earth temple of the elder elemental god

Earth Temple of The Elder Elemental God By Paul M. Rokuskie

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An adventure in the Greyhawk setting for characters between level 9-12.


Page 1: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Earth Temple ofThe Elder Elemental God

By Paul M. Rokuskie

Page 2: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

This adventure takes place on the World of Greyhawk in the post Greyhawk War years. The

adventure is designed for 4-8 characters of 9-12th level, the number of creatures encountered can be

reduced to compensate for the number and level of the characters on the adventure.

The story takes place in the Lortmil Mts. near the Duchy of Ulek. An evil wizard named Theleb has

taken up residence in an ancient and forgotten mountain fortress. He is attacking and enslaving the

local dwarven inhabitants of Ulek. Theleb is a servant of the Elder Elemental God. Reference

material of this God can be found on page 66 of the "Monster Mythology" supplemental book. (For

those without this book, a complete description will appear at the end of this section.) Theleb

stumbled across some ancient texts that referred to this powerful and feared evil God and is now

bewitched by the power he has obtained. Theleb searched the world for many decades before

finding any of the ancient temples of the Elder Elemental God. He found one such temple dedicated

to the Element of Earth in the mountain fortress in which the adventure takes place. Theleb is so

insanely devoted to the Elder Elemental God that he sacrificed his own life force to give power to

the God to allow the Deity to escape from his immortal bondage. (The players don’t know Theleb is

a Lich until later in the adventure and do not encounter him in this scenario).

Theleb has a servant named Clovis, a powerful fighter who has also given up his life force to

became a Skeleton Warrior who guards the temple while Theleb searches for the other 3 lost

temples of the Elements. Theleb’s major goal is to sacrifice life forces from the Prime Material

Plane to allow the emergence of the Elder Elemental God. At the same time, Theleb is transforming

his enslaved victims into an army of savage and fearless Elemental creatures that will do the Elder

Elemental God’s evil work.

The Elder Elemental God

The following description is partly from the "Monster Mythology" and partly my additions for this

adventure. I would recommend to all DM’s that you read the section in the "Monster Mythology" to

fill in the gaps. The Elder Elemental God is one of the lost Gods. His name is never spoken aloud

by anyone because of fear of what could happen. It is rumored that the mere mention of his name

could cause him to break free of his prison. Even Deities will not discuss him with their most

trusted High Clerics. Centuries ago, before Oerth was tamed by man, the Elder Elemental God

caused chaos and havoc everywhere and to everyone he encountered. It took the combined strength

of all the Gods to imprison the Elder on a Demi-plane of existence in the Abyss. This is where he

struggles to break free to this day. Only the insane, stupid or truly power hungry people of Oerth

would worship or serve this God. He has no care for anyone, including his own followers. The

Elder is the greatest force of all 4 Elemental powers. He is also the God of sensory loss (Blindness,

deafness, etc.) insanity, and chaos. His clerics and followers all enjoy causing anyone they meet to

have complete loss of control. They specialize in Elemental magic (one Element or all 4) as well as

Chaos magic. Thankfully there are only a handful of these insane clerics around. But the few that do

exist are truly formidable and powerful enemies. They deserve to be feared because their only goal

is to become powerful so that they can free the Elder from his Demi-plane prison and he can destroy

the world in chaos and Elemental magic.

The Beginning

The players become involved in the story when they rescue an old man named Grakar from being

mugged in Waybury. The old man gives the party what he thinks is a treasure map as payment for

their good deed. He found it on the body of a dead dwarf in the seedy district of Waybury in an

alley. Since the scroll is written in dwarven, Grakar can’t read the contents. The scroll (SCROLL

#1) turns out to be a note for help from a dwarf named Gillian to his brother Amberg. (Note: all

scrolls will be provided in a later section of this module description.) Gillian’s wife’s village of

Ulkar was attacked and any survivors were captured and taken to an unknown destination along

Page 3: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

with the village’s treasury. The letter asks Gillian’s brother to bring help. If the party looks for a

dwarf named Gillian in Waybury, they will find no such person. Gillian lives in the capital city of

Tringlee. The dwarf village is located on the border of the Lortmil Mts. and the Dutchy of Ulek,

about two weeks northeast of Waybury.

When the characters arrive in the village, they find a ravaged and devastated group of dwarves. On

the way into the village the party sees over 100 recent graves The dwarves are untrusting of

strangers but will give information about Amberg and his party. The remaining group of 30 dwarves

left for dead in the attack, sent for help from the Dutchy. But because of the current political

situation and the constant threat to the Dutchy from Ket, Keoland, the Pamarji, and the Giants in the

Lortmil Mountains and to the west, no help could be spared for this small village of 300. Over half

the village was captured and taken into the Lortmil Mts. by a group of strange creatures that

resembled Giants, Bugbears, and Orcs. These creatures all had something odd about their

appearance but because the attack occurred at night, the dwarves were unable to get a good look at

the creatures. The party learns from the village leader Kurn, that the note Grakar gave them is over

6 months old and Gillian has been gone for many months. Gillian left a letter giving directions to

where the survivors were taken in the hope his brother would arrive and come to help. (SCROLL

#2) The party finds another letter from Gillian on their way to the fortress that gives descriptions of

some of the creatures guarding the outside of the keep. (SCROLL #3) The characters will not find

any information about the real person behind the abduction of the villagers until they enter the


The captured dwarves who were brought to Theleb’s fortress were subjected to evil experiments in

which their life forces were sacrificed. Theleb changed the dwarves into bizarre creatures, some

from the Elemental Plane of Earth and other monsters with elemental powers. Most of the creatures

guarding the keep were once the dwarves the party has come to rescue. In fact most of these

monsters differ in substantial ways from the standard, providing the party with clues to the

realization that they were transformed from dwarves. For example: a Minotaur of dwarf size and

build wearing dwarven armor, a Medusa with a female dwarven body but snake hair and snake

beard, etc. When the characters find Theleb’s lab and diary, they will learn the reason for these odd

creatures. The goal of the adventure will then change from a rescue mission to a destruction of this

great source of evil in the world.

