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The Mac The name Mac is the marketed name for a PC line called The Macintosh. Steve Jobs introduced the first Macintosh on the 24th January 1984 and it quickly became the first commercially successful PC. The current Mac’s use an Intel x86-84 processor and all standard Mac models are fitted with at lead 2GB of random access memory (RAM). The Mac Mini, which is the entry level Macintosh, is fitted with 2.5Ghz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor with 3MB L3 cache. The storage option of the Mac Mini is 500GB of hard drive and 4GB of 1600Mhz memory. The graphics card that the Mac Mini has is an Intel HD graphic 4000 and it is also fitted with Thunderbolt digital video output. The audio options that the Mac Mini comes with is an Audio line in minijack, line out/headphone, HDMI port (multichannel audio output) and a built-in speaker.

Speakers When turning your equipment on in the studio, you should always turn the Mac and MIDI keyboard on first. Then after everything is on you should then turn the speakers on. This is because a ‘pop’ sound is created when the speakers are on and then you decide to turn on the Mac on. This ‘pop’ sound can be very damaging to the speakers and it may result in the speakers blowing. You should also turn the speakers off before you turn the Mac and MIDI keyboard off. Also when you are going to record with a microphone, you should always turn the speakers off before you press record. This is because you will end up getting a feedback sound from the speakers that can damage your hearing and the speakers themselves. You get the feedback sound because there is an infinite loop of sound from the microphone going through the speakers and back through the microphone. This creates a really high pitched sound.

What does MIDI mean?

MIDI is the shortened name given to a Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A MIDI is a device that enables digital music instruments, PC’s and other musical devices to connect with one another. A MIDI instrument gets note events and it allows you to control those events by buttons and knobs. It then changes those signals into digital messages and sends those messages to a PC or other device so you can control the sound and other parts of the signal message.

MIDI keyboards A MIDI keyboard is a piano-styled interface keyboard that is used for sending Musical Instrument Digital Interface commands over MIDI cable or USB to a PC or other device. The average MIDI keyboard will usually send the commands to DAW software, (Digital Audio Workstation software) where the commands are processed. The normal MIDI keyboard usually doesn’t produce any type of sounds, but instead the information from the keyboard is sent to an electronic module that produces a varied list of digital samples or sounds that mimic the normal analog musical instruments.

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The main parts of most MIDI keyboards are a transpose button that sets which octave you would like to play in, a pitch bend and modulation wheel, the keyboard notes itself and a volume adjustment knob/button. Other MIDI keyboards also have assignable buttons/knobs and output and input knobs that adjust the amount of output or input signal is received or distributed.

Cables There are many types of cables that are used in the studio and for Logic. One of these cables that can be used is the XLR cable. The XLR is a circular cable that has between 2-9 pins and they are usually used for balanced audio signals. The XLR able usually comes with two ends, the female end and the male end. For the most common style of XLR (the three pin cable) the female end is used to connect the 1st pin before the other pins make contact with the receiving device. The female XLR end is the end with the three holes in and the male XLR end is the end with tree pins. The 1st pin is the earth pin; the 2nd pin is the positive polar for balanced audio and the 3rd pin is the negative polar for balanced circuits. Another type of able commonly used in the studio is the 1/4” jack cable. You can either get balanced or unbalanced 1/4” jack cables and they way you can tell which one it is, is that the balanced cables have two rings around the top of the jack and unbalanced have just one ring. The XLR cables are mainly used in the studio for microphones and for some speakers. The 1/4” jack is mainly used for speaker cables, a cable to connect your musical instrument to your MIDI device and sometimes a cable to connect your MIDI device to your PC or receiving device. The main cable that is used to connect the MIDI device to the PC is a USB 2.0 cable. USB is short for Universal Serial Bus and it transfers the data from the MIDI device to the receiving device.

The Dock

This is the Apple Mac dock. The dock is the bar at the bottom of the Mac desktop and it is there so you can get easy access to your applications. It also shows what applications are currently running and which applications are minimized. When you insert a USB into the Mac, to eject the USB you drag it to the trash icon in the dock (usually on the right hand side). You can customise the dock by going to system applications and then to the dock where you can change the size of the icons and what icons to put on there.

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How to open Logic

Opening logic is a simple process and it starts off by clicking on the Logic icon on the dock or if it isn’t there then you can search for it in the search box at the top right of the screen. Then after you have opened it you go to the top of your screen and click File – New.

