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EANET newsletter # 40 11 November 2016 In this newsletter: Kharkiv IT Cluster launches Kharkiv IT Unicorns project to enhance startup movement among the students of Kharkiv City Georgian Technical University (GTU) presents EANET to Swedish partner universities Georgia hosts SwedishGeorgian Seminar on modern trends in higher education Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) hosts a twoday regional conference on “Problematic Issues of International Tax Law” Global Entrepreneurship Week 2016: Ilia State University presents an attractive program for the Global Entrepreneurship Week (1420 November 2016) in Tblisi Amsterdam AUAS organizes a prototyping party for entrepreneurs, alumni and student entrepreneurs during Global Entrepreneurship Week in Amsterdam Editor & Copy: [email protected] Kharkiv IT Cluster launches Kharkiv IT Unicorns project to enhance startup movement among the students of Kharkiv City By Prof. Dr. Oleksandr Kuzomin Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics From October 2016 to May 2017 all the students who are interested will participate in their Startup development: from idea generation to investors pitch. The first event – IDEA GEN – will take place on October 25. Within the framework of the first meeting we will learn how to generate ideas. It is a practical training that shall help to understand such concepts as a successful business idea, its distinctive features and creativity techniques applied for generation of business ideas. The next stage – IDEA RAMA – will be held on November 3. Within the framework of

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EANET  newsletter  #  40                                                                                        

   11  November  2016    In  this  newsletter:    Kharkiv  IT  Cluster  launches  Kharkiv  IT  Unicorns  project  to  enhance  start-­‐up  movement  among  the  students  of  Kharkiv  City    Georgian  Technical  University  (GTU)  presents  EANET  to  Swedish  partner  universities    Georgia  hosts  Swedish-­‐Georgian  Seminar  on  modern  trends  in  higher  education    Ivane  Javakhishvili  Tbilisi  State  University  (TSU)  hosts  a  two-­‐day  regional  conference  on  “Problematic  Issues  of  International  Tax  Law”      Global  Entrepreneurship  Week  2016:    Ilia  State  University  presents  an  attractive  program  for  the  Global  Entrepreneurship  Week  (14-­‐20  November  2016)  in  Tblisi    Amsterdam  AUAS  organizes  a  prototyping  party  for  entrepreneurs,  alumni  and  student  entrepreneurs  during  Global  Entrepreneurship  Week  in  Amsterdam    Editor  &  Copy:  [email protected]  

   Kharkiv  IT  Cluster  launches  Kharkiv  IT  Unicorns  project  to  enhance  start-­‐up  movement  among  the  students  of  Kharkiv  City  

By  Prof.  Dr.  Oleksandr  Kuzomin  Kharkiv  National  University  of  Radio  Electronics    From  October  2016  to  May  2017  all  the  students  who  are  interested  will  participate  in  their  Start-­‐up  development:  from  idea  generation  to  investors  pitch.  

The  first  event  –  IDEA  GEN  –  will  take  place  on  October  25.  Within  the  framework  of  the  first  meeting  we  will  learn  how  to  generate  ideas.  It  is  a  practical  training  that  shall  help  to  understand  such  concepts  as  a  successful  business  idea,  its  distinctive  features  and  creativity  techniques  applied  for  generation  of  business  ideas.  

The  next  stage  –  IDEA  RAMA  –  will  be  held  on  November  3.  Within  the  framework  of  

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this  event  the  most  successful  ideas  for  future  projects  will  be  chosen  at  each  university.  

November  10  –  IDEA  BATTLE  –  battle  of  students’  ideas.  The  participants  will  have  an  opportunity  to  protect  their  ideas  and  to  get  the  initial  funding  needed  for  prototype  development  in  case  of  win.  

November  24  –  DREAM  TEAM.  At  this  stage  there  will  be  formed  teams  of  students  from  different  universities,  who  will  work  on  ideas  for  startups.  There  will  be  also  held  a  small  workshop  on  teamwork.  

December  1  –  TR  GR  –  workshop  on  group  work  techniques.  Within  its  framework,  the  participants  will  learn  which  technology  shall  be  used  to  organize  group  work  on  a  project,  how  to  communicate  in  a  team,  what  documents  are  needed,  how  to  store  them,  etc.  