Theleb himself is not present in the fortress when the party attacks. He has left to find the other lost

temples devoted to the Elder Elemental God. However, there are many creatures that guard the

fortress from intruders. The Skeleton Warrior Clovis and other servants of the Elder Elemental God

are guarding the altar in the temple (where the sacrifices took place) and has a power of its own.

This is the final battle the characters must win to destroy the power line to the Elder Elemental God

and stop his return from the Abyss.

The fortress itself is only three levels deep and built into the side of a mountain. There are 35 rooms

including secret doors comprising the three levels. There are three maps corresponding to the three

levels of the fortress and include room dimensions. Descriptions of what is in each room will be

provided along with Number and Hit Points of creatures, Armor Class, THAC0 and Experience

Points. The characters will have the opportunity to acquire a reasonable amount of treasure in this

adventure, some items dealing with the Element of Earth. By the time the characters have finished

this adventure they will need a long rest to recuperate.


Scroll #1: To my brother Gillian. My wife’s village, Ulkar, was attacked and all survivors were

taken prisoner by Giants. They destroyed the village and took the prisoners and the villages riches

into the mountains to the north. We are mounting a rescue mission with the village survivors. Please

bring help so we can free my wife and her village.


Page 4: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Scroll #2: We have waited a week and decided we couldn’t wait any longer to free the prisoners.

The villagers are held inside a mountain fortress some 10 days in the mountains off the north trail.

There are some Hill Giants and Bugbears guarding the outside cave. We are going to attack the

keep and free the villagers that are still alive. I will try and leave signs as to which direction I am

going. I pray to Moradin for success.

Scroll #3: If you are reading this scroll, it means I am dead. The keep is very heavily guarded by

Ogres, Trolls, Giants and their kind. I charge you my brother that you continue to try and free my

wife and her village. They are our brothers and sisters. I hope you succeed where I failed. Long live

the tale of our battle. Death to the evil Giants.

A Reminder to all DM’s - Some of the monster descriptions listed below are not completely the

way they are described in the books. Most of the monsters are augmented, changed or enhanced to

fit into the scenario. The number values given for the Armor Class, THAC0, Damage, Experience

Points and certain special abilities of the monsters should be used according to this modules layout.

These values will make the adventure more realistic and challenging for the characters in the format

of this scenario. I would also highly recommend that you read the descriptions of each monster used

in this module. I have only given a very brief overview of some of the special abilities of these

monsters for a quick reference. Most special abilities, resistances, appearance or fighting tactics of

these creatures are not listed in the module. Only the changes I made to these monsters and a few

abilities are listed below. I don’t want you to miss out on a creatures special defense or attack that I

did not list below. That would cheat you from seeing your party squirm a little in a tough situation.

I also have another suggestion to keep the realism of the adventure. The characters should roll 8

pre-generated saving throws that you, the DM, keep on a piece of paper. When the situation requires

a secret save, roll randomly to see which number to use. There are certain sections in the Keep

where the characters will encounter spell effects that don’t affect them immediately, or effects the

characters can’t control. The following room numbers would be a good place to use these secret

rolls: Room #4 & #5 (Dexterity Check), #19 (Only the first save), #22 (Constitution Check), #26

(Intelligence check), #29, #32 & #33 (Save vs. the required ability)

Random Encounters

Encounter #1: The party is attacked by two Wyverns on the third day from the village.

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

3 13 2-16 / 1-6 7+7 HD (45 HP) 1,375 XP (each)

2,750 XP Total

Encounter #2: The party is attacked by 4 Manticores on the 5th day from the village.

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

4 13 1-3 / 1-3 / 1-8 6+3 HD (38 HP) 829 (each)

3,316 XP Total

Encounter #3: On the 6th night, the party is attacked by a group of 7 starving spotted Lions.

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

6 13 1-3 / 1-3 / 1-6 6+2 (32 HP) 492 XP (each)

3,444 XP Total

Encounter #4: On the 8th day the party finds a strange rock pile in the middle of the trail. It is a

marker pointing to the northeast off the trail. If the characters look in the pile, they will notice a

scroll tube that contains the third scroll from Amberg.

Page 5: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Encounter #5: On the 9th day the party is attacked by a group of 5 Peryton.

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

7 15 4-16 4 HD (31 HP) 274 XP (each)

Only hit by +1 or better weapon. 1,370 XP Total

Exterior of Keep

The party will reach the fortress on the 10th day of their travels through the mountains. The

entrance to the fortress is a natural cave 20 feet high, 30 ft wide and 100 ft long. The opening is

guarded by 5 Hill Giants, 2 Verbeeg Giants and 21 Bugbears. The cave leads to a set of large stone

doors each 20 ft high and 15 ft wide. The only way leading up to the cave is a path 10 ft wide which

is dug out for 200 ft down the 30 degree slope. It is curved on the sides to form a half tube, like a

modern day water slide. All foliage around the path has been leveled to ensure a clear line of sight

for over 500 ft from the cave entrance. At the top of the path there is a large pile of rocks, 21

Bugbears with 2 spears each and 2 Hill Giants with clubs. If anyone approaches up the trail, 10

Bugbears will start pushing the rocks down the trail at the party. Each rock, if they hit a character,

will cause 1-8 points of damage per rock. All characters will have to make a save vs. Paralyzation

every 5 rounds they stay on the trail. If they fail the save, they will be hit by 1-10 rocks in those 5

rounds. The Hill Giants will also throw rocks at the oncoming attackers and the other 10 Bugbears

will throw one of their spears.

