early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate

Early Chick Neuroretinal Responses Following Direct Exposure to Methotrexate EUGENE DANIELS AND KEITH L. MOORE Department of Anatomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada R3E OW3 ABSTRACT Explants of 4.5-day-old chick embryonic neuroretinas with mesen- chyme were exposed to Methotrexate (MTX) in medium 199 with embryo extract. Proliferative responses of the cultured neuroretinas were followed radioauto- graphically by administration of "-thymidine to the cultures. The DNA synthetic, mitotic and pyknotic responses of the ventricular cells of the neuroretina were followed over a 16-hour period. The responses observed suggested that MTX caused a synchronization of the ventricular cells in the pre-mitotic phases with no direct inhibition of mitosis. Furthermore, prolonged exposure to MTX resulted in the accumulation of labeled pyknotic cells, indicating a decline in the regenerative capacity of the proliferative ventricular cells. Studies on the mechanism of teratogenic action under induced folic acid-deficient conditions have largely been investigated in vivo (Johnson et al., '63; Johnson, '64; Jordan et al., '70; Wilson, '70; Berry, '71). In vivo studies are often complicated by systemic drug transformations making it difficult to evaluate particular target tissue responses. Malformations produced under induced folic acid-deficient conditions fre- quently involve the central nervous system. Other studies on the direct effects of folic acid antagonists mainly on mitosis have not been conclusive (Gelfant, '58; Jacobson, '64; Deysson, '68) and do not clarify the observations of disturbances in prolifera- tion seen in the developing neural tube (Johnson et al., '63). Variations in the num- ber of mitoses seen in histological sections of the developing neural tube could be in- directly caused by the experimental syn- chronization of DNA synthesis. Further- more, observations of increased numbers of mitoses need not necessarily indicate hyperplasia but either a wave of syn- chronized mitosis following synchronized DNA synthesis or direct mitotic arrest (stathmokinesis) . Arrest of cellular prolif- eration and also hyperplasia have been considered as possible initial neuroepithe- J. MORPH., 150: 307-320. lial responses in teratogenesis (Patten, '53; Hicks, '60; Fujita et al., '64). The establishment of a ventricular zone in the pseudostratified neural tube contain- ing subzones of DNA synthesis, interkinesis and mitosis (Sauer, '35; Fujita et al., '64; Boulder Committee, '70) and also in the early neuroretina (Sidman, '61) facilitate studies on the direct effects of teratogenic agents on these phases of proliferation. Our studies have shown that the proliferative ventricular zone is maintained in cultures of early neworetinal explants. The ex- plants cultured consist of a pseudostrati- fied neuroretinal epithelium in association with the pigmented epithelium and mesen- chyme. Structural events in the disorgani- zation and reorganization of similar neu- roretinal explants have been described in earlier in vitro studies (Daniels and Moore, '72). In the present study the morphogenetic, DNA synthetic, mitotic and pyknotic re- sponses of the neuroretinal epithelia were followed during the direct exposure to the folic acid antagonist methotrexate (MTX) in the presence of chick embryo extract. Cultured cells which accumulate at the G, - S phase of the cell cycle due to MTX in- hibition can be released from this block by 307

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Page 1: Early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate

Early Chick Neuroretinal Responses Following Direct Exposure to Methotrexate

EUGENE DANIELS AND KEITH L. MOORE Department of Anatomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada R3E OW3

ABSTRACT Explants of 4.5-day-old chick embryonic neuroretinas with mesen- chyme were exposed to Methotrexate (MTX) in medium 199 with embryo extract. Proliferative responses of the cultured neuroretinas were followed radioauto- graphically by administration of "-thymidine to the cultures. The DNA synthetic, mitotic and pyknotic responses of the ventricular cells of the neuroretina were followed over a 16-hour period. The responses observed suggested that MTX caused a synchronization of the ventricular cells in the pre-mitotic phases with no direct inhibition of mitosis. Furthermore, prolonged exposure to MTX resulted in the accumulation of labeled pyknotic cells, indicating a decline in the regenerative capacity of the proliferative ventricular cells.

