e marketing strategy assignment (actual)


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Page 1: E Marketing Strategy Assignment (Actual)

UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

E Marketing Strategy

Module Code; UGB 321

Case Study – Paula’s Pearl Jewellery

Name; Michael Winship

Student Number; 090993152

Module Tutor; Alan Charlesworth


Page 2: E Marketing Strategy Assignment (Actual)

UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

TO. The Owners of Paula’s Pearl Jewellery

From; E Marketing Consultant – Michael Winship

Subject; E Marketing Proposed Strategies


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UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction Page Four

2.0 Situational Anaylsis Page Five

3.0 The Online Environment Page Six

3.1 Internet Page Six

3.2 Domain Name Page Seven

3.3 Website Analytics Page Eight

3.4 Search Engine Optimization Page Nine

3.41 SERP’S Page Nine

3.5 Social Media Marketing Page Ten

3.6 Keyword Bidding Page Eleven

3.7 Website Design Page Twelve

4.0 Summary Page Twelve

5.0 References Page Thirteen

Executive Summary Page Fourteen


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UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

1.0 Introduction

Over the last few years the use of E Marketing has risen due to the increased popularity

in the internet and social networking. Many organizations now have an E Marketing

presence on the internet which provides another form of marketing other than the

traditional forms.

The jewellery industry is crowded with a lot of businesses trying to compete with each

other in order to try and create and build up customer loyalty. Almost all of these

jewellery businesses have an online and E Marketing presence which is where Paula

and her jewellery business need to make changes in order to keep up with competitors

and advances in technology.

The purpose of this report into Paula’s Pearl Jewellery is to establish what aspects of E

Marketing the Jewellery shop should implement in order to keep up with the surge in E

Marketing. Another reason why this report into Paula’s Pearl Jewellery is being

undertaken is due to Paula herself having very limited knowledge of business and

marketing and wanting to try and revive the businesses fortunes.

The structure of this report will be to look at Paula’s pearl Jewellery business currently

and to try and work out where the business may benefit from using E Marketing, once

this has been mentioned an E marketing strategy will be devised in order for Paula’s

jewellery shop to use this to the best of their advantage. This report will also be wrote in

a format that the owners of Paula’s pearl jewellery store will be able to understand this

will allow for them to be easily able to work out what the relevant E Marketing elements

are that they should implement into the business.


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UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

Once this report has been completed it should clearly demonstrate how Paula’s Pearl

Jewellery shop can try to stop the decline in the business and try to implement E

Marketing strategies effectively which may help to move the business forward.

2.0 Situational Analysis

Paula’s Pearl Jewellery store is located in Sunderland and has been for over thirty

years, years before some of their competitors came along which would indicate that the

business already has a loyal customer base. In recent times the business has been in

gradual decline which may be in part down to a lack of an E Marketing presence or a

rise in growing competitors. Competitors to the jewellery store have a major E

marketing presence and a range of heavily promoted promotional activities which won’t

work in the favour of the Jewellery store and will allow for customers choosing to go

elsewhere as they may not be aware of the Pearl Jewellery shop’s existence.

The jewellery store may also be in decline due to the economic uncertainty around the

area that it operate in. Sunderland is part of the North East of England which has seen

some of the worst unemployment since the start of the credit crisis in 2008. The rising

rate of unemployment in the north east will not have helped the jewellery store as

conscious consumers will be looking at competitors businesses to Paula’s in the hope of

better value for money.


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UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

3.0 The Online Environment

This section of this report will look at the online environment, the online environment is

the biggest improvement that the jewellery business could make given what the current

market looks like. This section of the report will look at the E Marketing elements that

the Pearl Jewellery shop need to implement in order to try and compete with their

competitors and crucially to have an E Marketing presence. As there are a number of E

Marketing elements only the elements that are the most important to Paula’s pearl

jewellery store will be mentioned.

3.1 Internet

The internet is one of the biggest inventions in recent memory and has allowed for a lot

of new ways of trying to connect to customers and interacting with existing customers.

One E Marketing element that is highly recommended for the Jewellery store is the

internet. The internet is growing in popularity and thanks to the growing numbers of

people using social networking this offers the opportunity for the Jewellery store to

undertake some marketing that will work in the favour of the business. Paula’s

Jewellery store already has plans to open up on online store, in order to try and sell

some of the themed jewellery that Paula makes. In order to try and keep up with some

of the competition that Paula faces the internet is the most important E Marketing

element for the business, without the internet how is Paula going to sell her themed

products. Paula’s biggest competitors will have the internet in some form in the

business to allow customers to keep up to date with what is happening within the

business and to find out what products are new.


