east of england farming feature

93 Thursday,July11, 2013 www.peterboroughtoda y.co.uk  PETERBOROUGHTELEGRAPH Whatdoyougetifyouput togethermorethan4,000 schoolchildren,addsome serioussunshineandanen- gagingdayofruraleduca- tion,allenjoyedinthegreat outdoors? It is easy. You get beaming young faces that are eagerly learning about the journey their food makes, and the grea t opport unitiesthe Brit- ishfarmingindustrypresents. Thisconceptis allpart of anon-goingprogramme,Kids Country,whichisbeingrunby theEast of Engl and Agric ul- turalSociety. The Food and Farming day , par t of theKidsCount ry prog ramme , formedanother part of the society’s educa- tion incentive, which aims to teach young peopl e about food,farmingandagriculture in Britain. Peterborough City Coun- cilprovidedfree tra nspor t so tha t 43 schoolscould at tend theFoodandFarmingdayand it oer ed a grea t oppor tuni ty forschoolc hildr ento witne ss rst hand theimport ance of locallysourcedproduce,while alsoallowingthemtheoppor- tunitytolearnthewholefood and farm experience, from cultivatingseedstocaringfor cows. Jeremy Staples, chief ex- ecutiveof theEastof Engla nd Agricultural Society, said: “The Societ y hasbeenblown away by the success of the KidsCountryFoodandFarm- ing day. “Ourcharit y is abou t edu- cat ionand rural life,whichis atthe topof theagenda mov - ing forward. This is the new event that we want to focus on,and thisis ourfuture. “It has been such a huge success, and plans include oppor tunit iesto buil d on the even t, andlook atextending itovertwodays,withone-day open to the public. There is £7billionworthofagriculture businessinthearea,andthey arefullysupportingourfuture even tsand us. “Everyonehaslearntsome- thing today, and it’s a great messagefromtheSocietythat wearedoingsomethingreally worthwhile.” Nat ionaland localexhibi- torsduring theday incl uded the National Farmers’ Union (NFU). Brian Finnerty, regional communications advisor at the NFU, explained: “These kindofeventsareveryimpor- tanttousattheNFU.Anongo- ingchal lengeis toget young EVENTREPORT FoodforthoughtatShowground people involved in farming. There are 40,000 to 50,000 people that work in agricul- tureinourareaandaquarter oftheseareduetoretireinthe next10years. “Theindustryhaschanged and we need skilled people trainedin computing andus- inghigh-te chmachiner y.It is agreatcareerchoiceforyoung people in Cambridgeshire, whi chis oneof themostpro- ducti ve agricult ure counti es in the country .” Duri ngthe day , a liv estoc k eventalsotookplaceandchil- dren enj oyed geingcloseto farmyard animals as part of theirlearning experience. Now, morethan ever , con- sumers are thinking more aboutwheretheirfoodcomes from, and events such these oeragreatunderstandingof howto monit orthe tra ceab il- ityofourmeatandvegetables. HarryHorrell(24),ofPode Hole Farm, Thorney, and chairman of Oundle Young Farmers, believes that we needtobedoingallthatwecan toencourageyoungpeoplein- tofarming,aswellassupport- ing Britishagriculture. He said: “Farming is not  just a job, it’sa lifestyle and a grea t wayof enjoyingthe out- doorsandkeepi ngt. A lar ge perce ntag e of farmer s are50 yearsplusandsothereisareal need foryoung peopleto em- bracethe industry . “Young people do seem moreconsciousofwheretheir foodcomesfromandtous,itis Mayorof PeterboroughJuneStokeswith childrentakinga tractorride .  Youngsters get a close up view of the cattle judging . Visi ting school childr en at the showgro und main stand. BAnnRggi [email protected] 01733588726 @PeterboroughTel Ha ve your sa y Howimportantisbuyinglo- calproducetoyou?Jointhe debat e onTwier @peterbo rough teland see howsupportinglocalpro- ducerscanenhancethelocal economy #supportlocal Youcanalsohaveyoursay andlikeourfacebookpageat facebook.com/ peterbo rought odayor visit ourwebsitewww.peterb or- oughtoday.co.uk, whereyoucanaccessall yourfavourit e articlesand commentonthisissueand others. allabouttraceability.Ifyousee theRed Tra ctorLogoon your food,you canbe ass ur ed tha t theproductcanbetracedback toa Britishfarm. Everyonerememberstheir favourite school trips, the senseoffreedomandalearn- ing environment away from thehumdrumatmos pher e of the classroom. Susie Hall , head of equal- ityservicestoschoolsandgov- ernanceat Peterbor oughCity Counci l, said:“The highligh t of thedayfor me,waswatch- ing 600 school childre n play - ing a ukulele created out of Uerl y Buer ly tubs.Events likethisgivechildrenafantas- tic learningexperience.” Ourcharityis abou t educa tion and rur al life , whichisatthe topofthe agenda moving forward.” JeremyStaples

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Page 1: East of England Farming Feature

8/13/2019 East of England Farming Feature

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93Thursday,July11, 2013 www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk PETERBOROUGHTELEGRAPH


It is easy. You get beamingyoung faces that are eagerlylearning about the journeytheir food makes, and thegreat opportunitiesthe Brit-ishfarmingindustrypresents.

