easy steps to crystal clear animal...

1 Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life! Easy Steps to Crystal Clear Animal Communication Rebecca and Anut! Step#1. Balance your own energy. Do the three thumps.(From Donna Eden Energy medicine) Three thumps: Thump collarbone point and say, "Balance" (collarbone points are at the hollow of your throat where the 2 collar bones comes together) Thump thymus and say "balance"(Thymus is just above the heart in center of chest) Thump spleen points and say "balance" (spleen points are on both sides just under breasts) Step #2. Get clear on just one animal and just one question. Animal consciousness if different from ours and you will get confused signals if you are not clear. (Set the intention that this round is for that one specific question) Step #3. Hold HPT points and ask for help from Anut, fairies, nature divas. Ask to help "get

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Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Easy Steps to Crystal Clear Animal Communication

Rebecca and Anut! Step#1. Balance your own energy. Do the three thumps.(From Donna Eden Energy medicine)

• Three thumps: Thump collarbone point and say, "Balance" (collarbone points are at the hollow of your throat where the 2 collar bones comes together)

• Thump thymus and say "balance"(Thymus is just above the heart in center of chest) • Thump spleen points and say "balance" (spleen points are on both sides just under

breasts) Step #2. Get clear on just one animal and just one question. Animal consciousness if different from ours and you will get confused signals if you are not clear. (Set the intention that this round is for that one specific question) Step #3. Hold HPT points and ask for help from Anut, fairies, nature divas. Ask to help "get


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

yourself and your opinions out of the way" Step #4.Chant the ancient Arabic phrase 'An Nur" into your higher self point to build up light , "An Nur" Start bringing that light down through the crown, through all the face points (see picture above) and into the deepest wisdom of your heart. Step #5. Start "becoming your animal" merge with their consciousness. To make this more powerful, make the 'sound signature' of your animal. What sound do they make? If you cannot make the sound, think the sound. Step #6. Pay attention to what kind of answer or insight you get. Trust it. Step #7. Write it down. Step #8. If an emotional or health issue comes up- hold HPT points and ask "What kind of energy is needed to make this better" You will get guidance and you will imagine sending that specific light and energy to your animal. You can go back and do the process again to ask another question. Sometimes. you tune in so well that you get a whole flood of information from your pet. Remember too, if this is a "pack" animal, they do need to know that you are the pack leader! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Steps to communicate by Non-dominant handwriting. Step #1. Follow steps above as far as getting yourself in balance. Step #2. Focus on your pet and the one question you want to ask. Step #3. Ask the question with your Dominant hand. IE: Dear Pet (insert name) Are you happy with the situation at home? Or: Dear Pet (insert name) why do you keep pooping on the carpet? (The key is to be specific, only ask one simple thing at a time and trust what you get) Step # 4. Now switch the pen to the "other" hand. Sit quietly and allow the answer to flow from the right side of the brain. You will probably get just one word at a time. Remember, no spirit is going to grab your hand and write for you. This will come from the consciousness of your pet through the right side of your brain. You may also use non-dominant handwriting to ask your animal where they feel pain, etc. HPT for physical Animal healing. Step #1. As before, get clear on what one question you want to ask about how your animal is feeling. Step #2. Hold the HPT points, breathe in the consciousness of your pet. Step #3. Ask them the question. Pay attention to what comes up. It is not unusual for you to feel the physical "feelings' in your own body. Step #4. It is good to ask- "What can I do to help you feel better" and then pay attention to what comes up. Of course, this exercise can give you guidance but please take your darlings to the vet when needed.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Here is the complete transcript of the call: This is Rebecca Marina and we are here to talk about crystal clear animal

communication and it has been about five years ago that this great Egyptian cat

goddess ANUT-(and she says to stop trying to Google her because she has never really

manifested in this dimension) Only people that are very spiritual people or a shaman

can see her. But she is the trusted guardian of animal souls and she helps humans

understand animals, she helps animals in their soul’s evolution.

Are animals evolving?

Absolutely. Just like you came here to experience life for and through God. You are an

extension of that great source energy. Every animal, every plant - we are all

extensions of that source energy.

They are in a different kingdom but we interact very often and they have an afterlife and

it often lapses with ours. For instance if you had a very beloved pet, then they can be

there for you when you get to the other side. So in this class you are going to learn

three ways to interact with animals and to contact their spirits and understand them

better. One way is with heart point technique which is the healing modality given to me

by Mother God. It is very simple.

And then the second method and we will probably combine these two, heart point

technique plus the sound signature of your animal. Now when I applied this sound


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

signature I was amazed at how quickly I tuned in. What is a sound signature? Well I am

actually a certified sound healer and I study the works of Tom Kenyon and he channels

the Hathors which is an ascended civilization. They are our brothers but they are just

already gone a little higher dimension than we are. And what the Hathors say is that

every sound has a signature, every chant.

One of the reasons that with the heart point technique I am guided to chant ancient

sacred Arabic phrases, is that you are tapping into a powerhouse of sound that has

been repeated; respectfully, reverently - it has power. Every time you use these sacred

ancient phrases you are tapping into a powerhouse of sound signature!

Now what Anut said to me, she said Rebecca, when people are tuning into their animals

and they get real still and real quiet, if they can make the sound that the animal makes

as they, say they are in distress or pooping in the middle of the floor, whatever sound

they’re making, you try to make it. If you cannot make it, then think it. Because I know

you can think what the sound sounds like and it will help you tune in like crazy .

And then the other way we are going to be tuning into our animals is with non

dominate hand writing. With non dominate hand writi ng, we will tune in to the

energy of the animal, ask a question and then we will switch the pen to the non

dominate hand and let the answer just flow from the right side of our brain. This will also

increase your psychic abilities. Now there is a little bit of difference between an animal

communicator and a psychic.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

You can tune into the energies of animals without being incredibly psychic. For instance

if your animal is lost and the animal communicator is not really psychic, it will not do you

very much good to call one because they can only give the impressions from your

pet… yea I’m behind some bushes, there’s a fence. But they can’t read street signs.

Using the non dominate hand will help you become psychic. Now I do want to be clear

that I don’t consider myself an animal communicator . I am absolutely a divine

channel and when an ancient Egyptian cat goddess comes along and says "Rebecca

will you please teach this information"? I say. " yes ma’am."

So, I do want to tell you a cute little dragon fly story because a few years ago I had a

dream that when dragon flies light, that they turn into little fairies and when I woke up

this morning I said …you know mother, I never ask for a sign but it would be nice if you

gave me a sign and I am telling you I walked outside and the air was filled with dragon

flies. It is just a sign to build your faith as well and even when I went in the back yard

where there is not hardly any trees or anything, a dragon fly came and lit right beside

me. And in the front one flew right around my head thre e times.

So Anut says it is important to recognize the divas and the fairies and the little

nature of sisters because every animal does has animal guardians and guess what?

Just like we don’t know how to tune in and listen to our angel guardians sometimes they

are in that situation as well.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Ok, I would like to tell you what we are going to cover. Today we are going to cover

have you ever had a past life with your favorite pet and what is your pet here to teach

you and I know I got so many emails when I asked if an animal has ever just shown up

in your life. Absolutely, just like we hear and our spirit world when we are in spirit world

we chose our parents, guess what, animals do too and Anut says the bravest are the

ones that are here for a food source. They are hailed as great healers and teachers

when they return to spirit. Every animal has a soul purpose, simply in another kingdom.

Now the animal kingdom sometimes interacts directly with humans but always at

least indirectly. Now I do want to tell you what mother Azna says about psychic ability

and your ability to continue what you are learning today. Today is a taste but I am going

to give you the tools that can be used if you use the tools you get in this class.

What is step one? What is step two? If you use what you are getting here today you will

become an animal communicator of the highest degree if you really do it - if you really

want to do it. So, I am just going to read you a conversation that I had with mother god.

She said," there are some people that are considered born with the gift… so they simply

actually have greater psychic reception areas. "

Just like you can inherit hair and eye color, you can inherit psychic abilities. And

most people know that psychic abilities do run in families. We all have greater


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

connection in our infancy and that gradually fades with time in most cases. The ones

born with bigger psychic reception areas usually do not fade but sometimes they hide

their abilities because they are afraid and that they are not normal.

It is important to acknowledge that you have these areas and that you can increase the

size and strength of these areas by simply first of all say I want to communicate with

animals, make the intention and just like muscles grow with use, so does your psychic

abilities and your ability to tune in. So at your service is Anut, guardian of the angel

souls, the animal souls and they are like angels. So we are going to find out what

happens to animals when they die.