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UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

As Paula can make around 20 new items every week this makes the internet an even

bigger proposition for the business as it can showcase new products that are up and

coming and allow for orders to be placed online, this would give an indication for

demand. The internet is an essential E Marketing tool for Paula’s pearl jewellery store in

2012 to try and maximize the profitability of the business and to keep customers

informed of what products are in stock and which are not in stock.

3.2 Domain Name(s)

Following on from the suggestion that the Jewellery store needs the internet in order to

sell Paula’s themed products a domain name is also essential for the jewellery

business. When a business is placed on the internet the name of the site is known as

the domain, as the jewellery store already has plans to launch on the internet it is

recommended that the domain name of the site should be Paulaspearljewellery.co.uk

this is as it sticks within the conventions of a domain name having no spaces in the

name. The domain name of the site should relate to what the site is about therefore

having the domain name as mentioned will allow potential customer and existing

customers to see that the website is credible and reliable. In order for the jewellery

store to want to open up an online store to start selling jewellery a domain name is a

must otherwise nobody will know about the business.

Paula is thinking about extending the range of themed jewellery that she sells to

possibly include a range of jewellery to suit animal lovers for this reason it is worth

another domain name being registered.


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UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

A further domain name being registered will allow for Paula to already have the

resources available to sell these products online should the time come that she wants to

expand some of the jewellery ranges offered. A further domain name will also offer the

opportunity to be able to link all of the websites together through one site.

Domain names are easily available to find on the internet and cost very little which will

help the jewellery business in cost and help to bring extra revenue in from the sales that

are made from the use of the online store.

3.3 Website Analytics

Paula’s pearl Jewellery store needs to keep a track of what customers who are visiting

the site are wanting from the site, this will allow the Jewellery store to be able to see

what is popular and what is not. Website analytics allow for the business to be able to

see what products are selling and what is not selling. Paula intends to sell only themed

products through the online store and therefore website analytics are needed in order to

see how many people are visiting the site and what they are going there for.

Some of the website analytics that should be collected for the jewellery store include a

log file. The use of a log file will be able to help Paula’s pearl jewellery store be able to

find out when customers are visiting the website and will help to identify where

customers are accessing the website from. This information will be of use to Paula and

the jewellery store in looking to further expand the use of some of the E Marketing

elements mentioned in this report within her jewellery store.


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UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

Most of Paula’s competitors within the jewellery industry will already have website

analytics within their online operations in order to try and connect with customers and

find out what makes them want to buy what.

3.4 Search Engine Optimization

In order for the jewellery shop to be successful at E Marketing then search engine

optimization is one element of e marketing that needs to be undertaken. Search engine

optimization allows the user to be able to ensure that they are visiting a website which

will serve what they are after. In terms of Paula’s pearl jewellery store search engine

optimization is not as big a priority as the internet is, however most of the competitors to

the jewellery store already have search engine optimization enabled for their business.

One search on a search engine shows a list of popular jewellery stores that Paula’s

pearl jewellery store is in competition with, a sign that Paula needs to be with these

competitors in providing a service for customers.

Optimizing a search for the jewellery store will also work in the favour of the store as

this would mean that they can directly compete with their competitors in terms of what

businesses are near the top of search engines.

3.41 SERP’S

The use of SERP’S (Search Engine Results Page) can help the jewellery business as

these rely on keywords to determine what results are shown when someone uses a

search engine such as Google. Using a SERP can help the business be able to attract

new customers who may not already be aware of the businesses existence. The use of

a SERP can also help in trying to make sure that the website is secure and reliable as


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the higher the SERP the higher the chance there is that the website is what it says it is.

In terms of Paula’s pearl jewellery store SERP’S are highly important as this ensures

that they are where they should be in terms of attracting customers to the store.

Paula plans to sell niche products that you can’t buy anywhere else which makes a

higher SERP a priority in order to ensure that the business can effectively promote

these products that no one else is going to sell. A lower SERP will mean that potential

customers will not know about these ranges of products as visitors to search engines

will be more likely to click the top results then having to search lower down for a site that

is relevant to them. This is one reason why search engine optimization is particularly

important for Paula’s pearl jewellery store as this can help to ensure that the strength of

selling niche product is played upon and ensures that the jewellery store is placed

higher in the results page then other competitors.

