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Dynamics 365 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Online Migration VERSION: 1.2 AUTHOR: SANJEEV KUMAR COMPANY: Microsoft RELEASED: April 2019

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Dynamics 365 Microsoft Dynamics CRM

on-premises to Dynamics

365 Online Migration



COMPANY: Microsoft

RELEASED: April 2019

ii Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019


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April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration iii


Migration Overview ....................................................................................................... 4

Challenges ................................................................................................................................................ 4

Validation and Upgrade flow ........................................................................................ 4

Process Overview .......................................................................................................... 5

Migration Tool Services and Architecture ................................................................................................ 6

Migration Tool Step-by-Step ......................................................................................... 6

LCS Sign-up and Product Preview Activation .......................................................................................... 7

Invite FastTrack Engineer to LCS Project .............................................................................................. 12

Phase 1: Customer Information Gathering ............................................................................................. 13 Task 1.1: Roles & Responsibilities .................................................................................................... 13 Task 1.2: Pre-requisites – Dynamics 365 Online .............................................................................. 14 Task 1.3: Pre-requisites – Azure Subscription .................................................................................. 15 Task 1.4: Pre-requisites – CRM and SQL database on-prem........................................................... 16 Task 1.5: Enter Azure subscription details ........................................................................................ 16 Task 1.6: Install Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer ........................................................................... 21 Task 1.7: Enter Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization details ........................................................ 22 Task 1.8: Create azure storage account ........................................................................................... 23 Task 1.9: Prepare Vanilla CRM environments in Azure .................................................................... 26 Task 1.10: Upload CRM SQL Server backup file .............................................................................. 28 Task 1.11: Configure Network Security Group .................................................................................. 29

Phase 2: Provision Microsoft Dynamics CRM On-Premises Organization in Azure .............................. 31 Task 2.1: Import on-premises org to starting stage ........................................................................... 31

Phase 3: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Initial Validation Checks Phase ..................................................... 33 Task 3.1: Run validation checks ........................................................................................................ 33

Phase 4: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Upgrade and Migration Phase ...................................................... 38 Task 4.1: Upgrade Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization .............................................................. 38 Task 4.2: Map Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises users to Office 365 users ............................ 40 Task 4.3: Run AD Users file validation service ................................................................................. 40 Task 4.4: Migrate Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization to Dynamics 365 .................................... 41

4 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Migration Overview With the push towards Dynamics 365 (online) and the wider adoption of Dynamics 365 (online) by our

customers who were previously on Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises solutions, the number of customers

asking for ability to have a guided mechanism to move their on-premises deployments to Dynamics 365 (online)

is increasing. Many customers expect that migration will be an easy task facilitated by Microsoft where the

customer can provide their organization, which then becomes provisioned in Dynamics 365 (online). Until

recently, there has been no mechanism available for customers to easily move their on-premises deployment to

Dynamics 365 (online).

Challenges Typically, customers must engage an implementation partner who manages the implementation project to

provision an organization in Dynamics 365 (online) on the customers Office 365 tenant. Subsequently, they need

to migrate their customizations and configurations. Once the configuration mapping is completed, the

implementation partner needs to plan and implement a data migration using one of the available sets of data

migration tools. This process is complicated and poses a risk to a smooth and successful migration. This

complexity also incorporates an additional cost to the customer as they must purchase additional software to

migrate their data.

Listed below are a few of the pain points experienced in the process of provisioning a Microsoft Dynamics CRM

on-premises organization in Dynamics 365 (online):

• The migration process requires a new instance that must be provisioned in Dynamics 365 (online) and,

subsequently, configurations and data must be migrated.

• The migration of data is a high risk task, which frequently runs into time and cost overruns.

• The customer usually must hire an implementation partner to conduct the migration as it is technically

complex and requires a full blown implementation project.

• The customer must purchase third party tools to migrate the data from their source organization to the

Dynamics 365 (online) organization.

• The customer loses historical data on the changes that occurred with audit history.