Animals actually have a soul review of sorts to see what they learned. And Anut

says sometimes, animals just learn one thing per lifetime and did you know that animals

aren’t afraid to die - sometimes they choose to come because what about all those poor

animals affected by the gulf oil spill and Anut said sometimes animals chose to be part

of raising human awareness and they know that their life will be over very soon, they

are not afraid to die and they can advance spiritually.

As a matter of fact, Anut says that when animals chose to be part of raising human

awareness that they can actually really evolve, really evolve just like you we really

evolve by going through a certain life time. So, I did say what about animals in the wild?


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

And she said that animals in the wild, in some ways are like the very poor in third world

countries. No one looks out for them and yet the earth supports them.

And this is a lesson for us because in the third world countries often they are not

supported by their brothers and sisters, but yet the earth, Mother Earth does its best to

support animals in the wild. So, let me see if there are any other notes I made that

would be, oh I said what do you want participants to know or gain from this event Anut

and she said I want them to understand the depth. Yes?

Rebecca: Ok, so what does Anut most want you to know? That you can understand the

depth of soul level communication that is available and how both humans and animals

and indeed the whole eco system can benefit from this. So, alright I did want to cover,

well I think you guys just don’t want to cover anything and just hop right in so I will do


If questions come up I bet I have in my notes what you want to know. So I think it is

important to give a heart point technique treatment for worrying that you are not going to

get anything - and worrying that you are not going to be able to do it. So we are not

going to ask for a volunteer on this, I just want everybody to do it because does

anybody on this call think they can do it 100% perfect or not have any self doubts? Most

people do have self doubts and I like to just go ahead and say I might have a little bit of


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

self doubt and show mercy.

So to do heart point technique it is easy. Let me make you aware of the points for this

modality from Mother God. Higher self point is 18 to 24 inches above your head, this is

a portal - a gateway to spiritual dimensions so, we are going to be calling in light to this

and then we let the light spill over into your crown and then into the pineal gland which

increases our inner vision.

And then there are several acupressure points on the face - the beginning of the

eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye and 1/8th inch above the tear duct on either

side. Instead of trying to hold each one of these, simply put your hand across your eyes

sort of like you are saying oh my goodness, I just can’t look. And then if you are on the

web you can just cradle your heart center, slightly to the left, if you are holding a phone,

just put your awareness on the heart center and we just bring the light down through


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!


So I do want to start with a prayer and then tell you when to put your hand in the

position so we are asking the assistance and acknowledging the presence of Anut.

Thank you for being here. We are asking the assistance of all the fairies and all the

guardians of all the angels and we are grateful for your assistance. For the leprechauns,

for all the little people who are invisible to the naked eye but are assisting in the animal

and plant kingdom, we invite you here and we welcome you here to all our own

guardians and angels and spirits of light. We ask that you assist in adjusting our energy

that we may easily contact the spirit of our beloved animals.

And now I just ask you to put your hand across your eyes sort of and drop your pinkie

down to that under eye spot and just breathe in deep and think about where in your

body is a little bit of self doubt hiding and we are just going to bring some light into that


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

and we are not going to judge ourselves at all we are just going to say I have a little bit

of self doubt.

I am afraid I am not going to get anything and I really, really, really want to. And we are

just going to show ourselves mercy and bring in the light, bring in the light, and I am

going to chant a sacred Arabic phrase I am going to chant seven times right into that

feeling, an nur, an nur, an nur, an nur, an nur, an nur, an nur, an nu. An nur means

incorruptible light so now even if you do have a little bit of self-doubt.

I do want to work with Pat and I do want to preface this working with Pat and also Anut

says it is very important because I know a lot of you have several pets. It is so important

that you pick one pet and sort of get into the space of that pet’s energy. Now Pat, do

you just have one pet? You just have one right now I believe.

Pat: Right, yea just one pet. One pet, Dandy

Rebecca: And even though you have several questions, it is important to choose one

question at a time . We must respect their consciousness. Now they may start pouring

out the information after you do that, but we want to select just one pet because all the

energies, like you know how your pets just love you if you have several cats or whatever

- you know how they all sort of gather around? Well energetically they do too and if you


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

have, it can keep us from getting a clear picture so this exercise and everybody do this.

I am going to work specifically with Pat but then I am going to ask for sharing.

Pat, the name of your cat is Dandy and I know you have several questions for Dandy,

but I want you to pick just one of those questions to get the answer to.

Pat: Do you stay on this side of the road? I have never seen you cross the road in all

the eleven years that I have had you but I worry.

Rebecca: Ok, Your one question is… do you stay on this side of the road?

Pat: Yes.

Rebecca: So, ok, so we are just going to and everyone should have picked one pet and

one specific question that you want to ask the pet and let’s do this for our live pets this

time. Ok? So do you stay on this side of the road? Ok, now we have set the intention of

the question. Now, Pat, I want you to hold the face points, I know you are probably

holding the phone and I want you to just; we are calling in the energy of Anut to assist

us in this. Everyone do that.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

And just imagine that light is spilling over and streaming through your crown and your

pineal gland the light is streaming through all those places underneath your hand and

the light is just going to the hidden wisdom in your heart. And just let yourself be filled

with light and now think of Dandy and everyone think of your animal and Pat as you are

thinking of Dandy I want you to start breathing in the consciousness of Dandy and just

imagine how Dandy breathes and breathe that in.

Imagine that your feet are turning into his feet. Imagine that you are truly taking on the

consciousness of Dandy and let it just settle in. There is no rush to do this. Every time

you breathe in, you breathe in more and more of the consciousness of Dandy, and we

are asking permission. I feel a few animal spirits are really not wanting to come so much

so we are asking permission please to do this. And let the consciousness come on in,

and as you are thinking of Dandy when he is about to go out the door, and as you are

thinking of your pet what kind of sound does Dandy make? If you cannot make it out

loud, just think the sound.

Pat: I am trying to remember which one he makes just before he goes out. It is sort of a

RRRRAAAAOOOHHHH, like that you know it is not a huge sound, because he knows I

am going toward the door he just wants to nudge me a little bit.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: Ok, so just think about that sound. Or any sound that you can make that your

pet makes that can help you get into their consciousness better so whatever sound it is.

And just let yourself drift deeper into that conciseness and imagine that you can actually

see through the eyes of Dandy. And Dandy is going to give you a sense of this is a yes

or no question so he is going to give you a sense of either yes, he does stay on the side

of the road or occasionally, you will get a sense just keep breathing in his

consciousness. And get yourself out of the way. And tell me when you feel something

is coming up.

Pat: Well, I feel what I got was a picture I guess through more or less it would be the

eyes of a cat because it is Dandy and it is lower to the ground. I got a feeling that yes

he stays on this side of the road except once in a while there are a couple of places and

one of them I was quite clear where it is far down to the corner where there is a dead-

end street and where the back lot, there is a back part of it is about 25 feet of township

land back of my land but before the next property and he goes along there and there is

all kind of exciting things there. If he went long enough he would reach that place, the

dead end street. It wasn’t really a dead end street anymore, it was once but they

opened it up and it isn’t a dead end street it is just the end of the block. I think

sometimes he kind of walks across it when it is very quiet. He doesn’t notice he is going

along, he doesn’t, I don’t see him going across the big Kingsley road which is the road

in front of our house.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: Ok

Pat: I don’t see him doing that it is this little corner, but a car could come around the

corner, I don’t think it is a good idea. I would like to convey that to him.

Rebecca: Well just convey that to him. You are in his consciousness, just let him know

that you are going to.

Pat: I am going to say the words stay back because Dandy knows the phrase, I don’t

know he has ever known it, I don’t remember teaching it to him, but if we are going to

the door or anything like that and I don’t want him to go out, I can even whisper it stay

back, he turns around and he runs back out of the room. I don’t know how he knows it,

but it is the only thing that he does that I did but I tell him to do, but he does do it

inevitably. He doesn’t question it.

Rebecca: Ok, well then just convey that to him.

Pat: Yes, ok, I am conveying to him when he reaches the end there and he sees that

road, the road used to be a dead end road, but then it turned into a, it was turned into a

housing development there so it isn’t and I would say as he goes toward there I say the


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

words to him to stay back and he knows enough to turn around.

Rebecca: Yes, ok now, did you want to ask another specific question of Dandy since

you are already connected and everyone else. In a minute I will ask for sharing, but I

want to finish with this.

Pat: I would like to ask him why he doesn’t come back when he is running free. He

often does come back, but why he doesn’t come back at night fall because it is not safe

out there at night. There are raccoons sometimes and things like that and it worries me

a lot.

Rebecca: Ok, so formulate your question, why don’t you come back every night fall? He

comes back most night falls right?

