dungeons & savages

FANTASY ADVENTURE RULES ORIGINAL AD&D™ IN SAVAGE WORLDS™ FORM! Conversion © 2003 Joel Sparks Store, use, copy, post, share and enjoy, just give credit. version 1.2 December 21, 2003 Thanks to J.B. Littlefield and www.dragonsfoot.org! playtested by: bighara suavé chosh navar csp4rk5 special editor: gairim D&S is an attempt to combine fond memories of the original AD&D with the fun, fast fury of Savage Worlds. D&S is intended for use with the Savage Worlds system from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Savage Worlds and Smilin’ Jack are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc. AD&D belongs to Wizards of the Coast. See ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS for more copyright information.

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Dungeons & Savages Savage Worlds RPG version 1.2




    Conversion 2003 Joel SparksStore, use, copy, post, share and enjoy, just give credit.

    version 1.2December 21, 2003

    Thanks to J.B. Littlefield and www.dragonsfoot.org!

    playtested by:bighara suavchosh navar csp4rk5

    special editor: gairim

    D&S is an attempt to combine fond memories of the original AD&D with the fun, fast fury of Savage Worlds. D&S is intended for use withthe Savage Worlds system from Pinnacle Entertainment Group. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Pinnacle Entertainment

    Group. Savage Worlds and Smilin Jack are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Inc. AD&D belongs to Wizards of the Coast.See ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS for more copyright information.

  • PART 1: CHARACTERSCharacter Creation .....................................3

    Savage Worlds Ranks Reminder...................3Races .............................................................4

    The Seven Races..........................................4Classes ..........................................................5

    Bonus Experience ........................................5Multi-Classing ...............................................5Switching Class.............................................5Magic Item Use.............................................5Generally Available Edges ............................5Skills .............................................................6Other Abilities...............................................6Character Classes:

    CLERICS ..................................................7DRUIDS ....................................................8

    Animal Companions ............................8FIGHTERS................................................9PALADINS ..............................................10RANGERS ..............................................11MAGIC-USERS.......................................12

    Familiars.............................................12Enchant Item......................................12

    THIEVES ................................................13ASSASSINS ............................................14MONKS...................................................15BARDS ...................................................16

    Alignment ...................................................17Deities ........................................................17The Nine Alignments and Sample

    Deities for Each.......................................17

    PART 2: CONVERSIONBennies and Experience...........................18

    Earned Experience .....................................18Leftover Bennies ........................................18

    Rough Equivalents ....................................18AD&D Scores to Savage Worlds Traits .......18Savage World Ranks to AD&D Level .........18AD&D Hit Dice to Savage World Combat ..18

    Powers and Trappings ...............................19

    PART 3: EQUIPMENTMelee Weapons.............................................20Ranged Weapons ..........................................21Armor & Shields ...........................................21Summary of Equipment by Class ..................22

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..............................22

    INSPIRATIONAL SOURCE MATERIALYou need the Savage Worlds rulebook to use

    these rules, and preferably the AD&D (first edition)Players Handbook. You might want the DungeonMasters Guide, the Monster Manual, even Deities& Demigods. If you want to know what a bardichelooks like, check the back of Unearthed Arcana.But all you really need is Savage Worlds.




    Follow the rules in Savage Worlds, but use 6points for attributes.

    There are seven Races and ten Classes (seebelow). Choose one Race and one Class. AnyRace can be any Class.

    Race and Class provide certain automatic Edgesand Hindrances. The character must nonethelessqualify for each Edge to receive its benefits. (ThusElves, to get the Acrobat Edge, will tend to takehigh Agility.) If a character only later qualifies forsuch an Edge, the benefits kick in.

    Exceptions by Class: Druids get the WoodsmanEdge even though they do not have the Trackingskill. Fighters start with the Block Edge as Novices(assuming Fighting d8). Rangers start with theGiant Killer Edge as Novices. Bards start withCommon Bond (assuming d8 Spirit) even if theyare not Wild Cards.

    Exceptions by Race: See The Seven Races,below.

    Race determines how many additional Hindrancesand Edges the character can take at start of play. Ifyou dont take the Hindrances, you dont get theEdges, just as in Savage Worlds (two Minor or oneMajor Hindrance equals one Edge).

    Characters can take any Hindrance.

    The All Thumbs Hindrance gives 2 on theLockpicking Skill, and requires an Agility roll toactivate any magic item that is not always on orself-activating. Each attempt is an action. A naturalroll of 1, regardless of Wild Die, indicates amishap: spilled potion, torn scroll, wand pointedbackward, etc.

    Characters have a limited selection of Edges andSkills. Certain Edges are available to anyone. Therest can only be acquired by being of an appropri-ate Race or Class. Skills are only available as ClassSkills, or as double-cost non-Class Skills when theDM allows.

    Choose an Alignment, and a deity if applicable.See page 17.

    Choose equipment. Starting money: 200 gp, or100 gp for those with Poverty.

    Statistics for armor and weapons are included. Seepages 20-22. For other items, use the shopping listin the Players Handbook (First Edition).

    Encumbrance will have to be improvised orignored; use weights from the Savage Worlds bookwhere available.

