e. executive order no. 3@ an order creating the office …

e . BY T HE C IT Y MAY OR E XE CU T I VE ORDER NO. 3 @ 1(/ O.|i d( c mo "AN ORDER CRE AT ING T HE OFF I CE OF T HE SENI OR CI T I ZENS AFFA IR S ( OSC A) C OMPLA INT BO ARD, I T S C OMP OS ITI ON A ND F UNCTI ONS " WHEREAS, Ar t i c l e XII I, S e c t i on I I o f t h e C on st i t u t i o n p ro v i d e s t h a t t h e s t a t e s hall adop t an i n t e gr a t e d and c ompr e hens i v e appr o ac h t o he al t h de v el opmen t whi c h s hall endeav or t o mak e e s s en t i al go ods , heal t h and o t he r s o c i al s er vi c e s avail abl e t o al l t h e p e op l e a t a ffor dab l e c o st . Ther e s h al l b e pr i or i t y f or t he ne e ds o f t he under pr i vi l e ge d, s i c k , el der l y, di s abl ed, women and c hil dr en. Ar t i c l e X V, Se c t i on 4, o f t he C ons t i t u t i on f ur t her de c l ar e s t ha t i t i s t he du t y o f famil y t o t ak e c ar e o f i t s e l de r l y memb er s whi l e st a t e may de s i gn pr o gr ams o f s oc i al s e c ur i t y f or t hem; WHE R E A S, Re p u b l i c A ct 99 9 4 " An A ct Gr a n t i n g A d di t i o n al Be n ef i ts a n d Pr i v i l e ge s t o Seni or Ci t i z ens , Fur t her Amending R epubli c A c t No. 7 432, as amende d, o t her wi s e k no wn as "An Ac t t o Ma x imi z e t he C on t r ibu t i on o f Seni or C i t i z ens t o Na t i o n Bui l di ng, Gran t B e n e fi ts an d S o c i a l P r i v il e g e s an d t o o t he r Pur p o s e s manda t e s t he gr an t o f b ene f i ts and pr i vil ege s t o s eni or c i t i z ens i n t hi s c oun t r y; WHERE AS, t her e ar e p er s ons , na t ur al or jur i di c al who r e f us e t o honor t he Seni or Ci t i z ens C ar d and t o c ompl y wi t h t he gr an t o f s p eci al di s b urs e me n t p r i v i l e g e s un d e r RA 7 4 32 a s ame n d e d; WHERE AS, t her e i s a ne e d t o c re a t e t h e Off i c e o f Seni or Ci t i z e ns A ff air s ( OSC A) C ompl ain t Bo ar d t o addr e s s al l c onc e r ns p e r t ainin g t o t he af or e sai d vi ol a t or s and t o pr o vi de addi t i o nal s er v i c e s t o Seni or Ci t i z ens; WHERE AS, DIL G Memor andum Cir c ul ar No. 2 006 -77 pr o vi de s t he gui d e l i n e s f o r t h e p ro c e d ur e on handl i ng S eni or Ci t i z ens c ompl ain t by t he Of f i c e o f Seni or Ci t i z ens A ffai r s; NO W T HER E FOR E , I R ODRI GO R. DU TE RT E , Ma yo r o f Da v a o C i ty , b y v i r t ue o f t he p ower s v e s t e d in me b y l aw, do her eb y or der t he c r e at i on o f O SCA C ompl ain t Bo ar d wi t h c omp o s i t i on and func t i ons a s f oll o ws , SE CTI ON 1. T he OSC A C ompl aint B o ar d s hall hav e t h e f oll owing memb e r s hi p: ( 0 82) 227 - 257 7 @ f O8 2 ^22 = QOf i 3 ^ i = r T T ^ @ SQ_ ~ -< / @r a L J f lj^ _ ^ / 7 g hr*P^ g IfBH SSiai Mf lW^J ; @: i *i *j l.j F=J 6

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1(/O.|i d( cmo


WHEREAS, Article XIII, Section II of the Constitution provides that thestate shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach to healthdevelopment which shall endeavor to make essential goods, health andother social services available to all the people at affordable cost. There shallbe priority for the needs of the underprivileged, sick, elderly, disabled,women and children. Article XV, Section 4, of the Constitution furtherdeclares that it is the duty of family to take care of its elderly members while

state may design programs of social security for them;

WHEREAS, Republic Act 9994 " An Act Granting Additional Benefits andPrivileges to Senior Citizens, Further Amending Republic Act No. 7432, asamended, otherwise known as "An Act to Maximize the Contribution ofSenior Citizens to Nation Building, Grant Benefits and Social Privileges and toother Purposes mandates the grant of benefits and privileges to senior

citizens in this country;

WHEREAS, there are persons, natural or juridical who refuse to honorthe Senior Citizens Card and to comply with the grant of specialdisbursement privileges under RA 7432 as amended;

WHEREAS, there is a need to create the Office of Senior CitizensAffairs (OSCA) Complaint Board to address all concerns pertaining to theaforesaid violators and to provide additional services to Senior Citizens;

WHEREAS, DILG Memorandum Circular No. 2006-77 provides theguidelines for the procedure on handling Senior Citizens complaint by theOffice of Senior Citizens Affairs;

NOW THEREFORE, I RODRIGO R. DUTERTE, Mayor of Davao City, byvirtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order the creation ofOSCA Complaint Board with composition and functions as follows,

SECTION 1. The OSCA Complaint Board shall have the followingmembership:

(082) 227-2577 @ fO82^22 =QOfi3^i=rTT^

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\ il*>fo !,City Mayor of his duly authorized/designated representative -Chairperson

w _4.

- jUoli30//V-5.

OSCA HeadCity Legal OfficerCity Social Services & Development Officer orhis/her authorized/designated representativeCity Health Officer or his/her authorized/designated

rep.Federation of Senior Citizens Asso., President or

his/her duly designated/authorized representative





SECTION 2. The complaint Board shall have the following functions:

frp&H 1. To take action on the complaint filed by a senior citizen against9^/fli any persons who refuse to grant benefits to the Senior Citizens of/ jhJ/J/)avao City as provided under RA 7432 as amended, within 5 days") I'- ' Xipon receipt of complaint;

-@'@-j.2. To submit quarterly report to the City mayor, furnishing copy to

/y( "lyfl the Department of Social Welfare and Development Office on all


^7 / complaints filed before the OSCA;

SECTION 3. Secretariat

The OSCA shall act as the secretariat of the Board and shall providethe necessary support of the Complaint Board to effectively and efficientlyperform its functions.

SECTION 4. Funding

All incidental and necessary expenses for the effective implementationof this order shall be taken from the Office of the City Mayor or from otheravailable resources.

SECTION 5. Effectivity

This order shall take effect immediately, and shall continue to be inforce until revoke.

Done in the City of Davao, Philippines, this day of 2014

ATTY. 3/MELCHOR V. QUITAIN'City Administrator

ODRIGO R. DUTERTEl-y City Mayor/K^ .

tfe'DUTEflTEif crty Mayur

Ground Floor, City Hall Building, San Pedro St., Davao Cit(082) 227-2577 @ (Qg&U25sQQlS3 @ davaocityr or -rrTT7