Studies on the mechanism of teratogenic action under induced folic acid-deficient conditions have largely been investigated in vivo (Johnson et al., '63; Johnson, '64; Jordan et al., '70; Wilson, '70; Berry, '71). In vivo studies are often complicated by systemic drug transformations making it difficult to evaluate particular target tissue responses. Malformations produced under induced folic acid-deficient conditions fre- quently involve the central nervous system. Other studies on the direct effects of folic acid antagonists mainly on mitosis have not been conclusive (Gelfant, '58; Jacobson, '64; Deysson, '68) and do not clarify the observations of disturbances in prolifera- tion seen in the developing neural tube (Johnson et al., '63). Variations in the num- ber of mitoses seen in histological sections of the developing neural tube could be in- directly caused by the experimental syn- chronization of DNA synthesis. Further- more, observations of increased numbers of mitoses need not necessarily indicate hyperplasia but either a wave of syn- chronized mitosis following synchronized DNA synthesis or direct mitotic arrest (stathmokinesis) . Arrest of cellular prolif- eration and also hyperplasia have been considered as possible initial neuroepithe-

J. MORPH., 150: 307-320.

lial responses in teratogenesis (Patten, '53; Hicks, '60; Fujita et al., '64).

The establishment of a ventricular zone in the pseudostratified neural tube contain- ing subzones of DNA synthesis, interkinesis and mitosis (Sauer, '35; Fujita et al., '64; Boulder Committee, '70) and also in the early neuroretina (Sidman, '61) facilitate studies on the direct effects of teratogenic agents on these phases of proliferation. Our studies have shown that the proliferative ventricular zone is maintained in cultures of early neworetinal explants. The ex- plants cultured consist of a pseudostrati- fied neuroretinal epithelium in association with the pigmented epithelium and mesen- chyme. Structural events in the disorgani- zation and reorganization of similar neu- roretinal explants have been described in earlier in vitro studies (Daniels and Moore, '72).

In the present study the morphogenetic, DNA synthetic, mitotic and pyknotic re- sponses of the neuroretinal epithelia were followed during the direct exposure to the folic acid antagonist methotrexate (MTX) in the presence of chick embryo extract. Cultured cells which accumulate at the G, - S phase of the cell cycle due to MTX in- hibition can be released from this block by


Page 2: Early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate


pulse labeling with tritiated thymidine (Jasinska et al., '70). The use of a thymidine rescue procedure has been informative in studying the responses of cells and tissues following inhibition of thymidine synthesis (Rueckert and Mueller, '60; Jasinska et al., '70; Williams, '70; Wilson, '70). Our objec- tive is to utilize the neuroretinal explants at the ventricular cell stage to study the di- rect effects of MTX on the proliferative re- sponses (DNA synthesis and mitosis), and also to estimate the potential for prolifera- tive recovery in the embryonic tissue. Detailed analyses were made of the pseu- dostratified neuroretinal epithelium, which showed improved structural maintenance with normal proliferative responses when cultured in association with the pigmented epithelium and associated mesenchyme. Observations were therefore also made on the morphological integrity of these associ- ated tissues in culture.


Neuroretinal tissues with associated mesenchyme were dissected from 4.5-day White Leghorn chick embryos in Hanks' balanced salt solution (HBSS). Estimates of embryonic age were based on Hamburger and Hamilton ('51) stage 25. Explants (1-2 mm2) were obtained from the equatorial region of the neuroretina and gently placed on Millipore filters (Gelman metri- cal; pore size, 0.45) with the aid of Pastew pipettes.

The explants on Millipore filters were cultured on Trowell-type metal platforms (described earlier by Daniels and Moore, '72). The culture medium consisted of medium 199 with glutamine (Gibco, New York) supplemented with 10% chick em- bryo extract (CEE101 prepared from live embryos of the same incubation age as the explants (Paul, '60). The control medium consisted of nine parts medium 199 and one part CEE10 (199+CEElO). No sera or antibiotics were used. Petri dishes contain- ing the buffered medium (pH 7.4-7.6) were kept in a humid incubator at 37°C. Isotonic sodium bicarbonate (1.4%) and CO, (5% in

air) were used to maintain the required pH range.

Explants on Millipore filters were pre- cultured in the medium for up to 0.5 hours before addition of MTX. This period of in vitro adaptation has been used to allow mitotic cells present in the explant to pass beyond the metaphase stage (Bullough, '54; Gelfant, '58). The MTX (Lederle, 4- amino-N 10-methyl pteroyl-glutamic acid) was dissolved in HBSS and millipore-fil- tered. The selection of a suitable concen- tration of MTX to use was partially based on the in vitro studies of Deysson ('681, who reported that a 3-day direct exposure of HeLa cells to MTX indicated that there was a mitodepressive effect at 7.5 x M solution and a lethal effect at M solu- tion. In our preliminary studies explants were exposed to various concentrations of MTX (5.5 x M, 5.5 x M and 5.5 x lo-" M solutions for 1-12 hours in cul- ture. The concentration selected for the detailed study was 5.5 x 1 0 - 4 M MTX, since the 5.5 x M solution was pro- gressively lethal (increased pyknosis, tissue disorganization) and the 10- M solution ap- peared not to affect the normal morpholo- gy of the cultured explants even after 12- hour exposure (Daniels, unpublished).