    Savage Worlds Ranks Reminder

    (N): Novice...........0 to 19 character points(S): Seasoned ......20 to 39 character points(V): Veteran..........40 to 59 character points(H): Heroic ...........60 to 79 character points(L): Legendary.....80 or more character points



  • 4Race Edges Hindrances Additional to startDwarf Arcane Resistance

    (Sp d8)InfravisionV: Giant Killer

    Squat (Obese: +1Toughness, -1 Pace,running die d4)

    Surly (2 Charisma)

    2 Minor Hindrances1 Major Hindrance2 Edges

    Elf Acrobat (A d8, St d6)Infravision

    Frail (1 Toughness) 2 Minor Hindrances1 Major Hindrance2 Edges

    Gnome Arcane Resistance(Sp d8)

    InfravisionV: Giant Killer

    Small (1 Toughness;certain weapon andshield restrictions)

    2 Minor Hindrances1 Major Hindrance2 Edges

    Half-Elf Infravision 2 Minor Hindrances1 Major Hindrance2 Edges

    Halfling Arcane Resistance(Sp d8)


    Small (1 Toughness;certain weapon andshield restrictions)

    2 Minor Hindrances1 Major Hindrance2 Edges (Infravisionavailable)

    Half-Orc BrawnyInfravision

    Outsider & Ugly(4 Charisma)

    2 Minor Hindrances1 Major Hindrance2 Edges

    Human 2 Minor Hindrances1 Major Hindrance3 Edges

    Dwarves and Gnomes automatically gain the Giant Killer Edge when they become Veterans.Halflings, unlike other Races, may choose to take the Infravision Edge as one of their additional Edges.These Races all balance to one free Edge. Humans do not get another Edge.


    The Seven Races



    The following Classes are available:


    * No effective difference between Magic-User and Illusionist.

    Bonus Experience. A character with a d10 orhigher in the prime requisite of his Class gets 1extra bennie per session. Prime requisites:

    Cleric, Druid, Monk: Spirit (Sp)Fighter, Ranger, Paladin: Strength (St)Magic-User, Illusionist: Smarts (Sm)Thief, Assassin, Bard: Agility (A)

    Multi-classing. A new Class is an Edge. Whenadding a Class (multi-classing), the character takeson all the Hindrances and advantages of both. Themulti-classed character only gets one extra benniefor bonus experience, and then only if he has ad10 in the prime requisite of every Class.

    Switching Class. If the character chooses toswitch Class instead, he can only take or improveEdges and Skills from the new Class. The newClass is an Edge. The character can never switchback to the former Class, but he gets bonus experi-ence as usual. The character retains the abilities ofthe former Class, and can use all Skills, but mustabide by the Hindrances of a Class while using itsPowers or most Edges. Edges are the DMs call;generally Background, Leadership, Social, andLegendary Edges always function.

    Magic Item Use. Many magic items will functiononly for someone of the appropriate Class.

    Generally Available Edges. Any Class can takethe Edges listed below. Unless otherwise noted inRace or Class description, the character must stillqualify for the Edge per Savage Worlds rules.

    Alertness*Ambidextrous* (A d8)Attractive* (V d6)

    Very Attractive*Brawny* (St d6, V d6)Charismatic (Sp d8)Combat Reflexes (S)Fast Healer* (V d8)Fleet-Footed (A d6)Followers (L, WC)Hard to Kill (WC, Sp d8)

    Harder to Kill (V)Investigator (Sm d8, Investigation d8, Streetwise d8)Level-Headed (S, Sm d8)

    Improved Level-HeadedLuck*

    Great Luck*Professional (L, d12 in trait)

    ExpertMaster (WC)

    Quick*Sidekick (L, WC)Steady Hands (A d8)Strong Willed (Intimidate d6, Taunt d6)Tough as Nails (L)

    Improved Tough as NailsTrademark Weapon ( Fighting, Shooting, or Throwing d10)

    *These Background Edges must be taken at char-acter creation.

    Other Edges can only be acquired as Race orClass Edges. Certain Races and Classes automati-cally gain new bonus Edges when they becomeSeasoned (S) or Veteran (V).

    A character with a Racial Edge cannot take thatEdge again. If a character gets the same Edgetwice, it does not stack.


  • Skills. Skills cannot be acquired except as ClassSkills, unless the DM makes an exception forunusual circumstances.

    Available Skills are listed in each Class description.

    Start with 15 Skill points, just as in Savage Worlds.

    Acquiring a new Skill does not cost double (aslong as it is on the characters list of Class Skills).This is different from the Savage Worlds book.Non-Class skills, if allowed, cost double both toacquire and to improve.

    As stated above, multi-classed or switched-classcharacters (including Bards) can use Skills from alltheir Classes normally. Adhering to the Hindrancesof a Class is necessary to use its Powers, plus anyEdges that the DM thinks appropriate.

    Other Abilities:

    Connections. Spellcasters contact supernaturalconnections with the appropriate arcane skill, notthe Streetwise Skill. What they contact, and how itcan be persuaded to help them, are up to the DM.