When the party reaches the top of the path, there is a ledge that is 50 ft deep by 100 ft wide. The

remaining Hill Giants will stay in the cave until the combat begins. If any characters are flying

outside or if they come into the cave, the 2 Verbeeg Giants will throw their spears. Both Giants have

5 spears and 18/00 strengths.

Bugbear Leader

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

4 15 1-8 Spear Special (25 HP) 235 XP (each)


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

5 16 1-8 (Spear) 3+1 HD (12 HP) 1,83 XP (each)

Hill Giants

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

4 10 2-16 (Rocks)

1-10+7 (Club)

12+2 HD (44 HP) 2,000 XP (each)


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 13 1-12+5

12+2 (Thrown Spear)

5+5 HD (30 HP) 757 XP (each)

15,228 XP Total

Page 6: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

First Level

This level is run down and in ruin. There is broken furniture and rubble in almost every room and

there are signs of battle and magic use. The ceilings are all 20 feet high on all three levels. As the

party enters the outer door a magic mouth spell is tripped and it says in an erie and deep voice - "Let

it be known that all who enter the keep of Theleb will forever suffer." There is a strange,

undetectable source of hazy lighting in this keep which can not be dispelled. Every room on this

level is dimly lit and when the party enters a room, the light increases to one quarter the level of a

continual light spell. If a torch is lit, or a light or continual light spell is cast, the ambient level is

only increased to one half the normal brightness of a continual light spell. This is the maximum

brightness on this level. Infravision does not work in his keep because all rooms are lit. Movement

should be slowed because of the dim lighting and the maximum sight line is 40 feet on this level

because of hazy lighting conditions. All creatures encountered in this keep are vicious, insane killers

that will fight to the death. If any are captured they will continue to fight. Only killing them will

stop them.

Room #1: There are tapestries on three walls of this 40’ x 40’ room. They depict battles with

strange creatures and giants. There is an Ettin holding two clubs in each tapestry. When the

characters approach the tapestries the Ettins come out of the tapestries and attack the party. A roll of

1-4 on a six sided die means the party is surprised. When the party kills the Ettins, they disappear

and do not return to the tapestries. They are sent to different areas of the keep to be used as food for

the other creatures. There are two locked doors which are each 20 ft high located behind the west



Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

3 10 2-16 + 7 (Left Arm)

2-16+8 (Right Arm)

10 HD (70 HP) 3,000 XP (each)

9,000 XP Total

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Room #2: Behind the secret door is a room 40’ x 30’. There are five chests laying around the room,

all 5 are empty. One of the chests is a Mimic. It will attack any person who touches it. If a character

asks it a question, the Mimic will answer as best as it can.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

7 12 3-12 (Punch) 8 HD (44 HP) 1,400 XP

Room #3: This room is 40’ x 25’. There are 5 Minotaurs in this room finishing up a meal of what

looks like Orcs, Goblins and Human. They are all 5 feet tall and wearing Chain Mail armor and

have small shields. There is about 500 gp on the floor near the bodies as well as a magic Ring of

Stone Guardian Control, -1 Short Sword (cursed) and -1 Small Shield of Missile Attraction.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

2 15 1-4 (Bite)

1-12 (Axe)

6+3 HD (40 HP) 920 XP (each)

4,600 XP Total

Room #4: This room is 40’ x 50’. The room is filled with broken tables and chairs as well as

coaches and other furniture. It is very difficult to move through the room because there is so much

debris. There are two Carrion Crawlers searching for food in the debris. In this room there is 300

GP scattered on the floor.

Carrion Crawler

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

3 (Head)

7 (Body)

16 Paralasis 2 HD (16 HP) 644 XP (each)

1,228 XP Total

Room #5: This room is 65’ x 50’. The room has broken furniture all over the entire room. It causes

a lot of noise, even if you have boots of elven kind (make a check). There is a Lurker Above in this

room and it will attack the last members of the party.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

6 10 Constriction

1-6 per round

10 HD (57 HP) 2,000 XP

Room #6: After finding the secret door the hallway leading to this room is filled with debris. There

is a terrible smell coming from this 40’ x 15’ bathroom. There are large piles of trash, crap and other

assorted items. Inside there are 10 Rot Grubs and many rats that run from the area of the light.

There is a magical item in this pile if the party looks, a horn of bubbles.

Room #7: This room is 30’ x 45’. Broken furniture and strange statues dominate this room. There

are 5 statues in all, 2 Human, 1 Dwarf, 1 Elf, and 1 Orc. Each one is broken and missing either their

head or arms. If the party tries to bring these characters back, they will die immediately. There is a

ledge in this room, which is 20’ off the ground. There are 3 Cockatrice nests on the ledge. One nest

contains 5 gems worth 100 gp each and a necklace of strangulation.