Then Logic will bring you up a screen that says ‘New…’ There you click Explore – Empty Project. After you have selected Empty Project, you then have to select which track type you would like. For Microphones you would select Audio, for MIDI keyboard you would select software instrument and for external instruments such as guitars you would select External MIDI. After that is made you are ready to start recording.

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How to save a logic file When saving a Logic file you will firstly need to go to ‘File’ and then ‘Save A Copy As’. If you want to save your Logic file with all it’s sounds for all the channels then you will need to select the ‘save a copy as’ button because if you just click the ‘Save’ or ‘Save As’ button then it will only save the MIDI events or region templates rather than the actual data sounds. Once you have the export window open, you can rename the file that you are going to save and customize the instruments and sample that you want to export with your track.

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A MIDI studio set up

The MIDI studio set up that I have been using to make my remake is like the diagram above. It includes a Line 6 MIDI keyboard interface, a Apple mini mac, two Fostex active speakers, Apple keyboard and mouse and a computer screen. The two blue lines on the diagram represent the two speaker cables that go from the MIDI keyboard to the speakers. These two cables are ¼ inch jack cables. The three red lines on the diagram represent the three USB cables that go from the MIDI keyboard to the mini mac, from the keyboard to the mini mac and from the mouse to the mini mac. These USB cables are 2.0 cables. The green line on the diagram represents the display screen cable that goes from the display screen to an adaptor which then goes in via USB 2.0 into the mini mac.

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Arrange Page

The arrange page is where you can cut, paste, delete and edit all of your recordings. On the arrange page, when recording you will see a region start to form and that region is your recording. The arrange page is where you will be able to see what you have recorded and then you can re-arrange those recordings into the pattern that you need.

MIDI Events

A MIDI event is shown on Logic as a small black line on a region or as a long multicoloured line on the piano roll. A MIDI event is the note that has been played on a MIDI keyboard or that has been drawn in using the pencil tool. When you click on a MIDI region it will bring up the piano roll with your MIDI events on it. Here you can use the tools to copy, paste, delete or change the velocity of a MIDI event.

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Selecting different instruments On logics there are many different sounds that you can select for your MIDI keyboard and they are all found on the selected tracks media library. To select an instrument for your track you firstly select the track. You then click on media – library. On the screen you we then see different folder where you can select what instrument you would like for your MIDI keyboard.

Toolbox and Tools

On Logic there are many tools that you can use to edit your recordings. One of the ways that you can get to these tools in the toolbox drop down lists is to press the ESC button on the top left hand corner of your keyboard. This will then bring down the tools from your mouse pointer. Another way is by going to the top right hand corner by the Media button and click the first pointer button. This will bring down the same tools list. If you are using two different tools a lot in your editing you can click the second mouse pointer and choose the second tool that you use a lot. When you hold the command button down the mouse pointer will then change from the first tool to the second tool you chose.

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Transport bar

The transport bar is located at the bottom of your Logic screen. The transport bar has the following main function buttons and displays:

• Volume adjustment slider. • Metronome. • CPU display. • Input and Output display. • Time signature. • Tempo display. • Display on where the play head is. • Play and pause buttons.

How to record instruments

On Logic there are a couple of ways to create a new track. The first way is to click the + button near the top left of the screen. This will then bring up the new tracks window and you can then select which track you would like. The second way is to click the track button near the top left of the screen and then select ‘New….’. This will then bring down the same new tracks window.

There are three different options you can select when creating a new track and these are Audio, Software Instrument and External MIDI track.

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When you want to record an instrument on a track, you have to press the R button. When you press the record button it will turn red and then you will be able to hear your MIDI keyboard sound or your other instrument. If you want to record another part of a song but you want to keep the same sounds that you have had on a previous track you can click the duplicate track button. First you will need to select the track that you want to duplicate and then you can either click the track button near the top left of the screen and then select the New with duplicate setting button or you can select the duplicate button near the top left of the screen next to the new track button.

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Audio Frequency and Our Spectrum Audio frequency is the range of signals that are audible to the human ear and the brain. The average human range is in the region of 20 hertz and 20,000 hertz. One hertz is one complete waveform:

The audio frequency is measured on a spectrum and the spectrum goes from a low A to a high C for musical instruments. An oscillator can produce much higher or lower frequencies but they can be very damaging to human ears.

