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  • 8/7/2019 DSS & OTP


    Decision Support System

    A Decision Support System (DSS) is a collection ofintegrated software applications and hardwarethat form the backbone of an organizationsdecision making process. Companies across allindustries rely on decision support tools,techniques, and models to help them assess andresolve everyday business questions. The decisionsupport system is data-driven, as the entireprocess feeds off of the collection and availabilityof data to analyze. Business Intelligence (BI)reporting tools, processes, and methodologiesare key components to any decision supportsystem and provide end users with rich reporting,

    monitoring, and data analysis.

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    High-level Decision Support System Requirements:

    Data collection from multiple sources (sales data, inventory

    data, supplier data, market research data. etc.)

    Data formatting and collation

    A suitable database location and format built for decision

    support -based reporting and analysisRobust tools and applications to report, monitor, and

    analyze the data

    Decision support systems have become critical and ubiquitous

    across all types of business. In todays global marketplace, it isimperative that companies respond quickly to market

    changes. Companies with comprehensive decision support

    systems have a significant competitive advantage.

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    Decision Support Systems delivered by MicroStrategy Business Intelligence

    Business Intelligence (BI) reporting tools, processes, and methodologies are

    key components to any decision support system and provide end users with

    rich reporting, monitoring, and data analysis. MicroStrategy providescompanies with a unified reporting, analytical, and monitoring platform that

    forms the core of any Decision Support System. The software exemplifies all of

    the important characteristics of an ideal Decision Support System:

    Supports individual and group decision making: MicroStrategy provides a

    single platform that allows all users to access the same information and accessthe same version of truth, while providing autonomy to individual users and

    development groups to design reporting content locally.

    Easy to Develop and Deploy: MicroStrategy delivers an interactive, scalable

    platform for rapidly developing and deploying projects. Multiple projects can

    be created within a single shared metadata. Within each project, developmentteams create a wide variety of re-usable metadata objects. As decision support

    system deployment expands within an organization, the MicroStrategy

    platform effortlessly supports an increasing concurrent user base.

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    Comprehensive Data Access: MicroStrategy software allows users to

    access data from different sources concurrently, leaving organizations

    the freedom to choose the data warehouse that best suits their unique

    requirements and preferences.Integrated software: MicroStrategys integrated platform enables

    administrators and IT professionals to develop data models, perform

    sophisticated analysis, generate analytical reports, and deliver these

    reports to end users via different channels (Web, email, file, print and

    mobile devices). This eliminates the need for companies to spendcountless effort purchasing and integrating disparate software products

    in an attempt to deliver a consistent user experience.

    Flexibility: MicroStrategy SDK (Software Development Kit) exposes its

    vast functionality through an extensive library of APIs. MicroStrategy

    customers can choose to leverage the power of the softwares flexible

    APIs to design and deploy solutions tailored to their unique business


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    Simon's Model

    Simon's Model is based on premise that decision rash null.

    Decision making in Simon's Model is characterized by limited

    information processing and use of rules. Simmons decision-

    making model there are four phases

    1) Intelligence phase

    2) Design phase

    3) Choice phase4) Implementation phase

    Initially the problem comes and we are in the intelligence phase

    thinking of the problem as it comes and then we try to find out

    what the solution to the given problem and then we move to

    design phase. In the design phase the way and method to solvethe problem is thought and we actually try analyze the problem,

    we try to find the algorithms and the way that can actually solve

    the problem and hence we use the genetic algorithm to find the

    solution to the given problem .

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    After finding the method which is to be applied to

    the given problem we move to choice phase and

    here the actual work of finding the best algorithmcome .Here we try to find the best algorithm from

    the given set of algorithm we have the option of

    choosing the algorithms such as "ACO" algorithm

    which is called the ant colony optimizationalgorithm or we have the choice of finding the

    algorithm such as Simulated annealing (SA) is a

    related global optimization technique that traverses

    the search space by testing random mutations onan individual solution.

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    A mutation that increases fitness is always accepted. A

    mutation that lowers fitness is accepted probabilistically

    based on the difference in fitness and a decreasingtemperature parameter. In SA parlance, one speaks of

    seeking the lowest energy instead of the maximum fitness.

    SA can also be used within a standard GA algorithm by

    starting with a relatively high rate of mutation anddecreasing it over time along a given schedule. After

    deciding that genetic algorithm is the most suitable

    algorithm for the programming we move to the next step

    which is the implemetation phase here the realimplemeation of the slotuin is done we implemet the

    solution to the given problem by using the geneteic

    algorithm according to the given problem.

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    In the given problem a list of 26 items is given

    they all have different price, different weights and

    different volumes. The problem says that we haveto find the items which can be fitted in to the

    given space of the container the number of items

    chosen to be fitted in to the given space should besuch that the weight and the volume of the

    selected items should not be more than the total

    allowed volume and weight in the container.

    The care has to be taken such that the totalweight and volume of the selected items should

    not exceed more than the allowed weight and the


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    Structured Query LanguageTo communicate with the database system itself we need a

    language. SQL is an international standard language formanipulating relational databases. It is based on an IBM

    product. SQL is short for Structured Query Language.

