dusa societies a-z

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  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



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  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    CONTENTSWelcome ................................................................4

    Raising & Giving ...................................................6

    The Dusa Exec .......................................................8

    Action Palestine................................................... 15

    Alpha Iota ............................................................ 16

    Amnesty International .........................................17

    Bar - Law ............................................................. 19

    Bartending ...........................................................20

    BBQ, Baking & Coffee .........................................21


    British Red Cross ................................................. 23

    Bulgarian .............................................................24

    Business ...............................................................25

    CAHID ..................................................................27Capoeira Senzala ...............................................28


    Child Reach International ..................................30

    Children of Rwanda .............................................31

    Christian Union ....................................................32

    Comedy Club .......................................................33

    Computing ...........................................................34

    Conservative & Unionist......................................35

    Cosplay ................................................................36

    Creative Cooking ................................................ 37

    DARE ....................................................................39

    Debating ..............................................................40

    Diplomats @ Dundee ......................................... 41


    Dundee in Action .................................................43

    English ..................................................................45

    English Literature and Film ................................46

    Enterprise Gym and Young Entrepreneurs .......47

    Fashion and Makeup ..........................................49

    Feminist ................................................................50

    Geography & Environmental Sciences ..............53

    Green ...................................................................54

    Guide Dogs ..........................................................55

    Hellenic ................................................................57

    History ..................................................................58

    Humanities ..........................................................59Ice Skating ........................................................... 61

    Indian ...................................................................62

    International ........................................................64

    Islamic ..................................................................65

    Kenyan Orphan Project ......................................67

    Labour Students ..................................................69

    Law School ............................................

    LGBT+ .....................................................

    Liberal Youth Dundee ...........................

    Life Sciences ..........................................

    LIP Theatre ............................................

    Malaysian ..............................................

    Marketing Agency .................................

    Marrow ..................................................


    Mature or Responsible Students ..........

    MeDeN ...................................................

    Mental Health .......................................

    Model United Nations ...........................

    Mooting .................................................


    Muslim Message ....................................

    Nordic ....................................................

    Nursing & Midwifery .............................

    One Water .............................................

    OpSoc ....................................................Pakistani Association ............................

    People and Planet ................................

    Philosophy .............................................


    Physics ...................................................

    Polish ......................................................

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z




     A re you looking to continuing somethingyou have been doing for years? Or doyou want to explore that hidden talent that

    you don’t even know you have? Or do you

    simply want a wee detour from the schedule

    of “lectures-library-home”? Well done, my

    friend, you’ve come to the right place!

     Joining a society is not only easy but also a

    fun way to leave the university with much

    more than a degree. You know those

    magical phrases “transferable skills” and

    “boost your CV” that everyone is talking

    about these days? There are almost 90 ways

    to acquire these described in this booklet

    alone! All of the societies are run by students

     just like you. So whether you fancy going to

    a conference or a workshop or want to give

    back to the community and maybe even

    find a great bunch of new friends along the

    way? It’s all here, just keep reading.

    I am Indre Urbanaviciute (don’t worry about

    pronouncing that last one!) and I graduated

    last year. I enjoyed my time at the University

    so much that decided to stay and make sure


    Vice President of

    Student Activities

    [email protected]


    everyone has a chance to have the

    amazing experience and leave the

    with much more than that precious

    Our societies do amazing things; fro

    organising fun events such as quizz

    acoustic nights, ceilidhs and putting

    performances to winning internatio

    awards, travelling the world and he

    community. My job is to make sure

    single one of them have all opportu

    to thrive. I am the first point of call f

    whole process. From affiliation and

    From VPSA 

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Over the last four years, Dundee

    University Students’ Association

    has orchestrated a Raising and Giving

    Campaign in order to generate as much

    money and awareness for a chosen charity

    as possible. During this campaigning time,

    societies and individuals have hosted

    various events for students that helped

    generate thousands of pounds for our

    chosen charities. These have included Speed

    Dating, Slave Auctions, Talent Shows, Dance

    Marathons, Bag Packing events and of

    course, the Radio Marathon Shows.

    On top of this, we have plenty of groups thatoperate as a branch of a big charity and

    even charities that are established here, at

    the University of Dundee, and are spreading

    to other universities. Getting involved in

    charitable activities is easy and a very

    rewarding way to spend your free time. So

    whether it is an hour of help here or there

    or if you want to whole-heartedly throw

    yourself at making this work, then we want

    to hear from you!

    RAG in Dundee is just taking off . This year

    we want to unify the fundraising across the

    University. A lot of individuals quietly raise

    funds for diff erent causes – why not help

    promote them and make Dundee RAG

    bigger than ever?! Together we can really

    make impact on the community.

    Fancy getting involved or want to hear more? 

    Then e-mail [email protected] or just pop into

    DUSA when you pass by and we’ll sort you out.


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    THE DUSDundee University Students’ Associa

    and club, nor is it your average cha

    overlords. DUSA is run by seven stu

    body on an annual basis. Along wit

    up DUSA’s Board of Trustees and ar

    whole organisation runs smoothly afinancial ruin.

    The DUSA Executive consists of two

    and five full-time paid positions. Th

    non-sabbaticals, complete their ro

    can be students from second year o

    The Vice President of

    Engagement (VPE)

    Tasked with

    with the wo

    The Vice President

    of Student Welfare


    Whose role

    welfare ad


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z


    Tim Hustler 


    [email protected] 386002

    Thara Packiahrajah


    [email protected]

    01382 386040

    Omar Mostafa


    [email protected]

    01382 381118

    Leia Farnan

    Deputy President

    [email protected]

    01382 386007

    Indre Urbanaviciute


    [email protected]

    01382 386004

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    The five full-time sabbatical positions in DUSA are filled by

    students who have either graduated or have taken a year out from

    studying. Students can only spend two years as a sabbatical officer,

    whenever in their studies they decide to stand for the position. The

    sabbatical positions are:

    It is incredibly important that stude

    Executive, you are our bosses. We a

    the work we do is there to better yo

    If you want to find out more about t

    can find us in The Hive on Level 4 o

    drop in any time, give us a call, send


    The President The figurehead of DUSA and leader of the Executive, they are responsible

    for the overall strategy of the organisation, liaising with external

    organisations and representing students at a local, national and

    international level.

    The Deputy


    Whose role is focused on supporting students, whether that be with

    academic appeals or housing issues as well as sitting on many University


    The Vice President of

    Communications &

    Campaigns (VPCC)

    Who is responsible for all four of the DUSA Media outlets as well as the

    DUSA Exec’s online presence, and is involved in running all DUSA’s pastoral

    campaigns throughout the year.

    The Vice President

    of Student Activities


    Whose remit includes all extracurricular student activities on campus and

    further afield including liaising with the Sports Union, working on DUSA’s

    volunteering strategy and one other minor thing, something about studentsocieties? 

    The Vice President

    of Representation


    Is the organiser and convenor of the SRC as well as working with both Class

    Reps and School Presidents. The VPR also organises the student elections

    giving you the opportunity to engage become a member of the SRC, Exec

    or School President.

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee University Action Palest

    seeks to raise awareness of the

    Israeli occupation of Palestine

    and the problems this creates fo

    Palestinians – whether they live

    in Gaza, the West Bank or Israe

    DUAPS is an internationalist, hu

    rights based organisation that i

    fundamentally opposed to raci

    and Zionism in all their forms,

    and is part of the growing stude

    movement in Scotland for justic



    [email protected]


    Dundee University Action Palestine



     Action Pa

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee University Amnesty

    International Society is human

    rights focused society that attem

    to raise awareness on campus

    of a wide variety of human righ

    issues. We are involved in many

    diff erent campaigns that focus

    human rights issues both locally

    internationally, aiming to engag

    people with some of the bigges

    issues facing the world today. W

    are an active society involved in

    many diff erent activities includi

    fundraising, campaign promoti

    and hosting talks on campus. W

    meet on a regular basis so feel

    to come along.


