east llavan, ®i|p last - hagaman library · 2017. 2. 13. · chased at potty's studio/ monto-wese....

" llF ^ rl M n«| aim g I Ea.st Haven Itacam^m Libi-arii East llavan, Conn. s-S Our Telephone jNumbers Bii.siness: Atwater 8-1661 Editorial: IlOharl 7-5811 ®I|p l a s t An Independent Weekly Newspaper voir Vm NO 11 Publiihid Wielly by Free Pirii Publiralloni, Int. Yrirlv Sulilt'llpllon S2.S0. KAST IIAVKX, CONXl-'.CTIl'rT, 'I'llflv'SDAV. .MAY '-'S, \'X,:\ n Ci'iits A Copy — !li2,rin A Ynnr Laying Down New Pavement f: Giant roiid coiiRtruction ntacliincs arc KIIOUII hi- operation luring; d ow^i the first of four .new coitcrefe lanes in llio rcloculiciii oT Itoute One Ui t h e Annex section near Kast Haven. A. major part of UI<Q rirat hine has been eoinplctetl and is in ttie lu-oci-ss of innnt; I stnn a t e s f o r t i m e o f completion of thej job rini t o a b o u t two m o r e m o n t h s If- t h e g o t n l w e u t l i e r eoiitinin;s. Cojig. Cretella To Speak Atj Meiriorial Day Exercises Here Congre.i.sman Albert Grple)la.-\vill<5'; be the main ..speaker at the Mem- oriui.Day exercises to take-pluceM weather permitting, on the town Ereen ,'-Saturday - afternoon. ' T h e ciiremo'nie.s will follow a Memorial Day-pai-oae itiro,ugn the main sec- tion of town, 'according to LI. John J. MacDonaid, grand marshal. •-," Paifticipating clergy will be-the K c v . X o u l s Pelosl, curate oi-'^i.' VinceTit d e ' P a u l ' s C h u r c h ; ;, t h e J l e v . . J a m e s K. Waery, pastor of the Old Stone Church; and the Rev. Alfred Clark, pastor of Christ Church. In the event of rain the parade will be-cancelled and the, exer- cLiies H'UI lake place with "brief services In t h e T o w n Hall at 3 p. m . Parade Starts At Z p. in... . . The parade, which will course through the town's center streets o v e r a r o u t e t o be announced, will begin at 2 p . m . from the corner of J»ardee Place and Main St. All units :and individuals parlloipatlhg wll be in position at 1:43. ''. 'I'he'parade will hall briefly at the Green Lawn and East Lawn, cemeteries., for the placing-y\of wreaths o'n the graves o! .war Mead. It will be reviewed by tbvyn o f f icial.s, •• hearied by. Selectmen Frank' Barker, Ernest Anlhonis end Fi'aiik Clancy." ' *., , Participants Pai-tlcipaling organizations -will take up po.sUion for formation in accordance with the following'-in- sirucUons. Flr^t-section -on the east.side of Pardee Place Ext., i-lgh't-'I'e.st- Ing on Main St.; Police jescorL, l.':asl Waven Auxiliary Police As- sociation; Lt. MacDonaid, ; grand marshal; Joseph Kodenski, chief of staff, and staff; Harry Bart- letl Post -89, American Legion Band; .Harry Bartlett Post; AM- ' V E T P o s t 19; Disabled Anleilcnn Veterans Chapter; Legion Post 89 Auxiliary; AMVET Post 14 Auxil- iary; civic organizations;' clergy (In cars); American War Mo'thers <ln cars); and Spanish War Y^l- ei-ans (In cars). . . ; Sefond settion - on the| we.st side ot Pardee Pi., right resting on Main St]: marshal and aide; paid firemen; Bradford • Manor Drum Corps; File Company four; Fire Company .six; Flie Company one (with hand ilrawn hose reel); srjuad car; East Haven Fire ap' paralue (five pieces); Annex Fire Department apparatus (three pieces).' Third section - on Gerrish .Ave., right resting on Main-St.; tnar- 6hal and aide; East Haven High School Band; .school children;'Cub Scouts; Girl Scoiits; Boy Scouts; Junior Rifle Club. The first two section.'! will .end -•(he march by circling the gieen. .SSectlon-thi-ee . will march to: the iTown Hall wliere It Will be dis- banded. - Town Stores Closed On Memorial Day - stores its the shojiplni; cetrter of tlic tosvn will be clrrseil ull (1ii.V in - observance of iMernoriuI Day, Elwood Scobie, iiresident of tlie iocfU Clianther of Cfrrn- ' rriurce,.aitnoiirtceft. A proifrani llotibrjng the* war dimrl .has'Ireeit arriinged by lo- cal veterans orKauizuiluitH and will start .witli laying of wn^atits on Jfraves - of veterans In. the . iitoi^nlng. A parade and speecir ' l»y Congressman Albert Cretella Will follow in the nfteriiobn. Unveil iMaque At Bradford Manor Exercises Sat. The annual memorial exercises .of Bradford Manor Hose Company and Auxiliaiy will be held Satur- day in the -Bradford Manor Hall. The event, lo follow the Memorial Day Parade, will lake place at four o'clock and will be attended by'Town officials. The central evenl of the pro- g r a m , w i l l be the unveiling of a new plaque deijicated to the.de- pni;trrienl members of the auxil- iary. Mrs. AlvIn Thompson will officiate. Charles Callahan, Mlllon John- son and James Cunlngham airs In charge of the program. Receiving Bids On Gerrish School Renovation Work Bids foi' Ihe redecorollon of GerrlKh S c h o o l - h a v e " b e e n Invited from contractors and are now be- ing received, • James Ematriidu, chairman of the school building committee,, reported to the JJoard of Education, at. its meeting Friday. , Ematruda said, that the sealed bids for the job, for which the sum of"?3,i300 has, been approprl-^ ated, would be opened after al) were received. Afethod Criticized The procedure under which the bids were.obtained was rcrilicized by George Lelis, member of the board, who thought that a plan of'specifications should have beL-n drawn listing what was to he done.. He said that the absence of such a list prevented fair compe- titive lilddlng. However, the chair- man of the building committee, disagreed. Ematruda said that the entire *school 'had \o he redone and that speclflcallon .was nut only unnecessary but would he difficult. - : - Other BuKlnes.s A t . t h e s a m e meeting the RCIJOOI board voted to accept Supt. Wil- liam Gillls' recommendation for thp adoption of the .same calen- dar**cIiool year that was o!)served in 1952-53. .The calendar would .start \vith the Wednesday after Labor Day and continue through June 25 for a total of 181 days, (Coiitinned On I'ago Two) Hall Named To School Board - Dein Candidate Is Tabled RaliilMW Meets Saturday j A special meeting of the East Haven Assembly, Order of Rain- bow Girls, will take place Satur- day at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic ^alL .• Harold C. Hall, of Hunt Lane, Foxon, was selected last Friday as a member of the Board of Ed- ucation filling a vacancy created by the resignation of Vincent F. Cusano, , Jr. Democratic Town cotnmitlee recommendations to fill another vacancy created by the resignation of Charles M. Cope- land were tabled for study by the school board. Resignations Accepted . Letter of resignation submlltod by Cusano .and Cbpeland were' ac- cepted ".wilK '. regrets" by the B o a r d o f Education. The recommendation of the Democratic Town comnilttee came in the form of a letter addressed to John Corbet, secretary lo the board. It stated in part: "In view of the resignation of Charles Cojle- land as a Democratic membec of the Board of Education for the I'own of East Haven, the Demo- cratic Town C o m m i t t e e w o u l d like to submit the names of Vincent Velrone and Harold. La, Polnle, both former members of the Boiird of Education o t E a s t Haven, "We would appreciate' the Board's selection of either one of these gentlemen who are well quolitied and are registered Demo- crats". In the letter the words "and larold La Pointe" were ninrkeil out wlih a pen but the remainder of the message was left unul- ered. Burton Heed staled thai Ihe meaning of the letter was not clear and moved that It b e tabled until the matter was clarified. Mi's. Lorraine* Flanagan, Demo- crnllc member of.the school board, pi-otested thai she "saw no rea- son why it should not be" and told George Lells, who was -among those favoring tabling lh<» matter, t h o l , " w h e n o u r n a m e w a s present- ed,', (Democratic members) went along and accepted it. Why can'l you do the .lame for us?" (Lells \vas .named lo fill a vacancy created by the resignation of a board meml^er). .Striclieii At Last Nllnuto Democratic Town Cliulrman James Garlland, who had written the letter, told,the News that La- Poinle's-name had borjn stricken out at the last minute. Gurtland said LnPolnte had notified him that because of a new position lie had taken it would be difficult for him lo attend the night (ses- sions of the school board. Because of 'this, Garlland said, LaPolrile asked that his name be wllii- di-awn. The Democratic lown chief said .(Continued On Page two) School Building Committee Lays Operation Plan The Elementary School Rulliiing' ConVmii.tee^mt^t"'^ Molfaiiy*\r^^ with the Board of f?e|ecim^li to lay plans for* the securing of-architec- tural services for ihi? cohstruotlpn of two new .schoolvahd' u ifour- room addition as yoled'al, a i^ccent town meeting. ,. ' :•: G e o r g e . L e t i s , chulrnian .of. the committee widch had acquired the unofficial name of "sites Commit- tee" while Hcckin^ sites oh which the construction will be done, re- ported that the committee also in- lei'xiewed a representativevof an ar..-liilectural firm spoOiallzlng in low-cost construction. Mimeo- graphed r|Uestionaires will he,sent lo other Interested, firms,. Whose representatives will belntorvlewed as soon ns the preliminary inform- ation is.provided.ha said. He said the main' purpose • of Monday's meeting was to dl-scuss the• committee's functioh.s, autllor- ity and proceedure to, follow in'the securing of plans. The po.ssib'llity of u.sing modified Aversions of. the GiUis School plans was al-so dlsous- .sed as a means of expediting the construction, .Letis reported. He emphasized ,that the use of such p l a n s w a s only a possibility, not a certainly. The committee plans to meet regularly once a week in order to "get things underway as noun as possible," Letis said. All members of the committee were present at the meeting. They are: Mrs, Walter Link, Hay Lurie, Alfred Holcomb, James Cunning- ham, J''''""lt Savino and the chair- man. Foxon iles Oppose Zone Change For 'Picnic Grounds' Petitions bearing lists of sig- natures of persons protesting an appeal foi- conversion of a piece of Jioute 80 property for commercial use as a picnic grounds were pre- sented to the-Zonlng Board of Ap- peals at a hearing, la^t night, .The appeal protested 'against was one introduced by Anthony Gagllardl, of 74 Greene St. and pertaining to use of the .former Carlson property on the north end of town. Among objections raised w a s t h e c l a i m t h a t u s e o f t h e area for such purposes would result in a public nuLiance lo the preuom- inantly residential area. Also heard was an appeal. by Joseph Delia Rocoo. of 363 Thomp- son Ave. for permls.slon to con- v e r t a present store and tenement i n t o , a two-family house. .De- cisions on the two cases will be announced later by board chair- man Thomas W. Welister, Hon Horn Mr, and Mrs, George Kappelar Jr.