December  8  –  TR  BM  –  workshop  on  the  creation  of  a  successful  business  model.  At  this  stage,  the  participants  will  learn  about  a  successful  business  model,  Business  Canvas  and  its  creation,  types  of  business  models  and  possible  ways  of  their  changing,  advantages  and  disadvantages  of  various  models,  real  cases  on  projects.  

March  2  –  TR  MR  –  workshop  on  methods  of  market  research.  You  will  learn  about  the  methods  of  market  research,  features  of  different  markets,  tools  needed  for  comprehensive  investigation,  metrics  to  be  used  as  well  as  how  research  results  may  affect  both  the  business  model  and  the  project  as  a  whole.  

March  16  –  TR  MVP  –  workshop  on  rapid  prototyping  technology,  where  participants  will  learn  about  tools  and  technologies  allowing  to  develop  minimal  prototype  of  core  project  functionality  (desktop,  Web,  Mobile),  how  to  make  a  simple  project  page,  video  for  the  project,  means  of  modelling  and  testing.  

March  30  –  TR  IP  –  workshop  on  the  protection  of  intellectual  property,  where  

the  participants  will  discuss  how  to  define  the  object  of  protection  of  intellectual  property  in  the  project,  what  objects  do  generally  exist,  how  to  protect  objects  in  Ukraine  and  abroad  as  well  as  the  cost  of  object  protection.  

April  6  –  TR  PR  –  workshop  on  the  preparation  of  project  presentation.  At  this  stage,  you  will  learn  about  presentation  types,  correct  building  of  presentation,  presentation  parts  as  well  as  how  to  present  a  project  to  investors.  

April  13  –  RAMA  MVP  –  internal  selection  of  prototypes  for  the  competition,  at  which  expert  commission  of  each  university  selects  projects  for  the  competition.  

April  27  –  MVP  BATTLE  –  battle  of  prototypes.  Within  this  round  there  will  be  held  a  competition  between  the  projects  to  determine  the  best  one  on  the  criteria  set.  

May  20  –  INVESTOR  DAY  –  a  day  for  investment  attraction.  At  this  stage,  the  participants  demonstrate  the  readiness  of  their  projects  and  communicate  with  potential  investors.  

For  sucessful  project’s  implementation  Kharkiv  IT  Cluster  is  looking  for:  

• mentors  • experts  in  various  fields  • consultants  • speakers  • sponsors  • partners  • investors  

Want  to  get  involved?  Please  contact:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMXKUNh5zeP3ftMUoehb0frzVlBsb6Eynk-­‐VmR2M93KPXp2w/viewform    Visit  us  on  Facebook  at:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/287758771624369/      

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Georgia   hosts   Swedish-­‐Georgian   Seminar  on  modern  trends  in  higher  education  By  Tamar  Lominadze  Georgia  Technical  University  (GTU)    On  the  10-­‐12  of    October  Georgia  hosted  a  Swedish-­‐Georgian   Seminar   on   the   modern  trends   in   the   development   of   Higher  Education.   Together   with   the  representatives   of   various   Georgian  universities,   the   meeting   was   attended   by  the   representatives   of   Swedish   Council   for  Higher   Education   as   well   as   the  representatives  and  Professors  from  various  Swedish   universities,   including   Swedish  Institute,   Linköping   University,     Södertörn  University   ,   KTH   Royal   Institute   of  Technology,   University   of   Gothenburg   and  Lund   University.   Among   others,   there   was  discussed  the  importance  of  active  Alumnae  Networks   and   the   problems   of   their  intensive   cooperation  with   Alma  Maters   in  different  directions.  Co-­‐founder  of  SI  Alumni  Association   in   Georgia   considered   various  issues  in  this  regard,  namely:    ü the   development/upgrade   of   new  

educational   curricula,   based   on   the  demands  of  a  labor  market;  

ü internships  for  students;  ü support  in  start-­‐ups;  ü close  academia-­‐industry  cooperation;  ü research-­‐based  education;  

On   11   October   the   Swedish   delegation  visited   Georgian   Technical   University.   Prof.  Otar   Zumburidze   presented   the   EANET  project   to   the   respected   audience,  explaining  the  main  goals  of  the  project  and  the   progress   achieved   so   far.   The  participants  of  the  meeting  underlined  that    the  results  of  the  project  obtained  so  far  are  indeed   addressing   the   issues   listed   above,  and  they  expressed  their  deep  interest  in  the  further  development  of  the  project.    http://www.utbyten.se/Global/program/eplus/kontaktseminariumHE/program-­‐kontaktseminarium-­‐georgien-­‐oktober-­‐2016.pdf  