Generally frequencies below 20 Hz are felt rather than heard if the amplitude of the vibration is high enough. Also generally if you are a very young person frequencies above 20,000 Hz may be heard but those high frequencies are known to cause hearing loss.

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Compression and Rarefaction

When compression and rarefaction occurs , the air particles are pushed together (compression) and then the air particles are given space to expand (rarefaction). This compression and expansion of air particles causes a wave effect and this wave effect is what lets the sound travel from the source to the receptor. The compression and rarefaction process is shown by sound waves such as the one above. The compression is shown by a peak in the wave and the rarefaction is shown by a drop in the wave. With higher frequencies the compression and rarefaction process will happen a lot faster however with the lower frequencies the process will happen a lot slower.

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The Speed of Sound

The speed of sound is the name given for the distance that is travelled by a sound wave though something during a specific period of time. There are two main types of sound waves and these are compression-type (lognitudinal waves) and tranverse waves. The longitudinal wave is the only type of wave that can travel through liquids and gases. The wave works similarly to the compression and rarefaction of sound waves. The air particles are compressed together and then space out causing a wave effect that mimics the compression and rarefaction process. The tranverse wave is diferent and it only travels through solids. The wave is a moving wave that moves in the direction of the energy transfer. From the diagram above you will see that the speed of sound increases when the frequency increases. This is because the compression and rarefaction process increases in both, the speed of sound and the frequency, at nearly the same rate and therefore they both increase.

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Envelope is a name given to the attack, decay, sustain and release (ADSR) of a sound. An example of this is when a snare drum on a drum kit is hit, there is a noticable ADSR pattern in the waveform of that drum. The attack part of the waveform is the transition between the sound before the waveform and the beginning of the waveform itself. The decay part of the waveform is what happens after the initial hit/attack because the sound then decays to a sustained level which is a steady sound before it releases and dies out (the release time).

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Complex Waveforms

A complex waveform are made up of two or more different sound waves. You can find these complex waveforms when recording multiple voices, two or more instruments or drum kits. Above you can see the Gary Numan are friend’s electric track in Logic on the sample editor. You can see that it is shown as a stereo complex waveform. This is because there are multiple voices and instruments that have been recorded in that track and therefore all of the waveforms have been put together which has created a complex waveform. On Logic the complex waveforms are shown as this.

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A Harmonic is a wave that vibrates in sucha away that it looks like a waveform. A vibrating string is a useful example of harmonics. The first harmonic vibrates the string from the beginning and the end of the string as shown in the diagram. To get the next harmonic, it is doubled to produce four points of vibration and two waveforms. The higher you go in the harmonics scale, the harmonics keep doubling and producing twice the amount of waveforms and points of vibration that they did in the previous waveform. As seen in the second diagram, if the first harmonic is 200 hertz, the second harmonic would be 400 hertz as it doubles everytime. These harmonics can then be formed to make a composite waveform as shown in the second diagram. A composite waveform is simply a waveform that has been put together by other waveforms.

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Sound waves explained

A sound wave is a type of wave caused by the vibration of something through air, solids or liquids. When an object, such as a drum is hit, the suface of it vibrates and it sends a series of waves through the air, liquid or solid to a receptor such as a human and the brain interpretes the waves as a sound. The human will be able to hear between 20 hertz and 20,000 hertz which means that sounds below or above that range cannot be heard by may be felt just as vibrations. As explaied in the ‘speed of sound’ section, there are two main types of sound waves and they are longitudinal and transverse. The longitudinal waves use compression and rarefaction to form the soundwave. In the diagram above it shows the compression and rarefaction process which is what happens in a longitudinal wave. The transverse wave on the other hand moves in a wave-like pattern away from the point of origin. It mimics the actions of dropping a rock into the water and the outward ripple effect that happens in result of that. There are a few ways to describe a sound wave and one of those is the frequency of a sound wave. This is the number of complete cycles within a set time and this is shown as hertz (Hz) . The higher the number of cycles the higher pitch the sound will be. Another way to describe a sound wave is by the wavelength. The wavelength of a soundwave is the distance it takes for a complete cycle to be completed. A complete cycle is from one point of a sound wave to the exact same point but on the next wave. The shorter the wavelength this higher pitched the sound will be because it travels faster and therefore the longer the wavelength the lower pitched it will be because the sound travels slower.

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Different ways to input MIDI data On Logic there are two different ways to input MIDI data. One of these is to use the pencil tool in the tool box drop down list. There are several ways to get the tool list and they are explained in the Toolbox and tools section. Once you get the pencil tool selected you can then go on the piano roll for that MIDI region and then simply draw in the MIDI event that you would like.

The other way of inputting MIDI data is to play it on the MIDI keyboard. Once you have selected a track and you have recorded MIDI events, you will then be able to edit the events in the piano roll or edit the region in arrange page.

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How to copy, paste and erase events To copy a event you will first need to select the event that you want to copy on piano roll. Then you should right click the mouse and select ‘Copy’. After you have copied the event, you will then need to right click and select ‘Paste at original position’. This will then paste that event over the top of the original event. Now u need to drag the copied event to the place where you want it to be placed. Another way of copying and pasting an event is by draging the event that you want to copy to the place that you want it and hold ‘alt’ down on the keyboard before you let go of the mouse. To erase an event you need to first select the event that you want to erase on the piano roll. Then you press the backspace button on the keyboard. This will then delete/erase the event. If you have accidently erased an event, you need to press the command button ‘cmd’ and the ‘Z’ button on your keyboard and it will undo the erasing of the event.

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Zooming in and out On Logic you can zoom in and out on your regions on the arrange page by using the sliders at the bottom right of the arrange page.

The bottom slider will make the regions on the arrange page more elongated if you slide it to the right. This can help with editing as it helps you see individual events or parts of the wave form if it is an audio track. However if you slide the slider to the left it will make the regions on the arrange page become more compressed. This can help with seeing how many regions you have recorded by fitting it all into one screen shot.

The second slider on the right-hand side above the bottom one will make the regions and the channels become larger if you slide it down. This can also help with editing as it helps you see the indivdual MIDI events or the waveforms.

However if you slide the slider upwards then it will make the regions become thinner/smaller. This can help if you need to see how many tracks/channels you have on your arrange page and therefore by making them smaller or thinner you will be able fit them all on the screen at once.

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Using loop when recording

When you want to record a particular part of a song then a helpful tool is to loop it so you can record that part without having the rest of the song after or before.

To loop a particular part of a song then all you need to do is click on the ruler at the top and drag from the left locator (left green arrowhead) from the beginging of the part you want to loop, to the end of where you want to loop. You will then have two green locators and a green rectangular box. This means that it is now looped and to turn the loop off, all you need to do is click on the green box and it will then turn transparent.

How to set tempo The tempo of your song can be found on the transport bar. To change the tempo on the transport bar you need to click on the ‘93’ and then either drag it up to make the tempo faster or drag it down to slow the tempo down.

Another way to change the tempo is on the tempo listing that is found under ‘Lists’ next to ‘Media’. Here you can see the tempo of the whole song or you can change the tempo for different parts of the song and they will all be listed here.

To set a different tempo for a particular part of a song you need to click ‘create’. This will then set a new tempo from where your playhead is.

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How to add effects

To add effects to a channel/track you will need to look at the inspector bar on the left-hand side of your screen. Here you have the channel strip for your selected channel and the channel strip for the output master. If you wanted to add an effect to a channel you will need to click on one of the insterts on the left-channel. Here you will then be able to select which effect you would like on that channel.

In the example, tape delay was added to a MIDI channel. After the effect has been chosen you will then get up a window for that effect. Here you can customize the effect.

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How to mix

There are a couple of ways to mix on Logic. One of these ways is with the on-screen mixer. This is located at the bottom of the page on the editor buttons. Here you are able to get the right mix for your track using the individual channel mixers and the overall master and output mixer.

You are also able to mix on the inspector channel mixer. Here you can change the level of the channel and the output. You can also add effects, pan and EQ both the selected channel mixer and then output mixer. When playing your track, if you have a red box at the top of one of the channels then that means that it is too loud on that channel and this can cause distortion on the overall mix. If this is the case then you should drag the volume slider down til the red box goes at the top of the channel.

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How to find the sounds There are a few ways to find the sounds on Logic. If you are wanting to find a sound for your MIDI keyboard then click on Media and then on Library. Here you will find a number of sounds for your MIDI keyboard.

