical manner.

    TrainingFollowing the Council Approval, we will undertake the review of the reference guide to the role of Clerks of Works in order to reflect new ways of working and development change. The aim of this important work is to be launched in 2015. Besides, the HKICW accreditation course in “Professional Certificate in Construction Works Inspection” as awarded by HKIVE has been successfully launched since 2012 and our Institute has been asked to further review of gaining of exemption/accreditation for degree program & higher education.

    MembershipWork on developing of formal collaboration and link up with other professional institutions and other construction practitioners to articulate the benefits of HKICW membership, and also promulgation of our Institute to other building professionals to join our Institute as potential membership growth and integration.

    PromotionPromotion of HKICW to the community to be enhanced for developing the qualifications & recognition of how best to enable our HKICW members to undertake the role of project supervisor for controlling of Quality of construction works, building maintenance, repair & alteration within the building development in Hong Kong.

    DevelopmentFocus on the professional relationship would be communicated between the Clerks of Works and other construction practitioners such as Inspectors of Works, Resident Site Staff, Construction Inspectorate, Building Engineers…, to establish the mutual professional benefit and cooperation as well as seeking the recognition of registered professional from the Government.

    Hope you all enjoyed a great Christmas and New Year and I look forward to the challenges and successes that 2015 will bring.

    Thank You.

    Charles ChangPresident, HKICWDecember 2014


    Honorary Legal Advisors&

    Honorary Auditor

    Honorary Legal AdvisorMr. Simon Lam

    Honorary AuditorMr. Charles Wong

    Past Presidents

    Past PresidentChristopher C.L. Wong

    Rick C.W. LiuJacky M. C. Wan

    Immediate Past PresidentNg Hung Fat

    Advisory Board

    Ng Hung Fat(Chairman)

    Jason Shin(Vice Chairman)

    Academic AdvisorIr Chan Chi Ming

    I.T. AdvisorMr. Wilton Kwok

    Council AdvisorsDr. Wilson W.K. Kwong

    Professor Rowson K.H. LeeIr Daniel H. T. Shum

    Jimmy Tse



    Henry W.H. Ng(Chairman)

    Vincent H.Y. CheungMichael Y.C. Cheung

    Simon S.M. LeeEric Kwok


    Website Committee

    Pheonna L.Y. Wong(Chairlady)

    Teddy C.C. KwokTam Siu Hung

    Editor of Journal

    Thomas T.L. Hui

    Honorary Secretary

    Steve Y.T. Cheung

    Honorary Treasurer

    Clement W.H. Yeung


    Charles C. T. Chang

    Secretariat Office

    Sara Li

    Public Relations Officer

    Rick C. W. Li

    Vice PresidentExternal Affairs

    Tony T.H. Fok

    Vice PresidentInternal Affairs

    Dick T.H. Li

    Vice PresidentMembers Affairs

    Ken P.L. Hung


    Practice Committee

    Teddy C.C. Kwok(Chairman)

    Kung Hung KwongSimon S.M. Lee

    Pheonna L.Y. Wong

    Examination Board

    Chan Tak Wah, Victory(Chairman)

    Samuel C. K Kwok(Honorary Secretary)

    Exam Board MemberC.W. LiuH.F. Ng

    Y.C. CheungT.L. Hui

    P.L. HungT.H. Li

    H.K. KungT.H. Fok

    H.Y. CheungS.M. Lee

    Y.T. Cheung T.S. ShinW.H. Yeung

  • P21P20

    20 21二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    架 構 表 �e Organization Structure會 長 致 辭 New President’s Address for 2014~2016

    Following the recent Annual General Meeting as held on 24 October 2014, I was so lucky to be re-elected as the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works and I am delighted to set out our HKICW aims and objectives with following headings for the commencement of new council year;

    OrganizationalThe first Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) was successfully held in 2014 for the special resolution of revision on “ Memorandum and Articles of Association of The Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of Works “ and it makes our HKICW to turn a new page since 1996. In addition, our existing Code of Practice needs to be updated to accommodate and further demonstrates to the industry & our clients, that our members are bound to work in a professional & ethical manner.

    TrainingFollowing the Council Approval, we will undertake the review of the reference guide to the role of Clerks of Works in order to reflect new ways of working and development change. The aim of this important work is to be launched in 2015. Besides, the HKICW accreditation course in “Professional Certificate in Construction Works Inspection” as awarded by HKIVE has been successfully launched since 2012 and our Institute has been asked to further review of gaining of exemption/accreditation for degree program & higher education.

    MembershipWork on developing of formal collaboration and link up with other professional institutions and other construction practitioners to articulate the benefits of HKICW membership, and also promulgation of our Institute to other building professionals to join our Institute as potential membership growth and integration.

    PromotionPromotion of HKICW to the community to be enhanced for developing the qualifications & recognition of how best to enable our HKICW members to undertake the role of project supervisor for controlling of Quality of construction works, building maintenance, repair & alteration within the building development in Hong Kong.

    DevelopmentFocus on the professional relationship would be communicated between the Clerks of Works and other construction practitioners such as Inspectors of Works, Resident Site Staff, Construction Inspectorate, Building Engineers…, to establish the mutual professional benefit and cooperation as well as seeking the recognition of registered professional from the Government.