Thisconceptis allpart of anon-goingprogramme,KidsCountry,whichisbeingrunbytheEast of England Agricul-turalSociety.

The Food and Farmingday, part of theKidsCountryprogramme, formedanotherpart of the society’s educa-tion incentive, which aimsto teach young people aboutfood,farmingandagriculturein Britain.

Peterborough City Coun-cilprovidedfree transport sothat 43 schoolscould attendtheFoodandFarmingdayandit offered a great opportunityforschoolchildrento witnessrst hand theimportance of locallysourcedproduce,whilealsoallowingthemtheoppor-tunitytolearnthewholefoodand farm experience, fromcultivatingseedstocaringforcows.

Jeremy Staples, chief ex-ecutiveof theEastof EnglandAgricultural Society, said:“The Society hasbeenblownaway by the success of theKidsCountryFoodandFarm-ing day.

“Ourcharity is about edu-cationand rural life,whichisatthe topof theagenda mov-ing forward. This is the newevent that we want to focuson,and thisis ourfuture.

“It has been such a hugesuccess, and plans includeopportunitiesto build on theevent, andlook atextendingitovertwodays,withone-dayopen to the public. There is£7billionworthofagriculturebusinessinthearea,andtheyarefullysupportingourfutureeventsand us.

“Everyonehaslearntsome-thing today, and it’s a great


Nationaland localexhibi-torsduring theday includedthe National Farmers’ Union(NFU).

Brian Finnerty, regionalcommunications advisor atthe NFU, explained: “Thesekindofeventsareveryimpor-tanttousattheNFU.Anongo-ingchallengeis toget young



people involved in farming.There are 40,000 to 50,000people that work in agricul-tureinourareaandaquarter


“Theindustryhaschangedand we need skilled peopletrainedin computing andus-inghigh-techmachinery.It isagreatcareerchoiceforyoungpeople in Cambridgeshire,

whichis oneof themostpro-ductive agriculture countiesin thecountry.”

Duringthe day, a livestockeventalsotookplaceandchil-dren enjoyed ge ingclosetofarmyard animals as part of theirlearning experience.

Now, morethan ever, con-sumers are thinking moreaboutwheretheirfoodcomesfrom, and events such theseofferagreatunderstandingof

howto monitorthe traceabil-ityofourmeatandvegetables.

HarryHorrell(24),ofPodeHole Farm, Thorney, andchairman of Oundle YoungFarmers, believes that weneedtobedoingallthatwecantoencourageyoungpeoplein-

tofarming,aswellassupport-ing Britishagriculture.He said: “Farming is not

just a job, it’sa lifestyle and agreat wayof enjoyingthe out-doorsandkeepingt. A largepercentage of farmers are50yearsplusandsothereisarealneed foryoung peopleto em-bracethe industry.

“Young people do seemmoreconsciousofwheretheirfoodcomesfromandtous,itis

Mayorof PeterboroughJuneStokeswith childrentakinga tractorride .

Youngsters get a close up view of the cattle judging . Visi ting school childr en at the showgro und main stand.

B Ann R [email protected]@PeterboroughTel

Have your say

Howimportantisbuyinglo-calproducetoyou?Jointhedebate onTwi er@peterboroughteland see

howsupportinglocalpro-ducerscanenhancethelocaleconomy#supportlocalYoucanalsohaveyoursayandlikeourfacebookpageatfacebook.com/peterboroughtodayorvisitourwebsitewww.peterbor-oughtoday.co.uk,whereyoucanaccessallyourfavourite articlesandcommentonthisissueandothers.

allabouttraceability.IfyouseetheRed TractorLogoon yourfood,you canbe assured thattheproductcanbetracedbacktoa Britishfarm.”

Everyonerememberstheirfavourite school trips, thesenseoffreedomandalearn-

ing environment away fromthehumdrumatmosphere of theclassroom.

Susie Hall, head of equal-ityservicestoschoolsandgov-ernanceat PeterboroughCityCouncil, said:“The highlightof thedayfor me,waswatch-ing 600 schoolchildren play-ing a ukulele created out of U erly Bu erly tubs.Eventslikethisgivechildrenafantas-tic learningexperience.”

“Ourcharityisabout education

andrural life,whichisatthe