Page 8: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

6 13 1-3 (Bite)

Save vs Petrify

5 HD (30 HP) 650 XP (each)

1,950 XP Total

Room #8: Behind this secret door is a room 35’ x 30’. There are 5 Owlbears, each 5 feet tall,

picking through the remains of an Ettin from room #1. Characters can make a Intelligence roll to

see if they recognize this Ettin as one they fought in the first room. The Owlbears will attack the

party as soon as they enter the room. There is a chest at the back of the room with 500 GP.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

5 13 1-6 1-6 (Claw)

2-12 (Bite)

2-16 (Hug)

5+2 HD (31 HP) 500 XP (each)

2,500 XP Total

Room #9: This room is 75’ x 35’. There are 15 Ogre’s sitting around a large banquet table eating a

meal. They are all 5 feet tall and each is wearing pieces of dwarven chain mail armor and large

shields which increases their AC to 0. Half of the Ogre’s are carrying clubs and the others carry

spears. The leader Ogre blows a horn on the wall and waits in the back commanding his men. After

3 rounds of battle, 4 muscular Trolls (strength of a Hill Giant) wearing pieces of Plate Mail armor

enter the room from room #11 and join in the fight. These Trolls are normal height and regenerate

normally but they are human flesh colored, not green. After 5 rounds, 10 ogres with spears from

room #10 join the fight. The leader Ogre will flee the fight and return to room #11 to warn the other


Ogre Leader

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 13 1-12+4 (Spear)

1-10+4 (Club)

Special (38 HP) 300 XP


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 13 1-12+4 (Spear)

1-10+4 (Club)

4+1 HD (30 HP) 300 XP


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 11 5-8+7 / 5-8+7


6+6 HD (42 HP) 845 XP (each)

6,190 XP Total

Page 9: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Room #10: This room is 35’ (40’) x 35’. There are 10 Ogres, each 5 feet tall, carrying spears,

wearing Dwarven Chain Mail and large shields that attack as soon as someone enters the room. One

of the Ogres will run into room #11 and get 4 Trolls to help in the fight, this takes three rounds. One

Ogre will flee the room and alert the other Trolls if the battle is going bad.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 13 1-12+4 (Spear) 4+1 HD (30 HP) 300 XP (each)


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 11 5-8+7 / 5-8+7


6+6 HD (42 HP) 845 XP (each)

4,690 XP Total

Room #11: This room is 30’ x 45’. There are 8 muscular Trolls (human flesh colored) and one Ogre

(5 feet tall) remaining from either room 10 or 9. If the party came through room #10 the leader Ogre

will blow his horn and the 15 Ogres from room 9 will arrive 5 rounds later.

After the secret door is open, a fire trap spell goes off causing 20 + 4 points of damage with a

saving throw for 1/2 damage. At the stairs an Alarm spell goes off and a Magic Mouth spell is

activated. It is the same erie voice that warns the party of continuing. "Only those who want to meet

their destiny would dare to enter the inner sanctum of Theleb."


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 11 5-8+7 / 5-8+7


6+6 HD (42 HP) 845 XP (each)


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 13 1-12+4 (Spear) 4+1 HD (30 HP) 300 XP

7,110 XP Total

Page 10: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Second Level

There are bones of many creatures all around the floors of the corridors, they are primarily giant

sized and petrified. The light on this level is similar to the first level except it has a greenish tinge to

it. This level can only be raised to one third that of a normal continual light spell, regardless of what

spell or action is taken. This is the maximum brightness for this level the maximum sight line is 25


Room #12: This room is 30’ x 40’. There are rocks and debris all over the floor in this room.

Hiding among the debris are 3 Margoyles that look like Dwarves with rock beards, which will

attack as soon as the party is in the room.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

2 13 1-8 / 1-8

2-12 / 2-12

6 HD (35 HP) 560 XP (each)

+1 weapon or better to hit 1,680 XP Total

Room #13: This room is 40’ (20’) x 25’ (50’). It looks like the remains of a barracks. There is

nothing in this room except for bones that alert the Worgs in the next room.

Room #14: This room is 50’ x 30’. This room was originally a kitchen but is now a kennel with 10

Worgs in it. As soon as the party enters, the Worgs begin to bark and howl, warning room #15 of

intruders. If the party enters the room and moves toward them, they will attack.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

6 15 2-8 (Bite) 3+3 HD (31 HP) 245 XP (each)

2,450 XP Total

Page 11: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Room #15: This enormous room is 95’ x 105’. The light level in this room is normal, like a

continual light spell. There is a throne in the northern part of the room with a small human sitting on

it wearing armor with black robes over them and a small crown. Behind the throne is a symbol, it is

a black metal triangle with an inverted "Y" within it (the symbol of the Elder Elemental God).

There are 10 chests of gold around the throne. Standing around the throne are 6 other humans

wearing chain mail armor, large shields and carrying long swords (one is carrying a two handed

sword with a shield).

(DM Notes: All the men in the room are really reduced Firbolg Giants. The king on the throne and

the 2 closest men are an illusion created by the Firbolg Shaman. He is invisible in the southeast

corner of the room and carries a club. If any questions are asked of the king, one of the men, the

true leader (Giant with two handed sword), will answer for him, using the name of Theleb for the

king on the throne. The speaker will demand 500 gp for each Worg the party killed and 1,000 gp per

person for entering the Keep. If the party attacks the throne, there are 2 Giants (at their normal size)

invisible at the back of the room, blocking the parties retreat. These Giants have spears and large

battle axes. They will throw the spears first and then move in to attack. The 4 Firbolg Giants around

the throne will grow to their normal height and attack the group with their weapons. The 10 chests

of gold around the throne are all Fool’s Gold. If the party opens the door in the northeast part of the

room, another magic mouth appears "Your destiny awaits if you can only find your way." These