    Hope you all enjoyed a great Christmas and New Year and I look forward to the challenges and successes that 2015 will bring.

    Thank You.

    Charles ChangPresident, HKICWDecember 2014


    Honorary Legal Advisors&

    Honorary Auditor

    Honorary Legal AdvisorMr. Simon Lam

    Honorary AuditorMr. Charles Wong

    Past Presidents

    Past PresidentChristopher C.L. Wong

    Rick C.W. LiuJacky M. C. Wan

    Immediate Past PresidentNg Hung Fat

    Advisory Board

    Ng Hung Fat(Chairman)

    Jason Shin(Vice Chairman)

    Academic AdvisorIr Chan Chi Ming

    I.T. AdvisorMr. Wilton Kwok

    Council AdvisorsDr. Wilson W.K. Kwong

    Professor Rowson K.H. LeeIr Daniel H. T. Shum

    Jimmy Tse



    Henry W.H. Ng(Chairman)

    Vincent H.Y. CheungMichael Y.C. Cheung

    Simon S.M. LeeEric Kwok


    Website Committee

    Pheonna L.Y. Wong(Chairlady)

    Teddy C.C. KwokTam Siu Hung

    Editor of Journal

    Thomas T.L. Hui

    Honorary Secretary

    Steve Y.T. Cheung

    Honorary Treasurer

    Clement W.H. Yeung


    Charles C. T. Chang

    Secretariat Office

    Sara Li

    Public Relations Officer

    Rick C. W. Li

    Vice PresidentExternal Affairs

    Tony T.H. Fok

    Vice PresidentInternal Affairs

    Dick T.H. Li

    Vice PresidentMembers Affairs

    Ken P.L. Hung


    Practice Committee

    Teddy C.C. Kwok(Chairman)

    Kung Hung KwongSimon S.M. Lee

    Pheonna L.Y. Wong

    Examination Board

    Chan Tak Wah, Victory(Chairman)

    Samuel C. K Kwok(Honorary Secretary)

    Exam Board MemberC.W. LiuH.F. Ng

    Y.C. CheungT.L. Hui

    P.L. HungT.H. Li

    H.K. KungT.H. Fok

    H.Y. CheungS.M. Lee

    Y.T. Cheung T.S. ShinW.H. Yeung

  • P23P22

    22 23二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    執行委員 2014-2016 Council Members理事 2014-2016 O�ce Bearers

    President Chang Chung To, Charles

    Vice President, Internal Affairs Li Tak Hong, Dick

    Vice President, Members Affairs

    Hung Po Lung, Ken

    Vice President, External Affairs

    Fok Tak Hung,Tony

    Honorary Secretary Cheung Yuk To, Steve

    Honorary Treasurer Yeung Wai Hung, Clement

    Honorary Secretary,Examination Board (2013-2015)

    Kwok Chun Keung, Samuel

    Chairman, Examination Board (2013-2015)

    Chan Tak Wah, Victory

    Editor of Journal Hui Tim Leung, Thomas

    Chairlady, Publication & Website Committee

    Wong Lai Yee, Pheonna

    Chairman, Membership & Practice Committee

    Kwok Chit Chun, Teddy

    Chairman, Educational Development Committee

    Ng Wai Hung, Henry

    Honorary Member & Council Member

    Shin Tze Shun, Jason

    Council Member Lee Siu Man, Simon

    Council Member Cheung Ho Yin, Vincent

    Council Member Kung Hung Kwong

    Council Member Cheung Yung Chi, Michael

    Council Member Tam Siu Hung

    Council Member Eric Kwok

    Past President & Public Relations Officer

    Liu Chow Wai, Rick

    Imm. Past President Ng Hung Fat

  • P23P22

    22 23二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    執行委員 2014-2016 Council Members理事 2014-2016 O�ce Bearers

    President Chang Chung To, Charles

    Vice President, Internal Affairs Li Tak Hong, Dick

    Vice President, Members Affairs

    Hung Po Lung, Ken

    Vice President, External Affairs

    Fok Tak Hung,Tony

    Honorary Secretary Cheung Yuk To, Steve

    Honorary Treasurer Yeung Wai Hung, Clement

    Honorary Secretary,Examination Board (2013-2015)

    Kwok Chun Keung, Samuel

    Chairman, Examination Board (2013-2015)

    Chan Tak Wah, Victory

    Editor of Journal Hui Tim Leung, Thomas

    Chairlady, Publication & Website Committee

    Wong Lai Yee, Pheonna

    Chairman, Membership & Practice Committee

    Kwok Chit Chun, Teddy

    Chairman, Educational Development Committee

    Ng Wai Hung, Henry

    Honorary Member & Council Member

    Shin Tze Shun, Jason

    Council Member Lee Siu Man, Simon

    Council Member Cheung Ho Yin, Vincent

    Council Member Kung Hung Kwong

    Council Member Cheung Yung Chi, Michael

    Council Member Tam Siu Hung

    Council Member Eric Kwok

    Past President & Public Relations Officer

    Liu Chow Wai, Rick

    Imm. Past President Ng Hung Fat

  • P25P24

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    24 25

    成 為 會 員 途 徑 �e Path to HKICW Membership 捐 贈 / 會 員 統 計 / 會 員 名 單Donation / Membership statistics / List of Members

