eb - mrs. valenzano€¦ · punnett square practice worksheet part a: vocabulary -match the...

Punnett Square Practice Worksheet Part A: Vocabulary - Match the definitions on the left with the terms on the right. __ l. genotypes made of the same alleles A. phenotype __ 2. different forms of genes for a single trait B. dominant __ 3. gene that is always expressed C. heterozygous __ 4. gene that Is expressed only In the homozygous state D. genotype __ s. genotypes made of two different alleles E. recessive __ 6. Genetic code for a trait F. homozygous __ 7. Physical description of a trait G. alleles Circle the choices that are examples of each of those words. 6. Homozygous dominant AA Gg KK mm uu 7. Homozygous recessive ee Ff HH Oo qq 8. Genotypes in which dominant gene must show AA Dd EE ff Jj RR Ss 9. Genotypes In which recessive gene must show aa Gg Ff KK rr Oo Tt · Part B: Punnett Squares Rr Uu TT WW 10. Exami ne the following Pun nett squares and circle those that are correct. dra d~ d~ d~ A AEI:J a~ a A a a~ a~ 11. What do the letters on the outside of the Punnett square stand for? 12 . What do the letters on the inside of the Pun nett square stand for? 13. In corn plants, normal height , N Is dominant to short height , n. Complete these four Punnett squares showing different crosses. Then,~11 of the homozygous dominant offspring. Put an X through all the heterozygous offspring. Leave all the homozygous recessive offspring unshaded. :EB :ffi :ffi :ffi 14. In guinea pigs, short hair (H) Is dominant to long hair (h). Complete the following Punnett squares according to the directions given. Then, fill in the blanks beside each Punnett square with the correct numbers. b. Both guinea pigs are heterozygous for short hair. Expected number of offspring: Short hair __ longhair a. One guinea pig Is Ss and one Is. EB Expected number of offspring: __ Shorthair (HH or Hh) EB __ Long hair (hh) Part C: Monohybrld Cross Problems - Make a Punnett square to show your work. 15. Hornless (H) In cattle Is dominant over horned (h). A homozygous hornless bull ls mated with a homv,yguu> uu, ued cow. What will be the genotype and phenotype of the offspring? Genotype Phenotype 16. In tomatoes, red fruit (R) Is dominant over yellow fruit (r). A plant that Is homozygous for red fruit Is crossed with a plant that has yellow frui t. What will be the genotype and phenotype of the offspring? Genotype Phenotype 17. In humans, being a tongue roller (R) Is dominant over non-roller (r). A man who is a non-roller marries a woman who Is heterozygous for tongue rolling. Father's phenotype ___ Mother's phenotype ___ _ Father's genotype ____ Mother's genotype ___ _ What Is the probability of this couple having a child who Is a tongue roller? ___ _ EB 18. Brown eyes in humans are dominant to blue eyes. A brown-eyed man, whose mother was blue-eyed, marries a brown-eyed woman whose father had blue eyes. What Is the probability that this couple will have a blue-eyed child? __ _ Answer the following questions by completing the Punnett square. 19. In pea plant s, round (R) Is dominant to wrinkled (r). A heterozygous female Is crossed with a wrinkled male. Punnett Square to determine the possible offspring. Make a a. What are the possible genotypes of the offspring? b. What are the possible phenotypes of the offspring? c. What Is the probability of having an offspring that Is round? d. What is the probability of having an offspring that Is homozygous? EB

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Page 1: EB - Mrs. Valenzano€¦ · Punnett Square Practice Worksheet Part A: Vocabulary -Match the definitions on the left with the terms on the right. ... Punnett Square to determine the

Punnett Square Practice Worksheet Part A: Vocabulary - Match the definitions on the left with the terms on the right. __ l. genotypes made of the same alleles A. phenotype __ 2. different forms of genes for a single trait B. dominant __ 3. gene that is always expressed C. heterozygous __ 4. gene that Is expressed only In the homozygous state D. genotype __ s. genotypes made of two different alleles E. recessive __ 6. Genetic code for a trait F. homozygous __ 7. Physical description of a trait G. alleles