Filborg Giants were captured, charmed and brought here to guard and feed the creatures on the 3rd

level. (Firbolg giants have certain innate abilities that are listed in the Monstrous Compendium)

Firbolg Leader

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

-2 5 3-12+5 (Spear) 13+7 HD (91 HP) 5,838 XP (each)


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

-2 7 3-12+5 (Spear)

3-12+10 (Axe)

2-16+10 (Long Sword)

6-36+10 (Two Handed Sword)

13+7 HD (74 HP) 4,982 XP (each)

Firbolg Shaman

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

2 7 6-36 (Club) 13+7 HD (66 HP) 5,838 XP (each)

Shaman’s Spells

1st Level Priest - Animal Friendship, Invisibility to Animals, Locate Animals or Plants, Magical

Stone, Shillelagh, Cure Light Wounds

2nd Level Priest - Charm Person or Mammal, Messenger, Snake Charm, Speak with Animals, Hold

Animal, Spiritual Hammer, Slow Poison

1st Level Illusion - Audible Glamour, Change Self, Nystul’s Magical Aura, Phantasmal Force,

Spook, Ventriloquism, Cantrip

2nd Level Illusion - Improved Phantasmal Force, Invisibility, Mirror Image, Blindness

36,036 XP Total

Page 12: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Room #16: This room is 40’ x 25’. This room is a blacksmith shop with many weapons on the alls

that are giant sized and non magical. There are two Rust Monsters tied to the far wall with magic

rope next to the door leading out. If the characters remove the ropes from the wall, the ropes will no

longer be magical. The Rust Monsters are devouring some of the giant weapons that were broken or

ruined during repair or creation. There is a magic item in this room - Iron Bands of Bilarro - they

look rusted and blend with the other items.

Rust Monster

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

5 15 Rust all metal 5 HD (25 HP) 285 XP (each)

570 XP Total

Room #17: This room is 30’ x 55’. There are some gold coins laying around the floor and a chest in

the middle of the floor. This is a Trapper, and it will close when someone gets near the chest.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

3 9 4+AC of target


12 HD (71 HP) 3,000 XP

Room #18: This room is 10’ x 20’. There are 4 Stone Guardians standing in front of a wall. Each

has the ability to see invisible creatures. When the party opens the door they will attack. If the party

retreats, 2 Stone Guardians will follow them out into the hallway and into the Trapper room before

they stop pursuit. (DM Notes: If the ring from the Minotaurs is being worn, all those within 10 feet

of that person wearing the ring will not be attacked. When the secret door is open another Alarm

spell goes off and a Magic Mouth activates saying "Your destiny is close at hand, but the end is still

yet to be unseen.")

Stone Gaurdian

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

2 15 2-9 / 2-9 (Pound) 4+4 HD (31 HP) 790 XP (each)

Detect Invisibility 3,160 XP Total

1/4 damage from edged weapons

1/2 damage from cold, fire, electrical

Page 13: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Third Level

This level is very ornately decorated with columns and identical statues on each doorway. All the

statues have grim and evil expressions that are easily seen. The light on this level is a dark purple

color and is very hazy. The maximum brightness for this level is one quarter of a normal continual

light spell and the maximum sight line is 10 feet.

Room #19: This room is 15’ x 20’. This is where the stairs from the second level are. There is a

picture carved into the west wall with gems inlaid upon it. The carving depicts a great battle scene

of strange rock creatures (from the Elemental Plane of Earth) vs. human (Flan) armies. Anyone

staring at these carvings notice the scene begins to move and act out the battle sequence.

DM Notes: These characters need to make a saving throw vs. their wisdom. If they fail their save,

they will experience a sudden rage that will cause them to attack the nearest person for two rounds.

After two rounds they will act normally as if nothing occurred. After every 3 turns (while they are

on this level) characters that failed the first save vs. Wisdom will need to make another save vs.

wisdom (minus 1 for every time this save must be made) or experience the same effects adding 1

round for each time the save is missed. The only way to end the effects of this trap is for the

character to leave this level. No other way (including a wish spell cast on this level) can end the


Room #20: This room is 40’ x 25’. There is a Spectator hovering in the northwestern corner of the

room. It communicates with the party that they should leave the area immediately or suffer the

consequences. There are 3 small chests with 5,000 gp worth of gems in each one.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

4 (Body)

7 (Eye)

15 2-5 (Bite) 4+4 HD (30 HP) 4,000 XP

Spell effects from eye stalks

Magic Resistance 5%

Page 14: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Prison Cells (DM Notes)

Each door from rooms 21-27 has a small saying carved on the door. Each message is written in Flan

and gives an idea of what is on the other side. All the rooms have a dark curtain directly beyond the

door which no light or sound can penetrate it. This curtain of darkness, which can not be dispelled

by any means, surrounds the walls of the room and keeps all the prisoners from being able to use

their Earth abilities to escape. The party can walk thru the curtain of darkness to enter or leave the

room but the monsters can not follow outside of the room. The light is the same as the second level

in all the rooms (green tinge with 25 ft visibility) allowing the characters to see most of the room.

Each of these monsters are transformed Dwarves from the village that the party came to rescue.

They are not totally completed their transformation and were placed here to in these cells finish

their metamorphosis. All these monsters have a distinguishing feature that show they were

augmented from another creature. These monsters are all more powerful than the true versions of

these creatures described in the Monster Manuals. They have greater Hit points, Better ; THAC0,

Greater damage and more experience points.