    獲發由認可之學院或訓練學院所頒授之等同証書並加上在過往年資中從事如同TCP T1 至 T2 之規定資格所相關之工

    地監管經驗Acquiring of equivalent

    certificates as awarded by recognized Institute /

    Training Academy plus relevant site supervisory working experience from

    previous years as prescribed qualifications

    for TCP T1 to T2


    關之工地監管經驗Holders of “Professional

    Certificate in Construction Works Inspection” as awarded by HKIVE

    plus relevant site supervisory working experience

    Ver. 9/2012


    Holder of Higher Degree/Degree from Universities/Institutions in an appropriate discipline as recognized

    by the Examination Board of HKICW and as Licentiate Member plus recognized working experience

    Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

    資深會員 Fellow (FHKICW) 23 23 23 23 25

    正式會員 Member (MHKICW) 253 257 264 296 308

    認可會員 Licentiate (LHKICW) 210 214 221 231 238

    準會員 Probationer 28 28 28 28 30

    學生會員 Student 19 19 19 20 20

    Total No. of Members 533 541 555 598 621

    The Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of WorksMembership statistics (2009 ~ 2013)

    Ir Chan Chi Ming

    Mr. Wilton Kwok

    Dr. Wilson WK Kwong

    Prof Rowson KH Lee

    Ir Daniel HT Shum

    Mr. Jimmy LL Tse

    Council AdvisorName Name

    Dr. Chan Cheuk Hay

    Dr. Dave Chan Tai Wai

    Mr. Chow Shue Kai

    Dr. Li Hong Yu

    Ir Alan Low Shiu Lun

    Mr. Lau Man Shing

    Mr. Lee Chi Hing

    Ir Raymond Wong Wai Man

    Mr. Jason Shin Tze Shun

    Prof. Xiong Huo Yao

    Honorary MemberName Name

    Ir Dr. Choi Yu Leuk

    Ir Dr. Raymond CT Ho

    Dr. Jason Matthew

    Dr. Martyn Hills

    Honorary FellowName Name

    Chan Kin Man HK$ 100.00

    Chan Shu Kan HK$ 100.00

    Chang Chung To HK$ 100.00

    Ching Man On, Michael HK$ 325.00

    Fong Kwok Kee HK$ 100.00

    Kwok Wing Tat HK$ 1,090.00

    Lam Tze Ming HK$ 125.00

    Lee Kwok Hing HK$ 325.00

    Li Chin Wah HK$ 325.00

    Mak Moon Hung HK$ 125.00

    Mui Yan Shan HK$ 125.00

    Poon Kwok Leung HK$ 225.00

    Suen Hon Keung HK$ 325.00

    Tsang Heung Man HK$ 150.00

    Tung Wai Hung HK$ 460.00

    Wong Wai Ho, Philip HK$ 1,325.00

    Yau Wing Kin HK$ 825.00

    Yu Ming Kwong HK$ 125.00

    Donation 2013-2014Name Name

    Chan Kin Man HK$ 100.00

    Chang Chung To HK$ 100.00

    Lam Tze Ming HK$ 125.00

    Lee Kwok Hing HK$ 325.00

    Li Chin Wah HK$ 325.00

    Mui Yan Shan HK$ 125.00

    Poon Kam Chung HK$ 2,000.00

    Sham Jing HK$ 325.00

    Suen Hon Keung HK$ 325.00

    Tsui Yu Hong HK$ 125.00

    Wong Wai Ho, Philip HK$ 1,000.00

    Yau Wing Kin HK$ 825.00

    Yu Ka Sing HK$ 225.00

    Record at 30 Nov. 2014

    Donation 2014-2015Name Name

  • P25P24

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    24 25

    成 為 會 員 途 徑 �e Path to HKICW Membership 捐 贈 / 會 員 統 計 / 會 員 名 單Donation / Membership statistics / List of Members

    獲發由認可之學院或訓練學院所頒授之等同証書並加上在過往年資中從事如同TCP T1 至 T2 之規定資格所相關之工

    地監管經驗Acquiring of equivalent

    certificates as awarded by recognized Institute /

    Training Academy plus relevant site supervisory working experience from

    previous years as prescribed qualifications

    for TCP T1 to T2


    關之工地監管經驗Holders of “Professional

    Certificate in Construction Works Inspection” as awarded by HKIVE

    plus relevant site supervisory working experience

    Ver. 9/2012


    Holder of Higher Degree/Degree from Universities/Institutions in an appropriate discipline as recognized

    by the Examination Board of HKICW and as Licentiate Member plus recognized working experience

    Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

    資深會員 Fellow (FHKICW) 23 23 23 23 25

    正式會員 Member (MHKICW) 253 257 264 296 308

    認可會員 Licentiate (LHKICW) 210 214 221 231 238

    準會員 Probationer 28 28 28 28 30

    學生會員 Student 19 19 19 20 20

    Total No. of Members 533 541 555 598 621

    The Hong Kong Institute of Clerks of WorksMembership statistics (2009 ~ 2013)