• The time to migrate data often is considerable, which does not promote a positive initial onboarding


Validation and Upgrade flow To migrate an on-premises Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization, the organization first needs to be made

compatible with the version of Dynamics 365 (online). For that, the on-premises organization must be upgraded

before it can be migrated. The below diagram illustrates the steps taken by the migration tool and the version

flow of the organization. The migration tool supports migrations of Microsoft Dynamics CRM as far back as

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 5

Process Overview The Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 migration tool provides a mechanism for customers

to transform their on-premises organization directly into the Dynamics 365 (online) infrastructure. This

affectively brings their organization database into the Dynamics 365 (online) infrastructure and provisions it as a

Dynamics 365 (online) environment as part of their Office 365 tenant. The service is hosted by the Dynamics

Lifecycle Services (LCS) team and wraps several tasks that are implemented by the LCS service and also

implements several tasks executed by the Dynamics 365 (online) service team.

LCS provides a template migration methodology called “CRM On-premises to D365 Migration” for customers to

use. A project of this methodology type is created where the customer imports their Microsoft Dynamics CRM

on-premises organization into Dynamics 365. The migration methodology has four phases.

1. Customer information gathering phase

This phase ensures that all the major pre-requisites are understood, gathers all the necessary details

about the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises organization database, prepares vanilla environments

in Azure and allows the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises database to be uploaded.

2. Provision Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises organization in Azure phase

This phase imports the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises database to the environments in Azure.

3. Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises initial validation checks phase

In this phase, the migration toolkit runs validation checks on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system and

provides a report with information on the number of unsupported customizations identified. The report

provides a best effort mechanism of identifying any unsupported customizations. The customer must fix

the unsupported customizations. The customer can run the validation checks any number of times in an

iterative fashion until all unsupported customizations are fixed. The below flow provides details on the

iterative process of fixing unsupported customizations.

4. Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises upgrade and migration phase

6 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

In this phase, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization in the Azure environment is upgraded through

the various Microsoft Dynamics CRM versions up to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016. After the Microsoft

Dynamics CRM organization is at version Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016, it is then migrated to Dynamics

365 (Online).

Migration Tool Services and Architecture

The Azure resources used for the overall migration process are:

• Azure VMs where Microsoft Dynamics CRM environments will be installed.

• Azure Blob Storage where the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database, solution, and source code for

validation will be uploaded.

• Azure Virtual Network resources to link the Azure VMs.

• Azure Network Security Group (NSG) to lock down the access to the VMs.

Each Microsoft Dynamics CRM environment uses the following capacity of Azure resources:

• 1 AD machine: Standard A4 (8 Cores, 14 GB memory).

• 1 CRM machine: Standard DS4_v2 (8 Cores, 28 GB memory).

• 1 SQL Machine: Standard DS13_v2 (8 Cores, 56 GB memory).

• 3 cloud services (classic).

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 7

• 1 virtual networks (classic).

• 1 Network Security Group (classic).

The below table provides details of the Azure resources that are consumed in the Azure subscription based on

the starting version of Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises.

CRM Onpremise




Cloud Services Virtual Networks Azure Storage


Azure NSG


Dynamics CRM


96 Cores 12 4 2 4


Dynamics CRM


72 Cores 9 3 2 3


Dynamics CRM


48 Cores 6 2 2 2


Dynamics CRM


24 Cores 3 1 2 1

Migration Tool Step-by-Step This section has the step-by-step instructions about how to use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to

Dynamics 365 (online) migration tool. The migration tool runs in Dynamics LCS and can be accessed by signing in

to https://lcs.dynamics.com with your Office 365 tenant administrator credentials.

LCS Sign-up and Product Preview Activation Go to Dynamics LCS.

8 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Select Sign in.

If you agree to the legal and privacy agreement, select Accept.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 9

The LCS home page appears. Select Preview Feature Management.

The Preview feature management page appears. Select the plus sign (+).