    Finding / Removing Traps. Detecting traps isdone with the skill Notice. Removing traps is donewith Lockpicking. The Thief Edge adds +2 to bothrolls. The All Thumbs Hindrance gives a 2 penal-ty on Lockpicking.

    Detecting Evil. Detect evil is a function of theHoly Warrior Edge. See Powers and Trappingsbelow.

    Healing. The Healer Edge adds +2 to skill rollsto use the Powers healing and greater healing.




    Starting Edges:Arcane Background: MiraclesHoly Warrior

    Starting Hindrances:Vow: Use only blunt weapons (listed in italics on

    the weapons charts).

    Class Edges:Command (Sm d6)

    Fervor (V, Sp d8)Hold the Line! (S, Sm d8)Inspire (S)Natural Leader (Sp d8)

    Common Bond (WC, Sp d8)Connections (divine)Healer (Sp d8)New PowerPower PointsRapid Recharge (S, Sp d6)

    Improved Rapid Recharge (V, Sp d8)Scholar (d8 in affected skills)Soul Drain (S)

    Class Skills:Faith (Sp)Fighting (A)Guts (Sp)Healing (Sm)Intimidation (Sp)Investigation (Sm)Knowledge (Sm)Notice (Sm)Persuasion (Sp)Riding (A)Survival (Sm)Taunt (Sm)

    Class Powers:ArmorBarrierBoost / lower traitDeflectionDetect arcanaDispelFearHealing

    Greater healingLightObscureQuicknessSmiteSpeedZombie (considered an Evil act)

    Clerics must choose a deity to serve. The Clericand the deity must be of the same or adjacentalignments. Deviations from alignment, or fromthe principles of the deitys religion, may result intemporary or permanent loss of Powers and of thebenefit of the Holy Warrior Edge. See ArcaneBackground (Miracles) in the Savage Worldsbook.




    Starting Edges:Arcane Background: MiraclesBeast Master (animal companion) (Sp d8)Woodsman (Sp d8, Survival d8; no Tracking needed)

    Starting Hindrances:Vow: No metal equipment (includes arrows,

    bolts, and sling bullets, but sling stones, obsidiandaggers, and stone-headed spears are allowed).


    Class Edges:Beast BondBerserkCommon Bond (WC, Sp d8)Connections (elemental)Giant Killer (V)Healer (Sp d8)New PowerPower PointsRapid Recharge (S, Sp d6)

    Improved Rapid Recharge (V, Sp d8)Soul Drain (S)

    Class Skills:Boating (A)Faith (Sp)Fighting (A)Guts (Sp)Healing (Sm)Intimidation (Sp)Investigation (Sm)Notice (Sm)Persuasion (Sp)Riding (A)Survival (Sm)Swimming (A)Taunt (Sm)Throwing (A)

    Class Powers:ArmorBarrierBoost / lower traitDetect arcanaDispelFearHealingLightObscureQuicknessShape changeSmiteSpeedWave Runner

    Druids must choose a nature deity to serve. BothDruid and deity must be Neutral, Neutral Good,Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Evil;the Druid must be the same alignment as the deity,or an adjacent one. Deviations from alignment, orfrom the principles of the deitys religion, mayresult in temporary or permanent loss of Powers.See Arcane Background (Miracles) in the SavageWorlds book.

    Animal companion:A loyal animal, able to feed itself in the wildTypical examples would be a wolf or a hawk.

    Wolf:A d6 Sm d6(A) Sp d6 St d6 V d8Pace 8, Parry 5, Toughness 5, Bite Str+1Fighting d6, Guts d6, Intimidate d6, Notice d6+2Running die d10; Small; Alertness

    Alerts Druid to strangers and animals nearby; fights forDruid.

    Hawk:A d10 Sm d4(A) Sp d4 St d4 V d6Pace 12, Parry 5, Toughness 3, Peck StrFighting d4, Guts d4, Notice d10+2Flight die d10; Very small (-2 to be hit); Alertness

    Scouts on high and alerts Druid to unusual activity; fleesmost combat.




    Starting Edges:Block (+1 Parry) (Fighting d8)

    Fighters start with the Block Edge as Novices.

    Starting Hindrances:None!

    Class Edges:Berserk

    Improved Block (V)Command (Sm d6)

    Fervor (V, Sp d8)Hold the Line! (S, Sm d8)Inspire (S)Natural Leader (Sp d8)

    Dead Shot (WC, S, Shooting or Throwing d10)Dodge (S, A d8)

    Improved Dodge (V)First Strike (A d8)Florentine (A d8, Fighting d8)Frenzy (S, Fighting d10)

    Improved Frenzy (V)Improved Trademark Weapon (V, Trademark Wpn)Marksman (S)Mighty Blow (S, Fighting d12)Nerves of Steel (WC, V d8)

    Improved Nerves of SteelQuick Draw (A d8)Sweep (St d8, Fighting d8)

    Improved Sweep (V)Two-Fisted (A d8)Weapon Master (L)

    Master of Arms

    Class Skills:Boating (A)Climbing (St)Fighting (A)Gambling (Sm)Guts (Sp)Intimidation (Sp)Investigation (Sm)Notice (Sm)Persuasion (Sp)Riding (A)Shooting (A)Streetwise (Sm)Survival (Sm)Swimming (A)Taunt (Sm)Throwing (A)




    Starting Edges:ChampionCharismaticS: Holy Warrior*V: Arcane Background: Miracles*

    *At Seasoned, the Paladin gains the Edge HolyWarrior, and 5 Power Points. This includes theability to repulse evil and the ability to detect evil,but no other Powers. At Veteran, the Paladin gainsthe full Arcane Background: Miracles, whichincludes two Powers and 5 more Power Points.