    Ir Chan Chi Ming

    Mr. Wilton Kwok

    Dr. Wilson WK Kwong

    Prof Rowson KH Lee

    Ir Daniel HT Shum

    Mr. Jimmy LL Tse

    Council AdvisorName Name

    Dr. Chan Cheuk Hay

    Dr. Dave Chan Tai Wai

    Mr. Chow Shue Kai

    Dr. Li Hong Yu

    Ir Alan Low Shiu Lun

    Mr. Lau Man Shing

    Mr. Lee Chi Hing

    Ir Raymond Wong Wai Man

    Mr. Jason Shin Tze Shun

    Prof. Xiong Huo Yao

    Honorary MemberName Name

    Ir Dr. Choi Yu Leuk

    Ir Dr. Raymond CT Ho

    Dr. Jason Matthew

    Dr. Martyn Hills

    Honorary FellowName Name

    Chan Kin Man HK$ 100.00

    Chan Shu Kan HK$ 100.00

    Chang Chung To HK$ 100.00

    Ching Man On, Michael HK$ 325.00

    Fong Kwok Kee HK$ 100.00

    Kwok Wing Tat HK$ 1,090.00

    Lam Tze Ming HK$ 125.00

    Lee Kwok Hing HK$ 325.00

    Li Chin Wah HK$ 325.00

    Mak Moon Hung HK$ 125.00

    Mui Yan Shan HK$ 125.00

    Poon Kwok Leung HK$ 225.00

    Suen Hon Keung HK$ 325.00

    Tsang Heung Man HK$ 150.00

    Tung Wai Hung HK$ 460.00

    Wong Wai Ho, Philip HK$ 1,325.00

    Yau Wing Kin HK$ 825.00

    Yu Ming Kwong HK$ 125.00

    Donation 2013-2014Name Name

    Chan Kin Man HK$ 100.00

    Chang Chung To HK$ 100.00

    Lam Tze Ming HK$ 125.00

    Lee Kwok Hing HK$ 325.00

    Li Chin Wah HK$ 325.00

    Mui Yan Shan HK$ 125.00

    Poon Kam Chung HK$ 2,000.00

    Sham Jing HK$ 325.00

    Suen Hon Keung HK$ 325.00

    Tsui Yu Hong HK$ 125.00

    Wong Wai Ho, Philip HK$ 1,000.00

    Yau Wing Kin HK$ 825.00

    Yu Ka Sing HK$ 225.00

    Record at 30 Nov. 2014

    Donation 2014-2015Name Name

  • P27P26

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    26 27

    會 員 名 單 List of Members

    Lau Kwai Hing M 0002

    Li Shi Wah M 0003

    Yu Ming Kwong M 0005

    Ng Hung Choi M 0006

    Chan Hok Yin M 0007

    Yau Sui Leung M 0009

    Chung Chi Kong M 0010

    Li Chin Wah M 0018

    Poon Tat Kwong M 0028

    Li Tat Leung M 0030

    Yuen Wai Lam M 0033

    Lee Kwok Hing M 0034

    Cheng Wui Chuen M 0042

    Ha Siu Wah M 0051

    Mak Yiu Man M 0067

    Poon Kwok Leung M 0078

    Chik Kim Ming M 0088

    Chan Shu Yan M 0098

    Suen Hon Keung M 0103

    Tse Kam Wo M 0106

    Pang Hing Ting M 0107

    Wong Tak Wai M 0111

    Chan Chi Fai M 0116

    Chan Wing Yin, Lawrence M 0121

    Mak Moon Hung M 0124

    Wan Ching Wai M 0135

    Yu Ka Sing M 0137

    Lee Kin Kong M 0139

    Chan Leung M 0140

    Lee Keung M 0162

    Lee Oi Chun M 0184

    Leung Yu Sing M 0186

    Mok Peng Lam M 0225

    Ku Chun Lung M 0243

    Kwong Kwok Kit M 0261

    Chan Hon Lun M 0278

    Cheng Yiu Wing M 0291

    Lo Kam Tim M 0299

    Ng Kai Ning M 0316

    Wong Tat Sin M 0339

    Poon Yiu Wah M 0340

    Yiu Chi Fun M 0341

    Yau Wai Yim M 0344

    Tam Tit Chuen M 0345

    Kung Hung Kwong M 0348

    Lau Hon Wah M 0354

    Au Sun Yee M 0358

    Ko Kai Sum M 0362

    Sham Jing M 0367

    Kong Sum Choi M 0374

    Yau Wing Kin M 0376

    Chan Wah Kit M 0381

    Wong Po Wah M 0399

    Hui Pak Leung M 0401

    Chan Shu Kan M 0402

    Chan Tak Wah, Victory M 0405

    Lai Chi Pong M 0406

    Lam Tze Ming M 0407

    Cheung Che Ming M 0418

    Chan Leung M 0420

    Wong Ping Hung M 0422

    Tsang Sai Nin M 0431

    Poon Kam Chung M 0432

    Tsang Ho Chong M 0433

    Lam Koon Tong M 0442

    Tsui Yu Hong M 0443

    Chiu Ling Kong M 0448

    Yip Kwan Wai M 0458

    Lam Yiu Kwong M 0459

    Wong Chung Choi M 0465

    Li King Chun M 0467

    Yan Ngai Leung M 0471

