ebook - 26 winning principles of business networking, by lirone glikman


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This eBook written by Lirone Glikman, a Business Networking coach, author and speaker, covers 26 key winning principles to forming flourishing business relationships. It was written especially for business people, entrepreneurs and any driven person who wants to succeed! Each and every one of us has the power to form a better life and a better business through smart management of our relationships, which leads to goal achievements, a better quality of life, success and fulfillment.


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All Rights Reserved© Networking As A Way Of Life by Lirone Glikman 2013

“Each person

is an ocean of

special life




wealth of

knowledge and


Dear Extraordinary Networker,

I’m Lirone Glikman, a networking coach, author, and speaker. I’m the founder of Lirone

Glikman – Networking as a Way of Life, a business networking website, with weekly

useful articles, written by me. I write about extraordinary and effective business and life

networking, relationships creation, network maintenance, spirituality, love of people and

many useful insights and practical tips and techniques that improve our journey to a

fulfilled life!

My personal life and career journey have taught me the

importance of joining forces with people in our lives, and the

networking skills and social skills to use in order for us all to

grow, succeed, and achieve our goals, while mutually benefiting

those surrounding us.

Drawing on my own life experience, research and studies,

I would like to show YOU how to take control of your life and

create the reality you deserve and desire through relationships.

It’s time to push away any fears or negative thoughts in order for

you to reach the goals you wish to achieve in your life

and business by forming good, strong relationships and

Networking Your Way To Success!

Every day invites new adventures and new people into our lives. Every person we meet is

a unique entity, carrying his or her own special composition. Each person is an ocean of

special life experiences, wisdoms, connections, wealth of knowledge, and opportunities.

Many people MISS OUT on so many opportunities to grow, succeed, and achieve their

goals while helping others, too. It happens mostly because they don’t manage their

relationships right.

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The following 26 principles are key to forming flourishing


Each and every one of us has the power to form a better life and business through smart

management of our relationships, which leads to goal achievements, a better quality of

life, success, and fulfillment.

Go ahead and read the guiding networking

fundamentals I’ve outlined below, and apply them to

your everyday life. Let them inspire you, and feel how

they can benefit your life. Print out these

fundamentals and hang them in a visible place.

This is of course an overview of networking principles

which I’m happy to share with you. To learn the

practices and skills in depth you can visit my site- LironeGlikman.com.

Remember, you can design your life and get the business and

life you want - It’s in your power to do so!

It is my absolute pleasure to be your guide, coach, and friend in your journey to creating

the life you wish to have!

To Your Networking Success!

Lirone Glikman

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Principle 1

Control over your life’s success

You own the power to design your life story and shape it the way you want it to be!

Using relationship networking in a smart and strategic way can definitely help you

achieve the life you want. There is no better time than NOW to take action and take

control of your own destiny and succeed in your own way and style!

Principle 2

Set clear goals

Knowing exactly what you want to achieve in life and business is your guiding light for

success. Setting clear long-term and short-term goals (i.e. setting goals for each

networking event) will direct your networking activity to connecting with the right people

who will be able to help you fulfill them. Being focused will also help you to better

recognize opportunities, and success will surely follow!

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Principle 3

Be courageous

The practice of networking exposes you to others and requires a pro-active approach and

courage to step out of your comfort zone. Acknowledge that all of us are afraid of

rejection, and the fear and shyness that follows are amongst the biggest obstacles of

your life and business success. Courage is the main trait you need in order to form

relationships that will lead to achieving your goals. Don’t let your fear hold you back from

your destiny. Take the chance!

Principle 4

Have a networker’s mindset

Prepare yourself for any networking interaction by tuning your mind to the right

networking attitude and approach towards others: harness a real intention to meet and

connect with new people, be open to other people and ideas, seek to learn, and show

interest in others. Show you care and wish to help others. Embrace a networker’s

mindset as a way of life, since the approach you use is the approach that will be


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Principle 5

Be yourself

There is only one unique you, and you should bring your genuine self everywhere you go.

Feel confident about who you are and your “brand”. Embrace your strong traits, and

your weaknesses; bring out your unique spark and your “personal message” to your

professional and personal surroundings. People connect better to those who are

authentic and those who show their real self.