Interesting  input  from  others:  

Tblisi  State  University  hosts  Regional  Conference  on  “Problematic  Issues  of  International  Tax  Law”    

A  two-­‐day  regional  conference  “Problematic  Issues  of  International  Tax  Law”  was  opened  at  Ivane  Javakhishvili  Tbilisi  State  University  (TSU)  on  October  27.  The  conference  was  organized  by  the  Russian  Branch  of  International  Fiscal  Association.  Tax  experts  from  various  countries,  including  the  representatives  of  state  fiscal  structures,  consultancies  and  various  universities  presented  their  papers  at  the  conference,  which  was  highly  interesting  for  business  managers  and  entrepreneurs.        Rector  of  TSU,  Giorgi  Sharvashidze  also  attended  the  conference.  He  said  that  “participants  mostly  discussed  fiscal  policy,  tax  systems,  jurisdictions  we  are  dealing  with  and  relations  with  our  partners  from  neighboring  countries.  Along  with  other  issues,  participants  will  also  discuss  trade  relations,  including  the  Comprehensive  Free  Trade  Area  Agreement  (CFTA).  Similar  agreements  have  been  signed  with  Turkey  and  quite  recently  with  China.”  He  also  said  that  this  cooperation  is  a  very  interesting  format  and  “it  is  important  to  share  our  experience  with  our  neighbors.”      Scientific  Secretary  of  the  Russian  Branch  at  the  International  Fiscal  Association,  Victor  Machekhin  said:  “I  am  glad  that  TSU  is  supporting  similar  ideas.  Representatives  from  various  spheres  of  international  tax  system  have  gathered  here.  This  issue  is  very  interesting  for  both  Georgia  and  other  countries,  because  global  interests  are  emerging  in  the  tax  system  and  various  countries  are  working  jointly  to  develop  new  tools.”      Representatives  and  experts  from  six  countries  are  participated  in  the  conference.    

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During  the  Global  Entrepreneurship  Week  (GEW)  entrepreneurship  is  celebrated  in  more  than  160  countries.  In  the  third  week  of  November  thousands  of  entrepreneurs,  students,  policymakers  and  academics  are  inspired  to  engage  in  entrepreneurship  and  connect  them  to  mentors,  new  talent  or  investors.  

GEW  is  a  celebration  of  the  innovators  and  job  creators  who  launch  startups  that  bring  ideas  to  life,  drive  economic  growth  and  expand  human  welfare.  Thousands  of  brand  new  startups  spring  to  life  through  bootcamps,  hundreds  of  universities  strengthen  connections  that  help  them  commercialize  research  from  their  labs,  researchers  and  policymakers  engage  in  discussions  around  the  world  to  examine  the  underlying  policies  necessary  to  promote  entrepreneurial  growth,  and  serial  entrepreneurs  share  their  expertise.    

In  Georgia,  Ilia  State  University  together  with  ISU  Business  School  join  the  Global  Entrepreneurship  Network  (GEN)  to  celebrate  and  contribute  to  the  Global  Entrepreneurship  Week  2016  between  November  14-­‐20,  2016.      


Together  with  its  international  partners  Denmark,  Lithuania,  Netherlands,  Sweden,  UK,  Ilia  State  University  is  launching  and  joining  the  Global  Entrepreneurship  Network  (GEN)  to  celebrate  and  contribute  

to  the  Global  Entrepreneurship  Week  between  November  14-­‐20,  2016.  

Out  of  the  network’s  week  program  themes,  Ilia  State  University  Global  Entrepreneurship  Week  Georgia  2016  program  activities  will  focus  on  the  themes  related  to  women  and  youth  entrepreneurial  empowerment  through  a  week-­‐long  international  and  joint  program  featuring  a  

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variety  of  activities,  workshops,  seminars,  public  lecture  events,  competitions,  creathons  and  competitions  intended  to  inspire,  connect  and  engage  women  and  youth  entrepreneurs  to  support  national  and  global  entrepreneurship.  The  GEW  Georgia  2016  program  will  involve  local  and  international  well-­‐known  experts  and  inspiring  and  successful  entrepreneurs  at  home  and  abroad,  highlighting  voices  and  stories  of  women  and  youth  to  promote  them  and  support  the  next  generation  of  women  and  youth  entrepreneurs  in  Georgia  and  beyond.  