    Starting Hindrances:HeroicCode of Honor (serve Good, act humbly, give

    away excess possessions)

    Class Edges:Command (Sm d6)

    Fervor (V, Sp d8, Command)Hold the Line! (S, Sm d8, Command)Inspire (S, Command)Natural Leader (S, Sp d8, Command)

    Common Bond (WC, Sp d8)First Strike (A d8)Florentine (A d8, Fighting d8)Improved Trademark WeaponMighty Blow (S, Fighting d12)Nerves of Steel (WC, V d8)

    Improved Nerves of SteelNew Power (AB: Miracles)Quick Draw (A d8)Sweep (St d8, Fighting d8)

    Improved Sweep (V)Two-Fisted (A d8)Weapon Master (L, Fighting d12)

    Master of Arms

    Class Skills:Faith (Sp)Fighting (A)Guts (Sp)Healing (Sm)Notice (Sm)Persuasion (Sp)Riding (A)Shooting (A)Survival (Sm)Throwing (A)

    Class Powers:Detect arcanaHealingLightSmite

    Paladins must be Lawful Good in alignment, andmust follow a Lawful Good or Lawful Neutraldeity. Deviations from Code of Honor, alignment,or the principles of the deitys religion may resultin temporary or permanent loss of Powers. Theycan also lose the benefits of the Champion andHoly Warrior Edges. Paladins are held to an evenhigher standard than clerics, and punished moreharshly for transgressions. See ArcaneBackground (Miracles) in the Savage Worldsbook.




    Starting Edges:Giant KillerV: Arcane Background: Magic*

    *At Veteran, the Ranger gains the ArcaneBackground: Magic, which includes three Powersand 10 Power Points.

    Starting Hindrances:LoyalVow: Give away excess possessions.

    Class Edges:Beast BondCommand (Sm d6)

    Fervor (V, Sp d8, Command)Hold the Line! (S, Sm d8, Command)Inspire (S, Command)Natural Leader (Sp d8, Command)

    Dead Shot (WC, S, Shooting or Throwing d10)First Strike (A d8)Florentine (A d8, Fighting d8)Frenzy (S, Fighting d10)

    Improved Frenzy (V)Nerves of Steel (WC, V d8)

    Improved Nerves of SteelImproved Trademark Weapon (V, Trademark Wpn)Marksman (S)Mighty Blow (S, Fighting d8)New Power (AB: Magic)Quick Draw (A d8)Sweep (St d8, Fighting d8)

    Improved Sweep (V)Two-Fisted (A d8)Weapon Master (L, Fighting d12)

    Master of ArmsWoodsman (Sp d6, Survival d8, Tracking d8)

    Class Skills:Boating (A)Climbing (St)Fighting (A)Guts (Sp)Healing (Sm)Intimidation (Sp)Investigation (Sm)Notice (Sm)Persuasion (Sp)Riding (A)Shooting (A)Spellcasting (Sm)Stealth (A)Survival (Sm)Swimming (A)Taunt (Sm)Throwing (A)Tracking (Sm)

    Class Powers:BoltDetect arcanaHealingLightStun

    Rangers must be Good in alignment. If a Rangerchooses to follow a deity, it must be Good.



  • MAGIC-USERS(includes Illusionists)

    Starting Edges:Arcane Background: MagicWizard

    Starting Hindrances:Vow: No armor or shield.Vow: No weapons above STR+1 or d6 damage,

    and none with ammunition.

    Class Edges:Arcane Resistance (Sp d8)

    Improved Arcane ResistanceBeast Master (Familiar) (Sp d8, see below)Connections (demonic)Enchant Item (V; see below)New PowerPower PointsPower Surge (S, Spellcasting d12)Rapid Recharge (S, Sp d6)

    Improved Rapid Recharge (V, Sp d8)Scholar (d8 in affected skills)Soul Drain (S)

    Class Skills:Fighting (A)Gambling (Sm)Guts (Sp)Knowledge (Sm)Investigation (Sm)Notice (Sm)Persuasion (Sp)Spellcasting (Sm)Survival (Sm)Swimming (A)Taunt (Sm)Throwing (A)

    Class Powers:

    Familiar:If the player so desires, a small creature is magically boundto the Magic-Users soul. Examples: cat, snake, toad, lizard,bat, or raven. The familiar has 2 Power Points that theMagic-User can use while touching, and can send the Magic-User a silent mental alert if within 4. The familiar can sharethe Magic-Users bennies and Wild Die. If the familiar dies,the Magic-User immediately takes one Wound. Wild Cardssuffer the Battered & Bruised effect on the Knock-Out Blowtable. Non-Wild Cards are Incapacitated for 1d6 hours.Familiar (any):