Circle the choices that are examples of each of those words. 6. Homozygous dominant AA Gg KK mm uu

7. Homozygous recessive ee Ff HH Oo qq

8. Genotypes in which dominant gene must show AA Dd EE ff Jj RR Ss

9. Genotypes In which recessive gene must show aa Gg Ff KK rr Oo Tt ·

Part B: Punnett Squares





10. Examine the following Pun nett squares and circle those that are correct. dra d~ d~ d~

A AEI:J a ~

a A a



11. What do the letters on the outside of the Punnett square stand for?

12. What do the letters on the inside of the Pun nett square stand for?

13. In corn plants, normal height, N Is dominant to short height, n. Complete these four Punnett squares

showing different crosses. Then,~11 of the homozygous dominant offspring. Put an X through all the

heterozygous offspring. Leave all the homozygous recessive offspring unshaded.

:EB :ffi :ffi :ffi 14. In guinea pigs, short hair (H) Is dominant to long hair (h). Complete the following Punnett squares according to the directions given. Then, fill in the blanks beside each Punnett square with the correct numbers. b. Both guinea pigs are heterozygous for short hair.

Expected number of offspring: Short hair

__ longhair

a. One guinea pig Is Ss and one Is. EB Expected number of offspring: __ Shorthair (HH or Hh) EB __ Long hair (hh)

Part C: Monohybrld Cross Problems - Make a Punnett square to show your work. 15. Hornless (H) In cattle Is dominant over horned (h). A homozygous hornless bull ls mated with a homv,yguu> uu, ued cow. What will be the genotype and phenotype of the offspring?



16. In tomatoes, red fruit (R) Is dominant over yellow fruit (r). A plant that Is homozygous for red fruit Is crossed with a plant that has yellow fruit. What will be the genotype and phenotype of the offspring?



17. In humans, being a tongue roller (R) Is dominant over non-roller (r). A man who is a non-roller marries a woman who Is heterozygous for tongue rolling.

Father's phenotype ___ Mother's phenotype ___ _

Father's genotype ____ Mother's genotype ___ _

What Is the probability of this couple having a child who Is a tongue roller? ___ _ EB 18. Brown eyes in humans are dominant to blue eyes. A brown-eyed man, whose mother was blue-eyed, marries a brown-eyed woman whose father had blue eyes. What Is the probability that this couple will have a blue-eyed child? __ _

Answer the following questions by completing the Punnett square.

19. In pea plants, round (R) Is dominant to wrinkled (r). A heterozygous female Is crossed with a wrinkled male. Punnett Square to determine the possible offspring.

Make a

a. What are the possible genotypes of the offspring?

b. What are the possible phenotypes of the offspring?

c. What Is the probability of having an offspring that Is round?

d. What is the probability of having an offspring that Is homozygous? EB

Page 2: EB - Mrs. Valenzano€¦ · Punnett Square Practice Worksheet Part A: Vocabulary -Match the definitions on the left with the terms on the right. ... Punnett Square to determine the

tbne, Ooss, Doto,

1'orninant and ~e,ce,st;ive, A-De,le,s of the, S~me, 6e-ne, Gl?e<ld~ eoch sceMrjo ,rd 0:§Wer fue ooest,;ioo beJg.,

A sdent1st breeds o f'<rnty of' wttl'e mlCe. The f:ather ~ -.-os 1ok1te, the rrott-er mouse ~5 wtite, crd al oF ttie bd:>y mce were "'trte. Soth pcrents hod parents ....tio ~ wt-tte. Lobel the fariy belo.i.

~ X ~ -> ~~~~ l Phenot)i,e, ---2. Gef'Ot),pe; __ _

1 ~type,---­

'!. Genotwe. ---

Z Is this a -+rue-breechJ' Farly? Wrr-, or lllr'f rot?

ti Pra-.orype, ----6. Genot-.,,:ie, ____ _

1he l!denttst then breeds a l'ariy oF "1'<Jt.( ITolce. The. romer mouse, the matt-er ~ en:! ttie baby mce ere al <;TOY, Both pcnt,fa hod pa,ents \#,00 11./et'e. ~ - l.d:>d the forrily below.