-, of 17 George St., announce the birth of a son, George IIL Mrs. Kappeler is the former Mar- ion Johnson. Firing Of Caps Against Town Law Police Head Says Kirlni; uf cups, ns well as all nlht'v firrwtirUs luid explosive de- vlcos wiihiu town liniils Is foi'hid- ilt'n liy Inwii ordinnbre iind Is pun- ishable hy nuiNlnnini fine of I^VTi tnr" oiich tUiy of viulnlion,' Poiloo Cliit'l Kdwin Priest warned, In nn- lii'ipailon of the cbiulng Fourth of J u l y j;e:i.Min.. ,. , I'lh'.st. niited that rnniplnlnls had hi'i'ii ii-('civ<'d regarding the sale of caps Ijy several looal' men-bants and wanii'd that int,'ri> posseKsi()n a.s w e l l u s s a l e o f .iiiueh n r l U ' l e s was lirfdiihiU'd' by law, III f i l i n g Ihe law, Tiiost noted Dial the uiily.use permilli'd was liy ihiPM' por.son.s. vcgularly,making use itf flares, .warning .slgnnls or lirtanus for eojiiiiu'rolal or other li'glliinnte piu'poses. P<?rnills would Mill be granted fur fireworks dis- plays hy individuals, he said. He •iled jiarls of the ordinance: SlOtVI'JON 1. Thi^ discharge, fir- lng( or use uf all flren-aokerH,, roi-kels.j tnrpedoos, Honmn' cniidles, fire balloniis or other firowtn'ks or substances dt'.slgned and intended fur pyiolechnic- display, and all liistols, cane.s, cannons or other de- vices using blank cartridges or caps cohlalning chlorate of polasb niiNture. is hereliy prohibited In I 111! Town of East llhven, except as I -einufler provided. .SECTION 2, The sale at retail or wholesale of all such fireworks and (leviees and Ihe storage and posf^e.ssitin of the same is hereby pi-ojiibil'ed. iKectlon four provides that- the Fire,Marshal,, arid Selectmen upon wri'llon application may Issue a peruiit to a . "inojierly (umliried per.son" fpr the display of,fireworks if In thetr judgment thoy do,not represent a hazard;) Such a per mil will not be granted lo Individ uhls, Priest .said. * iiig Bill To Airport Come Before Assembly Keqiiesl Vur Land Use Kegulalions Annual Meeting,Tues. .^ . The Uidle.s Giilld of. St. Vincent de-PauTs Church wiJl hold i(« an- nual meeting 'ruoKilay. ut 8 p. m. In the church hall. Offlcer.S; will be elected for the comlnii-year and plans will be complelod for l.ho annual dlnnei- on .Tuno .'10. Mo.sles- .•ie-s f o r ' t h e occasion wlli he. Ml.ss Alice Conway, MIKS Helen PorUit, Mr."?. Stephen IVTnybei- and Mr.s. William Andei-.son. Referred To PZ( A ri'(|Uo.sl tor Ihe cnniinienl of nrdiimnccs I'ox'erniiuj 'Ihe use of hind within Uiwii Ihults has luM^n roforri'd Ui Ihe IMannliii; and Zoii- Iniv I'onnnisslon. AcTib-ilIni; lo .a I d l e r fnnii FIr.sl, Selerhnan Kratilt • Burln.'r ,Io .U'ronio f!rnd.v,' li>aillnR pollllnnoi', Ihe reiiulalinns liiay he.ndnpied part of a Ki'[wm\ town plan, now under conKldernlton by town heads. The i-eipleslpd nrdliiaiu'es would have reirulalwl reniovnl of .soil from land and sot'n slandnril niln- Imnm size lo rcsUlenllal lols. They would i'e(|iilrc conlriiciiu's to con- .slrucl concrelo i-nhd I'Urhlni!; and IronI walKs ^ and would ri^ijulale ciinslrucllon on tilled Ki'onnd. Town li]ni;lheei': Chnl'les Miller said Ihal-he thouKlil llic retiuusl- ed rogulnl Ions' would be goiiil thlni;" genorully spealtlni!, Inil Hint they \voultl have lo becmne pari of a eohiprehenslve plan. In his letter lb Gra'dy, Barker spoke ot plans to eiiKage iho serv- ices of a lechiilcal engineering firm for llie purpose of preparing a pilot plan which would |));ovidu "nuich needed informallon" to the Planning and Zoning. Commission., lie said timliiresont.-'/onlng re- gulations iu'e "nihnllledly obsolele 'and InadcMiuate'V and in need of study.Uai'kcr siild he fell "II. Is, very Imporlanl ijinl we do engage the services o[,,te(;h'nlcni, plnnning engineers;nnd-lOanw sincere .wl.sh, ,lhai)^iJV<Wy«B|deniK^ri:ihe.,tttWn'.:wlU; give Iho iirogi'ani their full .su'ij- poris." -:,';• -.•' I'rohah' (iduil For Town Passed Hy (»cii, Assembly Klnal approval was granted yes- lerday hy Ihe Ceiu'ral AsstMnbly to hills provhllag for Independent pi-obale 'courls in ICasl Haven and Nmlh Haven, liotli arras have been served by tin- New Haven Prohiile Court. T h e [ b i l l s were approved, al- Ihough Denmeralle stale Sennlor .iolni ( Mm'idi.v, of New tlaven, ohnrgetl they ropresenleil n llepnh- llean move-aimed aljhe fnci thai Ihe New,Haven ,probate 4t"lge Is a Deniocral, former Cungrossinnli .lanies-A. SImnley. . liiiwever, the menanre affiM'tlng Ihe town ot 13asl Haven lias the supiiorl of bolh local political phrlles. ' ' Players Name Officers At Final Meeting Election of now officers of. the East Haven Players will lake place aljllie group's.final meeting Friday, June 5, al 8 p. m. in the Foxon Community House. Tlie group will suspend it activities during the Huniiner months and resume Iheni during Ihe early fall; Old Stone Church Picnic Sat. June 6 'rile annual picnic .of. I he Old Stone Clun-cli and the church school will be held al Lake Com- pounce on Sa.Iurilay, .Tune 6, .'I'lclc- els will be free In members of the churcli school and will bo one .dol- lar la olhers who wlsli 10 use the buses. Thu picnic will lake place "rain or-shlne".and the buses will, leave the church dl 9 a; ni. l'"(ir Ihe return trl|) the buses will leave the, lane, m " p. m. Those who caiihol , obtain their tickets al the church school', are Informed Ihnt' thoy may pIcK tiiein up nl Iho.church office Mon- day through Friday from i) a. m. until '1:.'10 p. in. All resei-vulions must lie made by Wednesday, .Tune, 3. Legion Invites 01 hers To Join Memorial Service A nrimliialing coinmltlee to pre- sent a new slate,of officers-for the coining year will lie cliosen nt the regular iiieeling ot Hie Harry Uarl- lell I'bsi 8!l, Ainerican Legion, in lliu posi club-rooms, First order of business, accord- ing lb Po.sl Comdr. • Jolin ,Camp, will be n I'osl Eyorlnstiiig service for two nienilil'rs of Ihe post who have died'slniie Inst MeniorlarDay: Lliius,;?!. Swiintnn and Edward'C. Corbaliy, ' |jei\dlng th'te'serVIci!' will buiAt;; Miller, liugler; William Mahei'l' .Tosopli Glynn. and; , .Tolin :Flnl<ljil riIlemun;jPpri.:.HB_i;J.lln, «oi'- •?geiint<i|ttr-orM«l&Ma'i>s^tia^':CUH^^ er(i'n,'i()<ljulnnll Ei'nesT''poniborldni |;'c)idplarn;Uind,.:.Iohii..,,Cuni|),. .coni- iilamicr. r ' ' -'i^liejneellng will also, elecl delo- l i n l e s . t o jllie sljilu department -to a l l e n d l tlije ciinvenlloii ,of.,.ruly 16 iliru i s . , j , : , ' . • ' All,Glri'Scout and -Boy Scout units ivho' have' not Indicated al- 'ready;ilin|.;tirey arc.going t,o rnnrch In theiMeniorlal Day, parade ,are. exienilt'd ^un Ihvllallon by Parade Marshiil Mohn- MacDbnnld. 'JIo u.ik's tlinl lill these groups report t o G o r i ' l s l v A v o . u t . J i y O "p. i n . Sat- urday.' Alii veterans are al.so in- vited lo inarch wllli' Ijcglo'n or'the AMVETS, A l l E a s t H a v e n velernnsof lliith world wars and of Korea are In- vited lo Join Ihe local Legion and AMVET posts In de(!orallng graves of volernns early .Saturday morii- (Coiitliiiied On Page Two) Emergency Operation' —• J'ollce IMioto In many Kitualions, wben nothing rdse uvnils, the jtolice arc called in us a last resort. So it was Tuettday ufteniooa when eight-year-old ICdwurd IC eynoldh, of i',i Stevetis Kt., >*tiicl( bis little finger into u roller slcate wheel and then found lie ('oludn't get H off. Offit^er Walti^r rdarius answered the SOS and worked with soap and water but cMuirdn't free the digit. I 1 i e lu>y w a s t a k e n to local bemhiuarterH where (as shown above) Peter Uniuncelll, a member of th» Ituard of I'ulilie Safety, and Capt. Kdward Sleiiham went to worb with hacliHUW, cold cblHel, rilen and ciittbig pliers. A, half h o u r a n d m a n y tears later Kdward hud bis fingers free iiguin, and u ttttlo Iodine tiioU cure of Ibe scnitc^ie^ inflicted b y t h e a peralion. Sliown on llie loft IH Assistant Police Chief Jouexih FoUo. Oliicer Frank £acku&( btaud ing) IOOILS on. Bulletin t\ieclnl 'I'd 1'lln Kiisl llaxeli New* Henate Kill illl was jiaMrd this aflornaon liy the Slate Si'inile 111 t h e form In willed It waff vepurled out b y t.lip Airport (!iiniiiilltee. Tlie hill wa» voted III the legisi'itlve rush to cleiir iinfiiii'sliod tiusliiesH utul wan ptissiMl o n to the llnlisn of Keti- resentntlves where It wu put on the day'N ealemlnr. ;I{e|i. Adellnirl 0. Aluiitte, ot - Kant lliiven, reporlrd that his V alleniiits tn secure an Hineiii)- nienl. to cover ediieatlonal a n d .' iiisfarle iiiiildiiign wej-o witliout - aviill. Passage of a' mtidlflod' Alriiort. Zoning Bill minus a controversial sect Inn grant Ing full powers of zoning regulation to munlclpalltle!|' owning nIt'poI'lB has been fdcom-; mended by the Comriilllco on Avla-, lion and Is pentilng before the;: slate Senate, . . . i . !• Although the npprovod hill vo-: .semliles"closely the orlginol me(i»-( uresubmllled iiy Sonnlor Leonard; Levy IH) of Ncw'H»*en;'the bill- has .had lliu conlroycrslul para-] graph (b) of Sootlon 0 yxclstid.J 'I'lils paragr'apli wbuld linvii per-j milted nn nlrporl-n\vrtlng munlclp-V allly to zone for oilier towns hord-\ ering on tlie nirtiort. If? tltey'..ii'e*. fused to participate In a Joint airport '/.(iiilng board SiTlloii Attailieil ' TliQ stclion was attacked at healings as being cnntiary to l|ie laws of the stale by enabling one munlclpullly to legulale the af- fairs of ai^ullier It Ihe mcaiiurn passes llit> Senali] It wll) JiQytukon up liy the HnuHo potliupa |iul lalci limn lomoiiflwHrildny) Muiillr link Ainendmeiil ~ttopreBeniBilvo »-Ai\»1bun cA Mnulte said lie lionpd to l^e*l Ihe maclnienl nf an aine;idinent to Ihe bill icpnilud t]\\\ by iri6 coninilUee specifying that edlKUlionul &nd hisloilc iliuctuies oxcepled fioni Ihe piuvlslon In Section 0 o n (a) l^imlth Jhls would plDhiblt Ihe replaceiiienl of non-colirni'inlng sliucluies wliUh have "bi;en abaadonOd oi nunc Ihah SO pel cent tniii down, deslioyed, dctsilo- I a t e d 01 d i y a y e d ^ 'I'lie Town uf East Haven has liad a "slake" In llie final form which llie bill would take because ni a long binnding conlioveisy over ^lie planned^for expansion of the.New Haven Municipal Alipoit Witli- out seeking lo inlerferc with the opeiatlon of the ail poll, itself, many townspeuiilo hove rcBlslcd the Idea Ihal addlllunal land wot|ld be transferred by sale, or otliiii'- wlse, to expand the limits ot tlie fjcid. The argument has been that the town is confronted with budgetary revenue piublemii and cannot afford to give up land thiit amy he able to pay taxen In the. future. If New Haven weie permlllpd In /.one East Haven piopeity, It would have been In n position to aci|ulre addlllunal land for the air- port by banning further construc- tion In such areas, '/.uiied Kur, Industry Another concern expressed was Ihal the land that would be .ac- quired consists. In part, of areas already -.toned for badly-needed'In- dustry. Of Immediate concern, hoWftVor, was that section of the lilll whicli would have permitted the City ot Now Haven to zone prbperty , In East Haven which adjoined the olr." port. A c o m m i t t e e headed by for- mer state Senator William Jaspcru was set up to study the entire mat- ter. No reports have been made since a meeting took place with leprosenlutlves of the airport sev- f?ral w e e k s ago. Section 3 of the bill directs the Aoronautlty* Commission "to torm- ulute and adopt, from lime tptlme as may be necessary revise, • a n ali'iiurt approach plan for eacii publlcIy-owncd airport In the slate. Each such plan shall Indicate.the circumstances in which slructurea or Irees or iwtli are dr'WoUld'ba alrpotr hazards, the-urea Within which measures for the protection ot the airport's aerial approaches should be taken, and what thi height limits and other objectives o t s u c h measures should bo." Municipalities' Must Zone Section 4 paragraph (a) states: "Every municipality having within Us territorial limlLs an area wltliin which, according t o a n airport ap- proach plan adopted by the com- mission, meosures s h o u l d b e takeii for the protection of airport .ap- .(Contluiietl On Page XyVfX ' ' l^~

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    Ik !