The selected concentration of MTX was added to experimental cultures as indi- cated in figure 1. The experiment was designed so that the neuroretinal responses could be followed over a 16-hour period of exposure to MTX. Thymidine rescue could be ascertained by following the readiness of the cells to incorporate the exogenous labeled thymidine (methylJH-thymidine, Amersham/Searle, 1 pC/ml., sp. act. 5 CilmM) following prolonged exposure to MTX. These techniques have been suc- cessfully employed in cell culture studies (Rueckert and Mueller, '60; Jasinska et al., '70).

Analytic studies with folic acid an- tagonists such as MTX are usually compli- cated by the unknown concentration of folic acid coenzymes present in experimen- tal tissues (Grant, '60). Furthermore, the

Page 3: Early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate


0 E D I I M 199

MEDILIM 199 + CEE 10

METHOTREXATE (0.25 m 1 / 5 m l WZDIUPI)





1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 12.0 16.0 h

Fig. 1 Schedule of exposure conditions for neu- roepithelial explants. Control explants cultured si- multaneously in the absence of methotrexate were ob- tained for each of the above exposure conditions.

use of an embryo extract to promote prolif- eration may introduce unknown factors or influence the activation of the MTX in cul- ture systems. Embryo extract was, how- ever, used in this study to maintain prolif- eration and also since many in vitro studies with antifolates have been performed with embryo extracts (Kieler and Kieler, ’54; Jacobson, ’64). Explants cultured concur- rently under identical conditions but ex- posed to medium 199 plus MTX without embryo extract are also recorded. These responses are not compared directly to those with embryo extract but provide an estimate of the effect or modification the embryo extract had on the explant re- sponses to MTX.

Throughout the culture period, a num- ber of responses were evaluated in ex- plants fixed in Carnoy’s fluid at 4°C and prepared for histological study. The paraf- fin-embedded explants were cut at 3 p and prepared for histological study and radio- autography. Sections for radioautography were prepared by dipping the slides in

Kodak NTB-2 emulsion (Kopriwa and Leblond, ’62). After an exposure period of five days at 4°C the sections were de- veloped, fixed and stained. Sections were routinely stained with toluidine blue 0 or Harris’ hematoxylin for radioautography. The percentage of cells in DNA synthesis (thymidine labeling index, LI), in mitosis (mitotic index, MI) and in stages of degen- eration (pyknotic index, PI) were micro- scopically counted with the aid of an ocu- lar grid and hand tally counter. Nuclei con- taining five grains or more were classified as being labeled. A minimum of 1,000 cells (1,000-2,000 cells) were counted under oil magnification ( x 1,000) in every fourth serial section. A total of 160 explants were cultured. Ninety-six explants were studied histologically to select the suitable dura- tion and concentration of MTX for the detailed study. Four explants were used to establish each mean and standard devia- tion shown in figure 2 except for the con- trols (199 plus CEE10) at 5 hours where eight explants were used. In an isolated control explant 1 x 10-5 gm/ml of the mitotic inhibitor colchicine was added to a single culture for one hour in order to confirm that a distinct mitotic zone forms in cultured neuroretinas (fig. 31.


In the neuroretinal epithelia analyzed the mitotic spindles, with few exceptions, were oriented parallel to the limiting membrane. This orientation ensured the normal cytokinesis and “elevator-like” movements of the ventricular cell nuclei as they pass through phases of their cycle. The occasional disoriented mitotic spindle observed was of the same incidence as in control explants and in vivo. The structural integrity of the cultured epithelia was not directly affected by the MTX since normal cytokinetic movements were well main- tained, indicating intact pseudostratifica- tion of the neuroretina. During the later stages of exposure to MTX, the pseudo- stratification of the cultured neuroretina persisted even though there was distortion

Page 4: Early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate


of the epithelium due to uneven cell death and exfoliation.