    [email protected]


    Dundee University Amnesty Internat


    Pledge Sigma Alpha Iota and

    become part of a fun, loyal and

    exciting sisterhood at the Universityof Dundee. Alpha Iota is the one and

    only sorority in Scotland, based on

    the American traditions of Greek life!

    As a pledge you will complete ‘rush

    week’. It is dedicated to introducing

    you to the sisterhood and giving you

    a task every day that will introduce

    you to real sorority life! After rush

    week you will be initiated into

    the family: you will be given your

    own big sister, will participate in

    philanthropy work, sleepovers, frat

    parties and nights out!

    If Greek life sounds like something

    you would be interested in, get in


     Amnesty  Alpha Iota


    [email protected]


    Sigma Alpha Iota Sorority Dundee

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    The Dundee University Student

    Bar Society is primarily aimed a

    students considering a career a

    bar in England, Wales or Northe

    Ireland, or as an advocate in th

    courts of Scotland. We plan to h

    a range of events to benefit any

    considering a future career with

    the legal sector, such as advoca

    workshops, visiting speakers, an

    visits to the bar in each jurisdict

    This makes us an ideal society f

    law students or those considerin

    a move into law at post gradua

    level. We aim to build on the su

    of our inaugural year, and hope

    you will join us at the bar!


    Dundee University Student Bar Socie

    Bar - Law

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Do you like incredible coff ee,

    delicious baking and amazing

    BBQ’s? Great! So do we! Sign u

    and get access to practical spe

    coff ee and baking workshops e

    week, seminars and of course,

    BBQ’s on campus green!


    dundeebakingbbqcoff [email protected]


    UoD BBQ Baking and Coff ee Societ

    The University of Dundee Bartending

    Society holds classes every Tuesday

    at 7pm in Mono. We teach flair

    bartending, cocktail making and

    other fun tricks. Whether you want

    to be a bartender or just impress at

    parties, we can teach you something

    cool and useful!

    No experience or equipment is

    necessary - everything you need is

    provided. Under 18s are welcome

    to join and participate in the flair

    sessions, demonstrations and

    mocktail making. Come along and

    we’ll get you flipping bottles in no



    [email protected]


    University of Dundee Bartending Society

    BBQ, BakBartending

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    We are a group of students

    dedicating ourselves to be

    advocates for the British Red Cr

    - acting as a platform to provid

    everyone at the University of Du

    a chance to volunteer and gain

    insights into the community. The

    BRC isn’t just about helping peo

    within our own district; we also

    opportunities ranging from loca

    international level!

    We are a fun, enthusiastic bunc

    who work together to help mak

    world a better place. Yes, we a

    aware that it sounds cheesy an

    cliché, yet it’s nothing but the truIf you have the same passion fo

    helping others as we do, join us


    [email protected]


    Dundee University British Red Cross G

    Whether you are an experienced

    board gamer or have never played

    anything apart from Monopoly,

    grab some drinks and join us in our

    weekly events! Be a train baron

    building railroads across Europe in

    the 1900s, form an unlikely alliance

    between the houses of Lannister and

    Stark or decide how to best settle

    the rich lands of Catan - all while

    competing or cooperating with old

    and new friends.

    Our meetings take place every

    Sunday 6pm at Air Bar in DUSA,

    unless otherwise stated. Please

    do not hesitate to email us for

    any inquiries. We look forward tomeeting you soon!


    [email protected]


    Dundee University Boardgames Society

    British ReBoardgames

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    As one of the University’s larges

    oldest student groups, the Unive

    of Dundee School of Business

    Society is more than just a stude

    society. Being a member enabl

    you to gain entry to our coveted

    events as well as our legendary

    socials. Throughout each seme

    we hold inter-college sporting

    events, fundraisers, socials and

    as well as off er our members th

    opportunity to hear about diff e

    career options from some of the

    world’s largest companies and

    most inspirational speakers. If y

    are interested in equipping you

    with knowledge, transferrable and networking opportunities, t

    DUSBS is the place for you!


    Kira Chan

    [email protected]

    Facebook: DUSBS

    The University of Dundee Bulgarian

    Society was established in 2010

    by Bulgarian students to create a

    friendly environment for members

    to meet, socialise, exchange ideas

    and provide help for new students

    from Bulgaria. Throughout the

    years we have organised various

    events where we have shared our

    customs, culture, language, history

    and folklore. All our events are open

    to students interested in learning

    and experiencing Bulgarian culture,

    music, traditions and food.


    Krasimir [email protected]


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    The CAHID Society was created

    to represent all students in the

    Centre for Anatomy and Huma

    Identification. Whether you’re a

    1st Year, a Postgraduate, or just

    someone with a fascination for

    all things anatomy and forensic

    you are welcome! Our goal is to

    bring future CAHID students clo

    together and connect on a soci

    and academic level.

    Throughout the year we organi

    various events with guest lectur

    social events with fun nights out

    and trips to events or forensic

    symposiums within and outside

    of lovely Dundee. It is the perfeopportunity to be more closely

    involved with CAHID, the society

    its people.


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    The University of Dundee Catho

    Society is for all students who a

    interested in sharing and learni

    more about the Catholic faith.

    Meetings: Monday 7pm at St.

    Andrew’s Cathedral, Nethergat

    usually starts with Mass followe

    talk or activity, then social time.


    [email protected]


    Dundee University Catholic Society



    The Capoeira society in Dundee

    teaches capoeira, an art form that

    combines music, dance and martial

    arts, to anyone interested in learning

    it. Regardless of age or current

    ability, capoeira can help improve

    both physically and mentally; your

    fitness, balance, strength, agility,

    rhythm, co-ordination and even

    musical skills.


    Capoeira Senzala Dundee


    [email protected]


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Children of Rwanda is the first

    ever charity originating from th

    University of Dundee, founded l

    year by student Robbie Macmi

    following his visit to Rwanda.


    We support the basic rights of

    children - education and health

    In January 2015, thanks to Child

    of Rwanda, 110 children attende

    school and we are processing

    payments for basic health care

    their families. But we need your

    help! All the funds that you raise

    throughout the academic year

    directly influence the number o

    children we are able to help. Yoeff orts will have a visible eff ect

    the charity’s ability to reach out

    more children. Today you can m

    a diff erence.

    The Childreach International Society

    will off er you the chance to take

    on a challenge of a lifetime or to

    volunteer in Tanzania, Nepal or

    Morocco. Each year the society

    sends a team of students, who

    fundraised throughout the year, out

    on one of Childreach International’s

    challenges or Big Build volunteering


    Last year, our team embarked on

    the highest freestanding mountain

    in the world, Mount Kilimanjaro, and

    spent two weeks helping to build an

    education centre in the High Atlas

    Mountains of Morocco. As a society,

    we have raised over £100,000 forthis incredible charity and we hope

    you’ll help us raise even more!

    Alternatively, you help us campaign

    for child-rights and raise awareness

    to help stop child trafficking.

    Children Childreach International


    [email protected]

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee University Christian Union

    is a gospel-driven mission team led

    by students. We come from a wide

    range of backgrounds but are united

    in our vision to give every student on

    campus the opportunity to hear and

    respond to the gospel of the Lord

     Jesus Christ.

    We meet on Tuesdays at 8pm in

    the University Chaplaincy for our

    weekly Equip meeting, where we

    are equipped to share the good

    news through studying God’s word,

    praying and worshiping together.

    We believe prayer is central toour mission so we provide the

    opportunity to come together as a

    CU at our weekly prayer meetings.