    A d4 Sm d8(A) Sp d4 St d4 V d4Pace 4, Parry 4, Toughness 3, 2 to be hit.Fighting d4, Notice d6. Bite StrTwo of the following abilities (players choice):

    -Infravision-Flight (Pace 6. Flight die d10) (winged creatures only)-Poison bite (Monstrous ability Stun)-Wall Walker-Beast-talk: Magic-User can interpret the Familiars

    hisses, squawks, or croaks as crude messages.-Creepy: The Familiars appearance gives the Magic-User

    1 Charisma, and gives non-monstrous foes 1 to resist hisIntimidate or fear effects.

    Enchant Item:A version of Gadgeteer. Requirements: Veteran; AB: Magic;Smarts d8+; Spellcasting d8+; Knowledge (Arcana) d8+;Knowledge (Item Creation) d8+. It will take considerabletime and money to make each item, per the DMs whim.When all the time and money have been spent, the Magic-User makes a single Spellcasting roll, at a penalty determinedsecretly by the DM based on item power. Examples: Potionor scroll, no penalty. Charged item, 2. Permanent item: 4or more. On a basic success, the item is created. On a fail-ure, the time and money are wasted. On a natural 1, regard-less of Wild Die, there is an appropriate mishap.

    Armor LightBarrier ObscureBlast PuppetBolt QuicknessBoost / lower trait Shape changeDeflection SmiteDetect / conceal arcana SpeedDispel StunFear TelekinesisFly Wave runnerInvisibility Zombie (considered an

    Evil act)




    Starting Edges:Thief (A d8, Climbing d6, Lockpicking d6, Stealth d6)

    Starting Hindrances:Vow: No metal armor; no shields; no two-

    handed weapons (including bows).

    Class Edges:Acrobat (A d8, St d6)Block (S, Fighting d8)

    Improved Block (V)Connections (street)Danger SenseDead Shot (WC, S, Throwing d10)Dodge (S, A d8)

    Improved Dodge (V)First Strike (A d8)Florentine (A d8, Fighting d8)Mighty Blow (S, Fighting d12)Quick Draw (A d8)

    Class Skills:Boating (A)Climbing (St)Fighting (A)Gambling (Sm)Guts (Sp)Intimidation (Sp)Investigation (Sm)Knowledge (Sm)Lockpicking (A)Notice (Sm)Persuasion (Sp)Riding (A)Spellcasting (Sm)Stealth (A)Streetwise (Sm)Survival (Sm)Swimming (A)Taunt (Sm)Throwing (A)Use Arcane Scroll (Sm)

    Use Arcane Scroll:Thieves can attempt to cast spells using scrollsmade by Magic-Users. Each attempt requires a skillroll at a penalty equal to (2 + spells level). Failuredestroys the scroll. A natural roll of 1, regardlessofWild Die, results in a mishap determined by theDM. Often the miscast spell takes effect in reverse:hitting the Thief with the bolt intended for theenemy, slowing the target instead of applyingspeed, etc. If reversal makes no sense, the Thief isShaken.

    Alignment:Thieves are rarely Lawful in alignment, since theyare trained to steal. However, in this system, theycan be any alignment that the player can justify.




    Starting Edge:Quick Draw (A d8)

    Starting Hindrances:Outsider (2 Charisma)Vow: No metal armor; no shield.

    Class Edges:Acrobat (A d8, St d6)Block (S, Fighting d8)

    Improved Block (V)Connections (street)Danger SenseDead Shot (WC, S, Shooting or Throwing d10)Dodge (S, A d8)

    Improved Dodge (V)First Strike (A d8)Florentine (A d8, Fighting d8)Mighty Blow (S, Fighting d12)Thief (A d8, Climbing d6, Lockpicking d6, Stealth d6)Two-Fisted (A d8)

    Class Skills:Climbing (St)Fighting (A)Guts (Sp)Intimidation (Sp)Investigation (Sm)Knowledge (Sm)Lockpicking (A)Notice (Sm)Persuasion (Sp)Shooting (A)Stealth (A)Streetwise (Sm)Survival (Sm)Swimming (A)Taunt (Sm)Throwing (A)

    Assassins must be Evil in alignment. The OutsiderHindrance represents common reaction to theirgeneral sneakiness, reticence, bad reputation, andpalpable aura of death.




    Starting Edges:Arcane Resistance (Sp d8)

    Improved Arcane ResistanceTrademark Weapon: Unarmed (Fighting d10)S: Arcane Background: Miracles*

    * At Seasoned, the Monk gains the ArcaneBackground: Miracles, which includes two Powersand ten Power Points.

    Starting Hindrances:Code of Honor (Strict discipline & self-sacrifice)PovertyVow: No armor or shield.Vow: Only wood-hafted weapons (marked on

    weapons charts).