    Ho Kwok Ho M 0483

    Cheung Pak Lam M 0489

    Yiu Fuk Keung M 0493

    Leung Sui Tak M 0500

    Lai Chi Cheong M 0501

    Mak Ying Chee M 0506

    Chu Kwok Wai M 0511

    Ho Ka Kay M 0516

    Liao Ping Hong M 0524

    Li Koon Hung M 0533

    Tong Tak Ming M 0536

    Wong Chi Ho M 0539

    Wong Sun Kuen M 0563

    Kwok Kam Wing M 0565

    Wong Chow Wah M 0570

    Ip Wai Cheong M 0572

    Shing Tai Chung M 0573

    Hui Siu Wah M 0576

    Ng Sit Wing M 0584

    Lau Kam Yuen M 0587

    Kwan Wai Keung M 0591

    Chan U Kai M 0592

    Lee Ying Dai M 0601

    Chan Kang Kee M 0602

    Lee Ho Kui M 0603

    Tsang Heung Man M 0604

    Ho Chun Man M 0605

    Law Hon Cheung M 0608

    Mui Yan Shan M 0610

    Wong Chung Shun, Tony M 0612

    Mak Ping Kuen M 0614

    Yeung Hing Kau M 0628

    Wong Tze Loi, Clara M 0629

    Tse Lap Kwong M 0652

    Cheung Pak Ho M 0655

    Lo Wing Tat M 0657

    Wong Fung Lik M 0658

    Won Chi Sang M 0662

    Yam Chi Ho M 0663

    Kwok Chun Keung M 0666

    Cheung Kwai Fung M 0667

    Shum Wing Hoi M 0671

    Au Ming Yin M 0672

    Ng Wai Hung M 0673

    Siu Shu Sun M 0674

    Man Tin Hung M 0675

    Tse Wai Kwong M 0677

    Chan Ka Lun M 0680

    Chan Kin Wa M 0681

    Ng Sai Keung Jack M 0682

    Wong Hoi Yan M 0685

    Chan Yiu Ming M 0686

    Chan Wah Lok M 0687

    Liu Man Hing M 0 8

    Li Tak Hong M 0691

    Yeung Wai Hung Clement M 0692

    Hung Po Lung Ken M 0693

    Cheung Ho Yin M 0695

    Ho Chi Ming M 0696

    Lee Chi Ming M 0698

    Kwok Siu Wing, Arthur M 0700

    Cheung Wai Kit, Adrian M 0701

    Yuen Kai Man, Benjamin M 0702

    Cheung Yuk To M 0703

    Wong Siu Ho M 0704

    Yiu Shing Fung M 0705

    Kwok Wing Tat M 0706

    Wong Wai Ho, Philip M 0707

    Wong Wing Cheong M 0708

    Fok Tak Hung, Tony M 0709

    Chan Hing Kwong, Marco M 0711

    Ching Man On, Michael M 0712

    Chan Man Kwong M 0714

    Lee Siu Man M 0715

    Chau Sai Man M 0718

    Cheung Chi Yung M 0719

    Chan Koon Kau M 0720

    Lui Chung Man M 0721

    Leung Kai On, Steven M 0723

    Hui Kin Chung, Alex M 0724

    Yau Wang Kit M 0727

    Hui Lok Man M 0728

    Mak Chiu Ming M 0729

    Lau Wai Kei M 0731

    Lee Man Tai M 0732

    Chan Ka Tat M 0738

    Ho Yui Shun M 0742

    Tang Kin Ming M 0743

    Wong Tat Chi M 0744

    Lo Chi Ming M 0745

    Tong Wai Hang M 0746

    Chan Chun Yiu M 0747

    Leung Wing Kit M 0751

    Kwok Chit Chun M 0752

    Tsang Nau Joe M 0753

    Tam Siu Hung M 0754

    Wong Sai Yat M 0756

    Eric Kwok M 0758

    Lau Hok Fai M 0759

    Pang Shing Kin M 0760

    MemberName Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

    MemberName Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

    Fong Kwok Kee F 0012

    Siu Kam Yuen F 0024

    Hui Tim Leung F 0031

    Luk Chock Chiu F 0036

    Ng Hung Fat F 0043

    Liu Chow Wai F 0054

    Cheung Yung Chi F 0056

    Kung Wing Leung F 0059

    Law Kwok Choy F 0063

    Chan Tze Hin F 0077

    Chan Yuen Wing F 0094

    Au Man Sing F 0105

    Wong Yuk Keung F 0120

    Chan Kin Man F 0198

    Chang Chung To F 0568

    Lam Ping Fan F 0569

    FellowName Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

  • P27P26

    二 零 壹 三 至 二 零 壹 四 年 度 會 刊2 0 1 3 – 2 0 1 4 Y e a r B o o k

    26 27

    會 員 名 單 List of Members

    Lau Kwai Hing M 0002

    Li Shi Wah M 0003

    Yu Ming Kwong M 0005

    Ng Hung Choi M 0006

    Chan Hok Yin M 0007

    Yau Sui Leung M 0009

