dryland juniorswimmers

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  • 7/27/2019 DryLand JuniorSwimmers



    Analysis of age group swimming-relatedpublications ndmy own coaching xperiencehowsthat land-basedraining of young swimmers s notconsidered smuch mportant sat the ater stages ftheirdevelopment.However, ccording o recommendationsf sportscientists and coaches of the most successfulswimmingcentres f Russia and ormer USSR)and

    EasternEurope xtensive ry land trainingshouldbeintroducedat the earliest stagesof a competitiveswimmer development. hey believe that strengthtraining in the beginningof a swimming career scrucially important as it encouragesmasteringofswimmingechnique.Oneof the eadingexpertsDr. A. Vorontsov tatesthat strength raining becomesa powerful way tosimultaneously evelop anaerobicabilities and tostrengthenhe musclesused during propulsion.Foryoungswimmers blend of strengthand swimming

    training may be even more productive or rapidimprovementhanonlyswimming.The aim of thispresentations to giveagegroupcoaches generaldea of usingworkloads, xercisesand methods of land-based raining of juniorswimmers.Coaches houldplan dry land training for thewholeseasonor theentiresquad.STAGE OF PRBLIMINARY TRAINING

    (SWIMMERSOF UP TO 10 YEARS OLD)Objectives1. Comprehensiveevelopmentndbuildingupfitnessof youngswimmers.2. Developingmotorabilitiessuchasstrength,endurance,apidity, lexibility andagility with anemphasisn rapidity, lexibility andagility.

    Elimination of weaknessesn physicaldevelopmentsuch as stoop, lafoot, limitedjoints movement,etc.Tempering of young organism(importanceofoutdooractivities).5. Creation f additional onditionsor learningswimming echnique.PlanningLandbased nly sessions throughoutheyear:7-8 yearsolds 2 x 45n'nn essions week9-10years lds 3 x 60minsessionsweekDry land sessions ombinedwith pool sessions(beforepoolsession):7-8years lds 2 x 30minsessionsweek9-10years lds 3 x 45minsessionsweekRecommended xercisesor dry land training:Callisthenics, ight dumbbells, medicine ball,skipping ope,games nd unning.1. Running elays...' Runningwith a relaystickor medicine-ball. Jumpingelay one egor two egsumping)

    ' Mix ... goingout- un,coming ome "frog"jumps. Pair elay .. "wheel-barrow"2. Leap-frog3. "Centipede"un (Athletesorm a chain ile ...person tanding ehindbends verandholdsfrontperson nhis/herwaist .. henentire eamrunson theCoach's ignal)4. Soccer ith lkg MedicineBall ... wo eams f 4-6 peopleplayon a softground ..compulsoryule... everyoneoucheshegroundby onehand5. Jumping elays.... One eg. Sideways. With MedicineBall6. MedicineBall hrowing


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  • 7/27/2019 DryLand JuniorSwimmers


    1. Comprehensiveevelopmentndbuildingupfitnessof youngswimmers.2. Developing f the motorabilitieswithemphasisnstrength, ndurancendagility.3. Tempering f youngorganismimportancefoutdoor ctivities).4. Creation f additional onditionsor learningswimmingechnique.Planningl,and based training is carried out regularlythroughouthe season. ry landsessions anbeheldas muchas 5 timesof 60mina weekor 6 times of45min a week. Attention should be paid to thespecificstrength xercises, hichdo not exceed30Voof overalldry land trainingduration. t is essentialthat young athletesare taught to do one or tworelaxation xercisesftereverystrength xercise.

    WEEK 1- WEEK 9 (MESOCYCLE1)Monday-Wednesday-ridayWARM-UP: oggingwithshort purts -lOmin. Arms and orearms otation. Dasharmsmotion. Verticalandhorizontal rmsswingingr Trunk wistingr Kneecircularmotions. Kneecircularmotionswith slowsquatting. Push-off tretch osition. Fromcroucho push-offI Jumps. Walking n squatting osition. StretchingMAIN SECTION:MedicineBall Exercisesn pairs20-2lrrunNofe.'Recommendedeightof the medicineballs sfrom24kg.. Standingor sitting), hrow he ball from behindthehead 30-40 imes. Thesamerom theseaton heelsposition. Thesame, ut hrow he ball with armsbent n theelbows wrist hrow 20-30 imes

    . Standing or sitting) hrow he ball from thechestwith botharms 2040 times. Standing or sitting) hrow heball orm theshoulderwith onearm 15-25 imeswith eacharrn

