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English 4 E-Portfolio ULACIT


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The Internet and Other Addictions

DIC 2012 English 4


Surf: check information on


Engaging in: taking part in or

becoming involve in

Turning each other in: identifying

each other to the police or


Devoting: giving or using

something for a purpose like time

or effort

Compulsiveness: inability to

control certain behavior

Therapy: treatment of problems by

talking about them

Putting together: organizing

Support groups: people who meet

to help each other with a problem

they all share

Present with: show signs of an

illness by having a type or

behavior or condition

Coming out: becoming publicly


Fulfillment: personal satisfaction

Turn into: become (something


Shaping: influencing in a

particular way

Overwhelmed: upset or strongly


Went through: experienced

Going on: happening

Went on a binge: began to overdo


Clean slate: fresh happening

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Here's a list of the modal verbs in English:

can could may might will

would must shall should ought to

Modals are different from normal verbs:

1: They don't use an ’s’ for the third person singular.

2: They make questions by inversion ('she can go' becomes 'can she go?')

3: They are followed directly by the infinitive of another verb (without 'to')


First, they can be used when we want to say how sure we are that something

happened / is happening / will happen. We often call these 'modals of deduction' or

'speculation' or 'certainty' or 'probability'. For example:

It's snowing, so it must be very cold outside.

I don't know where John is. He could have missed the train.

This bill can't be right. £200 for two cups of coffee!


We use 'can' and 'could' to talk about a skill or ability.

For example:

She can speak six languages.

My grandfather could play golf very well

I can't drive

Obligation and Advice

We can use verbs such as 'must' or 'should' to say when something is necessary or

unnecessary, or to give advice.

For example:

Children must do their homework.

We have to wear a uniform at work.

You should stop smoking.


We can use verbs such as 'can', 'could' and 'may' to ask for and give


We also use modal verbs to say something is not allowed.

For example:

Could I leave early today, please?

You may not use the car tonight.

Can we swim in the lake?


We can use 'will' and 'would' to talk about habits or things we usually do,

or did in the past.

For example:

When I lived in Italy, we would often eat in the restaurant next to my flat.

John will always be late!

Honesty is the best policy

Pervasive: existing or spreading


Trivial: unimportant or with little value

Tattling on each other: tell something

bad that another person has done

Mislead: make someone believe

something that is not true

Veneer: a cover that hides the way

someone or something really is

Relentless: continuing without stopping

or losing strength

Finely honed: sharpened or perfected

Conceal: hide something carefully

Intrusive: affecting someone’s private

life in an annoying way

Inflated: exaggerated, overly important

Fudge: manipulate something

Bluffing: to lie

Slippery slope: like a snowball

Fess up: admit it or face the true

Whopper: lie

Deceptive: person with double face

Mull over: think carefully

Put over: deceive

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Reticent: unwilling to talk

Phobia: very strong fear

Merit: value

Extroverted: very sociable

Adverse: negative

Syndrome: condition

Chronic: continual (medical term)

Kindred souls: people having similar traits

Misattributions: false assumptions

Handicap: disadvantage

Aloof: distant

Condescending: treating others as inferior

Go through the roof: become upset

Open the floodgate: to make it happen

Turn the tide: change the course

Reluctant: reject

Grouchy: morose

Killjoy: party pooper

Bashful: shy


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The tipping Point

English 3


Mavens: people who know a lot and talk a lot about something

Word of mouth: related to people telling people

Epidemic: large number of cases of an infectious disease occurring

at the same time

Got a hold of: contacted, communicated with

Consumed by: totally involve in

Win over: persuade someone to do something

Profiled: described

Goes a long way toward: success in

Holds: is true

Make a splash: get attention

A ripple effect: domino effect

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Frowned upon: disapprove of

Hard bitten: tough or experienced

Transcendent: beyond the limits of ordinary


Digression: idea that is unrelated to the topic

Aligning: properly positioning

Caught off guard: surprised, startled

Abundance: a large quantity of something

Circulates: moves, flows

Quote: repeat what someone else has said or


Skeptically: with doubt

Get into: become interested in

Sharp: smart, quick

Work around: compensate for

Rise or fall: success or fail

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Spiritual Renewal


Prophets: one who utters divinely

inspired revelations

Ascetic: practicing strict self-denial as

a measure of personal and especially

spiritual discipline

Fasting: Eating Little or no food

Divine: of, relating to, or proceeding

directly from God or a god

Enacted a law:

Vibrant: pulsating with life

Hectic: characterized by activity

Replenish: to become full


Refrain from:

Will: determination



Humility: not being too proud

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Employees: one employed by another

Employer:Persono r organization that you

work for

Keep an eye on:

Surveillance: close watch kept over

someone or something

Safeguards: protections

Eavesdropping: to listen secretly to what is

said in private

Legitimate: Lawful

A log: written record

Scope: range

Willy-nilly: unpredictably, without choosing

Demeaned: respectaility, seriousness



Sinister: evil

Deter: prevent

Racial Slurs: insulted

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Tense Pattern

Future Simple Tense O + will + be + V3(by agent)

Present Simple Tense O + is/ am/ are + V3(by agent)

Present Progressive Tense O + is/ am/ are + being + V3(by


Present Perfect Tense O + has/ have + been + V3(by agent)

Past Simple Tense O + was/ were + V3(by agent)

Pattern: S + get / have + O + V3 + (by agent)

Boosting Brain Power through the arts


The Object of the Active Voice sentence becomes the

Subject of the Passive Voice sentence.

We have used ‘O’ to indicate the subject of the passive

verb for convenience.

It is very easy to understand English Passive Voice

because we always find V3 after ‘BE’ verb forms.