Pat: Yea, he didn’t come back last night until after midnight and I was upset. I didn’t

scold him or anything but I was not happy.

Rebecca: Ok, so would you like to say show me what you are doing when you don’t

come back or would you like to say, it feels to me that he is doing different things, but

how would you like to formulate that question.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Pat: No, I want to convey to him that when the sun goes down, when it gets dark he is

turn around and come back to the house. That is all. I will always let him in.

Rebecca: Ok, well then you can convey that to him, that isn’t really asking a question.

Pat: Oh, it isn’t asking a question, ok. The question was a dumb question, I asked a

dumb question because how is he going to know the answer, I was going to say

introspective how he is going to know the answer.

Rebecca: Well he is having fun Pat. I am just tuning in, he is having fun he is doing

something interesting and he doesn’t cotton picking feel like it and one of the things that

I want to convey that Anut says is that when we feel our animals are acting out and

whatever that they don’t get to express their freedom of choice about many things and

when they get to, they like to.

So sometimes they are simply expressing their freedom or choice and even though we

want them to be safe she would like us to see us respect their freedom of choice

because they actually, one of the only things they have freedom of choice about is

sometimes they choose the time when they die. And they are not afraid to throw


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

themselves in front of a car even though it horrifies us.

And that happened to my pet Sparky, he was so beautiful and he was like a lion he had

this golden hair and I got him and his sister at the same time and she just wasn’t as

pretty. She was black and her hair wasn’t as shiny and anyway, he got so much

attention and he got out the gate and he got hit by a car and it just broke my heart.

When I was getting ready for this class, I thought well I am going to ask him why he did

that and it also broke my heart because he said "I wanted my sister to have more


Pat: Oh my goodness.

Rebecca: Because I was the beautiful one. They have their own sense of reason that is

not the same as ours but Anut says one sign of animal evolution is that they are

developing the power of reason. It is developing slowly.

Ok, so you feel good about Dandy that you can let him know, convey come home at

dark but also respect that just like we take a risk when we get in our cars and drive

somewhere, they also take a risk and if life was completely safe, which we want it to be

completely safe for our animals, but animals have their own, I mean some of them are

thrill seekers. A lot of you have seen animals that surf that do all this crazy things we

could never imagine. Ok, so


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Pat: I have one more question beforehand.

Rebecca: Ok.

Pat: I know I never thought of this. He is eleven years old, he has been out all his life

and come back and spends a lot of time in the house and spends a lot of time outside

and we have, I have had to have a cat sitter when I go away, recently I had relative

before, but right now it is cat sitters and recently that cat sitter is head of the humane

society around here and he lectures me all the time that I should not allow Dandy out.

That I am doing my cat the most terrible disservice, I never thought about it before, I

asked the vet even and the vet said look, life is a risk, which is what I feel. I feel that I

would be depriving that cat of his meaning in life if he couldn’t go out and that freedom.

He loves it he asks for it every morning and I tell him, I do always tell him to stay on this

side of the road, but I always let him have that he was born in freedom in a barn

somewhere and he is a free cat and I want to know from him. My feeling is,

Rebecca: Well your feeling is probably completely right because you are such an

intuitive person, but let’s just go back and anyone that has this same kind of question or


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

another specific question, for one specific animal, tune in, we broke the energy a little bit

so Pat we are going to, go back in and I want you to just breathe in the consciousness

of Dandy again and everyone else and hold those positions.

Those hand positions are very powerful because they cover a lot of beautiful

acupressure points. Just breathe in that consciousness of Dandy with the intention of

finding out how he would feel about being kept always safe inside the house, just tune

into the feeling and we are going to do this, Anut is saying imagine the sound that he

would make if he was confined to the house.

Pat: Oh it is awful, he would be crying, I mean it wouldn’t be meowing it would be


Rebecca: Ok, now imagine the sound he makes when he runs out the door and he

feels the breeze in his fur and he smells the air?

Pat: Yea he can purr actually, I have heard him purr.

Rebecca: Ok, so there is your answer. Is that simple?


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Pat: Yea, and it is exactly what I thought too.

Rebecca: And one of the things, because I tuned into him when I read your email, Pat if

you start locking him up the first chance he gets to get out he will cross the street and

an inopportune time. He will not live caged.

Pat: Yep, oh thank you for telling me that. That is very helpful to me.

Rebecca: So your humane society guy, some of those are Nazi’s. I mean yes of course

we should protect our animals but we can’t keep them from having a life. We are going

to do some tuning in because at one point I did do some of this work, just when I was

doing psychic work if an animal question came up and this lady wanted to know if she

could get her pet back because I have known that for a long time, he says yes he will

come back but he doesn’t want to be fixed, he wants to get a little nookey every now

and then.

Pat: Well I don’t know if she could reverse that if that is what she did in this life time.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: No, when he comes back.

Pat: Oh in another incarnation, I see.

Rebecca: He doesn’t want to be fixed, he didn’t want to be fixed he said I will come

back but I want to get a little nookey every now and then which of course the humane

society would say it is terrible not to neuter and I am not to say don’t neuter. All my pets

are fixed, I am just saying that that particular pet said he wanted to get some every now

and then so… what can I tell you, that is what he said.

I am just the relay here and I am telling everyone you know what if you are not

resonating with this, take only what resonates with you personally because I can feel

some energy, some people love their pets so much they feel like it is their sworn duty to

never let them have any risk, or let anything with any risk every happen to them and you

just can’t stifle the life out of them by not letting them have a life.

Now a lot of pets are just happy, happy, happy to be in the house and never have any

going outside or anything like that. They are very happy and that is a different situation

but there are some that yearn for freedom. Just like you as a human, some of you yearn

to be at the beach and it feeds your soul and some of you yearn to be at the mountains

and it feeds your soul and some of you would be happy to be inside an apartment all


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

day long. So it is different strokes for different animal’s folks.

Ok Pat, thank you so much for being the volunteer. You can see that this is a very

subtle technique but when you take on their consciousness and think of the sounds they

make and let yourself settle down to just one question, just one pet, it sort of the

knowingness just comes easily. Now I want to ask if someone else was doing that

exercise if you would like to share your question for your pet and what came up for you.

Melanie: Hi Rebecca.

Rebecca: Yes?

Melanie: This is Melanie

Rebecca: Go ahead Melanie

Melanie: T his is really surprising,

Melanie: I tuned in to my dog Huxley. He and my cat, they have to live separately I got

the dog late, long story, so I can’t keep them together because Talula gets afraid of him


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and Huxley acts like he is going to attack her, but he never has so he has cornered her

but never attacked her, never hurt her. So when I tuned into Huxley and asked him if he

understands that Talula is family and not pray, he, what I got was no because she won’t

play with me, she runs away. When I asked if he can relax around her the response was

very clear, no, I can’t it is too exciting, no I can’t. So, like really? So, I just wanted to

share that experience and that was the time that we had.

Rebecca: yes, and you know you can’t change the nature of an animal, like if you get

them together like early on often they will bond and play together but sometimes if it is

later in life it is difficult, when I had four dogs and I wanted to get a cat, my vet said no.

More than two dogs is a pack and ok, well thank you and don’t worry, we are going to

be doing other exercises.

Melanie: Ok.

Andrea: Hi Rebecca this is Andrea.

Rebecca: Andrea, go ahead.

Andrea: I wrote to you about my two kitties, one that is gone and one that is still here,

because you suggested that I have been tuning into Jasper the one who is here, and

Jasper misses Bonsie who passed away a year ago but what I asked him was I have

been thinking that it is time to get another kitty. I feel bad that he is alone and you know


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I like having more than one too, but I was afraid that it would upset Jasper to have a

new cat in the house so I asked him did he want me to bring another Kitty and he says

that he wants a friend and a playmate and a companion but he is afraid that I will pay

more attention to him then I do to Jasper. And that I liked Bonsie better.

Rebecca: And did you?

Andrea: Yea, I did.

Andrea: And, I feel really bad about that that he feels that and I want him to know that I

love him too, that it is just different then Bonsie.

Rebecca: Yea, you know what? If you let him help pick out the cat, why don’t you ask

him? Do you want to hold the position and ask him if he would feel better about it if he

got to be part of the choosing process?

Andrea: Sure, I could do that.

Rebecca: Ok, alright so his name is Jasper?

Andrea: Jasper.


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Rebecca: Ok, so just breathe in the energy of Jasper. And just breathe it in and think of

the sound Jasper might make if he was feeling lonesome for a cat play mate.

Andrea: Feeling what?

Rebecca: Feeling lonesome for a cat playmate. What kind of little meow he might

make? And just tune in and ask him if he could help choose the playmate would he be

ok with that or not. Just have the intention.