Ml g Pheno1"fP8: -­

<\ Geofwe, ~---

X ~ 0 Phencrl-ype, -­

,. Genot'ype, ----

-> ~~~~

12. Phenotwe, -- -

13. Genotwe, --- _

H. Is t1is o true-bt-eedrg ~ W'rl( or \""V not?

·-rre -~ then tal<es ore of the w\ite progeny from~ I aid rrotes It to ooe oF the '¥'fr'( progeny nte A-an e><per1rnent 2. M oF the boby m1Ce a-e 'TO(. Lobel tre Fanfy bela,.v.

~ 6.~e. __ _


x~ U.~--

18. Genotype, --

-> ~~~.,


20 Genof'we, ----

21 \Wich -allele Is domMlt the ~ t:or wlilll Air or the ~ele ror rTC<f ~ £><pl,:i,'I voor answer below.

-----·--· -· ....

22. Toa ee~~ criottier ~t"'1tn t-..io nu,-breedi'lg mk::e oF dfferertt breeds. onewtth lcrQ ...tt5l<et's and one with 5h:rl ...ttsl<ers. Al of'~~ hole IShorl-~ ~ o~ b clomnorrt? Wrt:h alele b recesslVe? lb,,/ do )'OU l<nc\✓i'

(C) Bcti..,. L.u 201'

Pttre,nta\ GIU&t; (Arswer eoch guestu, below .

A true breedng red e')'l!d male Ay mates With a broWn eyed Femole Fly. Red e!'/f!S a-a danV1alt OWi' bro.vn

A heterozygous tall pe.o plant Is crossed With a short pea pa,t,

A -.mite fbdered peci plant ls crossed to a heterozygous purple FbNered pea plant.

~-l Which <1lele ~ dorm::nt? 3. 'MiCh allele IS d::>rnh:lnt? 5. Whl:l"I allele 15 d:::ni1ant?

2. \'h'lle 1he parent gerotwes belcwl. 'I: Write~ parent genotypes bela,,t. l,, Wl1te the parent Oll'IOtwes be.low.

red eyed mcl'e: tel plait, wttte~paht:

brown ¥Cl female> shrli;icnl": p.rp1e Flower plcl'1t, ..

A true breecr,g broWn boded male A heterozygous bldck dog mates A m:n \tlith widow's ped< iwmes a Fly rrates With a 1rue breedhg white with c1 ~ i!: Cll'ld holP oP their horn=tgous wamah 'Wfth no ~5 bodM Female fly, All oF ther p.,.ipiestrebl crdho!Pof'thek- peak. Hof' of' ther ch1cren ~ h..ndred!I of' rx-ogeny are brown ~cre~cw. lt.t:low's peal<. cn:I half' oF tteTI doo't. boded

7. ~ allele Is dorrlnant? 't ~ch allele Is dcmhant? I. Which dlele 1s cbm:nt?

8. Vwlite the pcrent genof:wes bebN. k), 'Mite the parent geno'l)ipes bebw, 12. Wrtte the parent genor,,pes bei:Jw.

broNn boded male, : block clog• widow's peck men•

wtttelbodled f'emde: yelcwdog rowloow's peck v.<imn

A~ TYd'1 With wet A=~'Mth Two plant& with yellow See(i!l are earwax marries a women v.tth de-., . Pol m:rrles a mer, with crossed together. About fttt.e ec»"\\C(, ncrrrddgts. quaters of the i:roge11y plaits helve

yeb, seeds cm aie qucrter oF the Jr'Ogelly plants have IJ-eefl seeds.

13. '1-Aich dele Is damalt? 15, Whlch(llele Is dornh:lnt? I(. Wl"lch allele Is cb1v1arti'

H. Write tha porent ~ below. , 1€.. Wrtte the p(ll'6Yt ~s 1:ieb11. 17. Wrtte the paNnt genotyp~ below.

wetear\lOXma'ei Pol~ wm,cn yeDc,,, seed pcrent,

~ ed'v.o< femd.B, ramal dgts rnai, ott-er ~cw seed pa-ent,

E 1h-oui;l each Se.6lO"b ordHghl'q,t fu91r10rdorph"(Le6ihcit he~ yo..i to datermlne dorl"thlllce n ~


Page 3: EB - Mrs. Valenzano€¦ · Punnett Square Practice Worksheet Part A: Vocabulary -Match the definitions on the left with the terms on the right. ... Punnett Square to determine the

Name: ____________________ Block: ___ _

Dihybrid Cross Worksheet

Make sure to use the correct letters for the traits provided In the directions.