    The Plumb Line By Aute Carr

    Personal Problems in an Age of Anxiety

    II Pulling Ourselves Together

    colortul low nnnualS'In nlzoi foTm Because of the pyramid torm It t

    " I ' v o g o t t o p u l l m y s e l f t o g e t h e r "

    — t h i s Is t h e v o i c e of m o d e r n m n n .

    T h e s e w o r d s r e f l e c t h i s b e w i l d e r -

    m e n t Bt t h e c o m p l i i x l t l e s n h d - t h e

    I n c o h e r e n c e o f h i s e x i s t e n c e . T h e y

    r e v e a l h i s l o n g i n g f o r n u n i f y i n g

    a n d I n t p g r o t l n g p o w e r f o r ' h i s l i f e

    H o * U It t h a t e a c h o f u s — a t o n e

    t i m e o r a n o t h e r — s e n s e s s u c h d l v l

    s l o n a a n d t e n s i o n s w i t h i n o u r s e l v e s

    ' t h a t w e f e e l t h e n e c e s s i t y t o " P u U

    o u r s e l v e s t o g e t h e r ? " F o r o n e

    t h i n g w e a r c s u b j e c t t o B m u l t i -

    t u d e o f p r e s s u r e s ' a n d I m p u l s e s ,

    S o m e o f t h e m c o m e f r o m o u r o u t -

    s i d e r e l a t i o n s h i p s . S o m e o o m e

    f r o m w i t h i n ' b u r s e l v e s .

    C o n s i d e r t h e h u m e r o u a o u t s i d e

    r e l a t i o n s h i p s t h a t w o u l d h a v e t o b e

    I n c l u d e d ; In a d e s c r i p t i o n o f a n y

    o n e of u s . J o h n S m i t h , f o r

    a m p l e , ' i s t h e h e a d o f a f a m i l y , t h e

    f a t h e r o f t h r e e c h i l d r e n , . c h a i r m a n

    o f t h e B o a r d o f h i s c h u r c h , t e a c h e r

    o f a S u n d a y S c h o o l c l a s s , o w n e r

    o f t h e d r u g s t o r e , m e m b e r o f t h e

    R e p u b l i c a n P a r t y , s e c r e t a r y o f h i s

    s o c i a l c l u b a n d . m e m b e r o f t h e

    n e i g h b o r h o o d p l a n n i n g c o u n c i l .

    E v e r y o n e o f s u c h o u t s i d e r c i a '

    t l o n s l i l p s , a n d m a n y m o r e , m a k e

    t l i e i r d e m a n d s u p o n J o h n S m i t h

    nn"d u p o n a l l ' o f u s . T h e y s e e k o u r

    t i m e , o u r r e s o u r c e s a n d oUr l o y -

    a l t y . ' fiacii 0 n e vvould p u l l o r p u s h

    u s In a p a r t i c u l a r d i r e c t i o n — o f t e n

    I n . o p p o s i t e d i r e c t i o n s — I n o u r

    t h o u g h t ^ a n d a c t i o n . W h e n o n e I m -

    p u l s e w o u l d g o t h i s w a y , a n d a

    s e c o n d I m p u l s e w o u l d t a k e u s a n -

    o t h e r W a y ; w h e n w e a r e c a U g h t In

    t h e ien .s lor is b t t w c e n I n c o n s i s t e n t

    d i m a n d s , w e a r e i n c l i n e d t o d i v i d e

    o u r l o y a l t i e s a n d s p l i t o u r p e r s o n -

    l l l t l e s . I n m o m e n t s w h e n w e m o s t

    s t r o n g l y f e e l t h e pres . suro a n d t e n -

    s i o n s a n d isense o u r i n n e r d l iHslon ,

    w e - s a y t o o u r s e l v e s : " I ' v e g o t t o

    p u l l m y s e l f t o g e t h e r . "

    W o r s e s t i l j a r e t h e c o n f l i c t i n g

    I m p u l s e s t h a t f i n d t h e i r o r i g i n

    w i t h i n t h e se l f . E a c h Indlvldual ' i

    i s a v e r i t a b l e c o n s t e l l a t i o n of i n n e r

    d r i v e s , d e s i r e s a r i d ; n e e d s ' , a c o m -

    p l e x a r r a y o f l o v e s a n d h a t e s .

    T h e r e la t h e n e e d f o r t h e r e s p o n s e

    a n d a f f e c t i o n of o t h e r s . T h e r e Is

    t h e d e s i r e f o r k n o w l e d g e a n d f o r

    p l e a s u r e . • . T h e r e a r e t h e d e m a n d s

    of c o n s c i e n c e , t h e a t t r o c t l o n o f

    l o v e , t h e s e a r c h f o r p r o l s e . I n t h e

    f a c e o f t h e m a n y c o n f l i c t i n g I m -

    p u l s e s w i t h i n t h e s e l f w e a r e l i k e

    S t e p h e n - L e a c o e k ' s f a m o u s . I'id*

    w h o " f l u n g h i m s e l f u p o n h i s l i o r s e

    o n d r o d e h i n d l y o f f In a l l d i r e c -

    t i o n s . " W e c a n ' t s e e m t o g o t g o -

    i n g In a s p e c i f i c d i r e c t i o n b e c a u s e

    w e a r e n o t j u s t o n e s e l f w i t h , a

    s i n g l e g o a l ; w e a r e c o m p o s e d o f a

    c o m p l e x a r r a n g e m e n t o f s e l v e s

    e a c h w i t h I t s o w n I d e a a s t o w h e r e

    w e a r e g o i n g .

    T h u s , i n a t u r b u l e h t a g e w ^ l c h

    c a l l s f o r s t e a d y h a n d s a n d m i n d s

    t o p u l l t o g e t h e r a n u n s t a b l e w o r l d ,

    w e f i n d t h a t w e t o o a r e u n s t a b l e

    a n d m u s t a s k ; " H o w c a n I p u l l

    m y s e l f t o g e t h e r ? "

    J o s l a h R o y c e h a s s a i d t h a t t h e

    o n l y w a y In w h i c h w o c a n p u l l o u r -

    s e l v e s t o g e t h e r Is t o c h o o s e n

    c a u s e b y w h i c h t o l i v e — a c a u s e

    s t r o n g e n o u g h arid e n d u r i n g

    e n o u g h t o . g i v e p u r p o s e a n d d i r e c -

    t i o n t o a l l o f l l f e .

    T h e l e a d e r s o f F a s c i s m a n d C o m -

    m u n i s m h a v e r e c o g n i z e d t h e n e e d

    f o r a n I n n e r u n i f y i n g f o r c e a n d

    h a v e m a d e l o y a l t y t o f a t h e r l a n d o r

    a p o l i t i c a l o r e c o n o m i c s y s t e m t h e

    b a s i c c a u s e , t h e s u p r e m e a f f e c t i o n .

    T h e r e a r e t h o s e In t h i s c o u n t r y

    w h o w o u l d f o l l o w s u i t a n d m a k e

    A m e r l o a n l s i T i o r C a p i t a l i s m t h e

    s u p r e m e l o y a l t y o n d t h e u l t i m a t e

    c a u s e o f o u r d e v o t i o n .

    B u t o u r I p y o l t y t o t h e v e r y b e s t

    In A m e r i c a n d e m o c r a c y a n d e c o n -

    o m y m u s t b e s u b o r l l n a t c t o a n d

    J u d g e d b y t h e D i v i n e S o u r c e , t h e

    B o s i c G r o u n d o f o u r b e i n g . T h i s

    I.̂ t h e C a u s e t o w h i c h w e o w e

    u l t i m a t e a n d - t i n d l l o y a l t y . ' I t i s

    o n l y b y m a k i n g t h e D i v i n e t h e

    d o m i n a n t , ' c e n t r a l o b j e c t i v e o f l i f e ,

    o u r U l t l m j i l e p u r p o s e , o u r s u p r e m e |

    d e v o t i o n c a n w e l i r l n g Into u n i t y

    t i i e c o n f l i c t i n g d r i v e s a n d ' u r g e s , -

    p u l l s a n d • p r c s . s u r c s t h a t f r a g m e n -

    t i z e o u r l i v e s a n d c a u s e Us t o ex -

    c l a i m ; " I ' v e g o t to p u l l m y s e l f to -

    g e t h e r ! "

    T h e r e Is n o g l o r y In s t a r o r

    blo .qaom.

    T i l l l o o k e d u p o n b y a l o v i n g e y e ;

    T j i e r e Is n o f r a g r a n c e In M a y

    b r e e z e s ,

    1111 b r e a t h e d w i t h J o y n s t h e y

    . w a n d e r by.'

    ' — W i l l i a m C u l l e n B r y a n t

    T h e B r h n f o r d - a a r d e n C l u b w i l l

    h o l d i t s 2 5 t h a n n i v e r s a r y F l o w e r

    S h o w T o u r , F r i d a y , j J u n e lUt l i

    f r o m ? t i i 5 : 3 0 p . m . I t o r t l c u l t u r a l

    c l a s s e s w i l l b e s h o w n lut t h e T r i n -

    i t y P a r i s l f H o u s e f r o m 2 t o 5 . A l -

    — e d u c n U o n n l e x h i b i t s , * , c o n s e r v a -

    t i o n e x h i b i t , s p e c i a l e x l j l b i t s a n d

    a r r a n g e m e n t o f f l o w e r s I n f a v o r i t e

    c o n t a i n e r i f o r c h i l d r e n -— a. a g e

    g r o u p f r o m 5 t o 9 y e a r s . , a n d b .

    a g e , g r o u p 1 0 t o 14 y e a r i s -

    P r o g r n i ^ t i c k e t s m a y ' b e p u r -

    c h a s e d a t p o t t y ' s S t u d i o / M o n t o -

    w e s e . S t r e e t o r a t T r i n i t y \ P a r l s h

    H o u s e andli h o m e s o p e n e d f o r a r -

    r a n g e m e n t ^ c l a s s e s , t h e d a y o f t h e

    s h o w , J u n e ] 1 9 . ' >

    C o n t a l n i » r s , t r a y s a n d p l a n t s w i l l

    b e o n sa le i ' — M r s . F J r a n k C o n n o r

    ,and M r s . ' C l a r e n c e BJarnsworth^. In

    c h a r g e , y - ' I

    B e ^ o n ^ a s . . S e m p e r j t l o r e n s t h a t

    l^as b e t / n g r o w i n g . .an w l n d o w s l U s '

    a ) l w i n t e r , m a y be- ' u s e d n o w t o

    s t o c k , . p l a n t s f o r c u t t i n g s . T h o s e

    w i u . d c v e V o p I n t o s t j u r d y p l a n t s ' f o r

    s u m m o r . C b l o o m . },

    V / I l h . / a V a z o r o r - s h a r p k n i f e c u t

    o f f \ gr Melodle Mallnee

    KaU Smitli Kale SnIUl Ktta Sultk

    ^ews: House Party House Party torenio JonM Doctor's Wife

    One People Meet The Stan Howdy Doody

    City Serenade

    ' Author Speaks' Public Affairs

    . Data With Judy

    Hopalbng Cas'sldy 5 Holly'd Star Playhouse Hall ol Fame

    Counter Spy Slu Erwin

    News: House Party House Party Lorenio Jones Doctor's Wile


    .Howdy Doody

    News: House Party Housa P-vty Lo ti-«, ,'JiH Doclort WIfa

    Meet the Stan

    Kowdy.̂ Doody

    News: House Party House Parly -,

    Fllni Meet Ttia Stan NMJy Beody

    E V E N I N G P R O G R A M S E V E N I N G P B O G B A l ^ l S E V E N I N f t P B O O B A M S E V E N D J O P R O G R A M S E V E N I N G P R O Q B A M a

    8 „ . , World We Live la m stent ' Verlety Club jcal Spti.! 1. Crosby Sportscope


    Hewa • .nil Stern

    local Spts.;

    College Round Table.Hews . Kaltenborn .