    SQL can create schemas, delete them, and change them. It can

    also put data into schemas and remove data. It is a datahandling language, but it is not a programming language.

    SQL is a DSL (Data Sub Language), which is really a combination

    of two languages. These are the Data Definition Language

    (DDL) and the Data Manipulation Language (DML). Schemachanges are part of the DDL, while data changes are part of the

    DML. We will consider both parts of the DSL in this discussion

    of SQL.

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    Database Models

    A data model comprises

    a data structure

    a set of integrity constraintsoperations associated with the data structure

    Examples of data models include:



    Models other than the relational database module used to be

    quite popular. Each model type is appropriate to particular

    types of problem. The Relational model type is the mostpopular in use today, and the other types are not discussed


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    Relational Databases

    The relational data model comprises:

    relational data structure

    relational integrity constraints

    relational algebra or equivalent (SQL)

    SQL is an ISO language based on relational algebra

    relational algebra is a mathematical formulationRelational Data Structure

    A relational data structure is a collection of tables or relations.

    A relation is a collection of rows or tuples

    A tuple is a collection of columns or attributesA domain is a pool of values from which the actual attribute

    values are taken

  • 8/7/2019 DSS & OTP


    Online Transaction ProcessingOnline Transaction processing database applications are optimal

    for managing changing data, and usually have a large number of

    users who will be simultaneously performing transactions that

    change real-time data. Although individual requests by users for

    data tend to reference few records, many of these requests are

    being made at the same time. Common examples of these types of

    databases are airline ticketing systems and banking transactionsystems. The primary concerns in this type of application are

    concurrency and atomicity.

    Concurrency controls in a database system ensure that two users

    cannot change the same data, or that one user cannot change a

    piece of data before another user is done with it. For example, ifyou are talking to an airline ticket agent to reserve the last available

    seat on a flight and the agent begins the process of reserving the

    seat in your name, another agent should not be able to tell another

    passenger that the seat is available.

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    Atomicity ensures that all of the steps involved in a

    transaction complete successfully as a group. If anystep fails, no other steps should be completed. For

    example, a banking transaction may involve two

    steps: taking funds out of your checking account andplacing them into your savings account. If the step

    that removes the funds from your checking account

    succeeds, you want to make sure that the funds are

    placed into your savings account or put back into

    your checking account.

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    Online Transaction Processing Design Considerations

    Transaction processing system databases should be designed to

    promote:1)Good data placement.

    I/O bottlenecks are a big concern for OLTP systems due to the number

    of users modifying data all over the database. Determine the likely

    access patterns of the data and place frequently accessed data together.

    Use filegroups and RAID (redundant array of independent disks) systemsto assist in this.

    2)Short transactions to minimize long-term locks and improve


    Avoid user interaction during transactions. Whenever possible, execute

    a single stored procedure to process the entire transaction. The order in

    which you reference tables within your transactions can affect

    concurrency. Place references to frequently accessed tables at the end

    of the transaction to minimize the duration that locks are held.

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    3)Online backup.

    OLTP systems are often characterized by continuous operations (24

    hours a day, 7 days a week) for which downtime is kept to an absoluteminimum. Although Microsoft SQL Server 2000 can back up a

    database while it is being used, schedule the backup process to occur

    during times of low activity to minimize effects on users.

    4)High normalization of the database.

    Reduce redundant information as much as possible to increase thespeed of updates and hence improve concurrency. Reducing data also

    improves the speed of backups because less data needs to be backed


    5)Little or no historical or aggregated data.

    Data that is rarely referenced can be archived into separate databases,

    or moved out of the heavily updated tables into tables containing only

    historical data. This keeps tables as small as possible, improving backup

    times and query performance.

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    6)Careful use of indexes.

    Indexes must be updated each time a row is added or

    modified. To avoid over-indexing heavily updated

    tables, keep indexes narrow. Use the Index Tuning

    Wizard to design your indexes.

    7)Optimum hardware configuration to handle thelarge numbers of concurrent users and quick response

    times required by an OLTP system.

  • 8/7/2019 DSS & OTP


    Group Decision Support SystemThe tools we provide are collectively known as Group Decision Support

    Software (GDSS) and they are designed to enable a group of participants

    to work interactively in an electronic environment. GDSS systems helpusers to solve complex problems, prepare detailed plans and proposals,

    resolve conflicts, and analyze and prioritize issues effectively. They are

    excellent in situations involving visioning, planning, conflict resolution,

    team building, and evaluation.

    Each participant has a computer terminal from which they interact withthe rest of the group. The computers are networked so that each

    individual's screen is private, but the information they enter is displayed

    anonymously on a public screen.

    The Process

    A typical GDSS session includes four phases:Idea Generation

    Idea Consolidation

    Idea Evaluation

    Implementation Planning

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    GDSS does not replace human interaction, but rather supports and

    enhances the group's decision making process; typically 30% of

    interactions take place on the computers.

    The BenefitsMore information in less time: Since GDSS allows group members to

    contribute in parallel, significantly more information can be gathered in a

    shorter period.

