dynamic meditation

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  • 8/10/2019 Dynamic Meditation




    Jeanne Warrington Fellows


    I'm going to outline for you, a simplified version of what we call "Dynamic Meditation." We use the term "dynamic" so that you don't associate it with the traditional "concentrative" meditation. You won't be chanting, or breathing through one nostril, or contemplating a flower. You will be very active and engaged.

    Id like you to try something right now. It is a fairly simple thing that you do quite often but I want you to try and notice what is involved in accomplishing it.

    Do this

    Spend a few moments trying to remember what you did in the evening last week on

    this same day. Don't worry if you can't remember, just spend a few moments trying. Do that now and then continue.


    Have you done that? If not, please take just a few seconds to do that now beforeproceeding.


    Whether you succeeded or not, how did you go about doing that?

    Did you look away from this text for a few seconds? If so, in what direction didyou look?

    Did you think anything while you did this? Perhaps you clarified the task: Lets see, what did I do that evening?

    Where did you attempt to get the information from?

    How did it come? Was it a visual image of what you did? Were there verbal thoughts? Did any emotions come up? How about sounds, smells, taste or other sensations?

    The specifics of how you accomplished the task are somewhat unique to yourself.Generally though, the process can be organized as follows:

    1) You decided to do something. (You decided to remember what you did a week agoon this day in the evening.)

    2) You withdrew your attention from the physical world and focused inwardly.

    3) You asked for information.

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    4) You stopped thinking and waited for the information to arise. (Note that sometimes you cant recall the information right away so you let go of your searchingand it comes to you spontaneously at a later time.)

    Guess what?

    That is also how you access psychic perceptions.

    If you want to recall a past life, foresee the future, perceive what is occurring in another physical location or pick up on someone elses thoughts, you do the same thing as when you want to remember something.


    Now, notice your reaction to what I have just stated.


    Do you find it difficult to believe that it could be that easy? Do you feel thatthere must be more to it?

    If so, then you have hit upon the reason why we use a technique for accessing yo

    ur psychic perceptions. Despite the fact that the perceptions of the Psychic Self are available to you as easily as your regular memories, we need to provide you with a believable bridgeto those perceptions.

    That is the main purpose of Dynamic Meditation.

    Gradually, as you become more familiar with the Psychic Self you will find thatyou are allowing impressions to come through during the day, even when you are not meditating.

    On this webpage I will keep things simple. The actual process we use in our bookand on the CDs is more indepth.


    Each inner journey is an adventure and a mini-vacation. You are not doing "psycho-calisthenics," you're not in Church, you are not being tested. Just come alongfor the ride and enjoy yourself without expectation.

    You can print out these instructions if you like and go off to a quiet spot to do this, or you can just sit right where you are now, at your computer and do your first session here.

    This simplified version is purposely designed so that the steps are easily memorized. The aim of this activity is just to acquaint you with the basic concept.


    Read completely through all the directions first, "Going there..." and "Coming back..."


  • 8/10/2019 Dynamic Meditation


    Here's the short verison of what you are going to do:


    Get comfortable.

    Close your eyes.

    Take a deep breath and roll your eyes upwards.

    Hold for a few seconds and then let go.

    Check to be sure your body isn't tense.

    Imagine a door.

    Open it and walk into your Inner Sanctuary.

    Look around.


    And now a longer version:


    Going there...

    Step 1:

    Assume a comfortable position.

    Uncross your arms and legs.

    Close your eyes and just let go.

    For the next few moments, there is nothing else to do, no where else to go, butto be here, now.


    Step 2:

    Slowly take a deep breath and when you have filled your lungs, hold it. (Don't strain).

    At the same time, with your eyelids closed, look up at the top of your head.

    Hold that eye position and your breath for a few seconds only and then just slowly let them go and, as you do, feel yourself relaxing, floating.


    Step 3:

  • 8/10/2019 Dynamic Meditation


    As you are feeling yourself relaxed and floating, focus your attention on your feet. Try to feel them.

    If they are tense, let them relax.

    Do the same with your legs, your seat, your stomach, your shoulders, arms and hands, back of your neck, jaw (very important), face and eyes.

    (This isn't a list to memorize, just progress from your feet upwards checking tosee that your body isn't tense. That's all. If you find yourself asking how youmake, say, your eyes relax, all you have to do is to tell yourself: "My eyes are relaxing," and let your body respond. You form the "Intent;" your body will dothe mechanics.)


    Step 4:

    Imagine a door. You can just let whatever comes to your imagination come. Or ifthat is difficult, you can "remember" a door you know.

