dutch six sigma newsletter august 2015, organic lean

1 How Organic Lean can deliver a 10% performance bonus while at the same time ensuring basic controls. Leo Monhemius, Dutch Six Sigma, August 2015 I hope you will appreciate this newsletter. This time we try to address the thin barrier between authentic Lean thinking, and applying Lean methodology to exploit the organization and its employees. The barrier is thin because often survival is at stake, and employees are aware of the need to change. Management is under pressure by the shareholders or by superiors to obtain results fast. We illustrate the two major benefits that can be obtained if employees are engaged in Lean: 10-15% productivity increase. It is not a right, it cannot be enforced, it is a gift! Basic controls remain in place. Engaged employees will not accept management to override their workmanship. Many recalls and claims have a root cause in neglecting the basic controls under imposed pressure. The impact is twice: increased productivity and at the same time reduced cost of non quality. The Picture Focus on results gives the fruits that form the basis of business existence. If the management takes responsibility for the company culture and employee perception, the results will be communicated as "expected" like hope for harvest. (Good side of the thin barrier, management and employees remain on the same side.) By this way of thinking, employees will drop their individual craftsmanship defense systems. (Like estimating budget and time with a safety margin, in order to survive squeeze that is bound to come next.) At the same time though, they will be fiercely resisting reductions below the responsible levels. (Instead of just letting it happen and loose engagement.) However, if management gives water to the roots (budget, salary) with the direct expectation of benefits, it will be perceived as "demanding" results like requiring a toll. (Wrong side of the thin barrier, management and employees become adversaries.) Pushing over this limit will disengage employees, if in the future costs of non quality show up? “I told you this could happen ! Even more, if employees resist to urgent change, would that be judged as non-cooperative behavior? Employees are pushed instead of pulled; a violation of a Lean principle. Conclusion: The balance is important. Competition will force you to approach the barrier; but exceeding that barrier will give an irreversible performance drop and increased risks for a longer time. Are you interested and want to know more? I am ready to help. I can also send the full article. Stephan Covey The Speed of Trust Richard Sennett The Craftsman

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Page 1: Dutch six sigma newsletter august 2015, organic lean


How Organic Lean can deliver a 10% performance bonus

while at the same time ensuring basic controls. Leo Monhemius, Dutch Six Sigma, August 2015

I hope you will appreciate this newsletter.

This time we try to address the thin barrier between

authentic Lean thinking, and applying Lean

methodology to exploit the organization and its


The barrier is thin because often survival is at stake,

and employees are aware of the need to change.

Management is under pressure by the shareholders

or by superiors to obtain results fast.

We illustrate the two major benefits that can be

obtained if employees are engaged in Lean:

10-15% productivity increase. It is not a right,

it cannot be enforced, it is a gift!

Basic controls remain in place. Engaged

employees will not accept management to

override their workmanship. Many recalls and

claims have a root cause in neglecting the

basic controls under imposed pressure.

The impact is twice: increased productivity and at the

same time reduced cost of non quality.

The Picture

Focus on results gives the fruits that form the basis of business existence.

If the management takes responsibility for the company culture and employee perception, the results will be

communicated as "expected" like hope for harvest. (Good side of the thin barrier, management and

employees remain on the same side.) By this way of thinking, employees will drop their individual

craftsmanship defense systems. (Like estimating budget and time with a safety margin, in order to survive

squeeze that is bound to come next.) At the same time though, they will be fiercely resisting reductions

below the responsible levels. (Instead of just letting it happen and loose engagement.)

However, if management gives water to the roots (budget, salary) with the direct expectation of benefits, it

will be perceived as "demanding" results like requiring a toll. (Wrong side of the thin barrier, management

and employees become adversaries.) Pushing over this limit will disengage employees, if in the future

costs of non quality show up? “I told you this could happen ! ” Even more, if employees resist to urgent

change, would that be judged as non-cooperative behavior? Employees are pushed instead of pulled; a

violation of a Lean principle.

Conclusion: The balance is important. Competition will force you to approach the barrier; but exceeding that

barrier will give an irreversible performance drop and increased risks for a longer time.

Are you interested and want to know more? I am ready to help. I can also send the full article.

Stephan Covey The Speed of Trust

Richard Sennett The Craftsman

Page 2: Dutch six sigma newsletter august 2015, organic lean


Hoe “Organic Lean” een 10% productiviteitsbonus

oplevert, terwijl tegelijkertijd de beheersing zeker wordt

gesteld. Leo Monhemius, Dutch Six Sigma, Augustus 2015

Ik hoop dat U deze nieuwsbrief zult waarderen.

Deze keer kijken we naar de smalle grenslijn tussen werkelijk

Lean denken en het toepassen van Lean methodologie om het

uiterste uit de organisatie en de medewerkers te halen.

De grens is smal omdat vaak het overleven van de organisatie

op het spel staat, en de medewerkers zich bewust zijn van de

noodzaak te veranderen. Het management staat onder druk van

de aandeelhouders of van superieuren om snel resultaten te


We noemen twee grote voordelen, die bereikt worden wanneer

de medewerkers betrokken zijn bij Lean:

10-15% toename in productiviteit. Het is geen recht, het

kan niet worden afgedwongen, het is een gift!

Primaire processen blijven beheerst. Betrokken

medewerkers laten niet toe dat hun vakmanschap door managementdruk terzijde wordt geschoven.

Veel terugroepacties en claims hebben als grondoorzaak het loslaten van primaire beheersing

onder opgelegde werkdruk.

De winst is tweezijdig; de productiviteit neemt toe, terwijl tegelijkertijd de faalkosten omlaag gaan.

Het Plaatje

Vanzelfsprekend moet de bedrijfsvoering gericht zijn op de resultaten, het fruit.

Wanneer de leidinggevenden verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor de organisatiecultuur en voor de perceptie

van de medewerkers, zullen de resultaten als "verwachting" worden gecommuniceerd, zoals de hoop op

oogst. (dit is de goede kant van de smalle grens; leidinggevenden en medewerkers staan aan dezelfde

kant.) Door op deze wijze te denken zullen de medewerkers hun zelfverdedigingsmechanisme

uitschakelen. (Zoals het schatten van tijd en geld met een marge, als wisselgeld voor het afknijpen dat

onherroepelijk volgt.) Tegelijkertijd zullen ze echter bezwaar maken tegen onverantwoorde keuzes. (In

plaats van ze schouderophalend toe te laten en betrokkenheid te verliezen.)

Maar wanneer de leidinggevenden water geven (budget, salaris) in de directe verwachting van resultaten,

zal dat worden opgevat als het "eisen" van resultaten zoals tolheffing. (Verkeerde kant van de smalle

grens, leidinggevenden en medewerkers worden nu tegenstanders.) Doordrukken over deze grens zal

medewerkers demotiveren. En wanneer later faalkosten optreden zal de reactie zijn :"zie je wel ! "

Bovendien, wanneer medewerkers bezwaar maken tegen snelle verandering, zou dat worden uitgelegd als

niet-constructief gedrag? Medewerkers worden geduwd in plaats van getrokken; overtreding van een Lean


Conclusie: Het evenwicht is belangrijk. Concurrentie dwingt u de grens op te zoeken; maar het

overschrijden van de grens geeft onomkeerbare terugval in resultaten en hogere kans op faalkosten.

Wilt U meer weten? Ik sta voor u klaar. Ik kan ook het volledige artikel sturen.

Stephan Covey De snelheid van vertrouwen

Richard Sennett De ambachtsman