earthquakes and volcanoes new study guide


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Page 1: Earthquakes and volcanoes new study guide

Name ___________________ Date ____________ Class _____

Earthquakes and Volcano Study Guide

Use the following information to help you review for the test. You are responsible for completing this guide. All the information can be found in your science notes, textbooks, drop box and blog. STUDY!!!

1-Write the definitions for:






-Pyroclastic flow










-Seismic Waves

-Hot Spots

Page 2: Earthquakes and volcanoes new study guide

-P waves

-S waves

-Surface waves

Correctly answer the questions:

1-What geological event can happen without warning, along plate boundaries, and has occurred in the past?

2-Draw a Divergent boundary with the footwall and the hanging wall labeled.



Resulting Action:

3-Draw a Convergent boundary with the footwall and the hanging wall labeled.



Resulting Action:

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4-Draw a Transform boundary with the footwall and the hanging wall labeled.



Resulting Action:

5-List the seismic waves in the order they travel. Circle the slowest wave. Box the wave that can travel through liquids and solids. Underline the wave that causes the most damage.

6-Where are volcanoes most likely to form?

7-Describe what you would probably see during a quiet eruption.

8-Describe what you would probably see during an explosive eruption.

9-Draw and label the three types of volcanoes. List an example of each.

Page 4: Earthquakes and volcanoes new study guide

10-Describe the 3 stages of volcanoes.

11-Describe subduction.

12-How are volcanoes created?

13-Which kind of volcanic eruption is most destructive?

14-What is the difference between pahoehoe and aa?

15-Describe what happens to the climate after a massive volcanic eruption.

16-When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate, what usually happens?

17-Why does magma form deep in Earth’s crust and mantle?

Page 5: Earthquakes and volcanoes new study guide

Label the parts of the Volcano:

ash cloud - an ash cloud is the cloud of ash that forms in the air after some volcanic eruptions.

conduit - a conduit is a passage through which magma (molten rock) flows in a volcano.

crust - the crust is Earth's outermost, rocky layer.

lava - lava is molten rock; it usually comes out of erupting volcanoes.

magma chamber - a magma chamber contains magma (molten rock) deep within the Earth's crust.

side vent - a side vent is a vent in the side of a volcano.

vent - a vent is an opening in the Earth's surface through which volcanic materials erupt.

Parasitic Cone

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***Draw and complete the plate boundaries Chart:

Plate Boundaries

Fault Stress Results