    Now you are going to go through this door and you will find yourself in your ownsecret refuge. It is a place inside your mind where you are perfectly safe and

    comfortable and private; your own Inner Sanctuary.

    (If you have chosen to imagine a "real" door, you should know that instead of finding whatever would normally be through that door, you will find your Inner Sanctuary.)


    Step 5:

    Imagine that you place your hand on the door knob (or handle) now and open thatdoor.

    Walk into your Inner Sanctuary and see what is in it.

    Spend a few moments exploring your Inner Sanctuary.

    See what you find in there in terms of furnishings and such.

    (Two items that you will find useful there are a comfortable chair and a large movie screen to represent the Screen of your Mind. This is for receiving images and for visualizing.)


    Coming back...

    (Well, you haven't really gone anywhere physically, so you could just open youreyes and get up, but the following is a gentler way of refocusing your attentionin physical reality.)


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    Step 6:

    Mentally say the word oneand become aware of your physical body sitting or lyingdown; the feel of being in the physical world, any sounds or smells.


    Step 7:

    Say the word twoand stretch your arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, and release them. You move your whole body about.


    Step 8:

    On the count of threeyou open your eyes, look around you, get up and stretch, maybe walk if you need to.


    That's all there is to it!


    In the book and guided meditations we spend more time with the induction. We usesome progressive relaxation and visualization to help you focus more clearly inthis state. But what I've have given you here is an excellent beginning.


    What you do in your Inner Sanctuary:


    Once you have arrived in your Inner Sanctuary you would begin performing your "acts of power."

    In the book we give you specific directions but essentially you will form your Intent (decide what you wish to perceive) and then pay attention to the images and impressions you get.


    In the first session in the book you'll just explore your Inner Sanctuary.


    In the second session you will contact your Inner Guide.


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    In the third session you will recall a past life.


    And so on


    The most powerful and effective thing you can do right now, even without the PSDKit is something we call "DREM Reverie." It goes like this...

    Imagine that you sit down in the comfortable chair and look up at the Screen ofyour Mind. If you like you can imagine it expanding to take up all of your visual area.

    That's all you "imagine."

    At this point you aren't going to do any more "imaging."

    Dont choose to imagineanything on the Screen on purpose.

    Just look at the Screen and see what comes by itself.

    Have no expectations. Make no judgments.

    You may get random images, pieces of memory, scenes from television, anything.

    All you are doing is beginning to tune into your psychic level of mind.

    Just make sure you aren't thinking about things.


    At first what you get might not make sense. Dont try to make sense of it. Just let it come. Its like tuning in a different station. The important thing is the letting.

    Do this for a while and then end your meditation and come back into the physicalroom you are in.

    That probably doesn't seem like a good way to discover your psychic abilities does it? Experience shows us though, that if you just do this process once a day for about twenty minutes, for about a month...


    ...if you make notes on what you experienced while doing DREM, that you will start to discover all sorts of psychic experiences happening SPONTANEOUSLY.



    We recommend that you start keeping a Psychic Journal to track your explorations, progress, fears, successes, questions and such.

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    Use the Journal to reflect on what is going on.

    It is a valuable tool!


    The consistent practice of DREM seems to have three results:

    1) Gradually you begin to notice psychic "hits" in the images and impressions you get, even without asking specifically for them.

    2) It increases your awareness of inner activity so that you are more aware of psychic impressions during the day.

    3) As you spontaneously experience evidence of psi, you will discover a wonderful thing. You will begin to have doubts about whether your old description of howthe world is, was correct. Foster those doubts. Let doubt work for you for a change. Begin to wonder whether perhaps your description of what is possible couldbe simply a set of ideas about reality rather than fixed rules of reality.

    4) Practitioners have reported feeling more "together" after using this processon a regular basis. (Free therapy!)


    If you conscientiously...

    Practice DREM once a day

    Practice being aware of what you are thinking as you go through the day

    Reflect upon what you experience in your Journal...

    ...then you will make progress in your psychic quest.


    DREM acts as general conditioning for your awareness, making it more flexible sothat you can perceive psi information and is used when you are doing specific psychic exploration like Psychokinesis or Astral Projection.




    In our book you will explore the Inner Guide, Past Life Recall, Precognition, the Energy Body (Aura), and more.

    Each of those focused adventures into consciousness represents an opportunity for you to "stop the world" and slip free of your limited description of reality.

    Each inner journey offers you a chance to really take a step beyond intuition.