3.5 Social Media Marketing

As mentioned in the introduction to this report social networking and social media

marketing are growing fast due to the overall impact that they have and specifically the

amount of people that they can target in one go. In terms of Paula and her jewellery

shop social media marketing is highly recommended for her business. It was recently

suggested that Sunderland the place where the jewellery shop is located was one of the

biggest cities in the UK for social networking. (Sky News) Sunderland being a high area

for social networking is another reason why the jewellery shop should take advantage of

this form of E Marketing to try and enhance the awareness of the business. The

jewellery store business should also use social networking marketing as this will allow


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for feedback and recommendations to be placed on the sites about the business and

will help to encourage future sales and customer loyalty. The use of social network

marketing can also allow Paula to locate customers who like the business and choose

the shop at her jewellery store may than a competitors business.

In 2012 there is a lot of social networking sites, meaning that Paula does not have to

stick to one social networking site in order to try and create business therefore social

network marketing is a must for the jewellery store in order to try and improve on falling


3.6. Keyword Bidding

Keyword bidding is another E Marketing element that the jewellery store should

consider implementing into the business. Keyword bidding allows the jewellery store to

be able to buy up domain names that sound similar to what the business is selling and

offering. Keyword bidding would allow the jewellery store to be able to make sure that

no similar business has a website that sounds like Paula’s pearl jewellery stores

website. A recent figure suggest that 80% of all searches of for information purposes

therefore if Paula undertakes some keyword bidding this will raise the awareness of the

store and hope to turn some of the 80% of information based searches into 10% of

transactions. This is not one of the biggest recommendations in this report due to other

elements of E Marketing needed more in the jewellery store, however implementing this

into the business will allow for potential and existing customers to be aware that the

business is legitimate and offering products that are for sale.


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UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

3.7 Website Design

A further E Marketing element that Paula’s pearl jewellery store needs to think about is

website design. The overall look of a website can be important to a customer in terms of

whether they want to purchase something from a website. Paula’s pearl jewellery store

needs to ensure that the design of the website is relevant and utilizes all of the space

available. The design and functionality of the website need to be designed in a way that

makes people who are not fully suited in the use of computers easily able to find their

way around the website and be able to find out what they want to know from the site.

The functionality of the site should be able to allow customers of Paula’s peal jewellery

store to be able to use more than one method for payment, many competitors to Paula’s

jewellery store already allow for a number of ways to make payment. Allowing for

different types of payment methods allows for customers of the jewellery store to be

able to buy items online in the safest way they feel.

The website needs to also include the basics of a website that most other competitors to

the jewellery store will have which will be the likes of where the current retail store is

located and how to get there. The web site should also include details about the returns

policy and other information about the business that customers may benefit from.

4.0 Summary

All of the elements of E Marketing that have been mentioned in this report should help

Paula’s pearls jewellery store in trying to turn the fortunes of the business around. The

use of the internet is highly recommended in trying to make sure that there is more than

one way of accessing what the jewellery store has for sale. The internet also allows the


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jewellery store to be able to keep a check on what competitors to the jewellery store are

doing. Failure to incorporate the internet in the business allows for competitors to

maintain the competitive edge and the jewellery store will continue in decline.

Paula’s jewellery store needs to look at the targeted audiences that have been identified

and ensure that all aspects of relevant E Marketing outlined in this report are targeted at

them this will ensure that all E Marketing elements have been incorporated effectively..

One last thing referring back to Paula’s pearl jewellery store is that more people have

access to the internet than at any other time in recent years thanks to Government

initiatives a sign of a market that the jewellery store needs to tap into. Failure to

incorporate this may see the business suffering further decline.

The most important E Marketing elements that the jewellery store needs to implement

as a result of this report are;

The Internet – In order to keep up with the competition and maximize interactions

with customers.

Domain Name – This is so that the website can go live and offer customers the

chance to be able to buy Paula’s themed jewellery online.

5.0 References

http://news.sky.com/home/technology/article/15779104 - Date Accessed 10th

May 2012

Total Word Count (Minus References, Table of Contents and Front Page) = 2,927


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UGB 321; E Marketing Strategy; Michael Winship

6.0 Executive Summary

The Jewellery industry is currently experiencing growth this is due to a number of ways

of consumers being able to trade Jewellery and purchase Jewellery online.

The overall amounts of advertisements for Jewellery have risen on television and other

advertising channels indicating the new height of demand for Jewellery services.

The main focus of this report is to use the relevant case study to advise Paula about all

the relevant elements of E marketing that should be applied to her Jewellery business.

Some elements of E Marketing are not necessary for her business and therefore this

report will only focus on the relevant aspects of E Marketing that will be of the most

benefit to the business going forward. This report will look at the elements that would be

of most benefit to the shop, recommendations will also be made in order to establish

what Paula needs to do to stop the business from falling into further decline.

Total Word Count (Minus References, Table of Contents and Front Page) = 2,927