Principle 6

Building your network is a process

The saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” also applies to relationships. It is a process that

takes time and requires persistence, commitment and a pro-active approach.

Relationship building is about helping others, discovering new points of view, learning

from others, and gaining more than just a "goal", but a friend for life. Eventually it will be

well worth it as the outcome can change your life for the best! Find a way to make the

process enjoyable, and the fruits will follow...

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Principle 7

Be likeable in your own way!

We all tend to be attracted to happy, positive, smiling, passionate people! The energy

that happy, passionate people spread is contagious. People feel they can loosen up next

to happy, passionate people, and it opens them up and helps establish a good

conversational atmosphere. Happy, passionate people are also more memorable than

others. Find your way to express happiness, passion and positivity, and connecting with

others will become easier.

Principle 8

Respect others

When we respect someone we give this person a positive feeling of esteem, which results

in a reciprocation of appreciation and respect. In networking, respect is a basic rule that

will determine the existence of a given relationship. Be sure to use respectful words, thank

others, be mindful of the other person’s time, return calls, be polite, keep tact, don't

swear, don’t talk about others behind their back, respect those who helped you, etc.

Principle 9

Be a giver and reciprocate

Give and never stop giving! Helping others get what they need is an amazing thing to do

that you will surely receive back. Giving is in the heart of any relationship, because if you

care about people you will want to help them. Embrace the practice of true giving,

without asking for anything back. Seek to give, help and assist, as you have the power to

change someone's life for the better. Giving and/or reciprocating also feels great and

strengthens your good reputation, which will eventually help you fulfill your own goals.

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Principle 10

Create trust

Trust is an important pillar in any relationship. I am

sure you won’t want to get involved with people

you don’t trust, especially when money and

reputation are at stake. Establish trust with others by choosing the right words, taking

the right actions, and being aware of your body language. People notice it all, as even

your handshake can imply how trustworthy you are. Too many people don’t stand behind

what they say and represent; stand out by making sure everything you convey and do is


Principle 11

Really listen and ask questions

It’s a well-known fact that people l-o-v-e to talk

about themselves. When interacting with others

listen in order to understand how you can assist someone and also in what way he or she

can benefit you. In networking it’s always better to listen and ask guiding questions first,

as there is so much hiding behind the words we say, and you can reveal it by listening

really carefully. Use your ears, intelligent understanding, and soul. By asking questions

you can also direct the conversation in a certain way and be able to tap the info you want

to know in order to see where you can help one another.

Principle 12

Find a common ground

The power of common ground serves as an “icebreaker” between people, as we are

more likely to express ourselves freely with someone familiar to us. Seek to find common

ground when you network and interact with others. Research and ask about them, find

what connects both of you, and emphasize it. Is it the same birth town? College? A

mutual friend? It can be anything. Common ground can leverage good conversations into

good relationships. Make it a habit to use this power.

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Principle 13

Scan your memory regularly

A great way to maximize your ability to help others is by scanning your memory and

looking for a solution whenever someone presents a need, problem or issue. The solution

can be a person or an expert you know, knowledge that you possess, or any memory that

may be useful to a network friend who needs it. Once the memory scanning process

becomes second nature you will be able to help and connect with others better, and you

will gradually build a reputation of a "go to person"

within your community.

Principle 14

Create a memorable personal pitch

People pitch in order to find opportunities and see

who can be of assistance to them. That's exactly why

you should find a special way for your pitch to stand out and be memorable to attract

opportunities! When planning your pitch, think carefully about what you want to say,

make it clear, and express your personality while saying it. Add emotions and passion to

your pitch, as people react to that better than raw facts. State what your needs are.

Repeat your name so it will be memorable and use intonation in your voice in order to


Principle 15

Always give value to others

Make those surrounding you feel your presence is beneficial to them by adding value to

the situation. Value can come in different ways: fully listening to someone can be valued,

saying the right words, congratulating, sharing your knowledge, insights or connections,

surprising others and more. Always seek to add something that is not taken for granted,

and people will respect and acknowledge you for it.

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Principle 16

Be memorable

In order to establish relationships you initially need the other person to be interested in

you, don't you agree? That's why you should use all sorts of tactics to stay memorable.