    We have many events that we run

    throughout the year and there are so

    many opportunities to get involved!

    Hi, we are the newly formed

    Dundee Comedy Club. If you lik

    to make people laugh or love to

    laugh yourself we are the societfor you! Catering for all tastes, b

    improv, sketches, writing, stand

    or even ventriloquists - we wan

    to join. We hope to put on annu

    shows featuring local comedian

    and giving an opportunity for o

    members to perform on stage.

    We also plan to be active aroun

    campus throughout the year an

    create our own University of Du

    versions of hit comedy shows su

    as HIGNFY and mock the week

    Finally, don’t forget - everyone a comic jester within them and

    help set it free; so come and joi

    funniest society on campus!


    Dundee University Comedy Club

    Christian Union Comedy C


    [email protected]


    Dundee University Christian Union





  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    The Dundee University Computing

    Society (DUCS) is a social and

    academic society aimed at students

    who share a passion aboutcomputing and new technology.

    For £1 joining fee you will have a

    chance to attend our annual events:

    Freshers BBQ, Winter Ball with a

    fantastic three course meal and a

    ceilidh, Robotic Arduino Wars as

    well as many other social events. We

    keenly work with external sponsors,

    such as NCR, when running our

    more formal events. This helps bring

    students closer to industry through

    fun events. We hope to see all of

    our returning members alongsidenew faces, for a brilliant new year

    of DUCS.


    [email protected]


    Dundee University Computing Society


    Welcome to one of the Universit

    largest and most active politica

    societies! From leafleting and

    canvassing in the local area

    to attending conferences, the

    Association is heavily immersed

    Scotland’s Conservative networ

    and the wider political scene. Yo

    will be given the chance to join

    the student wing of the Scottish

    Conservative Party: Conservativ

    Future Scotland. You will have

    a chance to meet and work wit

    other like-minded Conservative

    throughout Scotland, and the w

    Despite being a politically moti

    society, we are incredibly sociaregular drinks at the Union and

    casual events with special gues

    including the party leader Ruth



  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    So you may be thinking, what is

    cosplay? Cosplay is when you dress

    up as a character of your choice,

    ranging from games, anime tomovies. If you are interested in

    cosplay, anime, manga or gaming

    then this is the place for you!

    We host a variety of competitions

    and events, and have regular

    meetups where we discuss about

    anime and cosplays or just have a

    casual gaming or movie night.

    Our society gathers members

    to help each other learn, make

    costumes and have general banter

    about anime or games. You do

    not have to cosplay to take part inour events; so feel free to join the



    [email protected]


    Dundee University Cosplay Society


    The Creative Cooking Society is

    a new and friendly society whic

    aims to connect students with a

    interest in cooking. Adding a da

    of some creative spirit to make

    and exciting! Don’t worry, you d

    need to be an excellent chef - w

    organise workshops teaching n

    techniques as well as hosting d

    to practice, experiment and sim

    share a meal.

    We see cooking as an art and

    use our creativity to discover ne

    flavours, diff erent styles as well

    reduce food waste at the same

     Join the movement!

    We meet every two weeks andalternate between workshops a

    themed dinners. Our membersh

    fee is £2 for the full academic y


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    DARE is a student-run charitab

    society aiming to actively suppo

    international development

    projects. We raise money during

    the academic year through

    acoustic nights, bungee jumps a

    sponsored cycles. Over the yea

    we have co-ordinated a range

    of summer projects in countries

    such as Romania, Guatemala,

    Tanzania and Ireland. Each pro

    is diff erent, including opportun

    to volunteer in schools, summer

    camps and malnutrition centre

    Students, participating in projec

    pay for their flights, food and

    accommodation; so DARE is prto state that all the money raise

    by the society goes directly to th

    projects abroad.


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Diplomats@Dundee is a group

    of students with a passion for

    politics and current aff airs. We

    meet regularly to debate a widrange of topics in UN- or EU- st

    simulations and send delegatio

    conferences, panel discussions

    international conferences in the

    and all over Europe. We even h

    our own conference “Discover t

    Inspire” in Dundee and became

    Best society of the Year 2012-13

    Our members come from all

    academic fields, so you don’t h

    to be a politics student to take p

    in the debates. If you are interein debating, current aff airs and

    politics, whether experienced in

    and MUN or a complete newbie

    and enjoy meeting new people

    and travelling, we look forward

    meeting you!

    Debating is the art of arguing. We

    take sides and clash over topics

    such as the legality of Russia’s

    actions in Crimea or whether Tinderis the best way to find love. The

    Debating Union hosts debates every

    Wednesday on topical motions with

    a full debate and questions from

    the audience. Here members are

    welcome to speak or just watch.

    We also run weekly training sessions

    on Tuesdays for those who wish to

    improve their debating or just public

    speaking skills. Run by debaters with

    years of experience, we off er a mix

    of formal training and fun games.

    The Debating Union also sendsits members across the country to

    take part in and judge at debating


    Finally, we host weekly socials

    after our debate and even more

    throughout the year.



    [email protected]

    Facebook:Dundee University Debating Union

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Feeling bored? Need someone

    cheer you up? Or simply like soc

    gatherings? If your answer is YE

    then Dundee In Action is for YO Join our society and prepare fo

    enormous amount of positive

    energy, action and an endless s

    on your face. Our events like “B

    Trouble”, “Freeze Flashmob”, “Ph

    Hunt”, “Smile Epidemic” and ma

    more are going to bring back th

    childish memories from long tim

    ago! We are new, freshly “born”

    society; thus we more than wel

    you to join and make us BIG!


    Dundee In Action

    DRIVE Dundee, the University of

    Dundee’s racing society, design,

    build, market and race a single seat,

    rear-engined racing car as part of

    the global iMechE Formula Student

    program. We spend most of our time

    messing around in our workshop but

    occasionally we actually do some

    building work on the next car. We

    also regularly take out old cars for

    some driving fun.

    The team is predominantly made

    up of Mechanical Engineers, but we

    also have members from a range of

    other disciplines such as Industrial

    Design and Business Management.No previous experience or

    engineering knowledge is required

    to join - we will teach you anything

    you need to know. So pop in to see

    us in Fulton F16.

    Dundee inDrive



    Facebook: DRIVE - Dundee University

    Formula Student



  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Whether you’re studying English

    Film or Creative Writing at any

    during University, or you just like

    read, watch films, put pen to pa

    - this is the society for you!

    Recently formed, we’ve already

    drummed up funds and suppor

    through our literary-themed ba

    sales! Drop by our stall and bec

    a member to get a FREE ticket i

    our raffle for the entire 1st year

    English reading list.

    This semester we’re holding ou

    first ‘Family Ties’ social and nex

    semester you can exact your

    hangover’s revenge on your

    ‘parents’! We’ve also been busyorganising themed pub quizzes

    a writing group, theatre trips, a

    well as a Christmas dinner, a Bu

    Supper and a Spring Ball. A lot

    look forward to!


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    The Literature and Film Society

    promotes cultural activities in the

    city of Dundee. Our primary role is

    to provide films and events which

    complement the syllabus and help

    students create their own events. We

    have a great relationship with the

    DCA and other cultural venues and

    frequently obtain discounted rates

    for group excursions.