    Class Edges:Acrobat (A d8, St d6)Block (S, Fighting d8)

    Improved Block (V)Common Bond (WC, Sp d8)Danger SenseDead Shot (WC, S, Throwing d10)Dodge (S, A d8)

    Improved Dodge (V)First Strike (A d8)Frenzy (S, Fighting d10)

    Improved Frenzy (V)Giant Killer (V)Healer (Sp d8)Improved Trademark Weapon (Trademark Wpn)Mighty Blow (S, Fighting d12)Nerves of Steel (WC V d8)

    Improved Nerves of SteelNew Power (AB: Miracles)Power Points (AB: Miracles)Quick Draw (A d8)Sweep (St d8, Fighting d8)

    Improved Sweep (V)Two-Fisted (A d8)Weapon Master (L, Fighting d12)

    Master of Arms

    Class Skills:Climbing (St)Faith (Sp)Fighting (A)Guts (Sp)Healing (Sm)Notice (Sm)Survival (Sm)Throwing (A)

    Class Powers:All are usable only on the Monk himself, exceptlower trait, which is delivered to a target via atouch (unarmed melee attack).

    ArmorBoost / lower traitDeflectionHealingQuicknessSmite (unarmed)Speed

    Monks must be Lawful in alignment. If a Monkvenerates a deity, it will be one of her own exactalignment. However, a Monks power comes fromwithin. Deviations from Lawful behavior or theCode of Honor can cause the Monk to lose focusand can lead to temporary or permanent loss ofPowers. See Arcane Background (Miracles) inthe Savage Worlds book.




    Special Requirements:DM permission.Start as Fighter.At Seasoned, switch Class to Thief.At Veteran, switch Class to Bard.

    Starting Edges (upon becoming Bard):Arcane Background: Miracles (using Music Skill)Common Bond* (Sp d8) (WC not required)

    *Special: Even non-Wild Card Bards get CommonBond (assuming the d8 Spirit). By playing aninstrument, the Bard can give bennies or the bene-fit of Leadership Edges to all his allies withinearshot, not just those he commands. Thisincludes Wild Cards and player characters.

    Starting Hindrance (upon becoming Bard):Vow: No plate mail; no shields; no two-handed

    weapons except Spear and Staff.

    Class Edges:Beast BondCharisma (Sp d8)Command (Sm d6)

    Fervor (V, Sp d8)Hold the Line! (S, Sm d8)Inspire (S)Natural Leader (S, Sp d8)

    Connections (elemental)Danger SenseDodge (S, A d8)

    Improved Dodge (V)Healer (Sp d8)New PowerPower PointsScholar (d8 in affected skills)

    Class Skills:Boating (A)Climbing (St)Fighting (A)Guts (Sp)Healing (Sm)Intimidation (Sp)Knowledge (Sm)Music (Sp)Notice (Sm)Persuasion (Sp)Riding (A)Streetwise (Sm)Survival (Sm)Swimming (A)Taunt (Sm)Throwing (A)

    Class Powers:Used with the Music Skill by singing and playingan instrument.

    ArmorBoltBoost / lower traitDeflectionDetect arcanaDispelFearHealingLightObscureSmiteSpeed

    Bards must be Neutral, Neutral Good, LawfulNeutral, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Evil. They arealways associated with one or more Druids ofHeroic rank, most likely non-player characters.




    The DM is free to take away or award benniesbased solely on her idea of alignment-appropriatebehavior.

    Openly Evil characters may suffer a Charismapenalty from ordinary folk.

    ALIGNMENT AND HINDRANCESA Lawful character is one with a Code of Honor.A character with Berserk is not Lawful; one withCautious is not Chaotic; one with Bloodthirsty orMajor Vengefulness is not Good; one with Pacifistis not Evil.

    ALIGNMENT AND CLASSESPaladins must be Lawful Good. Rangers must beGood. Assassins must be Evil. Monks must beLawful. Druids and Bards must be Neutral, NeutralGood, Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, or NeutralEvil.


    Clerics and Druids must choose a deity, and theymust be of the same alignment or an adjacentone.

    Druids and Bards must follow a nature deity withsome Neutrality: Neutral, Neutral Good, LawfulNeutral, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Evil.Examples below: Ki, Demeter, Hades, Triton,Death.

    Paladins must choose a Lawful Good or LawfulNeutral deity.

    If a Monk chooses to venerate a deity, it must beone of her exact alignment.

    If a Ranger chooses to venerate a deity, it must beGood.

    Other characters do not need a deity, althougheach is free to choose one or more. Followers ofany deity can be any Race. For example, Humantyrants may venerate an Orcish god of tyranny.


    Athene of the CitiesMoradin Dwarf-maker


    Demeter of the FieldsYondalla of the Hearth (Halflings)


    Zeus, the SkyCorellon of the Elf-WoodsGlittergold of the Gnomes


    Donblas the Justice MakerHades, the Earth


    Ki of the Great CyclePtah the Aloof


    Hermes the SlipperyTriton, the SeaAzazoth the Abberation


    Loviatar, Maiden of PainGruumsh the Tyrant (Orcs)


    Hecate the HeartlessDeath


    Lolth the Blood DrinkerLaogzed the Monster

    The Nine Alignments, and Sample Deities for Each




    Earned experience. The DM should be generousin handing out bennies during play, to simulate thecombat-and-treasure based experience system ofAD&D. The group should receive one bennie eachwhen a significant battle or challenge is overcomeor a great reward gained. Individuals receive ben-nies for role-playing, quick thinking, insightful solu-tions, smoothing the flow of play, and makinggood jokes. A good minimum is one extra bennieto each player, each hour of play.

