duties of a citizen


Upload: sadia-zareen

Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Duties of a citizen
Page 2: Duties of a citizen

'Citizen' primarily means one who lives in a city. But the term is generally used in a wider sense to mean one

belonging to a state.Hence,every Indian is a citizen of India whether he lives in a city, a village or on the hills.

Every society has some definite rules of conduct for its members in order that there may be peace and harmony

among them. Some of these rules are laid down as written laws and there are many unwritten rules which

are no less binding on every member of the society. Peace and happiness of the society depend a good deal upon the proper observance of these rules too. A good

citizen takes as much care about these unwritten rules of conduct as about the written laws.

Page 3: Duties of a citizen

Unfortunately, many in our country are careless about the former. We often throw orange and banana peels about in the street on which somebody may slip and break his bone.

We also spit and throw things from above on the streets below. This makes the streets dirty and the things may fall

on the persons passing along.

We waste water by leaving the taps open. Village people often wash the clothes of persons suffering from infectious diseases in ponds from which they draw their drinking water.

Page 4: Duties of a citizen

We see people standing at the entrance of trams and buses even when there is room inside. They do not care the least about the inconvenience it causes to persons getting down or getting in. We

also have bitter experiences about the use of loudspeakers without any thought of the

sufferings of people nearby.

Page 5: Duties of a citizen

All these common experiences show that we are lacking in civic sense. A good citizen not only avoids

breaking the rules himself but also sees to it that they are not broken by others. We expect society to

give us peace and happiness. However society cannot do much unless we help it to help us.

Page 6: Duties of a citizen

So whenever we see a person doing any wrong, it is our duty to try to correct him. We should also help the authorities in maintaining

law and order and peace for the general happiness of all.

Page 7: Duties of a citizen