Andrea: He is the one that wants to get it himself.

Rebecca: He does?

Andrea: He wants to pick his playmate, he says he doesn’t want to help; he wants to do

it himself.

Rebecca: That is totally what I was getting. Yea he would be ok if he got to pick. So let

that be something open and just be communicating with him like you know is today the


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

day and pay attention do you take him places with you ever?

Andrea: I don’t and I would actually like that and he is good in the car not like most

kitties I have had. He doesn’t mind riding so maybe I should, I mean as I am sitting here

I was thinking I could take him to the shelter; I don’t need to go alone.

Rebecca: Yea and just ask him, ask for assistance from Anut if you don’t mind asking

from a guardian cat and Anut wants you to know just in case there are people all

worried that you are taking away from God, we are all the same, we are all extensions

of God. She is just in charge of this and she wants to help you.

So she wants to cause greater human animal understanding so just be aware of like if

you get an urge to go somewhere or if your cat seems to be acting like he wants to get

out or he wants something, just pay attention. Pay attention to offers of kittens or

whatever that come up over the next few days and let him know he is the boss. He

needs to know that I am going to be the boss of this house.

Andrea: Yea, the other thing is that as I was listening to Pat talk about her kitty, Jasper

wants to go out all the time too and I live by a busy road and I am very afraid because I

live here many years and I lost a dog that way and but he does get out sometimes and

he said I want to go out and you know I don’t go far.


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Rebecca: I know, is there a tree near your house?

Andrea: There is a tree and he loves it and there is also a bush that he loves to hide


Rebecca: Yea, he likes to get up in that tree and just observe things.

Andrea: He says he likes to see everything and he likes all the smells and the cool stuff

out there and the bugs.

Rebecca: Yea he really does and that is up to you and him about how much, it seems

like he feels confined to actually a very small area out there.

Andrea: He and that is what he said, you know I don’t go far. You know.

Rebecca: Yea, he is not that brave. He just likes to be close and he really lvoes you

and he likes to be safe but he is a great observer. He loves to just watch things. He

even likes to watch those cars go by. And anyway.


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Andrea: But I hadn’t really thought about the going out thing until you were talking with

Pat and I was thinking, yea we have that issue and that is what, what I did was I did the

non-dominate handing writing as I was, I have never done that but as I was things were

coming to me and I was writing and this is what came in addition to a few other things,

he is all the time I have to really monitor his food or he would be really over weight

which he was at one time. And he said because he is bored and it makes him feel


Rebecca: Yes, well you are on your way to being an animal communicator

extraordinaire it sounds like to me.

Andrea: I am really, I have never done this but I am amazed how much I really did get

and thank you so much.

Rebecca: Oh you’re welcome. It is just realizing that holding those points and running

that light and taking on that consciousness and thinking that sounds is so simple but it

tunes you right in. If any of you are having trouble just don’t give up, keep on trying it

and we are going to do a non-dominate hand group exercise in a little bit. Now there

was another lady who wanted to share so say your name.


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Margaret: Yes, my name is Margaret.

Rebecca: Yes, Margaret?

Margaret: I am here with my canary and I had you on speaker while you were talking

and he started jumping around and it was a good thing I had this muted because he

started chirping like crazy and I am sitting with him and he is like loving this and I just

want to be able to pick up on him more. I am unable to do the handwriting because I am

blind and I don’t know what to do with that.

Rebecca: Ok, well then don’t do the handwriting; did you do the exercise with Pat?

Margaret: Yes I did. Yes I did.

Rebecca: Did you have a specific question.

Margaret: Yes and I want to know, it seems like whenever I take him outside, because

even though he is in a cage, I carry him outside we have a patio on the back of our

building and he seems to, whenever I pet someone else’s animal he really gets upset,


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

he doesn’t like it and I have to if I want to pet them I have to do it when he is not there

and I feel bad doing that because it feels like I am doing something behind his back and

I am trying to figure, I have an idea why he is doing this but I just want to see if I pick up

the right answer.

Rebecca: Ok, well when you did the exercise with Pat, what answer did you get?

Margaret: I really didn’t get any.

Rebecca: Ok, did you ask a specific question?

Margaret: No, because I was concentrating on what she was saying and I was like into

what she was saying and you know that was probably why I didn’t get an answer.

Rebecca: Right, because you do need to, you are already tuned into one pet, how

would you formulate your specific question?

Margaret: Ok, how would I formulate it? I would like to know why you get mad or upset

when I pet someone else’s animal?


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Rebecca: Why do you get mad when I pet someone else’s animal? Ok, this is going to

be quick and easy. Hold the points. And just breath in and relax honey, just relax and

you are setting the intention to get the answer to why do you get mad when I pet

someone else’s animal? And you are just linking your consciousness with your little

birdie and you are breathing in and you are thinking about the sounds he makes. Now

when he sees you petting does he make any sounds?

Margaret: Yes.

Rebecca: Ok, think about those sounds, if you can make them go ahead and make it.

Margaret: I can make it but it won’t be the same pitch he does it at.

Rebecca: No, that is ok.

Margaret: He does like a EH, EH, EH

Rebecca: Ok.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Margaret: Oh, he just jumped when I did it.

Rebecca: Alright, so tuning into that, tuning into his consciousness just ask the

question, of his consciousness, why do you get mad when I pet, pay attention to any

other animal…just relax and pay attention to any kind of thoughts, feelings or words that

come up. Something coming up?

Margaret: Not any words, but he is jumping around over here like.

Rebecca: Ok, what I am getting if you don’t mind me butting in.

Margaret: Go ahead because I am not.

Rebecca: Although I don’t, you are just not trusting what you are getting my dear. He

feels very uncomfortable. Don’t you get that feeling?

Margaret: Yes.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: Ok, so he can’t articulate in words, it is just uncomfortable for him because

he has not developed the state of reason enough.

Margaret: Ok.

Rebecca: But he feels very uncomfortable, it doesn’t matter why. Seeing you give your

attention to something else, another pet, makes him feel very uncomfortable so don’t do

it in front of him unless you just want to tell him to deal with it, but I am sure you love

your little birdie.

Margaret: Oh yea I do, I do. He is my life. All I want.

Rebecca: Ok, so if he is your life and that is a simple thing, you know just don’t make

him feel uncomfortable unless you really want to and then if you do pay attention to

another pet and you notice that he is feeling uncomfortable, send him thoughts of love

from the heart and then pay him lots of attention right after that.

Margaret: Yea I do, I will turn to him and say I still love you. I love you.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: Yea, because what can happen is, he can shift for you. You know how with a

dog you are training, they do a behavior and then you give them a treat? Even though if

he feels uncomfortable and when you notice another pet, and yet you give him lots, lots,

and lots more attention, when you get done doing that then he will go, it will be just like

and instinct thing, so it will eventually get better. However, if you just don’t want to deal

with it, just don’t pay much attention to anyone else’s pet. Ok, thank you dear.

Margaret: Ok.

Kimberly: Hi Rebecca.

Rebecca: Yes.

Kimberly: Hi Rebecca, this is Kimberly. I did the borrowing along and at first I didn’t get

anything but once, just like Margaret, I was tuning in to what you were doing, but when I

asked again, the question was is my dog Teachy who was a rescue. I asked her why

she eats all this crap off the ground. Actually I asked her what I could do to keep her

from eating all the crap off the ground and she is pretty feisty and she likes nothing, I

want to eat it.


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Rebecca: No, I like it.

Kimberly: Exactly, so I said let me rephrase the question which is why do you do it?

And it was because, what I got was when she was on the street, because she was on

the street for a while, that was what she did to eat and she ate all kinds of crap and she

ate crap too. And so I mean literally so I am trying to figure out how to communicate to

her she doesn’t have to do that anymore.

Rebecca: She knows she doesn’t have to do it anymore. She kind of likes it. She kind

of got a taste for the unique. I see her especially like rubbery, leathery, anything like


Kimberly: Asphalt, rocks, mulch.

Rebecca: Yea, it is not going to hurt her. You know it freaks us out, I mean I am

babysitting my little sweetheart. I am not supposed to have pets where I live, but I sneak

this one in under the guise of babysitting because I love her but she will eat the poop

right out of any baby diaper and she will just roll around in it and you know. She is a

fancy lap dog, she will.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Kimberly: What can I do, how can I help her. What am I saying she can be past that

now; she doesn’t have to live off the streets.

Rebecca: No, but, ok. Ask her if she is doing it for fun. She is doing it for fun. She

knows she doesn’t have to.

Kimberly: Ok, how do I say, let’s not do that anymore. Let’s eat other things.