10 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Enter the Preview Code provided and then select Unlock. The preview code will be provided to you through the

FastTrack nomination process. Please apply for nomination through FastTrack Nomination process by signing up

at https://aka.ms/d365ftnom

CRM product public availability is now added to the Preview feature management list.

Open Lifecycle Services on the top menu to open the LCS home page.

1. Select the plus sign (+) to start a new project.

2. If prompted to, select Migrate, create solutions, and learn under What this project is for? window

3. Provide a name for the migration project.

4. Select Microsoft Dynamics CRM as the product name.

5. Select the appropriate product version.

6. Select Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamic 365 (online) Migration as the methodology.

7. Select Create.

The project is created to migrate an organization to Dynamics 365 (online). The project looks like this.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 11

The four Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 migration phases are represented on the

project page as a series of tasks to complete, starting with the Customer Information Gathering Phase.

After all tasks are completed, next is the Provision Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises organization in Azure


After the task is completed, next is the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises initial validation checks phase

After the task is completed, next is the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises upgrade and migration phase.

12 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Invite FastTrack Engineer to LCS Project A FastTrack engineer will collaboratively work with you on certain steps of the LCS project. To invite your

FastTrack engineer, the FastTrack engineer must be added to the project by the project owner. You can add the

FastTrack engineer by opening the Project Users area and inviting the FastTrack engineer to the project.

Select + to add the FastTrack engineer. Enter the FastTrack engineer’s Microsoft email address, specify the

Project role as Project owner, and then click Invite.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 13

Phase 1: Customer Information Gathering

Task 1.1: Roles & Responsibilities Review the Roles & Responsibilities description. Mark step 1.1 as completed and move forward to task 1.2.

14 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Task 1.2: Pre-requisites – Dynamics 365 Online Validate the available licenses in Office 365 admin portal and available instances in the Dynamics 365 (online)

admin center. Mark step 1.2 as completed and move forward to task 1.3.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 15

Task 1.3: Pre-requisites – Azure Subscription Review and understand the pre-requisites related to Azure subscription. Mark step 1.3 as completed and move

forward to task 1.4.

16 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Task 1.4: Pre-requisites – CRM and SQL database on-prem Review and understand the pre-requisites related to Microsoft Dynamics CRM and SQL Server database

on-premises. Mark step 1.4 as completed and move forward to task 1.5.

Task 1.5: Enter Azure subscription details Select Project Settings at the top right of the project home page.

Select + Add.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 17

Provide a name that you can use to refer to your Azure subscription.

In a new web browser window, sign in to the Azure portal and then select Subscriptions.

18 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

The subscription appears as CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 (online) migration. Copy the SUBSCRIPTION ID,

which will be used to provision staging Microsoft Dynamics CRM environments and for completing migration


Switch back to the web browser window with the LCS Azure Connector page, paste the subscription Id, leave

Configure to use Azure Resource Manager (ARM) set to No, and then select Next.

When you’re prompted, select Save, to save the certificate.

Switch back to the web browser window with the Azure portal, open the subscription details, select

Management certificates and select on Upload.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 19

Select the subscription to upload the certificate to, select the certificate that you downloaded from LCS, and

then select Upload.

Once the certificate is uploaded in Azure, switch back to the web browser window with the LCS Azure Connector

page, and then select Next.

On the Microsoft Azure setup page, select the Azure region where the Azure VMs need to be created, and

select Connect. We recommend that the Azure region be the same region as where the Dynamics 365 (online)

instance will be provisioned. This will ensure that the data flow from Azure staging Virtual machines to Dynamics

365 (Online) will stay in the same Data center thereby providing low latency and high bandwidth.

20 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Once the connection is set up, Azure Connection is added to the list of Azure Connectors.

Next to Lifecycle Services at the top of the page, select the migration project to go back to the project home


Mark step 1.5 as completed and move forward to task 1.6.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 21

Task 1.6: Install Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer Select Resources for this Task and download the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer.

Once downloaded, open Azure Storage Explorer and sign-in to the Azure subscription where the Azure Blob

Storage will be created and used for the migration.

