eat real food portfolio


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Post on 25-Jul-2016




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“Nutrition is not low fat. It’s not low calorie. It’s not being hungry and feeling deprived. It’s nourishing your body with real, whole foods so

that you are constantly satisfied and energised to live life to the fullest” Amelia Freer Nutritional Therapist and Healthy Eating Expert.

My ambition is to widen the understanding of how to eat and cook healthily, to nourish mind and body with nutrient rich real foods. I focus on avoiding processed and refined foods and believe that for food to really nourish it must

first and foremost satisfy.

My passion for food began after completing a year of cooking as a chalet girl in Switzerland during my gap year. Having completed a Bachelor of Science at Edinburgh University I subsequently forged a career in HR technology and then left the workplace to have a family in 2007. I put on weight during both my pregnancies and struggled to balance my love of food with a healthy


I tried various diets and slowly became aware of the problem which I was encountering - the widespread focus on short-term weight loss through food deprivation rather than concentrating on the long-term goal of maintaining a

healthy weight through understanding how to eat well.

I was inspired to go back and study and completed a Diploma in Nutrition and Weight Management certified by the Association for Nutrition. I enhanced my love of creative cooking with an Advanced Course at the Ashburton Cookery School. I currently design and develop recipes for the weight loss industry that are featured in the national press. I now combine my nutritional and cookery

expertise to help others.

Emma Wildgoose

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Eat Real Food Diet Review ProgrammeThis weekly consultation programme offers a full nutritional breakdown of your current diet and identifies areas for improvement. I focus on showing you how to improve your current eating habits and cook healthy meals and snacks each week in a 1 hour cookery session. Programmes last from 3 -9 weeks.

Eat Real Food Cookery ClassesMy classes will demystify some of today’s health food ingredients. I do not use ingredients that have been heavily processed and refined such as sugar and white flour. I use whole foods that have not been stripped of nutrients and are free from additives and artificial substances.Each of my classes is individually tailored to meet your specific needs. Some examples include family cooking, nutritious baking, healthy chocolate making, gluten or dairy free and weight loss or gain. My classes are 2-3 hours long and include nutritional advice and cooking instruction. Recipe cards and food fact sheets are provided to take home along with the dishes that you have created.

“Just Be…” health and wellbeing workshops for girlsEat Real Food in association with Go Pilates runs workshops that are 3 hours long for young girls that include nutritional, cooking, postural and Pilates instruction. Recipe cards and factsheets are provided along with goodie bags to take home. Workshops are limited to 4 girls and are based in Henley on Thames.

Recipe Design and DevelopmentAs a freelance recipe developer I have a passion for wholesome and nourishing food. I design and develop recipes for individuals, corporate clients and for local business and restaurants. I can develop recipes with full nutritional breakdowns and according to specific briefs.

Healthy Home CateringI create healthy home cooked dishes to order. From breakfasts to dinner parties choose from a wide selection that can be delivered locally to your door.

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DIET REVIEW PROGRAMMESWeekly one hour 1 to 1 consultation programme for 3-9 weeks

Includes:Dietary analysis

Personalised nutritional adviceCooking instruction and ingredientsRecipe cards and food fact sheets



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HEALTHY COOKERY LESSONS AND HOME CATERINGCookery School focused on nutritional advice & healthy eating

Individual or group lessons offered.Healthy home catering-healthy dishes from breakfasts

to dinner parties.Free from heavily processed and refined ingredients.

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Just be... happy, healthy, confident,yourself!

2-2.15Saying hello

2.15 - 2.45Learning about core muscles, posture, standing tall and relaxation techniques.

2.45 - 3.30Learning about nutrients and cooking a healthy breakfast and snack.

3.30 - 4.00Learning about Pilates and strengthening our bodies.

4.00 - 4.45Learning about a balanced diet and making a healthy supper.

4.45 - 5.00Eating together and packing gift bags!

2-5pm last Sunday of every month


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Are we teaching our young girls the importance of health and wellbeing?

In 2012 a report from the Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation (WSFF), which looked at the views girls hold about physical activity, sport and PE lessons found that only 12% of girls aged 14 get enough physical activity each week. The report found that girls do want to be active, take part in physical activity and remain healthy, but the researchers attribute the lack

of participation to girls feeling they don’t have a suitable outlet.

Reports from the national diet & nutrition survey suggest that it is the 11-18 year old age group that are also consuming the highest levels of added sugar.

At Just Be... we believe learning how to look after our bodies is a fundamental life skill.

Our aim at Just Be is to empower young girls with health and wellbeing education. Having the confidence to make the right food choices, the ability to cook well, to have good posture and

strong bodies are all crucial elements in the pursuit of a happy and healthy life.

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Workshops are 3 hours and include nutritional & cooking instruction and Pilates instruction. Recipe cards and factsheets are provided along with a goodie bag to take home.Workshops

are for 10 girls £55 per session held at Shiplake Memorial Hall. For more informationplease contact 07717 437115 or 07545 393074

Laura Vann is co-founder of Go-Workout. She studied at Newcastle University prior to and completing a Diploma in Person Centred Counseling at the Metanoia Institute in London. She has since qualified as a level 3 Pilates instructor.Laura is passionate about teaching the benefits of Pilates and the importance of good posture and developing a strong sense of self.

DBS checked.

For more information visit:

or contact Laura on07545 393074

[email protected]

Emma Wildgoose is founder of Eat Real Food. She studied at Edinburgh University prior to completing a Diploma in Nutrition and an Advanced course at Ashburton Cookery school. With a love of food she now writes and designs recipes. She demystifies some of today’s health food ingredients and teaches clients how to cook and eat nutritious, satisfying and delicious food. DBS


For more information

or contact Emma on07717 437115

[email protected]

...and are both Brilliant!Emma and Laura are sisters..

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Product Ingredients

Cashew nut butter chocolates

Organic coconut oil, Organic cacoa butter, Maple syrup, Organic honey, Vanilla extract, Organic raw cacoa powder, Creamed coconut, Cornish sea salt, Cashew nut butter.

Chocolate salted caramels

Organic coconut oil, Organic cacoa butter, Maple syrup, Organic honey, Vanilla extract, Organic raw cacoa powder, Creamed coconut, Cornish sea salt, Dates, Cashew nut butter, Organic lemons.

Fruit and NutChocolates

Organic coconut oil, Organic cacoa butter, Maple syrup, Organic honey, Vanilla extract, Organic raw cacoa powder, Creamed coconut, Cornish sea salt, Dried cherries, Almonds.

Bounty Chocolates Organic coconut oil, Organic cacoa butter, Maple syrup, Organic honey, Vanilla extract, Organic raw cacoa powder, Creamed coconut, Cornish sea salt, Dessicated coconut

I have created my chocolates due to a desire to eat well with out having to sacrifice life’s little luxuries. Each chocolate is hand crafted and made with love.

Wholesome Homemade Happiness!Free from processed and refined ingredients

100% refined sugar free Using only natural and organic ingredients

Packed full of nutrients to nourish and satisfy


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For further details on cookery class availability or to organise an initialconsultation please contact Emma on 07717 437115,

[email protected] or visit my website

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For further details on cookery class availability or to organise an initialconsultation please contact Emma on 07717 437115,

[email protected] or visit my website