Once you have chosen your sound for your MIDI keyboard you can affect that sound on the inspector mixer. Here you can add extra effects to that channel and to the output mixer. You can also EQ both the channel mixer and the output mixer.

If you wanted to use loops in your track then you can go to Mixer and then select the Loops tab. Here there are a number of loops that involve different instruments such as drums, vocals, cinematic effects and guitars in different genres like jazz, acoustic and rock. All you need to do is select the loop you want and double click it and it will appear in the arrange page.

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Muting and Soloing

Muting a channel is very useful when recording and editing as it will allow you to hear the mix without that certain channel in it. To mute a channel you can click on the ‘M’ button on the channel name. Once you click it, it will appear blue and this means that the channel is now muted.

Another way to mute a region is to click on the region that you want to mute or highlight the regions you want to mute and then press the ‘M’ key on your keyboard. This will then turn those selected regions grey and this means that they are now muted. To un-mute them you just press the ‘M’ key again and they will turn back to the original colour again.

Soloing a channel is also another useful tool when recording and editing as it will allow you to hear just that channel (or others if you ave them on solo aswell). To solo a channel you need to click on the ‘S’ button next to the mute button on the channel name. Once you click it, it will appear yellow and this means that the channel is now on solo.

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Quantizing and Automation Quantizing MIDI events is a important tool that will keep all your MIDI events sounding in-time with each other. Before you quantize you will see that your MIDI events are not exactly on the line of the ruler. When you quantize you will firstly need to highlight all of the MIDI events in that piano roll.

After you have highlighted all of the events, you will then need to click on the button that will say ‘off 3840’ and this will bring down the drop down list that gives you different options to quantize the events to. Usually you would select 1/16 so that every event is quantized to the closest point on the ruler.

You will then need to click the ‘Q’ button next to the button list that will now say ‘1/16 – Note’. This will now quantize all the selected events to 1/16.

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Techniques on finding the right note After recording a sequence of MIDI events and you find that one of those events doesn’t sound right in the sequence and you want to find which note will sound right for it then there are a number of ways that you can do it.

One way of finding the right note is by clicking on the note that doesn’t sound right. Then if you loop that section of the track you will then be able to keep trying to find the right note. One method is by playing it on the MIDI keyboard that you have just played the region on or you can drag that event up and down while the section is still on loop until you find the right note that that event should be on.

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Using panning

Panning is used on analog and digital mixers whether it be on a console or on a on-screen mixer. When you pan a channel or sound you are choosing which speaker or speakers it will be coming out of. To pan on logic, you use the circular dial on the selected channel if you want to pan that or on the Output channel if you want to pan that.

If you want the channel sound to go out of the left speaker then you will drag the dial round to the left until you find the percentage of the sound that you want to be sent to that speaker. If you want the channel sound to go to the right speaker then you will need to drag the dial round to the right until you find the percentage of the sound that you want to be send to that speaker.

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Using buses Using buses is a useful tool in analogy mixing and digital mixing whether it be on a console mixer or a on-screen mixer. Busing is where the selected channel is sent to a special AUX channel that is created when a new bus is created before going to the output/master channel. The bus creates a reverb sound on the channel that has been sent there. You can also add different effects on that bus if you wish to do so. To send a channel on a bus you will first need to go onto the inspector mixer and click on one of the insert buttons above the I/O button. Now you can click on ‘Bus’ and select which bus you would like to send that channel on. There will be a dial next to the ‘Bus 1’ button and now you can drag the dial round until you get to the amount of that channel that you want to send to ‘Bus 1’.

If you now select the channel mixer that will now say ‘Aux 1’ and you click on the ‘insert’ button you can select which effect you would like to put on that bus. As putting a channel on a bus will add reverb, I selected reverb as a effect.

You will now be able to control how much reverb there will be on that bus channel with the on-screen reverb mixer.

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Bouncing Bouncing is when you turn your finished track into a stereo compressed file. To bounce a track on Logic you first need to go to ‘File’ at the top of your screen and select ‘Bounce…’

When you have the bouncing screen open you should first rename your file.

After you have renamed your file, you can then choose where you want your file to be bounced.

When you have chose where you want to save the bounced file, you then need to select which format you would like the file to be bounced in.