    The Society hosts screenings,

    visiting speakers and visits, which

    complement many of the modules

    taken at Undergraduate Humanities.The society is also deeply involved in

    Postgraduate culture, helping set up

    Scotland’s first Postgraduate Forum

    and extending this to the Level Four

    Dissertation Forum. The committee is

    The Enterprise Gym and the You

    Entrepreneurs’ Society are both

    run for students by students and

    overseen by the UoD staff . One

    of our 90 events is the Enterpris

    Challenge, where student team

    grow an idea with the chance o

    winning more than £1000 in cas

    At The Enterprise Gym we off er

    extracurricular activities which,

    besides being informative and

    help students develop a creativ

    and innovative mind set to makthem stand out. The Gold Certifi

    can be earned in diff erent way

    is highly valued by employers. O

    mission is to help students achie

    and develop their most valuabl

    English Literature

    & Film



    representative of Level One throughto PhD/Tutor level and actively

    shapes the cultural environment for

    English and Film students. Our end

    of year trip is always great!


    University of Dundee Lit & Film Society

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    “The makeup is simply an exten

    of the personality and colors,

    clothing, makeup all express

    something.”  – Gene Simmons

    UoD Fashion and Makeup Socie

    a newly affiliated society that a

    to teach you a variety of makeu

    techniques and fashion trends.

    drag, to Halloween to everyday

    makeup looks, we will show you

    step by step application.

    So, whether you are interested

    latest makeup techniques, fash

    trends or you like to become a

    model for a day, or even perha

    help organise a fashion show -

    this is the society for you!


    [email protected]


    Fams Soc

    Fashion &

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Hate injustice? Love fighting sexism,

    the patriarchy and misogyny? Love

    having fun whilst tackling these

    issues? Then FemSoc sounds like thesociety for you.

    We are a trans-friendly,

    intersectional university based

    feminist society. We campaign for

    equal opportunities and rights on

    issues relating to gender inequality.

    Our events include regular social

    gatherings, debates, campaigning,

    political lobbying, film screenings

    and discussions.


    Dundee University Feminist Society


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    The Geography and Environme

    Science Society at the University

    Dundee welcomes anyone who

    an interest in anything geograp

    We organise a range of events,

    including the DUSA record setti

    Pub Quizzes, Pub Crawls and o

    main event of the year, the GES

    Ball! This will be our fourth year

    collaboration with the Royal Sc

    Geographical Society where we

    can attend their events held at t

    university for free!

    So look out for us throughout thyear and come along!



  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Love puppies? Want to add som

    volunteering and fundraising ch

    to your CV? Then Dundee Unive

    Guide Dogs Society is perfect foyou!

    Over the past two years, this sm

    but successful society has raised

    over £2000 towards naming ou

    very own puppy. We hold lots o

    fun and exciting events such as

    quizzes and ceilidhs throughout

    year as well as organizing some

    puppy therapy during those str

    exam times. More importantly,

    are now able to off er trips to th

    Forfar Guide Dog training centr

    you can see where the action taplace and take part in some ve

    important training allowing you

    help out the community!

    We will be holding various even

    throughout the year, so look out


    We are here to promote the Green

    ideology on campus, guided by

    the principles of ecology, equality,

    radical democracy, peace and mostimportantly, fun.

    Over the past year we have

    organised a trip to Faslane to

     join in the protest of the Trident

    nuclear weapons as well as a trip to

    Edinburgh for a tour of the Scottish

    Parliament and lunch with Green

    MSPs Patrick Harvie and Alison

     Johnstone. On campus we hosted a

    debate between Dundee candidates

    in the general election as well as a

    collection for local food banks.

    This coming year will be a very

    important as we hope to not only

    help elect the highest number of

    Green MSPs yet but also as we unite

    to fight against austerity.

    Guide DoGreen


    [email protected]

    Facebook:Dundee University Green Society

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    The Hellenic society aims to brin

    together the Greeks and Cyprio

    Dundee but also any other univ

    student who is interested in havfun in a way that only Greeks kn


    Everyone is welcome to join as

    events have more international

    character. Get to know the mus

    culture and food of Greece and

    Cyprus and you won’t regret it.

    The Hellenic society works as a

    family that any student would li

    especially if away from home. I

    time to bring a little Mediterran

    sun to our own sunniest place in



    [email protected]


    Dundee Hellenic Society


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    You might have the Law Society

    may have the Life Science Socie

    but now we have the coolest so

    – Dundee’s very own HumanitieSociety. The society is made for

    students of (and those intereste

    English, History, Politics, Langua

    Philosophy who want to hang o

    discuss ideas and get to know e


    We’ll be holding events through

    the year including our infamous

    crawl, a Burn’s Supper and per

    even a trip to quench your thirst

    knowledge of the world of hum

    culture. For those who want sup

    we’re connected with the Unive

    School of Humanities. So, we’ll

    able to put our backs on the line

    make sure you have the best tim

    in Dundee that you could possib



    Dundee University Humanities Socie

    “History is not a burden on the

    memory but an illumination of the


    Within the History society we

    welcome everyone who shares

    passion for history, yet who also

    wants to enjoy a thriving student

    social life. We have done a range of

    activities in the past - from visiting

    famous castles and landmarks to

    pub crawls, ghost tours, city walks

    and our end of year ball. We will

    off er these events and more in the

    coming year.

    Whether or not you study history we

    invite everyone who enjoys learningsomething new and interesting and

    also wants to make their university

    life much more remarkable.



    Liam Parr

    [email protected]


    Dundee-University History-Society

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Ever wanted to get into ice-ska

    Already a fan? Dundee has a g

    ice rink with a fantastic student

    discount, so now is the time to ginvolved with the sport! Everyon

    welcome, whatever your ability

    experience on the ice.

    Dundee University Ice Skating

    society off ers subsidised ice ska

    lessons, which include skate hir

    and are based around your cu

    skating ability. We also attend

    a weekly skate night for a more

    relaxed session for those who d

    want lessons or like the extra tim

    practice some new skating mov

    All of our members are welcomto attend any of the sessions wh

    take their fancy!

    On top of all this, we support th

    local Dundee Stars at some of t

    exciting home ice hockey matc

    Ice Skatin

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    University of Dundee Indian Society’s

    main goal is to unite students from

    India and other countries.

    We would like to help bothinternational and home students by

    welcoming them to the University

    and to making their student

    experience the best they can get.

    We organise many diff erent events

    such as cultural programmes,

    trips, parties and meetings to allow

    everyone to get together and just

    have some fun.

    Most importantly, this society is not

     just for Indians...we have members

    from other countries as well as local

    students from Dundee.


    University of Dundee Indian Society



    [email protected]


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    International Society is the biggest

    society at University of Dundee and

    was awarded as The Most Active

    Society 2014/15. Every year weare meeting people from diff erent

    countries who share their experience

    with us. In return, we are connecting

    students through various events over

    the year showing them traditions

    and cultures from around the world.

    ISOC is organizing various events

    throughout the year such as Treasure

    Hunt, St Valentines masquerade

    party, Halloween Carving Pumpkin

    Competition, Nutella Day,

    International Food Festival, Ice

    Skating trips, Pub Crawls, Christmas

    lights event, trip to Highlands &

    Scotland, BBQ and many others.

    We have members from diff erent

    parts of the world, so feel free to join

    our society.

    The Dundee University Islamic

    Society (DUIS) is one of the olde

    and largest societies on campu

    winning numerous awards ovethe years, including but not limi

    to “The Most Active Society” an

    “The Society of the Year”. Follow

    that success, we won an award

    for hosting the “Best Society Eve

    and our previous President was

    recognised for his dedication by

    receiving the “Volunteer of the Y

    award presented by DUSA.

    As one of the most active stude

    societies on campus, we aim to

    make your life at the university

    more than just a hunt for a deg

    Regardless of your religious or

    ethnic background, DUIS will al

    have something to off er you: BB

    volunteering at charity events (l

    year we raised over £19,000 in

    week!) or just good ol’ get toget

    at some local restaurants.