22 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Mark step 1.6 as completed and move forward to task 1.7.

Task 1.7: Enter Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization details In this task we gather the details pertaining to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises organization.

Information to provide for this step is:

• Organization name. The unique name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises organization. It

should not contain any spaces.

• Version. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises version of your database.

• SQL version. The SQL Server version of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises database.

• Dynamics 365 (online) region. The region where the Dynamics 365 organization needs to be deployed. If

your version is Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016, work with FastTrack Engineer.

• Database name. The database name as seen on the on-premises SQL Server.

• Database backup file. Name of the database backup file in .bak format.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 23

For example, if the name of the database on the on-premises SQL Server is contoso_MSCRM, name your backup

file as contoso_MSCRM.bak. The name of database should match the name of the backup file in .bak format.

Task 1.8: Create azure storage account Create a storage account in the Microsoft Azure Portal. Go to the Azure Portal and then select the plus sign (+).

Create a storage account in the Microsoft Azure Portal. Navigate to https://portal.azure.com and select + New, select Storage and then select Storage account – blob-file, table, queue.

In the new Storage Creation page provide the following information:

• Name. Provide a unique name.

• Deployment model. Select Resource Manager or Classic.

Note Based on your need, the deployment model can be either Resource Manager or Classic.

24 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

• Account kind. Select General Purpose.

• Performance. Select Standard based on your performance requirements for data copy throughput.

• Replication. Select Geo-redundant Storage (GRS).

• Secure transfer required. Select Enabled.

• Subscription. Select the subscription that you provided previously in task 1.5.

• Resource group. Create New, if you want to create a new resource group, otherwise Use existing and

select a resource group.

• Location. Select the same location as you selected previously in task 1.5.

Open the storage account from the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer application. Select Storage account and

copy the Primary Connection String from the Properties section.

Switch back to the LCS page and select the Create and use a connection string link.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 25

Paste the copied Primary Connection String into the Paste Azure Storage Connection String box and then select

Test connection.

The SAS link is verified. After successful verification, select Complete.

The verification step will automatically create a new Blob Container with the name of lcs-[ProjectId] in the

storage account provided. [ProjectId] is the Identifier Number for the Project and can be seen from the Project

homepage URL. This blob container will be a used in the following steps in the project to upload the CRM

Organization backup file, CRM solution files, plugin and CustomActivity source code files for validations as


This completes the task. Mark step 1.8 as completed and move forward to task 1.9.

26 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Task 1.9: Prepare Vanilla CRM environments in Azure In this task, LCS will pre-deploy the Microsoft Dynamics CRM environments in Azure. The Microsoft Dynamics

CRM environments are clean vanilla environments without your Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises


Tip: We recommend that you create the environments early so that they are ready by the time the go live

activities start.

Select the Pre-configure Dynamics CRM environments link.

The Microsoft Dynamics Software License terms for all the versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM that will be

pre-configured by LCS appears. You must agree to these license agreements before auto provisioning can be

performed by LCS.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 27

The pre-configured environments are queued for preparing.

The environments begin preparing.

The environments are Azure VMs. After all environments complete pre-configuration with a base installation of

Microsoft Dynamics CRM, they are shut down for future use.

28 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

This completes the task. Select Prepare Vanilla Microsoft Dynamics CRM environments in Azure to complete

the task and proceed to the next task.

Task 1.10: Upload CRM SQL Server backup file Use the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer tool to upload the Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization SQL backup

file into the container created in Task 1.8. Backup the Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization database as a single

.bak file. It is suggested that when taking the backup of the CRM organization database, the option to compress

the backup.

For example:

1. If the Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization database name is contoso_MSCRM, name the backup file as


2. Upload contoso_MSCRM.bak file to Azure Storage blob container that is auto created in Task 1.4. The

name of the blob container in the Storage account will be LCS-[ProjectId] where the [ProjectId] is the Id

of the project as seen from the Project Homepage URL.