Rebecca: Ok, why is it so important to you that she not nibble around and taste things?

Kimberly: Because I think, I see her sniffing around crap and dead lizards and I am

like… that can’t be healthy. That can’t be good.

Rebecca: Oh, they have got antibacterial stuff in their mouth! Mama don’t take away

her joy in life… Please.

Kimberly: Oh lord, ok, ok.


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Rebecca: In certain areas of the world, humans drink goat’s blood as a delicacy. Just

tuning into her, she had to do that to live, but she developed an enjoyment of unusual

things and she likes the different textures in her mouth, like I can just feel what she is

feeling. She likes to try this and she likes how it clunks against her teeth and she likes

unusual things, she is not going to get over it, let her be. Unless you see something real

poisonous, then of course not, but she seems to be pretty intuitive about what is real

poisonous for her or she would not have survived.

Kimberly: Yea.

Rebecca: She is intuitive, she likes her mouth sensations. You know humans there

are some humans that have a mouth fetish; she has got a mouth fetish.

Kimberly: She does too right?

Rebecca: But it is healthy and it is for fun. Let’s let them have their fun, if it is not really

hurting them and it is just freaking you out, let’s give you a treatment for why can’t I let

my animal have fun?


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Kimberly: Ok, let me just tell you this. The other day we were walking and she is like a

vacuum. I saw her kind of, I saw some crap, like dried crap. I said no way.

Rebecca: Yea, the best kind.

Kimberly: I popped her mouth open and there was a piece I was like… oh Jesus, this is

too much for me. Like that, ok how do I get her to stay away from the crap? Is that

something else I have to accept, I just think that is not healthy?

Rebecca: Well how many, how much crap has she eaten and is she healthy?

Kimberly: She is pretty healthy, but this is the first thing I have seen her do of the crap.

She might have snuck something again when I wasn’t paying attention.

Rebecca: yea, I would just show her a picture of you know something yucky, the only

probably you have is almost nothing is yucky to her. So,

Kimberly: And she is pretty intuitive Rebecca. Like you can, she talks to me. Like can

you know what I am saying she sits down and she is just talking.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

The next thing I want to cover (and we will have sharing about this too) is the number

one reason animals don’t want to come back. Animals do indeed reincarnate. And

they actually can reincarnate up to five times in your life time. For some reason the

animal kingdom likes the number five, I don’t know anything about numerology but I am

sure I will get an email from somebody does.

But when Anut shared with me that the number one reason they don’t want to come

back I was kind of shocked but yet it made perfect sense. And she said the number

one reason they don’t want to come back is if you loved them so much and we all love

our animals, but if you prolonged their life through so much intervention, and I am not

talking about vet visits and things, I am talking about when they are just pretty much


I had a friend with a cat that… bless her little heart… she peed all over herself, pooped

all over herself. She was 22 years old and she just kept on doing everything, everything,

everything. The cat was in misery. When we do excessive interventions, then they

don’t want to come back because we took away their dignity and they suffered

and sometimes they love us so much that they don’t really want us to know they

are suffering. And one other reason that because when they get on the other side they

have more of a consciousness just like when we get on the other side we have more of

a consciousness that we are aware of. We see the bigger picture.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

If you have emptied your wallet to keep your pet alive they are afraid of going through

that very same thing again. They are afraid of putting you through the misery, and

putting themselves through the misery and one thing also that Anut says to me that you

need to be aware of, because I do want us to tune into our pets on the other side. If you

have done this, you can simply just acknowledge because I loved you so much I am

sorry that I didn’t realize I was causing you to suffer, please forgive me.

I thought I was doing the best I could and I just couldn’t imagine my life without you,

and as I said before, animals aren’t afraid to die like we are because they know that

they can come right back into a young healthy body. As a matter of fact, often when

animals in a pack or something are killed, if there is a pregnant female, they will go right

into the womb of that pregnant female. And if your animal really wants to get back to

you, then they can also just go right into the womb of a pregnant female that is

somehow going to be in your awareness, now here is something you might want to


Anut says yes they can reincarnate in your lifetime up to five times and maybe the

first time they were the most loveable, adorable little pet and they usually stick within

species, there are exceptions but dogs usually keep being dogs, cats usually keep

being cats and etc. They keep going up and down as the same species and they like to

experience all kinds of things too.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Sometimes your pet will come back and give you a ha rd time. Some of their acting

out they are doing it is just because they sort of made an agreement to come and

experience this. And you pet lovers you know you have soul agreements with your pets.

You know you do. You feel it . So, you need to know that when you start inviting them

back. They might not be that same precious bundle of love.

I had a cat CALLIE, that would hide outside my door and when I stepped out she would

reach out and claw my ankles good. I don’t know why she did that, but she did. So, and

back then I didn’t know how to tune in or any of that stuff. I could go back and tune in

and say why did you claw my ankles?… oh she just told me. Because I would never

appreciate the rats she brought me. Because every few days there would be a

mouse on my doorstep. I’m sorry Callie. It slapped me; here take this you horrible

woman not even appreciating my rats.

Mary: One thing, this is Mary calling from Missouri. And I am in the house with my 12

dogs. Five is the number of freedom.

Rebecca: Oh it is?


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Mary: And I don’t know why they choose it, I mean I took some numerology classes,

and yea, five is freedom. They are all about that aren’t they?

Rebecca: Oh, I just got goose bumps. Yes they are. We are all about taking it away.

Mary: Yea, I have a client, he has, when I started working with him he had 26 cats and

he is one of those, he force feeds and he gives them fluids and he makes them hang on

and hang on. We have had many, many, many conversations I wish he could talk to you

sometime, he is elderly.

Rebecca: Well maybe you can send him this audio.

Mary: Yea.

Rebecca: He can be mad at me not at you. And like I said I am just a channel. Anut

says this information needs to be because especially if you know that you can invite

your animal back, even though it is so hard to let them go, but if you know you can invite

them back, then maybe they want to hop into a young healthy body. Anybody on the call

over sixty and wake up in the morning with some stiff joints going on? You know, maybe

they would like to do that. They can also sort of be an animal guardian of you in spirit if


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

you would like to imagine that. That could be going on.

So here is what you do. I said I would tell you how to get them back. Again here is the

number 5. If ritual helps you, then you can light five yellow candles. I don’t know why

yellow, it just says yellow. White if you can’t get yellow. Light five yellow candles and

then sit quietly and as a matter of fact, why don’t we just, we will do it without the

candles. Because I doubt anyone had the insight to get five yellow candles. But is there

someone on the call who’s pet has crossed over and they would like to invite their pet


Rebecca: Oh, ok it sounds like we have several. The first person what’s your name?

Jamie: My name is Jamie

Susie: Susie.

Rebecca: Ok, there is Jamie,

Linda: My name is Linda. Rebecca can you hear me?


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Rebecca: Yea, I have Jamie, then I have who else?

Susie: Susie

Linda: Linda

Rebecca: Ok, Susie and Linda

Rosie: Rosie

Suzanne: Suzanne.

Rebecca: Ok, so I have several. Ok, good then we are all going to do the exercise.

Linda: Rebecca? Can you hear me?


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Rebecca: Ok, and I bet you a lot of people aren’t saying anything but they want to do

this too. Because everyone has an animal. Now don’t be surprised when we do this you

might see that your animal is already back and giving you a hard time maybe. But, we

are going to and I am going to put in the wording if you did prolong their life a long time,

you just ask forgiveness and you have to promise not to do that and now I am not

talking, do you all understand me that I am not saying don’t take care of your animals

and let them go if the slightest thing is wrong with them?

But you know like the lady with the 22 year old cat who was constantly at the vet and

even the vet said Honey this cat can’t even see to find the food bowl, poor little thing.

And she just couldn’t do it and the cat lived like that for like 2 or 3 years just open the

door where it was and it smelled so terrible.

So say your pet is ailing, wait let’s do that too in a minute, because you can process and

find out does your pet want to hang out some more or is your pet ready. Now if your pet

says I’m ready that doesn’t mean the next day you have to put them down, it just means

that you can start moving into that direction and ask maybe in another few days and

make sure that we are not flipping the switch on any animals at a whim but get you

going in the right direction.

So we have some folks that would like to get their pets back. So, and remember we are


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

doing one pet at a time. So I want you to focus on your pet. Now let me see I think I

need to, mute everyone because and then I will go back to asking because I want you

to call your pets name.

Now it is very quiet on the line, I will open it back up and we will go back to sharing but I

want everyone who wants to invite your pet back, I want you to go ahead and hold the

face positions if you are holding the phone. If you are on the web, hold the face and

cradle your heart and I just want you to start chanting your animals name that you want

to come back and chant it at least five times, ok, Anut is saying 15.