    Greater Participation: The anonymity provided by GDSS enables group

    members to express themselves freely, reducing the risk of 'group think'and conformance pressure. The loudest voice need not dominate the


    More structure: More focused and concentrated discussions result with

    GDSS than would be possible in traditional meetings. Irrelevantdigressions are minimized.

    Automated Documentation: Comments are never forgotten, results are

    available immediately, and excellent graphics make it easy to see (and

    therefore discuss) areas of dispute.

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    Strategic Planning - Analyze the environment, develop a

    vision, identify objectives, and build action plans.

    Project Evaluation - Assess objectives achievement, impacts,relevance, cost effectiveness, and future directions.

    Focus Groups and Expert Panels - Elicit opinions and

    understand needs.

    Conflict Resolution - Compare points-of-view, understanddifferences, and seek common ground.

    Problem Solving - Identify causes, suggest alternatives,

    choose solutions, and develop implementation plans.

  • 8/7/2019 DSS & OTP


    Online Analytical Processing

    OLAP (OnlineAnalytical Processing) is a methodology to provide end users

    with access to large amounts of data in an intuitive and rapid manner to assistwith deductions based on investigative reasoning. OLAP (online analytical

    processing) is computer processing that enables a user to easily and selectively

    extract and view data from different points of view. For example, a user can

    request that data be analyzed to display a spreadsheet showing all of a

    company's beach ball products sold in Florida in the month of July, compare

    revenue figures with those for the same products in September, and then see a

    comparison of other product sales in Florida in the same time period. To

    facilitate this kind of analysis, OLAP data is stored in a multidimensional

    database. Whereas a relational database can be thought of as two-

    dimensional, a multidimensional database considers each data attribute (such

    as product, geographic sales region, and time period) as a separate"dimension." OLAP software can locate the intersection of dimensions (all

    products sold in the Eastern region above a certain price during a certain time

    period) and display them. Attributes such as time periods can be broken down

    into subattributes.

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    OLAP can be used for data mining or the discovery of

    previously undiscerned relationships between data items. An

    OLAP database does not need to be as large as a datawarehouse, since not all transactional data is needed for

    trend analysis. Using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC),

    data can be imported from existing relational databases to

    create a multidimensional database for OLAP.Two leading OLAP products are Hyperion Solution's Essbase

    and Oracle's Express Server. OLAP products are typically

    designed for multiple-user environments, with the cost of the

    software based on the number of users.

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    Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Systems for Decision Support

    IT organizations are faced with the challenge of delivering systems that

    allow knowledge workers to make strategic and tactical decisions based

    on corporate information. These decision support systems are referred

    to as Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) systems, and they allow

    knowledge workers to intuitively, quickly, and flexibly manipulate

    operational data using familiar business terms, in order to provideanalytical insight.

    OLAP systems need to:

    1.Support the complex analysis requirements of decision-makers,

    2.Analyze the data from a number of different perspectives (business

    dimensions), and3.Support complex analyses against large input (atomic-level) data sets

  • 8/7/2019 DSS & OTP


    Expert systemsan expert system is a computer program that simulates the thought

    process of a human expert to solve complex decision problems in a specific

    domain. This chapter addresses the characteristics of expert systems that

    make them different from conventional programming and traditionaldecision support tools. The growth of expert systems is expected to

    continue for several years. With the continuing growth, many new and

    exciting applications will emerge. An expert system operates as an

    interactive system that responds to questions, asks for clarification, makes

    recommendations, and generally aids the decision-making process. Expert

    systems provide expert advice and guidance in a wide variety of activities,

    from computer diagnosis to delicate medical surgery.

    Various definitions of expert systems have been offered by several authors.

    A general definition that is representative of the intended functions of

    expert systems is:

    An expert system is an interactive computer-based decision tool that uses

    both facts and heuristics to solve difficult decision problems based on

    knowledge acquired from an expert.

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    An expert system may be viewed as a computer simulation of a

    human expert. Expert systems are an emerging technology with

    many areas for potential applications. Past applications range from

    MYCIN, used in the medical field to diagnose infectious blooddiseases, to XCON, used to configure computer systems. These

    expert systems have proven to be quite successful. Most

    applications of expert systems will fall into one of the following


    Interpreting and identifying






    Debugging and testing

    Instructing and training


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    Applications that are computational or deterministic in nature are not

    good candidates for expert systems. Traditional decision support

    systems such as spreadsheets are very mechanistic in the way they solve

    problems. They operate under mathematical and Boolean operators in

    their execution and arrive at one and only one static solution for a given

    set of data. Calculation intensive applications with very exacting

    requirements are better handled by traditional decision support tools or

    conventional programming. The best application candidates for expertsystems are those dealing with expert heuristics for solving problems.

    Conventional computer programs are based on factual knowledge, an

    indisputable strength of computers. Humans, by contrast, solve

    problems on the basis of a mixture of factual and heuristic knowledge.

    Heuristic knowledge, composed of intuition, judgment, and logicalinferences, is an indisputable strength of humans. Successful expert

    systems will be those that combine facts and heuristics and thus merge

    human knowledge with computer power in solving problems.