We sometimes cause somebody to do something for us.

Causing somebody to do something for us is expressed

by using a sentence pattern with ‘GET’ or ‘HAVE’.

Advancing: Progressing

Boost: Increase

As a Whole: Entirely

Caught up to: Reached

Primed: Benefited

Regardless of: Without considering

Work in progress: Unfinished product

Did more for: Prepared

Had nothing to do with: Didn’t Involve

Reaped Benefits: Got advantages

Found: Concluded from data

Enhances: Improves

Hallmark: Outstanding feature


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Technology Addiction

Jenn Hoffman, Phoenix-based CEO of The J Brand Group. "My BlackBerry runs my life," Hoffman says. “She's got a 24/7 technology

habit, even checking messages from the bathroom, a Whistler ski lift, and a pool raft at L.A.'s Chateau Marmont hotel. Her boyfriend calls

her laptop, which she brings to bed every night, "the other man." Probably every person in a specific moment of their life felt in this way

about being attached to a technology device during the day, recognizing that before they acquired this device their personal life was very

different and that even though they were fine, without technology.

Nowadays according to research conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, “44 percent of the population owns a smartphone in the U.S., as

in Spain and similar to that recorded in New Zealand, Denmark, Ireland, the Netherlands and Switzerland”. Here in Costa Rica according

to Mónica Cordero Sancho reporter at El Financiero newspaper, “64% of household heads were mobile phone users”. A direct

consequence of this numbers and studies is definitely that a lot of people are used to have a cellphone next to them and because of this

they’re commonly checking it, checking their social network notifications also texting with other people.

This behavior can become an addiction. When should we say that this has become an addiction? Basically when we recognize it,

if we change our responsibilities for spending time on our cellphone and if we change our daily duties for spending too much time chatting

by the computer, checking our e-mails, surfing in the internet, in that moment is when we can move on and accept that there’s an external

factor that is affecting my life and also that is not going to help me in the future.

Social Networks, according to Wikipedia “A social network is a social structure made up of a set of actors (such as individuals or

organizations) and the dyadic ties between these actors.” Social networks nowadays are something that changed our lives and is becoming

more popular with the pass of the days. This aspect in reference with our main topic is very important, because since the beginning the

human being always invested a lot of time knowing other persons, socializing in order to find a partner or to feel part of a group of

persons, actually by this way people can obtained this goal easier and faster, with help of technology, otherwise they would need to meet

people face to face and spend more time and money, and nowadays this seems to be something that most of the people prefer to avoid.

Something that not all the people recognized is that they are very different in front of a computer than in front of a person, and according

to the definition from Wikipedia, it’s true, all the people involved in this phenomenon are actors of their own live, looking for their


Our society is losing the sense of technology addiction because every day they use it, technology simplifies our activities, help us

in our job, with our payments, with our transactions. At the present time banks are losing their customer service and their contact with the

customer because everything that you need from a bank is online, you can pay your bills, make transactions and acquire

credit….everything online, this is very helpful but also it’s part of this technology addiction that is ruled by society.

As a conclusion technology addiction is something that we cannot stop immediately because every single day we are prompt to it

and it’s very difficult to state that in the next 2 year we’re going to be out of the woods, but definitely it’s something that each person can

change in their lives, to recover old behaviors, take a walk instead of running with help of a machine, to play tennis outside instead of

playing tennis in front of a television, in order to avoid being overwhelmed by all this technology environment and to enhance their daily

duties in a healthy way with technology.


webmd.com. (2012,Jan). When Technology Addiction Takes Over Your Life





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It’s the set of activities designed to provide knowledge, develop skills and change attitudes of the employees at all levels to

modify or increase job performance.

Both the selection of the staff process as the training depends largely on factors such as job analysis, human resource plan,

budget and the professionalism of the employees. Depends it ias up to each person to obtain the best results, but most of the

responsibility goes straight to the trainer, they need too much skills, such like talking in front of people, entertain them while

the learning speech is being performed, also they need to identify the personality of each person and their learning skills,

because each person is different and everyone can learn different and the ability of the trainer to manage the group

should show up in order to increase quality and the amount of people capable in the company.

There are too much benefits from a training , we can mentioned some organizational benefits like: leads to higher

profitability and positive attitudes, improved knowledge of the position at all levels, raises the morale of the workforce, helps

staff identify with the goals of the organization, helps keep costs in many areas, promotes communication throughout the


In the other hand we can say that the employees also obtained benefits, such like: improving the skills of the individual in

to taking decisions and solving problems, raises the level of job satisfaction, allows the achievement of individual goals and

eliminates fears of individual ignorance or incompetence.

After the training there’s still more job, because the trainer should make a follow up of each person, closing every gap that is

open from the main session, he has to be available and to have patience in order to deal with all kind of questions and issues

that they can face during the work hours. There should be also a survey, an opportunity for people to express their opinion and

to give feedback about the training in order to increase the quality of the job and the future goals of the training team.

Finally there should be an evaluation of results, this helps to measure the accomplished objectives that were established at the

beginning of the season, the quality of the course and also the development of it, meeting the expectations of the participants,

the degree of knowledge and the effectiveness of the activities and after all this process one must ask "What final results were

achieved in terms of training goals previously set?, decreased the number of customer complaints regarding employees?,

improved the rate of rejection?, decrease the cost of waste of time, materials and budget?, will meet production goals?”... If all

the questions are successfully respond, we can say that the team achieved a great goal, a project that was performed with the

foundations of team work and that is going to make our life easier and happy.


Giarratana, M. (2012, 10 18). degerencia.com. Retrieved 10 18, 2012, from como_capacitar_a_su_personal:
