e81 cse 532s: advanced multi-paradigm software development chris gill and venkita subramonian...

E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington University, St. Louis [email protected] A Concurrency and Synchronization Pattern Language

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Page 1: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development

Chris Gill and Venkita SubramonianDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering

Washington University, St. [email protected]

A Concurrency and Synchronization Pattern Language

Page 2: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Main Themes of this Talk

• Review of concurrency and synchronization

• Review of patterns and pattern languages

• Design scenario case study– A peer-to-peer client-server application– Increasing liveness with concurrency

patterns– Maintaining safety with synchronization


Page 3: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Concurrency• Forms of concurrency

– Logical (single processor) parallelism– Physical (multi-processor) parallelism

• Goal: Increase Liveness– Progress is made: deadlock is avoided

• Also, avoid long blocking intervals if possible

– Progress is also optimized where possible• Independent activities logically parallel

– Ideally, physically parallel if you can afford additional resources

• Full utilization of resources: something is always running

– E.g., both I/O bound and compute bound threads in a process

• The most eligible task is always running– E.g., the one with the highest priority among those enabled

Page 4: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Concurrency, Continued• Benefits

– Performance• Still make progress if one thread blocks (e.g., for I/O)

– Preemption• Higher priority threads preempt lower-priority ones

• Drawbacks– Object state corruption due to race conditions– Resource contention

• Need isolation of inter-dependent operations– For concurrency, synchronization patterns do this

• At a cost of reducing concurrency somewhat• And at a greater risk of deadlock

Page 5: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Synchronization• Forms of synchronization

– Thread (lightweight) vs. process (heavy) locks• Why is process locking more expensive?

– Binary (mutex) vs. counted (semaphore) locks– What is being locked

• Scopes: scoped locking• Objects: thread-safe interface • Role-based: readers-writer locks• “It depends”: strategized locking

• Goal: Safety– Threads do not corrupt objects or resources– More generally, bad inter-leavings are avoided

• Atomic: runs to completion without being preempted• Granularity at which operations are atomic matters

Page 6: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Synchronization, Continued• Benefits

– Safety • Prevent threads from interfering in bad ways

– Control over (and reproducibility of) concurrency• Restrict the set of possible inter-leavings of threads

• Drawbacks– Reduces concurrency (extreme form: deadlock)– Adds overhead, increases complexity of code

• Need to apply locking carefully, with a purpose– Only lock where necessary

• Based on design forces of the specific application• Allow locks to be changed, or even removed

Page 7: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Concurrency & Synchronization• Concurrency hazard: race conditions

– Two or more threads access an object/resource– The interleaving of their statements matters– Some inter-leavings have bad consequences

• Synchronization hazard: deadlock– One or more threads access an object/resource– Access to the resource is serialized– Chain of accesses leads to mutual blocking

• Clearly, there is a design tension– Must be resolved for each distinct application– Applying patterns helps if guided by design forces

Page 8: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Review: What is a Pattern Language?

• A narrative that composes patterns– Not just a catalog or listing of the patterns– Reconciles design forces between patterns– Provides an outline for design steps

• A generator for a complete design–Patterns may leave consequences–Other patterns can resolve them–Generative designs resolve all forces

•Internal tensions don’t “pull design apart”

Page 9: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Towards a Pattern Language• Key insights

– Each pattern solves a particular set of issues– When applied, it may leave others open

• Depends on the scale of the context• E.g., ACT does not itself address synchronization

– Although it may help in combination with say the TSS pattern

– It may also raise new issues• For example, synchronization raises deadlock issues

• None of this matters without a context– Patterns are only useful when applied to a

design– A design stems from the context

(problem+forces) of something we’re trying to build

• So, let’s imagine we’re building something

Page 10: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Motivating Scenario• Peer-to-peer client server applications

– Each process sends and receives requests– Communicates with many other endsystems at once

• Distributed data and analysis components – Spread more or less evenly throughout network– Each has a particular function or kind of information– Endsystems can look up locations of specific

components• Directory, naming, and trading services are available

• Heterogeneous requests– Long-running independent file retrieval requests

• “Send me the news data feed from 04/21/03”• “Send me the stock market ticker for 04/21/03”

– Short-duration interdependent analysis requests• “Compute the change (+ or -) for each stock sector”• “Then find the largest change in a stock sector”• “Then find 5 news events with highest correlation to that


Page 11: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Motivating Scenario, Continued• Given

– A high-quality LAN-scale analysis server …– designed to manage tens of components …– and interact with tens of other similar servers …– all connected via one company’s private network