Say their name, chanting, chanting, chanting, chanting their name, say it out loud.

Saying it out loud. And now we are imagining light in the higher self-point and we are

tuning in to, this is going to be a dual purpose because we are tuning in to what they are


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

doing on the other side and we are going to ask the assistance of Anut and we are

going to chant her name a few times.

Anut, Anut, Anut, Anut, Anut, Anut, Anut, Anut, Anut, help us Anut, Anut, Anut, Anut,

Anut, Anut, Anut, Anut, and all the fairies and animal guardians help us please and just

tune into that animals name that you chanted and imagine your consciousness merging

with theirs and you are seeing where they are through their eyes. Pay attention to what

comes up. Pay attention to the feelings that you are feeling in your chest right now.

The movements that you are making imagine that you are that pet. And imagine that the

pet is showing you all around and who are they with? Ah, yes letting it be easy. Letting it

be easy. And now ask Anut if you have permission to come back and you will get a yes

or no, it might not be time, she is the guardian and if you get a nod from her, ask the

consciousness of animal would you like to come back to me?

And if you did prolong their life unnecessarily, ask forgiveness all is always forgiven and

ask what they would want in order to come back. And they will just show you either an

emotion or they might want to be a different kind of animal. Pay attention to what they

show you. What do they want in order to come back? It could be some pictures, it could

be just feelings, it could be more freedom. What do they want in order to come back

and then ask are you ready to come back? And you will just get a sense of yes or no.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

And then ask how will you know? How will I know it is you and then pay attention to

what comes up? How will I know? How will I know it is you? And just be in the space of

their consciousness and just see you two together. And have that feeling of love just

bursting out of your heart for them and take in the feeling of love they have for you and

anything you feel like telling them why you are in their consciousness just tell them.

Ok, start to bring your awareness back to the present. Take a deep breath in and out.

And know that you can visit this any time. You can listen to this audio any time that you

choose. And I am changing. But I want to hear from you guys. The ones that said they

wanted to do it with me. I know Jamie was one. Jamie could you tell us what you got?

Jamie: Yea, I got like when I asked her where she was now I actually saw a lot of

memories of when she was living in the house with me but then she showed me that

she was with Jesus. She is with Jesus, she is really funny because she must be more

Christian then I am because I would never say that but she said she was with Jesus.

And she showed me like I get the feeling that she wants to come back to me but she

knows that I am in a position in my life that I can’t really receive her yet so it is not quite

the time for it.

She actually showed me a sunny beach scene so I don’t know maybe someday when I


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

am living on the beach, she will come back but she said I would know her because her

eyes would look the same but I actually started crying a lot because she was only 5 and

a half years old, she was really in the prime of her life but she got very sick, very

suddenly and was on IV like 24/7 for five days and on the last day I told her if you are

tired of hanging on then go. I am going to miss you but go and she died that night. But it

was still very hard for me to think that I didn’t do enough or I could have done more so I

was trying to tell her that and she is ok with it but it was hard for me.

Rebecca: Yes, of course we feel like we don’t do enough. Ok, well do you feel better

about where she is at?

Jamie: You know I didn’t have any doubts that she is in a good place and that she is ok.

What I really wanted to know was that she intends to come back to me at some point.

Rebecca: Well it sounds like she does.

Jamie: Yea, it sounds like she does, when the timing is right.

Rebecca: Yea, whenever you are ready. And do you feel like she will come back as the

same type?


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Jamie: I think so, she didn’t say 100% sure but I didn’t see her as anything else.

Rebecca: Ok, well you know you can do this exercise again when you get into a better

place and your energy can speed up that energy. You know what I mean? When you

are in the space to receive her she will be ready. Ok, thank you. So Susan let’s hear

from you.

Susan: This is Susie.

Rebecca: Ok, Susie. Tell us what came up for you.

Susie: Well I asked him. His name was Cody and he was a rescue from a puppy mill

that I had rescued and he didn’t even make it until seven and he was a sheltie and he

got really sick and I tried everything of course I tried doing everything I could for him and

probably overdid it like you say and he did, I did see him but it wasn’t like a face on

thing, it was like looking over his shoulder I’m not sure and I just asked him for

forgiveness and stuff and I did what you said and kind of went through his eyes and

what I was seeing was a forest with a whole bunch of trees, like fir trees and stuff in

there and then I asked Anut if it was time for him to come back and she said no not yet.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

So, basically he addressed me as mom, he addressed me as mom and it was the look

in his eye kind of looking over his shoulder well I don’t know and I did that forgiveness

thing and that was when he showed me the forest.

Rebecca: Yes.

Susie: And that is what I got.

Rebecca: Ok, well thank you, thank you for sharing. And I am sorry this is a little painful

but I feel like it is good. It might be a little painful but it is so good. We need to know, we

need to know we can get them back, but they might not be quite ready.

Susie: It is not time yet.

Rebecca: Yea, not time yet. Ok, thank you.

Brenda: Can you hear me?

Brenda: In Idaho. You want to stick with cats or can we do a horse.


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Rebecca: Well, what I am looking for now is people who just did the exercise I want to

hear the feedback.

Brenda: Oh I did. The feedback ok. I have two cats that disappeared at the same time.

One was 26, her name was patches and I always let her live wild because I take cats in,

in this community that I live, they come and they go. I feed them outside and give them

warm places to sleep in barns and yada yada and they have freedom. I was celebrating

you telling the other person to give her animal some freedom because cats just love it.

They come in and climb up in my fruit trees that are right in my back yard and hang off it

and drape and sleep in the trees they come all at once, they are a clan. I am sure they

are kind of related and we have wild animals come in close, I live in a rural area and

that happened this spring and I ended up with 27 cats and now they are all gone again

because not it is safe, but I had two disappear and I want to know if they are safe.

If they are alive or if they have passed on and one was grey and white and her name

was patches and she was 26 and I did get while you were doing the other person that

she wanted to come back but don’t spay her, she wanted to have babies and then the

other one, was younger he was only like 3 years old and he told me I just went with

patches, just went with her that is all I got.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

The orange one I called him Alphin and he told me he will come back as long as I don’t

name him Alphin he wants to be a tiger so I said ok and that is about all I got when you

were doing the other people.

Rebecca: Well that is a lot, we were only doing one.

Brenda: I know.

Rebecca: We were only doing on animal and you did three.

Brenda: Yea. But and also my horse just ran up here and got on fence and gave me a

look through the window because I am looking out the back window like me, me don’t

forget me. Can I ask you a horse question?

Rebecca: Oh you can’t ask me, you can ask. I am just a facilitator.

Brenda: Oh a facilitator, ok.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: What did you want to ask your horse?

Brenda: I want to know if he is happy, his name Diamond Dell.

Rebecca: Let’s see how much time. Let’s switch over to doing a non-dominate

handwriting because you are going to ask Diamond Dell and everyone else is going to

ask who they want to ask. So let me tell you a little bit about this for those of you who

are new and you have never done non-dominate handwriting before. I learned about it

from Dr. Lucia Capacchioni who has written about 14 books on journaling and non-

dominate handwriting and what happens is when you put the pen in the non-dominate

hand, it doesn’t matter if it right or left, it matters if it is not the one that you normally

write with.

It is hard wired to the right side of the brain and that is where you inner wisdom

is. That is where psychic information can flow so we are going to ask a question of our

animal and then answer with the non-dominate spirit will not come and grab your hand

and start moving it, but you will get insight, like one word or if it is from the animal you

might just get a feeling kind of thing, but we will use you Brenda as a volunteer, but I

want all of you to do this. Brenda what do you want to ask your horse?


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Brenda: Well I just did what you said, I wanted to know are you happy here because

they say I had a stroke a couple years ago and I haven’t been able to ride and Diamond

Dell is going on eight years old and what his job is and what he is doing is being a

companion to another older horse I have who is 27. And I wanted to know if he was

happy being here doing that.

Rebecca: Ok, so write this down.

Brenda: Huh?

Rebecca: Can you follow my directions?

Brenda Yes.

Rebecca: Do you have pen and paper?

Brenda: I am standing here looking at my horse. Ok yea.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: You need pen and paper honey.

Brenda: Yea, yea. I have to sit down.

Rebecca: Ok.

Brenda: I am all ready. I am all set.

Rebecca: Ok, everybody get pen and paper please.

Brenda: Now my cat got in my chair because I asked for healing for her and I think she

got it. She is acting like she feels better.

Rebecca: Good. Ok, now everybody else you formulate the question for your animal.

Brenda: Do we need to write the question?

