dylan apollo

God of sun, truth, music, and prophecy. Leader of the muses and director of their choir. Son of Zeus and Leto. Twin brother of Artemis. Know as the destroyer of rats and locust. Paean is a song sung to honor Apollo. Responsible for driving the sun across the sky. The crow is his bird and the dolphin is his animal. APOLLO Dylan Mobley

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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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  • 1. APOLLO
    • God of sun, truth, music, and prophecy.
    2. Leader of the muses and director of their choir. 3. Son of Zeus and Leto. 4. Twin brother of Artemis. 5. Know as the destroyer of rats and locust. 6. Paean is a song sung to honor Apollo. 7. Responsible for driving the sun across the sky. 8. The crow is his bird and the dolphin is his animal.

Dylan Mobley