e guide

1.GENERAL DATA Subject: Management and Innovation in educational contexts. Code: 46311. Centre: Faculty of Education of Albacete. Degree: Primary Education Teacher. Typology: Compulsory. Credits ECTS: 6. Course: Second. Semester: First Language to be taught: Spanish Educational use of other languages: English. TEACHER THAT TAUGHT Antonio Cebrián Martínez. e-mail: [email protected] Department: Pedagogy 2. PREREQUISITES It is not establish any special prerequisite. 3. JUSTIFICATION IN THE CURRICULUM, RELATION WITH THE OTHER SUBJECTS AND WITH THE PROFESSION The Management and Innovation of educational contexts subject, belongs to the generalist formation of the primary school teacher’s degree, it is integrate in basic formation, specifically in the 1.1.2 module: Educational contexts and processes. This subject, is focus in the study of the functions that a primary school teacher must have, in the educational vision about the didactic innovation processes and practicums that it must be carried out, in primary education, both formally in school settings, like in extracurricular contexts and in the knowledge of the management and organization of a school (documents, human

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Traducción de la guía electrónica de la asignatura Gestión e Innovación de Contextos Educativos


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Subject: Management and Innovation in educational contexts.

Code: 46311.

Centre: Faculty of Education of Albacete. Degree: Primary Education Teacher.

Typology: Compulsory. Credits ECTS: 6.

Course: Second. Semester: First

Language to be taught: Spanish Educational use of other languages: English.


Antonio Cebrián Martínez. e-mail: [email protected]: Pedagogy

2. PREREQUISITES It is not establish any special prerequisite.

3. JUSTIFICATION IN THE CURRICULUM, RELATION WITH THE OTHER SUBJECTS AND WITH THE PROFESSION The Management and Innovation of educational contexts subject, belongs to the generalist formation of the primary school teacher’s degree, it is integrate in basic formation, specifically in the 1.1.2 module: Educational contexts and processes.

This subject, is focus in the study of the functions that a primary school teacher must have, in the educational vision about the didactic innovation processes and practicums that it must be carried out, in primary education, both formally in school settings, like in extracurricular contexts and in the knowledge of the management and organization of a school (documents, human resources, spaces, etc.)

This subject provides basic knowledge to the teacher’s formation, in the study plans of the primary school teacher’s degree. This subject is directly related with others: education/learning processes, sociology of education, education and society, practicum I y II, final degree work.

This subject provides a basic knowledge in teacher’s profession to the primary education stage, because it addresses the functions, roles that conform the profession and work the innovation aspects from the curriculum. In addition, the theoretical and practical content, that provides this subject, will ease the acquisition of a systemic and holistic knowledge about the school and the multiple contexts in which teaching practices can be performed in the primary stage.

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4. COMPETENCES OF THE DEGREE THAT THE SUBJECT CONTRIBUTES TO ACHIEVE -II.3.Analize the educational practice and the institutional conditions that frame it.

-II.5.Know the interaction and communication processes in the class.

-II.6.Approach and resolve discipline problems.

-II.8.Promote education in values’ actions, oriented to the preparation of an active and democratic citizenship.

-II.9.Know and approach schooling situations in multicultural contexts.

-II.10.Design, plan and evaluate the school activity and the class learning.

-II.11.Know and apply innovation experiences in primary education.

-II.12.Participate in the definition of the educative project and in the general activity of the centre, attending to quality management criteria.

-II.13.Know and apply basic methodologies and techniques of educative investigation and be able to design innovation projects, identifying evaluation criteria.

-II.14.Develop the self-criticism.

-CB1.That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding knowledge, in a study area that start from the general secondary education base, and it use to find a level that, if it supported in advanced text books, it includes also some aspects that implies knowledges from the vanguard of their study area.

-CB2.That students know how to apply their knowledges to their work or vocation in a professional way and they have the competencies that are used to demonstrate through the elaboration and defense of argues and the resolution of problems in their study area.

-3.1.Know the curricular areas in primary education, the interdisciplinary relation between them, the evaluation criteria and the didactic knowledges body, around the education and learning respective procedures.

-3.4.Design and moderate learning spaces in diversity contexts , that attend to gender equality, equity and to the respect of human rights that conform the different values of the citizenship formation.

- how to use the education and learning aims to plan lessons, sequences of lessons, and to guide the student evaluation; consider and support to those students with disabilities, of any ethnic group, to they can progress appropriately.

- and prepare information sources, and plan to a secure and efficient organization, consider the student interests and their cultural and idiomatic baggage,

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with the help of the correspondent professional as necessary.

- a correct use of the control and evaluation strategies of the student’s progress to the learning objectives raised, and use this information to improve the planning and the education.

- students’ progress appropriately, ensuring that they achieve the evaluation criteria that are stablish in the official curriculum.

- a high level of students’ expectations and favour success relations with them, centred in education and learning; favour a suitable environment to the achievement of the learning objectives, where the diversity were assessed and students fell secure.


Domain the specific terminology in the materials that compound the curriculum.

Distinguish innovation educational experiences and detect the possible application practices.

Design and apply educational projects over education in values. Design, apply and evaluate correctly didactics programmes. Analyse the education function. Identify and design each part of the institutional documents of the primary

education. Work efficiently both in an individual way and in group.



-Subject presentation, guides about the practices realization, description of the evaluation process, active methodologies…


-Legislation and organization of the primary education in Spain.


-Education in values.


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-Theory and practice of the didactic programming.


-The education project in primary education.


Formative activity

Methodology Competences ECTS

Hours EV OB REC Description

Ev: evaluable formative activity.

Ob: Compulsory achieves formative activity.

Rec: Recoverable formative activity.


System of evaluation Valuation DescriptionContinuous evaluation 40%-60% According to the

department, the percentage will swing between the 40 and 60, adding 100 between the continuous and final evaluation.

Final proof 40%-60% According to the department, the percentage will swing between the 40 and 60, adding 100 between the continuous and final evaluation.

Evaluation Criteria.

Besides of the criteria, it should be added information about how will assess to students that can’t come regularly to class. For example the next:

As it is applied an active methodology centred in the student, who can’t assist regularly to class of the subject, for justifiable reasons, should talk with the professor in the hours enabled to face tutoring and specify a work purpose that includes the theoretical study of documentation and a activity purpose that permit the development of the powers

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contained in the guide. It will be necessary assist to the face tutoring in a regular way to coordinate and do a follow up of the evaluation activities from the beginning of the course.

9- Work sequence, calendar, important milestones and temporal inversion.

A draw for each professor.


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