    Chung Chi Kong M 0010

    Li Chin Wah M 0018

    Poon Tat Kwong M 0028

    Li Tat Leung M 0030

    Yuen Wai Lam M 0033

    Lee Kwok Hing M 0034

    Cheng Wui Chuen M 0042

    Ha Siu Wah M 0051

    Mak Yiu Man M 0067

    Poon Kwok Leung M 0078

    Chik Kim Ming M 0088

    Chan Shu Yan M 0098

    Suen Hon Keung M 0103

    Tse Kam Wo M 0106

    Pang Hing Ting M 0107

    Wong Tak Wai M 0111

    Chan Chi Fai M 0116

    Chan Wing Yin, Lawrence M 0121

    Mak Moon Hung M 0124

    Wan Ching Wai M 0135

    Yu Ka Sing M 0137

    Lee Kin Kong M 0139

    Chan Leung M 0140

    Lee Keung M 0162

    Lee Oi Chun M 0184

    Leung Yu Sing M 0186

    Mok Peng Lam M 0225

    Ku Chun Lung M 0243

    Kwong Kwok Kit M 0261

    Chan Hon Lun M 0278

    Cheng Yiu Wing M 0291

    Lo Kam Tim M 0299

    Ng Kai Ning M 0316

    Wong Tat Sin M 0339

    Poon Yiu Wah M 0340

    Yiu Chi Fun M 0341

    Yau Wai Yim M 0344

    Tam Tit Chuen M 0345

    Kung Hung Kwong M 0348

    Lau Hon Wah M 0354

    Au Sun Yee M 0358

    Ko Kai Sum M 0362

    Sham Jing M 0367

    Kong Sum Choi M 0374

    Yau Wing Kin M 0376

    Chan Wah Kit M 0381

    Wong Po Wah M 0399

    Hui Pak Leung M 0401

    Chan Shu Kan M 0402

    Chan Tak Wah, Victory M 0405

    Lai Chi Pong M 0406

    Lam Tze Ming M 0407

    Cheung Che Ming M 0418

    Chan Leung M 0420

    Wong Ping Hung M 0422

    Tsang Sai Nin M 0431

    Poon Kam Chung M 0432

    Tsang Ho Chong M 0433

    Lam Koon Tong M 0442

    Tsui Yu Hong M 0443

    Chiu Ling Kong M 0448

    Yip Kwan Wai M 0458

    Lam Yiu Kwong M 0459

    Wong Chung Choi M 0465

    Li King Chun M 0467

    Yan Ngai Leung M 0471

    Ho Kwok Ho M 0483

    Cheung Pak Lam M 0489

    Yiu Fuk Keung M 0493

    Leung Sui Tak M 0500

    Lai Chi Cheong M 0501

    Mak Ying Chee M 0506

    Chu Kwok Wai M 0511

    Ho Ka Kay M 0516

    Liao Ping Hong M 0524

    Li Koon Hung M 0533

    Tong Tak Ming M 0536

    Wong Chi Ho M 0539

    Wong Sun Kuen M 0563

    Kwok Kam Wing M 0565

    Wong Chow Wah M 0570

    Ip Wai Cheong M 0572

    Shing Tai Chung M 0573

    Hui Siu Wah M 0576

    Ng Sit Wing M 0584

    Lau Kam Yuen M 0587

    Kwan Wai Keung M 0591

    Chan U Kai M 0592

    Lee Ying Dai M 0601

    Chan Kang Kee M 0602

    Lee Ho Kui M 0603

    Tsang Heung Man M 0604

    Ho Chun Man M 0605

    Law Hon Cheung M 0608

    Mui Yan Shan M 0610

    Wong Chung Shun, Tony M 0612

    Mak Ping Kuen M 0614

    Yeung Hing Kau M 0628

    Wong Tze Loi, Clara M 0629

    Tse Lap Kwong M 0652

    Cheung Pak Ho M 0655

    Lo Wing Tat M 0657

    Wong Fung Lik M 0658

    Won Chi Sang M 0662

    Yam Chi Ho M 0663

    Kwok Chun Keung M 0666

    Cheung Kwai Fung M 0667

    Shum Wing Hoi M 0671

    Au Ming Yin M 0672

    Ng Wai Hung M 0673

    Siu Shu Sun M 0674

    Man Tin Hung M 0675

    Tse Wai Kwong M 0677

    Chan Ka Lun M 0680

    Chan Kin Wa M 0681

    Ng Sai Keung Jack M 0682

    Wong Hoi Yan M 0685

    Chan Yiu Ming M 0686

    Chan Wah Lok M 0687

    Liu Man Hing M 0 8

    Li Tak Hong M 0691

    Yeung Wai Hung Clement M 0692

    Hung Po Lung Ken M 0693

    Cheung Ho Yin M 0695

    Ho Chi Ming M 0696

    Lee Chi Ming M 0698

    Kwok Siu Wing, Arthur M 0700

    Cheung Wai Kit, Adrian M 0701

    Yuen Kai Man, Benjamin M 0702

    Cheung Yuk To M 0703

    Wong Siu Ho M 0704

    Yiu Shing Fung M 0705

    Kwok Wing Tat M 0706

    Wong Wai Ho, Philip M 0707

    Wong Wing Cheong M 0708

    Fok Tak Hung, Tony M 0709

    Chan Hing Kwong, Marco M 0711

