eastern meets western medicine

BELLWORK ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE REFLECTION Think ofa tim e thatyou had the perform ance ofyourlife. You w ere unbelievable and exceeded yourexpectations. N ow think ofa tim e thatyou totally failed and fell apart. D raw 2 circleslabel oneAw esom e the otherUgly and record the things thatyou believe w ere the reason(s) that itturned outthatw ay.

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Eastern meets Western medicine. What do you think happens when 2 different medical ideologies compete for credibility and for patients?. Alternative Medicine. Careers and options. 3 possible careers in the field. Chiropractor Massage therapist Acupuncturist. The Chiropractor. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Eastern meets Western medicine


Think of a time that you had the performance of your life. You were unbelievable and exceeded your expectations.

Now think of a time that you totally failed and fell apart.

Draw 2 circles label one Awesome the other Ugly and record the things that you believe were the reason(s) that it turned out that way.

Page 2: Eastern meets Western medicine

What do you think happens when 2 different medical ideologies compete for credibility and for patients?

Eastern meets Western medicine

Page 3: Eastern meets Western medicine

Alternative Medicine

Careers and options

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Chiropractor Massage therapist Acupuncturist

3 possible careers in the field

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The Founder of the field was Daniel David Palmer (1878)

"Harvey Lillard a janitor in the Ryan Block, where I had my office, had been so deaf for 17 years that he could not hear the racket of a wagon on the street or the ticking of a watch. I made inquiry as to the cause of his deafness and was informed that when he was exerting himself in a cramped, stooping position, he felt something give way in his back and immediately became deaf. An examination showed a vertebrae racked from its normal position. I reasoned that if the that vertebra was replaced, the man's hearing should be restored. With this object in view, a half-hour's talk persuaded Mr. Lillard to allow me to replace it. I racked it into position by using the spinous process as a lever and soon the man could hear as before. There was nothing "accidental" about this, as it was accomplished with an object in view, and the result expected was obtained. There was nothing "crude" about this adjustment; it was specific, so much so that no Chiropractor has equaled it."

Source planetc1.com-news

The Chiropractor

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Palmer felt that Lillard's hearing loss was due to a blockage of the spinal nerves which control the inner ear. This nerve blockage, in Palmer's estimation, was caused by a irritation of the spinal nerves by a misaligned vertebrae. When Palmer corrected the misalignment by pushing the vertebrae back into place, the nerve pathways were reopened and thus Lillard's hearing was restored.

Today we know that the mechanism involved with spinal misalignments (The Vertebral Subluxation) is much more complicated than originally postulated by Palmer. However, Palmer's basic concept of nervous system interference adversely effecting health has held true over the last 105 years.

The term "chiropractic" was first coined by D.D. Palmer's close friend, the Reverend Samuel H. Weed. The term chiropractic was taken form the two Greek words:

Cheir (Chiro), Meaning "Hand"Praxis (Practic), Meaning "Practice"Thus chiropractic means "Done by Hand“

Palmer’s story

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Treat clients without drugs or surgery Believe the body has a natural power to

heal itself Use manual (adjustments) or physical

therapy and exercise programs to correct problems

Offer nutritional advice and suggest lifestyle changes

The work is based on these theories

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Focused on the spine Centers around the idea that when the

spine is out of alignment the spinal nerves ability to relay messages from the brain and spinal cord it interferes with optimal energy flow.

Treatment consists of adjustment of out of place (subluxated) vertebrae.


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Single Physician Office Clinic (shared space with several others

practice) Partner with a medical doctor (M.D.),

physical therapist (P.T.) or a massage therapist

May work in general practice, family practice, occupational health or rehabilitation

Specialize in sports injuries, auto accidents related injuries

Types of Practices

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2-4 years of related university or college courses.

