e banking security-03-plans-to-project

Turn your plans into a project

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Turn your plans into a project

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Turn your plans into a project


• You will have to analyze your current situation as well as your potential and objectives for the future.

• Vision and action are both valuable.

• With the right people in place, all the right questions will be asked and eventually answered.

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Find the right people for the job


• A cross-competence project team is crucial to the success of your eBanking project.

• Get all the departments on board throughout the process.

• It’s important to involve both technical experts and professionals with a more user-oriented perspective.


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One leader to coordinate and motivate


• The project manager must have the ability to understand the task and motivate her or his colleagues.

• Leadership is more important than technical expertise.

• The project manager must be able to find the competences needed both from within the organization – and outside.


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Want to know more?

eBanking Security is your guide towards a more reliable and strategic eBanking security solution. The seminar series, the guide book and the web site with it’s thought provoking blogs and in-depth knowledge are all there to help you start asking the right questions and making the right choices.

Visit ebankingsecurity.net to find out more!


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Every bank has its own characteristics: different customers, different requirements, different languages and different cultures. One size does not fit all. Ezio Suite is the most comprehensive, versatile and easy-to-implement eBanking Security solution is designed to mitigate even the most advanced attacks, as well as themost common mistakes by end users. It’s easier to deploy, easier to use and simpler to upgrade as your needs change.

Read more at Gemalto.com/ebanking

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The Ezio Way is a 9 step process helping banks succeed with their Ezio implementation, and get the best out of the most complete eBanking Security offering on the market, Gemalto’s Ezio Suite.

On the EzioWay website you get detailed insights from experienced professionals, quick interviews and educational films as well as eye opening overviews on a number of interesting topics www.ezioway.com