    Crtsby Sportscope Supper Serenade World ifewl Today

    NBC Symohonv Summer Symphony

    Lone Ranger

    You Asked lor 6 Nfwi Summir Th( Thrt< SUM Sammy Kiyi

    Charlci LiugTiton Willtr WIncnell

    News Bill Stem,

    Whst OM Pinon Tax HInU

    7 8

    Itiuei UartMfl kiMft'ta WM Dm an BMtly bcuti Thutn

    I — i 1 floscn

    U cr Know But

    TV Tilinl

    Eportimtn Club Canil Niwi CviilR

    Gtouttio Mtra

    Chanci.ot I Ufitlni

    Hiwt, KalUnktra Rtit Crni _ Mwgtti Diatty Encori ThMter

    Sldiwallt Inttnliwi LtDlsUtort Tho»t T w Camtl NcwiCarann

    N B C Symph6n>.

    S t in RcvliM .

    Dingtrout Attlsn't

    ' Alan Young Sliow

    My Son Jttp Red Skdton

    prtvate SKTitafV

    UMi's i ih . : B. cro»bySpofmoB« Supper Scitnadi Worid Htwi Towy

    Answer Me Thli

    Niwi Bill stim

    Loal Splt.i

    School Days

    . Cratby SporticoM ^ . World Newt Today

    K V E N I N G P B O G B A B U t

    ' Newt .You i t Marrttii ^ QUI.Stem : '•••• Varlily Club . LOMi Spti . i -I . Crosby SiorUcop«

    Suppir fivif- • Ni**

    Ktwi, Kalttnbora Hcrt't to V«b Morgan Beatty Cncori Thtattr

    EddUFlihcr Camel Ni ' Encon Thcatu

    Caialcadc of An« |

    Conn. SpotllBht. Camtl ntm Caaim

    All Star Paradi

    Nana That Tuna


    Ufa of flltcy

    Bob and Ray

    Rucbtn & Rtubu

    AH Slar Rtvlaw 6 Phil Harris

    T»eali> Guild

    Toast of the Town / The RallrCJd Hour

    Music You Want

    What's^ My Name

    Voice at Flrutono

    College floundtable

    Red Skcltoa

    Buick Circus Hour School^ Days

    Andre Kotteland

    Arthur _Sod(ra

    9 LesH tiai town


    10 Judy

    Jans I

    Canova '


    Video Theeler

    4 Ster Playhouse

    Hartlii, Kane

    Burns & Allen

    Best P|ayi

    Judy Caoeri

    The Bjg Story

    The Aldtldt Fanlly

    tat. Night Dance Party Show 01 Shwi

    .Merldelh Wllsoii 9 TV Plajrhoi Telephone Hour .

    5teanbaat JamhoTM Music In the Night

    1 Lore Lucy

    Red Buttoni

    Marllli_(< Lewis

    Fibber McGee

    Playhouse of Stars


    . You Bet Yaur Ufa

    ilg Sttrr

    Strike_it Rltk


    Dinah Hhore Words In The Night Redio City Previews Pro and Coa

    Calvacfde of Sporta

    Greatest FIghb'.

    iaL Night Dance Party

    Your Hit Panda 10 ForuB ol The Air News Summary The Doctor

    Onle t Harriet

    Two For The Monty Two (or tha Money . Colder;̂ Fleoca t i n jUbbea lautg

    News Musical Albua

    11 Newt s

    S t""^ ' revs Beatty

    of the Nlihl

    Foreign Infilgut

    Robert Uontgwen J - News • "

    • I I i l^t N r n , Ilia qiffil^ QQ. •

    News Sacred Heart Prognei Marine Corps

    Mors Against Clme

    Favorite Story Mystery: Newl

    Hldnlght News, S l u DtlSIgn Olt

    News. WrestUlna This Week In Sports " "Hollywood Pallndlum . . • . ' . „ ,

    Orthettra" Midnight Theater 11

    News: Clifton Utiey

    Mldoleht Newt, Sign OHNlws: Sign Oil

    Sunday News Special FInslde ThtatH News Sacred Heart Prograaa

    Surprise Serenade News: Music ,

    Douglas Fairbanks

    Tales of Tomorrow

    CItlien Views Us< News Embassy . Flnt Nlgbter On the Line

    News I've Got a Secret Sacred Heart Pragna Ray Anthony 'The Big Picture MKnlghl Newl, Sign OKllewia brwi Ull

    i'Clllien Views the.Niwi ••. . 'Dangerous Assignment Sport SMt

    News Sacred Heart ProgrtJl Vfoodla Herman . , .. -jnenigt* sewi, Sign OKIgwgi

    Caaied^ Hgi«

    I Ea.st Haven Itacam^m Libi-arii E a s t l lavan, Conn.


    Our Telephone jNumbers Bii.siness: Atwater 8-1661 Editorial: IlOharl 7-5811 ®I|p l a s t An Independent Weekly Newspaper

    v o i r V m — N O 11 Publiihid Wielly by Free Pirii Publiralloni, Int. Yrirlv Sulilt'llpllon S2.S0. K A S T I I A V K X , C O N X l - ' . C T I l ' r T , ' I ' l l f l v ' S D A V . . M A Y '-'S, \'X,:\ n Ci'iits A Copy — !li2,rin A Ynnr

    Laying Down New Pavement


    G i a n t r o i i d c o i i R t r u c t i o n n t a c l i i n c s a r c K I I O U I I hi- o p e r a t i o n lur ing; d ow^i t h e f i r s t o f f o u r . n e w c o i t c r e f e l a n e s i n l l i o rc locu l i c i i i oT I t o u t e O n e Ui t h e A n n e x s e c t i o n n e a r K a s t H a v e n . A. m a j o r p a r t o f UI

  • EAST IIAVT-N Nl'AVS-ThurHluy, Khiy 28, tflSA I'liitn 2




    II \

    • «

    ' V.

    7 i 1

    , a 81

    ^ •! • I



    Ueceiving Bids -(ContliiiKMt It"rom I'liir'! Oiin)

    tliut lip (11(1 iiol linve llnii- lo re-write the lulior,. hut Hint Vcl-rone's nniiiD would bo rusubmllk'd 111 a riKW lettpr, l i e anld he thought the town (?nminUlee's wishes were quile plain nnd could iiot uiidoi'aland why Vctrono Wiis not ncceiilcd. '

    'Thii prnctlCE In recent y o n i s lins been tor ihe (Joniil (if ISducallnn, Which cxorcls(!s full nutlujiity In filling vnonnclos, Ip honor Ihe r-p-


    SOCIAL #

    Every Siil. Nis l i t

    Town Hall — East Havoii

    Bpociiil Prizes


    commendnllons of town commit-lees. However, In nt least one case, It, was claimed, a paily, rccoin-nieiulntlon was Ignored.

    One observer report s that Gart-

    land's letter was n departure from

    the usual practice of inakInK ver-

    bal reconimendallons to a member

    or membors of the school board,

    KesldeniJIenr •tO Veal's, Hall, the now member, has been

    a resident of Fpxon for about 40 years. Ho attended „Illllhouse on(l Kruduatcd from Booth Prep Schpoi In 1921). Per many years he oper. iiled a dairy business which lie sold out U) H. P. Hood In 19')5. He b(iu«bt nnd operate^l 13lissett'H rodd.sldi.' stand .'on Route 80 from liMn until December, 1!)51.

    .SInre 1!l.')l he has operated his own real estate business. For niiiny years. Unit W(LS nctlve In lofiil Iti'iuililk'iin rnrtlis and served on 111)' lioiird of .Selectmen from ti);i7 Id 1!M1 and from in4.'5 to 1!M5, when .limies Sullivan was f l i s l . v e l e c t m n n .

    Karller he had served several years as [jreshh.'nl of the East ,Hav-en Youiii; Hepiihlk'ans Club and


    H A M D E N

    PREPERRED P l . N A N C • C O . I N C .

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    %• T t l l m » how m u c h you w a n t a n d w h o n you w a n t I t .

    8 * Right f rom Iho p r i v a c y of your h o m o , offlca or t e U p h o n s booth y o u can g l v o m e enough I n f o r m a l i o n lo a p p l y f o r a loan a n d upon a p p r o v a l onablo m o lo le t a def ln l to t i m a for y o u t o come In a n d got tho m o n e y .

    k *25 to *500 r 0 « V y . . M e r c h a n d l i t

    r o M r . . O v e r d u i . b i l l t

    T o M . . t C m . r p e n c y

    M o n . y n . . d i . . . doc tor ,

    d e n l l i l , l i o i p l t a l . . . o n d

    •Jmllor b / l l i .

    Chooig tli.paym.nl tliol til, your potfc.fbool. Amounlof MonUilYruyniBnlifori

    i SO 100 300 aoo

    12 wo. t 9.03

    10.0S 31.77 47.41

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    i B.3t J4.JJ 39.04

    i f W i

    30.M l i iElua. .11 oliarg..

    I'liuiupi uiuutlil], | ) . ]rui .ult .

    PREIERRED IINANCE CO. INC. a loan tcrvlce for all II92DIXWELLAVE.' • Room 201 • 2nd Fl. • HAMDEN

    Telephone: MAIN 4-5141 , Optn Mondayi Ihru 7hurnlayi9i20 to 5t30 • ftliiayt ?i30 fo S • Cloicd Saturilttyt


    EAST HAVEN'S 1953 Buying & Service Directory

    Central Cleaners D y e i s

    Home of DiBtinotive Cleaning W e Operate Our Owii Plant

    4-Hour Cleaning Servico

    jOall For and Deliver 322 A^ln 8t. riuinî 1IC> 7-11(1711

    Barker Trucking Co. Local and Long Distance Moving, Orating, Storage

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    7-IK7l> K. A. IlarU»r 110 7-0001

    GEORGE A. SISSON i Insurance , Fire — Bonds

    Automobile Casualty i l Ohldscy Av«. KU.HI IIIIVIMI

    Augie's Auto Repair General Repairing Tires — Batteries


    IMwinc IIO 7-B2t8 4S1I Mala S t

    I "We Specialize in" i I Orthopedic Work" i ' WE REPAIR ALL SHOES 1 1


    270 Main St., East Havon I HO 7-04D3

    LllNDEN (:()IVVAll«CENT

    HOSPITAL Mrs. Kny Anstaisio, Dir.

    Kei;istcred Nurses in ^Altendance Day nnd Nijihl ]

    Carefully Prepared Meals and Diets

    Phone HO 7-5828 ^83 Main St. East H.ivon j

    One yonr os chnlrman o(le Servlcn — I.rt u s fidviso you uii any insurancn

    I^roblclii, no obligation. 28-1 MAIN ST., EA.ST IIAVBN

    I I O 7-78Uq


    | | S P A C E •

    ' O N L V . O B c P K R I N C I l

    T E L . AX 8-lUOl



    Open Daily nionday thru .Suturday

    llriilay Till II P. M.