    . Standing ndholding he ball at rhe ight hip,throw hebail with botharms hrough he ightside.. Repeathrougheft side ..20-30imes hrougheach ideo Standing ndholding he ball n lowered rms,Iegsarewider hanshoulders,hrow heballwithstraight rms rom beneath 20-30 imes. Thesame ut throw he ball from the bendforwardposition. Standing ack o partner,hrow heballwithbotharmsbackward, ayingattention nfull armsextension t the inal phase fthe throwandrelaxingarmsaftereach hrow 15-25 imes. Thesame ut throw he ball rom the bendforwardposition 15-25 imes. Thesame ut throw he ball througheachshoulderwith body otation. Sittingback o partnern thebend orwardposition, ndholdingheball n straight rms ttheankles,hrow he ball backwardwith bothstraight rmsandsimultaneouslynbend ack L-seat)15-25 imes. Lyingon backandholding heball n straightarrnsoverhead,hrow heball with bothstraightarms rom behindhe headwith simultaneoustransitionn to thesittingposition.Thencatchheball with simultaneousransitionn to the ying onbackposition 15-30imes. Parallel unningwith partner nd hrowing heball to eachother.Thenswapsides 50-100mr Forma circleby groupof 3-5people. hrowoverl-3 balls n a circle or 2-4minCONCLUSION: Game (basketball or handball)lOminTuesday-Thursday-SturdayWARM-UP: ogging -8minExercisesn motion:o Arms and orearms otation. Dasharmsmotion. Verticalandhorizontal rmsswinging. Push-off tretch osition

  • 7/27/2019 DryLand JuniorSwimmers


    . Fromcroucho push-off. Jumps. Walking n squattingosition. StretchingMAIN SECTION: 5-30min. Developingpperimbsstrength:Push-Ups:-8sets f 10-12imesPull-Ups: -8sets f 8-10 imes. Developingower imbsstrength:Squatting:-3sets f 20-30 imes"StartingDive" umps:4-6 setsof 2-4 imesRunningelaysCONCLUSION: ame basketballr soccer) 0min

    WEEK 10 WEEK 18(MESOCYCLE2)Monday-Wednesday-ridayWARM-UP: ogging -8minExercisesn motion:. Armsand orearmsotation. Dasharmsmotionr Vertical ndhorizontal rms winging. Push-off tretch osition. Fromcroucho push-off. Jumps. Walking n squatting osition. StretchingMAIN SECTION:Strength xercises 0-25min.All exercisesreof l6-18sets f 15-25 imes:. PushUps. Pull Ups. ChinUps. Sit Ups. SquattingCONCLUSION: Game (basketballor handball)lOminTuesday-Thursday-SaturdayWARM-UP: oggingwith short purts -10minr Arms and orearms otation. Dasharmsmotion. Verticalandhorizontal rmsswinging

    . Trunk twisting. Knee circular motions. Knee circular motions with slow squatting. Push-off stretchposition. From crouch to push-off. Jumps. Walking in squattingposition. StretchingMAIN SECTION: Sliding Trolley Machine orSwimming Bench25-30minTrainingregime:20 setsof 45-50sec.. Freestyle/Butterfly/BreaststrokePull. BackstrokePullr Breaststroke ick. Kick on Back. Kick on Front

    If above-mentioned quipment s not available henstretchcord can be used.Important Note:

    Stretch Cord exercises are outwardly similar toswimming stroke. However, they are different inneural-muscular structure from the alrn strokemechanics because of different distribu tion ofexertions n the stroke cycle and non-coincidence frelaxation phase.That is why numerousrepeatsmaycausenegativechangesn the stroke technique.

    Thus. StretchCord exercises hould be canied outusing the repetition training method in maximumpace:30-60secworkload, 15-30sec est.Two typesof stretch cords shouldbe used:

    1. "Heavy" - with tensionof 20-25kg2. "Light" - with tensionof 4-12kgTeachingPoint:

    Swimmers should keep their elbows upthroughout the "stroke" and make a good pushmotion at the very end of the "stroke".. Freestyle,Butterfly, Breaststroke ulling ..."Light" cord ... standing n the bend orwardpositionor lying on a bench 3 setsx 30-60 imes