During  the  GEW  Georgia  2016,  ISU’s  program  will  gather  together  inspiring  speakers  and  mentors  for  various  target  groups  that  will  get  strong  coverage  nationwide.  ISU  will  be  GEN’s  partner  university  organization  that  will  launch  the  GEW  university-­‐based  activities  in  Georgia  for  the  1st  time  to  celebrate  the  week  while  integrating  the  university  in  global  entrepreneurship  ecosystem.  

GEW  Georgia  2016  Program  &  Description      The  GEW  program  is  structured  around  5  major  themes  related  to  youth  and  women  entrepreneurship.      

Ø Anatomy  of  an  Entrepreneur:  Entrepreneurship  as  a  Career  

 The  aim  of  this  large  theme  is  to  explore  an  anatomy  of  an  entrepreneur  and  describe  the  process  of  a  successful  career  of  entrepreneurship  through  workshops,  training  and  panel  discussion,  public  lectures,  festival  and  exhibition,  experts’  discussions,  and  forum  led  by  local  and  international  experts.  Selected  subtopics  scheduled  throughout  the  week  in  the  program  cover  screening  methods  and  tools  of  idea  generation  and  brining  an  entrepreneurship  idea  to  marketplace,  self-­‐marketing  strategies  and  linking  with  other  peers,  lessons  from  the  successful  marketplaces  (e.g.  Silicon  Valley),  Georgian  

start-­‐up  market  peculiarities  and  challenges,  and  entrepreneurship  career  hands-­‐on  examples  of  lean-­‐up  start  up  approaches  brought  to  the  target  audience  from  the  global  practice.  More  details  on  each  activity  can  be  found  in  the  program.      

Ø Start  up  Dream  into  a  Reality      This  idea  will  direct  its  activities  focused  on  creative  thinking  and  process  of  prototyping  through  a  well-­‐structured  process  of  training  and  Creathon  competition  that  will  lead  to  tangible  innovative  and  creative  prototypes  worked  out  in  mixed  groups.  The  Demo  Products  in  the  business  model  format  will  be  presented  to  the  potential  investors  in  Georgia.  Ilia  State  University  Fabrication  Laboratory  FabLab  has  already  launched  14-­‐day  long  tailored  practical  training  in  fabrication  and  prototyping  using  the  relevant  computer  and  technology  tools  in  the  lab  for  selected  participants  who  will  later  on  serve  as  mentor  technical  support  staff  for  mixed  aspiring  Creathon  Teams  who  will  be  competing  in  designing  and  developing  prototypes  in  the  FabLaB  for  the  final  Demo  Day.  The  Creathon  Teams  will  be  virtually  connected  to  the  Prototype  Party  in  the  Netherlands.  The  timeline  of  the  Creathon  is  outlined  in  the  program.      

Ø Youth  Game  Inventors  -­‐  Board  Game  Invention  Leading  to  Business  

 ISU  Computer  Gaming  Laboratory  –  GameLab  and  Young  Explorers  Club  will  deliver  a  series  of  presentations,  trainings  and  facilitation  sessions  on  idea  generation,  a  board  game  planning  and  design,  and  prototype  making  techniques,  idea  protection  for  youth  groups  to  stimulate  game  design  ideas  from  scratch.  It  will  run  for  one  week  while  small  teams  of  Young  Explorers  Club  will  be  competing  in  the  Creathon  format  on  designing  and  creating  innovative  and  creative  board  games.  GameLab  mentors  will  further  facilitate  the  process  for  winner  teams  through  support  

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for  final  prototyping  and  providing  tips  to  teams  on  how  to  turn  a  board  game  idea  into  a  business  model  and  start-­‐up  or  approaching  other  games  companies  to  license  the  game.      

Ø Inspiring  Female  Entrepreneurs    Through  this  focus  of  the  GEW  Georgia  2016,  the  aim  is  to  inspire  and  encourage  women  entrepreneurs  in  the  country  by  the  peer  self-­‐made  successful  entrepreneurs  as  well  as  Forbes  Women  speakers  through  their  inspiring  stories  as  role  models  in  whom  they  may  see  themselves.  The  peer  voices  should  trigger  empowerment  of  women  who  want  to  start  new  ventures  of  entrepreneurship.  Furthermore,  an  international  female  entrepreneurship  

education  speaker  will  deliver  a  seminar  on  a  set  of  challenges  women  entrepreneurs  face  not  typically  shared  by  their  male  counterparts,  how  to  overcome  them  and  break  barriers  so  they  can  be  leaders  and  make  an  ultimate  success  in  entrepreneurship.      