After upload is completed, mark Task 1.10 as completed.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 29

Task 1.11: Configure Network Security Group This is an optional step to lock down RDP to your VMs and specify which IP addresses should be allowed access.

Security rules in network security groups enable you to filter the type of network traffic that can flow in and out

of virtual network subnets and network interfaces.

30 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Enable NSG and specify the IP address range of your network from which RDP to Azure VM’s should be allowed.

After evaluating the requirement of NSG, mark Task 1.11 as completed, and then select Complete phase.

The project moves to Phase 2.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 31

Phase 2: Provision Microsoft Dynamics CRM On-Premises Organization in Azure In this phase the LCS migration tool is provisioned to the customer's Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization

uploaded to Azure Blob Storage in the Azure environment. Once your organization is provisioned in the staging

environment, the project can be moved forward to Phase 3 for next tasks.

Task 2.1: Import on-premises org to starting stage In this task the LCS system verifies whether the Microsoft Dynamics CRM environment is available to import the

Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization. If the Microsoft Dynamics CRM environment in Azure VMs is ready, the

Stage Environment button appears.

Select Stage Environment.

The automated tasks to stage your Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization uploaded to Azure blob storage onto

Azure VMs begins.

32 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

The LCS system runs a series of automated tasks. The status progresses from Not Ready to Running to

Completed. The automated steps are:

1. The LCS system wakes up the Microsoft Dynamics CRM initial version environment.

2. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization database backup is downloaded in to the Azure CRM


3. The SQL backup file is restored to the SQL Server in the Azure Environment.

4. The LCS system creates the users from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database and creates the user

mapping file.

5. The user information is downloaded to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.

6. Users from the user mapping file are created as domain users in the Azure Environment.

7. The LCS system imports the Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM

server from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM database file using Deployment Manager.

After all steps are completed successfully, select task 2.1 Import On-Premises Org to Starting Stage to mark as

completed and then select Complete phase.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 33

Phase 3: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Initial Validation Checks Phase In this phase, the migration toolkit runs preliminary validation checks on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM system

and provides a report with information on the number of unsupported customizations identified. The report

provides a best effort mechanism of identifying any unsupported customizations. The customer must fix the

unsupported customizations. The customer can run the validation checks any number of times in an iterative

fashion until all unsupported customizations are fixed. The below flow provides details on the iterative process

of fixing unsupported customizations.

Task 3.1: Run validation checks Select Run Validation Service V2 to open the Validation Check Window.

34 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Select + New to start a new validation run.

A new page opens requesting details for the validation run. Enter information as indicated below, and then

select Environment preparation.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 35

This creates folder in the blob container with the Run Folder Name provided. Under that folder, several folders

are created where you copy custom files, plug-in source, solutions, and workflows.

• CRMCustomFiles. If you have custom integration software written in Microsoft .Net in the form of a

Microsoft Visual Studio project, it can be uploaded to this folder. The tool evaluates the source code

files. If deprecated methods are used in the custom integration software, the tool provides a report.

• CRMPlugin. All the plug-in source files in the form of a Visual Studio project can be uploaded to this

folder. The tool evaluates the source code files. If deprecated or unsupported mechanisms are used in

the plug-in source code, the tool provides a report.

• CRMSolution. All the Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution zip files can be uploaded to this folder. The tool

evaluates all solution files uploaded. A best effort mechanism to detect unsupported customizations

occurs and, if detected, the tool provides a report.

• CRMWorkflows. All the Microsoft Dynamics CRM workflow source files in the form of a Visual Studio

project can be uploaded to this folder. The tool evaluates the source code files. If any deprecated or

unsupported mechanisms are used in the custom workflow activities source code, the tool provides a


36 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

After all files are uploaded, select the appropriate validation run, and then click Start.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 37

On the Run details page, all the folders where there are files uploaded and all the empty folders are shown.

When all files are uploaded, select Run Assessment.