    International Islamic


    [email protected]


    International Society Dundee or Dundee

    University International Student Society

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Do you want to make a diff eren

    while having fun? Do you want

    to step out of your comfort zone

    and experience diff erent culturDo you want to challenge yours

    for a good cause? Even if you ju

    murmured ‘yes’ to any one of th

    questions, you have what it take

    to be part of our passionate tea

    under the Kenyan Orphan Proje


    We raise money for the kids in K

    and visit them on a 2-week trip

    summer. You will have great ex

    of freedom as to how you want

    raise the money. We’ve had ba

    sales, music nights, and busking

    etc, and we absolutely enjoyed

    process of organizing the event

    well as the sense of achieveme

    the end. Needless to say, the trip

    Kenya and the travel afterward

    simply awesome.

    Kenyan O

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee Labour Students is a so

    that aims to get students involve

    with the Labour Party. We camp

    on campus and get involved wiwider student-based political


    Over the past few years, Dunde

    Labour Students has fought a

    campaign to win staff  the living

    wage, achieved press coverage

    with STV and the Courier, as we

    worked tirelessly on by election

    and down the country.

    With socials every two weeks,

    Dundee Labour students is a gr

    society for like-minded people

    want to get involved with politicand make friends along the wa

    Labour St

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee University Law Society is run

    by law students, for law students.

    We provide support in terms of

    careers, academia and socialevents. Throughout the year you

    can expect many events catered to

    all diff erent tastes, such as various

    social gatherings (including our

    famous Gaudie and Revenge

    nights), as well as informative career

    workshops. You can find all of this

    and more through Dundee Law



    Dundee-University Law-Society

    The Dundee University LGBT+

    Society is a social and welfare g

    which aims to provide a networ

    support for both LGBT+ student

    the wider LGBT+ community.

    We are an inclusive society that

    welcomes anyone to attend the

    events held throughout the yea

    regardless of sexual orientation

    or gender identity. Social event

    include our biweekly social, a

    Masquerade Ball and a trip to

    Battlefield Live. We also provide

    coff ee mornings, a few of which

    will be off ered specifically to

    transgender people, as a safe p

    to come and chat with friends a

    well as seek information and a


    Dundee University LGBT+ Society




    Law LGBT+

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Do you believe in a fair, free and

    open society where there is an

    opportunity for everyone? Do

    you believe ability should trump

    connection, that eff ort trumps

    privilege and sharp elbows do not

    automatically get you to the front?

    If so, Liberal Youth Dundee is the

    place for you to be. We off er a range

    of social and political opportunities

    including several guest speaker



    Daniel Coleman

    [email protected]

    Here at the Dundee University L

    Science Society, we love a good

    social! As a fresher you are goin

    to want to learn two things quic

    the first being, how to work you

    way around the human body. T

    second, how to calculate the ex

    amount of jaeger that will allow

    to get from your flat to the unio

    back into bed with the least am

    of physical and/or social dama


    The fact that you have chosen t

    a degree in life science is defini

    good start but with us you can l

    all of this from:

    Liberal Youth Dundee Life Scien

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    LIP Theatre Company is the

    University’s only student-run drama

    society. We give any student the

    chance to get involved in all areas of

    theatre: from writing and acting to

    costume and set design, regardless

    of past experience.

    We put on at least three productions

    every year. Typically these consist

    of a Sketch Show created by the

    society in semester one, a scripted

    ‘main show’ in semester two and

    a show at the Edinburgh Fringe


     Joining LIP is a fantastic way to meet

    new people and with post-rehearsal

    drinks, huge pub crawls, after-show

    parties and an end of year ball - thesocial side of LIP is definitely not

    something to be missed. We meet

    every Monday during semester time

    from 7pm in Mono and everyone is

    welcome to join at any time.

    LIP Theatre




    LIP Theatre Company





  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee University Malaysian

    Society (DUMAS) is a fresh soci

    dedicated to recreating the rich

    sense of culture and home ofMalaysia in Dundee. What do w

    at DUMAS you ask?

    Well, for prospective and curren

    Malaysian students, we are her

    to help you assimilate into this n

    environment, feel at home and

    provide a helping hand when y

    are in a pickle. But that’s not all

    everyone else, we’re here to sho

    you what real Malaysians are a

    about, not what you read on the

    news! We organize major festiv

    events of home - Chinese New Y

    Deepavali, Recipe Nights to lea

    favourite Malaysian dish and m

    more. So why don’t you come o

    down and join us?!


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee Marrow is a society tha

    likes to make a real diff erence.

    Every 20 minutes, someone in t

    UK is diagnosed with blood can

    and we work to recruit potentia

    lifesavers to the blood stem cell

    bone marrow register. We also

    several fundraisers throughout

    year, from running 10Ks and pu

    quizzes to bucket shakes and g

    stick sales.

    As part of a network of almost 5

    Marrow groups across the UK, w

    form the student arm of Anthon

    Nolan who works to give those

    blood cancer the chance of a c

    in 5 people who go on to donat

    recruited by Marrow.Help us continue our lifesaving

    and continue to give those with

    blood cancer the greatest poss

    chance at life.

    Whether you are looking to gain

    some valuable experience with the

    like-minded students or just have

    an interest in marketing: The UoDMarketing Agency is the place for


    We cater to any student who wants

    to share their creativity and learn

    more about the industry whilst

    making friends along the way. We

    off er marketing and PR services

    to other student organisations

    and provide a place to connect

    with students who share the same

    passion for marketing. So if this

    seems interesting to you, we would

    be very excited for you to join. With a

    strong Enterprise Gym background

    and Sandy McCurdy as a mentor,

    the only way is up.

    MarrowMarketing Agency


    [email protected]


    UoD Marketing Agency



  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Maths. You either love it or you hate

    it. But why not try to get along with


    Without maths we most definitely

    would not be as advanced as we

    are. It is all around you whether you

    realise it or not. In this society we try

    to give you an insight into the huge

    world of mathematics. Even if you

     just have a small problem that you

    would like to solve or something

    mathematical in your course that

    you are desperately trying to

    understand, you are more than

    welcome to approach us!

    And no, mathematicians are not as

    shy as you think.


    [email protected]


     Jonas Igel, [email protected]


    An inclusive student societyexploring the University commu

    developing interdisciplinary rela

    and creating an environment fo

    students to fit in, no matter you

    or experience.

    We are a society of students foc

    on meeting new people and

    enjoying our time at the Univers

    We aim to off er experiences an

    opportunities to all as well as

    supporting undergraduate and

    postgraduate students in their

    personal and academic endeav

    Daytime events include

    interdisciplinary networking coff

    family friendly local excursions,

    such as Zoo, Botanic gardens a

    picnics, exploration of Dundee,

    Mature o


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    MeDeN Postgraduate Student

    Society is a student-run body for

    postgraduate students in the School

    of Medicine.

    Named after the College of

    Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing,

    this postgrad society is proudly

    running in its fifth year. With a newly

    elected committee, the organisation

    promises a refreshing new start to

    make post-grad student life a little

    less stressful and a more enjoyable

     journey. The society aims to organise

    stimulating events that will serve as

    a platform for students to socialise

    and break-free from the hectic

    research life. The society also actsas a forum where regular meetings

    are held to discuss and put forth

    ideas and suggestions to make your

    postgraduate student life a time to


    Our society aims to actively tac

    the stigma surrounding mental

    health, promote mental well-be

    and fundraise for the Dundee

    Association of Mental Health.

    We’ve been pleased to see ope

    conversations about mental he

    grow around campus as a resu

    students actively getting involve

    in campaign events and ‘Speak

    Out’ sessions. This year we aim

    focus on male and LGBT menta

    health in collaboration with oth

    societies and to raise both fund

    and awareness through quiz ni

    and fun events. All are welcom

     join and get involved in our futu


    MeDeN Mental H


    MeDeN Postgraduate Society

    d l i d i i

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Model United Nations (MUN)

    conferences are student simulations

    of the United Nations. Our society

    provides students interested in

    international aff airs with the

    opportunity to take on the role of

    a delegate of a specific state and

    debate on their behalf.