The neuroretinal epithelial responses to 5.5 x M MTX plus embryo extract during a 16-hour exposure period are sum- marized in figure 2. The labeling indices of all explants cultured showed a slight de- cline and rise during the 16-hour culture period. After the initial 5-hour exposure to MTX plus embryo extract, the mean label- ing indices of the neuroretina were similar to control explants (53.42 4 1.4; 53.13 f 4.9). No significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed after six and seven hours of exposure to MTX plus embryo extract. However, following eight hours in the same media the experimental explants showed a significant (p < 0.05) rise in labeling index (50.18 2 2.7) compared to the control value of 40.0'7 * 2.6. Following 16 hours of exposure the labeling indices were ele- vated ('73.45 ? 13.5; 56.35 k 14.3) but not significantly different (p < 0.05). T h e mitotic indices in explants exposed to MTX plus embryo extract were lower but not significantly affected (p < 0.051. At no point during the 16-hour exposure period was the MI increased nor was there any ac- cumulation of cells in any one particular mitotic stage suggestive of mitotic block. In control neuroretina cultured for eight and five hours (table 11, 92-98% of the mitotic figures observed were labeled following the 4-hour period of tritiated thymidine exposure. In contrast, the number of la- beled mitosis in experimental neuroretina was considerably reduced (40.8-67.6% re- duction).

Cell death in the control explants was minimal at five hours (PI = 0.2 k 0.0) and reached a maximum of 2.03 k 1.4 after 16 hours of culture. During the later exposure periods (8-16 hours) increasing numbers of labeled pyknotic cells were evident in the experimental neuroretina. Many of these cells were detached and in stages of ex- foliation from the neuroretina (figs. 9, 11, 12). The distribution of the pyknotic cells amidst viable ventricular cells is clearly distinguished from the indiscriminate cell death of whole segments of neuroretina in


Percentage labeled mitotic figures' seen after tritiated thymidine labeling in neuroretina

following exposure to methotrexate

199 + 199 + CEE .wrx only

Exposure 199 + CEE + Mrx

5 hours 98.0% 31,7% (67.6%) 23.7%

8 hours 92.0% 54.4% (40.8%) 52.0% Onc hundred mitotic figures classified.

2 Figures in parrntheses represent percentage reduction, with control value taken as 100%

highly folded explants (fig. 13) due to diffusional limitations. The few folded ex- plants inadvertently cultured were not used in the final analysis.

Figure 2 also shows the neuroretinal epi- thelial responses observed when cultured in medium 199 plus MTX without embryo extract. The fluctuation and magnitude of the LI observed throughout the 16-hour culture period were similar to those ob- served in the presence of embryo extract. The mitotic indices were comparable in magnitude to those observed in the pres- ence of embryo extract. Furthermore, the number of labeled mitoses observed after five and eight hours (table 1) was low (23.7-52.0%) and as such were comparable to responses observed in the presence of embryo extract. A marked difference in re- sponse was, however, seen in the viability of the experimental explants cultured in the absence of embryo extract. After 6 hours of culture a high pyknotic index was observed (16.0 f 3.7). This value was ap- proximately four times the maximum seen in explants cultured in the presence of em- bryo extract. After 16 hours, the pyknotic index was considerably lowered (4.3 ? 2.6).


The exposure to MTX followed by an in- terval in which thymidine is made availa- ble to tissues, allows the effects of transient or complete inhibition of DNA synthesis to be studied. This technique has been adapted in vivo and has proved useful in studying the repair processes during fetal

Page 5: Early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate


Mean , 5

10 PI

5 -

31 1

- -


T Control (199. CEE 10 1 199 + CEE 10 + Methotrexate 8or

70 I3 199+ Methotrexate

Mean 60-


L I 50-

40 - 30 -

20 r T

life (Berry, '71, '72). However, there has been no direct demonstration of the effects of the drug on the rapidly growing embry- onic tissues. The sensitivity of target em- bryonic cells and their regenerative capac- ity have not been adequately described in the in vivo studies due to the difficulty in distinguishing primary from secondary in vivo responses.