• Assume – Written in C++, leverages C++11/STL features

extensively– Design uses Wrapper Façade, other basic patterns– Reactive implementation (initially single-threaded)

• We’ll discuss other alternatives in the next part of the course• E.g., proactive approaches using interceptor to mark/notify


• Goal– Scale this to a business-to-business VPN environment …– … with hundreds instead of tens of nodes locally– … each with hundreds instead of tens of collaborators

Page 12: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Review of Concurrency Patterns

• Active Object– Methods hand off request to internal worker thread

• Monitor Object– Threads allowed to access object state one-at-a-time

• Half-Sync/Half-Async– Process asynchronously arriving work in synchronous


• Leader/Followers– HS/HA optimization: leader delegates until its work


• Thread Specific Storage – Separate storage for each thread, to avoid contention

• These complement the synchronization patterns

Page 13: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Review of Synchronization Patterns

• Scoped Locking– Ensures a lock is acquired/released in a scope

• Strategized Locking– Customize locks for safety, liveness, optimization

• Thread-Safe Interface– Reduce internal locking overhead– Avoid self-deadlock

• These complement the concurrency patterns

Page 14: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

How Do We Get Started?• Simply apply patterns in order listed?

– Sounds ad hoc, no reason to think this would work

• A better idea is to let the context guide us– Compare current design forces to a pattern


• Let’s start with the most obvious issue– Long-running tasks block other tasks– Long-running tasks need to be made concurrent

• Leads to selection of our first pattern– Concurrent handlers for long-running requests– I.e., apply the Active Object pattern

Page 15: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Active Object Context• Pattern’s use in this design

– Worker thread in handler– Input thread deposits requests

for it– Queue decouples

request/execution between threads

• LRRH::handle_event– An enqueue method for AO

that puts a command object into the queue

– Allows AOs to be registered with an asynchronously triggered dispatcher, e.g., an input (or reactor) thread

Long RunningRequest Handlers (LRRH)

enqueuerequests worker


input thread

Page 16: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Active Object Consequences• Clear benefits for LRRH

– Method invocation & execution are decoupled

– Helps prevent deadlock– Reduces blocking

• Drawbacks– Queuing overhead– Context-switch overhead– Implementation complexity

• Costs well amortized so far– But only for LRRH– So, we can’t apply as is to

short-running requests

• Next design refinement– Apply Half-Sync/Half-Async

Long RunningRequest Handlers (LRRH)

enqueuerequests worker


input thread

Page 17: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Half-Sync/Half-Async Context • Still want long-running activities

– Less overhead when related data are processed synchronously

• Also want short-lived enqueue and dequeue operations– Requests arrive asynchronously– Keep reactor and handlers responsive

• How to get both?– Make queueing layer smarter– Chain requests by their dependencies– E.g., HS/HA (via pipes & filters)

• How this is done is crucial– Blocking input (reactor) thread is bad– So, worker thread chains them before

it works on a chain!

Mixed Duration Request Handlers (MDRH)

enqueuerequests worker


input thread

worker chains related requests


Page 18: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

HS/HA Consequences, part I• Problem: race condition

– Reactor thread enqueues while active object thread dequeues

• BTW, this has been an issue– Since we applied Active Object– But we pushed first on concurrency– Could have taken the other branch

in our design process first, instead– Emphasizes iterative/rapid design!

• Need a mutex – Serialize access to the queue data

structure itself

• But then need to avoid deadlock– What if an exception is thrown?

(E.g., a call to new fails)

• Solution: apply scoped locking

enqueuerequests worker


input thread

worker chains related requests

Mixed Duration Request Handlers (MDRH)

Page 19: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Scoped Locking Context

• Define/identify scopes around critical sections– I.e., the active object enqueue and dequeue methods

• Provide a local guard object on the stack– as the first element within the scope of a critical


• Guard ensures a thread automatically acquires the lock – Guard constructor locks upon entering a critical section

• Guard ensures thread automatically releases the lock – Guard destructor unlocks upon exiting the local scope

• Guarded locks will thus always be released– even if exceptions are thrown from within the critical


Page 20: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Scoped Locking Consequences

• Benefit: increased robustness with exceptions

• Liability: deadlock potential when used recursively– Self deadlock could occur if

the lock is not recursive– E.g., if worker thread

generates requests for itself

• Pattern language solution– Apply another pattern!– I.e., strategized locking

Page 21: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Strategized Locking Context & Consequences

• Parameterizes synchronization mechanisms – That protect critical sections from concurrent access