    The Model United Nations society

    at Dundee is one of the most

    active societies on campus and

    we participate in international

    conferences all over the UK and

    Europe. The MUN society is a great

    opportunity to meet new people

    and develop your ideas and skills in

    a large number of fields. We hold

    weekly debates on a wide rangeof diff erent issues and it’s a great

    opportunity to meet new people and



    Dundee Model United Nations Society

    Mooting is a legal debate in a

    courtroom setting. Two teams

    compete against each other to

    present arguments on specificpoints of law before a judge - it

    the closest experience that a stu

    can have whilst at university to

    appearing in court but mooting

    beneficial in many areas other

    advocacy. It may also help you

    build confidence in public spea

    general research and presenta


    The mooting society runs work

    for interested students to prepa

    them for our two annual mootin

    competitions with a chance to

    represent the University in exter

    competitions across the UK. Thi

    balanced with our range of soc

    events throughout the year inclu

    the popular Winter Ball.

    Model United Nations Mooting

    M i M li M

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Welcome to the start of another

    semester from the Dundee University

    Music Society!

    We are one of the largest and mostactive societies at the University of

    Dundee, and we organise a wide

    variety of concerts and social events

    for our members throughout the

    academic year.

    We have five diverse musical groups

    that meet on a weekly basis:

    Big Band

    Chamber Choir (auditioned)

    Choir (unauditioned)

    Gospel Choir


    The Muslim Message Society (M

    strives to deliver the pure teach

    of Islam through the Quran, The

    Prophet and his holy progeny(Ahlulbayt). We put a lot of emp

    on peace and unity. Ensuring th

    true message of Islam is kept a

    and not altered by various extre

    groups using Islam to spread th

    political agendas.

    Last year, we held an interfaith

    and welcomed Rebecca Maste

    and Rosie Bock to speak on the

    Islamic and Christian perspectiv

    respectively. We also distributed

    roses in Dundee with messages

    of peace from The Prophet, in

    light of the Charlie Hebdo attac

    Furthermore, we had an inform

    talk by renowned Scholar Dr.

    Shomali on the question ‘What


    Music Muslim M

     Joining our society is a great way to

    continue to improve your musical

    skills, make new friends from all over

    the university as well as gain skills

    and experience that make your CV



    [email protected]


    Dundee University Music Society



    N di

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    The Nordic Society organises

    splendid socials that revolve aro

    the diff erent curiosities of North

    European culture. From ice hoc

    Ikea, sour liquorice, Little Christ

    Friend’s Day to sour liquorice sp

    vodka... our exceptional reperto

    got the Nordic Society nominate

    the Best New Society 2014/15 aw

    Our little community consists of

    people from all over the world.

    encourage you to come and sa

    at any of our events. Nordic cult

    is totally cool! ;)


    [email protected]


    Nordic Society - University of Dunde


    N i & Mid if

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Attention all nursing students!

    Don’t miss the chance to join The

    Nursing and Midwifery society. We

    are here to help you through your

    time at the university. Diff erent

    events take place throughout

    the year and give new students

    a chance to meet other more

    experienced nursing students, share

    experiences or simply find some

    time to unwind!


    University of Dundee Nursing and

    Midwifery Society

    Nursing & Midwifery

    O W t

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    One Water Dundee was founde

    in 2011 in order to bring charity

    products to campus and local

    retailers. One Water is bottled w

    with 100% of profits funding cle

    water projects in Africa.

    The society itself has come on

    leaps and bounds since creatio

    giving opportunities to excel in

    philanthropy, public relations,

    management and business to t

    University of Dundee students,

    selling thousands of bottles and

    holding several successful and

    fun events throughout the year.

    Following our massively succes

    #HealthyStudyDundee campaiwe are looking to keep expand

    including our #ProjectPump pro

    over summer to look out for at t


    One Wate

    O S

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Now in its 53rd year, making it the

    longest running society on campus,

    OpSoc is the University’s only

    operatic and musical theatre society.With students running the show,

    there are opportunities to take part

    both on and off  stage.

    Our main focus of the year is on

    our annual full-scale production in

    March but we also stage several

    performances throughout the year

    including a fun-filled weekend show

    rehearsed for only 48 hours before

    the big performance. In March

    2016, OpSoc will be one of the first

    theatrical societies in the UK to

    perform ‘Heathers: The Musical’ (our

    previous productions include Spring

    Awakening, Jekyll & Hyde and most

    recently The Addams Family).


    On top of that, the society has a very

    active social aspect, with activities

    ranging from pub quizzes, nights out

    and plenty of group trips. So join us

    in one of rehearsals every Tuesday!


    [email protected]


    Dundee OpSoc



    P ki t i

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Pakistan! The Culture of Colours

    Here we stand in the University

    of Dundee as the ambassadors

    of Pakistan. Dundee University

    Pakistani Association (DUPA) w

    founded on the 23rd March 201

    DUPA is an amazing platform f

    students from all backgrounds

    to come and learn about the

    glamorous side of Pakistan. At

    the same time we strive to crea

    awareness, share ideas and

    contribute towards our homela

    the best possible ways.

    Part of our aim is to provide

    international, particularly Pakis

    students a helping hand and as

    them in resolving any issues. Wealso strive to promote student

    engagement in and outside the

    university. We are not a Society

    are a Family!!


    PhilosophPeople & Planet

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    What is knowledge? Can virtue

    taught? Do we have free will? Is

    best way to answer these writin


    Whether you are a philosophystudent or just interested in the

    subject, come along and discus

    these questions and more at the

    philosophy society. With a prog

    or regular visiting speakers, the

    discussions, and other exciting

    events, we have something to s

    all lovers of knowledge. Come a

    investigate, explore and mock t

    “Big Questions” that have fascin

    humanity for far longer than we

    the pens to write those confoun

    essays with.


    [email protected]

    People and Planet Dundee is a

    division of the national People and

    Planet organisation at the University

    of Dundee. We host movie nights,

    hold protests, and have lots of fun in

    the process.

    In the past years we have

    participated in several campaigns

    including Sweatshop Free and Fossil

    Free, where we encouraged our

    University to ethically attain their

    attire and goods as well as to divest

    from fossil fuels. We could continue

    with these and/or many more

    campaigns in the coming years.

    The campaigns we run involve

    issues that are important to the

    members of our society. So if you’repassionate about the welfare of

    people or the planet, contact us or

    drop by one of our weekly meetings.

    PhilosophPeople & Planet


    [email protected]


    Dundee People & Planet


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Are you the owner of a camera with

    ‘manual’ settings you have no idea

    how to use? Or are you a passionate

    photographer who loves to share

    your knowledge with others? Then

    the Photography Society is for you!

    In our meetings you will learn

    core photography skills along with

    little tips and tricks. We run many

    outdoor events throughout the

    year providing great opportunities

    to see (and capture!) some of

    Dundee’s beautiful locations whilst

    learning photography skills for

    specific environments. We also run

    fun projects such as Light Painting

    and Photo Hunts. Software tutorials

    (such as Photoshop and Lightroom)are also often run by our members,

    with an occasional movie night in-

    between. Come along to meet other

    photographers and learn new skills!



    Dundee University Photography Society


    [email protected]

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z




  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Have you ever wondered what

    pierogi tastes like? Or what’s th

    importance of keeping empty ja

    home and last but not least, wh

    the best vodka in the world? Wemight have the answers to thos

    troublesome questions.