Tabulation of the labeling, mitotic and pyknotic indices of the neuroretinal epi- thelial explants exposed to MTX in the presence of CEE allowed classification of the direct effects on DNA synthesis and on mitosis. The fluctuation of DNA labeling

characteristics seen in control explants throughout the 16-hour culture period could be attributed to the adaptation phase reported in explants in vitro (Biggers, '631. A similar fluctuation of DNA synthet- ic responses was observed in a standard- ization study of neuroepithelial responses in vitro (Daniels, '711, and in the "metabo- lic lab" phase which has been previously described for cultures of kidney rudiments (Saxen et al., '68). The observations of simi- lar labeling indices in control and experi- mental neuroretinal epithelia together with the increase in LI at eight hours in ex- perimental neuroretina can be interpreted

Page 6: Early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate


when considered together with the obser- vations on the mitotic indices. The mitotic index in experimental explants did not ex- ceed that of controls and furthermore the percentage of labeled mitosis was con- siderably reduced. These observations in- dicate that although similar numbers of cells were synthesizing DNA, fewer num- bers of these cells were progressing to mitosis. This suggests a synchronization of ceIls in the pre-mitotic phases seen in the embryonic tissues, and is therefore similar to the effect of MTX reported in other tis- sues of adult animals (Rueckert and Mueller, '60). This synchronizing effect on the ventricular cells of the neuroretina was present as early as five hours and was more pronounced at eight hours when an in- crease in LI was recorded.

The onset and distribution of cell death also allowed an estimation of the sensitivity of the embryonic cells throughout the ex- posure period. Although pyknotic indices were recorded for the neuroretina only, relatively few pyknotic cells were ob- served in the associated pigmented epithe- lium and mesenchyme. The associated mesenchyme was structurally well main- tained throughout the culture period (figs. 5, 9, 12). It is noteworthy that the mesen- chymal component has been implicated in a number of in vivo studies as the primary site of alteration in various CNS malforma- tions (Thiersch and Phillips, '50; Marin- Padilla, '66). The present in vitro study with MTX, using isolated embryonic tis- sues, indicates that considerable prolifera- tive and degenerative changes were ob- served in the neuroretinal epithelium before minimal degenerative changes ap- peared in the associated mesenchyme. The neuroretinal epithelium with pyknotic cells showed conspicuous gaps (fig. 9) suggestive of rapid detachment and extrusion of de- generated cells. The surviving pseudo- stratified neuroretinal epithelium, though distorted by the uneven cell loss, showed cohorts of labeled ventricular cells sug- gesting that these cells could continue to synthesize DNA. The appearance of la-

beled pyknotic cells later (8-16 hours) in experimental cultures exposed to MTX in- dicates that the DNA synthesis was aborted and that there was rapid degen- eration during or immediately after incor- poration of the exogenous thymidine. Since labeled pyknotic cells were not seen dur- ing earlier culture periods (5, 6 and 7 hours), the capacity for rescued cells to survive and possibly repopulate the ven- tricular cell layer seems to decline with ex- tended exposure to MTX. This observation in embryonic tissue is in accordance with the reported irreversible loss of prolifera- tive capacity of HeLa cells cultured under thymidine-deficient conditions induced by MTX (Rueckert and Muellex-, '601. In vivo studies with other cytotoxic DNA synthesis inhibitors such as ARA-C, ARA-CP and hy- droxyurea (Ritter et al., '71, '73) have also suggested that prolonged inhibition of DNA synthesis results in more severe mal- formations, and that these were much more closely associated with the time of massive cell death rather than the time of drug administration. In our in vitro studies the direct responses to MTX by the ven- tricular cells were monitored without the complications of drug transference in- herent in the in vivo studies. The suscep- tibility of the DNA synthetic and post-syn- thetic zones of the neuroretinal epithelium (figs. 5, 9, 11, 12) was similar to that re- ported in neuroepithelia following X-ir- radiation of mice (Fujita et al., '64) and fol- lowing radioactive colloidal gold injection into chick mesencephalon (Menkes et al., '70). Apart from interfering with the for- mation and regeneration of adequate cell numbers, synchronization of ventricular cells due to antifolates (or folic acid defi- ciency) could result in unbalanced growth of cohorts of ventricular cells thereby dis- turbing the normal timetable of ventricular cell proliferation and migration. Further- more, synchronization of ventricular cells in the developing pseudostratified neu- roepithelium could conceivably distort critical periods in early morphogenesis in a manner analogous to the distortion and

Page 7: Early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate


overgrowth of neuroepithelium due to ac- cumulation of mitotic figures caused by vincristine block (Langman et al., ’66).

The magnitude and fluctuations of the LI and MI in explants cultured concurrently in medium 199 plus MTX only were compara- ble to those cultured under similar condi- tions but in the presence of embryo ex- tract. The low number of labeled mitoses observed also suggested that a similar syn- chronization of proliferation occurred as in the presence of embryo extract. These ob- servations show that though the inclusion of embryo extract in medium 199 is not es- sential for the initiation of DNA synthesis, it was associated with improved viability of explants exposed to MTX. Its presence therefore did not mask the primary effect of MTX on the synchronization of DNA synthesis in the embryonic cells.