    Ching Man On, Michael M 0712

    Chan Man Kwong M 0714

    Lee Siu Man M 0715

    Chau Sai Man M 0718

    Cheung Chi Yung M 0719

    Chan Koon Kau M 0720

    Lui Chung Man M 0721

    Leung Kai On, Steven M 0723

    Hui Kin Chung, Alex M 0724

    Yau Wang Kit M 0727

    Hui Lok Man M 0728

    Mak Chiu Ming M 0729

    Lau Wai Kei M 0731

    Lee Man Tai M 0732

    Chan Ka Tat M 0738

    Ho Yui Shun M 0742

    Tang Kin Ming M 0743

    Wong Tat Chi M 0744

    Lo Chi Ming M 0745

    Tong Wai Hang M 0746

    Chan Chun Yiu M 0747

    Leung Wing Kit M 0751

    Kwok Chit Chun M 0752

    Tsang Nau Joe M 0753

    Tam Siu Hung M 0754

    Wong Sai Yat M 0756

    Eric Kwok M 0758

    Lau Hok Fai M 0759

    Pang Shing Kin M 0760

    MemberName Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

    MemberName Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

    Fong Kwok Kee F 0012

    Siu Kam Yuen F 0024

    Hui Tim Leung F 0031

    Luk Chock Chiu F 0036

    Ng Hung Fat F 0043

    Liu Chow Wai F 0054

    Cheung Yung Chi F 0056

    Kung Wing Leung F 0059

    Law Kwok Choy F 0063

    Chan Tze Hin F 0077

    Chan Yuen Wing F 0094

    Au Man Sing F 0105

    Wong Yuk Keung F 0120

    Chan Kin Man F 0198

    Chang Chung To F 0568

    Lam Ping Fan F 0569

    FellowName Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

  • P29P28


    會 員 名 單 List of Members

    LicentiateName Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.Lau Wing Fat L 0020

    Lo Cheok Kuan L 0112

    Hui Yiu Ming L 0148

    Tai Chun Ting L 0154

    Lau Chun Hoi L 0161

    Cheung Tze Yee L 0212

    Chan Sin Lok L 0215

    Chung Hon Kwong L 0244

    Pang Chun Ho L 0375

    Yip Siu Ming L 0417

    Chung Kei Yin L 0462

    Pang Yat Leung L 0463

    Tsim Chai Nam L 0469

    Chan Chi Keung L 0504

    Tung Wai Hung L 0535

    Tang Yiu Wai L 0538

    Lo Hon Wai L 0544

    Chan Kam To L 0546

    Mak Yu Lau L 0583

    Cheung Ting Yu L 0586

    Ngan Hung Wing L 0597

    Ngan Chun Yin L 0616

    Hung Chi Ming L 0623

    Cheng Kin Man L 0626

    Yan Moon Kuen L 0656

    Cheung Chun Yu L 0678

    Lui Chun Chung L 0679

    Wong Hap Yin L 0725

    Yiu Wing Wai L 0730

    Yeung Kai Leung L 0733

    Ng Ka Fai L 0734

    Yun Chi Wai L 0735

    Kong Yat Wing, Edward L 0736

    Li Yuk Shing, Ray L 0740

    Kung Hiu Leung Daniel L 0748

    Li Cheuk Yin L 0757

    Lau Kwong Man L 0763

    Ng Chun Man Frankie L 0764

    Ung Tok Thay Po L 0766

    Szeto Wan Yuen, Jackey M 0762

    Tsang Siu Wai M 0765

    Lo Wai Leung M 0767

    Wong Lai Yee M 0768

    Chan Kai Ming, Eamond M 0769

    Yeung Chi Shing M 0770

    Chan King Man, Nelson M 0771

    Li Wai Shing M 0772

    Yim Kin Lun M 0773

    Choi Chun Ming, Norras M 0774

    Wong Yin Man M 0776

    Leung Kin Pan M 0777

    Chiu Chi Lick M 0778

    Tang Kim Keung M 0783

    Tam Man Wai M 0784

    Tang Chi Man M 0788

    Lee Wai Kit M 0789

    New Members 2014Name Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

    New Licentiate 2014Name Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

    Wong Kai Lun P 0739 Ho Yu On P 0741

    ProbationerName Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

    Cheung Shu Fai L 0779

    Lam Wai Cheong, Fralion L 0780

    Ng Siu Nin L 0781

    Law Chi Kit L 0785

    Record at 30 Nov. 2014

  • P29P28


    會 員 名 單 List of Members

    LicentiateName Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.Lau Wing Fat L 0020