  • 7/27/2019 DryLand JuniorSwimmers


    . Arm pullbetweenhe egs .."Light" cord ..pullwith bothstraight rms n the directionbetweenlegs 3 sets 30-60 imes. Arm pulloutsidehe egs .. Light" cord ..pullwith bothstraight rms n the directionbetweenlegs 3 sets 30-60 imes. SidePull .. . Heavy"cord ..standingace ostretch ord ...pull with bothstraight rms o theleft sidewith simultaneousigorousbodyrotationto the eft ... epeato the ight side ..2-3sets20-30 imes. UpwardPull .. Light" stretch ord .. standingface o stretch ord ...pull with both straight rmsupward ..3 sets 25-50 imes. PullTo Chest .. Heavy"stretch ord ..standingface o stretch ord ...pull with both upperarms othechest ending lbows. lbowspositions:1)Down; 2)Sideways;3)Up ...2-3sets 20-30times. Triceps xtension.. Heavy"stretch ord ..2-3sets 20-30 imes .. standing ack o stretch ordwitharmsbent n theelbows ..pullwith bothupperarmsupward. Backstrokeull .. Light" stretch ord ..standing ack o stretch ord Arm pull ... 3 setsx 30-60 imes. Forward ull .. Light" stretch..3 sets 25-50times .. standingack o stretch ord,armssideways..pull with bothstraightarms orward. DoubleArm Backstrokeull .. . Light" stretchcord ..sittingwitharmsoverhead; tretch ord ssecured bove ..pull from the op to the bottomasswimming reaststroken back ..3 sets 25-50 timesr Breaststrokeick (both echnique ndstrengthexercise).. "Heavy"stretch ord ..lyingonstomachace o stretch ord,with endsof stretchcordon eet,egsbent n theknees ..simulatebreaststrokeickby extendingndbendingegs ..3 sets 25-50 imes. ArmsSwinging.. Heavy"stretch .. standingholding rmsorwardwithcord n hands..swingarms ideways..20-30imes

    CONCLUSION: pecialelaxationxercises0minThis may include such exercisesas tighteningspecificmusclegroup,holding hem ight for 5sec,then elaxing.WEEK 19_ WEEK 28 (MESOCYCLE 3)

    (Sameas Week I - Week9)WEEK 29- WEEK 36 (MESOCYCLE4)Monday-Wednesday- ridayWARM-UP: ogging -10min

    Exercisesn motion:. Armsand orearmsotation. Dasharmsmotion. Verticalandhorizontal rmsswinging. Push-off tretch osition. Fromcrouch o push-off. Jumps. Walkingn squattingosition. Shortsprints n form of relay. StretchingMAIN SECTION: Same as Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday uring uly-AugustCONCLUSION: Game (basketballor handball)lOminTuesday-Thursday-SaturdayWARM-UP: ogging -1 minMAIN SECTION:ConditioningCrossTraining30-35minThis is structured orm of training when athletesalternate ivenexercises ith running ndwalking nthe ollowingorganisedrder:. Slowpaceunning min. Walking min. Exercisesn motion:Arms and orearms otation...Dash rmsmotion ..Verticalandhorizontalarms winging ..Push-off tretch osition ..Fromcroucho push-off .. Jumps ..Walkingnsquattingosition..Stretching..5min. Slowpace unningZmin. Walkingmin. PushUps:3 sets f 8 timeswith20-25 tepsnbetween. Walking min. Undulating rms Flexion/Extension"Wave" ..during heexercisemakeundulating odymotion...3 sets f 8 timeswith 15-20 tepsn between. Stretching nd elaxation xercisesn motion2min. Slowpace unning2min

  • 7/27/2019 DryLand JuniorSwimmers


    . Walking min. JumpUps rom deep quatting osition .. 3 setsof 15 imeswith 30sec .. ogging n between. "Wheel-barrow"wapping verpartnerscontinuously f 80-100 teps verall. Stretchingnd elaxation xercisesn motion2min. Slowpace unning3minTimingof theprograms doneby the Coach.CONCLUSION: kippingopeexercisesmin

    WEEK 37- WEEK 44 (MESOCYCLE 5)(SameasWeekL0- Week18)WEEK 4s - WEEK 48 (MESOCYCLE 6)Monday-Wednesday-FridaySameas Tuesday-Thursday-Saturdayuring Weeks29-36.Tuesday-Thursday-SturdaySameas Monday-Wednesday-Fridayuring Weeksr-9.

    WEEK 49- WEEK 52- Time OffNote: Duration of mesocyclesnumberof weeks)may varydepending n racingcalendar ndconcreteclub'ssituation.When workingwith swimmers f 8-10yearsofage it is also recommendedo use stretchcords,whichpromote onect stroke echnique ndbuild upaerobic-anaerobicndurance.It is supposedhat heagegroupCoachs creativeand innovativewhen planningdry land trainingprograms, hich depend n individualpeculiaritiesof youngswimmers uchas age,physical onditionand evelof qualification.

    ReJerence:I. LMulti-Year Age-group wimmerDevelopment odel.AustralianSwimmingnc.2 V.Z.Afanasiev, J Bulgakova, .R. Vorontsov, .P.Makarenko, ,N, Morozov,VR. So omatin,E A. Shirkovets"Competitivewirnming"ManualFor InstitutesOf Sports.Moscow. 9963. A.R. VorontsovDevelopment f Basicand SpecialEndurancen Age-Group wimmers".ounwlof SporxSciences, anDiego,1997.4. DarylJ Meeks TheTrainingof Four EliteAge GroupSwimmer" .AmericanSwimmingMagazine,August/ eptember,995.

    O . Madsen " A Theoretical Basis of a Development RelatedAge Group Program" . American SwimmingMagazine,MaylJune, 1997.M. Regan "Developing Potential in Age Groupers".Australian Swim Coach, July/August, 1997.