Rebecca: You must write the question with your regular hand. Are you right handed or


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

left handed?

Brenda: I am right handed.

Rebecca: Ok with your right hand I want you to write this question and then I want you

to just stop and let me give you instructions ok? I want you to write this dear Diamond

Dell are you happy here? Everyone else who wants to know if your pet is happy in their

situation, just write dear whatever their name is, one pet at a time, are you happy in

whatever situation. I know some of you; your pets are not able to do what they are

normally doing so formulate the question.

Ok, go ahead and write it, dear pet, are you happy in this situation? And then just

Brenda: If you are talking to me, I did it, I wrote it.

Rebecca: Ok, you did it, now, there is no talking when you are answering anybody and

let me tell you why there is no talking. Because when you talk you activate the left side

of the brain and it interferes with the information that you are getting from the right side.

So I want everybody to put your pen in your non-dominate hand and just sit there. Don’t

do anything, sit there and tune into the consciousness of your animal and imagine that


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

light is flowing down from the higher self-point, through the pineal gland, through the

ancient wisdom of your heart and down into your pen and just pay attention. You will get

one word or one thought or one emotion. Go ahead and write it and I will be quiet. And

Brenda did you get an answer?

Brenda: Yea, he said I am here aren’t I?

Rebecca: Ok, so he is a wise guy.

Brenda: He is a smart ass you bet. My next question was.

Rebecca: Ok, thank you Brenda. Thank you. Let’s here if someone else did that


Julia: This is Julia

Rebecca: Julia, what did your animal say?


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Julia: Well I asked my 11 year old Shepard why they like to get on my bed, I have a tall

bed and why wouldn’t she use the steps I gave her because her hips are getting, her

hips are arthritic, she said she was embarrassed to use them in front of her son who is

three. And I guess I need to just tell her, I don’t know what to tell her if she is


Rebecca: Well, she likes the challenge.

Julia: Oh of making the mighty leap. Ok, well I guess I will tell her that is ok.

Rebecca: Yea, so she likes the challenge and when she can’t do the challenge

anymore she will probably just give up, but right now every time she does it she feels

like I am the queen yay.

Julia: She does love it up there.

Rebecca: Yea, so.

Julia: Ok, thank you.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: Ok, somebody else want to share.

Doshi : Yes, my name is Doshi.

Rebecca: Yes, go ahead Doshi.

Doshi: Yes, I have a little Pomeranian and night when I retire she is on the bed with me

and anybody in the house who walks by the door or comes in, she growls at them and

the family is quite upset and they blame me because it is my problem. And so I asked

her why she does that and she said it is just a jealousy thing, she just wants to have me

for herself. But can I change her mind, can I change her behavior. Can I discipline her

or train her or reassure her or something?

Rebecca: You can reassure her, I wouldn’t discipline her for doing what comes natural.

You know, she wants everybody to know hey this is my mama and

Doshi: But I mean isn’t she a little confused too? Like somebody walks by and doesn’t

even come in and she barks like it is an intruder?


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: Yea, well if you want to communicate to her that that is not necessary that

you understand that she is a good watch dog and all those kinds of things, then I would

just try going into her consciousness and letting her know that that is not necessary but

she really kind of things she is doing you a big favor.

Doshi: And the other thing is when I come home, she barks and barks and I have tried

ignoring her and I have tried paying concentrated attention to her and neither seems to

be very effective to get her to quiet down faster.

Rebecca: Ok, well my this little doggie, I say I am borrowing and I do the ignoring thing

and then I give her attention when she quiets down, but here again that is part of her

personality and I am sure there might be some dog trainers on the line that could give

some good advice if they want to they can email it to me and I will send it out but it

seems like that is just a big part of her personality.

Doshi: I did speak to one dog trainer and he said you can’t stop a dog from being a

watch dog. I was really surprised by that.

Rebecca: Yea, that is what she likes to do. I mean for yourself does it really bother you


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

that much that she barks when you get home and for your family, why should it really

bother them that she growls a little bit?

Doshi: Well they just think it is unreasonable. The other thing is when I bring her to the

office, she is in the office all day with me and my husband is upset when she barks at

the customers coming in because it is disturbing.

Rebecca: Well and that makes sense you know you need to think about do I really want

to bring her to the office and it is a place of business and she is a born watch dog and

she is going to bark at the customers. You know that is just something you have to work

out within yourself.

Doshi: Yea and then the other mysterious thing is she will bark equally at people who

don’t like her as she does at people who do like and then other people will walk and she

won’t say anything and I can never figure out why she chooses to bark at somebody. It

can be a really friendly dog lover or not.

Rebecca: Yea, well that is just her personality. Let her have it. Ok. I am the lenient

person here. Ok thank you.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Doshi: Thank you Rebecca.

Female: Rebecca, thank you so much and Anut thank you so much too.

Rebecca: Oh yea, ok I do want to do one more exercise, our time is just flying by isn’t it

fun and simple and easy and just practicing this stuff is going to be really fun for you. Ok

I want to do another non-dominate hand exercise but I want everybody to ask the same

question. Now pick just one of your animals, just one. Now I want everybody to do this

same question. Because once you can do this you can ask any question.

Put dear and then the name of your pet. What are you here to teach me? Dear pet what

are you here to teach me? One more time, dear pet, what are you here to teach me?

Now just sit quietly and put the pen in the other hand and just tune into the pet you

asked. And just tune in and pay attention as you will get just one thought or feeing or

something will come up for you and just start writing and you might find that you write

more than one word or whatever, just let it flow easily.

Now start bringing that to a close. Ok, I want to hear some sharing about this. Say your

name and tell me what your pet is here to teach you.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Doreen: Hi Rebecca, it is Doreen.

Rebecca: Hi Doreen.

Doreen: Hi, I spoke to my little itty bitty kitty named pebbles and she said that she is

here to help me ground in the divine feminine.

Rebecca: Oh, go pebbles and isn’t it unusual that I work for the divine feminine, and

isn’t it funny I call her Azna and Anut is also an A, also a feminine cat energy so that is

awesome. Thank you. Who else wants to share what you put?

Cheryl: This is Cheryl.

Rebecca: Cheryl, go ahead.

Pat: I am here Pat, I am back with Dandy and I asked what he is here to teach me and

he said there is no hurry, and Dandy is the most amazing thing, even when he wants to

go out, I will open the door and he will wonder up to the door, he has been asking to go

out right, but when I open the door, he will stand there and decide whether he goes out,


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

whether he doesn’t go out. He sniffs the air, he thinks about it, and sometimes he

doesn’t go. I mean he has asked to go out but he changes his mind. Very often he does

go out but it is you know he steps and looks to the left, looks to the right. Nothing is a

hurry to him, it is totally up to me, I am always so fast in everything I do, I am pushing

myself so fast and he is really amazingly different and obviously has that to give to me.

Rebecca: And is very happy.

Pat: Oh, he is. He is a sweet heart.

Rebecca: And he gets along just fine, all his needs are met.

Pat: yea his needs are met I guess. The only thing I worry is that maybe he is bored in

the house sometimes but he sleeps a lot and he doesn’t seem to be, I guess he is bored

but he doesn’t seem to mind it the way I would if I were bored.

Rebecca: Yea, well that is sweet. Thanks for sharing that Pat. Ok, let’s have some

more sharing.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

(Overlapping conversation)

Rebecca: Ok, Carol

Carol: Hi I have a dog named Bentley and he is quite independent. He doesn’t really

like you to touch him or pet him and he is not like a dog I have normally had before and

I have a lot of children and grandchildren so I am a real giving person and so he told me

he is here to teach me to separate when I need some space.

Rebecca: Ooooo and have you been doing that?

Carol: No, but I am going to start.

Rebecca: Good, aren’t they wonderful teachers? And that you Anut for asking us to

have this class so we can all learn awesome ok, who else wants to share? Ok I heard

Jamie and then Rebecca and don’t worry we will all get in there.

Jamie: This is Jamie and I asked my dog and she said she is here to teach me the

meaning of obedience and sacrifice. And how to deal with that type of personality


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

because that is exactly what she is very obedient and self-sacrificing but that is exactly

the opposite of what my personality is, I am not the type or the people that I hang

around so she is trying to teach me that there are people in this world who serve and I

may try to empower them but that is not what I should do that is their role and serve

others and be merciful and accepting of them and accept the service a gift even though

that is not my personality, accept them and thank them for their personality.

Rebecca: What a wonderful, wise pet you have.

Jamie: She is a very smart girl.

Rebecca: Ok, go ahead.