Room #21: "X" This room is 30’ x 35’. There is a Xorn in this room that appears out of the floor

when the group enters. It has short Dwarf looking arms with razor claws for fingers and has a desire

for magic.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

-4 11 1-6 / 1-6 / 1-6


7+7 HD (50 HP) 4,000 XP

Room #22: "N" This room is 30’ x 30. There is a 5 large piles of trash and dung in this room. The

smell is not detectable in the hallway. But when the party enters the room, the smell is almost

unbearable and a Constitution check at -4 to the roll must be made by all who enter the room to see

if they vomit. If the party detects magic they will see a glow from one of the piles. When they

approach a Neo-otyugh will attack them. The magic item is a Ring of Mind Shielding.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

-2 7 2-16 / 2-16


12 HD (85 HP) 5,000 XP

Room #23: "Beauty" This room is 35’ x 35’. There is a Medusa in this room behind one of the

pillars. She has the body of a Dwarf with snake hair and a snake beard. The heads of the snakes

look like small Dwarf heads. She is wearing Chain Mail armor and carries a large shield and a battle

axe. The Medusa has a 18/00 strength. She can attack with her axe as well as use her snake bites in

the same round. If she uses her gaze attack, she cannot use the axe attack but can use the snake

attacks. (DM Note: This is Amberg’s wife)


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 9 1-10 per head + poison

1-12+6 (Axe)

6 HD (52 HP) 2,000 XP

Gaze turns to stone

Page 15: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Room #24: "The Beasts" This room is 35’ x 30’. There are 5 Chaggrin, Grue Elementals, in this

room. They all have the skull heads of Dwarves and if they assume their man like form, it will look

like a Dwarf. They are all nasty looking and have razor sharp spines and claws.

Chaggrin, Grue Elementals

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 12 1-10 / 1-10 / 2-12

2-16+4 (Clinging Hug)

6 HD (45 HP) 1,000 XP (each)

5,000 XP Total

Room #25: "No Bull" This room is 30’ x 35’. When the party enters the 2 Gorgon’s attack the

party. The heads are Dwarven looking in appearance.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

-1 10 2-20 (Bite) 8 HD (65 HP) 1,400 XP

Breath Weapon turns to stone 2,800 XP Total

Room #26: "Mother Earth" This room is 50’ x 30’. There are 2 Galeb Duhr in this room. It

appears as if a cave in has occurred in this room. There are many rocks around the room that the

Galeb Duhr will use in defense. The faces on the creatures have Dwarven features. The secret door

is covered over by an illusion of a fall in. If the party detects for magic, an area of the cave in glows

magical. (DM Note: try to get the characters to find this secret door because it will make sense of

the adventure for them. This where all the information is found)

Galeb Duhr

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

-4 7 3-30 10 HD (75 HP) 10,000 XP (each)

Magic Resistance: 20% 20,000 XP Total

Room #27: "White Teeth" This room is 30’ x 30’. There are 4 Umber Hulks with long beards in

this room. They are all wearing specially made Chain Mail armor.

Umber Hulk

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

-2 10 3-18 / 3-18


8+8 HD (65 HP) 4,000 XP (each)

Gaze attack 16,000 XP Total

Room #28: This room is 55’ x 30’. This room appears to be a lab. There are bookshelves, tables

with strange instruments on them and a rack with chains and a neck collar against the east wall.

Under the rack is the symbol that was on the wall in Room #15 on the second level. There is a

podium with a book open and some writing on the pages. There is a strange aura that detects as

magical on the bookshelf by the rack on the far side of the room.

DM Notes: When the party gets near the bookshelf, they break the seal that is holding an Earth

Elemental back from attacking. The bookshelf is an illusion and disappears freeing the Elemental.

All characters within 10 ft of the Elemental are surprised, losing initiative the first round of combat.

The Elemental appears much stronger and larger than any Earth Elemental that the characters have

seen before (If they have seen any before). The face is the most distinguishing feature on the

Page 16: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Elemental because it looks like a Dwarf made of stone.

None of the books in the lab are magical. The book on the podium is Theleb’s personal diary which

has insane writtings mixed with an explaination of what he is doing. The diary gives reference to

the decades of research and experimentation Theleb has been conducting. Theleb turned all the

Dwarves into the creatures in the cells as well as the ones that protect the Keep. He used the

Dwarven life forces to grow the power of his God, The Elder Elemental God. Theleb is trying to

create a superior army of creatures to use in a war on the people of Oerth. With the Greyhawk wars

at a close, the world was weakened, and now is the right time to prepare an army for the overthrow

of Oerth. With the Dwarven life forces, Theleb is supplying his God with a power line to help him

break free from his immortal bondage. With the Elder Elemental God at the Head of this newly

created army of Elemental beings from all 4 Elements, nothing on Oerth could stop him, including

any of the Greyhawk Gods whose home plane is Oerth.

The creatures and bones on the upper levels are 9 decades worth of failed experiments. They were

sent to protect the lower level from intruders and keep his remaining prisoners on this level from

escaping. The book also gives reference to the other 3 temples to the Elder Elemental God. There

are crude maps with cryptic directions of their possible locations as well as descriptions of signs

that the other temples still exist. (The DM can create possible signs that would fit into their game

system. Also, cryptic descriptions will be provided in the upcoming additions to this adventure.)

Theleb has left this Keep in the hopes of finding the other 3 temples and restoring their power. With

all 4 temples working in conjunction, it is possible to bring the Elder Elemental God from his

Planar Prison. The book makes mention that Theleb has gone to look for the Temple dedicated to

the Element of Air. This Temple, dedicated to the Element of Earth, is being guarded by Theleb’s

servant Clovis. (DM Note: Clovis is a great and powerful Skeleton Warrior that has served Theleb

for many centuries. He is just as ruthless and evil as Theleb but his desire is only to please his

master and God.)