    Leftover bennies. D&S players can end up witha lot of bennies. Thus the system for leftover ben-nies varies from the Savage Worlds book. Thenumber of bennies in hand at the end of a playsession is the chance on a single d6 to gain oneextra experience point. A player with 6 or morebennies leftover (which should be unusual) candivide them as desired between two d6 rolls, forone XP each. Two rolls is the maximum.


    Quick conversions between AD&D and SavageWorlds.

    AD&D Scores to Savage Worlds Traits9 .............................................d412 ...........................................d614 ...........................................d816 .........................................d1018 .........................................d12

    Savage World Ranks to AD&D LevelNovice Mook ......................2ndNovice Wild Card................3rdSeasoned Mook...................4thSeasoned Wild Card............6thVeteran Mook ......................7thVeteran Wild Card ...............9thHeroic Wild Card...............12thLegendary Wild Card ........15th+

    AD&D Hit Dice to Savage Worlds Combat

    This four-step method will yield rough numbers forquick conversion of AD&D monsters to SavageWorlds combat statistics.

    1. Start with Hit Dice (HD).

    HD Fighting Parry Vigor Toughness


    Only one Power can be used per turn.

    Armor: Called barkskin. With a raise, called stoneskin.

    Barrier: For Clerics, this is blade barrier. ForDruids, it is wall of thorns. These forms provideheavy cover (4). Attempting to force through ablade barrier or wall of thorns requires a Strengthroll opposed by the casters Faith roll. Eachattempt does 2d6 damage. The Miracle caster cancreate the barrier directly on a target, who gets aDive to avoid damage (see Area Effect Attacks inthe Savage Worlds book). For Magic-Users, barrieris wall of force. A wall of force is invisible, impene-trable, and does no damage.

    Blast: Called fireball. There is also a version calledice storm; the character must choose which versionhe learns when he gains the Power. It can make abig difference when fighting creatures with immu-nities and weaknesses. A character can take blasttwice and have both versions.

    Bolt: 2d6 bolts are called magic missiles. 3d6 boltsare called lightning bolts. Multiple 3d6 bolts arecalled chain lightning. Regardless, as rangedattacks, these Powers are subject to the usualpenalties for range, darkness, and cover. The skillroll is not Shoot, however, but the Magic skill:Faith, Spellcasting, or Music (for Bards). For multi-ple bolts, multiple to-hit rolls must be made, butwith only one Wild Die. Only the first roll countsas a spellcasting; the others are strictly rolls to hit.See Rate of Fire in the Savage Worlds book.

    Boost/lower trait: This can affect any trait, chosenwhen cast. For potions and scrolls, the effect mustbe specified at item creation. Generally boost traitis called bless; a potion of boost trait (Fighting) iscalled heroism. Lower trait is called curse.

    Deflection: Called shield for AB: Magic, protectionfrom evil or protection from good for AB: Miracles(although it works against all alignments).

    Detect arcana: Usually functions as detect magic.Varying uses of it depend on the material compo-nents employed, per the chart below.

    Any ClassOrdinary casting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .detect magicCast through a crystal prism (5 gp) . . . . . . . .read magic

    Magic-Users onlyDrink an infusion of owls feather and a 100 gp pearl

    crushed in wine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .identifySmear silver dust (5 gp) on eyelids . . . .detect invisibilityConceal arcana & rub a mundane item with fine silk (2 gp)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nystuls magic aura

    Detect evil: A function of the Holy Warrior Edge,similar to the repulse evil ability described underthat Edge. Detect evil costs 1 Power Point and hasa range of the casters Spirit. Paladins, who gainthe Holy Warrior Edge before they get the AB:Miracles Edge, get 5 Power Points to use withdetect evil and repulse evil. Detect evil will notreveal ordinary folk of Evil alignment, only super-natural or intense evil.

    Obscure: Called darkness.

    Quickness: Called haste.

    Shape change: For Magic-Users, this spell requiresan expensive jade circlet, which shatters when thespell is over. If it is broken prematurely it ends thespell. Druids do not need the circlet.

    Stun: Called sleep.

    Material ComponentsS&D ignores material components except in twocircumstances. One, where they are a useful wayto get multiple spells out of one Power, as in detectarcana, above. And two, where the DM wants tokeep the pesky wizard from ruining the adventurewith blast, in which case, there is a sudden short-age of bat guano.