Kimberly: Hey, this is Kimberly, this is the dog that was rescued I am asking the dog

who finds all the trinkets in the street and this is really remarkable to me because I

thought it was my place to help her to get off the street and have a loving family but

what she was supposed to teach me was that I need to trust god more because she

made it by herself and to be more compromising and to be more free and she said she

is willing to compromise with me about eating stuff off the ground.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: What teachers. Thank you, ok who else.

Cheryl: Rebecca, this is Cheryl.

Rebecca: Cheryl, go ahead.

Lorali: Rebecca, I was calling you Rebecca but this is Lorali, and I asked my pet, well

my horse ginger what I was supposed to learn from her and I wasn’t sure if I got a right

brain or left brain answer. I don’t know but I thought I heard patience.

Rebecca: Patience?

Lorali: Because I am kind of an impatient person and she is the most patient horse of

the herd and she has to wait to eat because all the other horses push her out.

Rebecca: Ok, well what a wise teacher. Thank you for sharing.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Cheryl: Rebecca, this is Cheryl.

Rebecca: Go ahead Cheryl.

Cheryl: My dog, my boxer spirit told me she is here to teach me unconditional love. She

is very set in her ways and she tells me what she wants and a lot of people make fun of

me for having so much love for her but I think that is what she has taught me because

no matter what, they love us unconditionally so that is what I am always telling everyone

that that is why I am so close to her because she loves me no matter what.

Rebecca: Yea, she does. You know we can leave our pets all day long and forget to put

their food out but when we get there they are all happy to see us. They are not like

pouting like how dare you forget to leave my food; they are just like yay, their home.

They don’t know how to hold a grudge. Ok, thank you, ok, let’s take a couple more.

Margaret: I have something.

Female: Ok Rebecca.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: Ok, the lady who said I have something.

Margaret: Ok, this is Margaret.

Rebecca: Ok Margaret.

Margaret: Ok, as I said I couldn’t do the handwriting because of being blind but what I

did was concentrated on the question, Zach what do you have to teach me? That is my

canary and first I didn’t get anything but then while you were talking with the other

people I said in my mind is it patience and confidence and all of a sudden I heard this

soft chirp form him and I got a feeling I was right.

Rebecca: Awesome and awesome you for figuring out a way to do it and not saying I

can’t do it. Awesome you.

Margaret: Oh well I am determined, I am determined.

Rebecca: Yes you are.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Margaret: I was starting to think that I was a failure and not being able to do this and

just when I was thinking that, I thought the question in my mind, I know what I am going

to do and I said in my mind is it patience and confidence and he did a very soft bubbly

chirp and I got the feeling, he didn’t say in words but that I was on the right track.

Rebecca: Yes, awesome. Ok, thank you. Alright, let’s take a couple more.

Lee: Rebecca, it is Lee.

Rebecca: Lee, go ahead.

Lee: Hi, I wanted to thank you first of all the class two weeks ago and I had talked to

you and you had mentioned Anut and you told me to use the non-dominate hand writing

for the last two weeks I have been doing that. And in fact it has gotten so that the non-

dominate handwriting isn’t fast enough and I just write it with my regular hand now.

Rebecca: Ok, it opened up the channel.

Lee: It certainly did and thank you so much and thank you to Anut. But I got today my


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

cat Issus I rescued her from the people who lived next door with my sister and she had

several litters of kittens before but I had her spayed and brought her over to live with

me. What I got from her about what she wanted me to get from her was not what I was

remotely expecting. What she said is that patience. From observing her from when she

was with her kittens and learning to trust animal communication answers and I have an

elderly mom that I need to exercise patience with also. She is very wise cat.

Rebecca: yea she is and I want to thank you because of my interaction with you it

brought Anut back up and so she was actually prodding you because I have been sitting

on this information for like five years and she added some more and she wants people

to be able to tune in easier and know that it is just a matter of practicing it and you are a

very good testimony because you have been practicing with the non-dominate hand and

now it just flows so easily. If people would understand the power of writing with the non-

dominate hand, not to use for fortune telling I have been telling people but to tune in to

wisdom and animal spirits. If you do it every day, I am telling you, you are going to be a

full blown psychic in no time.

Lee: Absolutely, I am so grateful and appreciative to you and Anut this has just been

wonderful, this is just what i want to do. I want to move into animal communication and

healing and I am closer than I have ever been so thank you so much.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

Rebecca: Well thank you, it has been my pleasure. Ok, so I don’t know if I got to

everything I planned, we may have to do another class like this, and we will see what

else Anut has to say and I want to hear, because this actually uses my heart point

technique healing modality so I already have a page ready on my website for animal

stories so those of you who got insight by holding those positions and running that light

and tuning in, I would love it if you send me an email and you can put animal story in the

title so I will know it is an animal story and I would just like to share those stories so

people can know that you can tune into your animals and just think what a better place

the world will be when we have better communication between the species.

Because we know we communicate love but I feel like today we have all learned a lot

about freedom, how we love our freedom and how our animals have their personalities

and deserve to have the freedom to have those personalities without being judged. I

know all of us have times been judged for our personalities and it doesn’t feel good

does it?

So I want to tell you all thank you so much for honoring Anut and not thinking I am just

crazy and showing up and loving your pets and I do encourage you to get the transcript

because I am going to put the steps right at the front and we will see if I get asked to do

this another time, I most certainly will. If I get asked how you can move into being an

animal communicator as a business I will consider that.


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

I am a divine channel and wherever spirit moves me that is where I go and I don’t care

where I go because I am happy with wherever it is. I want to say thank you to all of you

god bless you.

Female: Rebecca?

Rebecca: Yes?

Female: One question, I think a lot of people have this but I have a dog that is very

afraid of thunder is there anything that Anut can recommend because it is distressing.

Rebecca: ok, and a lot of it is the sound, reverberation and she is not telling me exactly

anything to be done for it. Do you bring them inside when it is thundering?

Female: Oh yes, she is already inside but she just starts shaking, panting

Rebecca: Ok, just hold her and reassure her. Especially to your pet, it feels like it hurts

her ears. Like she is feels it with her whole being. I would send healing cloud like a soft

cushioning cloud of light to just surround her and imagine that it is cushioning like being


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

wrapped in Charmin or something like that. And see if that doesn’t help. Also what will

help and we didn’t have time today, I guess I do need to have another class,

Female 2: Yea, do, you do really Rebecca.

Rebecca: Ok.

Female 2: Please have another animal class.

Rebecca: Ok, I will ask when the right time for that, just like I asked when the right time.

Like hold that heart point technique position on behalf of your animal and say I am

afraid of the thunder, I am afraid of the thunder and then pay attention to what comes

up. And then ask what energy would sooth this fear. What energy would sooth this fear?

And then whatever kind of comes up for you then send waves of that energy to your


I will have to ask for specific guidance for how to do health issues and scary issues but

I will do that and when I am told to do it. I will do the same thing I will have the question

submission box and then you can put your health things and then I can ask Anut how

can I best do this. So that I know when I tuned into one of my pets I am divorced and


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

my husband got the dogs because he has a thing but we are best friends and I go see

him almost every day, me and my husband are best friends and me and the dogs but I

couldn’t bring them but I tuned into her just holding the positions and saying you know

my skin itches.

And then I saw that her skin was just burning and itching and then over the summer she

has real thick hair and when I saw that and then I went to her and dug through her hair

and it sort of got dread locks way down by the skin and it was pulling the skin you know

when your hair gets stuck somewhere and so we held her down and took the sheers to

her but you can get insight, you don’t have to wait for the class, whatever your animal

has going on you can hold the heart point technique, I will put this at the beginning of

the transcript too for those we get it, hold the heart point technique points and just say

the condition. And then ask what kind of energy would help that and you will be

surprised what insight you get.

Female: Ok, thank you so much Rebecca.

Rebecca: Ok, thank you all so much. God bless everyone. Bye, Bye.

PS: I got this letter from a wonderful reader- it may help with the 'afraid of thunder'


Hi Rebecca, I enjoyed your webinar on Animal Communication and want to


Visit Rebecca at www.rebeccamarina.com to find out how HPT can improve your life!

thank you for making it available. I heard some people looking for a way to help their dogs with some issues. There is a wonderful technique called

Tellington Touch created by Linda Tellington Jones. She started on horses and moved to dogs, cats and a variety of many different animals. The

techniques help the animal to "be in their bodies" and make them feel safe which affects all of their behaviors. The website is www.ttouch.com and books are available as well as practitioners. Your audience would appreciate

this way of being with their animals. It is wonderful. In addition to what you said, the dog afraid of thunder would benefit from a thundershirt or being

wrapped in an ace bandage as shown in "Getting in Ttouch with Your Dog". Hope this is helpful. Love & Light, Diana