Earth Elemental

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 3 4-48 16 HD (110 HP) 12,000 XP

+3 or better weapons to hit.

Room #29: This north/south hallway is 10’ x 60’. There is a stone carving that extends the length of

the hallway on the west wall. It depicts a scene of Human torture by hooded individuals that are

being watched by a tentacled creature of enormous size. As the party passes by the center of the

hallway, they must all make saving throws vs. magic. If they fail their save, one of the following

effects occurs to them: (1-2) attack self, (3-4) attack anyone, (5-6) lose hearing, (7-8) wisdom cut in

half. The first two effects last for 5 rounds and the last two effects last for 3 turns.

Room #30: This room is (35’) 45’ x 35’. There is a Gorgimera in this room hiding behind a tapestry

over the west wall. The tapestry depicts a scene of men being killed by a three headed beast, a

Gorgimera. When the party approaches the tapestry it will attack through the center of the tapestry.

It is in fact two tapestries put together. A locked secret door is located behind the tapestry.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP


3 (Lion)

9 1-6 / 1-6 / 2-12

3-18 / 3-24

10 HD (68 HP) 6,000 XP

3-24 (Breath Weapon - Dragon head)

Turn to Stone (Breath Weapon - Gorgon head)

Page 17: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

Room #31: The room is 30’ x 35’. Inside are two pillars, which are room height, 50 ft from the

doorway and 10 ft from the closest wall. The pillars are ornately decorated and have runes on them.

In between the two pillars are 5 chests against the back wall.

(DM Notes: There is a Caryatid Column at the doorway to this room which will attack anything

that approaches. Both Column’s carry two axes and each looks like a Dwarven woman when they

move away from the wall. The two pillars do not detect as magical but they are illusions. The pillars

are really disguised Stone Golems wearing strange rock armor. They will attack the party as soon as

they get within 5 feet of them. A stone slab will fall down when the Golems move, blocking the

doorway. A combined strength of 40 can move this 2 foot thick slab of stone with 6 inches of lead at

its center. The entire room is lined with lead 6 inches thick, buried in the walls to prevent

teleportation of any kind. Each Golem is standing on a button that operates the stone slab. Both

buttons must be pressed down with 1,000 pounds at the same time to open the door. All 5 chests

detect as magical and each is Acid Trapped (same as a Fire Trap, but acid damage) and locked (20 +

4 points of damage). Only two chests have treasure in them, chests #2 & #4, the others are filled

with rocks. Chest #2 has 10,000 gp in it and chest #4 has the following magic items - Bracers AC 2,

Cloak of Protection +2, Sheet of Smallness, and a Potion of Super-heroism.)

Carytid Column

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

2 12 1-12 5 HD (32 HP) 420 XP (each)

All saves made at +4

1/2 damage from normal weapons

magic weapons do full damage with no magic bonus.


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 5 3-36 14 HD (60 HP) 8,000 XP (each)

16,840 XP Total

Room #32: As the party passes thru this 100’ x 10’ corridor, each character gets a saving throw vs.

their wisdom. This save is made with a -2 penalty adjusted for wisdom. If any character is under the

effect of room #29 (wisdom cut in half), the save is made against the new wisdom score. If any

character fails their save, they become mad and enraged at the sight of the symbol over the altar in

room #33. They will be unable to take their eyes off the symbol until after its power erupts. The

character will fight with a -2 to hit for the first three rounds of combat before calming down from

their blind and insane fighting. (Barring they are not affected by a similar effect from the symbol)

Room #33: This room is 70’ x 30’. There is an altar at the far west end of the room with a dimly

glowing stone symbol above it. It is a black stone triangle with an inverted "Y" within it. On the

altar, there are the remains of a chained human skeleton. There is a suit of armor with a shield and

two-handed sword on the south wall near the altar. To either side of the altar there are stone sconces

with stone torches glowing and illuminating the room in an erie crimson glow. Visibility in this

room is better than the rest of this level because characters can see 30 ft. The most noticeable

feature in this room are the pools of colored light that swirl in the floor around the room. The pools

move towards the altar when they become very bright. The pools are then absorbed by the altar,

causing it to glow. After a round, streams of acid and bright purple light shoot out from the altar and

hit the symbol on the wall. The altar and the symbol both glow brighter during this period and then

they return to their dim illumination.

(DM Notes: This room is the temple to the "Elder Elemental God". If anyone detects for Evil or

Magic, both spells will reveal strong emanations. All characters who enter the room must make a

Page 18: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

save vs. paralyzation or stand in fear looking at the symbol above the altar. (those who miss this

save or those affected by room #32 get a -2 penalty to their save vs. the glowing eye) If the party

approaches the altar, the Skeleton Warrior Clovis gets up and the armor, shield and sword on the

wall teleports onto his body. A Magic Mouth spell activates above the altar saying in the same erie

voice heard before: "Now you will meet your destiny, as a servant of the Elder." A Glowing Golden

Eye appears where the Magic Mouth was and shoots a brilliant yellow light for one round. All

characters who are looking at the Skeleton Warrior must make a save vs. magic. If a character fails

their save, one on the following effects occur:

(Roll a d8 to determine the effect. All effects are permanent until a Heal or Wish spell is cast)

1. Blindness

2. Insanity [treat like the 5th level priest spell Mindshatter, roll each effect randomly every


3. Age to Venerable

4. Chaotic Speech [unable to understand or speak any known language, speak in gibberish,

truly detrimental to spellcasters]

5. Age to Newborn

6. Painful Deafness [treat as if effected by the magic item, "Pipes of Pain"]

7. Amnesia [all characters effected will forget everything they learned after the age of 10]

8. Rage [will try and kill everyone they see, regardless of who they are.]

After the Glowing Eye shoots, it turns into a rock egg and falls to the ground breaking, growing into

2 Crysmals after 2 rounds. There are two Spirit Trolls which are standing guard at the far east end of

the room. They will attack the back of the party after the Glowing Golden Eye attacks.