  • Weapon Damage Weight Cost Min Str Notes

    Axe, Battle Str+3 8 lbs 5 gp d8

    Axe, Hand Str+2 2 lbs 1 gp d6

    Bardiche 2H Str+4 13 lbs 7 gp d10 Armor Piercing 1Parry 1

    Club Str+1 3 lbs

    Dagger (includes obsidian) Str+1 1 lb 2 gp

    Flail(or Morning Star)

    Str+2 8 lbs 8 gp d6 Ignores shield Parrybonus

    Halberd 2H(or Bill, Guisarme, LochaberAxe, Military Fork, Poleaxe,Voulge, or combination ofany two)

    Str+3 15 lbs 9 gp d8 Reach 1

    Lance Str+4 10 lbs 6 gp d8 Armor Piercing 1Reach 2Horseback only

    Lucern Hammer 2H(or Bec-de-Corbin)

    Str+3 20 lbs 7 gp d10 Armor Piercing 2vs. Plate

    Parry 1

    Mace Str+2 8 lbs 8 gp d6

    Pike, Awl 2H Str+3 25 lbs 3 gp d8 Reach 2

    Spear 2H (includes stonehead, or Partisan, Ranseur,or Spetum)

    Str+2 5 lbs 1 gp d6 Parry+1Reach 1

    Staff 2H(Quarter Staff)

    Str+1 8 lbs Parry+1Reach 1

    Sword, Long Str+3 6 lbs 15 gp d6

    Sword, Short Str+2 4 lbs 8 gp

    Sword, Two-handed 2H Str+5 12 lbs 30 gp d10 Parry 1


    Melee Weapons

    Weapons in italics are blunt. Weapons marked with a dagger are wood-hafted.2H: Weapons requiring two hands to use. Small creatures cannot use melee weapons that require two hands.


  • 21

    Weapons in italics are blunt. Weapons marked with a dagger are wooden-hafted.2H: Weapons requiring two hands to use.: Ammunition: Arrows for bows, bolts for crossbows, stones or bullets for slings.

    Armor & Shields

    Weapon Range Damage Cost Weight Min Str Notes

    Axe, Throwing 3/6/12 Str+2 1 gp 2 lbs

    Bow, Short 2H 12/24/48 2d6 15 gp 3 lbs d6

    Bow, Long 2H 15/30/60 2d6 60 gp 5 lbs d8 Requires Shooting d8User cannot be Small

    Arrows, 10 1 gp 2 lbsClub 3/6/12 Str+1 3 lbs

    Crossbow 2H 15/30/60 2d6 20 gp 10 lbs d6 Armor Piercing 2

    Bolts, 10 1 gp 2 lbs One action to reload

    Dagger 3/6/12 Str+1 2 gp 1 lb

    Dart 4/8/16 Str 1 gp 1 lb

    Sling 4/8/16 1 lb Used with Throwing Skill Stones, 10 Str 1 lb Druids may use Bullets, 10 Str+1 1 gp 2 lbs Metallic, therefore Druids

    may not use

    Spear 3/6/12 Str+2 1 gp 5 lbs d6

    Ranged Weapons

    Armor Effect Cost Weight

    Leather* +1 Toughness 5 gp 15 lbs

    Banded or Scale +2 Toughness 45 gp 40 lbs

    Chain +2 Toughness 75 gp 25 lbs

    Plate +3 Toughness 400 gp 45 lbs

    Shield Effect Cost Weight

    Small shield* +1 Parry 5 gp 3 lbs

    Medium shield +2 Parry+2 Toughness vs. ranged

    10 gp 5 lbs

    Large shield +3 Parry+2 Toughness vs. ranged

    15 gp 10 lbsUser cannot be Small

    * Only leather armor and small shields can be made non-metallic.


  • Class Weapons Armor Shield

    Clerics Club, Flail or Morning Star, Mace,Staff, Sling

    Any Any

    Druids Club, Dagger (obsidian), Staff,Sling (stones), Spear (stone head)

    Leather Small

    Fighters, Paladins,Rangers

    Any Any Any


    Club, Dagger, Staff, Dart None None

    Thieves Battle Axe, Hand Axe, Club,Dagger, Flail or Morning Star,Mace, Long Sword, Short Sword,Throwing Axe, Dart, Sling

    Leather None

    Assassins Any Leather None

    Monks Hand Axe, Bardiche, Club, Halberd and similar, LucernHammer, Awl Pike, Spear, Staff,Throwing Axe

    None None

    Bards Battle Axe, Hand Axe, Club,Dagger, Flail or Morning Star,Mace, Staff, Long Sword, ShortSword, Throwing Axe, Dart, Sling, Spear

    Leather, Banded, Scale, Chain



    Summary of Equipment by ClassWeapons, armor, and shield permitted according to the Vows of each Class.



    Dungeons & Savages draws and depends upon the work of others, to which I claim no rights. I employ their material out of tribute and affection. Illustrations are copyright by their respectiveowners and are used without permission. No challenge to copyright is intended.

    Character sketches made with HeroMachine: www.heromachine.com.

    AD&D and all associated references belong to Wizards of the Coast and are used without per-mission. No challenge to copyright is intended.

    Savage Worlds, Smilin Jack, and all associated references belong to Pinnacle EntertainmentGroup and are used without permission. No challenge to copyright is intended.

    Copyright owners wishing to have their material removed should contact the documents author:Joel Sparks ([email protected]).