Ø Forbes  Cover  Face  Speakers      The  GEW  Georgia  2016  program  will  bring  Forbes  Cover  Page  Speakers  throughout  the  week  who  will  deliver  public  lectures  and  discussions  on  entrepreneurship  while  telling  their  personal  stories  that  will  be  stimulating  for  others  to  come  up  with  new  ideas  and  learn  from  the  successful  faces  of  entrepreneurs.    


   In  The  Netherlands,  Martin  Haring  organizes  a  prototyping  party  at  the  Dutch  Global  Entrepreneurship  event.     Prototyping  towards  new  perspectives  

The  prototyping  party  enables  participants  to  experience  how  prototyping  can  help  clarify  an  idea,  problem  or  opinion  in  a  simple  yet  effective  manner.  Discovering  the  ease  and  clarity  of  looking  at  a  business  idea  or  concept  from  various  angles,  seeing  alternatives,  flaws  and  new  possibilities,  involving  stakeholders  in  the  design  and  development  process  towards  a  optimal  market  fit.  Rapid  prototyping  has  been  identified  as  a  strong  tool  for  start  ups  and  corporations  to  maximize  the  success  potential  of  new  product  (and  service)  development.  


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Women  in  Entrepreneurship  in  Georgia  and  Moldova  -­‐  Research:    The  Global  Entrepreneurship  Monitor  (GEM)  has  published  a  special  research  about  women  in  entrepreneurship  in  Georgia.  The “Women Entrepreneurship Report” provides information on entrepreneurial attitudes perceptions, entrepreneurial activity and aspirations among adult female population in Georgia. The report provides a comparison of Georgia’s entrepreneurial performance between the male and female entrepreneurs.

 Next  issue  –  25  November  2016:    Ø Highlights  of  the  EANET  network  Ø Reflection  on  Global  Entrepreneurship  Week  Ø Partner  in  the  spotlight  Ø Alumni  Entrepreneur(s)  in  the  spotlight  Ø Alumni  &  Startup  at  UC  Berkeley    Do  you  have  an  interesting  story  to  share  with  (other)  alumni  entrepreneurs  and  EANET  partners?  Please  send  it  to  us  at  [email protected]  DEADLINE  for  next  issue’s  input:  Monday  21  November  2016    

“In 2014, the average early-stage Georgian Women Entrepreneur is 45 years old, ethnically Georgian with secondary education, lives in Tbilisi, Kvemo Kartli, Imereti or Samgrelo-Zemo Svaneti regions. 77.7% of Georgian female adult population consider successful entrepreneurs to have a high status in society and 68% of them think that entrepreneurship is a good career choice. 26.7% of Georgian women adult population thinks that they are capable of performing entrepreneurial activities and 32.8% sees opportunities in the Georgian business environment. 42.0% of the Georgian women adult population perceives fear of failure in entrepreneurial activities. Based on the central measure of GEM, the Total Early Stage Activity (TEA), 5.7% of Georgian female population are planning to open-up or are already running a new venture. The motivation to engage in entrepreneurial activities is almost equally distributed: necessity-driven (53.3%) and opportunity-driven (46.7%).(Lezhava et al, 2014) For the full report, visit !http://www.gemconsortium.org/country4profile/63!!In!Moldova!the!South!East!European!Centre!for!Entrepreneurial!Learning!has!set!up!a!!“Platform!of!women’s!entrepreneurship”.!It!recognized!“that!in!South!East!European!countries!women!entrepreneurs!are!still!an!untapped!source!of!business!and!job!creation.!The!“Women!Entrepreneurship!–!A!Job!Creation!Engine!for!South!East!Europe”!project!aims!to!raise!awareness!on!specifics!of!the!entrepreneurship!of!women!in!SEE!region!with!having!enhanced!capacities!of!women’s!entrepreneurs’!networks!and!associations”!(http://www.seecel.hr/platform4of4women4s4entrepreneurship4in4moldova).!!!!!