    I'KEK 1)101.IVKItV Al'" l i NOON


    MAIN SEA FOOD 2U.H MiUu St. Kast lluveu

    U s e F r e e PreHS

    W a n t A d s

    liy Paula' peNlcola, accompanied by Patty DeNicola/ "The Fairies' Harp" (Thompson) liy Barbara Ruotolo; "On.the Bridge at Av-Ignpn" (Freilch Folk Song) by Elaine Balletlo,. Martha Balletto, Judy Biatchley, Rosetla Colwell, Patty DeNicola, Paula DeNlcola. Shelley HopsOn; Marola Munro, and Barbara Ruotolo. ' "First ,\yall7.", (Durund),by Ger-ttldlno Aeeto. "An Old-Fashloned Lullaby" (Welsh Melody) by Patty DeNiccila. "On,-Yonder Rock Re-cllnlng"'(Auber) by Iris Volz. "I'm

    ;Callcd Little Buttercup" (Sulli-van) by Martha and Elaine Ral-letto. " r Mel -a Little Elfman" (German Folk Song) by !shelley llopson, lice, hy Marcla Munro.

    "Blue Danube Waltz" (Strauss) by Theresa, Zampiello. "Thistle Down" (Strauss) by Heathei' Col-well, , ace. by George Colwell. "Viennese: Melody" (arr. by Jolin Wllliaiiis) by Judy Blqtchley. ,

    ''JVie;.','f6ll6\yirig'pieces gf inyslt \ver|e';groUpt'd Into.a'stepheri'Fos-ter •skettjh; with' Frtiilcls Zampiello netlpgfas' narrator;'"My Old'"Ken-,lucky- Home", by' Marcla Munro; ';0h, Susanna" by George Colwell and John Pltzgerald; '"Massa'.s. In' the'Cold Ground", by Marie Fn-.blanaj , ".Je.annle with liie^ Light Brown Hair" by Linda Lewis: ."Old Folks at Home" by a choral group composed of; Roweha Beebe, Jim-my Collins,' Heather Colwell, Jane DeFelleS; Marionne D'Onofrlo, Marie Fablana. John Fitzgerald, Linda Lewis, Joseph Volz," Iris Volz, and Theresa- Zampiello; "Beautiful Dreamer" by ' John Fitzgerald.

    The. remainder of the program wa.s as follows. "Minute Waltz' (Chopin) by George Colwell. ̂ !Au Claire de.la Luiie" (French Folk Song) by Marianne D'Onofrlo,

    Eastics Shut Out Boardman Trade 10-1 At Bovvcn

    Vln Gagllardl led the Ea.sties in the scoring which shut out Board-man Trade 10-0 al Bowen Field Monday afternoon. It was the sec-ond victory over llie New Haven Icam this season. '

    Gagllardl, out of bis four t imes up at bat, connected three t imes for two singles and u double. The double came in the fifth i nnlng and, combined with a walk by Clayton Gary, a struck batsman and a single by Jackie Norton re-sulted In four runs.

    Harold Lawlor yielded one lilt in the first two Innings, turning the mound over to his teammate, Gary, who allowed only one n>ore hit in Ihe remaining five frames.

    II was 10 hits, 10 runs and no errors for Coach Frank Crisafi's team which put 17 players into the game. . The box score: (• " ] .EAS'l^ HAVEN

    .Sims. 2b Fnlanga, cf. Krasz'skl. p., Oinnnlli, H). Furlak, .S.S. Baylis, If. Tomassi, 3b. Esposlto, c. JtJvanne, rf, Sleglna, p. Horn. p. Tuningo, rf,


    East Haven Boardman . .

    3 0 .1 0 3 1 3 1 2 0 7 0 3 1 1 0 2 0 3 0 2 0 1 2 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 o n

    23 2 21 7

    120 0-12 1—in 000 000 n— 0

    Runs—T. Maulle , Gagllardl !;. Gery 2, MIzger 2, Laudano 2, Nor-ton 1. TomasI 2.

    D a m a g e L imi ted In

    T w o 2-Car A c c i d e n t s b a m a g e of llmiled amount but

    no Injuries resulted In a couple of two-car accidents last week. Thursday evening a vehicle driven b y ' G e o r g e E. Pblrot, 73, of 2-13 Ty ler St« was involved in on ac-cident o n . M a i n St. near Bradley St. with a car driven by Michele Proto, 5i), of 260 Hemingway Ave. Damage of about $50 was caused" to the left rear door of the lat-ier' .scai; . '

    Oii Saturday at 5:05 p. m. a car driven by Lejin J. Bodzlony, 28, o[ Bridgeport, was struck by a car driven along Main St. by Thomas Perrelll , 2'lj of 97 French Ave. The lat ter 'dr iver said the first had stoppeit suddenly and, - following, he waS;Uliablo to halt In t ime to avoUi striking the rear of the flr.st car, , ! . ' Drivers' In both accldenls were

    booketi on lechlnlcal charges of vi-olation of motor veli lcle laws.

    KAST HAVEN NEWS Thursday, May 28, 1 »SS Page S

    M o m a u g u i n , L o d g e

    E x e m p l i f i e s F . D . M o n d a y At tlie--next staled communica-

    tion of Momauguin ' Lodge No. 138 A. F.> & A. M. which will be held In the lodge rooms, 265 Main SI., on -Monday the FellowcrafI Degree wilt be exemplified. The meellng will slart promptly al 7:30 p. ni. and all Master Masons are invited to attend.


    T. Mautte, 2b Sullivan, l b . Gagllardl , ss. P. Gery, 11. D. Mautte, 3b. MIzger, cf. Laudano, p.. If.

    AB 2 4 4 3 2 3 3

    H O A 1 3 ,1 0 3 2 3 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0



    HIGH QUALITY NEOCETA BRUSHES-You ge l two bruitiol mad^ wilh PIMi-burgli'i itMW faotli'iirtlp won-dar bdilla—NsDcila—10 halp ysu point foitsr and balUr.

    Includes f ive gul lont of this famous h o u t i point Ihol 's f u m e - r o s l s l a n t . . . self-cloonlnE . . . eni jchod Wil l i special "Vilolhatl O i / i " l c give your h o m e livo-paint profech'on.

    HEItE.S HOW VOIJ SAVE $3.GD 5 .(lali.' Sun-Proof House

    Paint . . . : $311.65 trim" colors slightly higher

    S i i - lnch N'ccceUi Urush $1.60 l-liivU i^pccclu Briish .4.00

    Total UCIJUI Value $.10.06 SPECIAL COMniNATION

    SALE I'illClO $32.-1(1


    In the second class . division Marie Fablana and Iris Volz. N e -Lynn Broughton won first prize, apolllan Nights (Zamecnlk) by Second prize . was awarded to Jane DeFellce. "Canadian Capers" Ralph Castellon and lionorable by Theresa Chlaramonl i and mention w a s . given to Sidney | Shleln Korngiebel.

    Good Jobs m

    PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS Conueclicut Blue Cross Home Office has several openings for young women inleresled in learning office skills. Job training leading to cidvancement. BQIJI typing and non-typ-ing jobs available. Five-day week, 8:15 to'4:15. Easily reach-ed from all sections of greater New Haven. Cafeteria.

    OftU Employmc.nt Manager, Conncotiout Hospital Service, Tno,

    Whitney nnd Edwards Streets, MAin 4-08C1

    .when it makes fashion neivs,


    ^eminine look is fashion 7iews!

    T h e swim suit's g o n e t e m l n l n s ; , 7

    a n d C a t a l i n a does It wi th soft shirring

    a n d easy touches titat m o k e the

    most of a f igure I See for yourself

    w h a t these suits d o for you I From

    a w ide selection of

    C o t o l l n o styles I


    MAY 30TH


    Highland Leads

    In Elementary

    Baseball L e a g u e

    Hlghlond School occupied the top place In the Inlerscholasllc elementary baseball lengue ol Ihe

    end;Uf the third week of .play, ac-cording to an announcement ty Jbseph Mellllo, e lementary' phys-ical supervisor.

    The Highlanders hod won .three and lost none. Second place was shared by Union aiid Gerrtsli Schools, each with t w o . w i n s and one loss. Monmbguln come next with one win and two loss' | : . In last place were Glllls and 'lUtlle School with three losses each ond no' wins.

    ' See our complete selection

    cf Tine Groduotlon Giftt

    •Price includ(!s I-'ederal Tax




    218 Main Street

    (Next to First Ntitional)

    Tel. HO 7-5979

    FIRE LOG Salurday, .');55 p. m., Engine

    one, Truck one on Box 134, chlm-noy lire al liome of Dr. Robert Taylor, r)78 1'lioinpson Ave.; 8:05 p. m., Bo.x 311, Companies one tnd six, brush fire off WheolOn ltd.; 9:18 p. m.. Companies one and si.y, Box 311, woods fire oft Mansfield Grove Rd.

    Sunday, 3:21 p. m., Box 192. Company one, woods fire near Hoberls Dr.; 6:08 p. m., B o x 41, Company one. brush fire on Laurel SI.

    Monday, 8:15 p. m. B o x 336, Companies one and six, meadow fire. Ora Ave.

    Tuesday, 1:28 p. ni. Box 221, Kngines one and six. Truck one, Kast Haven Cleaners, Main St., false alarm set off by mechanics Working on automatic alami system.

    Vm Glad You Asked Me That Question

    Albano - Centofantl Mr..and Mrs. Anthony Albano, of

    16 Main St., announce the recent marriage of their daughter, An-gela Jewell, to Alphonse J . Cento-funll, son of Mr._ ond Mrs. Frank Centofantl, of Canibridge, Mass. Tlie couple will reside at S5 Ellery St., Cambridge, Mass.

    Qraduutes F r o m Smith Miss Ann Talcotl Ddvis , 'daugh-

    ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Davis, of 504 Thompson Ave. , will receive her p . A. degree from Smlili .College a t the 75th, com-mencement exercises lo t a k e place June 8 at the colle'ge In Korth-hompton, Mass.

    Miss Davis, who majored in music. Is president of the Smith College Symphony Orchestra and was music editor for the college newspaper during her Junior year.


    By Supl. Wm. E. Gillis Criic fullowlng Is reprinted, al-most In entirety, from the Slay, 1063 Issue of llie sclioni Dokrd Journal.)

    After 22 years of service as su-perintendent of schools In a boin-mimlty of iuoderale s ize, ' 1 have arihoUnced nVy Intention of relir-liig ot llie close of the present school year.

    Since i m a d e k n o w n my wishes, I , h a v e been confronted with the repeated remark thot 1 a m too young, to retire; friends w a n t , to kiipw w.hy I wish to step aside. As tlie' poljllclans say: "1 a m glad that you asked me thai question."

    Prlmorlly and simply. It Is a case of taking an opportunity lo do ti l ings which I want lo do and which' I have been unable lo do for w a n t of l ime or other con-siderations. Some of the things I want to do are in the form of civic services, others are recrea-t i o n a l , o r Bvpcallonal. The super-intendent jips, may I say, shackles which,' restrict his freedom of speech ond action. When mem-bers pt Ills staff are criticized, he -mu.st be present to defend Ibeii}. yyiicn there is need tor In-creasli^g salaries, he must load in the ' batt le: ior them. However, when Ije Is In a troubled .spot or wli^n he If seeking a well-earned salary adjustment, he must be his owp spoHesman. There Is rarely anyone to speak for him. He often faces ' ii 'board, the majority of which |s lower In the salary scale than he. Although he Is the ex-ecutive heiid of the largest enter-prise In town he Is sometimes paid less than members of his stalf, It the ampuht of the salary is arrived'ot< on the basis of re-sponsibility and time spent on the Job. \yi ion he conipares his Income with ttiose of business executives w h o have much less responsibility, he comes oift d poor second.

    My Nonexistent rr ivaoy T h e privote' l i te of the superin-

    tendent U almost nonexistent. S o m e meetings he can arrange In adviince and prbpe'rly set down In the appoliitpient i)ook; - he can then plan .a family gathering for Auiit Matilda. But more than likely, .before the dale arrives he will' be notified of ,B special con

    zen of sorts. 1 om on the voters' list but I enjoy n rather llmiled status. I dare hot al lend a polit-ical rally. (Thank goodness for 1'V, I have now seen how these things are carried on.) I h a d bet-ter remain silent at Town Meeting It li question has political,Implica-tions. During the season preced-ing the local lelectlon 1 Uod bel-ter wear blinders on'Main Street , so as to avoid meeting and..speak-ing i o any of .the caiidldalcs, for fear thai a rival .Is in sight. Al-though the schools aim to teach citizenship, the teachers and. the superintendent are playing with fire when they jniike use t)f tlii> prtrognllves ciijoycd by John Q. Public.

