e-bridge 2 mobility bulletin 8

The reason why the project E-Bridge to mobility was created came mainly rom observing the EU labour market and analysis o the needs o Eastern Europe emigrants (especially those rom Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Slovakia). They are moving rom one EU country to another (especially to England, Germany, Spain) or educational, nancial or social reasons. This project has been unded with support rom the European Commission. This publication refects the views only o the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible or any use which may be made o the inormation contained therein. Bulletin 8 May/June 2010     w     w     w  .      2     m     o      b      i      l      i      t     y  .     e     u Promotion of Spain for seniors. Have you got the autumn blues? Go on holidays to Spain! The Spanish government is encouraging the Europeans, mainly from the east, and pays extra for that. Is that possible? For a ye ar now the pro gramme „Europe Senio r T ourism” , which is meant to attract senior tourists, mainly from East- ern Europe during the autumn-winter season, is running in Spain. Among others the programme is directed to the citizens of Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Wo uld you like to visit the southern coast of Spain on a lower cost? You can if you are from 55 to 75 years old.  The programme allows or taking one accompanying person or holidays in Spain.  This person will also receive a reimbursemen t rom the government and the EU. The companion does not have to t in the age limit, so it is pos- sible to take along a partner, a riend or even a grandchild.  The programme lasts rom October to April inclusive. Holidays in Spain can last rom a week to a month. The price o a weekly stay, e.g. rom Poland is 343 euro. The Spanish government pays extra 150 euro to each visi- tor. The price includes a two- meal board. 8-, 15-, 22- or 29- day long stays are available.  The prices are xed and equal in all hotels and resorts and they are 343, 524, 700 and 855 euro respectively. This way the EU-unded project supports the idea o mobil- ity in the autumn o lie and at the same time lls in the winter tourist gap. An autumn-winter downtime in tourist industry has become an occasion or seniors rom the east, majority o whom cannot aord even a weekly stay on the Iberian Peninsula. Does Spain loose anything on that? On the contrary, the inventor and his economy benets rom the programme directed at the European sen- iors. Last year the increase in sales in the tourist industry was 5.5% more than in pre- vious years during the same season. Moreover, apart rom spending some time on holidays, the visitors will also spend some euro, not to mention the act that they will become a living and most ecient advertisement o a country, which they will probably return to and they will encourage their amilies and riends to come.  The idea o active ageing sup- ports the mobility o Europe- ans, especially rom the east. Without the opportunity to take part in the „European Senior Tourism” programme they would probably never risk leaving their homeland, where they eel sae. Spain not only pays extra or the holidays, it also assures com- plex assistance or all the in- vited tourists.

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8/7/2019 E-Bridge 2 Mobility Bulletin 8

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The reason why the project E-Bridge to mobility wascreated came mainly rom observing the EU labourmarket and analysis o the needs o Eastern Europeemigrants (especially those rom Bulgaria, Poland,Romania and Slovakia). They are moving rom one EUcountry to another (especially to England, Germany,Spain) or educational, nancial or social reasons.

This project has been unded with support rom theEuropean Commission. This publication refects theviews only o the author, and the Commission cannot beheld responsible or any use which may be made o theinormation contained therein.

Bulletin 8

May/June 2010

    w    w    w .     2    m    o     b     i     l     i     t    y .    e    u

Promotion of Spain for seniors.Have you got the autumn blues? Go on holidaysto Spain! The Spanish government is encouraging

the Europeans, mainly from the east, and pays extrafor that. Is that possible?

For a year now the programme „Europe Senior Tourism”,

which is meant to attract senior tourists, mainly from East-

ern Europe during the autumn-winter season, is running

in Spain. Among others the programme is directed to the

citizens of Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Would

you like to visit the southern coast of Spain on a lower cost?

You can if you are from 55 to 75 years old.

  The programme allows or

taking one accompanying

person or holidays in Spain.

  This person will also receive

a reimbursement rom the

government and the EU. Thecompanion does not have to

t in the age limit, so it is pos-

sible to take along a partner,

a riend or even a grandchild.

  The programme lasts rom

October to April inclusive.

Holidays in Spain can last

rom a week to a month. The

price o a weekly stay, e.g.

rom Poland is 343 euro. The

Spanish government pays

extra 150 euro to each visi-tor. The price includes a two-

meal board. 8-, 15-, 22- or 29-

day long stays are available.