For example: personalize your talk, raise a topic or information you know the other

person would be interested in, tell a funny story or express your personality and unique

traits in what you say and your pitch. Dress well too, as it exhibits self-respect, and add

an eye-catching accessory, and just use your imagination in order to stand out!

Principle 17

Sharpen your memory

Memory is one of a networker's most important traits, as it's a relationship and trust

builder. When you form a relationship you aim to get closer to people and reach more

personal levels of conversation. When you show someone you remember the personal

and professional details he or she shared with you, you’ll gain more points as a friend. It

shows you really listened, cared, and found

interest in the person. In order to build good

relationships and get closer to someone

make sure to remember the history of your

relationship, the small details, what they care

about and more.

Principle 18

Be a connector and use the power of referrals

Networking is about “Give and Take”: one major way of giving is referring people to

others who can benefit them and connecting people. When you do so, make sure the

connection will be mutually beneficial for everyone involved. In the same way, you can

ask others who know your abilities and respect you for referrals that may help you. Aim

to get your name out there by the referrals of others who trust you so your opportunities

will increase.

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Principle 19

Follow up and retain your network

Relationships are a long-term journey that needs to be built step by step, brick by brick.

That’s why it’s important to commit to retaining your network of friends by following up

with them every now and again. Create your own follow up system and seek to interact

in a way that expresses who you are and also shows you care about them personally.

Find a reason to connect, for example: send holiday greetings, share information he or

she would value, and more.

Principle 20

Combine Face-to-Face and online interactions

Relationship building is about using the offline and the online spheres strategically. Each

sphere requires a different skill set and different type of communications. The online

world describes an image of you and helps you to convey brief messages that keep you in

the other person’s memory. Face to face interaction is the real deal as you can see each

other and get your impression on the other person. You get to accumulate experiences

together, which make real, solid relationships. Combine both spheres - the offline and

the online - to form strong relationships!

Principle 21

Keep learning and getting updated

Nurturing a vast knowledge base and staying updated on your industry and global news

will enable you to connect with different people from many fields of expertise. Get to

understand a little from many disciplines (as Robert Kiyosaki says) and learn regularly

about new business opportunities, “players” in the market, new developments, new

products, and more. Knowledge is power, and as you learn more from many disciplines

you will become more valuable to others and be able to help yourself better.

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Principle 22

Map & categorize your network

As we accumulate friends and acquaintances we don’t always acknowledge all the people

we have met through the years, and their ability to assist us. That’s why it’s important to

map those people we know by writing down each name and learning who they are, what

they specialize in, and more. Then you can categorize them according to the strength of

your friendship, occupation and their importance to you, and turn to the right person

when needed.

Principle 23

Keep extending your network

Networking is about creating relationships before you need them. As a networker, always

seek to strategically extend your network. There are many ways to get to know new

people; aim to meet specific potential people or enter social circles with people that may

have the ability to help you in your goals, or see where you can help them.

Principle 24

Contribute to others’ lives

The beauty in networking is one’s ability to

change other people’s life story for the better.

Your connections, knowledge and skills can be

of assistance to other individuals or social

groups in need. Be aware of your surroundings

and community’s needs and see how you can

give to them, without asking anything in

return. That’s true bliss.

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Principle 25

Make a smart use of your network

It took you time and effort to build your relationships with your network friends and that

is why you should manage your moves in a smart way. When it’s time to ask for help, if

it’s for yourself or someone else, make sure to do it wisely. Consider if your request is

appropriate, the same as you would expect your friend to turn to you on appropriate

matters. In cases where you recommend somebody to someone else, be sure the person

stands for what you say, as it’s your word that’s being trusted here.

Principle 26

Ask for help when needed and reach your goals!

Don’t be shy or afraid to ask your network friends for their assistance when needed.

Ask for help on issues that will lead you to achieve any of your small or big goals or

desires! Your network friends are here for you and can assist you in many ways, such as

providing you with important information, giving professional advice, referring you to

their connections, helping your friends, landing you a job or a contract, and so on. As a

networker that grows his relationships wisely and with good intentions, your request is

most likely to be fulfilled!

Accept Networking as your way of life

and be the designer of your own reality!

Big Thank You to all of my friends, family and to you!