    Polish Society is open to everyo

    and it’s much more than a plac

    for the Polish people to meet ea

    other. We’re here for everyone w

    is interested in Polish culture an

    language. Our events always in

    good company, delicious food,

    fun and all things Polish. So wh

    being Poland-themed, the soci

    welcomes members of all natio


    Polish Society at University of Dunde


    [email protected]

    Do you want to be part of the best

    society on campus? Then look no

    further! As DUSA’s Society of the

    Year 2014/15, we strive to bring you

    the most fun on campus. The best

    part? You don’t even have to be a

    physics student to join!

    Whether it is pub quizzes,

    paintballing or other social

    gatherings, we are a very active

    society hosting events throughout

    both semesters. We also organise

    annual trips abroad to places such

    as Amsterdam or CERN in Geneva.

    We host weekly study sessions

    designed for those studying maths,

    physics and engineering related

    subjects, with help from ourdedicated tutors. These sessions also

    provide a chance for you to get to

    know students in other years and are

    a welcome break from the library!



    [email protected]


    Dundee University Physics Society



    PsychologPolitics & IR

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Welcome one and all! Whether

    you are a Psychology student, a

    Psychology enthusiast or lookin

    an eventful society to become a

    of, this is the society for you!Not only will you make friends

    for life, you may improve your C

    greatly with various opportunit

    and have the added benefits o

    access to free academic talks a

    discounts to all our annual even

    such as pub crawls, quizzes, ou

    murder mystery, haunted house

    comedy night!

    We’ll also be surprising you with

    other events and trips througho

    the year. Don’t forget to finish o

    the year with our annual Psycho


    Are you interested in current aff airs?

    Are you passionate about politics?

    Do you want to engage and debate

    with others about the most pressing

    matters happening today?If you answered yes to the questions

    above then the Politics and

    International Relations Society is for

    you. We are a new society with many

    goals and intentions for the new

    academic year. From social events

    including pub crawls and quizzes,

    to academic events involving guest

    lectures from experts in their fields,

    and much more. The Politics and

    IR Society is a great opportunity to

    get involved and meet like-minded

    individuals. We are a non-partisansociety and welcome all students

    regardless of their political party or


    PsychologPolitics & IR


    Kevin Feeney, [email protected]


    Dundee University Politics andInternational Relations Society


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Helping medical students with

    radiology and providing inform

    into a career as a radiologist.

    Whether you are looking to pur

    a career in radiology or you arelooking for handy hints with x-r

    The society promises to provide

    with radiology revision help, ins

    success in OSCEs, spot, written

    portfolio examinations.

    Radiology is a medical specialit

    that employs the use of imaging

    both the diagnosis and treatme

    disease visualised within the bo

    Why Join?


    RoleplayRedeemed Christian

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee University Roleplaying

    Society runs both tabletop and

    action roleplaying games. We r

    variety of systems from Dungeo

    and Dragons and Dark Herseythrough to homebrew systems.

    Both new players and hoary old

    veterans can find a game here,

    experience or equipment is nee

    We can be found in the DUSA

    meeting rooms from seven on

    Mondays and Thursdays.




    [email protected]


    The Redeemed Christian Fellowship

    Society Dundee is a DUSA affiliatedstudents’ society built around the

    objectives that include supporting

    members of the Redeemed Christian

    Church of God and other Christians

    at the University of Dundee

    by helping them settle in and

    supporting them throughout their

    academic career. We also provide

    moral support through one-to-one

    coaching and combined tutorials,

    building future leaders through

    mentoring. But, above all, to help

    people get closer to God!During the meetings (every Thursday

    at 6pm in DUSA building) members

    have the opportunity to meet

    with post-graduate students who

    off er further academic and moral


    Redeemed Christian



    [email protected]

    Save the

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee University Save the Ch

    Society supports Save the Child

    UK and fights for children’s righ

    around the world.

    Through organizing a wide ranof events, involving students an

    the wider community, the socie

    raises funds in aid of the charity

    the recent years we have organ

    events including talent nights, s

    dating, a craft fair, bake sales, a

    date auction and a candle vigil

    The society also off ers voluntee

    the chance to speak out to grou

    outside of the University on beh

    of the poorest children in the UK

    and around the world, raising

    public awareness of our work a

    inspiring new audiences to supp

    Save the Children. Being involve

    in the society is a great way to

    meet people and broaden your

    own knowledge of the work of t


    Save the

    Scottish NSci-Fi

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee University Scottish

    Nationalist Association is the br

    of SNP students at the University

    of Dundee. DUSNA forms part o

    the student representation withthe Scottish National Party as

    well as representing the SNP on

    campus. With a bigger membe

    than some political parties in

    Scotland, SNP students have

    been instrumental in promoting

    government policies such as the

    abolition of tuition fees for Scot

    domicile students.

    As part of DUSNA you can take

    in shaping the ever-growing po

    presence on campus by being p

    of a party that will always speaup for students and stand again

    austerity. However you chose to

    get involved, joining DUSNA is a

    great opportunity to help shape

    A newly founded Sci-Fi and Fantasy

    Society at the University of Dundee

    seeks to provide a fun space to

    meet new people with a love of the

    magical and the scientific. Whetheryou like riding dragons above the

    Narrow Sea or drifting into infinity

    and beyond, this society’s got you


    Throughout this semester we plan

    to host various get-togethers, go to

    diff erent events or just sit around

    and play board games. Maybe you

    read the book or the comic, maybe

    you enjoyed the film or played the

    game - the SciFi Society hopes to

    appeal to all, so whether you have

    a passing interest in fantasy orwould prefer to live in the Shire, we

    welcome you with open arms.

    Facebook: University of Dundee SciFi

    and Fantasy Society

    Scottish NSci Fi


    [email protected]

    SexpressSelf Defence

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Sexpression Dundee is part of a

    UK wide network of university-

    based and student-led sex and

    relationships education projects

    working on a voluntary basis.We teach at local high schools a

    STIs and contraception, with ne

    consent and online safety lesso

    designed by this year’s voluntee

    We are also active on campus,

    raising awareness and providin

    information (and condoms!) to

    the student population through

    workshops, campaigns, speake

    events and quizzes.

    We have a wide range of activi

    and volunteering opportunities

    going on throughout the year,with many trips to other branch

    around the UK! We hold our tra

    day (including child protection

    certification) in late September

    Ever thought of learning a genuine

    martial art that actually works in a

    real situation? If the answer is yes

    then come along and join the Self

    Defence Society! We train in MONO-CO on Tuesdays and Thursdays,

    6pm to 8pm.

    Tuesday’s class is primarily focussed

    on drills and conditioning and

    Thursdays centre on close quarter

    combat technique and mechanics.

    Over time, we like to encourage

    developing the use of ground work

    in a self-defence context and where

    appropriate defence against both

    short and long range, blunt and

    sharp weapons.

    We also hold regular weekendworkshops and seminars with

    renowned teachers regarded as

    experts in their field.

    Bring jogging bottoms and a t-shirt

    SexpressSelf Defence

    if you want to join in, or just come

    along and watch, no fitness or

    experience necessary – beginners

    are more than welcome.


    [email protected]



    Singaporean Sustainab

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Whether you miss home, or you just

    want a taste of Singapore, come join

    our society and events! Our society

    organises many events to celebrate

    the Singapore spirit (e.g. ChineseNew Year, Games Night) where you

    can mingle and share stories over

    food and exciting activities. Oh,

    and of course if applicable, take

    Instagram-worthy photos! After

    all, how else better to celebrate

    than eating mouth-watering

    Singaporean dishes? If the above

    sounds like what you’re up for, get

    in touch!