    Jly Successors .Surecss Honestly now—things ore not

    "as bad as I have just painted them. But I do feel that I can be of greater help to the schools and Ihe community working as a former superintendent. Less restricted, I can place before the people the needs of the schools. Before I leave the community 1 have work-ed in, 1 can make recommenda-tions which will help my succeiss-or. I can be accused of no selfish motives la doing so.

    And so 1 a m planning to move' tp another town in which 1 can render a true community service. I plan to, exorci.se my full rights of citizenship, and to use my ex-perience in making the wheels go; round by taking an active part in civic affairs of m y new home. I shall seek w a y s In which to servo by working- through various civic organizations, and It tliey appolnl" or .e lect me to offices In these or-ganizations, I shall have ample l ime and I will not be reslrlcted by • corisidernlions which would limit m e If I - w e r e dependent on the! whims of an employer. I ex-p e c t . t o lake ah Interest In the general welfare of the school sys-tem, and for this my years ot ex-perience should prove of value. I hope lo enter on a period when I shall try lo do many of the things whlcli I wanted tlone, which. 1 know 1 can do without tlie restric-tions, real or imaginary, under which I have' worked.

    I won't care to go on In this civic work unlil t am in-my dot-age. While I am still young enough lo have the Interest and the strength, I wish lo combine

    fereijce at';Wbleh his presence is certain avocations with my con-required. Aunt Matilda rnay like It irlbullons of a civic nature. I t will

    Bought himself an ATTIC FAN . J u j n s J t . o n at night . O p e n s the downsta ir*

    w i n d o w s . H o t stifling air is p u s h e d o u t ,

    . Fresh} dew:ch i l l ed air f rom near the g r o u n d

    is puj led in. T h e entire house ' is c o o l e d .

    Everybody s leeps . Buy an attic fan, as w e l l

    as p lenty o f por tab le fans, r ight n o w —

    w h i l e yo.ur dealer has a c o m p l e t e s'^leoion.

    THE U N I T E D I L L U M I N A T I N G

    = = = ^ - — ' — i ^ ^ ^ C O M P A N Y

    m UI m UI ui ui ui ui ui ui ui ui ui ui uf

    HIGH QUALITY NEOCETA l i l i l l i l S - Y Q U gal l w « bruthi'l mad* wUh r i H i -k«(sl>'> " • « I'OlKsrtlp won-iw bililla—Naoiata—to tialp veil poliit fatlar and batter.

    BIG BRUSM OFFER wrth PHteburgh's

    House Paint I n d u d a i f lva gal lons of Mt, l a m o u t h o u n point Ihat'a f m n e - r o i U l a n I . . . • • I f - c U a n I n g . . . enriched w i l h . i p s c l a l "Vllollfd 0 / / l " l « fllvo your h o m e l/'we-pa/nf prof»ef/on.

    IIERE'.S n o w VOU .SAVE JS.IS9 B Oal. Can Sun-Proof House . .

    . . . I'alnt- '• »»»•" trim colors slightly higher .

    2 J 4 - l n c i i N c c c e t a Brush . . ..»1-B0

    4-inch X e c c e t a Brush

  • "-iis.vjr i^:' fve-n'. .S-m ^\^>^^^

    • J

    ' I

    f «t

    !̂ « \ ft. ni. Ever Ready groijp will (sew in the Parish llouiie. 7 i30 p. m. Meet ing ot the Standing Cpilfmlttoe In the study.

    Wednesday u a. in. Adult Bible Class In the aludy. Bo.x lunch and re l lowsblp 'hour; ) ioon to 1 p, ml Leader, ReV. James E . Waery. 7:30;p.)n,JfAiin))al Dinner of the Junior Woirie|i's League a t Weep-ing Wil lows. Cars wi l l leave the Church at .7:10 p, ni, M e m b e r s w U l be contdotea' tdrreseryat lons . Mrs. T b e o d o f e ' F r e n c h , Is In charge of arrongeVnimts, 8 , p, m. Evening Bible Closs In the Parish House. Leai^er,- Rey, . Jaiiies E. Waeiy . 12:30 rioon,, Coyered dish lunch-eon Of the •Pr()gre?slve Friends iii the Chvtrch parlor. Regii lar biisl-iie.ss mee t ing 'wl i i : follow.

    Tliursdoy B|3P p, m. Rehearsal for Junior iClioir. 7:30 p. in. Re-hearsal r9r Senlqr Choir.

    Garden-Club |4olding Flo\^er ShoW,.June S *

    "Aj Day In June" will be the theme of t|)e 1853 annual East Haven f lower show to l a k e place Friday, June 5, |n the Town Hall' from; 2 to 8 p.. in., according, to Mrs. .Thomas Fenton, chairman of the garden' . show cominl l lee ,

    ans, Estorilans, fcithuanlan* )LI4'^- • - .' . .. v.


    WlpuijJ'pito thejliiteuil sh'oiv.

    WA.SIIINOTON — One of llie most ticklish lusks of a member of Congress Is Iryini! lo give lilm-sclf a pay raise.

    No mutter how long 11 has been since he has hud one or how many reosons he can ihink ot for de-.servlng one, there Is a lways the possibility iliul In the next eleellon his opponimt will use it against him.

    IIoW can a member (if Congress preach feovermiicnt economy and still Justify raising Congresslonoi salaries? , . . . . . . ; N o t a new question. It has come

    up again and Is troubling many House and Senate members as much as ever before — perhojis more so because llie demand for federal economy Is stronger und m o l e widespread than it has been in quite, a while.

    Pending before the Senate , is a recommendation by its Judiciary

    Committee that salarie.s of mem-bers ot Congress be raised by $10,-000 a year. They now get $12,500 u year, plus expense al lowances of $2,500 and entire $15,000 is tax^ able. 1|hey hove the privilege o i deducting up to $3,000 a . y e a r for business expenses for tax' purposes but suchrdeductions must actualli' be proved.

    - "There Is no business bigger Ihaii the business of governrnent," the Senate Jlidlclnry Committee said 111 recommending the Congres-sional salary increase.^ "The big-gest and' .greatest government in the world-should p a y the member-ship of Its directorate — the Con-gress — salaries bearing some measure of; decent relntldnsHlps to the responsibilities of the office. That: principle has long been re-, cognized- Fa l se economy in this sense can be ^dangerous." ' , ;, . ' .The e o m m i t t e e ; w e n t .on' to say that'While- Vnicmbers of Congress compare „with the Cabinet offi-cers,'.' the lat ter ge t $22,500 a year liiid top Civil Service employes fin the ' admlnlstrotlon' offices • ge t Just $200 'loss tlitt^i a member Of Con-gress, $1^,800. • • • • • ••

    Tl ie basic financial trouble of, ;nie'mbei's-;or,Congr'ess-i^li'si(i,e'';.ri'flm' the' fa(i|:'iiiat-.g'eiveral ;iiyIng.cost's, lia'vel risen' .'slh'cd-they, got.' tii'^lr liist pay Increase \n ;134(!;7;rosts In- the fact . thai their worit-yeiir ,liaS g r o w n ; , T | m c -was .wli.eh-ia 'Session of Congress lasted tl\ree. montlia'or 60, s|inilhr Ib'state- legislature scs-Bions, add • permitted members of Congress - id - e a r n - m o n e y ' back hom^ niosf .bt the rest of tlie yeiiri . ToBoy; ' l ) i e average , sess ion. Is seypn ] inonttis or longer,' because the liuslness of govcrririient iips in-creased. - T h a t means :most...mem-bers must mainta in n residence; In Wash lhgton as w e l l - a s back', home, whlcii -'raises ; tlieir ' l lvjng' costs sliarpiy^ It' also means tUey', are in Wasljlngton m p r e ' m p n i h s to pick u p lunoheort'or din'ner eiiefcka for

    visitors- from back liomel- - • , Cohsequently there ,ho3, been an Increase In the number of mem-bers ;of'Cotigress'.Who resign to. re-enter private business becauserof ' ' t l i e l n t e s s i t y of m e e t i n g reason-able 'Personal ami fiunliy demands without . f e a r o r \ wprry," as the Judiciary Coinmllleo put It, Otliers In Congress ' find it', iiecesary to supplement their salaries'with tecs for •,yrltlng or lecturing.

    Still plhera have l l ielr wives or grown .children, oj- other relatives, on their office staffs ,to help bol-ster tlie fami ly : Incdme-^a. prac-tice which tends id 'riilse suspicion ev((n: though i h e relat ives usually work;, lis' • hard as '•'ony.dne' else would, j - , ' : ••. ,'• '• •• •

    Because the; goyernmeift "would ge t buck ;ln Income taxes some of the ^10,000 Increase, the .'Judiciary Conimli iee said, the net cost of i n -creasing Coiigresslontir pSy woiild not, exceed $3,638,258 a Highland School Baseball T e a m heads the Grammar School League with • four straight wins, but they still have to defeat Gerrish School lo win the trophy.

    Bill l i a l e y knows a secret place where pink Lady Slippers grow. Don't tell anyone, . Bill. The tew places where the rarer wildflow-ers grow are fast disappearing.

    • • » * * . Eas t Hoven Club Scout Pack 5

    went on a ' h i k e las t Sunday af-ternoon. .What they • really. needed Instead of all t h e . good; grownup guides that went .with liiem, was a k n o w i n g Boy Scout wllii a coni-pd-ss. T h e y had a - g r a n d l i m e , g e t -t ing lost somewhere In the vicin-ity ; of the Stony Creek Quarry. Mr. ond Mrs. , Bon Tempo and Charles Fischer w e r e in charge of Foxon Den 8.

    ' , • * : * • » « • *

    The Cub Scouts from i b i s ' a r e a wJU march i n ' f u l l uniform along With the Pack In the East Haven Memorial Day parade.

    About the cutes t thing we've seen In these parts in a long l ime, was little Charlene Grdver as flower girl In a recent Foxon wed-ding party.

    * « « 9 V

    If we were in China, I h i s v / o u l d be known as the Year ot the ' Rab-bit- T h e little cotton.tai led rodents are having a h igh .o ld time at this end of town. 'There seem t o ' be dozen ot them, o n the lawn every day. And how t h e y do love swIss chard and other succulent greens that |we were Intending j for nice siiring salads. I

    _ * • * '• * - i . .Don' t miss .seeing the ! gorgeous

    wisteria vine that has g;rown forty fee t h igh onto a tree i n the side yard I of Mr; and Mrs.i Evrelnow's home on North High St;.

    " -' L


    E A S T HAVEN N E W S Thursday, May 28, IDSS l '»se •

    Town Topics I

    Request by liquor dealers for an

    ordinance governing distances be-

    tween out le ts , was denied by' the

    Planning and Zoning Commission.

    The board felt It w a s "unneces-

    sary" and that It constituted a re-

    straint of trade • , * * • • . .

    Nothing more heard from sonde residents oround the town green who were opposed'to the type ot band stand structure' Ihe local American Legion post announced it was going to bui ld . . Some liieh-tlon about the' possibility of pubUc drinking fountain wasi also made by the protestors. T h e announce-ment by the Exchange Club that It jvlll erect a fountain may bring a new set of criticisms.

    What has happened, to a pro-posed ordinance sent to i the office of the first se lectman ..and requ)p-Ing the registration of bikes? T h e document was put into the hands of town chief Frank Barker sev-eral weeks ogo,,Information .say.s.

    Understand that Vlnnle ' CusSnd is coming a long . from .his recent kidney operation. Wish him a speedy recovery... Les' Jtillonelir, qt Pete's Auto Store o n 'ISfoin S t . \i' at St. Raphael's with ah uqkno^'n ai lment. Ills friends wish hlm-the best. ' .,:. J • '

    i» * ' * i ! , , * , • .