A validation run is scheduled and begins. Once the run is completed, the report can be downloaded by selecting

Assessment Report (Excel), which downloads an Office Excel report.

Once all validation checks pass, select 3.1 Run Validation Checks to mark as completed and then select

Complete phase.

38 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Phase 4: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Upgrade and Migration Phase In this phase, the Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization in the Azure environment is upgraded through the

various Microsoft Dynamics CRM versions up to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016. After the Microsoft Dynamics

CRM organization is at version Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016, it is then migrated to Dynamics 365 (Online). The

various tasks performed in this phase are as follows:

Task 4.1: Upgrade Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization In this task the Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization is upgraded to be compatible with Dynamics 365 (online).

Select the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Migration Tracker link to open a new pane.

On Upgradation Progress page, select Start to start the upgrade process.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 39

The tasks to run the upgrade of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization are queued up. These tasks run in

serial order. The time for completion of the upgrade depends on the organization size and complexity.

After all upgrade steps are completed, select Close.

40 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Select Phase 4.1 CRM Upgrade and Migration Phase to mark as complete.

Task 4.2: Map Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises users to Office 365 users In this task, you map the Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises organization users to Office 365 users. When the

Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization is migrated, the users are mapped from Microsoft Dynamics CRM

on-premises organization to Office 365 users as specified in the mapping file.

Follow these steps to map the users:

Open the ADUsers.csv file, which is created for you in the Azure Blob Container in the container's root folder.

For each user, set the TargetUser column with the user’s Office 365 user principal name.

Save the file as ADUsers.csv.

Important The file name is case sensitive and must match exactly as specified. Additionally, ensure that the

columns are comma separated.

Upload the file back to the Azure blob container in the container's root folder.

Select Task 4.2 Map Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises users to Office 365 users to mark completed and

proceed to the next task.

Task 4.3: Run AD Users file validation service In this task Active Directory (AD) user mapping files are validated. If the validation checks fail, the failures must be

fixed, such as invalid CSV file format.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 41

Mark step 4.3 as completed and move forward to task 4.4.

Task 4.4: Migrate Microsoft Dynamics CRM organization to Dynamics 365 In this task a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 organization is migrated to Dynamics 365 (online). In this task, the

migration tool runs a series of validation checks to ensure that organization is compatible with Dynamics 365

(online). Once all validation checks pass, the organization is migrated to Dynamics 365 (online) and users are

mapped as set in the ADUsers.csv file (task 4.2).

Warning: If the validation checks fail, the failures must be fixed in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 Azure VM

environment. Additionally, the Azure VM environment must continue running. After all validation failures are

resolved, migration can be re-attempted.

Select the Migrate to Dynamics 365 (online) link.

42 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

Next, On the Ready to migrate page, type a valid organization name, and then select Check organization name

availability. If the organization name is available, then a message will appear asking you to engage the FastTrack

Engineer as follows:

Please contact your FastTrack engineer to conduct the actual migration.

A FastTrack Engineer will initiate the Migrate Organization task. Only a FastTrack Engineer can run this task.

After the FastTrack engineer verifies that everything looks good, they will start the migration to Dynamics 365

(online) task.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 43

Below are the steps performed by FastTrack engineer.

1. Once verifications are completed, they will trigger the Migrate Organization.

44 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration April 2019

2. The migration process starts. There are 3 stages in the migration process.

a. Backup SQL

b. Pre-validation

c. Migrating organization

After all stages are complete; the organization is migrated to Dynamics 365 (online) as a Sandbox organization in

administration mode. When in administration mode, only users with Dynamics 365 System Administrator or

System Customizer security roles will be able to sign in to the instance. An administrator or customizer can log in

and validate if the organization is functional and subsequently convert it to full access mode and a production

organization. For more information, see Administration mode.

April 2019 Microsoft Dynamics CRM on-premises to Dynamics 365 Migration 45

Mark step 4.4 as completed and then select Complete phase.

Tip: We recommend that you deprovision and delete the Azure environments as the organization has been

successfully migrated.