An additional observation relevant to in vitro studies with early neuroepithelial ex- plants is emphasis of the importance of limited epithelial thickness especially in studies using antifolates. A distinctive gra- dient of early moribund cells was seen only in folded explants exposed to MTX and was characteristically located distal from the medium and gas phases. These explants were not used in the above-mentioned analysis but suggest that under experimen- tal conditions of nutritional and gaseous deprivation, as simulated in folded ex- plants, the ventricular cells show a heightened sensitivity to MTX irrespective of the cell cycle status of the cells. Optimal conditions for the study of proliferative re- sponses of ventricular cells were seen in the single layered early neuroretina plus associated mesenchyme.

In summary our studies have demonstrat- ed the use of a unique model for analysis of the direct effects of the antifolate MTX on embryonic ventricular cells of the cen- tral nervous system as seen in the early neuroretina. Our data indicate that the detectable direct effects of the drug are primarily on the pre-mitotic stages (S and G, phases). Extended exposure to MTX re- sults in irreversible loss of proliferative ac-

tivity of the ventricular cells. Analysis of the neuroepithelial ventricular cells in vitro is ideally performed in early single layered neuroretina and is ideally main- tained in the presence of embryo extract.


The authors are thankful to Miss I. Krzywdzinski, Miss S . Smith, Mrs. B. Bell and Mr. G . Reid for technical assistance and to Dr. T. V. N. Persaud for critically reading the manuscript. Supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada (MA-3641) and by the Anatomical Re- search Fund of the University of Manitoba.

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3 Hadioautograph of cultured explant showing description of zones. NR, neu- roretina; LM, limiting membrane; V, ventricular zone showing regions of DNA synthesis (Vs); interkinetic movement (VJ and mitosis (V,,,); M, marginal zone; PE, pigmented epithelium; AM, associated mesenchyme. x 680.

4 Control neuroretinal explant cultured for five hours. Mitotic spindles (arrows) were usually oriented parallel to the limiting membrane. x 160.

5 Neuroretinal explant exposed to methetrexate for seven hours. Degenerating nuclei were abundant in the DNA synthetic and interkinetic zones of the neu- roepithelium. The rare mitotic figure observed showed normal orientation of its spindle. The pigmented epithelium and associated mesenchyme are well preserved. x 160.

6 Radioautograph of pigmented epithelium and its associated mesenchyme ex- posed to methotrexate for five hours. Both tissues appear structurally normal and show heavy labeling. x 520.

Radioautograph of a neuroretinal explant after 5-hour exposure to methotrex- ate in the presence of embryo extract. Several mitotic figures are seen. x 400.



Page 11: Early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate

EARLY NEUHORETINAL RESPONSES Eugene Daniels and Keith L. Moore



Page 12: Early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate



8 Radioautograph of a neuroretinal explant after 8-hour exposure to methotrexate in the presence of embryo extract. Many labeled pyknotic cells are seen (arrows). Mitotic figures are rare. x 400.

Neuroretinal explant exposed to methotrexate for seven hours. The DNA synthetic and interkinetic zone show conspicuous gaps where pyknotic cells have been extruded. The rare mitotic cell (arrow) show normal spindle orientation and the associated mesenchyme is well preserved. x 160.

10 Radioautograph of a control neuroretinal explant after eight hours of cul- ture. Many labeled mitotic cells are seen. x 520.

11 Neuroretinal explant exposed to methotrexate for 16 hours. The cell- depleted neuroretina shows groups of surviving cells with rare mitoses. Pyk- notic cells are largely extruded. x 400.

12 Radioautograph of a neuroretinal explant after 16 hours of exposure to methotrexate. The cell-depleted neuroretina is distorted and shows labeled cells; pyknotic cells and mitotic figures are rarely observed. The pigmented epithelium shows many labeled cells and the mesenchyme shows a few pyk- notic cells. x 400.

Radioautograph of a folded neuroretinal explant exposed to methotrexate. A uniform zone of cell death is seen in the mid-region of the explant. x 160.




Page 13: Early chick neuroretinal responses following direct exposure to methotrexate

EARLY NEURORETINAL RESPONSES Eugene Daniels and Keith L. Moore