• Different handlers may need different kinds of synchronization– Null locks (i.e., if we’d ever add passive handlers)– Recursive and non-recursive forms of mutex locks– Readers/writer locks

• Decouple handlers and locks– Can change one without changing the other– Enhancements, bug fixes should be straight forward

• Flexibility vs. complexity, time vs. space

Page 22: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

HSHA Consequences, part II• Pop back up to HS/HA

– Now that we’ve addressed queue locking issues

• A new concurrency issue– Chains that are ready, may

wait– While thread works on others

• Could increase # of MDRH’s– Also increase context


• A better idea– Notice the chaining of related

requests?– Looks like “sorting the mail”– I.e., apply Leader/Followers

enqueuerequests worker


input thread

worker chains related requests

Mixed Duration Request Handlers (MDRH)

Page 23: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

• Leader when elected picks an incomplete chain

• Appends requests from reactor to growing chains

• When a chain is complete– If its for the leader

• Leader takes request chain• A new leader is elected• Old leader becomes follower• Old leader works on the chain

– If it’s for someone else• Leader hands off to others• Continues to build chains

Leader/Followers Context

enqueuerequests leader


input thread




Mixed Duration Request Handlers (MDRH)

Page 24: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

• Key benefits– Greater cache affinity: thread locality of reference– Context switch only at some events

• Liabilities– Some increase in implementation complexity

• I.e., to elect leaders, identify whose chain is whose• We’ll just live with this for the purposes here

– Some additional overhead • But we already separated reactor from handlers• So impact on lowest asynchronous level is reduced• We’ll go a couple steps further in reducing this

• Overall, benefits of applying LF here outweigh costs

Leader/Followers Consequences

Page 25: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

TSS Context & Consequences• Must lock thread hand-off

– But access w/in a chain is single-threaded and thus ok

• Can save results locally– Put request result in TSS– Retrieve as input for next

request in that chain

• Benefits– Avoids locking overhead– Increases concurrency

• Liabilities– Slightly more complex to

store and fetch results– Portability of TSS (may

need to emulate in code)

enqueuerequests leader


input thread




Mixed Duration Request Handlers (MDRH)

Page 26: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

A Few Remaining Issues

• Shared services across threads (naming, lookup)– Threads need safe


• Design trade-off– Between simplicity and

potential concurrency improvement

• Alternative patterns– Monitor Object

• E.g., for new services

– Thread Safe Interface• E.g., for legacy services

enqueuerequests leader


input thread




Mixed Duration Request Handlers (MDRH)

Page 27: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Monitor Object Context & Consequences

• Threads use common services– E.g., Naming, Directory– Need thread-safe service access

• Single copy of each service– Inefficient to duplicate services– Threads access them sporadically

• Could just make services active– More complex if even possible

• Solution: Monitor Object– Synchronize access to the service

• Consequences– If worried about performance, can

yield on condition variables– Assume that’s not an issue here

(reasonable for Naming, etc.)



Page 28: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Thread-Safe Interface Context and Consequences

• Since synchronous service performance is fine– Go for simplicity, low-overhead – Avoids self-deadlock from intra-

component method calls– Avoid complexity of condition

based thread yield– Minimizes locking overhead

• Separates Concerns – Interface methods deal with

synchronization– Implementation methods deal

with functionality

• Only option with some single-threaded legacy services– Can’t modify, so wrap instead





Page 29: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Pattern Language Review

• We first applied Active Object– Made long-running handlers concurrent

• Then we applied Half-Sync/Half-Async– For chains of short-running requests

• Next were scoped & strategized locking– To make thread hand-off safe, efficient

• Then we applied Leader/Followers– To reduce thread context switches

Page 30: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Pattern Language Review, Continued

• We applied TSS next– Efficient access to separate

information for each thread can help reduce contention

• Finally we applied Monitor Object and/or Thread-Safe Interface– For synchronized access to common

(possibly legacy) services

Page 31: E81 CSE 532S: Advanced Multi-Paradigm Software Development Chris Gill and Venkita Subramonian Department of Computer Science and Engineering Washington

Concluding Remarks• Design mastery is often not based on novelty

– Though occasionally it can help– It is mostly a matter of careful observation

• of the current context as the design unfolds …• and how consequences of each decision shape later ones

• Study patterns and pattern languages– Benefit from prior experience with patterns

• Including published experience of other “design masters”– Practice working through design examples like this– Build intuition about how patterns fit together

• Mastery is a journey not a destination– Learn from every design, yours and others