 The prices are xed and equal

in all hotels and resorts and

they are 343, 524, 700 and

855 euro respectively. This

way the EU-unded project

supports the idea o mobil-

ity in the autumn o lie and

at the same time lls in the

winter tourist gap.

An autumn-winter downtime

in tourist industry has become

an occasion or seniors rom

the east, majority o whom

cannot aord even a weekly

stay on the Iberian Peninsula.

Does Spain loose anything

on that? On the contrary, the

inventor and his economy

benets rom the programmedirected at the European sen-

iors. Last year the increase in

sales in the tourist industry

was 5.5% more than in pre-

vious years during the same

season. Moreover, apart

rom spending some time

on holidays, the visitors will

also spend some euro, not

to mention the act that they

will become a living and most

ecient advertisement o a country, which they will

probably return to and they

will encourage their amilies

and riends to come.

 The idea o active ageing sup-

ports the mobility o Europe-

ans, especially rom the east.

Without the opportunity to

take part in the „European

Senior Tourism” programme

they would probably neverrisk leaving their homeland,

where they eel sae. Spain

not only pays extra or the

holidays, it also assures com-

plex assistance or all the in-

vited tourists.

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The „E-bridge” partners:

The price includes:

i a two-way fight

i transers rom / to: the airport – the hotel – the airport

i accommodation in a 4* hotel (7 nights)

i ull board (breakast, lunch and dinner )

i beverages to the meals (wine and water)

i Signal KL, NNW, and luggage insurance

i 2 hal-day trips

i entertaining programme at the hotel

i petrol, airport and reservation charges

i assistance o a resident speaking the native language

(employed by the Spanish organizer)

One o the most important questions or European senior

travellers is the act that the price o trips oered within the

„European Senior Tourism” programme includes more than

transportation, accommodation in a high-standard hotel, in-

surance and ull board. The most important thing is that the

tourists spend time with people o their age assisted by a na-

tive resident. This makes them eel sae and ree in a riendly

surrounding. Moreover, they do the sightseeing and actively

spend time together getting to know the Spanish culture and

oten or the rst time in their lives they have contact with

a oreign language in its natural environment.

  The Spanish idea o senior tourism not only supported the

tourist sector, sleeping in the winter. First o all it helped many

European pensioners to combat the ear o travelling and

breaking linguistic and cultural barriers. Thanks to the pro-

gramme „European Senior Tourism” the 55+ generation rom

the east has a chance to spend the autumn o their lives in an

interesting way.

In each eligible country a ew tourist agencies have been chosen

to deal with the Spanish programme „Europe Senior Tourism”. All

you need to do is to enter a web page


and nd your country in a tag „book”. You do not have to speak 

Spanish to make a reservation. The travel agency rom your coun-

try will deal with all the ormalities.

Apart rom sightseeing and resting on the beach the trip includes

some attractions or senior-travellers. On o the main objectiveso the project is elicitation o matured travellers, who spend the

whole stay with their contemporaries and companions. Among

others the programme includes: IT workshops, memory exercis-

ing, laughter therapy, manual work, dance classes and many sport

classes like gymnastics or tai-chi.

Where can you go?

Costa del Soli Costa de la Luzi Almería and Granada (Andalusia)iMajorcai Minorcai Ibizai Benidormi Gandia and Peńiscola

What do the seniors from Poland, who took part in the

programme say?

Edward (59)

– I went to Spain with my wie. We used the oer or 

 people aged over 50. It’s long ago since we had such

a great time. We attended a course o tango and waltz,

walked on the beach with unny sticks, went on dierent 

trips and frst o all we had a good time with younger and 

older people. I can ully recommend such holidays.

Hanna (62)– Spain is a beautiul country with open people who

suered because o a crisis and thereore they became even

more open or tourism. I was charmed by Spain. I advice

all the seniors to check and compare the programmes.

Personally I recommend unorgettable tango classes.

It reminds me o my youth…Cited ater: Byc Seniorem.pl

Eligible countries:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,

Czech Republic, Denmark,

France, Greece, Netherlands,

Hungary, Ireland, Portugal,

Poland, Italy, Romania,

Slovakia, Slovenia