    SX title a l e requested to miike'Ufnme--•^dlate payment to - '.- ' ' i''"' ,-̂^ ' ' ; James F. Rosen'*• t f 4 Adniliilstrat or I ' Addiess 805 Chapel • Bt,'," ' t̂ ,? p-y?- ^ Haven, Connecticut; " •

    -^p- 1 ^ _ , • • • - . , ' -.

    . t a. -Ne\vf



    Muy Isl , 195.1. The ti isl instal: ment becomes due on May 1st, 1953, ond becomes dellncjuent on June 2nd, 1953. The second instal-ment becomes due on August 15th, 1953, ond becomes delinquent on September ICth, 1953. If the first insluimont Is not paid on or before June 1st, 1953, then . the second in-stalment becomes delinquent im-mediately und draws interest from May ,1st, 1953. After these dales, 'such taxes as shall become delin-quent as* aforesaid shall be subject to Interest al the rate of five-tenths of one per cent for each month or fraction thereof 'which shall elapse from the *tlnie when such tax . sha l l becorne due and payable until same shall be paid.

    Extracts from Section 1828 of the General Statutes, Sta le of Connecllcul, Revision of 1949, and Section 1820 of the General Slat-

    'utes. State ot Connecticut, Revi-sion ot 'l949, adopted by vote of the Annual .Town Meeting held October 6tli, 1952.

    • Ralph P. Aussiker Collector ot Taxes

    LOST FRIDAY AFTERNOON in front of barber shop in French Italian bidg. In Ilamden, silver Egyptian bracelet with turquoise scarab stones. High sentimental value. Reward. Call Mrs. Mal-colm Muiison, AT 8-DOia.



    Lawns Rolled Lawns Mowed Light Grading

    Tel. Cheshli-e 2230 N e w Haven CI! 8-3285.

    JOHN'S GARDEN S E R V I C E . Complete garden maintenance. Lawns cut, trees trimmed, etc. John Malsniio, i7G'Sheffield Ave., New Iluven, Conn, Phone S P 6-8945 or AT 8-'193l.

    EXP'iSRT REPAIRS on television, radio, and nil home appliances. Call Prank Rourke, 284 Main St., Branford. IIU 8-9124.

    HELP W A N T E D D—1

    MALE H E L P W A N T E D to work In dairy plant. Experience pre-ferred. Maple Shade Farm, Guilford. Phone Glcndale.3-2141.

    HAMDEN PLANT N E E D S payroll clerk, bookkeeper, 2 clerk-typists, 2 comptometer operntor-lj'plsis, 2 stenographers. AH m u s t be able to. type wel l ; five day, 40 hour week, pe imnnent positions, oppor-tunity, vacation wl lh pay, group Insurance, holidays, ret irement plan. In applying give age, edu-cation, experience, sa lary desired. RjCply Box 155, I lamden Chronicle, 3013 Dixwel l Ave.

    WANTED—Man or m a n and 'wlle for Janitor service. Inquire .F . E. Dlckernmn, CH 8-'2255.

    RELIABLE WOMAN to take care cnie of 3 yt'ur old child. Aviill-nble occasionally Sundays, and other days. Call after 7 p. m. SP G-5550.

    GENERAL OFFICE yVORKER, female, for full t ime, permanent

    'Ijosltion. Hamden concern , . 5 day week. Please call A T 8-lGlO.

    WANTED—Baby sitter tor afler school, between hours 2;30 and C p. m. Cull n o 7-4533 utter 2:40 p. In.

    MAN FOR GENERAL machine shop work in small shop. Doy shift, Overllnic. Phone HU 8-0020.

    FIRST MORTGAGES Douglit and sold. Loans. Ueflnnnclng. New Loans. Longbolhain, 207 Orange St. Tel. LOcuJl 2-4815.


    ACCORDION INSTRUCTION. Stu-dio or a t your home. RAL-MAR Accordion Studio, 135 Orunge Ave., W e s t Haven. W E 3-8040, 21

    Winchester Place, East Haven, 110 7-3301 o r LO 2-7013. Accordions loaned free, Marty Mattioll and Ralph Glammattel.


    TAPPAN GAS RANGE, deluxe, -like' hew, $150. Sofa sot, . $35.

    Tables nnd Chairs. Tel . Cll 8-;i97;i,

    FIVE CUBIC,FT. Fairbanks Morse refi igernlor. Call CH 8-0810.

    TWO STRONG METAL Iwln beds and springs. Especially good for children. $35 tor both. Si|Uare wash tub, $2. Phone Cll 8-7303, 910 Shepnrd Ave., I lamden.

    Pythiao Sisters Meet Woodland Temple No. 27 t^y-

    Ihlnn Sisters will entertain Cath-orlne lUist, Grand Chief of the I'ylhinn .sisioi-s of Oonnectlcut ond lii'r nsMiclaie Kvand

  • ^-=* ?-̂ sr̂ î fci-t r^t^5v r '̂'̂ •; r

    James J. Canim to: ' A r t h u r ' L a Ploco,. e l . u x , lot ^2, W. Stoddard Rd.; Marcel Van' Wolveaerd, c t ii.x, loi 23, W , Stoddard Rd.; Rob-ertllun'irnor, et ux, lot 15, E. Stod-dard RdJi'Frank I..e BInnc, et ux.

    Fu.sco, et , ,ux, from Anthony Es-posllo, 345 Sli. Beach Rd.; Phyll is A. - Mele from Wllllnm Paugno, GG Dodge Ave., formerly 70 Dodge Ave,;: '• '. Wllljoin II; Poinmer, e l al from Edija E. Forbe.s 12 a c r o s l ' i s ' l l l g b St.; LoulsS lr lco , et ux, from Jo.s-'cph'and Mary.Gnrgano, lots 165-fi Cosoy Bench plot 3; G e r t r u d e " . DeLepnardoji 'dm Adolf, Anna, Al-y i n and Evan Holislrom. E. N. High .S l .^90 , feet; Madeline Pal-mlerl ti'dm Anna M. H(illng,.el al, l o t ' 2 6 , Silver,' Sand.s, 3(18 Ccisey Beach Ave.; Alexander S. Cleni-erit6, bl' i ix, from Norman C, Hurl-burl, W. Thompson s t „ !) Fall lawn Terr., -i;) Hughes St.; t!'"do Con sit . CO If,: Thomns C. Johnson, el ux. lot 5(i. Mnplevale, Dnmen Di , Ferdinand DeAndrus lot 02, Mnple-vnle, ]fi Maple SI.; Albert Rnde-inaiiher, el ux lot 57 Mnplevalle. Ill Maplevale Rd.; and Byron A. Hali'li, et ux lot 58, Mnplevale, 12 Maplevale Rd.

    VIncenI Snnlomauro from Hlncy A. Itusso, lots 'ion Ihru '112, Foxon Park 'tlh; Joseph A. Brlgnola. el ux. from Raymond and l->lilli Swiiulnii, lilt 0 Bradley Park, 207 Tyli'r SI.; Vincent l>lcalelll from lOflwdid and Clara- Sullivan, lols -12. -1:1 l-'alrlawn Terr.; NiLlale Cuomo el ux from Ornre E. Miir-KiMi/.h', rights of way.

    Quit CInlMiH Iiorolhy C. MacLean from 'IOR-

    I'pli'C. D(jv/(l, righl.s of way; Rus-.sell Amos Pierce, et ux,. fi'oiii Maiijarel J. Diirso, 211 Foxon Rd.; ItiihiMl I'". Rice, et ux from Mar-gaii'i ,r. Dur.so, lols 00-7 .Sec. .'I I'̂ 'jxdti Park 1st; Edward James Hansen, el ux, from Margaret J. Dur.so, lot .11 Riverside, 2'! Martin Mil.; lidwiird Allardlce, E. I.. Com., lols 5B71J, 508E.

    Mary Kone'aky from Edward H. Konesky, liUs i)-10-JJ, Foxon Park Sec. 5; al.s-o, lols 18, R), Sec. .'i, Foxon Park; Edward.II. Konesky, e l al, from Mary Konesky, lots !), Ifl, 1 ] , Sec. .5, Foxon Park; also lots 18, 111, Sec. 5, Foxon Park; William Dennis Ryan from Jen-nie Andrews, lot 10, block 7, Mc-Clny Hgts.;. Anlhony Peace, et ux, from Jessie C. Everett, E. Coe Ave., 75 feet.

    First Fed. Sav. & Loan Assoc, lo Arthur R. Rlcclo, lots 55, 5G, 02, Maplevale; Rlcclo, lols 57, 58 Maplevale; Arthur La Placa, lot 22, W. Stoddard Rd.; Marcel Van Wolvenerd .e t ux, lot 2,3, W. Stod-dard Rd.; Robert Hummer, et ux, lot 15, E. Stoddard Rd'.; Mauro Conslr. Co., lot 111, Glenmoor West; Frank Le Blanc, lot 10, 14 Stoddard Rd., rights of way; Mar-garet J. . Durso from Edward James Han.son, lot -ll. Riverside Rd. 2'1 Martin Rd.; Neal Yedlin, et als from Adolf and Anna Evan

    Town Constructs Wall bnve houghl more only • In N e w York and California." In Connecticut, llie • agency

    pointed out, the navy buy.H nio.itly transportation equipment — sub-marines, helicopters, aircraft en-gines, propellers and other equip-ment. Naval procurement here Includes not only Us own pur-chn.'ics, but nl.so a considerable amount of buying for the Air Force from "Navy allocated" United Aircraft Corporation nl-thougb the fliers buy direct from .some of Its divisions.

    This, the commission sold, "prob-ably helps to account for the tact Hint the Air Force shows only

    .Vews Photo

    I''[rsl. Hrlfelinltri (''raidt Uarlcer supervises the v.un striKtllon af a slonr wall off Old 'I'owri Highway at Mnrg](ii Poini lo held liacU an a portion of hen eli owned hy tin' town. Slairs will lie eonstriu^trd to permit easy areess lo the lieat^h. Tin- wall will Ii old liaek saiiil whieh has lircri washing onto the road to cause dlfll(!ullies.

    nnd. Alvln Hellslrom, lot.-. 1 thru 7, 22 thru 2.|. Hellslrom Rd., Ray-mond Ct., High Ridge Sec. A; Nor-man C. Hurlhurt from Harold HUrlburt, conservator for Elsie E., W. Thompson St., ,\

    lot 10, 14 Slodi|ard Rd., rights of w a y . ; • • • • • ' , , • * • ' ' •• • '•

    Herbcrl E. Jones, e t 'ux, f r o m f Patricia Clch, lots 225 thru; 228,' Thomiisori Ave., Gardens Sec. i; . George -P^Stepbnkus, et al, from Peter aiid Rosnil CJanelll, lot 37 SoHonstall,Manor, No, 107 S(dt6n-. stall Pkwy.

    Pal rlcU J. Buccl from , Colonial Park Realt^'Co.;' IPts 179''thru 188 Sec'. 1 Fa l i iawh Terr . ; Robert 'R: KJrkland.'el ux, from Ellsworth W. !C6w,les,;.90'Tyler,• St... lot -28, HomlriEWay Terr.; Edward Allar-dlce from • E: L. Com'., lols 507Ei 508E;'MarJorle N. Evnrts from E. L. Cem., , lot 1507 W.; Louis V.

    E A S T n A V E N ' N E W S TliurMlay, May 2H, I9S» l'"Bc 6

    J381 million «penr In Connecticut.

    In compuflptn. the Army's outlay

    nns beeli' $8]ri.4 million. And the Armed Services Petroleum Pur-chasing Admlnlslrntlon has left an-other $704,000 In the s ta le in the 2\h yea.rlpcrlod;

    "The government's buying of de-fen.se materials has had lis ups and downs In Connecticut," the cbmmls.sloH observed. "It poured .$1.7 bliHon In orders Into the s ta le In the first 12 months after Korea, but only $450 million In Ihe next, three quarters ot a year.