R= red

r= white T= smooth

t= wrinkled

1.) Cross a Homozygous smooth seeded, heterozygous red flowering plant with a wrinkled seeded, white flowering plant. List the parental genotypes along with the phenotypic ratios of the offspring.

Cross: ____ x ___ _

gametes~ r====-i-====T===T=-1 (doFOIL) \ 1

Genotypes of Parents:

1. _ _____ _

2. ______ _

Phenotypic Ratio:

2.) In cocker spaniel dogs, black coat color (BJ Is dominant over red (bl and solid color (S) Is dominant over spotted (s). Use the Punnett square below fo determine the possible offspring from a cross between two heterozygous black, heterozygous solid colored Individuals. Then answer the following questions.

Cross: _ _ __ x ___ _

gametes~ {do FOIL) \ ---~----,------,r----, How many of each offspring are

represented by the following phenotypes?

____ Black, solid color

____ Black, spotted

____ Red, solid color

_ _ __ Red, spotted

3.) Set up a Punnett square using the following Information ---+ Dominant allele for tall plants: D

Recessive allele for dwarf plants: d

Dominant allele for purple flowers = G

Recessive allele for white flowers = g

• Cross a homozygous dominant parent with a homozygous

recessive parent.

Cross: ____ x ___ _

a.) What Is the probablllty of producing tall plants with purple flowers?

Possible genotype(s)?

b.) What is the probability of producing dwarf plants with white flowers?

Possible genotype(s)?

c.) What Is the probability of producing tall plants with white flowers?

Possible genotype(s)?

d.) What is the probability of producing dwarf plants with purple flowers?

Possible genotype(s)?

Dominant allele for black fur In guinea pigs= B

4.) Set up a Pun nett square using the following information-I Recessive allele for white fur In guinea pigs = b Dominant allele for rough fur In guinea pigs= R

• Cross a heterozygous parent with a heterozygous parent. Recessive allele for smooth fun In guinea pigs = r

Cross: ____ x _ __ _

a.) What Is the probability of producing guinea pigs with black, rough fur?

Possible genotype(s)?

b.) What Is the probability of producing guinea pigs with black, smooth fur?

Possible genotype(s)?

c.) What Is the probability of producing guinea pigs with white, rough fur?

Possible genotype(s)?

d.) What Is the probablllty of producing guinea pigs with white, smooth fur?

Possible genotype(s)?

Page 4: EB - Mrs. Valenzano€¦ · Punnett Square Practice Worksheet Part A: Vocabulary -Match the definitions on the left with the terms on the right. ... Punnett Square to determine the

5.) Set up a Punnett square using the following information1-_ -----+► Dominant allele for purple corn kernels= R

• Cross a homozygous dominant parent with a

heterozygous parent.

Recessive allele for yellow corn kernels= r

Dominant allele for starchy kernels= T

Recessive allele for sweet kernels= t

Cross: X ---- ----

a. What genotypes will produce purple, starchy corn kernels?

What is the probability of this phenotype? _____ _

b. What genotypes will produce yellow, starchy corn kernels?

What is the probability of this phenotype? _____ _

c. What genotypes will produce purple, sweet corn kernels?

What is the probability of this phenotype? _____ _

d. What genotypes will produce yellow, sweet corn kernels?

What is the probability of this phenotype? ____ _

6.) Set up a Punnett square using the following information-. Dominant allele for normal coat color in wolves= E

• Cros~ a heterozygous parent with a

homozygous recessive parent

Cross: ____ X ___ _

Recessive allele for black coat color in wolves= e

Dominant allele for brown eyes= B

Recessive allele for blue eyes= b

a.) List all possible genotypes, their phenotypes and their probabilities.

Genotype Phenotype Probability