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When you are bouncing a track you need to select a start and end time. This will let Logic know when you want the bouncing to start on the track and when you want the track to stop being bounced. You can find the timings by loopking at the transport bar with the top numbers being where the playhead is in the track.

After you have selected the start and end timings then you can click the ‘Bounce’ button at the bottom of that window. This screen will then show which will show you how far the bouncing process is.

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The Ear and it’s functions The ear has many functions and along with the brain, it is the main part of the body that helps us hear sounds. The ear has three parts and they are the Pinna, the Auditory canal and the Tympanum. The pinna is the cartilage and it’s function is to direct the sound waves into the auditory canal. The Auditory canal is a narrow canal that is lined with small hairs and wax and it collect and concentrates the sound waves that have been sent in there by the pinna. The Tympanum (or the eardrum) is the part of the ear that separates the outer ear from the middle of the ear. The sound waves hit the eardrum and that produces short sharp vibrations and then they are transferred to the inner ear. The middle of the ear consists of the tympanic cavity, ossicles and the eustachian tube. The tympanic cavity is the air-filled space in the eardrum and it is separated from the inner ear by two membranes that are called the round window and the oval window. The ossicles are the small bones in the typmanic cavity and they are joined to each other but can move. The eustachian tube is the small canal that connects the cavity to the throat and it maintains the air pressure in the cavity. The inner ear consits of the vestibule, cochlea and the semicircular canals. There are three semicircular canals that are all next to each other and each bit of canal begins with a enlarged part which is called the ampulla and this is very sensitve. The vestibule is a canal nerve that lead to another cavity further in the ear. The cochlea is a spiral cavity in the ear that produces nerve vibrations when it recieves the sound vibrations from the eardrum.

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Dangers and the preventions of loud noises Loud noises can be very dangerous for your ears and if you are in a very loud enviroment such as a music band member, then you can lose your hearing which is a permanent disability. For a sound to be classed as a loud or dangerous sound, it has to be over 85 decibels SPL (sound pressure level). If you are prolonged to this sort of level of noise then you can end up with Noise-Induced Hearing Loss or NIHL. There are a number of ways to prevent loud noises and some of them are: To turn your music down if you are listening to a music device at a high level.

If you are someone at a event where there will be loud noises then you should wear ear protection such as foam ear plugs. These will muffle the loud noise to a level where it isn’t dangerous for your ears.

If you are a drummer in a band it would be a good idea to wear ear protection such as over-ear drummer headphones. These will protect your ears by muffling the loud noises and allow you to still hear the instruments but not at a harmful level.

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Hearing stereo with two ears

There are two types of sound and they are mono and stereo sound. Mono is just one sound wave and it is sent to the speakers as just one signal. However stereo sound is two separate signals sent to the left and right speaker and it is made from two sound waves. In the studio you would usually pan some channels to the left speaker, some to the right speaker and some to the centre so they play out of both speakers. The proper way for your studio to be set up is the triangle. This is so that the speakers are at 60 degrees to your head. This is so that you get equal amounts of the stereo sound that is getting sent from both speakers.


Psychoacoustics is name given to the study of the way sound is percieved and it is the study of the way humans respond to sound like vocals and music. With psychoacoustics you are able to do auditory masking. This is where sound can be masked by other sounds. An exampe of this is if you are walking down a street and you are in a conversation with someone and then there is a lound police siren noise near you, then that conversation will be nearly impossible to hear as your brain and ears will take the masked sound (the siren) as the primary sound and the weaker sound (the conversation) will become masked and inaudible. In music, you can apply psycoacoustics in many situations. An example is if you are a musician and you want to mask an unwanted frequency such as a high frequency in a female voice then you can mask that frequency. This will then enhance the other frequencies.

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Evaluation of the rework process

The rework of Gary Numan’s 80’s hit song Are friend’s electric was a challenging task to complete. This was because there were instruments used in the original track that were very hard to get right on the Logic MIDI keyboard sounds. Another reason why the rework was challenging was because we had to work all of the piano parts and synthesiser parts just using the MIDI keyboard and our ears. This was quite difficult as some of the synthesiser parts were not very loud and therefore it was quite hard to work them out. If I was to do this project again then one of the things I would do different would be to have the piano and synthesiser parts worked out before I started the project. If I had worked the parts out before I started the project, it would have saved me time during the project.


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