    Jot (ood morie aai On latest mmm • • day • •

    -Wt^/:^ l2St 00 TD«fi DIAL

    see and hear

    the Coronation of Her Majesty


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    :.. the royal procession from Buckingham Pal-ace and the return

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    WNHC-TV Channel 6 6 to 7:30 PM

    10:30 TO MIDNIGHT

    RADIO ''X

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    Q:16 to 7:45 AM 12:15 to 12:45 PM 3:45 to 4:15 PM

    Free Press Publications Want Ads

    headquarters for I he fanuuis Wasury Paint In Eiisl Haven is n l The Elgenp Shop, 2.12 Main St. adv

    WAVZ 1260 On Your Dial

    Program Schedule

    DISS 0:00 fllSfi 7:00 7:68 8:00 8:118 8:00 0:56


    10:66 11:00

    Monday 'riirouKh Satiirdiiy 6:30 Bob E. Lloyd Sliow

    WAVZ Nowa Bob B . Lloyd SWow N e w s Bob E. LIuyd Show N e w s Bob E. Lloyd Show N e w s -Bob E. Uoyd 8)low N e w s " I : ;. George LcZotte In The

    . T u n e | n n 10:30 Vour Nolnhhorliood I'liBy-

    ijiuoy N e w s -Qe'orKo' LeZotte In The

    , T u n e luu , 11:68 NewH - " '

    AFTEHNOON i:i:00 (le'orge .LeZolte't Money

    F o r Mualo 12:66 N e w s

    1:00 OeorKe I«Zatte In 'i'ha , T u u e Inu 1 "

    1:68 Nuwa 2:00 Tiny Marlile'ii Jamboree 2:66 Ncjvii . ' 8:00 Tiny Murlde's Joinhnree 3:66 WAVZ NeW« 4:00 Tony Mttriilo'n Joinbaree 4:66 N e w s 6:00 Tony Marlilo's ,Tandiur«a B:66 N e w s . , 6:00 SIt'u Oi l


    RADIO WNIIO 1840 k


    UAIHO W N U O 1840 k

    'l'EIJ5VI810N W N l l O - T

    ItAMIO TELEVll i lON W N U O 1840 k W N U O - T V

    Niwi Yawn Club

    "TODAV" wllh Oa)i Galroway Vtxil Club

    Vld« LIndlihr

    "TODAY" »llh 0i>i GRrmwiy

    Waki Up And Sltill) Willi N fn

    8 9 10 11

    12 1 2 3 4 5

    Yiwn Cluh

    World Htm Ding Cioiby Shaw

    'Satt A LiU

    Ktwi race Iht Muilf-Fact Ihi MutK

    Htm KBCI th( Mutn

    Bota Hope

    A l ' T K U N O O N

    Ntwi '•Tli« Tlir« Slim'* Lunchion Club

    Lfiitcn Strvlcei

    Newt—G. Hlcki nolha Paradi

    Lhtcn Lnitlts Jane Dlctitnt "Dial Dave Girrovray" KukU Fran

    Mrlativ Mut'lM Charlts Anttll .

    Niws; Sttlna ig 4S

    Mtli'ty Matlnti

    Htwt: Houii Party Koufc Patty

    Doctor'i WIfi


    T«l Pattirn

    Mornlnff Ncwi

    . Ding Poni School

    WliidoM Shopper

    UID Picture

    SIrUtJl Rich

    I ' K O Q K A A I S

    World Wi LUi In La.rot Lllc Starch For Tomomn* Nincy't Kitchen

    Gv/ tfoori

    FrMdom Rlnoi

    Guldind Uflht Ntwi

    Urtili The Bank

    Welcome Traveteri

    Kale Smith

    , m

    Toolile HIppodromi

    Howdy Doody

    V/otii Newt Roundup Bnaktatt with Stan Chapel By Side 01 Roi< Victor Llndlohr

    ' World News flounduu - Breaktait wllli StaFt

    lluwdy Uoody ShoI> Njoht Oanci Party Show Qf Shorn

    The Aldrlch r«ffllty : Miildelh Wilson

    10 Judy Caiiova

    Jtni Plikini

    Maflln^ Kani

    Oiirnt, & Allin

    Dinah llliore Vlofdi In Thi Nltht Radio Clly P i i i i m PIO and C«D

    Calvacadi ol SiioiU

    Griattil Fiihli

    ,iaU Night Uanii Patty

    Youi Hit Pan4a

    11 Niwi

    Moruin Htally Sim of (hi Night

    Foreign In^rliua

    Kolitd Monlianary Niwt

    Mllnl^tll N«w). Sinn Ult^ltfl Utf

    Nrwt Sacred Heart Proiria Marine Corpi - •

    MIdnUht Nawi, SlAS UtfSl|A Urf

    Man Agalntl Clmi

    FavoiFlte Story NyiuVy: Nini j_

    7 8 9

    10 11

    12 1 2 3 4 5

    6 7 d 9 10

    KA.DIO WNHO 1940 U

    Organ Reclbl Council or Church«i Jack Arthur;

    ^orld News Rounduf Christian Sclinca Save A_ Life

    Httnt .Ntmir, Muiir In thi AU

    Newt: Polkal polka Parade

    The UN It My Beat

    A i r T B K N O O N

    Poeliy ol Our TTImes ADier. Medical Asio. The Eternal Light

    Youth Wants To Know

    University ot Chicago Round Tabli

    Thi Catholic Houre

    Concert At Tha Capital

    UN Story It Stems To Ml Bob Conildlni Critics At Urai

    The Chaia

    Jason & Gold FIceci

    Holly'd Siv Playhouse

    Counter Spy

    l E l J S V i m O N W N U O - T V

    Frontier! *ot faltli

    What's Your Troubli Nature of Things Ml. Witiud

    Super Clrcui

    P K O t i l l A M U

    Kit Carson


    Quli Kids Nature of Things Lite Is Worlli Living

    Yankees vs Boston


    Name's the Same

    Hall ot Fame

    S(u Erwlft

    E V E N I N G i ' l l O G K A M S

    N«"rt Sunmai-Tlie Three Sunt, Sapnmr Kayi

    My Son Jeep

    citll llarrli

    Theater Guild


    Meet The Preu

    ForUHi o( The Atr . News Summary

    siitlj. ajv no;̂ Charles uugtiion Waller Wlncnell

    Red SkeKon

    Privatê Sinttary

    Tuit of Ihi Town

    TV Playhouse

    The Doctor

    Dull ^ llanitt

    T U E S D A T WEDNEf lDAy UAUIO WNUO 1840 b


    4CADIO TELEVISION W N H O 1340 k ' W N H O - T V

    HADIO TELEVISION W N H O 1840. k W N H O - X V

    Clock Watclier "TODAY" with Dave Gatroway

    News Clock Watcher

    "TODAY" with Have Garroway

    Mews: Sid Jaff* Show . Sid iiUt Show


    "TODAY" ttltk Davi Gurowii

    Worlil NPW< fiQundup Cluck Walchtr


    Clock Watcher World News Roundup BIng Crosby

    Dnrii Day Biiig Crosby Save A Life

    World Newt Roundup Breakfast.with Stan.^ Svd Jafie • Victor LhidtDhf

    Morning Newi

    Dinah Shore Ctiarlci Anttll

    Save A Life Morning itewi

    Welcome Traveleri Face ine Xuiit

    Arthur Godfrey Ding Dong School Window Shopper

    Perry Coma , Oorii Day

    Every Day

    Tut Pi t tv i

    Morning Niwi

    News: Face tha Music Fact the Muilc

    Arthur Godfrey Olno 'Onno Sichool Window Shopper-

    Hewir Face ili« Muilt ._ Charles Antitl

    Arthur Cfldrrey Ding Dong Schoal Wlndoft shoppw

    Phrase That Pays Bob Hope

    Oni In Every Family

    Strfte It 111 en Phrase Thai Pays Bob Hope • ,

    In Every Family .'

    Ttrlkc It Rich , /

    Ncfrvt:' Face the liuilc , Fau the Music

    Bob̂ Hope"''•'

    One In EvirV Family

    Strlki ft Rltt


    News Lett Go To Town Lunchion Club

    What One Person Love of Life Search for Tom. Electric Shaw

    Newt "The Three Sum'*

    Music for Everyone

    Newt~G. HIckf Listen Ladiet

    Mid Day Chapd / Lofe of Lira Starch for TOK. I Italian Cookary

    "Newt ,, Reserved tci You

    Lunchion Club

    Moments of Comfort Love or Lifi

    - Starch tor Tom. Ifancy'i Kitchin

    Music Por Evtryona

    Newt—G. Hicki Listen Ladlct

    Italian ^Coohiiy

    Gary Moon A Milodit MalliiH

    "Dial Dave Garroway'* Milodit Mallnit

    Double Or Nolhini

    Guidlni Ueht .Newt

    Polka Parade Hni-a. HIttt

    , Polka Parade -

    Ntncy'̂ KlldiiB

    Gary Maoio Film Shorti

    Melodli Mallnie Jane Olckent "Dial Dave Garrflway**

    TV Teen Cluk

    Guldlni Light Newi

    Listen Ladlei« Jane DIckeni

    ; Andre Kotlelanetl . jKukli Fran. „

    Melody_ Mallnea

    Save A Life

    Guidinĝ Light

    Welcome Tavele

    Doutle Or Nolhloi

    Guiding Ughl Newt

    eig PaioN

    Welcone Tiayellei

    Hem: Melody Malini Big Piyolf

    nai'kiligr Wile Melodle Malliiee

    Newi; House Party Hoi'Sf Party Lorenio Jonei Dotlor's Wile


    Howdy Doody

    Welcome Triiillir

    Ki l l Saiitt

    News; llouie Party Houia Pvty Lo ?>•((. "jiei Doelori Wile

    Miet Uie Stan

    Howdy Doody


    :Newl; House Ptrly ,'Hvi» Party ..

    Oactoi'a Wll>

    Nrws Bill Slern

    Local Soil., ^. Supper Serenade

    What One Pcri«n Ta< Hints

    B. CrosbySportscopa W( 'olid News Today


    W s i e m """' •"" Local Sptt.| • . Crosky Sporlscope

    World News Todir


    ' '"ws Voir ft Marrliit Bill Stern . VartelyClul ' Local Splt.i t . croily SporUeopl

    1 •• Supper Parly Hews Hews, Kaltenborn Here's lo Vets Morgan fieatty ^ . Lncorc Theater

    EddleFlsher Canicl Hews Caravan

    Ntwi Guest Star Morgan Bealty Encore


    Cansen Tla|l Camel Newt ptrtrai

    The Rallrajtf Hour

    Music You Want

    What't_ My Name

    Volte of Firestone

    •.News, KalKnbon (Bob Crosby IMorgan- Bealty ' JEncore Thtatif '

    College Houndlible

    Red SkelUi

    Bulct CIrus Hour

    .(leanihDal Jamboine Music In the Hlght

    I Love Lucy

    Red Bulloni

    Martlii ft Lewis

    Fibber McGet

    Playhouse ol SUrt


    ŝchool Days 1 • - : • •

    f-ndre Koiltlanl

    \ juu au rour LJfa

    > It iitorT

    Cavalcade ol Aoitit

    Conn. Sgotlliht Camel Newt Canvui

    Aftliut Cgjfni

    News Musical Album

    Newt This Week In Sports

    : "Hollywood PliljiOhlBl


    Midnight Theilet 11 News: Clllton Ulley

    tlldnlgbl News. Sign DUNews:

    Sunday News Socclal Fireside Theater

    Two For The Money Twe lor the Idoniy I Ultin Fleece

    CItlien views the Newt Embassy First NIghter On Ihe Line

    Hue Ribbon ttirb

    Douglas Fal'banks News Sac/ed Heart Program Surprlli Serenade Tales of 1 [morrow Nfwi: Millie gfiwe

    IJrws I've Got a Seirrl Sacred Heart Program Hay Anthony The Big Picture Uignigni Nt«i, uiin unneiru aî u U D

    C rUiien Views Ihe Newt c T̂igerous Assignment Sport S#ot

    C ' S S i. rid Heart P , o j „ i '""*1 " * " V. b Idle Hunan - • b (i