    Lo Cheok Kuan L 0112

    Hui Yiu Ming L 0148

    Tai Chun Ting L 0154

    Lau Chun Hoi L 0161

    Cheung Tze Yee L 0212

    Chan Sin Lok L 0215

    Chung Hon Kwong L 0244

    Pang Chun Ho L 0375

    Yip Siu Ming L 0417

    Chung Kei Yin L 0462

    Pang Yat Leung L 0463

    Tsim Chai Nam L 0469

    Chan Chi Keung L 0504

    Tung Wai Hung L 0535

    Tang Yiu Wai L 0538

    Lo Hon Wai L 0544

    Chan Kam To L 0546

    Mak Yu Lau L 0583

    Cheung Ting Yu L 0586

    Ngan Hung Wing L 0597

    Ngan Chun Yin L 0616

    Hung Chi Ming L 0623

    Cheng Kin Man L 0626

    Yan Moon Kuen L 0656

    Cheung Chun Yu L 0678

    Lui Chun Chung L 0679

    Wong Hap Yin L 0725

    Yiu Wing Wai L 0730

    Yeung Kai Leung L 0733

    Ng Ka Fai L 0734

    Yun Chi Wai L 0735

    Kong Yat Wing, Edward L 0736

    Li Yuk Shing, Ray L 0740

    Kung Hiu Leung Daniel L 0748

    Li Cheuk Yin L 0757

    Lau Kwong Man L 0763

    Ng Chun Man Frankie L 0764

    Ung Tok Thay Po L 0766

    Szeto Wan Yuen, Jackey M 0762

    Tsang Siu Wai M 0765

    Lo Wai Leung M 0767

    Wong Lai Yee M 0768

    Chan Kai Ming, Eamond M 0769

    Yeung Chi Shing M 0770

    Chan King Man, Nelson M 0771

    Li Wai Shing M 0772

    Yim Kin Lun M 0773

    Choi Chun Ming, Norras M 0774

    Wong Yin Man M 0776

    Leung Kin Pan M 0777

    Chiu Chi Lick M 0778

    Tang Kim Keung M 0783

    Tam Man Wai M 0784

    Tang Chi Man M 0788

    Lee Wai Kit M 0789

    New Members 2014Name Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

    New Licentiate 2014Name Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

    Wong Kai Lun P 0739 Ho Yu On P 0741

    ProbationerName Grade HKICW No. Name Grade HKICW No.

    Cheung Shu Fai L 0779

    Lam Wai Cheong, Fralion L 0780

    Ng Siu Nin L 0781

    Law Chi Kit L 0785

    Record at 30 Nov. 2014

  • P31P30


    Rm 1102, 11/F, Hopeful Factory Centre, 10-16 Wo Shing Street, Fotan, N.T.

    GLOBAL Tests Limited Tel : (852) 3179 4600 Fax : (852) 3179 4601

    E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: www.gtl.hk

    本公司已獲香港認可處所(HOKLAS)認可為「香港實驗所認可計劃」的認可實驗所,並取得認可證書(HOKLAS 201),並為屋宇署小型工程註冊承建商,編號 MWC 584/2011

    • 我們致力向屋宇維修參與者,包括業主立案法團、屋宇維修顧問、承建商等人仕提供科學性勘察服務。我們使用科學性儀器以圖像化表達測試結果,目的是協助參與者更容易評估建築物及其系統狀況。

    • 以誠懇和專業的態度,為顧客提供滿意的服務, 達至品達至品質保證,服務至上的宗旨。

    • 本公司的宗旨是利用高科技以獨立忠誠 的態度提供可靠有效的測試及分析服務。

    • 本公司提供的服務 主要有以下多項:

    強制驗窗計劃 強制驗窗計劃 紅外線勘察 機電檢測 結構勘察 拉力測試 地渠拍照 防水工程

  • P31P30


    Rm 1102, 11/F, Hopeful Factory Centre, 10-16 Wo Shing Street, Fotan, N.T.

    GLOBAL Tests Limited Tel : (852) 3179 4600 Fax : (852) 3179 4601

    E-mail: [email protected] Web-site: www.gtl.hk

    本公司已獲香港認可處所(HOKLAS)認可為「香港實驗所認可計劃」的認可實驗所,並取得認可證書(HOKLAS 201),並為屋宇署小型工程註冊承建商,編號 MWC 584/2011

    • 我們致力向屋宇維修參與者,包括業主立案法團、屋宇維修顧問、承建商等人仕提供科學性勘察服務。我們使用科學性儀器以圖像化表達測試結果,目的是協助參與者更容易評估建築物及其系統狀況。

    • 以誠懇和專業的態度,為顧客提供滿意的服務, 達至品達至品質保證,服務至上的宗旨。

    • 本公司的宗旨是利用高科技以獨立忠誠 的態度提供可靠有效的測試及分析服務。

    • 本公司提供的服務 主要有以下多項:

    強制驗窗計劃 強制驗窗計劃 紅外線勘察 機電檢測 結構勘察 拉力測試 地渠拍照 防水工程










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    Fo u n d e d i n 1 9 9 5

    創 會 十 九 周 年1 9 th A n n i v e r s a r y

    優 質 建 築 Quality Building