    [email protected]


    University of Dundee Singapore Society


    Students for Sustainable Energy

    for All (SSEA), the University ofDundee Chapter, is a network o

    the university’s students that sh

    the same values of promoting

    sustainable energy for all throu

    making eff orts to fight energy

    poverty, protect the environme

    and mitigate the eff ects of clim

    change in complementing Glob

    Energy Initiative’s mission.

    It promotes energy awareness

    engaging peers on the current

    global environmental and enerissues and by organizing camp

    wide events such as workshops

    panel discussions, conferences,

    debates and speaker series. Th


    for All

    Sufi Swing Da

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Dundee University Sufi Society

    (DUSS) aims to spread the teachings

    of the Naqshbandi Sufi way. Sufism

    is the internal aspect and the most

    important essence of Humanity. It’sa science whose objective is the

    reparation of the heart, purifying

    the heart from bad manners and

    characteristics and turning towards

    the divine. The society follows

    the pure teaching of Prophets:

    Adam, Noah, David, Moses, Jesus

    and Muhammad Peace Be Upon

    them all. The Sufi masters are the

    inheritors of these holy men who are

    perfect examples of compassion,

    humbleness and inner peace.

    Our programme ranges frommeditation zikr workshops (great

    way for stress release), ‘Exploring

    the Heart’ workshops, Special

    Mawlid Un Nabi nights which consist

    If you fancy something “Great

    Gatsby” style, we provide the to

    Step back in time and come alo

    By yourself, or with friends, even

    make yourself some new ones awe teach from the basics, allow

    you to find moves of your own a

    awesome videos on the web! Yo

    don’t need to know anything ab

    dance to join in!

    The society encourages and

    promotes participation in work

    UK-wide where the people and

    teachers are just fab and your

    dance will flourish. Swing danc

    a wonderfully inclusive society s

    no matter where you come from

    what your story, you will be welhere. Classes on Sunday aftern

    (3:30-6:30pm) and social danc

    and chat on Wednesday evenin

    (6-8pm) in Mono.

    Sufi Swing Da

    of reciting poem and Qasidas

    (songs in Arabic, English and other

    languages), and much more. Come

    along and give it a go!!


    [email protected]


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    TradSoc - Dundee University

    Traditional Music Society

    We play traditional Irish and Sc

    music and are always open to n

    instruments and styles. We canusually be found at the Speedw

    Bar (Perth Road) on a Tuesday

    from 9.30pm onwards, all welc

    We also meet regularly at the m

    rooms on campus to learn new

    tunes - this is a good opportuni

    for trad beginners to get used t



    TradSoc - Dundee U niversity Traditi

    Music Society


    Video Ga

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Video Games Society at the

    University of Dundee is the hom

    all things video games.

    Do you have an obsessive

    relationship with video games? come on down and share that

    with the rest of us every Thursd

    at 7:30pm in the Liar Bar. Whet

    you’re a seasoned enthusiast of

    a wide variety of video games o

    completely new to them, with a

    slight interest, there’s a place fo

    you here. Check us out for a cha

    drinks, a session on our selectio

    of consoles and keep tabs on o

    events for LAN parties and mor


    [email protected]


    Dundee Uni Video Games Society

    deo Ga

     Water La

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    The Water Law Associates Socie

    is here to establish a forum

    of academic discussion and

    debate, coupled with real world

    infrastructure investigations of tcross-cutting topic of water and

    laws that govern the resource.

    Our members, in principle, sha

    derive from multi-disciplinary

    backgrounds in order to engag

    the issues of water from multip

    aspects covering multiple secto

    This in turn will enlighten our

    members of the importance of

    water issues, globally and local

    spanning provisions of the reso

    in the context of social, econom

    ecological, political etc. models


    Water Law Associates Society


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Whether you are already an

    experienced yogi or aspiring to

    one, join us for regular classes i

    variety of diff erent yogas.

    We hold frequent group yoga

    sessions taught by professional

    instructors, yet we also provide

    more relaxed, casual sessions l

    by a fellow yogi. We have stude

    friendly membership and class

    and a great and variable comm

    of people, congregating to sha

    their love for yoga. Feel free to

    along and join us!


    [email protected]


    Facebook:Dundee University Yoga Society


     Young Researchers

  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    Fancy building an antimatter-

    reactor to fuel the production of

    a vaccine against an impending

    zombie-apocalypse? Just convince

    us that it’s doable!DUYRA is a student run society that

    challenges your own curiosity. We

    enable you to pursue your own

    independent research projects

    and give out small amounts of

    funding. We aim to bridge the gaps

    between disciplines and between

    undergraduate and academic

    research, hence students of all

    disciplines and years are welcome.

    Our annual agenda includes

    talks and workshops from

    researchers and students from

    various backgrounds who will

    introduce you to proper research

    protocol, including planning your

    research, writing, and pitching your


    proposal. The culmination is the

    interdisciplinary undergraduate

    symposium at which you can

    showcase your research projects.

    Interested in research? Want to

    improve your CV with research skills

    and increase your chances of finding

    relevant internships? Then we’re

    what you are looking for!


    [email protected]


    DUYRA public




  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    If you feel like you need someone to talkto during the night, then feel free to callNightline, or send us an email. We are open

    from 8pm – 8am every night of term.

    Tel: 01382 381 183

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Our student volunteers will listen to you,

    without judging you or telling you what to

    do. If you simply want to express yourself,

    then we welcome you to contact us. Talk

    about anything you like. Nothing is too big,

    or too small.

    We also provide information. If you require

    any type of information, please feel free to

    contact Nightline. And remember, we are

    here to listen.

    For more information please feel free to visit

    our website:



  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    E ver wanted to be published, have yoursay or direct a movie? From award-winning filmmaking to controversial

     journalism, our student media outlets off er

    the support, training and inspiration you

    need to kick start any creative project.


     Jenny Thomas, Station Manager

    [email protected]

    When they aren’t creating

    nationally-acclaimed documentaries

    and dramas, our TV station are

    always coming up with new ideas

    and proudly host the best ‘Run &Gun’ sessions in Scotland. Why

    not join the team who specialise

    in capturing the best moments on


    Andrew Stewart, Editor in Chief

    [email protected]

    If seeing your ideas and articles in

    print is something you’ve always

    wanted, then The Magdalen is yourcup of tea! Free to read, design

    and/or contribute, the Magdalen

    is your first step into the world of


  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z




     John Paterson, Editorial Manag

    [email protected]

    Keeping you up to date and in

    loop with everything on campu

    www.dusamedia.com is your

    one-stop-shop for daily journa

    media and entertainment. From

    liveblogging the liveliest debate

    on campus to hosting columns

    from students here and abroad

    dusamedia.com is just one click



  • 8/20/2019 DUSA Societies A-Z



    H ello! On behalf of the Sports’ UnionI would like to welcome you to theUniversity of Dundee. If you are reading thisyou will be already aware of the wide range

    of societies the university has to off er but it

    doesn’t stop there!

    The Sports’ Union has over 40 diff erent

    sports clubs, from Athletics and Archery,

    right through to Ultimate Frisbee and

    Volleyball. Not only having and exciting

    social dimension our clubs work hard to

    cater for those of you who just want to

    keep fit and take a break from studying

    right through to those of you who harbour

    Olympic ambitions! We also have a strongpartnership with the Institute of Sport and

    Exercise who run a broad range of fantastic

    facilities including the gym, pool, riverside

    playing fields, tennis courts and many more.

    If you are interested in finding out more


    about the sports clubs we have on off er and

    the events we run throughout the year pick

    up a copy of our Sports’ Union handbook

    which can be found in the enquiries centre,

    DUSA and the ISE. You can also check us out

    on Facebook, Twitter and on our website.

    With so much to off er at the Sports’ Union

    and so many ways to get involved, joining a

    sports club or participating in our campus

    events adds so much t