The Skeleton Warrior Clovis is wearing +3 plate mail (human sized), +3 two-handed sword and a

+2 large shield. The +2 large shield also has some special abilities. Engraved on it is the symbol of

the Elder Elemental God. When Clovis uses the command word, he can choose from two different

spell effects. Either the 8th level wizard spell Power Word, Blind or the 7th level priest spell

Symbol of Pain. These spells can only be cast one at a time (lasting for the duration of the spell) and

are cast at a character that is attacking Clovis. The shield, if captured, can only cast the Power

Word, Blind spell if the wielder is not a follower of the Elder Elemental God. The shield has 20 total

charges and every time a spell is cast, it will cost 2 charges to be expended. The shield can be


When Clovis is defeated, the swirling pools on the floor all move towards the altar. The altar then

absorbs all the pools (which takes 1 turn) and shoots a great non-stop barrage of acid and purple

light at the symbol on the wall. They both begin to glow brighter as the rounds progress. After 2

turns of this non-stop barrage, the ground begins to shake and the walls tremble. When 3 turns have

passed, the cave entrance and the first level will collapse in from the stress, sealing the temple

closed to the outside world.

There is a secret door in the southeast corner of the room, which opens to reveal a hallway with a

strange and bright red light. It leads into another chamber

Page 19: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

-7 3 3-18+11 9+12 HD (95 HP) 10,000 XP

Magic Resistance: 90%

AC -4 [edged weapons] 0 [blunt weapons]


Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

0 9 2-16 (Appendage)

9-24 (Shoot)

7 HD (40 HP) 1,400 XP (each)

Immune to fire and cold attacks

1/4 or no damage from electrical attacks

Spirit Troll

Armor Class Thac0 Damage Hit Points XP

-2 9 1-3 / 1-3 (Claw)

2-12+4 (Bite)

8 HD (50 HP) 3,000 XP (each)

Claw attacks remove character’s strength points 18,400 XP Total

Bite attack gives the troll the number of hit points it inflicted

Magic Resistance - 30%

Room #34: This room is 20’ x 25’. When the party enters the chamber, an image of a cloaked man

appears before them (an illusion). He is wearing black robes with the symbol of the Elder Elemental

God around his neck. The man pulls back his hood to reveal a Skeletal face (The Lich Theleb). In

the characters minds they hear the following words. "This is the fortress of Theleb, servant of the

Elder. All those who dare to plunder it will forever be dammed." The image disappears revealing 4

large chests.

(DM Notes: All 4 chests are trapped magically with a Contingency Trigger spell (this spell allows

spells to be cast on inanimate objects, hiding the true effect of the trap) as well as mechanically

trapped. Each chest contains Fool’s Gold. All of the mechanical traps can be removed. If the party

detects magic on the chests, they will not detect as magical. The Contingency Trigger spell does not

show a magical aura and hides the spell it will trigger. Chest #1 is trapped with poison death gas

and a Confusion spell. Chest #2 is trapped with a death poison needle and a Nightmare spell.

(Reverse of Dream, aimed at the person in front of the chest). Chest #3 is trapped with acid (1-10

points of damage to the face) and a Flesh to Stone spell aimed at the person in front of the chest.

Chest #4 is trapped with sticky glue that causes the character to be stuck to the lid. This chest also

has a Rock to Mud spell aimed at the floor of Room #34. The character stuck to the lid will sink

twice as fast as other characters. There is a secret door on the North wall leading north.)

Room #35: Behind this secret door is a 20 ft x 20 ft room. Inside are 4 chests with the real treasure.

chest 1 - 30,000 ep (casket)

chest 2 - 15,000 gp, 3,000 pp (casket)

chest 3 - Assorted Jewelry - 10,000 gp value

chest 4 - Oil of Ethearliness, Scrolls (common) Protection from Earth Elementals, Protection from

Magic, Jar of Preserving, Wand of Element Transmogrification (20 Charges), Elemental Compass

(Earth), Gauntlets of Swimming and Climbing, Ioun Stones - Dusty Rose (+1 Protection), Iridescent

(Exist without Air), +2 Mace, Rod of Smiting (26 charges), Potion of Earth Elemental Control.

Page 20: Earth Temple of the Elder Elemental God

The Ending

After the party defeats the Skeleton Warrior Clovis, they have 30 minutes to leave the temple before

it begins to fall down around them. The power that was being fed to the Elder Elemental God is

beginning to feedback into the Symbol above the altar. Without Clovis to control the power being

fed to the Demi-plane, chaos will begin and the entrance and 1st level of the fortress will be

destroyed by the power feedback. The temple is sealed up and the power of the Earth temple is

broken. The only true way to completely destroy the temple is for a group of 9 high level clerics of

different good Elemental God’s to come and dispel the evil. The characters have temporally set

back the forces of evil. This temple still exists and it will take years to restore its power. There are 3

more temples dedicated to the Elder Elemental God somewhere in the world, and the mad Lich

Theleb is out there restoring their power. By the time the characters finish this adventure, Theleb

has already found the Air temple and has started to restore its glory.