dublin sustainable raw materials


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Page 1: Dublin sustainable raw materials

Dublin University Trinity College 2013

Sustainable RAW materials for high quality future.

Welcoming, Pr M Lyons and Dr Fernández.

Presenting the Trinity College activities and neighborhood.

Dr Fernández.

Irish Forum for Sustainable Trade Treatment.

Exploitation and Exploration of RAW Materials.

In November 2012 was the expression of interest about Irland's innovation ecosystem.

Sustainable progress meets all human needs. Economic, Social and Environmental components. Expert groups for Transversal and Technical matters.

Moderator, Dr Sergio Ceballos.

A pilot core has been launched to look at food, RAW materials and Health.

First part of the afternnon is about presentations and the second an example.

The european Innovation Partnership on RAW materials.

Ms Anne Auffret, DG Enterprise and Industry.

Initiative based on three pilars, area of non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials, connecting EU

external and internal policies, launched 2008, reinforced 2011.

Pilars: Fair sustainable supply from market, Fostering Sustainable supply within the EU, Boost

resource efficiency and promote recycling (urban mines).

Critical raw materials maps was made about this matter, 14 different materials identified from all over the world. Updated every three years, will be made the coming months.

EU action in raw materials is larger than critical picture.

EU supports initiative Extraction Industry Transparency Initiative. Trade Strategy is the place of

dispute concerning raw materials.

European Initiative Partnership on raw materials. To put together Industry, EU Commission to

design raw material policies. Targets 2020, 10 pilot plans, to develop fields, etc.

Technology focused areas, research coordination, Technologies, substitution.

Non Technology policy areas, regulatory framework, waste management, skills.

WP5 International Cooperation. (other details)

A call for commitment will be launched in mid 2013.

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Dr Patrice Christmann, BRGM.

Demography is challenging with 3 billions people.

Constraint will be on land, soil, energies etc.

Poor will be less poor. Within 40 years there will be more production of mineral raw materials

than the whole period of Humanity. Housing related issues will occur.

Competition for access to raw material will increase. Prices will be unpredictible. Innovation

business is shifting from Europe toward Asia. China is focusing in trading products, but not raw

materials. Then less raw material will be present on the market. There is no stable project for raw

material management, neither there is dedicated infrastructure.

Public intelligence must produce a complex analysis about the subject. Geological knowledge is

the base of Industry activity. Resources are available within 3000 meters deep into the earth.

High level of risk about cupper because half of the resource is located in China. Cupper barylium

is used because it is stable and not sensible to corosion.

The way forward:

trade might be based on sustainability, good performance should be awarded, research and

Innovation must be improved, natural policy must be set, metal strategy group to go on,

Innovation in technology and policy is expected, business as usual is over.

The commission is not competent in mineral management, it is under the National Governments


Mineral exploration and Natural ressources Industry: Ireland contribution.

Dr Patrick B. Redmond, TECK ressources.

Cupper consumption have constantly raised since 1900.

For exemple, tablet or smartphones contain a lot of rare metals that are part of the critical RAW


Europe is not any more producing large percentage of minerals. Zinc is the main production of Irland. Exploration in Ireland is an ideal testing ground because of the geophysics. Geology,

Geochemistry and Geophysic are able to analyse the irish ground.

TCD, UCD, UCC, NUIG are active geoscience knowledge producers. Also ireland has a wide

network of ground specialists to offer.

Anna Korre, reader in Environmental Engineering, Iperial College London.

Life cycle assesment is an objective process to evaluate the environmental impact of producing

goods. Production system is a complex serie of operations since the mineral have been extracted.

There is a difference in producing from hard rock or sand/gravel ground. Also processing, waste

management and recycling agregates have several kinds of steps.

Important and surprising result:

Recycling agregates appears to be three times worse in term of CO² impact on environment than

primary extraction.

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Contributing to a secure supply of critical raw materials.

Dr Karolien Vassieur, Project leader recycling an Extraction Technologies, UMICORE R&D.

UMICORE is transforming mineral into usable metals.

Energy materials, recycling, catalysis, performance materials.The UNICORE's sustainable approach have been recognised.

Two key concepts: the "needs" and the "limitations".

Residues and dissipation are two side effect of producing, using, recycling metal.

The next level? To build an interconnected ecosystem.Mines, Smelters/Refiners, Industry and Consumers are parts of the UMICORE activity.

The creation of ecosystem requires a paradigme shift:

- common goal

- common language

- knowledge base - interdisciplinary knowledge.- economic base

Entrepreneurs will translate the innovations into business opportunities.

Green business and Electronic waste management.

Jean-Cox Kearns, Director DELL Global take back.

DELL is commited in recycling products. Also Africa would produce more E-waste than Europe,

and the demand is growing. Resource recovery is going to India, China and Africa. Collection of

waste in urban mining is increasing.

Stakeholders, developed and developing.

Collectors, Governments, Producers, Recyclers, End users are all responsibles for the disposal of

old products.

Challenges: promoting re-use and the waste. Re-use must be encouraged, and urban mining not,

because waste is becoming a ressource in third countries.

Merging Environmental praxis and processing.

Ms Carolina Rodriguez, Spanish delegate FP7.

Societal challenges, Climate change, resource efficiency and raw materials concerns. Also partnership on Water, Resource efficiency, ERAMIN and Eco-Innovation action Plan.

SMEs will be able to participate in large collaborative projects. Innovative public procurements,

standardisation of data, and other steps to improve environment monitoring.

Focus on international commitments and knowledge production.

SLR and the prospect for responsible mining. ISO 26000.

Charlie Carlisle, SLR project geologist.

Honest exploration and feasibility,

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consistent, clean permitting,

Apt public relation staff,

Operational stage, Full supply chain assurance, Legal, Ethical,

Full decommissioning and closure.

Working toward top ethical standards.

Dr Dermot Brabazon, MINCON company representative.

Drilling machines company, manufactoring on three continents. Conventionnal water hammers.

Academic Research about LCD screens.

Ms Lisa O'Donoghue. Waste as a ressource. LCD components.

Frames, tubes, and other components are usable. In recycling process. Assembly of screens is so

long and disassembly even more. Prelaunch of a new material that can allow to re-use the

components in recycling chain, as well as gases and metals.

250 million LCD are distributed on the european market every year, and this is a real source of


Closing the session: http://www.Ifoster.ie

Published by RDM-ROW http://slideshare.net/reporter Dominique Deschamps