Successful completion of 4 years at chiropractic college

Must have certification from the Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Licensed in each state by Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Outlook faster than average growth as consumer demand grows

Education/Licensing/Job outlook

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Does exams much like any other health care professional Takes patient history and must keep accurate records Asks lifestyle questions Evaluate past (trauma, injuries) X-Rays as needed Diagnosis not the same as an M.D. but is based on the

subluxated vertebrae Determine frequency and duration of treatment Evaluate effectiveness of therapy Communicate effectively with client Counsel and teach clients Handle money responsibly-pay taxes, bills, employees,

reinvest in practice, equipment

The Job of a Chiropractor

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Uses pressure, kneading, stroking, vibration, and tapping to positively affect the health of clients

Uses massage to help relax patient, lower blood pressure and heart rate, reduce pain in muscles

The Massage Therapist

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Swedish Massage 5 basic strokes-kneading, rolling, vibration,

percussion, tapping Uses oil to reduce friction on clients skin One type done immediately after exercise

on warm muscles Another done as a stress reduction massage


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Neuromuscular massage Applied to specific muscles Relieves tension and knots, relieves pain

and pressure on nerves, increases blood flow

Treatment continued

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Shiatsu and acupressure Finger pressure with both types of massage Both types are based on removing

blockages from the 12 meridians so that qi (energy) can flow again

Treatment continued

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The 12 meridians

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Reiki Also based on the principle of qi The practitioner use touch to restore

balance to the client’s energy flow The practitioner serves as a channel for the

life energy, which promotes emotional and physical healing

Treatment continued

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Independently (has an office or private area of practice)

House calls Spas or resorts Salons Chiropractors office Clinical setting

Types of practices

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500 hours of training required to be nationally certified.

Some states require more training, some require NO training

Certification from National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork

Faster than average growth as consumer demand grows

Education/Licensing/Job outlook

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Patient history Communication/teaching patients how to

prepare for massage Create a restful environment Implement plans to attract new clients,

retain existing clients Handle money responsibly Use effective body mechanics to prevent

injury to client or self

The job of a Massage Therapist

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Theory based on the beliefs about the qi (yin and yang)

The work brings the 2 into harmony Based on the Chinese theory of health and

illness. Emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of life are affected if the flow of qi is not balanced.

The Accupuncturist

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Inserts tin hollow needles under the skin to balance the qi

Inserted in exact locations where the meridians come to the skin surface

The acupuncturist may twirl, raise, rotate, thrust, or vibrate the needles to achieve desired effects


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Electro-acupuncture Designed to relieve or prevent pain No danger of electric shock Frequency and current can vary Has been successful at blocking pain of

surgery without anesthesia

Types of treatments

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Accupressure on different clients

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Acupuncture for animals

Meditation audio link http://marc.ucla.edu/body.cfm?id=22 Meditation podcast http://llnw.libsyn.com/p/f/a/e/faeb44e5a1526f69/Mini_Relaxation.MP3?s=1366127305


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Moxibustion Apply heat to the points where the needles

are to be inserted Used to treat conditions such as arthritis,

bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and certain types of paralysis

Treatment continued

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Acupressure Without needles, fingers are used along the

meridians using pressure

Treatment continued

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Reflexology Acupressure performed on the feet and hands

Treatment continued

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Private office Clinics Employed by M.D.’s or Chiropractors

Types of practices

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1300-2600 hours of training for licensure or certification in some states

In some states acupuncture is illegal unless performed by a physician

National Certification for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

About average growth but may improve because consumer demand is increasing


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Acupuncture Meditation Magnetic Therapy Massage Movement Therapy Homeopathy

Video segments

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At the conclusion of each video write 3 things that you learned about each form of alternative medicine

Keep this to turn in later (25 points)


Page 35: Eastern meets Western medicine

From the areas covered, choose the most intriguing field of study (or one of your choosing) and research the subject.

Your research should include:1. Name of the field and which area it falls under2. Amount of education that is required to become

employable in the field. Dig deep, education varies from state to state in some cases.

3. The skills that you need to have to be proficient with your work.

4. Why you chose the field (type of client that you work with, work setting, fits with your personality, etc…)

Unit capstone paper